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LOUIS AppE'LT, J3ditO1. MAN ING C=. S.c OCT. 10. 1900. PUBLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY. , R..II:R IPLO RATES: .5Oe er............................ .......1 50 Vii months.................... Four cionth ....................... ADVERTISING RATES: one s1tare, one time. 1: each subsequent in r rion. . cents. Obituaries and Tributes of ,Reect charged for as regular advertisements. Liberal contracts made for three, sit and twelve non ths. Communications must be acconipanied by the real name and address of the writer in order to receive attention. No communication of a personal character will be published except as an advertisement. Entered at the Postoec at Manning as Sec ond Class matter. Copies of tik paper'.may be found on file at n ashrton in the ofilce of our special corres pondent. E. U. Sij,.ers. :'1 F street. N. ?V.. Washif m:Qi. D. C. OUR STANDARD-BEARERS. For President: WILLIAM JENNINGS BRYAN, OF NEBRASKA. For Vice-President: ADLAI E. STEVENSON, OF ILLINOIS. PREACHERS vs. MINISTERS. Ex-Rev. G. Walt Whitman, re cently a candidate for governor, was arrested in his home town one day last week and fined $25. for carrying a concealed weapon and disorderly conpuct. Mr. Whitman was at one time a re spected member of the South Carolina Conference, he was then a minister of the gospel, and stationed in Manning, but he got to tampering with politics and other things and the consequence is, that he no longer expounds the divive law from the sacred desk, and he has become a nuis ance. Many of our readers will re member another preacher who at one time lived in the Salem section of this county, how he got to messing with politics, and how his usefulness vanished like a mist before the burning rays of the sun. We have never yet known of a preacher fooling with politics, but that it had the effect of destroying him. We do not regard every preacher a minis ter of the gospel; there are some preachers serving the Devil in the livery of heaven, but minis ters of thle gospel, are men con secrated to teach and -make hap py: ministers of the gosgel do not turn a deal ear to the appeal of a fevered parched tongue that sends its faint moan from the crevices of a hut, nor do they indulge in worldly pleasures while the poor of their congre gations are suffering for want of spiritual attentention. A preach er in polites is a politician, a preacher at the race track is a sport, a preacher at the gambling table is a gambler, and a preach er aiding and encouraginag in making strife is a dangerous man in a community. Ministers find their minds, hands, and hearts full in looking after the flocks whom God hath entrusted to them, they have no time for politics except to vote as citizens, they feel it incumbent upon them to see after those who need light and benevolence, the~y burn the midnight lamp "searching the Scriptures" as they are com manded, for the gospel truths, and they do not spend their time catering and toading around the prominent and wealthy members of their con gregation. Had Mr. Whitman been steadfast he would to day be a beloved pastor of some church, and with his ability he could have been instrumental in shaping the spiritual course of thousands of souls, but he got to messing in politics and becoming infatuated with its exciting al lurements, he cast his God aside and his soul, oh! well, preachers and politics should not mix. The Greenville News has not found out that the primary is over, for it keeps right on "chewin'" the liquor soaked Governor McSweeney's prompt action in sending troops to Georgetown is deserving of the highest praize. The soldiers going there *vith such a short notice opened the eyes of that ignorant horde of blacks who believed that the rice fields about Georgetown was the whole world. The threatened outbreak at Georgetown is an object lesson for other towns that are without a millitary protection, and it should have the effect of causing the General Assembly to be more liberal towards the militia. The fact of a company being in a community has a very peaceful effect and no town of any size should be without one. We be lieve the General Assembly should enact a militia law whicli would induce our young men to take an interest in the milhitary; it is the best and cheapest police The appeal to reason publish ed in Girald Kansas in its issue of October 6th, publishes a full text of the South Carolina dis pensary law. Kansas will drop her prohibition falacy and adopt a liquor selling regulation found ed on practical season such as the dispensary law of this State. Notwithstanding the fact that months ago it was declared that the war in the Philippines was over, the news comes across the ocean of a whole company of the 29th infantry having been swal lowed as if the earth opened and took them in. The war in the Philippines continues right on in spite of the reports from Wash ington, and we fear that the Un ited States will realize a repeti tion of Spain's experience. Peo ple who fight for home and fire side do not give up on the ap pearance of an enemy; they fight to the death. Spain fought to subdue the Fillipinos for over a hundred years, and when Dewey entered Manila bay, the Spanish government was where it had started-had accomplished noth ing more than the loss of thous ands of precious lives. We are almost in the same fix, we not only have lost very many loyal American citizens, but we have paid $20,000,000 for the privilege of losing very many more, if this fanatical attempt to shoot reli gion into heathen continues. Trade may follow the flag some day, but at present death and destruction have followed in the wake of that emblem of liberty, and we see no sign of a rift in the black cloud. Deafness Cannot be Cured by local applications, as they cannot reach the diseased portion of the ear. There is only one way to cure deafness, and that is by constitu tional remedies. Deafness is caused by an in flamed condition of the mucous lining of the Eustachian Tube. when this tube gets inflam ed you have a rumbling sound or imperfect hear ing. and when it is entirely closed deafness 4c the result. and unless the inflammation can be taken out and this tube restored to its normal condition,hearing will be destroyed forever: nine cases out of ten are caused by catarrh. which is nothing but an inflamed condition of the mu cous surfaces. We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of Deafness (caused by catarrh) that can not be cured by Hail's Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars, free. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo. O. Sold by druggists. 75c. Hall's 'Family Pills are the best. The fellows that play policy have nothing but money-in their dreams. Volcanic Eruptions Are grand. but skin eruptions rob life of joy. Bucklen's Arnica Salve, cures them: also old running and fever sores. ulcers. boils, felons. corns, warts. cuts. bruises. burns, scalds, chap ped hands chilblains. Best pile cure on earth. Drives out pains and aches. Only s5c. a box. Cure guaranteed. Sold by The R. B. Loryea Drug store - When a married man gets his hair cut, his wife loses her strongest hold on him. _______ --For three days and nights I suffered agony untold from ani attack of cholera morbus brought on by eating cucumbers." says M. E. Lowther, clerk of the district court. Centerville. Iowa. --I thought I should surely die, and tried a dozen different medicines but all to no pur pose. I sent for a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic. Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy and three doses relieved me entirely." Tnis remedy is for sale by The R. B. Loryea Drug Store. Isaac M. Lor yea. Prop. Soft answers do not turn away the wrath caused by the use of soft coal. It Happened in a Drug Store. One day last winter a lady came to my drug store and' asked for a brand of cough medicine that I did not have in stock," says Mr. C. R. Grandin, the popular druggist of Ontario. N. Y. She was disappointed and wanted to know what cough preparation I could recommend. I said to her that I could freely recommend Chamberlain's Cough Remedy and that she could take a bottle of the remedy and after giv ing it a fair trial if she did not find it worth the money to bring back the bottle and I would re fund the price paid. In the course of a day or two the lady came back in company with a friend in need of a cough medicine and advised her to buy a bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. 'I consider that a very good recom mendation for the remedy." It is for sale by The R. B. Loryea Drug Store. Isaac M. Loryea. Prop. Indulgent mothers are the ones that permit their children to annoy other people. C A Su T O __ Z A. Beam The Kind You Have Always Bought Famliarity breeds contempt, and contempt for housework breeds bed bugs. When you cannot sleep for coughing. it is hardly necessary that any one should tell you that you need a few doses of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy to allay the irritation of the throat, and make sleep possible. It is good. Try it. For sale by The R. B. Loryea Drug Store, Isaac M. Loryea. Prop. Little girls should never tell stories. They are apt to grow up and become lady novelists. Question Answered. Yes, August Flower still has the lar gest sale of any medicine in the civil ized world. Your mothers and grand moters never thought of using any thing else for Indigestion or Bilious ness. Doctors were scarce and they seldom heard of Appendicitis, Nervous Prostration or Heart failure, etc. They used August Flower to clean out the system and stop fermentation of undi gested food. regulate the action of the liver, stimulate the nervous and organic action of the system, and that is all they took when feeling dull and bad with headaches and other aches. You only need a few doses of Green's August Flower, in liquid form. to make you sat isfied there is nothing serious the mat ter with you. For sale by the R. B. Loyea Drug Store. Isaac M. Loryea, ropr.a A girl is called a miss becau~se she an seldom hit anything she throws at. Keep Quiet and use Chamberlain's Colic. Cholera and Diar rama Remedy for all pains of the stomach and all unnatural'looseness of the bowels. It always cures. For sale by the R. B. Loryea Drug Store. Isaac M. Lor3-ea. Propr. [janlay A girl always likes for- a man's love to have the engagement ring of sincer ity -___ ___ .--.. For sprains. swelUnas and lameness there is nohing so :;ood as Chamberlain's Pain Balm. T it. For sale by The IR. 13. Loryea Drug Store. Isaac M. Loryea. Prop. A clever girl is one that knows what a man means when he says that he don't mean. When a girl acts naughty at school, the rest of the girls say she acts just A HEALTHY BRIDE IS A HAPPY ONE. VERY woman is under obligations to herself and the man she mar ries to be in the most healthycon - dition possible. She should be free of all female diseases and menstral irreg ularities, because the condition of the wife makes or mars the home. Don't delay because you dread to consult a doctor, for a consultation is unnec & essary. Get afew bottles of p Oi'i1QFEMALE U GR$Lie' 0PANACEA I Trde (G, 31. P.)arr. f -- and treat yourself in the privacy of your home. It will cure you. If there is any costiveness or indigestion, re / move it with a few mild doses of St. Joseph's Liver Regulator. Write us, m .~if your case is complicated, and we will rr- -,-c-instruct you, free of charge, how to use these famous remedies. MY WIFE HAS SUFFERED FROM WOMB TROUBLES *For more than eleven years. and has tried everything she could get, as well as several doctors, but nothing did her any good. Last spring I commenced giving her Gerstle's Female Panacea which gave immediate relief and benefited her greatly at her monthly periods. W. E. TUIGER. St. Stephens. Ala. L. GERSTLE & CO., Proprietors, Chattanooga, Tenn. Your Head Aches To=day. It is a small matter; but it ached two days ago, and again a week ago. You are acquiring V " a habit of headache. That must be stopped. The trouble is with your liver. You want a mild lax ative, and then a tonic to stimulate the appetite and make the blood rich and pure. Ask your ,ANbhEucPELES dggitfrorRA. y pis GyD70NIC PNllE5. For sale by THE R. B. LORYEA DRUG STORE. Jury List. Court convenes October 15th and the following are the jurors drawn to GOOD to serve: Daniel Mims............... Seloc . H. Horton...... ....Davis Station H. A. Hodge...........Davis Station C. M. Young........ ...........Seloc E. R. Plowden, Jr. .. .....Manning J. W. Gibbons..............New Zion L. B. Gibbons..............New Zion J. R. Dysoo. ..... ......Manning Every bottle you take of Johnston's R. E. Smiling...............New Zion Sarsaparilla means better health, J. H. Eadon........... Davis Station and every bottle contains a full J. J. Caraway...................Seloc quart. Itmakes better blood-purer L. N. Richbourg......... .Panola blood. For thirty years this famous N. L. Caraway. .... ....Packsville remedy has been creating and main. R. J. Coskrey............Summerton taming good health. R. C. Plowden... ..........Jordan W. H. Gaillard....... .....DuRants John tof's D. F. Lide.... ....... ...Clarendon J. D. Ellen..... .... ......-Wilson J. L. Gowdy ... .......... .. Seloc D. F. Mahoney............ Silver John S. Watt............Summerton builds up the system, tones the J. G. Plowden.... ..........Manning nerves, and strengthens the muscles J. E. Kennedy............. .eloc more promptly and effectually than W. T. P. Sprott.......... ..Foreston any other remedy known. The pallor of the W. P. Roberts.... ....... ..Foreston cheek disappears, energy takes the place of R. R. Tomlinson.. .......Turbeville languor, ad the rich color of health flows to D. M. Bradham........... .Manning the cheeks. Unequalled for all disorders of the W. T. Costin.......... ....Oakland stomach and liver. and for all weakening com J. E. Tobias.................Foreston plaints of men, women and children. J. C. Dennis.............. Turbeville'wetw. reSLO0pvtaiiqwtb~i.. C. T. Ridgeway.............Foreston E. J. Buddin.... ..........New Zion J. Smith.............. . Turbeville 1W M BROCK N n n I'. G. Gamble...........Turbeville j'' C. B. Aycock.....,..Davis Station-______________ J. A. Lowder....... .....Manning Bim rcksIon Nerve ~a o ie was the result of his splendid health. In - omitable will and tremendous energy are not found where stomach, liver, kidneys and bowelsTeaursOfce are out of order. If you want these Qualities Cut and the success they bring. uaso Dr. Kings NewCaedoCuny " Life Pills. They develop every power of brain Mnig .COtbr8 90 and body. Only 25c. at The R. B. Loryea Drug Tetxboswl eoe o h Store. ' llcinotxefothfsaly. STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, anoe ni h 1tdyo e County of Clarendon. peatof1pece.atchsoal COURT OF COMMON PLEAS. Tefloigi h a ey arrie Childers,Margarette E. Sweat, FrCntttoa colTx he Joseph H. Childers and Mary Janemil(3.FrodnyCutyTx Chil ders, Plaintiffs, fu il 4.Ttl 2mls againstSpcatw ()milScolT, Susan Emmna Childers and Levi Liv- Ttl 4mls ingston Childers, Defendants. Spcathe(3milSholT, Decree of Partition.Sholisrc ."1"Tta,1 UNDER AND BY VIRTUE OF A Seilfu 4 il colTx Decretal Order of the Court of Com- colDstit o 7, 9""0 mon Pleas, in the above stated ae- ad"2"Ttl 6mls tion, to me directed, bearing date of Seiloe()ml colTx June 5th, 1900, I will sell at pub.-colDsrc o 2. oa,1 lic auction, to the highest bidder for mls ash, at Clarendon Court House, at Eeyml iie ewe h Manning, in said county, within theagsotwnynendixyer, legal hours for judicial sales, on Mon-expthseicabeoernga day, the 5th day of November, 1900,supr 'mbig ameorfo being salesday, the following de- ohrcueadecp hs h scribed real estate:arno exmtb lwslle All that tract or parcel of land sit-demdtxbepls uated in the County of Clarendon, Thla reiestatCmu State aforesaid, on Deep Creek, con-tinRaTxshlbepdfrte taning sixty-five acres and boundedsuceigya'wnStead on the north by lands of the estate Cut ae r ad n ni f J. M. Sprott, formerly lands ofFeray1t19. rs. Elizabeth Hodge; on the eastS.JBO MN by land of the estate of Ridgeway TraueClednCoty and lands of others; on the south by lands of I. A. Haley, and on the west partly by lands of Mrs. Margarette Hodge, and partly by the waters of Deep Creek." 'T h!T T Purchaser to pay for stamp and 1'INI papes. J. H. TIMMONS,CHiNX' XIL Clerk of Court Common Pleas. T T 1T n Manning, S. C., October 19, 1900. [30-4t That ATU EIZR Vulnerable SME,--S Spot.? '' Achilles was a Greek. He niueIhv eercred w'as bomb-proof everywhere except in his heel, but that R o n one weak point was the death and devoted his entire atten- 2A A L~LA) tion to the heel, and it was aciell cep up with Achilles. At Beware of little vulnerablels nd1i spots. Trifles make perfection ~batfllto and the little things in oursck-tehig dfern CHN A D and better than those you get elsewhere-are the things we 2G A S A E depend upon to keep your We i utr twl We~ issue a Ipyyut ii yFri MONTHLY2tuePro. PRICE LIST 2 That has been aptly described ~A tu eiz r by an enthusiastic lady cus tomer as the little School Mas-unua te fthe Grocer-yBuies Hvyornme put on ourIT R - .C - malinglistand we'll gladi WELC & ESONHEALTHI Everibotleayu taeoofJohnron' CHALEONS.C.Sadrsapar00a meas Deit. elh and everyabotte cnainsa ul _________________blod othizrty ea saous Brig yur ob orkto he ime ofice j ainin goodm helh " THERE ARE NO TRUSTS," Says Mark Hanna. "TRADE FOLLOWS THE FLAG," Says McKinley. Sof TIE LEVI BROTHER Sumter Ilaven't the time to investigate either of these assertions. thly are too busy handling the tremendous amount of cotton that is flowing into Sumter by reason of the high prices paid. This firm is largely responsible for the great influx of the fleecy staple to Sumter, by offering a better price than the producers can get elsewhere. Their stock of DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, SHOES, HATS & GROCERIES Is in keeping with their advanced methods of doing business. In this establishment everything is measured by business rules, and no customer is permitted to go away displeased. For many years the Clarendon farmers have made their headquarters with us and have given us a large share of pat ronage. REMEMBER That we do not permit any house in Sumter to undersell us, and that our stock of General Merchandise was never more complete. We ask our friends in Clarendon county, when they come to the Sumter market to buy, to make an inspection of our immense stock which was selected with great care in the very best markets. -Don't forget that we pay the very top prices for cotton. Levi Bros., Sulmter, : : : S- C yTTHWTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTWWTTTTWWHYVWuNTTTWTTTTWVTTTTTWWTTY1WWWTWWV~lWWWWTWT To :O.r FALLnd and Pa----4 We aveexcede ou usal ffots o pt b foreyouthisseaon te mst creflly eleted toc thetSeein&o Sons. Stock. p2pp**O _ Our byershave een n Ne Yorkdurig -th You wille moeceede ourtisuand efrst aput eid Sfore you time tsxe ndted.s aeul slce tc ~ fdsbemerchandise that has en i moeyvers four yopeauret.ipa oyuoe u ones We HaeR Sae no THE HOUSEKEEPER CAN GET HER NEEDS SUPPLIED AT THE STORE OF THOMAS NIMMER. :0: We keep a first class line of Staple and Fancy Groceries and take special pride in selecting the many delicacies and condiments so essential for the making up of a good meal. Our line of Canned Goods and Pickles are superior to any in town. We keep the best of CANDIES, CRACKERS, CAKES, FRUITS, NUTS AND VEGETABLES And we also handle a full line of Fancy Goods and Novelties. Come and take a look at our new line of Glass and Chinaware. We have some very pretty, useful and ornamental articles in these lines. We are here to please our trade and ask that the trading pub lic generally will visit our store. THOMAS NIMMER. Harris Lithia Waterm. Contains more Lithia than other Lithia spring water in America, which is shown by the noted chemist, Dr. Doremus of New York. Read what Dr. A. N. Talley, Sr., and Dr. J. M. Kibler have to say for HARRIS LITHIA WATER: After a long and varied experience I have prescribed "Harris Litbia in the use of mineral waters from Water" in my practice, and am de manysoucesbot foeignanddo-lighted with it in those cases in which. manyit is indicated. In all those condi mestic, I am fully persuaded that the tions in which there is uric acid in Harris Lithia Water possesses efficacy the system, in gouty and rheumatic in the treatment of afflictions of the diathesis. in cystitis and endocervi Kidn andthe lader uequaledcitis, causing painful micturition, in Kidney and the Bladder unequallrenal dropsy and dyspepsia, due to by any other Water of which I have torpid liver or constipation, I have made trial. found the best results from this mi This opinion is based upon obser- eral water. Indeed, it may be used to advantage in any case in which its vation of its effects upon my patients formula may suggest itself, especially for the past three years,during which when Litbia is indicated. I recoin time I have prescribed it freely and mend it to the public, and believe most uniformly with benefit in the there is no superior Lithia Water in medical maladies above mentioned. this country. A. N. TALLEY, M. D. J. M. KIBLES; M. D. Columbia, S. C., October 8, 1892. Newberry, S. C., Sept. 9, 1893. The Hotel is Now Open for Guests With all modern improvements, Electric Lights and you can get the Hot Lithia Baths in the Hotel. Come to the Springs and get well, HairisLithn Waihter isu Cid.i FosleatThhReB soyem, Dru toadremti DONOiAKtiEPsOOS NOR n aiflmcurtoi DOrd NOTe MAr contiatOOD, IBhaT Our goods are as goodna theyloagoda besath ares from s 0in to 0 pr cntheaer hanothr pace.tou ang inuay godaose at whiht prics al thetim:yocanbuyfargormsat airpie sogeties, butecialy fromthai ndctd Ircm Smend ILL' Raktpulcan Stoeliv Our Mlliney Opeingwsaer ises w soldriore than weater finstTrmmita, t has Octoer com Souh,2. o Newrrk an se is 189n8.l th lasyles nde imakoento EhctiaLgts alk.Swhnd you wan t h o HarrstLih HateC. Le smk for yoae fo a e not goin Lorya newug a Sthieasn OuWooae wat your Masliney andk Dres goods ade 'an the arest atrma2, btoprk cent sheaper trhangs with prices, wil enanbeu oo plese yohig prics al thetimeyoucan ur fir owd tf prices sm iebtol S. I. TILL RacketiStor Can ou uyoodgoodsS C TOR CES ALL TE TIE. OuM Mlnern eing a rdcs;wa odre Ias This stabelised hanw tae spcialmprdiu and conhvenetlythe pine uilding tand ful equippoed uthmNwr anese is ton meet the raequieetyls and mands o thir hey akitfo you atIo tou he otowingobyanwthi seasonabeln , betM okmstsyL SUPPLIE, ngsA ITTINGS, BELIN, wileal Is easeyo. S. AN. MILL, PrOS riDETLES POCETCUTEYASETCIAORY, SUUESSRGT AND W.NAGOLL.RIL HANES SDLLETHE & ANSRPIS Mannamm ardarent. Is Pnwtbhe in 5-yer arnte.odints and tonveioexya pe ointe builintgo anfly eupse wil dowll inquise inckto te thereits emnths and ead.o hiptos DEERNNINGRSAN HAYRDWARES,