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he auuing uiir. LOUIS APPELrr, Editor. MANNING, S- C., NOV. 21, 1 kW0 . PUBLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY. SU1iSCRI PTION RATES: one year . .............................l t 5 six m~.onth. ........................... . ont ................... ADVERTISING RATES: One square. one time. 1: each subsequent in sertion. 50 cents. Obituaries and Tributes o Respect charged for as reuular advertiseme ntic Liberal contracts made for three. six and twe months. Communications must be accomps. real name and addr'ss of :he wri:ein n e r to receive attention. -rtna! etaraet" No communication o a c rt t will be published except as a Frntered :at the l'osttt' tit :fnn 5sc ond ('- nntttr. u ies of this paper may be found on tile at W, .hin:ttn itthe othee of our special corres-I .o nt. E. G. Sioers. 91S F street. N. W.. Washitnton. D. C. NO TIME-SAVER There are a few newspapers in this State which seem very much worried because Senator McLaurin will persist in refus ing to be frightened by them. The Senator was not sent to the United States Senate by the News and Courier or the Colum bia State, neither is he under obligations to the politicians. He went before the people and stood upon the record he made in Congress, and although the politicians charged him with Republican tendencies at that time, the people endorsed him and he is their representative. He has kept out of the State fights, and attended to the duties the people entrusted him with. McLaurin has not attempted to be a Boss, neither has he per mitted himself bossed, and when his present term has expired and it comes time for him to go before the people again, then, will he give an account of his stewardship, and we believe he will be endorsed by the business element of the State, we believe before two years roll around the people of South Carolina will be convinced that the hue and cry against McLaurin comes from politicians who are only after the office he holds. If McLaurin was a time serving politician he could have shaped his course to win the politicians to him. And in all probability go back to the Senate without opposition. Mc Lairri~n is a statesman who pur poses leaving his impress upon the history of this nation, and when he- voted for the ratifica tion of the peace treaty he did so with a consciousness of do ing what his judgment dicta ted was for the best interests of the people of this country with out stopping to consider what temporary effect poli t i cia ns would make on his constituency a : home. We agree with the Bamberg Herald, that "a certain clique in South Carolina politics have a candidate for the place, and if they can succeed in discrediting Mr. McLaurin's Democracy, so much the better for their man." But are the people of the State going to permit a "certain cli que" to blind them with preju dice against a man whose indep endent course has placed him in a position to be of service to his peopley The politicians endeav or to discredit McLaurin because he has some influence with the departments in Washington, and has so used it that the State of South Carolina is not over run with obnoxious federal officials, and because of this, they charge him with Republican tendencies; if he was content with simply holding his own job, without thought of the people, he would be like some of our other repre resentatives, only known at the departments on pay day. McLaurin however, is serving the people and getting from the government all he can for them. A representative wit-h no influ ence at the seat of government would serve his people better if he stayed at home, and if Mc Laurin was without influence at Washington, the politicians would make capital out of it to win votes against him. We would then hear nothing of "Repub lican tendencies," but the cry would be, "send me, a man is needed who can wield influence with the government." Hooray! Sound the gugag and blow the horn! The Boer war has been ended and London will now go on a wild spree again. Lord Roberts has captured 100 of the remaining Boers. Catarrh Cannot be Cured with LOCAL APPLICAIONS. as ther cannot mach the se-at of the disease. Catarrh is a .otod or constitutional dieae and in order to c-ureit you must take internal remedies. Hall's Catarrh Cure is take-n internally and acts direct -y on the blood and mucous -surfaces Hall-S Catarrh Cure is not a quack medicine. It was prtscribed by one of the best phyiian us in this country for years. and is a regular I: is comaposed of the hbes. tonics known. comn bined with the best blood nuritiers. actin-- di rectly on. the mucous .surfaces. The perfect combination of the two meiredien--s is what pro duces such wonderful results in~ curn Catarrh. Send for testimonials free F. J. CHENEY.& CO.. Props. Toledo. 0. The regret of the Democrats is not so much because free silver is dead as because they fear that some of the gold Democrats may try to come to its funeral. To Cure A Cold In One Day Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab lets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. E. \W. Groves sig nature is on each box. 2-. A 1i rinia judge has decided that a woman can be the head of the house if she foots the bills. The only thing new about this decision is the proviso about footing the bills. When you want. prompt acting little pills that never gripe use DeWitt's Lit tle Early Risers. The R. B. Loryea Drug Store, Isaac M. Loryea, Prop. The Kentucky Republicans have declared not to contest the gubernatorial election in that State, and for the sake of peace the country at large should be happy. The rifle ball arguments used by Kentuckians may be con vincing, but they are not at all pleasant. DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve will quickly heal the worst burns and scalds and not leave a scar. It can be applied to cuts and raw surfaces with prompt and soothing effect. Use it for piles and skin diseases. Beware of worth less counterfeits. The R. B. Loryea Drug Store, Isaac M. Loryea, Prop. The inaugeration ball on the 4th, of March next, will, it is said, be on a splendid scale, and we expect that some of the Dem ocratic editors who were foremost in their denunciation of McKin ley, will be there, and as near the head of the procession in the grand promenade as they can get. '' I have used Chamberlain's Colic. Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy and find it to be a great medicine." says Mr. E. S. Phipps of Poteau. Ark. "It cured me of bloody flux. I cannot speak too highly of it." This remedy always wins the good opinion. if not praise, of those who use it. The quick cures which it effects even in the most severe cases make it a favorite everywhere. For sale at The R. B. Loryca Drug Store. Isaac M. Loryea. Prop. The Republicans are in full control of the State government in New York, and Boss Platt has a scheme to provide greater New York with a system of State constables, similar to the metro politan police system Charleston had a few years ago. The first thing Gotham's political lunima ries know, they will find them selves pulled for bunco-steering. Both makers and circulators of coun terfeits commit fraud. Honest men will not deceive you into buying worthless counterfeits of DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve. The original is infallible for curing piles, sores, eczema and all skin diseases. The R. B. Loryea Drug Store, Isaac M. Loryea, Prop. There seems to be no reason for further delay on the Nicarau guan Canal. The Hay-Paunce forte treaty will no doubt be ap proved and the bill can be passed before the new year. The South ern members of Congress who favor this scheme contend that the South will reap wonderful benefits from the opening up of this canal. The Best Prescription for Malaria Chills and Fever is a bottle of Grove's Tasteless Chill TEnic. It is simply iron and Quinine is a gaeless form.-No cure, no pay. Prie~ 50c. The divorce mill unearthed .in New York recently, is the direct result of a practice that has grown up of hearing cases in se cret. Publicity in such cases may be oad for morals but jus tice is a~ded thereby. Fortunate ly for South Carolina no divorces can be granted, which may be a hardship in a few very i -olated cases, but it is a blessing for the general good. Many people worry because they be lieve they have heart disease. The chances are that their hearts are all right but their stomachs are unable to digest food. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure di gests what you eat and prevents the formation of gas which makes the stom ach press against the heart. It will cure every form of digestion. The R. B. Loryea Drug Store, Isaac M. Lor yea, Prop. The war in the Philippines has not ended yet, notwithstanding the predictions that the war would end as soon as the elec tion is over. We believe, how ever, that when Aguinaldo's fol lowers find there is no hope for their independence, they will throw up the sponge, but it will be a long time before the gov ernment will be able to put down the bushwhacking warfare. Since those in control of the purse strings of the country feel secure in having no legislation which will disturb the finances, there ought to be a plentiful supply of money on the market, and borrowers should be able to secure loans for- a less interest than heretofore. Money is cheap at the North, and the class of borrowers in the~ South who are in touch with Northern ienders are to be found in the up-country of this State, and the conIse quence is,that all kinds of indus trial enterprises are constantly being built, and the surrounding countr is bi nbilt up with "Many a Mickle Makes a Muckle." "Line upon line" is the way a building grows. The " Mickle" in this Scotch proverb is something very small, but the " muckle" is something great. one microscopic bacillus makes impure blood, and "muckle quae" (much disease and disaster) follows. Hood's Sarsaparilla cleans the blood as nothing else can. It brings " muckle '' joy at "mickle" cost. Half teaspoonful doses. Pimpies-" Pimples, blackheads and a kind of rash covered my face. A friend advised me to try Hood's Sarsapa rilla. I Have taken three bottles and the pimples are gone." Lizzie Meyerherm, 12 Hunterfly Place, Brooklyn, N. Y. Hood's Pills cure liver ills; the non-irritating and only cathartic to take with hood's Sarsaparilla. The talk of reorganizing the Democratic party breaks out after each National election, but never before has it been so ser iously contemplated. Hereto fore those who favored a reor ganization were among the dis appointed, now there are thous ands of Democrats who are con vinced of the utter futility of hoping for success under the party banner as now organized. The old issues are dead and the practical minds in the Democratic party refuse to camp in a grave yard. The question is, will the South continue to be the under dog? A Village Blacksmith Saved His Little Son's Life. Mr. H. H. Black, the well known village blacksmith at Grahamsville. Sullivan county. N. Y.. says: "Our little son. five years old. has always been subject to croup, andi so bad have the attacks been that we have feared many times that he would die. We have had the doc tor and used many medicines, but Chamber lain's Cough Remedy is now our sole reliance. It seems to dissolve the tough mucus and by giving frequent doses when the croupy symp toms appear we have found that the dreaded croup is cured before it gets settled." There is no danger in giving this remedy for it contains no opium or other injurious drug and may be given as confidently to a babe as to an adult. For sale at The R. b. Loryea Drug Store. Isaac M. Loryea. Prop. We are constantly being asked our opinion about what cotton will do, and of course we know nothing about what course the speculators will permit the price to take, but we are convinced of one thing; that is, the specu lators known in market parlence as the Bulls, have the advantage at present and we look for a de cided advance in price. How long this condition will last we have no idea, but while it does last. those who have cotton on hand had better disposed of it, and not take the chances of a much higher rise, lest they hold on until the Bears burst the bub ble. There is every indication now of an advance, not only in the price of cotton, but every other product which can be con trolled by speculation. We do not believe that supply and de mand figures in this condition; we think it is the deliberate work of speculation, moved like the figures upon a chess board. Bismarck's Iron Nerve was the result of his splendid health. In domitable will and tremendous energy are not found where stomach. liver. kidneys and bowels are out of order. If you want these qualities and the success they bring, use Dr. King's New Life Pills. They develop every power of brain and body. Only 25c. at The R.'B. Loryea Drug Store. It isn't always the deaf woman that wears the loudest dress. Question Answered. Yes. August Flower still has the lar est sale of any medicine in the civil zed world. Your mothers and grand mothers never thought of using any thing else for Indigestion or Bilious ness. Doctors were scarce and they seldom heard of Appendicitis, Nervous Prostration or Heiart failure. etc. They used August Flower to clean out the system and stop fermentation of undi gested food, regulate the action of the liver, stimulate the nervous and organic action of the system. and that is all they took when feeling dull and bad with headaches and other aches. You only need a few doses of Green's August Flower, in liquid form, to make you sat isfied there is nothing serious the mat ter with you. For sale by the R. B. Loryea Drug Store, Isaac M. Loryea, Propr.a The less hair a woman has the more time it takes her to do it up. 3,,g TeKind You HaveAw Bought The things that go without saying must have escaped feminine attention, when you feel that life Is hardly worth the candle take a dose of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. They will cleanse your stomach. tone up your liver and regulate your bowels. making you feel like a new man. For sale at The R. B: Loryea Drug Store. Isaac M. Loryea. Prop. The most curious thing in the world is a woman who is not curious. p Stops the Cough and Works off the Cold. Laxative Bromno-Quinine Tablets cure a cold in one day. No Cure, No Pay. Price 25 conts, It isn't always the brightest girl that cat the most reflections. 3,,,eTheKind You Have Al ways Bought A bridle for a woman's tongue is a necessar'y part of har31 harness. You know What You Are Taking When you take Grove's Tasteless Chill Tronie because the formula is plainly printed on every bottle showing that it is simphlly Tr'on and Quinine in a To remove a troublesome corn or bunion: First soak the corn or bunion In warm water to soften It. then pare it down as closely as possi ble without drawing blood and apply Chamber lain's Pain Balm twice daily. rubbing vigor ously for five minutes at each application. A Corn plaster should be worn for a few days. to protect it from the s-hoe. As a general liniment for sprains, bruises, lameness and rheumatism. Pain Balm is unequaled. For sale at The R. B. Loryca Drug Store. Isaac M. Loryea. Prop. When marriage brings a woman to the washtub, she has a right to call it a labor union. You can't afford to risk your life by allowing a cough or a cold to develop into pneumonia or eonsumllption. One Minute Cough Cure will cure throat and lung troubles quicker than aniy other preparation known. M1any doe tots use it 1,s a stecific for grippe. It is an infallible remedy for croup. (hil lren like it and mothers endorse it. The I. B. Lorvea Drug Store. Isaac M. L' ryea. Pr1(op. The State of Mat.rimony is one of the United Stiates even if it isn't on 11 e muap. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of A woman who drinks in order to share her husband's load, is wasting her sympathy. Sneeze and Blow. That is what you must do when you have ca tarrh in the head. The way to cure this dis ease is to purify the blood with Hood's Sarsap arilla. This medicine soothes and heals the in flamed surfaces, rebuilds the delicate tissues and permanently cures catarrh by expelling from the blood the scrofulous taints upon which it depends. Be sure to get Hood's. The non-irritating cathartic-Hood's Pills. Flatter a woman and she will love you. Pity her and she will hate you. c.A 3 T O RIA.. g, n, The Kind You Hae Always Bought Signatue of DeWitt's Little Early Risers are the best liver pills ever made. Easy to take and never gripe. The R. B. Lor yea Drug Store, Isaac M. Loryea, Pror. WOMAN'S TROUBLES AND FEMALE DISEASES CURED BY Johnston's Sarsaparilla QUART BOTTLES. Painful and Suppressed Menses, Ir regularity, Leucorrhea, Whites, Steril ity, Ulceration of the Uterus, change of life, in matron or maid, all find re lief, help, benefit and cure in JOHNS. TON'S SARSAPARILLA. It is a reat panacea for all pain or headache abo. the top or back of the head, distrece ing pain in the left side, a disturbed.1 condition of digestion, palpitation e the heart, cold hands and feet, nerv ousness and irritation, slee casness, muscular weakness, beei ag-,ian pains, backache, legache, irriaa - tion of the heart, shortness of breath.. abnormal discharges, with estremely painful menstruation, scalding of urin.a swelling of feet, soreness of the breasta. neuralgia, uterine displacement and catarrh, and all those symptoms and troubles which make the average wryi man's life so miserable. MICHIGAN DRUG CO., Detroit, Ifitha. W, M. BB00KINTON, Manning, S, C, jExtract of Lemon SMADE FRlOM Messino Lemons. The Delight of Housekeeprers, b . 03IRhme, Summerton, 5. C. FURNITURE -: -- CHINAWARE. 3 ARTHU BEUITZER, SUMTER, - - S. C. + Direct from the factories SI have no0w on hand the most comnplete stock of Fur -g Sniture I have ever carried. Bed Room and ~ Parlor Suits SAttractive and cheap. % I am also handling a Sbeautiful lot of CHINA AND I S GLASSWARE. SWhen in Sumter it will pay you to visit my Furni-6 ture Parlors. Arthur Belitzer, MONACHAN BLOCK, SUMTER, - S. C. One of the First Symptoms of Failing Health in a Woman Is SNERVOUSNESS Did you ever think that there is always a cause for this malady? In women Nervous. ness is generally the forerunner of some form of female disease, such as Whites, Painful, Profuse or Irregular Menses, etc., - either of which will produce Nervousness in all of its distressing intensity. If you use 'Gerstle's Female Panacea TAD( G.F ) MARK. you will very soon be cured of Nervous. ness and all other female troubles as well. If costive, move the bowels with mild doses of St. Joseph's Liver Regulator. I HAVE SUFFERED FOR YEARS With Painful menses, attended with sour stomach, rushing of blood to the head. and occasional whites. 1 also have severe nervous spells and heart Palpitation sa bad I cannot rest. I have used various female remedies for a long time but found no relief until about two months n!o. when I commenced using your Gerstle's Female Panacea and ST. JOSEPH'S LIVER REGULATOR, and they are doing me more good than all others. I shall continue their use. Glenmore. Ga. MRS. SARAH JENKINS. If youi- case is complicated, write us and we will give you full in formation regarding the use of this medicine. Get it from your drug gist. If he does not keep it send us $1 and we will send a bottle, all charges paid. L. UERSTLE & CO.. Chattanooga, Tenn. Sold The I, Loryea Drg Ron, saac ) ,area, drop, Your Head Aches To=day. It is a small matter; but it ached two days ago, and again a week ago. You are acquiring a habit of headache. That must be stopped. The trouble is with your liver. You want a mild lax ative, and then a tonic to stimulate the appetite and make the blood rich and pure. Ask y 'ur 7KM t druggist for .iyn1Egg U ANDTONIC PEL.ETS. For sale by THE R. B. LORYEA DRUG STORE. Why Do We Advertise? We must keep ourselves before the public. We want them to know that we have just received One car Horses, One car Wagons, One One car Lime, and Two Horse, One car Hay, One car Oats. All of which will be sold low for cash. Our two cars of Buggies are not in yet, but they will soon be. We have some on hand, however. Call and see them. We will also soon have another car Wagons. We are going to keep the ball moving. Another car Mules next week. H. HARBY. Sumter, S. C., October 27, 1900. .- F~A LL -: ANNOUNCEMENT I..O ToOrrienl ac Pt We have exceeded our usual forts to put be- 2 Sfore you this season the most carefvy selected stock Sof desirable mnerchanidise that h;' ever been our Spleasure to display to you over o' counters. Pains or Egense in the Selectial of Our SStock. Our buycrs have bin New York during the Swhole seaso~n and we c. safely promise if you in Sspect our ]ine of SDRY GOODS, NfIONS, CARPETS,;LJOAKS, SHOES, CLOTFNG AND GROCERIES, Y ou will be more an satisfied and be amply rep)aid _ for your timei thusxpended. Watch thispace; from time to time) we will e quote you prie onl new and~ desirable articles of 3 jmerchandise tft will mear big~ money savers for SOtl HE MES J~B W ~ 'Neatly and at~ OffiDoes '' ~ - Lowest Prices. I Have What You Want to Eat. / F. 'ZCKER CHEESE E. COPY ~ E N7001cE /NE 5 OUR HORN ,F PLENTY THOMAS NIMMER. Agent for Clarendon and Williamsburg Counties for the celebrated Dust Proof Floor Dresser. YOU CAN'T GO WRONG By trading at the Jenkinson Dry Goods Store, for you are always treated right, and what is better still, you can always find the largest assortment to select from and the latest styles in every thing are always shown at this store. Latest Style Dress Goods. Fine Melrose Black Dress Goods, 38 inches wide, only........................$1 Fine Black Henrietta, 38 to 46 inches wide, at 35, 50, 75c, $1.25 and $1.50 per yd A beautiful line of Dress Patterns, no two alike, at 50, 75c, $1 and $1.25 per yd Black Pebble Cheviot Skirting...........................$1 and $125 per yd Plaid Back Skirting, the latest thing out, at..........$1.25 and $1.50 per yd In short, we have the largest and best selected line of Fine Dress Goods and Trimmings of any house in the county and our prices are always the lowest. Ladies, you will make a grave mistake if you buy your winter dress before you see our nice line of Dress Goods. DOMESTIOS. A large lot of good Calicos, only..................................3}c per yd A large lot of very nice Standard Prints, ofily..... ...... .44c per yd while they last. Call quick and secure some of these splendid values. Good Sea Island Homespuns for Quilt and Comfort Linings, only....31c per yd 600 rolls Cotton Batting, only.....................................10c per roll You can't afford to card bas when you can get the Cotton Batting in rolls at lOc that always sold at 124cper roll. Splendid grade Mattress Ticting, only..................:............5}e per yd Better grade at............................6}, 7, 8, 9 and 10c Feather Ticking (the bestlat.................................15 and 20c per yd . large lot of Jeans at .... - - - - - - - - . ............12k, 15, 20 and 25c per yd Housefurnishing Qoods. 4. beautiful line of NVhite Bed Spreads at........$.1, $1.25, $1.50 and $2 each Blankets and comforts in all prices and grades. elargest line d Rugs to be found in this town from.................25e up If you needs nice Carpet for church or dwelling just give us a look and we will suit you,. Will have the carpet made ready to go down on your floor. Also a full line of fharpet Linings, Mattings and Floor Oil Cloths at all prices. We make very clsse prices on Carpets for churches. Our line of Art Squares and Crumb Cloths has no equal in this town. We. keep a fulllfine of these goods in all styles and grades. A beantiful line of Fancy Table Covers. Shoes! Shoes! Shoes! The time has come now when you must buy Shoes, and the best Shoes are ;ays the cheapest. We don't care where you go, but it will be a very hard ~ter for you to find a better line of Shoes than we are selling. Our line of Black Bottom Godman Shoes for Ladies', Boys and Children has equal in this town. Those who have worn the Godman Shoes know we are * ing facts when we say they are the best. Our line of Ladies' Pebble Grain Shoes in Button and Lace at $1.10 per pair, solid, is certainly good values for the money. Gent's Heavy Oil Grain Shoes at $1.25, the best. Gent's nice All Solid Dress Shoes in Lace and Congress at $1.25 will aston sh you when you see how nicely they are gotten up. When you need Shoes call and see us, we'll do you good. Millinery! Millinery! Ladies, you must not forget that our Millinery Department is one of the argest in the county and the equal in point of styles and prices with anything n the State. We keep right up with the styles in this department and are dways ready to show you the latest styles at the lowest prices. Oh, have you seen the latest things our Miss Coppedge has to show you in 3elts? Call and see them. Clothing! Clothing! If you need a nice Suit of Clothes or a nice Overcoat you could not do better han to get one of our nice Suits or Overcoats. We will sell them to you very lose. Nice Overcoats from $5 to $12.50. Large line of Boys' Knee Suits from 75c per Suit up. The largest and heapest line of Boys' Knee Pants in town. An inspection of our goods and rices will convince you of this fact. In conclusion, we only ask that when you are in need of anything in Dry ~oods, Dress Goods, Fine Millinery, Shoes or Clothing, you must not forget enkinson, the FARMER LAD FROM CLARENDON. W. E. JENKINSON. We Are Not Advertising tut we want to tell you a thing or two, and to tell you that we know where the 'ree of Bargains grows and the fruit on that tree is RIPE NOW. There is but ne of these trees in Manning and that is in the NEW YORK RACKET STORE. Mern d, are you one who has carelessly allowed yourself to drift from eeadteeand then fall in where you happen to see something you want? re you one of the kind that go to the wrong place because you did not know 1e better place? Do you trade with "Bud Smith" or "Son Williams" just be tuse you have known him, or because you came from the same p lace and were iared up together? Do von trade with "Cousin Jim" because he is "kin " to u? Or "'Uncle Bill " because you have always traded with him and didn't now the price of the same goods at other places? Is this your case, my friend? If this is the way you trade, my friend, let me advise you to come. to our ore, where the Tree of Bargains grows, and They Are Ripe Now. Hlave you any regard for your pocket-book or for the beginning or contin mece of your happy domestic relations? We cannot boast of being reared up with any of you, or being a Clarendon )uth, but we claim to sell you goods at a saving of 25 per cent cheaper than sewhere, regardless of the long acquaintances. One of our competitors says we don't sell anything but trash, but that is his, d cry. He can't sell a pair of shoes or a hat or dress without saying some iing mean a bout his competitors, but we all know him, and if what he says is ue My! My! ain't there lots of tr-ash worn and sold here? If everybody in the hole country did not know him and know how much of what he says to be ave we would say more. But, friends, don't forget the TREE OF BARGAINS. We live by our trade and for our trade. Yours for bargains, A CKET - STORE, S. I. TILL. Proprietor.