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/ / * L « Thursday, July 14, I960 THE CLINTON CHRONICLE ri OHicrwise Roy Specid $20 Fee ^Each S. C. Motorist Must Certify He Has Liability Insurance Policy „ Under the hew Uninsured Mo- • tortsts Fund Law. If you do not have*motor vehicle liability insur ance when you apply to the South Carolina Highway Department very soon now for your 1961 license plates, you will have to pay an extra $30 fee. For example, if your automobile or truck registration fee is $5 norm ally, you will have to pay $25 to get your plates. Will you be getting liability in- 1 surance through the Highway De-f ’ partment when you pay the $20? The answer is an absolute “no.” What happens to the' $20 you would be paying as an uninsured motorist? The Highway Department will deposit it with the State Treas ury. It is subsequently allocated by the State Insurance Commission among insurance companies on the basis of amounts paid their policy holders for accident damages caused by uninsured motorists Therefore, the Fund works solely to the advantage of the insured motorist. He gets a new type of added protection at the expense of the uninsured. This fall, the Highway Depart ment will mail each registered motor vehicle owner a new form. along with the regular three-part vehicle license renewal application form. When filled out, the new form becomes a “Certificate of Liability Insurance.” Relatively simple, it carries full instructions and a place to be filled in by insured motorists (only). Vehicle owners not having insurance will ignore it—pay $20 instead. If you have vehicle liability in surance you will just fill in the name of your insurance company (not the agency). Give the name of the company as shown on'the face of your policy. Record the policy number, and put the serial number of your car in the space provided. Then complete the form with your name and address, where indicated. Make sure this form is completed before you atop it In the mails, or go to a vehicle license window for your new plates. License clerks cannot fill out the form for you, or change it. To obtain license plates, present a completed application form and a Certificate of Liability Insurance to the Highway Department. The Certificate will be sent to your in surance company for verification If the insurance company returns a report that you do not have in surance, or proper insurance, you will be subject to license suspension and a fine, and you will be unable to register your car or truck for six months. * If you make a mistake or give erroneous information on the cer tificate form, such as by giving an incorrect name or address of an in surance company, the Certificate would Likely be suspended just the same as if you had no insurance. So, the Highway Department is ad-' vising everyone: Make sure the in formation you give on the forms is accurate and complete. Many people confuse collision in surance and liability insurance. Only automobile liability insurance meets requirements of the Uninsur ed Motorists Fund Law and Safety Responsibility Law. If you are covered under a lia bility insurance Policy, issued by a company licensed to do business in this* state, providing minimum pro tection of $5,000 for property dam age, $10,000 for personal injury, or death ,to one person, and $20,000 for personal injury, or death, to two or more persons, then you have little to worry about. You have what is generally referred to as a 5-10-20 policy. Some policies give protection to military personnel only when on military installations Such policies do not meet requirements of the Uninsured Motorists Fund Law. Any approved policy muat be applicable statewide. Beginning January 1. 1961. any li ability insurance policy meeting re- quirements of the new law must { have a special clause, issued with out cost to the policyholder, giving financial protection to the uninsured motorist against damage, injury or death inflicted by an uninsured mo torist. The uninsured motorist will" provide this extra protection for the insured motorist by paying $20 when he gets his license plates. If you do not presently own an automobile liability insurance pol icy, the Highway Department rec ommends that you obtain one, pref erably before the license renewal period in order that you may show the policy number on your Certifi cate of Liability Insurance form. This is so you will not have to pay the special $20 fee when you obtain license plates If you find it difficult to get in surance. ask an agent to have you placed under the “Assigned Risk Plan" Any insurance agent, doing automobile liability insurance work, can refer your name to the Assign ed Risk Plan. If you plan to get insurance soon, you’d better act now You will need the information contained on the policy to fill out your Insurance Certificate form, when applying soon for your 1961 license plates. The Uninsured Motorists Fund CONGRESS AND THE RECESS Now that the Congress has re cessed—the Senate until August 8 and the House until August 15—the attention of the country is being focused on the Democratic National Convention and the upcoming Re publican National Convention. When the Congress reconvenes, both na tional party tickets will have been selected, and the presidential battle will shift from the conventions to was established by the General As sembly to give financial protection to responsible, careful drivers, against unsafe and irresponsible drivers It is not designed to work a hardship on anyone. Its advan tages are great. The better you un derstand the law. the easier it is for you to comply with it It is every driver’s responsibility to be prepared to pay for injuries or damages he may cause others. The new law is designed lo assure just that. the Congress, particularly the Sen ate floor. The recess left several major pieces of legislation stranded without final action, some of them in Congressman Howard Smith’s Rules Committee, a valuable stumbling block for unconstitution al, socialistic, and extravagant legislative ideas. Bills in the stranded category are federal aid for school con struction, housing, minimum wage, foreign aid, federal aid to combat juvenile delinquency, medical aid to the elderly either through sub sidy or additional Social Security taxes, and the Jenkins-Keogh bill All of these bills except the Jen kins-Keogh bill, which would permit self-employed individuals to set aside a limited portion of their earnings for retirement purposes without being taxed, are on the “must” lists of the political leaders : of both major parties because they are considered to be vote-getting I items. My mail reflects very little South Carolina .sentiment for any of this legislation except the Jenkins- Keogh bill. Some do favor the minimum wage and medical aid bills, but most of my mail on these subjects is against enactment of both proposals. I voted against recessing the Con gress until August because I could foresee a hectic session which would find both parties trying to out vie each other in favoring un necessary- and-Or costly programs Had we adjourned sine die on July 9, it is doubtful that many of the bills which will be approved in August would have received final action. This would have closed out the 86th Congress, and ^11 un attended legislation would have been forced to start all over again in the 87th Congress, which begins next January From last January 6 until June 30 three daps before the Congress recessed, the Senate was in floor session for 93H hours and 19 min utes, more than twice the time for the House These figures do hot in clude many more hours of commit tee meetings, where most of the real spade work was done on the 761 measures approved by the Sen ate through June 30 Aside from the appropriations hills, the Cuban sugar bill, and the “civil rights" bill, very little of the legislation enacted into lai*-' by the Congress during this period was of a signifi cant nature Much time was spent in protracted debate over the "civil rights'’ bill, listening to miscel laneous speeches—many of a par tisan nature—and acting on nomi nations and treaties In fact, I be lieve that the Senate made more legislative progress in the final two weeks prior to the recess than in the preceding 23 weeks A final evaluation, however, of the merits and demerits of the 2nd Session of the 86th Congress will have to await action on the pending pro posals in either August or Septem ber. In my next report, which will be on August 8. I will discuss my many obligations to ratification of the Antarctic Treaty, the first order of Senate business in August Sincerely. Strom Thurmond IF YOU DON’T READ THE CHRONICLE YOU DONT GET THE NEWS Phon* 74 Office Hours 9-5:.10 / \ 200 South Broad St. PHONE 65* OR FRED E. HOLCOMBE at your friendly Colonial . . . * * Top Quality U.S.D.A. Inspected Grade "k!' 12 to 16 Pound Average LB. ^ oceanspray eranberry^sauce whole dukeland smoked 6 to 8 POUNDS AVERAGE "• " ,CA * 2 "• 39c ’fr cape ood cranberry sauce ■’ 4^. — * « swift's fri-pan Lean and tasty so economical LB. LIMIT - YOUR CHOICC Of ONE SHORTENING WITH %S ORDER OR MORE cs shortening ^ 49c 3-LB TIN silver label LIMIT: ONE WITH ORDER $5 OR MORE DEL MONTE FRUIT 303 CAN Limit: 1 With $3 Ord*r t Mere, Fbow 1 COLONIAL ST0RE$| and every other month because of the bright, friendly atmosphere! Come in today! fresh ground beef $1.39 U fXG tJ" luter s "old cure smithfield hams u 79c is« j}- scotch treat pure pork sausage •» 35c ry chef's pride cottage cheese 2 J ^ 39c H a □ i gorton's fish sticks freezer queen grill steaks 39 c •<* 89c □ dressed whiting fish 2 lbs. 25c □ chicken backs lb. 15c GROCERY SPECIALS colonial s ror QUALITY HAS # libby's tomato juice x!> cs small peas :3- cs crushed pineapple xy scott or softweve tissue H- scotkins napkins xy scott towels xy betty crocker cake mixes 44or M) CAN NO l CAN ROLLS PACKAGES Of 50 EACH ROLLS Of 150 EACH WHin ^ THLOW m T 0RVIU 1901 FOOD . EOR FOR REFRIGERATOR BUYS Vj-GAILO/ SPECIAL! Sy C W wwtft ice cream ^ triangl* cr«am«ry butter l». 69c 'fr kraft's phila. cream cheese mz 29c 'fr parkay oleo V*'t mcc co«n holder la 25c if hom maid biscuits 6 rou 49c triangle whipped oleo 4 hicks la 25c •fo morion's biscuits ekc of is hmhec 29c PRODUCE <!■ MOUNTAIN GROWN FRESH string beans 2 i,s 29c & lettuce LA * tI lct *" 6 19c ^ cabbage SMU ' U,0HU0 2 LM 13c if *h«f'i pnd* cole slaw 14-OZ SPECIAL' 25c A0I I0« 3 eo* 99« 10 0Z 45c 2 FOR 43c ■ 2 fo« 29c 2 fop 35c BAKERY £■ OUR PRIDE WITH FESTIVE CHRISTMAS WRAPPING marshmallow coconut cake 22-OZ. 59c -if OUR PRIDE brown and serve 4 quart manual ice cream freezer $9.98 garden hose’ * rirT $1.98 & lemons i*****™ oox 3 9c f r en C h bread 2 LOAVES TO PKG 19c ...and get GOLD BOND stamps with every W. PITTS ST. - CLINTON, S. C.