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Publishes All County and Town Of ficial Advertisements. M1ANN1ING. S. C.. .l.\N. ' . 1901. Notice is hereby given that no advertise ments will be changed in this paper where the copy is brought in later than Saturday noon. Closing Out All Winter Goods at Prices That Must Attract the Attention of Cash Buyers. Our line of Dress Goods. Gents. La dies' and Children's Knit Undervests must be sold out at once aani those who coit with the cash will secure some start Ia larcains. Our lint of Gent's. Ladies' and Chil dren's Shoes is the largest to be found in this town and the stock must be re duce d. Come with the cash nad you will ;et unheard of low nrice: Our line of Gent's heavy PU w Shotes is complete: anything you wish in first class stock from :1 per pair up. Larget line of Gent's late(st style Hats. also for boys and Children. very cheap. Our line' of (;nts famous Maylield Wo'n Mills Work and Dress Pants outwear anything ever put on the mar ket for the same mconey. Just think of it. a nice guaranteed All-Wool Pants for only $1.50 and 1.I5 per pair. that is just what we will do, and those who have worn the Mayfield Pants will bear us out in this statement that they are the best and cheapest goods ever put on the market for the money. Yours truly. \V. E. .JENKINSON. The Oil Mill is now running day and night. Last Friday morning a colored man while waiting for a train at Pinewood dropped dead in the depot. Mr. J. F. Bradhanm is making things look new at the Manning Hotel, where he has moved, and will conduct a hotel that will merit the popularity which it is sure to enjoy. Mr. H. F. Stack. of Clarendon has resigned the office of :Magistrate to which he had been recently elected in the primary. A new appointment will be made in a few days. Senator Appelt and Mr. Galluchat left Monday to be on he field early and look out for quarters. and Dr. Woods was already in the city. Maj. Richardson left from Clarendon. Mrs. Maggie Anderson and her daughter. Miss Mayme of California.are visiting the family of Mrs. Anderson's brother Mr. F. N. Wilson. Mrs. An derson has been away from this State for 23 years. A shooting affray occured on Tuesday of last week near Silver. resulting in a colored wan by the name of Belser being shot by Mr. J. A. Way: the cause of the trouble. we are told was a dispute over a land line. - Solicitor .Tohn S. Wilson left yester day for Columbia to assist. in the draw ing ofbills for the legislators. MIiss Lucie Barron, who has been in the engrossing department. has been re appointed for this session as a reward for her competency and left yesterday morning also. M~r. E. H. Hall. in charge of the Academy at Jordan, surprised, his fe'iends 'this week when he returned f.'om spending the holidays at his home in Fairfield county and brought his bride with him. He was married on Saturday last in the governor's oftice by Governor M~cSweeney, in the presence of eight or ten witnesses. to MIiss Flor ence Shockley of Spartan burg. where M~r. Hall last year graduated from Wof ford College. The Governor's messige is plain, tractical and business like, showing the marked improvement that ha~s been made in the State during the past year, and the harmony and good feeling that prevails among the people. The taxa ble property of the State has increased about two and a half million dollars in twelve months. and all her institutions are in a prosperous condition. The Governor makes many sensible recom mendations. In the reorganization of the Senate on Tuesday Senator Appelt was ap pointed chairman of the Committee on Printing, one of the most important commitsees of the whole body, and a member of the following committees. several of which are very important: Education. Engrossed Bills. 31edi'cal Committee. Roads, Bridges and Fer ries. M1ilitary and Railroads, all of which constitute an exceedingly com plimentary recognition of work and merit. Dispenser Frank M1. Player of Kings tree has been arrested upon the charge of malfeasance and general misconduct in office, and waiving a preliminary was placed in jail to await trial. The ease was worked up by special officers de tailed by the governor for that pur po~se, an'd their report shows that Mr. Pilaver had lent the State's money to his'friends and was guilty of-general incompetency and misconduct. His shortage will aggregate something like 8'2.500O. S. I. Till has something to say to the nurchasing public this week that will interest them. His page advertisment is worth reading, and pr'oves that he is doing a thri ring business as the re sult of push and energy, being satis: tied with small profits, anid a generous use of printers' ink, used in the right wav. It will be hard to find a better sto'ek of dry goods and millinery than will be see'n in the store of S. I. Till. and his polite assistants are ready and eager to serve the trade with despatch and decoru m.' The dastardly conduct of some mis creant, at the Baptist church in this toyn on the night of December 31st. should be ferritted out if possible, and the culprits punished to the full ex tent of the haw. It is a shamieful out rage that these mischievous impos can go to a liace whe-re decent p~eop~le con gregzate and ply their devilish schemes. )n the nigoht alluded toX pakge wer stolen frocm vehicle. and one oif the scoundrels was eaught, but tinat is not :dl the damage done. the baggy and harness of Mri. IRober J. .\lderr1an was badly damaged, and in another colum i reward is offered wmenc should bring the guilty to justicec.Se :the ward ot ice ceeherec published. - heerful e-.terdiys and confident tomo rrows." Tihe ne w century tmnus our house moving contideutly on in tin disturbed proseultionl of the p)ians and lurposes of its founders. secture in the satisfaction of over a quarter of a cen turv's good record, cheerfully rettcet ing' on the past and confident of the future. We congratulate our patrors and wish them one and all a happy and prosperous New Year. and while we tire wishin, it would be as wvell to wish that thev would take our advice and ,,!ant W\ >od' tested dind tried Garden ne. WXood's Siver Skin and Yellow Danver Onon~ sets. We wvill receive in amitle timeo Wo od's celebrated Bliss Triuhniphl -ind Early Rose Planting Po itoes. Of courtse we carry a line of ID. N1. F-erry. s Co.-'snd Crossman Bros.' Gairdln soed, as well as Mlandeville & King's suiperb) assortment of Flower Seed. Thie 11 . Loye Drug Store, County Commissioners Meet. The county of C'onmissioners 11e' last Saturday. Tlhe newly appoitt( ineibers presentci their cotision and were duly in-talled. The boar( is now composed of T. C. Owens. W. .1 Turheville and L. T. Fischer. By in vitation the legislative tlelegation coin posed of Senator Louis :Appel(- It-pre sceltati\e H. B. llichardson, )r. I. M Woods and M. C'. (aliuchat attende't the nieetiug. The early part of the morning, the hoard was engaged in apl proving claims, and listening at apph cations for aid. Mr. C. 1Z. Felder o1 the former board was present during a portion of the meeting. and on retiring stated that he ha- not been informed O' a change on the board. but wished the iiew board a successful administration. Representatives Richardson and Woodi disclaimed having been consulted wit' regard to any change. but they had nc objection and approved the appoint. nent of the board. Owing to the fact that the Treasur er's report was not due until the 15th. inst.. the board could not give the dele "ition accurate information with re .ard to the receipts and disbursement for the year 1900. but as soon as the re port is made. the delegation will he supplied with the necessary informa tion. It was estimated that the ex penses for the past year was about 13.500 and the receipts about $15.000. Supervisor Owens was requested to send with his statement -uch sugges tions as the board thought proper to make that the delegation may consider them at a delegation meeting. Super intendent of Education Wells came be fore the delegation and made a very in teresting talk about the selling of school books. He made it clear that it would, in order to supply the demand, be necssarv for his otice to have cleri cal aid, because at the very time the books are being sold he is required by law to visit the schools. and unless he could have some one to keel) his office open. it would be a great inconvenience to the people. Mr. Wells is very much interested in the schools and he says the selling of books is a much greater addition to his office than he had any idea of. that the business will amount to about $3000. and that it would be a saving to the people of about. $1300. He was also requested to send his sugges tion in writing. The hoard then considered applica tions for the clerkship, which resulted in the election of Mr. J. H. Lesesne, the former clerk being otherwise em ployed was not an applicant. The matter of county printing was then taken up. and the board awarded the contract to THE IANNING TIMES for $225. the price paid for several years. although the work will be con siderably more. There was another bid presented for $150. The board is not required to ask for bids. and they did not, as this is a matter for them to exercise their best business judg ment, and in the exercise of that judg ment they took into consideration the amount of work to be done, its charac ter, and the etliciency of those asking for it. THE M1ANNING TIMES having done this work very satisfactorily for many years, at a very reasonable charge, they concluded to continue the contract with that paper. We know that capital will be made out of this transaction, but we are satis tied the people will sustain the action of the board when we tell them, that after years of experience we know the price to be paid is much less than the regular charge. and an offer to do the work for less could only result in a loss, which business men do not make un less there is some purpose. THE TIMES has always hadthis work. and did it faithfully, the board know ing this. and recognizing its importance were unwilling to make any experi ments which might result in a greater cost in the end. Millions Given Away. It is certainly gratifying to the public to know of one concern in the land who are not afraid to be generous to the needy and suffering. The proprietors of Dr. Kint's New Discovery for Consumption. Coughs and Colds, have riven away ov-er ten million trial bottles of this great medicine: and have the satisfaction of knowing it has absolutely cured thousands or hopeless ases. Asthma. bronchitis. hoarseness and all diseases of the throat. chest and lunes are surely ecured by it. Call at the Rt. B. Loryea Drug Store and ret a free trial bottle. Regular size So'c. and $1. Every bottle guaranteed, or price refunded. 3 Hayusworth-Strange. The nuptial rites of M1r. John R. Havnsworth, of this city, and Mi1ss Bertha Strange, of Clarendon, were celebrated last Wednesday afternoon at 4 o'clock at Calvary Baptist church in Clarendon county. The church had been prettily and appropriately decor ated for the occasion, and was darken ed -nd the lamps lighted. producing a very festive appearance, despite the cold and rain outside. The groom en tered with-his brother. Prof. Hugh C. Havnsworth, of Furman University, who> acted as best man, and the bride on the arm of her father, Mr. C. E. Strange. The following were the at tendants: Hon. John J1. M~c3ahan, of Columbia with M1iss M1arguerite Tindal, of Clar endon. MIr. Riley Strange, of Manning, with MIiss Kate M1eCutchen, of Sumter. MIr. C. L. Cuttino, of Sumter, with iss Eunice M1cElveen, of Shiloh. Mr. A. J. Tindal, of Clarendon. with iss Vernon Mloore, of Virginia. M1essrs. Herbert and G. Edward Haynsworth acted as ushers. The marriage ceremony was per formed in a very impressive manner by Rev. WVm. Haynsworth, of Pacolet. brother of the grootr, assisted by Rev. 1. A. Connors, of Summerton. pastor of Calvary church. The wedding march was artistically rendered by Miss Alice Hodge, of Clarendon. The bride wore a very stylish and becoming suit of gray, and carried a botquet of japo~nicas. The brides maids carried mistletoe boughs. They were all tastily dressed. After the ceremony the- bridal party drove across the country to Rimini, where they took the train for Sumter. arriving h'ere at 6 o'clock. A reception was given the newly-married couple at the residence of the groom's father. Iaj. W. F. B. Haynsworth, on Cal houn street. which was attended by a number of friends. M1r. and MIrs. Hansworth left on the 9:12 train for olumbia, and wvent from there to Spartanurg, wvhere they will spend a hor t whnile before returning to this ciy where they will reside in ftuture. before the marriage was performed the bridal party were given a dining at the home of Mt'. C. E. Strange the bride' father. The occosion was a most pleasaint one to all participating. [he g'room is a young man of the hihest char'acter, and ha; a legion of finds whro wish for him every happi. ness. He is to be congratulated on winning so charming a bride.--Sumter Herald. Red Hot from the Gun Was the bllI that hit G. B. Steadmant of New ark. Ndich.. in the C'ivil War. it c'au'ed ho'rrible ulee'rk that no treatment helped for 3' year'. Tihent Bucklen's Arnilca SaLlve cure'dhimn. Cures cuts. bruise', burns. bois. felons. cortis. skir e'ruptions. Best pile cure on earth. 25 cents ox. ('tre a'uaranteed. Sold by' the Rt. B3. Lor va Drug Store.3 A narried man can live oni half the in. Icome of a bachelor- hut it's because he ha; to. The Mother's Favorite. taeadaways eure'. it i. initetnded e'-. cav fo cou::h'is. colds. erc-up and whoopmt ou h. andi .i the be'.t mtedlicine made for them isee. Thnere i. not the least danger in niv into it to children: for it contains no opium 01 other injlurious drug and may he given as conti Iently to P babe 's to an a'dult. For sale b' Thec . B. Loryea Dru.; Store. Isaae M. Loryea Prop._____ All is fair in love except flirtation Ie tht only half fair. | iims tosto achlivr and kidney trouble as i:s women. and all feel the results in los: of appetit. pti-'nts in the blood. backache nervousness. headache and tired, listless. run down f, eeling. lint there's no need to feel ie that. Listen to J. W. Gardner. Idaville. Ind lie says: "Electric Bittors are just the thing fo a mia when he is all run down, and don't car whether he lives or dies. It did more to iv me new strength and good appetite than any thing I could take. I can now eat anything an have a new lease on life." Only .t) cents. at th R. B. Loryea Drug Store. Every bottle guar anteed. Death of Dr. Baer. Dr. H. Baer, of Charleston, died sud. denly last Wednesday night anti as tihe executor of his will is a young man for merly a resident of Mlanning, bult. fon many vears the contidential clerk of the deceased, thbe following will he u: interest: The will of Dr. Herman Baer, signed April 4, 193. was filed for probate ir tt.e otliee of .udge of Probate H. L. P'. U(lgier yesterday morninr. Mr. Louis Levine was ntmed as stile executor ol the ('state, with a provision that Capt. W. A. Co'urtenay should be made exe etutor in the event of Mr. Levine's death before the death of )r. Baer. lr, Levine was duly qualified. The drug establishnient, over which Dr. Baer presided with such great success. will according to his own instructions, he continued for two years. and matters of detail regarding the conduct of the business were mentioned in the will. The property of the deceased was left to his family, one-fifth being bequeath ed to his wife and the remaining four lifths to his children. He bequeathed all of his French and German books and bound volumes of magazines to the trustees of \Vofford College for use in the Wotford College library. The magazines consisted of bound v9lumes of Harper's, Atlantic Monthly, the Ec lectic Magazine, Scribner's and the Century Magazine. Some of these magezines extend back over a long period and will be valuable in the Col lege library, and the French and Ger man books collected during Dr. Baer's lifetime will be of inestimable value to the College. Working Night and Day. The busiest and mightiest little thing that ever was made is Dr. King's New Life Pills. Every pill is a sugar-coated globule of health. that changes weakness into strength. listless ness into energy. brain-fag into mental power. They're wonderful in building up the health. Only :'"c. per box. Sold by the R. B. Loryea Drug Store. 3 Meeting of the Pension Board. The Pension Board, to-wit, John H. Mahoney, A. J. Richbourg. I. N. To bias, D. J. Bradham and Dr. C. B. Gei ger. will meet in the court house at Manning Monday, the 14th inst.. at 11 o'clock, for the purpose of organizing for work and for the distribution of blanks giving information, etc. There are five classes of pensioners and it is important that the blanks be carefully distributed. Claims can only be made on the new blanks and the board would be glad for as many as can of those who intend to apply. to be present on that occasion so that we may assist them in filling up their applications. There is a large amount of work to be done: many of the men and women who are entitled, are not able to look after their interest and the Board calls upon everybody to assist these people in making up their claims. Let it be considered a labor of love: our friends will soon pass away and will not need our help. Help now. - D. J. BRADHAM. Beat Out of an Increase of His Pension. A Mexican war veteran and prominent editor writes: '-Seeing the advertisement of Cham berlain's Colic. Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. I am reminded that as a soldier in Mexico in '47 and '48. I contracted Mexican diarrhoea and this remedy has kept me from getting an increase in my pension for cn every renewal a dose of it re stores me." It is unequalled as a qmeik cure for diarrhoea and is pleasant and safe to take. For sale by The R. Bi. Loryea Drug Store. Isaac M. Loryea. Prop. This is a day of expansich of thought as well as trade, and in order to put our self in position to be of service to our patr'ons who desire to keel) pace with the progress of the day, we have effect ed an arrangement by which we can supply our patrons wvith McClures Mag azine and THmE MANNING TIMES com bined for s22 per year in advance. Mc(lures Magazine is one of the finest liter'arv journals published. its standard is highand its corps of contributors are among the most able in the world. A reader of this Magazine is a searcher after knowledge. and we know of no better or more profitable reading than can be found1 in the pages of this cele bi'ated Magazine. No library is com plete without it. We offer McClures Magazine and THE MANNING TIMES for$s225pe r year. bis signature is on every box of thci genuino Laxative Bromo=Quinle Tableta he remedy that cures a cold in one day Help... Nature I Babies and children needj proper food, rarely ever medi-|~ cine. If they do not thrive: onterfood somnething is wong thi'They need a little I Shelp to get their digestivej Smachinery working properly.:* KCOD LIVER OIt w7THlINPOPIOSPIITES O'LINE &SODA will generally correct this difficulty.I I f you will put from one-I fourth to half a teaspoonful: I in baby's bottle three or four!a Itimes a day you will soon see I a marked improvement. For larger children, from half to a teaspoonful, according to:a age, dissolved in their milkI I you so desire, will very soon show its great nourish inmg power. If the mother's: ~milk does not nourish the:, ~baby, she needs the emul-|I s son. It will show an effect =at once both upon mother and child.' 2 SCOTT & BOW ('hemists, New York. lead in another page tilt Conl)ima Lion offer we are making. Through a misunderstanding several who took ad vantage of this offer last year did not get their papers promptly. but out arrangements ,ne such now. that every person who pays up. and one year in advance, and all new subscribers. will get this valuable farm journal promptly. Remember yon get THE TiM-s and Farm and Home for $1.50. What We Eat Is intended to nourish and sustain us. but it must be dirested and assimilatedi before it can ti1 this. In other words. the nourishment con tainedl in food nust he separated by the diges tive organs from the waiste niaterials and must be carrietd by the blood to all piart. of the body. We believe' the reason for the great benetit which so many people derive from Hood's sar saparilla lies in the fact that this met'icine gives good digestion and makes pure. rich blood. It restores the functions of those Organs wnich convert food into nourishmett that gives strength to nerves aitnd rmuscies. It also cures dvspepsia. scrofula. salt rheutn. bois. sores. pimples and eruptions. catarrh. rheumatism and all diseases that have their origin in impure h]i d. Debt is disgraceful, but not being able to get into it is often more so. OA..TO..A.. Bears the The Kind You Have Always Bought of The is no insurance against the flames kindled by a woman's eyes. This Will Interest Many. To quickly introduce B. B. B. (Bo tanic Blood Balm). the famous blood purifier, into new homes. we will send absolutely free 10.00) treatments. B. B. B. quickly cures old ulcers. scrofula, painful swellings. aches and pains in bones or joints. rheumatism. catarrh, pimples, festering eruptions, boils, ec zema. itching skin or blood humors, eating. bleeding, festering sores and even deadly cancer. B. B. B. at drug stores $1. For free treatment address Blood Balm Co.. Atlanta, Ga. Medi cine sent at once. prepaid. Describe trouble and free medical advice given until cured. B. B. B. cures the most deep-seated cases, after all else fails. B. B. B. heals every sore and makes the blood pure and rich. Sold by the R. B. Loryea Drug Store. $200 Reward. I offer a reward of $100 for the arrest and proof resulting in the conviction of the person or persons who, between the hours of 9 p. m. and midnight on the night of December 31st, 1900, wilfully and maliciously damaged, seriously, my buggy and harness at the Manning Baptist church, Mannig, S. C. The spoke in front wheel badly bro ken up. the shaft broken, the front axle badly bent and the trace cut almost in two. R. J. ALDERMAN. I hereby supplement the above offer of reward with an additional offer of $100. D. W. ALDERMAN. A Modern Ginnery. We have at Rimini, S. C.. on an ex cellent location, a complete 3-70 Saw Murray Gipning System. with Cleaning Feeders: 50 H. P. boiler and 40 H. P. engine. Struther: & Wells make. This is a new plant. It is for sale. Write us if interested. W. H. GIBBES & CO.. Columbia. S. C., a chinery and M1il1 Supplies. What We Believe. WE LIEV EEtThe public can judge ____ur__stock__according to its merit and that makes us careful buy ers. WE EIEVE That under no cir cumstances s h oul1d there be any substi tution. W VE BEl IEVEThat only first grade ___________Drugs and MIedicines should be dispensed. E EEQThat youtr child or WE OEi~vtshould receive the same attention as if you made your pur chases in person. EVE i| That night c alls WELLE should be carefully ----"--and promptly respon ded to. VW E BELIEVE h a rsrpin -'- "-"""""a cc u r at ely and promptiy filled by a . skilled Pharmacist. EIEBEWThat The R. B. Lor ____________ ea Drug Store has conscientiously 6b - served all the above requirements and that the public realize it. ISA AC M, LORYEA, Proprietor, Sigrrn of the Golderi Mortar, ~- ~MANNINC, S. C. Pi-ONE NO. 2. Life Insurance. I have been appointed a regular agent for The Equitable Life Assurarce Society and wvill be pleased to talk or cor'res pond with any one wiskhing Life Inisur ance in the strongest company finan cially in the world. The Equitable wvorks to maintain what its name imp~lies, andI is writing all the latest and most popular policies for protection, savings otr investment. We offer some policies especially ad vantageous to young men. J. H. LESESNE. Mlanning. S. C. Money to Loan. any -rerms. APPLY TO WILSON & DuRANT. JOSEPH F. RHAME, ATTORINEY AT La\w, MAN:CING, S. C. WC. DAVIS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, MANNING. S. C. j. s. wa .. .w. I. rinriN. WILSON & DURANT, Alllorneys amd Counse~flors ol La ir, MANNITNG. S. C. THIS SPACE BELONGS TO THE MANNING GROCRY COMPANY And you will find some interesting matter I here next week. ~C Wagon and Buggy Material, a Mill Supplies, Steam Fittings, Cane Mills. Evaporators and Kettles, Guns, Pistols, Ammunition, Guaranteed Pocket Cut ~Oils, Paint, 1ery, Guaranteed Razors, Varnish, Guaranteed Shears, o Brushes, Stoves, Hardware, Ranges, Tinware' Hetes _9 Enamel Ware, Hars, Wooden Ware, Saddes, ~~ Saddles, _ Sporting L Goods, Leather, Bicycles and Bicycle Etc., Repairs, Etc., Farm Implements, Etc. Sheet Tin, Sheet Iron, Nails, Wire, Horse Shoes, Punches, Chisels, Files and Saws SEverything Pertaining to Our Line3 i IChristmas has come and gone, and as 1900 is num bered as among the things that were, it is indeed oppor Itune that we should thank the thousands of our friends Sand customers for the most liberal patronage theyj have Sgiven us during the past year and in return we promise = Greater Things for 1901. Our efforts to please everybody in the past have been Srewarded by the liberal buying by cash customers who appreciate honest values, and the benefits have been mu tua We have about completed our annual stock-taking Z and find lots of goods to be turned into cash in a little while. so now is your opportunity to get goods without Iour profits on them. We hope that the blessings of prosperity which have come to you in the past will increase with the opening of the new century and that you all will give us the same liberal share of your trade this spring as usual. l= SHappy New Year to All! IWe w ant to say to those that competed for the Doll that it w~as won by Charley Meda Cobia, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Cobia of Saint Paul, S. C., and has al r eady been awarded her, the winning number being 175, Ias w as adv ertised in THE TIMEs last week. OLD RELIABLE ~S. A. Rtgby1' Til Jeliusl Dr goods Storef GIVES THANKS TO ITS FRIENDS AND PATRONS. We desire to extend our sincere thanks to our many friends and patrons or the splendid support they have given us during the past year. Yes, friends, ' re thank you for your encouragement and endorsement, and as the years go by re trust that we will always couduct our business in such a manner as to ever erit your confidence and support. A .Known Quantity. In trading with the Jenkinson Dry Goods Store the public are assured of ne thing-that they are not dealing in UNKNOWN QUANTITIES, for in the rst place they know that we purchase nothing but straightforward, honest iethods. and in the second place they know (many of them) by experience that e handle nothing but first class goods in any department. Shoddy. riff-raff -oods have no place in our store. Dress Goods and Millinery At a Great Sacrifice. We would much prefer to close out our remaining immense s:ock of Fine )ress Goods and Millinery at sacrifice prices than to carry them over for an ther season, so if you need a nice Dress or a nice Hat you can get them here t astonishingly low prices. Ladies' Hats that sold for $1.50 will now be closed out for $1 and so on. Dress Goods that sold for 75c will be sold for 50c. Dress Goods that sold or 33c will now be sold for 25c and so on. If you want cheap goods come to the Jenkinson Dry Goods Store. Clothing! Clothing! Gent's, did you know that we have one of the most up-to-date Clothing )epartments to be found in this part of the State, and we sell goods very low -hen you take into consideration the quality. We offer for the next thirty days a new arrival of 300 pairs of the famous ,ayfield Pant; at $1.50, $1.75 and $2.~ Each pair of these Pants has a printed icket guaranteeing them to be all wool. This famous line of Pants needs no recommendation to those who have worn them, and to those who ~have not yet corn the famous Mayfield Pants we will say unhesitatingly that they are the est goods we have ever handed over our counters for the money we ask for hem. Come to us when you want nice Clothing, Shirts, Collars and Cuffs or any :ind of Gent's Furnishing Gooods. Reinants! Remnants! We have just finished taking stock and in doing this we have thrown out very remnant of every class of goods, and we will sell these remnants at and ometimes below cost. Call early if you wish to get the pick of this nice lot of emnants. W. E. JENKINSON. SThe Best inte World. ASK FR TH~This is a-pretty strong asser tion to make about anything but it is the users of Walk-Over - ~~ ~Shoes who are making such ~ - statements, simply bccause SHOE they consider that the leather deserves it. Give them a trial .. FOR MEN and if you are not satisfied - your. MONEY WILL BE RE FUNDED. The pcculiar softness, richb beauty and tensile strength and stylish shapes of our DREW SELBY &CO. Ladies' Shoe Has already won for it a large place in the estimation of the C ladies of Clarendon county. - I' One sight will convince you of its beauty, and one test will C demonstrate its merits. - EVERY PAIR. GUARANTEED. We carry the best line of Mis ses' and Children's Shoes ever seen in Manning, We don't Coyihd ask you to take our word for it, but come and see for your self. OUR LINE of SHOES is COMPLETE. S Men's, Boys,' Women's and Children's Shoes, fronm Brogans Sto a Fine Patent Leather, and we are not going to be undersold, Snot even by those who claim to be selling at cost. SOur Entire Line of, SCLOTHING, HATS, CAPS, SHIRTS, UNDERWEAR,~ - 0 NECK WEAR, n HALF HOSE,:UMBREL{. L AS, DRESS SUIT CASES, Etc., in fact everything in our line was bought right and0 S MUST BE SOLD. 0 S We don't mean to do any idle boasting, but we are the only - Ssp~ecial line merchants in the county and will save you from onal10 to 25 Per Cent C nalgoods in1 our line. Come to see us. S Thanking you for your liberal patronage and hoping to serve _you in the future, we are Respectfully yours, ICt I. DAIS &. 00.1