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I I Thursday, March 24,1960 THE CLINTON CHRONICLE 11 LYDIA MILLS 4 MRS. CLYDE TRAMMELL, Correspondent, Representative TELEPHONE IMS Mr. and Mrs. Lester Davie and family spent Sunday with their dau ghter apd son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Yancey Eubanks in Buffalo Maxie Kennedy and Elbert Dan iel of Laurens, visited the former’s aunt, Mrs. Mary Mattiri, Sunday. Mr. and Mfs. James Seay and Mike of Greenville, spent Sunday with the former’s mother, Mrs. J. H. Seay. Mr. and Mrs. Royce Smith of near Laurens, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Glenn and children of Greenville, visited Mrs. Seay in the afternoon. Mrs. Farrell Salter of Seattle, Wash., was a visitor recently of her sister, Mrs. Furman Bagwell, and Mr. Bagwell. Mr. and Mrs. Alton Gwinn of Or ange Park, Fla., were recent guests af h^r patents, Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Mitchell. Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Ginn and daughter of Simpsonville, are spend ing a few days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Claud Willard. Mr. and Mrs. Claude Gils trap were in Greenville Thursday due to an operation on her son, Nathan. Mrs. Gdlstrap remained until Sun day. Mr. Gilatrap went up a^ain Saturday and returned Sunday. They have been visiting their par ents, Mr. Gilstrap, Sr., Mir. and Mrs. I. J. Fair while there. Nathan hopes to return home the latter part of the week. Mrs. J. B. Vanderford and chil dren visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Smith, in Union Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Orin Davis and Moss Judy l}avi« of Greenville, spent the week-end with Mrs. Da vis’ sister, Mrs. BUI Fennell and Mr. Fennell. Mir. and Mrs. Elks Huffstetkr and Sandy spent Sunday in New berry with the former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Huffstetkr. Mrs. Elsie Strange of Spartan burg, was the week-end guest of her brother, and aster-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. O’Shields. Rock Bailey, Mack Gaffney and Miss Joanna Wigley are among the Clinton High seniors making a week’s trfc> to Washington, D. C. Mrs. B. T. Bagley of Goodwater, Ala., is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Ira Bailey, and Mr. Bailey. On Sunday Mrs. Bagley, Mr. arid Mrs. Bailey and Melvin Bailey visited Mlrs. Bagley's nephew. Pvt. Herman man McDonald, at Fort Jackson, Columbia. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Ketron and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Hart- sock and son of Greenville, were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Quinton Jones. Mrs. B. F. Vanderford and Mrs. Donnie Vanderford were Sunday visitors of the former’s mother, Mrs. Florence Wright, in Buffalo. , Mrs. L. A. Williams returned home Sunday after spending the week in Bethesda, Md., with Mr. Williams, who is a hospital patient there. Rev. M. J. Sanders and C. O. Par rish spent a few days in Washing ton, D. C., with the latter’s daugh ter, Miss Claudette Parrish, and in Arlington, Va , with Rev. Sanders' Nephew, Harry Johnston, and visit ed L. A. Williams at a hospital in Bethesda, Md , last week. Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Johnson of Inman, Miss Kathleen Grant, Mrs. Woodrow McLendon, Lee Grant and Carl Shaw of Greenwood, Ben Wrenn of Whitmire, and Dillard Owens, of Brasstown, N. C., were among those here to attend the fun eral services of Roy Owens last Thursday. Nicky Bagwell, Billy Johnson, Era Hames and Miss Betty Kitchens were Sunday guests of Misses Bet ty and Shirley Ott. They all later visited the Misses Ott’s unde and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Dalton. Miss Nellie Osborne is attending the kindergarten workshop in Sum ter today through Saturday. She is a member of the South Carolina As sociation on Children Under Six. Mlack Gaffney spent Saturday at Olemson College. THARP-WOOTEN NUPTIALS ANNOUNCED Friends will be interested in the following announcement received here: Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Hawkins of Atlanta, Ga., announce the mar riage of her daughter, Jo Ann Tharp, on March 11, to Robert Earl Wooten of Birmingham, Ala. They will reside in Birmingham where Mr. Wootne is connected with TCI. Mrs. Hawkins and Jo Ann are former residents of -Lydia Mills, where Mr. Wooten is connected with al director. KINDERGARTEN CLOSED FRIDAY The Lydia-Clinton kindergarten will be closed on Friday while Miss Osborne is attending a kindergarten clinic in Sumter. WOMAN’S CLUB MAKES MAD HATS The Lydia Woman’s Club held the March meeting on Thursday at the Community Building. The meeting was presided over by the president, Mrs. Ralph Riddle, for the Atlanta trip were made for April 22 and 23. A special meeting will be held April 7 at 6:45 p. m. to turn in mon ey for the bus. Also plans were made tip sponsor the Barnett Broth ers of Spartanburg on May 4. Each of the ladies wore a "mad” hat they had made for the fashion program. Mrs. Clyde Trammell, program chairman, showed spring fashions for children aad women from the Lydia Mills Store. After the meeting pie a la mode and coffee were served by the host esses. WITH THE SICK Mrs. Claud Willard is a>medical patient at Blalock dime L. A. Wihlams is a surgical pa tient a tthe National Institute of Health in Bethesda, Md. His address is: National Health Institute, 8th Floor, East, Bethesda, Md. Nathan Gilstrap is a patient in the General hsopatal in Greenville where he underwent surgery on last Thursday. He is in room 373. Ernest Hendrix entered the Vet erans hospital in Columbia Monday for a few days check-tip. Betty Stone is suffering a broken arm received in a fall last week. CARD OF THANKS We would like to express our thanks and appreciation to our friends and neighbors and to the doctors and nurses at the hospitals for the many kindnesses shown us during the long illness and at the death of our loved one. The food brought in and the floral offerings were greatly appreciated. THE FAMjlLY OF ROY OWENS METHODIST CHURCH REVIVAL BEGINS Revival services wiH begin Sun day, March 27, at the Lydia Metho dist Church, with the pastor. Rev. James Williams, preaching. K Services will be held each eve ning at 7:00 p. m. from Sunday, March 27, through April 2. Rev. Williams extends a cordial invitation to the public for these revival services. BIRTHDAYS AND WEDDING ANNIVERSARIES ‘‘Happy Birthday” to Gene Patter son today. S-Sgt. Charles Harvey will ob serve his birthday March 26. Miss Sandra Mills will be 17 years old March 29. Mr. and Mrs. Bud Phipps will ob serve their wedding anniversary on March 29. Their little daughter, Rhonda, is one’ year old today. Julian Bryan will celebrate his birthday March 29. H. H. Dalton will have a birthday March 28. Mrs.Manoo Lawson will observe a birthday March 25. Freddie Fuller wiU be 13 years old March 29. "Happy Birthday” to Mrs. Verner Dees and Mrs. Hugh Ballard today. Debbie BlackweH will celebrate her birthday March 31. Mrs. J. H. Crowe wiU observe a birthray March 28. Mrs. Joe Corley will celebrate a birthray March 30. . LeVonne Templeton will have a birthday March 31. ...1 - i apa aoaae people thought rubbing the Id ward off a head coll Today, we know better. Adequate rat and a urli halannrl diet go a long way toward preventing Bat, r—oven the beet precautione vent good enough. When you are ID—whether yon Mra a cold or something more eerioue—effective kraM important They can be the difference i p^n or comfort... slow or foot recovery. Lot your ulMfcim deckle the remedke you need Thm come to m for the preacribed medication. HOWARD’S PHARMACY PHONE 101 JOINT SURPRISE BIRTHDAY PARTY Friday morning the kindergarten with a joint birthday party. After singing and games the two lovely birthday cakes were brought .-- _ . 'in Both cakes were decorated in chfldnen, with Mr*. Prue Waters and green< ^ wen> fut ^ hostess, surprised Larry Waters and - served with ice cream. Miss NeUe Osborne, the teacher, Gifts were given to Larry and to Fresh Pork LYDIA BAPTIST CHURCH NEWS Mias Osborne. After opening the gifts they thanked everyone for re membering them in such a idee Cottage prayer meetings will be w *y h .held each evening next week at 7:00 Mrs. Wafers was aratsted by p m., Monday through i^turday Mrs. Frank Walker and Larry’s grandmother. Mrs. L. Waters — ---- ■ - Places are to be announced This is fee precede the revival services which wiD begin April 3 tor the week throu0i April 9 Dr T S Boehm of Augusta, Ga , will preach and Emmett Chappell »f Presbyterian Coib-ge will lead the singing Tie SUnday school members are wearing small paper shoes bear ing the wording, 'Nobody can fill your shoes in Sunday school.” These are to remind everyone to be in their own 'place in Sunday ftriloo! April 3 let ..your fant.<teps i to church ’ Shouldei Roast LB Pinky Pig * Pork Sausage 2 Rose Brand Sliced ,Lfc AQ Relit Hy.- Fresh Pork Shoulder Steak LB W-D "Branded" Fresh Boiled Ham ^ 49 Marhoefer Brand Braunschweige- - I ;; 2 ib Piece Liver Sausage u, 39 ^ Country Style LIVER T 2 - 3 Lb P ece ^ Mush or Pudding ' .0 kw« c.vt > 'WK C;vlX Ground Beef U. S. GOVERNMENT INSPECTED FANCY HEAVY BREED . ... 1.39 9 WE GIVE FRESH 4-7 Lb. Sizes * \ i' civTP Hens..... Superbrond Dressed Spanish Cottage Cheese 29‘ Mackerel Superbrond (With Pineapple) Cod Cottage Cheese Cup 33 c Fish Fillets Palmetto Farm Haddock Pimiento Cheese c£ 33' Fish Fillets Palmetto Farm i (Vean Penh Tuna Salad . cup 39 c fillets Kraft's Philadelphia Cream Cheese cCp 29 c Crabs Deviled . 2 po, 59 c 22.2S.S s.iis Frozen Food Jewell Multi-Pak Beef, Chicken or Turkey PIES Winter Garden R|ES Apple, Peach, Cherry i 1.00 Golden Ripe Bananas 2-Lbs JUICY FLORIDA GRAPEFRUIT 8 GARDEN FRESH CARROTS BORDEN S INSTANT POTATOES iB BAG Serving Of 8 DRIP or M A REGULAR Coffee Limit one of customer's choice with o $5 00 or more purchase, please l Astor ° Wesson 39 ■j New Day Astor 1-LB. BAG 1-LB. CAN for Frying -dKing and Astor Shortening inunnnnnunuiiL SUGAR Limit one with a $5.00 or more order. « /