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he pantiit Kimes. Publishes All County and Town Of ficial Advertisements. MANNING. s. C.. AU(;. 19O0. Some Trade Bargains. Our entire line f crockery and Glassware at cost. A large lot of Summer Calicoes at 4e: re duced from 5c. Summer t'ndervest' for Ladit' and Gent" very cheap. The large:st line of Gent's Collars and Cu: in town at the lowest price:. That famous ' h:rand t 'oliar has no equal. GRAM -- Z0 Oar et re line of Laie- ad Ch'ti- Ox ford Ties at reduced price.. When you want Dry ov.od. remember that the Jenkin.on Dry Go'd' Store keep' a full line of seasonae \ Good, .. i: 1ock at all seasons of the vear. W. E. .ENKINSON. Notice is hereby given that no advertise ments will be changed in this paper where the copy is brought in later than Saturday noon. The county campaign begins at Pine wood next Monday. A 1.30 mule belonging to M1r. .1. F. Bradham died today. How about a Lemon Phosphate now at Brockinton's Fount. Died last Wednesday near Paeksville Mrs. W. H. Bradham. Mr. A. B. Galloway of Clinton spent last Monday in Manning. Grape Juice deliciously refreshing at Brockinton's Soda Fount. The Presbyterian pulpit was tilled by its new pastor last. Sunday. Last Friday the Mahoney family spent the day near Tindall's mill pic nicking. Brockinton's Soda Water. Bright. sparkling, cold and refreshing. The ground for the Farmers Cotton Oil Mill at Davis Station was broken yesterday. Miss Mattie Gerald of Camden is in Manning visiting her brother Mr. J. D. Gerald. Soda Water, cold as it ought to be, and sweet as you like it at Brockinton's. Dr. T. J. Davis of Hampton. Va., is on a visit to his father. Hon. C. M. Da vis, at Davis Station. Only three more days and the bar gains'at Kendall's store will be over. Will close Saturday night. Nature's Kidney-Liver Cure at one dollar a bottle. The R. B. Loryea Drug Store. Mr. J. H. Reaves, of Stokes Bridge, was visiting his brother Capt. D. R. Reaves of Sammy Swamp. Mr. E. V. SVebb of Roxboro. N. C., eamne this morning to buy tobacco on this market again this :mason. Compound Fluid Extract Buchu for urinary diseases at .$1 a bottle. The R. B. Lor'yea Drug Store. The parents of the KrasnotT brothers, recentlyv came to America from Rus sia. arrived in Manning this morning. If you don't feel quite well, try a bot tle of Hood's Sarsaparilla. It is a won derful tonic and invigorator. It will help you. Historia or Woman's Frieud at one dollar a bottle. The RI. B. Loryea Drug Store. A 00-iound watermelon is the latest ift to the editor of TriE TIMES and we, are under obligations to Mr. C'. L. Rid gill for it. Rev. James E. Dunlop of Georgetown was in Manning last Monday, on his way to Marion to pay a visit to ('haneel lr Johnson. Pure Apple Vinegar, pure White Wine Vinegar. The R. B. Loryea Drug Store. Those who expect to tratlic in seed cotton this season will have to procure the necesary license from the county superviscr. Manning~ is represented at the Odd Fellows' convention at Greenwood by Rev. J. C. Williams. RI. A. White and S. M. Boston. Chemically pui'e Yeast Powder in one-fourth, one-half and pound pack ages. The I. B. Loryea Drug Store. Protracted services are going on in the Manning Baptist church and the Fellowship church, three miles south west of Manning. When you want a first class sewing machine or machine equipments. go to A. IL Barron's. next door to Rigby 's. Read his ad. in another column. Rubber Rings for fruit jars. Self melting, self-sealing Wax Strings, Seal ing Wax. The R. B. Loryea Drug Store. Mr. A. J. Tindal Jr.. a young farmer living in the Fork. has a cow 22 months of which has never had a calf, and is now giving10) quarts of milk at a milk Mr. Hayne Montgomery of Texas. a brother of the late Robert Montgomery of the Fork, after an absence of forty years is visiting relatives in this and Sumter counties. For pickling and preserving: Tumerie Black Pepper, Red Pepper. Spice. Cloves. Mace. Ginger. Sage. etc.. abso lutely pure. The R. B. Loryea Drug Store. The store of Mr. S. R. ('ole at Sum merton was entered last Wednesday night and about $25~ worth of merchan dise was stolen. The depot was also broken into. The Manning oil mill will have the most modern ginning machinery and will be ready to begin ginning at the opening of the season. which will be in the next few days. DeWitt's Little F-'arly Risers are fa mous little pills for liveir and bo~we troubles. Never gr'ipe. D). 0. Rhame Summeton: Dr. WV. M. Uroctkinton .Ianning. Died last Wednesday at the reside'nce' of Dr. J1. A. Mood in Sumtr an infant child of Dr'. and Mrs. B. M. Badger' of Ma'ion S. C. The r'emamts were~ itr red in Summertu. Wh'len the 'otuty c'andidates igot before' the iteopde, none of thenm should be per' mtted t' go beyond the issues to m+1 eu5s pr'ivate gr'ievances.'. and uo c.andi dat" should be ptermnitted to build hin seli on the demerits of others: mnake them all stick to the issues and puble eords. Tho.c aulrtocating the idea. Iat lt (ispcis.ary should stand, but take awa, the beverage feature. are in league witl the same crowd who want the dispen saay destroyed altoet her. Peter Manning. colored. who was ac cidentally shot about a year ag:o in ti Levi store by Junius Boyd. and thI Wound ilncsi,.itated the amiipumtuitat 0l hi.. arm. die' Ia.t Wednesday. H1mefi OlIi " Antispbtic Skin Soap made'from the fr green leaves o the Ta.niian lblue gul tree. Heal ini. refresling. beautifying . he. R I Lor yea Drug* Store. T'he Co. n.ress.ilolal candidates will be 1at Paksville Thursday of next week and at sunimerton the day after. The arrn0lugemlent is a very awkward one but it is of their ow"nmaking. Mied at Walhalla S. ('.. last Saturday rs. Annie Clarkson, wife of Rev. G F. Clarkson of the South Carolina con ference. The deceased was a neire o M r.. .inits F.. Scott of this town. )ne lMinute Cough ('ure is the onlV ha:tril es remedy that produces immne diate results. Try it. D. 0. Ilhame Summ erton: Dr. 'W. M. Brockinton Mlanning. Candidates who desire to tile pledges while the county chairman is out can vassing can call upon Mr. S. J. Bow man, who is authorized to receive the pledges and receipt for the assess ment fee. Every man who favors the dispensa rv syst'em should be true to his convic tions by voting against any candidate for the legislature who is trying t< sneak in with the elimination of the heverage feature. - H vomei," the new Australian Dry Air treatment for the cure of asthma, bronchitis. catarrh, catarrhal deafness. coughs. colds. croup. hay fever and whooping cough. The R. B. Ioryea Drug Store. Among the candidates for the legisla ture in Richland county. is Mr. Ashby D. MeFaddin formerly of Clarendon. Mr. McFaddin is a young lawyer in Columbia. and a son of Mr. S. J. Mc Faddin of the Fork. We wish him success. C. M. Davis and company. who are soon to open up a first class clothing and gent's furnishing's, including shoes and hat store. have within the past few days hung out a very attractive sign, and they are fast getting their store in shape for business. For burns, injuries. piles and skin diseases use DeWitt's Witch Hazel Sale. It is the original. Counterfeits may be offered. Use only DeWitt's. D. 0. Rhame. Summerton: Dr. W. M. Brockinton. Manning. Mott Gadsden, colored. was accident ally shot and killed by his brother last Wednesday at Mallard's log bed, near J. WV. Cole's. Magistrate Richbourg of Foreston held the inquest and the testi mony warranted the jury's verdict of accidental killing. Candidates. the 13th. inst.. is the very last day for filling pledges and paying the assessment required by the Executive Committee. No votes will be counted for any person whose name is not on the official ticket, and no can didate can have his name put on that ticket if he fails to pay his assessment. On Tuesday night of last week the residence of M1r. John A. Blackwell at Brogdons was entered, and from it was taken a trunk. the contents was emptied in the yard. and the thieves not finding any money did not carry anything off. M1r. W. T. Brogdon who lives near, had an attempt made to burglarize his house the same night. A marked copy of the Houston (Texas) Post has been sent us and we find that Hon. S. W. T. Lanham, a brother of M1r. J. C'. Lanham of Summerton, has been re-nc'.ninated by the Democracy to succeed himself in Congress. M1r. Lanham has served in Congress several terms and is regarded one of the strong est men on the democratic side. We want it distinctly understood that the editor of THE TIMES, is strictly "hands off" in the contests for county offices, and when it comes to voting for members of the legislature, we think the people should elect men who are not antagonistic to each other. Men who are seeking each other's political destruction cannot be of service to the people. The law holds both maker and circu lator of a counterfeit equally guilty. The dealer who sells you a dangerous counterfeit of DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve risks your life to make a little larger profit. You can not trust him. DeWitt's is the only genuine and origi nal Witch Hazel Salve, a well known ure for piles and all skin diseases. See that your dealer gives you DeWitt's Salve. D. 0. Rhame. Summerton: Dr. W. M1. Brockinton, MIanning. Remember there will be no individ ual tickets in the primary: all of the candidates for State otfices will be on one ticket, and all of the candidates for county offices will be on one ticket. The voter will vote one ticket in the State box and one in the county box. The candidates who you do not wish to vote for will have to be scratched out. leaving the names you wish to vote for clear from scratching. We would ad vise the use of a soft lead pencil to do the scratching: ink will blur and may cause a name to be regarded scratched when the voter' did not so intend it. The managers at the clubs should cau tion the voter about this new method of votmni. The County Board of Commissioners met last Satu'rday and the latest report from the county treasurer showed a cash balance on hand of $1.22i22. At the last session of the General Assem bly by joint resolution the supervisor was authorized and required to pay tc M1rs. Kate Tobias. widow of the late Samuel T. Tobias. the sum of 8200. Ac cordingly M1r. WV. J. Turbeville moved that the money be lpaid and the othet two members of the board voted with him. wvhereupon the supervisor dren' his warrant on the treasurer for the amount. Everybody remembers the circumstances of Samuel Tobias' death and Clarendon paying his widow the small sum of $200 has done a worthy deed. one wvhich is indeed appreciated. Bbbitts Chill Pills eurechills and all mnala rial troubles. That is what they were made for Cure after other remedies fail. No cure. no pay Price t15 ets. per bottle. Sold by the R. B3. Lor yea Drug Store. Occasionally a lead five cent piece, 02 a pewter half'dollar makes its appear ance in this town, but lately a couple o counterfeit dollars have been found t< be in cireulation, and the United State: government got wind of it. The con sequence was a very gentiemany officia made his appearance in this town an( before anyone knew what his busines: was he had made a thorough inv'estiga tion. and found that such a thing as. band of counterfeiters did not exts here. but the few fake coins in circuha tion are such as have drifted in fron other places. This official seemed to bi welup inis business and he must be a a fcaracter, for he is a membei of a number of secret orders. and it one especially. he has climbed the top) mosi toun~d. A gecntleman recently cur'ed of dys pepsi a gae the following appropriati renderngr of Burns' famous blessing "Some1 havxe meat and can nlot eat. ah' some have none that want it: btut wvi haveix met and wve can eat.--Kodol Dy~s pepia' ( ure be thanked.' This prepa tion will digest w-hat you eat. It in Istantly relieves and radically cures in diestion and all stomach disorders. D . Rhame, Summerton: Dr. WV. M1 j Bointon. '\annin. . few days *aao we rccived a letter fr'om.n a staeulc citizen of this county in which he said. "I fully agree with you. that no man should be elected to the Legislature whose mind is warped with prejudice against the Senator, because in the nursing of that prejudice he would antagonize and obstruct the Sen ator in all of his movements. especially if the Senator should devise legislation which would popularize him with his constituents. I think your caution a very proper one and its frankness should be admired. Politicians as a general thing are not very frank, they study the art of 'all things to all men:' in other words they avoid saying things which will give their opponents an op portunity to make capital. but I regard your 'word of caution' the utterance of a man who is sincerely laboring to build a reputation by doing good for his con stituents. and taking them into his con fidence. The slimy politician does not do business that way. I wish you much success and sincerely hope the people will not permit themselves to be talked into vot ing against their intere'sts." A Thousand Tongues Could not express the rapture of Annie E. Springer of I1% Howard st.. Philadelphia. Pa.. when she found that Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption had completely cured her of a hacking cough that for many years had made life a burden. All other remedies and doctors could give her no help. but she says of this royal cure. it soon removed the pain in my chest and I can now sleep soundly. something I can scarce ly remember doing before. I feel like sounding its praises throughout the universe." So will every one who tries Dr. King's New Discovery for any trouble of the throat. chest or lungs. Price W0c. and $1. Trial bottles free at the R. B. Loryea drug store: every bottle guaranteed. 5 Monday night about midnight an at tempt was made to burglarize the resi dence of Mrs. S. J. Legg. Mr. W. P. Legg who occupies a room in the rear of the house heard a noise in the yard. and he walked out on the piazza but could see nothing. Walking back, he threw open his room window, and there in the bright moonlight he saw a negro leaning over a box in the yard. Mr. Legg had his pistol in his hand and fired two shots at the man. He then ran out of the house the front way to head the fellow off, and the negro made several attempts to jump the adjoining' fences. Mr. Legg kept chasing his man around the yard and tried to shoot, ordering him to stop, but his pistol got out of working condition and he could not use it. The negro finally made his escape. Mr. Legg says he believes the negro was one of the hands that re cently left his employ and he does not know whether he really wanted to steal or murder. Had his pistol not gotten out of fix he certainly would have killed or captured the scoundrel. The negro suspected by Mr. Legg has been acting in a suspicious manner and on a recent occasion has been seen watching and following him, which makes him be lieve the intention was more to do him bodily harm than to steal. An exami nation was made yesterday morning and it was found that, one of the shots went through the wall fence on the Lor yea side. and the other struck the cor ner of the kitchen. Mr. Legg does not know whether the negro was hit or not. Burs the The Kind You Have Always Bought Sigsature C Don't be Fooled. Watch out for the campaign rumor reporter and maker. It is surprising indeed, how sensible people are influ ence by a report about a candidate. We would advise that no attention what ever be placed in reports about a can didate unless the proof accompanies the report. We once heard of a young man who had always led an exemplary life being induced to become a candidate. He made his announcement and wherever he went the best of encouragement was given him. his opponent started a re port that he had stolen a sheep, and when this report reached the young man'*s ears. he was very much mortified and indignant. He tried to trace the; source of the rumor, but failed and in his dilema he consulted his father who told him to go on and denounce the slander with all the vehemance at his; command. At the next meeting he did as his father said, and his opponent asked if it was not a fact that on a cer tain night a sheep from that neighbor hood was stolen. A farmer in the au: dience replied. "yes, and I am the man that lost the sheep.'' The young can didate was perplexed, and he went home and told his father he would quit the race. The father was surprised and wanted to know why. The son re peated what had taken place at the1 meeting. and the old man said "well suppose a sheep was stolen, that doesn't signify that you are the thief." "~Well father. I know I never stole a sheep, but I was afraid to press the matter for fear that as well as my opponent couldi prove a sheep was stolen, he could just as easy prove that I stole it." This story may never have occurred. but similar things have happened. and: it is always a safe rule in a political con test to believe nothing you hear and about one-half you see. Beware of' character destroyers. A Frightful Blunder Will often cause a horrible burn, scald. cut or bruise. Biucklen's Arnica Salve, the best in the world, will kill the pain and promptly heal it. Cures old sores. fever sores. ulcers, boils. felons. corns, all skin eruptions. Best pile cure on~ earth. Only 25 ets. a box. Cure guaranteed. Sold by the'R. B. Loryea drug store. 1-5 Love is a hallucination that makes an otherwise sane man believe he can set up housekeeping on a gas stcve and a canary bird. It Saves the Children. Chamberlain's Cough Remedv has saved the lives of thousands of croupy children. It Is also without an equal for colds and whooping cough. For sale by the R. B. Loryea Drug Store. Isaac M. Loryea. Propr. ijanlay Honesty may be the best policy, but a life insurance policy is better for' the widow. Rtobert Flournoy, Brickyard, Ala.. wrote: I consider no remedy equal to. Dr. Moffett's TEETHINA (Teething. Powders) for the irritations of teething and the bowel troubles of our Southern country. [2t TOWN ORDiNANCE. An Or'dinance to Amend an Ordinance Entitled "An Ordinance Against Sun-, day Selling." BE IT ORDAINED BY THE lN tendant and Wardens of the Town of' Manning and by authority of the same:' SECTION 1. That the proviso clause' of Section II. (page '74) be repealed, and adopted in its stead a proviso to read as follows: Provided that this Ordinance does not apply to the sale of articles neces sary for burial purposes and medicine: and that the sale of ice and beef be p~er mnitted dur'ing the summer months up to half-past nine o'clock a. mn., and fl'om hlf-pm'~ tive to eight o'clock p. Im.. atrd bet wecen toe morning closing hour ar.a evening hour in cases of sickness. Ratified by Council July 26, 1900. F I ROWN. W. E. BROWN. E.J.BRWErk Intendant. Supervisor's Notice. In accot'dance with instructions of the JTune term of court. parties owningv tel ephone' lines on public i'oads will keel) wires up and not allow same to sag and thereby endanger public travel. By order Board County C'ommission T. C. OWENS. I21-3t1 Chairman. "A Drop of Ink May Make a Million Think." But how are you going to make the million think if you have not the proper Writing Paper to indite your cffusions upon:, We have in stock the largest and most com plete assortment of Writing Paper, Box Paper, Writing Tablets, Ruled and Unruled, Envelopes, Ever offered to the public in Manning. Our patrons are specially invited to inspect our One Pound Extra Quality. 6U Sheets and =A) Envelopes. Cream Wove. Plated Surface. Ruled Bux Paler at the unprecedented low price of :4 Cents a liox. Paul's Inks in Safety Bottles, ONE OUNCE TO ONE QUART. Mucilage. Paste. Violet Ink. Ink and Pencil Erasers. Pens and Pen Holders, all styles. Ink Wells. Pen Racks. Rubber Bands. Marking Pen cils. Lead Pencils, a full assortment of Account Books. Pass Books. Time Books and in fact everything appertaining to the needs of the of fice. the study and the school room. Novels. paper editions. Poets and Fic tion in cloth editions. Books for Boys and Girls. all prices. Cheapest values ever of fered. THE R. B. lRYE DRUG STORE. ISAAC M. LORYEA, Proprietor, Sign of the Golden Mortar, MANNING, S. C. 'HONE NO. 2. 2R HEUMACIDE b - CURES- a RHEUMATISM TO STAY CURED. ..THE MEDICAL WONDER OF THE.. Nineteenth Century. Y A vegetable remedy that positively cures recent and long-standing cases. The greatest blood purifier known. Has the hearty endorsement of leading phv sicians after thorough trial. Cures 98 per cent of the cases treated. SOLD BY THE R. B. LORYEA DRUG STORE. Price $1 per Bottle. R. L. BELL MANNING. S. C.. MANUFACTURER OF Wagons and Log Carts. All work entrusted to me will be done with neatness, despatch and durability and guaranteed. HORSESHOEING A SPECIALTY. Bring on your work. R. L. BELL. Presbyterian College of S. C. Reduced rates to boarding students. Miatriculation fee, Tuition, Room rent, and Board for Collegiate year, to all who can be accommodated in boarding epatment, for $100.00. Good accom odatious, fine moral influences, courses f study leading to B. A. and B. S. de rees, and to graduate work, good com ercial course, full faculty of exper enced teachers. Next session begins September 26, 1900. For catalogue or any information, apply to A. E. SPENCR, Clinton, S. C. SURVEYOR'S CARD. Parties desiring surveys and plats made will receive my most careful and acurate attention. I am supplied with improved instru ments. Address, S. 0. CANTEY. Summerton, S. C. Supervisor's Notice. On account of the bad condition of he public highways, because of recent eavy rains, all road overseers are ereby ordered to warn out road hands ad do such work on their respective rads as is necessary to put them in ood traveling condition. By order T. C. OWENS, 21-2t] Supervisor C. C. POSITIONS GUARANTEED, Under $S,000 Cash Deposit. ORaig year to Both Seges. Very Cheap Soard. AaaaBusiue College I have opened up a Sewing Machine store next door to Mr. S. A. Rigby's general merchandise stor-e August 1st. 1900. I will carry the B1 illi of 8gel Mochlies Made. The new ball-bearing "New Home," the best machine made: also "New Ideal" and "Climax," from $18 to -$40. I sell on Instalment, Easy Payment Plan. I clean and repair any kind of machines for least money possible. (Call and see me. A. I. BARRON, Ag't. The Times DOES NEAT Job Printing. GIVE US A TRIAL. For Sale. Two Second-Hand Gins, Feeders and Condensers, complete, will be sold cheap. They are in good condition. A. L. LESESNE, Manning, S. C. F. RHAME, Jln.. ATTORNEY AT LAw, MANNING, S. C. OSEPH F. RHAME, ATTORNEY AT LAW, MANNING. S. C. DR .J. FRANK GEIGER, DENTIST, MANNING, S. C. ES' CARDS. For Sheriff. MR. EDITOR: Please announce as a candidate for the office of Sheriff of Clarendon County one who has been tried in war aud proven true in peace, the peerless soldier, the sterling friend and citizeu. Col. Harry L. Benbow, and gratify THE VOTERS OF CLARENDON. I hereby announce myself a candidate for the office of Sheriff of Clarendon County, subject to the action of the Democratic primary, and pledge my self to support the nominees of the Democratic party. E. B. GAMBLE. Mr. Editor: Please announce me as a candidate for Sheriff, subject to the rules of the Democratic party. J. H. LESFSNE. I am a candidate for the office of Sheriff under the rules of the Demo cratic party. E. DUDLEY HODGE. Subject to the decision of the Demo cratic primary, I am a candidate for the office of Sheriff. J. ELBERT DAVIS. For Superintendent of Education. I hereby announce myself a candi date for the office of County Superin tendent of Education subject to the rules of the Democratic party.. JEFF M. DAVIS. In announcing my candidacy for re election to the office County Superin tendent of Education, I do so subject to the rules of the Democratic party. L. L. WELLS. To the dear people of Clarendon: I bee to announce my candidacy to the office of Superintendant of Educa tion, subject to the rules of the Demo cratic primary. Of course I make the usual promise, i. e., if elected will serve ,you faithfully. I solicit the support of all tried and true Democrats, which support if given me will be highly ap preciated by Your would-be servant, J. J. BRAGDON. I hereby announce myself a candi date for the office of county Superinten dant of Education subject to the-- action of the Democratic party. C. R. FELDER. For Supervisor. Please announce my candidacy for the office of County Supervisor. I have experience in the work required for this position, and will give the people my best efforts if elected. CHARLES F. JENKINSON. I hereby announce my candidacy for re-election to the office of County Su pervisor in accordance with the rules of the Democratic party. My official record is known and I solicit the sup port of all Democrats. T. C. OWENS. Through the solicitation of my many friends I announce myself a candidate for the office of County Supervisor for Clarendon County to be governed by the rules of the primary election. W. H. COLE. Upon the solicitation of friends from various portions of the county I have consented to again become a candidate for the office of County Supervisor, subject to the rules of the Democratic primay. J. H. JOHNSON. For Coroner. I hereby announce myself a candidate for Coroner, subject to the rules of the Democratic primary. .TTOIS I hereby announce myself a candi date for the office of Coroner, pledging myself to abide by the rules of the Dem ocratic party. BLYDSN I hereby announce myself a candidate for Coroner, subject to the rules of the primary. R. F. RIDGEWAY. For Magistrate at Manning. I am a candidate for the office of.Mag istrate, located at Manning, Pledging myself to abide the result of Democratic prmr. J. DUPREE ALSBROOK. I solicit the voters of the Farmers' Platform. Clarendon, Manning, White, Fork, Alcolu, Harmony and Black River Democratic Clubs to vote for me in the primary for Magistrate at Man ning. WALTER C. JOHNSON. I am a candidate for the office of Magistrate at Manning and will appre ciate the votes of the clubs that will vote for that office. S. M. YOUMANS. For Magistrate in Salem. MR. EDITOR: Please announce me as a candidate for Magistrate for Salem section in the coming primary. I. J. TOMLINSON. JERS, big and little, not to be too quick Ties. as all indications point to a lower vances. >th Bagging and Ties and can furnish but have put ourselves in a position to ps which it will surely do. We are not rerent people and want the farmer that .o know that he can get it as cheap from eee the county to call and examine samples hich we are selling at a sacrifice. .r buys as much goods at our store as the *e apreciate the many kind things you 'e saying about us and the large trade ui are giving us is evidence that you are truly. IONEY SAVERS, E GQ0ERS. lcturing Company, )RATED. - CHARLESTON, S. C. LE ALL KINDS OF s, Mantels, Turning, , Scroll Work, Stair Work, 1use-finishing wood work. v establishment in the United States in stimate from us before purchasing else Arrivals. This week's shipment of seasonable goods are by far Sthe prettiest that you will find anywhere, and of course Sthey were bought at a sacrifice, and we are offering them .-- Is.uL Mid-Summer Prices. _ Case of the very best Prints, absolutely fast colors and Ar launderable:early summer price 5c, now at........... Yards of India Linon, all new goods; former prie te 00t12c, now for............................. oc* Piece ee oh Wt Dimity, beautiful to make Au- th at gust Shirt Waists; regular 15c quality, at. . . Piece of dainty Check White Dimity; would be cheap 1 . in early spring at 20c, now we are offering for........... SC YaPieces of Jaconets-Colored-in Blue and Pink Stripes: I the prices on these goods in May was 18c; cut price 1 usale of these goods................................ e SIRemember these are new goods among our this week's S i nar r iv a ls. 1 Piece of new shade Light Blue Organdy, suitable to I make evening dresses, that would be cheap at 12pc: our 1 - price now .............................................. " One half thousand yards of Little Val. Lace, fully an inch Swide, fine workmanship; regular 5c kind, now for........ Some White Organdy, very sheer, price cut, irom 19c to. ', __ We have again filled our Embroidery department with another shipment of these beautiful Patterns of Cambric Edgings that we had C spch a nice season on and which pleases our lady trade so very much. . We especially ask you to give them a look-over; if you don't need . any just now you will before so very long. They run 4c, 5c, 8c, 10c, . S12c, 16ic to 28c. Insertions to match. Ladies' Summer Undervests at 5 and 10c. A good many in stock yet. . Our prices on Shoes are record-breakers and if you don't want : any Shoes just now we advise you to wait. Our line this fal will be a the hne and we are fast receiving them every week. We will carry the famous "Hamilton Brown" Shoes for men and every pair of them is guaranteed by the manufacturers. Our Ladies' Julia Marlowe Shoe and Battle-Axe Brand will be the Shoes for. you. Now all of the above quoted prices are on new goods just arrived and they are cheaper than you will pay for remnants and picked over C stuff, so come to see us and do your late trading, we will take good care of you. PALMETTO FANS, PALMETTO FANS. Old Reliable 15. A. Rigby. The New Red and White Front. PEOPLE'S TOBACCO WAREHOUSE MnANNING, S. C. Full Corps of Buyers From the Best Markets. The management will see to it that all Tobacco placed on our floors will receive full market value. Bring your Tobacco to the PEOPLE'S WAREHOUSE. 0. M. MASQN, Mianning, S. C. . flanager. EMEMBER= That Mayesville is the best Tobacco Market in the State. Sales are going on dlaily. We have a large corps of buyers and plenty of money with which to pay for tobac co and we guarantee good prices and satisfactory treatment. Bring us your tobacco. he Pudding Swamp Tobacco Warehouse Co. TONT-A W MILLSR Managter. CANDIDATI For Railroad Commissioner. I hereby announce myself a candidate for the office of Railroad Commissioner. subject to the action of the Democratic primary. W. D. 3.YFIEr For Congress. I hereby announce myself a candidate for Representative in Congress from the Sixth Congressional District of South Carolina. subject to the action of the Democratic Primary. ROBT. B. SCARBOROUG H. Having complied with the require ments of the Democratic party, as re gards the filing of pledges. I hereby announce my candidacy for re-election to Congress as the representative of the 6th. Congressional District. JAMES NORTON. Having received a majority of the votes cast in the Sixth District for Con gress two years ago and having been deprived of that office by the counting of the Second Regiment vote which was cast outside of the district, and I am as sured was illegally cast, my friends in sist upon my entering the race again this year. I hereby announce myself a candidate for Congress from the Sixth District, subject to the Democratic pri mary. J. E. ELLERBE. House of Representatives. I announce myself a candidates for re-election to the lower House of Rep resentatives, feeling assured the people will recognize the fact that I served with a delegation, whose record shows an earnest effort to reduce taxes. If endorsed for re-election I pledge my self to give my closest study to the peo ple's interests. GEORGE R. JONES. MR. EDITOR: Please announce that we the neighbors and friends of Mr. W. J. Turbeville have secured his con sent to become a candidate for the lower House of Representatives sub ject to the action of the primary, and we wish it known that Mr. Turbeville has proven himself a sound and practi cal thinker, and while not an orator he would make us a safe and reliable Representative. He is chairman of the board of trustees of the Pine Grove Graded school, and it is largely through him, this section is indebted for the educational interest manifested. We solicit the votes of the Democrats of Clarendon for him. NEIGHBORS. I am a candidate for re-election to the lower House of Representatives under the rules of the Democratic par-. ty, and I invite a close inspection of my record as a legislator. I. M. WOODS. I announce myself as a candidate for re-election to the lower House of the General Assembly, subject to the rules governing the primaries. HENRY B. RICHARDSON. I am a candidate for the Legislature under the rules of the Democratic par ty. I am opposed to Col. Hoyt's "Pro hibition-Dispensary" platform because it does not accord with my ideas of pro hibition. and as amendatory of the dis pensary law it fails signally of its pur pose. I favor a wise reduction of taxa tion and an economical administration of public affairs. M. C. GALLUCHAT. -For Solicitor. I am a candidate for re-election to the office of Solicitor, and again solicit the support of the voters of the Third Circuit, subject to the rules of the Democratic primaries. JOHN S. WILSON. May 5, 1900. For County Auditor. Promising to abide by the decision of the Democratic primary, I announce myself a candidate for election to the office of County Auditor. EDGAR C. DICKSON. Under the rules. and subject to the action of the Democratic party, I am a candidate for the position of Auditor. JUNIUS M. STRANGE. Having confidence in my ability to perform the intricate and important du ties of County Auditor, I announce my self a candidate for said office, pledging myself to abide the decision of the pri mary. W. H. TRESCOTT. I hereby announce myself a candi date for the office of County Auditor under the rules of the Democratic party. S. P. HOLLADAY. For Treasurer. I am a candidate for re-eletion to office of County Treasurer. 'S. J. BOWMAN. For Clerk of Court. Subject to the rules of the Democratic party I am a candidate for re-election to the office of Clerk of Court. J. H. TLMMONS. BAGGING ? inWe would advise all FAR1 in ontactngfor Bagging n Smarket as the cotton sason ad We hav e contracted for 1 you in any quantity desired, sae you when the market dre making a different price to di1 uses only two rolls of bagging1 us. as. the one that uises twenty On and After Next I We invite every farmer in of SECOND-HAND JUTE BAGGING Remember that the poor man's doll: rich man's F ARME3R S, 21 sinceie in what you sa.'i Yours THE PEOPLE'S I WHOLESAL The Percival Mano INCORP4 MEETING ST., near Linie, WE MAN1 FACTUI Sash, Doors, Blinds, F'rame: Mouldini And every description of 1 We are prepared to compete with a prices and quality of work. Get an e -where. Ycuam WUTill Sa~r