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f, July 14. 1 THE CLINTON CHRONICLE THE WOMAN S PAGE Social Events and Chib New of Interest T'Mwm 74«495 Mrs. Bowers Hostess To Lutheran Group Mrs. S. P. Bowers was hostess to the United Luthern Church Women at St. Johns Church on Monday evening for the July meeting. Mrs. Bowers, vice-president, pre sided and opened the meeting with prayer. A program on'“Am I In formed”? was led by Mrs. J. S. Stilwell who was assisted by Mrs. R. H. Brown, Mrs. F. M. Boland, Sr., and Mrs. W. E. Marse. Mrs. ^J. R. Reynolds conducted the de votional. Mrs. Gordon Peery, wife of the new minister was welcomed to the group. A social hour and refreshments were enjoyed at the cloee of the meeting. Joanna Baptist Group At Ridgecrest Music Week - Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Johnson were counsellors for a group from First Baptist Church, Joanna, who at tended Music Week at Ridgecrest. Among those attending were Misses Barbara and Libby John son, Gerald Johnson, Maxie and Mary Ann Brown, Jennie Rae Sur ratt, Donna Franklin, Rebecca Craves, Vickie Boyd, Veda Jester, Johnny and Allan Johnson, Mrs. Carson Nabors, Dale and Dennis Nabors. Brantley Bishop, Miss Betty Ann Thomas, Michael and Pinky Johnson, Mrs Veda Camp bell and Mack Wayne, Mr. and Mrs Mac Brown, Rev and Mrs James Mitchell. Rites Planned For Miss Ivester Mr. and Mrs. Arzo Richard Ives ter of 801 Sloan Street announce the engagement of their daughter, San dra Geraldine, to Herman Clayton Burdette, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ed gar Clayton Burdette of 91 Pal metto Street. The wedding will take place July 31 at Calvary Baptist Church. No formal invitations will be issued but all friends are cordially invited to attend. W.S.C.S. Plans For New Circle Members of the Woman’s Society of Christian Service of Broad Street Methodist Church voted unanimous ly to go ahead with plans for form ing a new circle for younger women at its meeting last Monday morn ing. The proposed new circle would be a group of young married wom en or young women who work and who are not, closely affiliated with the WSCS at present, President Mrs. Robert W. Anderson, stated. The WSCS met Jointly with the morning and afternoon circles at 9:30 Monday morning at Hodges Hall. Individual circle groups will resume meeting in the homes again in September, and the first execu tive board meeting will be held in October, Mrs. Anderson said. Following the business session, a program was presented by the Dlie Hatton Circle with Miss Rose Lee and Mrs E L. Blakdy partidpot- ing. Special music was by Mrs Joel Cannon SAFEST PLACE TO KEEP IT! Whether it’s the (lewd to your house, your port folio of swruritiwa. your wife's precious jewelry, the safest piece to keep it la in a Safe Deposit Box. In our meaaive vaulta, your Safe Deposit Box will be SAFE from theft, fire or loaa et ell times, yet readily available to YOU whenever you wiah to refer to it. This solid protection means much to you . . . but coats little! • SAVINGS ACCOUNTS • PERSONAL LOANS • CHICKING ACCOUNTS We’re at your service in so many ways ... BANK OF CLINTON Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation 3% taicrest Pali Oa SsvWgs Mrs. Littlefield Is Honored Mrs. Julia Littlefield was honor guest on Tuesday evening when Mrs. S. B. Loft is was hostess to the Best Circle at her home on the Laurens Highway. Mrs. Littlefield's place was marked with a corsage. After supper, served picnic style on the lawn, Mrs. Alma Edgeworth gave a talk on “Targets,” followed by a devotional. Mrs. Littlefield led in prayer prior to supper. Mrs. Renie Setzer, leader, intro duced Mrs. Loftis, who spoke brief ly on Mrs. Littlefield’s accomplish ments. She then read two poems she had written about the honor guest and Mrs. Littlefield was pre sented several gifts by the circle and she thanked the group who all repaired to the living room where Mrs. Littlefield played a number of piano selections. Mrs. Littlefield won the service award of the State Em ployees Association. Those invited besides the honoree and hostess were: Mrs. Renie Setz er, Mrs. Crawford DuBose, Mrs. Pearl Blackmon, Mrs. Ruby Redd, Mrs. Mertie Reeder, Mrs. Betty Barratt, Mrs. Craddock, Mrs. Al vin Edgeworth and Mrs Bessie Harmon, of Joanna, and Miss Nan cy Lanford, of Lanford. Mrs. Pitts Leaves For European Tour Mrs. Raymond Pitta left Tuesday for a two months tour of European countriM In New York she will be Joined by her brother and sister-in-law. Mr and Mrs George Bultman of Sumter and they will sail aboard the Queen Mary. Points of interest la England. France. Italy and other European reentries are included on tbetr tuner > They aino plan to viait a nephew. Jack Duke m Glas Scotland MISS MARY ELISABETH REGNERY Births Miss Joan Vassey accompanied returned home after vacationing in them bame for a two weeks visit., Miami, Florida la.ft week Johbny DeShieMs of Norfolk. Vir- Mr. and Mrs. James Smith and MISS MARY EUSABETH REGNERY TO WED MR. GREENSDALE AUG. 20 Miss Mary Elisabeth Regnery will be married to Dave Gordon Green- slade. of Bermuda and Presbyte rian College, Aug 20 at noon at St. Boniface Catholic Church in Joanna The bride-elect, daughter of Wal ter Regnery of 1800 Johnstone St.. Newberry, is a graduate of Sacred Heart Academy in Lake Forest. Dl She attended Converse College in Spartanburg last year Mr Greenalade is the son of Mr and Mrs George Greenslade. of Jenning’s Land. Smith s Parish. Bermuda A graduate af Manat 91 Agnes Academy in Bermuda, be Is a rising junior at Preabytaru* Col lege He m a member of Alpha Sig ma Phi fraternity, the tram* team and the Block P Club % ■« . . . ADD ONE SCREAM noa the favonit nay lo wa rn lucky We haw 1 lo be a k liter te 90% at the cma for cutt, sometimes ptek up the So, it there are young dutdren in your ! ■e lo ask your phymaa about preventive It's a/mori wwc id seek your doctor's before using any methanes. And nest tunc you haw a preemption to be tilted, thmi of ua. HOWARD'S PHARMACY YOUR REXAM. DRI’G STORE “On the Square" Phone 101 The groom-to-be holds a number of tennis titles in Bermuda He was under-18 champion, undcr-22 cham pion for three years and mixed doubles for two years He was rank ed No. 1 men's doubles player and No 2 smgle> player in Bermuda last year Mr Regnery, father of the bride elect, is vice president of Joanna Western Mills Company in Chicago and general manager at Joanna, a division of Joanna Western. Drop-In Friday For Young Visitors To cooipiirorat a number of | young visitors in the city, Mrs Wtl ' Itsm Bailey Owens entertained «rth a drop-in on Friday morning at her 1 home on East Centennial Street llunurre* were her granddanghlrr* Misar* Nancy and Charlotte Owrna. of Atlanta. Ga , Jane MrSueen. of | Green* tile and Be**y King, ef Sum , wwiBc Ga taroiyn Byrd af 1 Lmirena «a> also an out town guest for the party White Mies and gladioli sere 1 combined with other Auramer flow erv m a <1 wtv*m« hnot •** for tnr I ref resnm-n labt< 4,» Jolm W ■! j ham K.n» ri.J , utw«i w.tti ihe j stint party dainties Ceforhd garden dowers adorned the other receiving room* ef the TetterUn Mr. and Mrs. James L Tetter- ton announce the birth of a son, Barry Lynn, on July 6, at Hays hospital Mrs Tetterton is the form er Miss Della Mae Lee Godfrey Mr and Mrs. Haskell W Godfrey announce the birth of a son, William Rhetl. on July 7. Before marriage Mrs. Godfrey was Miss Helen Rochester , Bagwell Mr and Mrs. Ralph Bagwell an nounce the birth of a son, Danny Ray, on July 7, at Blalock Clinic. Mrs Bagwell was formerly Miss Bobby Jennings BURQESS t M r . and Mrs. Robert Wilson Bur gees. of 1926 Hydriek Street. Co lumbia, announce the birth of a daughter. Donna Ann, June 2 at the Baptist Hospital Mrs. Burgess is the former Dallis Derrick, daugh ter of Mrs Pearl Bradshaw Der rick and the late Bennie G. Der rick. of Columbia. Mr Burgess is the son of Mr. and Mrs M R. Bur gess. of Clinton and Columbia BAPTIST YOUNG PEOPLE MEET AT LANFORD CHURCH The Laurens Baptist Young People will have their monthly meeting tonight (Thurs day) ait 7:30. Th« meeting will be held at the Lanford Baptist Church. The menu for refreshments is a picnic lunch. Fried chicken, pota to chips, potato salad, cookies, tea. and all the trimmings Each group is asked to bring enough for their members A few outdoor games will be play ed after the regular meeting. All new officers will preside Cross Anchor News MR.** J. L. BOLTON ginia was a visitor here this week end. daughter. Anita of Macon. Georgia were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs Mr and Mrr E. E Stribling have J. L Bolton. Friday Your family’* future if feeure when you insure !■ the company with the strength of Gibraltar. . See M Lawrence E. Young Invtrr.mce Broker r Li fa lnuronc* • Sicknast and Accident Protection TW PtUDWTIAl MSURANC! COMPANY Of AMERICA • *»•»•! lit* 'nturont. company Ry MRS J. L BOLTON, Carr. Mrs Loree Defihield* of Cheater was a visitor here Monday Glenn Kennedy of Spartanburg (pent the week-end with Hunter Irby Mis* Nanry SUme* a visiting relatives in Msnetts. Georgia Mr and Mrs J L Bolton and Mrs Mary Ruth Vts*ey were dm arr guest* recrtuL at Mr* C L Casey in Spartanbury Mr and Mk* L A Howe of Spar tanburg vuuted Mr* Mmiur Dob bins Sunday Mr and Mrs Clark Murpb of Austin Texas are spending several days with the latter • parent* Mr and Mrs laadr Fryer Mr and Mr* Frank B Layien •pm Friday m Norte Carolina Mr and Mrs W K Lewry and •laughter* Nanry and Jeen efj < leveUnd. Ohm were guest* of Mrs Mnry Ruth Vaeaey Saturday U DIAMOND Dtirm s 299 so EASY tERMS If yun are not an expert *ou will have to depend on sour Jeweler • intrgrttv m •eleeling • diamond Score* ol aatiaBed ruetomerw beer proof of our ref utation for Bnc d.emonds of br.ut* and qnalil* J. C Thomas jeweler tUNION * it • Mam Ihm t KtANNA With the Sick Fnends of Hunter D Henry will • mgret to knew * he te rntiraBy ill at Hays haapnaf Fnends af Mrs Ralph Capelaad • dl be intereatod. to know «hr a ran* atesnng at home after being ' a patient at Blaterk (lime. Rabrrt R«Ab u a patient at BU lark Rambler Sets New J' ./All-Time Record 48,474 SOLD IN JUNE! ■ . 3*v- 1 Despite the introduction of other com pacts. Rambler has smashed sales rec ords for 33 straight months .,. because Rambler gives you what others don’t. Higbast quality at lawast cost. People who can afford the best choose Rambler for top-quality workmanship. Finest travel feature*. Optional features such as Airliner Reclining Seats, Ad justable Headrests, All-Season Air Conditioning, Twin Travel Beds. Widest c hoice ef models. 3 distinct sizes of compact cars. 33 models, including 17 Station wagons. SeeyeurRamelerDealer. LYNN COOPER, INC. .Wly WrartwctnlM p, <• M IkUv , wW W Wm W —Wmlmira toBN. »ut» a * rfaRt.Mt*. EAST CAROLINA AVF CLINTON, S. C. Medical patiraU at Hays include Mrs Thom a* Rowe. Mrs Sera M'ebb who is cnttcally iH. Mrs James Miles of LereviUr, Mrs James Walker of Hickary N C. Lewi* Kay. Clyde Kuykendall and W H Wilkam* Lawrence and Nancy Ann Jones, children of Mr and Mrs Learn an Jones underwent toaoiectormrs at | Blalock CUac last week Friends of Rhett Adair will be glad to know he was able U> return to his home earlier in the week from Hays hospital where he has been a patient Mrs Claude Kernels is convalesc ing at home following an operation Hlness at Hays hospital Mrs J. H. Donnan and Jasper Rowland who are patients at Bla lock Clinic are improving Fnends of Clifton Adair will be interested to know he has returned home from Blalock Clinic whece he has been a patient. Among patients discharged ear lier in the week from Hays hospital were: Randy Nelson of Laurens, Mrs Mildred Enlow, Miss Loretta Lindsay of Joanna, Dan Dunaway, Mrs. Bruce Bag well. Mrs. Tracy Caughman, Mrs. Horace Carroll, Mrs W B Gaskin, Verdie Ed wards, Horace Rogers. David Adams, Eddie Bradley and Mrs. Helen Gregory. Mrs Charles Rice underwent sur gery at Blalock Clinic during the week. Friends erf Mrs Harry Ayers will be interested to know she is improv ing at home after a few days stay at Hays hospital suffering a broken foot injury. Dismissed from Blalock Clinic ui the past few days were Edward Manley, James Haupfear, Ned Vin cent and Cynthia White, daughter of Mr and Mrs. Allen White. Friends of George M. Grant will be glad to know he was able to return home from Hays hospital where he has been a patient Miss Robinson To Study At Cornett Miss Geneva Robinson, formerly of Clinton, now affiliated with the Y W.C.A., AjfcevfBe, North C arolina, has been granted a leave of absence for further study at Cornell Uni versity, Ithaca, New York Miss Robinson is Residence Director of Moorhead House, Y W C A, in Ashe ville ENJOY FRIGIDAIRE DELUXE QUAUT AND FEEL LIKE A QUEEN • Z FRIGIDAIRE ONLY 199.95 10.9 CUBIC FOOT Deluxe Model Refrigerator with An operating Trade-in Here's Your BEST Big Refrigerator Buy! We've seen 'em all, and no 11 cu. ft, model today can match this 1960 Frigidaire Deluxe Refrigera tor for quality, convenience and value. If you're counting every penny (and who isn't?), this one is for you! mm GET ALL THIS...AND SAVINGS, TOO! e Frigidaire Meat Tender stores 9.7 lbs. of fresh meats I # 5-Shelf storage door even holds half-gallon milk bottles! • Full-width; porcelain-enamel Hydrator—20.1 qts. capacity! • New Magnetic Door seals air-tight all the way around! PLUS ... New, Feminine "Sculptured Sheer Look"! - ii: 'S?.. ■ * ,? FRIGIDAIRE ADVANCED APPLIANCES.. .DESIGNED WITH YOU IN MIND I Pr*Uwct *t OmmmI Matof. TODAY...SEE IT, at .’iM N. Broad St. Clinton. S. C. Telephone 257