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' \ » • a It THE CLINTON CHKON1CL1 Thareday, July 17, I960 Items of Interest From... West Clinton MRS. CLIFTON HEATON, Correspondent and Representative PRONE X7*J Randy Turner and Mr and Mrs. Richard Turner and sons, Barry and Ronald are spending the week at Daytona Beach and Silver Springs, Fla. < Recent visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Bill McLendon were A-lc Kramm, of Fairfield, Calif.; Jim Tinman, of Suffolk. Va.; Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Melton, of Greenville, and Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Boyce and sons, of Simpsonville. Mrs. Bob Flemming and sons, of Monroe, Mich., are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Claude Kerrell. T-Sgt. and Mrs. A. E. Balkham and children, Linda and Dennis, of Stewart Air Force Base, N. Y. f are visiting Mrs Balkham’s parents, Mr and Mrs. Clyde Bigbee, and also his parents. Mr. and Mrs. King Balkham in Laurens. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Dunaway and Buddy are spending -a few days in Tennessee. V and Mrs. Oval! Woody and children. Lurline and Brenda, and Mr and Mrs. Mac Landers, Irene Woody and Johnny Malpass spent Sunday at Cherokee Reservation and Chimney Rock. North Carolina. Jack and Russell Lawson, of Buf falo. visited Mr and Mrs Henry Lawson Sunday Lenard Finley has returned home after spending his vacation with Mr and Mrs Russell Lawson in Buffa lo Mr and Mrs Plug Sea and chil dren and Miss Sarah Nell Heaton and daughter, Judy, are spending the week in Charleston at the beach Mr and Mrs Richard Dunaway and family, of Fori Penning Ga , are visiting their parents. Mr and Mrs Dan Dunaway and Mr and Mrs Corley m Joanna Kenneth Thomas spent the week end at Myrtle Beach Mr and Mrs. Ray Fowler and children, Beth and Mike, Venna Chett, of Augusta, Ga., spent sev eral days with Mrs. James Dun away. Richard Finley, of Norfolk, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Lawson. Rev. and Mrs. C. W. Barnes, of Charleston, are spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Howard Stroud. Mrs. Claude Farmer and daugh ter, Velda, visited Mr. and Mrs. Andy Garner in Laurens recently Onealia Bundrick, of Mountville, is spending the week with Mr. and Mrs Harold Stroud. Miss Irene Woody, of Landrum, is spending the week with Miss Brenda Woody. Mrs. C. A. Elledge and sons spent a few days recently with her ' mother. Mrs Rose Prather in Whit mire. Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Wilkes and family are spending their vacation with friends and relatives in South Georgia. Buddy Blackwelder, of Wilming ton, Del., is spending several weeks with his grandparents. Mr. and Mrs .Arthur Davis. Rev and Mrs. J. W. Spillers are spending several days at their mountain cabin in North Carolina. Mrs Arthur Davis and ion. Max te. and grandson. Buddy Black welder, and Mr and Mrs Walter Heaton and children spent Sunday at M^Nle Beach Mr and Mrs Myron Porter, at California are spending a few days with Mr and Mrs Ira Martin J. E McLendon. Shorty Owens and Mr Whitmire spent Sunday at •PfTTINO ON A STONE f t, it’s Mil not wme to bm ngp i you don't M «p i s advmr Ant. Then, if hr to us. VWr’l M Mi promptly and carefully. HOWARD’S PHARMACY YOnt REXAM. DRI’G STORE "On the Square*' Phone 101 Isle of Palms. Charleston Wayne Lewis, of Mullins, is spend ing the week with Clayton Ed monds. Mrs. David Owens is spending several days in Greer. Mrs. W. H. McCarter and Mr. Owens joined her on Sunday. ( Mr. and Mrs. Truman Owens and son, Larry, are spending the week at Myrtle Beach. t Mrs. Sam Owens and baby, Miwe, and Mr. and Mrs. Bratcher are spending the week at Myrtle Beach. Mr. and Mrs. Tcjsn Davis and children, of Rockford, 111., ary spending the week with Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Williams. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Roland and children and mother, Mrs. Lona Mae Roland, of Evansville, Ind., spent the week with Mrs. Claude Barker. Mrs. Roland and the baby, Tommie, stayed for a few more weeks. Carolyn Anderson, of Sumter, is spending a week with Mr. and Mrs. Bobby Woot»n. Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Vanderford and son, of Newberry, and Mr. and Mrs. Billy Vanderford and son, of Texas, and Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Brazil!, of Greenville, spent Satur day with Mrs. G. W. Brazill. Mrs. Inez Falls, at Greenwood, is spending a few days with her sis ter, Mrs. Blanche Cresswell Mr and Mrs. Horace C. Smith and family and Mr. and Mrs. Clar ence Brookshire and family visited Cherokee Indian Reservation. North Carolina, and Gatlinburg. Tenn . Tuesday. Mr and Mrs. Bill Campbell, of Iva. visited Mr and Mrs. Morris Thibodean Sunday Mrs Susie Hawks and Mrs. Bea trice Hawks of tins city, Mrs. Eliz abeth Ledford, of Chester, and Mrs. Clara Fortner, of Greenwood, visit- Mrs. E. W. Teague Laurens — Mrs Joaephene Me pheraon Teague, 7«, at Laurens, died Friday at 4:M p. m at the home at her daugh^r. Mrs Charles E Davis. McDowell St. Green wood. after several yuan at de, riming health and two months at Mmm She was born m Waterloo, the daughter at the late Boh McPher son aad Mrs Mary Ham os Mob dy McPherson She had lived ka of her life nd was a j at Mt Her hn Mi sail. Edgar W had a Mi ed relatives in Da Ga., Sunday Myra Snelgrove is a patient at Hays Hospital. Mrs. Louise Bundrick is a sur gical patient at General Hospital in Spartanburg. Mrs. N. D. Sorrow has returned to her home on Elizabeth Street after a stay at Blalock’s Clinic. Mrs. Betty Sheppard has returned to her home on Bailey Street after a stay at Blalock Clinic. BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Dub Avery an nounce the birth of a daughter, Mary Margaret, at Blalock Clinic on Wednesday. Mrs. Avery is the fsnaur Mias Daria Kostin BIRTHDAYS AND WEDDING ANNIVERSARIES Mrs. Melba Johnaon observed her birthday June ». Roy Lords celebrated his birthday July C. Jimmy Barker will celebrate his birthday July I. Mildred Wilson win observe her birthday July 9. Happy birthday’’ to Mrs. Shirley on July 12. GOea Lawson win observe his birthday July &. Darrell Whitsel celebrates his birthday today. J. H. Huey celebrated his birth day July «. "Happy birthday" to Bessie Holtz- claw and Ola Meadows on July 12. Welma Stone will observe her birthday July 11. Martha King and Jeeue Mae Mc Ginnis wiU celebrate their birthday July 10. Dorothy Brewington will observe her birthday July t. Judy Lever celebrated her birth day July t. Bobby Jo Simmons will celebrate his birthday July 12. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Kinard ob served their wedding anniversary July 5. Darrell Lee Tumblin celebrates his birthday July 8. Miss Peggy Jo Dunaway will ob serve her birthday July 12. Horace C. Smith observes his s birthday thdaf. Mrs •Horace Stroud observed her birthday Jane 24. Mrs. Myron Porter celebrates her birthday July 10. George McGinnis celebrated his birthday June 30. Sasttn Chew Mystwy Show is color Saafsys, WBC-TV. CHEVROLET Year's Best Seller at a Record Breaking Rate! Tku it tk* prttamt Imfaim Sport SrJm More people are buying Chevrolet# (including Conrairs) than ever before—and Chevrolet's popular ity leadership is reaching new, albtiroe highs! That ins the buying's better than ever for you right now. So drop in for a chat with your dealer while the choice is wide and the time is right! CHEVY'S CORVAIR THE BEST SELLER S CAR OF THE YEAR! >7194 Dam t+dmm (amtk kmmJr 9amm atm tat i Sff CArtvWrf rnry, CAny't Carrier Ca*~\ <ttt a/ yamr local au’kartztd Chevrolet dealer t. PLAXICO CHEVROLET, INC TELKPHONS M SUMMER CHI TUI 666 tor symptomatic RELIEF Johnson Bros. Super Market McGEE S DRUG STORE Snath 100 W. Main St 4 YOU CCT EXTRA MEASURE OF POWER and economy with Texaco Sky Chief Su-preme gasoline. All the horsepower your engine can develop, when you need it mast - when you puQ out, or when you past, or if you have to pall over fast Extra mileage because Petrox in Sky Chief Su-preme reduces power-robbing engine deposits and cuts engine wear. Fill up today at tbs Tower of Power - you’ll drive with more pleasure and save for good measure! SEE YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD TEXACO DEALER H. D. Payne & Co. & c 57t DEES OIL CO. Greenweed Hwy. and West Main Street GASTLEY’S GIFT SHOP Otaabia Hwy. GULF OIL CORP. J. A. Addison, Distrlbntor COOPER MOTOR CO. E. Carolina Ave. NEWBERRY COUNTY BANK YARBOROUGH OIL CO. 41S W. Main St IRBY’S MARKET 207 St JOANNA STORES 8.C Fence-sitting isn’t the safest occupation for the smaH try, even if it is fun. But fence-sitting for grown-ups ia neither safe nor fun! A man has to take a stand. He most let Die world know hie convictions. Ho moat live them! The prindplee in which wo behove can pariah while we dawdle uncommitted, uncertain or un churched. Behind the iron curtain men who are doter- mined to overthrow freedom and faith hide neither their commuwiam nor their atheism. Here In America on a Sunday amraing; no man can afford to rit on the fewoe IF ho in God, and ia the right to worship Him in the Church cf Ms choke. THC CHURCH FOR ALL . . . ALL FOR THE CHURCH ‘ItoCMbi •mA tm 4* WUhR af < •m4 diMwWs. 1» » • rMmI mIm. WM|mS • • mrnr*. TW* w. ii 1 *r aad imam ■l Ou*. Haj mat (1) Far hia m i Mfc. (2) fetfe <UUHa‘. Mfe. O) iFw 4. mL «f In •a. (4) F«r *. •* mi im CWcfc tea M. afciak Mod. Im t! ghaadi I nalntj aad nad ymm BU, MU. DW ' SMk Ckaar fmam BEACON DRIVE-IN Whitmire Hwy. McGEE’S DRUG STORE IM W. Nila St CITIZENS FED. SAV. & LOAN »0 W. Natal 8C ' COMMUNITY CASH E. Florida St. Clinton Realty & Insurance Co. Mrs. B. Hubert Boyd, Agt 1®4 W. Pitta St T.E. JONES A Sons Furniture tMW.NU.8L W.C DOBBINS TVnday H.brroi sx a General las. Agoacy 101 South Bread St CHRONICLE PUB. CO. IWtey SL