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r THE CLINTON CHRONICLE Thursday, June SO, 1060 LYDIA MILLS * MRS. CLYDE TRAMMELL, Correspondent, Representative TELEPHONE IMS Mrs. J. A. Black, Sr., spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. John Castle and other relatives in Colum bia Mrs. David Word, Misses Susan Word. Miss Marie W’eir and Mrs. J. F. W’eir were Sunday guests of Mrs B B. Brannon in Greer. Mrs Mandy Uttleion of Ware Shoals, is visiting her son and daughter-in-law. Mr. and Mrs. John Edmonds Mr. and Mrs. Tillman Wise, Mar tha Ann.and Terry W ise, Joseph and Johnny Morcree of Newberry, were Friday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Horace B Brown. Mr and Mrs Bradley Ooxe of Abbeville, visited their daughter. Mrs Prue Waters, and Mr. W’aters Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Prince of Marietta. Ga.. were recent visitors of Mrs. Sam Prince. They were here for the 1M0 Clinton High School class reunion. Mr. and Mrs. Claude Mahaffey and Mrs. Gladys Ferguson of Arcadia, were also re cent guests of Mrs. Prince and daughters J A Black. Jr, has been a pa tient the Self Memorial hospital in Greenwood since June 18. Vititinf him during this time has been Mrs Black and family, Mrs. Ruby Dunaway. Mrs. Johnny Haskins, J A Black, Sr., and Miss Bertha Joyce Mr and Mrs Bobby Pierce and Dunrard of Atlanta, Ga . spent the week-end with his parents. Mr. and Mrs 1 N. Pierce. Friends will be mu-rested to know that Bobby Pierce, a I960 graduate of PC, has accepted a position as an insurance adjuster in Atlanta Guests of Mrs. Frank Walker and children during the week-end were Mr and Mrs J. W. Wrenn and fam ily of Waterloo; Mr and Mrs. J. W’ Weathers and Mrs Kate Nelson of Laurens; Mr. and Mrs Henry Wea thers of Woodruff. Mr Walker has entered the Veterans hospital in Columbia for treatment Mr and Mrs Roy Padgett and family of Dunoan. were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs Paul Kitch ens Recent visitors of the Kitchens family were her sister. Mrs Martha Shelby, and daughter of Norfolk. Va Mrs Helen Weaver. Misses Mary Sue and Louise Holmes and Mrs. Estelle Whuonant of Croas Ahchor. Mr and Mrs C. A Oswalt and chil dren of Joanna, visited their sister. Mrs Frances Meeks Sunday. Mr and Mrs John Riley of near Hodges, were Friday and Shtirday guests of their uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs W L Booser Miss Joyce Boozer returned to her home Friday after several weeks visit with the Rileys Miss Carol Franklin spent the past week with Miss Joyce Cosk in Newberry John Dickerson of Spartanburg, is spending a lew days with his daughter, Mrs. Clarence Hinson, and Mr. Hinson. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Templeton and daughter visited the former’s aunt, Mrs. Sailie Weathers, Sunday in Greenwood. Rossie Hanna spent the past week in Woodruff with his aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Garrett. Mr. and Mrs. Rudy Ostrochovsky of Baldwin, N. Y., are visiting her father. S. J. Todd, her sister, Mrs. Homer Fuller, and Mr. Fuller. They are also visiting her sister, Mrs. J. V. Harper, and Mr. Harper in Greenwood. Mrs. Reno Smith and children of Savannah, Ga., Mrs. Louise Ander son of Jacksonville, Fla., and Louis Medlock of Whitmire, were visitors of Mrs. Eula Quinton and Mrs Janie HiH on Tuesday of last week Mrs. Clyde Trammell and Ken visited their sister and aunt. Mrs. Mrs. John Health, a patient in the General hospital in Greenville, on last Thursday Misses Betty and Joyce Ott are spending a few weeks with their uncle and aunt, Mr and Mrs. C. F. Bonner, in Atlanta, Ga Mr. and Mrs Die Jones are viis- itnig her son. Pete Kelley, and Mrs. Kelley in Gaffney for a few weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Davis and 'family spent the week-end in Hot Springs and Asheville, N. C. On Sunday they attended the Hanes- BaMwin reunion held near Hot Springs. Mr. and Mrs. Carey Hughey of Spartanburg, were Friday overnight guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. N. Hughey. Mr and Mrs. Henry Lee and Cathy of Laurens. Mr and Mrs. Luke Fuller and Gail of Greenwodo, were Sunday visitors of Mrs Lee’s and Mr Fuller's mother, Mrs J. H. Fuller Rev and Mrs J. H Walker of Piedmont, were here Sunday for the funeral services of Freddie Atta- way. Rev Walker assisted with the services 1 Kenneth Armstrong has entered the army and is taking his 'bask training at Fort Jackson Mr and Mrs Melvin Seay and children were visitors in Greenville Friday REV. BRYAN REAPPOINTED Fmends of Lydia Mills and Clin ton are glad to know that Rev Roa- coe Bryan was reappointed to the Lydia Pentecootal Holme ss Church at the close of the conference held near Greenville recently. SURPRISE SHOWER Last Saturday the ladies on the first shift spuming and spooling de partments surprised Mrs Quinton Jones when (hey gave a shower for the chikken. Faith, i years old, and Marlon. 2 years old, whom she and Mr Jones are adopting The women brought many lovely gifts for the children. METHODIST CHURCH NEWS The Cacrament of the Lord’s Sup per will be administered at the Ly dia Methodist Church Sunday mor ning. July 3, at 10 o'clock The Sac rament is offered to all regardless of their denominational affiliation. The offering which is customarily brought to the altar rail will be used by the Methodist Committee for Overseas Relief to aid the dis aster victims in Chile and other Pacific areas. The Sacrament will be the last administered by the Rev. J. H. Wil liams as pastor of the Lydia Metho dist Church. Mr. WiHiams was ap pointed to the Vaucluse Methodist charge at the annual conference of the South Carolina Methodist Church in Columbia last week. The Rev. Mr. Hugh Bkkley, the newly appointed pastor of the Lydia church, will conduct his first wor ship service Sunday. July 10. The public is cordially invited to worship at the Lydia Methodist Church and remain for the Sunday school session which begins at 11:00 a. m. REV. BICKLEY COMES TO LYDIA CHURCH The Rev. Mr. Hugh Bkkley was appointed to serve as pastor of the Lydia Methodist Church for the 1960-61 conference year. Mr. Bick- ley is presently serving as pastor of Epworth church in Joanna. Mr. Bkkley is a student at Newberry College. He is married to the for mer Miss Dorothy Dale McCarty. Both are from Newberry. Mr and Mrs Bickley will move | into the parsonage Tuesday, July 5. and Mr. Bickley will immediate ly assume his duties as pastor of the Lydia Methodist Church. REV. WILLIAMS ASSIGNED TO VAUCLUSE The Rev Mr. James H. Williams and family will move to Vaucluse where Mr. Williams will assume the pastorate of the Vaucluse and Capers Chapel Methodist Churches. The Williams family will move to Vaucluse Tuesday, July 5, which has been declared as ‘ moving day” for all Methodist ministers of South Carolina who will be assuming new appointments . Charles Cooper was receved into the fellowship of the Lydia Metho dist Church upon professio no# faith Sunday, June 26 LYDIA BAPTLST CHURCH NEWS The men of the Brotherhood will meet Thursday (tonight) at the church at 7:80 p. m. to go to the AMaciational Brotherhood meeting being held at Welcome Baptist Church at Laurens The Woman Missionary Union is , sponsoring a ‘Donation for the Kitchen Shower” project. A0 Sunday school and church members and aO organizations are invited to participate Envelopes for donations are placed in pews in the church U church evekpes are not avail able any others may be used and marked for kitchen shower. CELEBRATE SECOND BIRTHDAY Little Diane Harvey celebrated her second birthday June 21 with a party at the Kindergarten building Bight little Bunds enjoyod the happy occasion. The birthday cake was white cen tered with a doll. During the after noon ke cream and cup cups were served. Each little guest also re ceived a favor. A green and white color scheme was used. WEEK AT CAMP ENJOYED The Blue Bird and Camp Fire club members of the Lewa District left Clinton at 9:00 a. m., June 20, by bus lor Camp Buckhorn on Paris Mountain near GreenviUe and re turned June 25. Miss Nellie Osborne was high in her praise of the following coun selors who accompanied the group and so graciously gave of their time and effort to make the week at camp a success; Mieses Helen BIG REFRESHMENT VALUE FOR THE 4th KING SIZE COKE • H.6. fHt. WPP. HAS MORE FOR YOU GET VALUE. LIFT. REFRESHMENT TOO! Settled Under Anthertty ef theCaca-Cela Company >7 GREENWOOD COCA-COLA BOTTLING CO. f Greenwood IF YOU DONT READ . THE CHRONICLE YOU DON’T GET THE NEWS PHONE 74 J. R. Crawford SURVEYING CLINTON. 8. C. Caroline Edge, Peggy Os- Judy Ellis and Mona Can- Ed* borne, non. Ufe guards were Gary O’Shields and Joel Cox. Mae Nellie Osborne, oaap director, was assisted by Misnes Shirley Dunaway and Mary Ifeon arrival at camp and assign ments to cabins, a picnic lunch wae enjoyed in the recreational hall. A regular schedule for the week in cluded crafts and singing- Daily de votions were held during the eve nings before retirement. The Woman’s dub of Lydia was Gray Funeral Home S. C. FUNERAL DIRECTORS • • • IMS • a • EMBALMERS > 41 AMBULANCE SERVICE supper guests on Thursday evening. A highlight of the week of camping was enjoyed by the campers and visitors on Thursday. Each girt who had completed the rank of Trail Seeker and Wood Gatherer was honored in a ceremonial in which each received her beads de noting her accomplish moots. Healthy appetites of the hungry campers was appeased with the abundant food. a Frequent rains interrupted the swlnung each day, but entertain ment was provided and a piano was rented in Greenville. BIRTHDAYS AND WEDDING ANNIVERSARIES Little Mary Jeanne Williams, daughter of Rev. and Mrs. James H. Williams, was one year old June 26. Claud Willard will observe his birthday July 2. Danny Black celebrated his birth day June >7. Happy 24th wedding anniversary to Mr. and Mrs. J. B. 0’Shields today. Stanley Rdce observed his 7th birthday June 27. Virgil Reed will celebrate his birthday July 3. Adger Crawford observed a birth day June 25. Clyde Thomas celebrated his birthday Jane 24. Mrs. Casper Gregory will ob serve her birthday July 1. Mrs. Edna Nelson observed a birthday June 24. Bitty Dickerson cehhrated his birthday June 22. ' Jerry Satterfield will observe a ' birthday July 1. Barry Kitchens will celebrate his birthday July 5. Mery Jo Blackwell wfl have a birthday July 5. ‘ Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Reece will observe their wedding aniyeranry July 1. Marion and Doris Waters cele brated their birthdays June 10 and 12, respectively. Darrell Pace has a birthday July L :- f . /j Why Take Less? NEW ANTICIPATED RATE 47c Place Your Funds At Laurens Federal Today! BY MAIL OR IN PERSON! Laurens Federal Savings AND LOAN ASSOCIATION “The Home of PLUS VALUE Service*!” “Where People Are More Important Than Money” LAURENS, SOUTH CAROLINA ^ /A YOU GET EXTRA MEASURE Of POWER with Texaco Sky Chief Su-prema gasoline. Instant power when you need it most. InsUnt power when you pull out, or when you pass, or if you hava to pull ovtr fasti Texaco Sky Chief Su-preme, supercharged with Petrox is the gasoline for those who want the best. Try it— you’ll drive with more pleasure and save for good measure! SEE YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD TEXACO DEALER H. D. Payne & Co, DISTRIBUTORS Clinton, S. C. Phone 570 Let’s go 10 Chuffh SuftiUif This Serins Of Manoafea Is Published Each Week By the Following Clinton Firms In tho Interest Of Incrnaaing Church Attendance Thin Series Of Johnson Bros. Super Market SMth Broad St DEES OIL CO. Gremiwood Hwy. and Went Main Street GASTLEY’S GIFT SHOP Columbia Hwy. GULF OIL CORP. J. A. Addison, Distributor COOPER MOTOR CO. E. Carolina Ave. NEWBERRY COUNTY BANK Joanna Sj! ; . \7*r YARBOROUGH OIL CO. 415 W. Main St V - IRBY’S MARKET BEACON DRIVE-IN Whitmire Highway 207 St JOANNA STORES S.C. BEACON DRIVE-IN Whitmire Hwy. McGee’S DRUG STORE 1M W. Main St CITIZENS FED. SAV. & LOAN 220 W. Mala St COMMUNITY CASH E. Florida St Clinton Realty & Insurance Co.’ Mrs. B. Hubert Boyd, Agt 104 W. Pitta St. > T.E JONES & Sons Furniture 200 W. Mala St W. C. DOBBINS General Ins. Agency 101 South Broad St. CHRONICLE PUB. CO. Ill Gary St — \