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IANNING, S. C. APRIL 11 1900. PUBLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY. SUBSCRIPTION lI-TES: ... .......................50......... 0 .. ~oa ................................. .5 Four .onths....... ........................ ADVERT1SING RATES: One square. one time. A1: each subsequent in sertion. rv cents. Obituaries and Tributes of Respect chargd for as regular advertisements. LRsal contracts made for three, six and twelve mon:hs. Communications must be accompanied by the real name and address of the writer in order to receive attention. No communication of a personal character will be published except as an advertisement. Entered at the PostomIice at Manniu a Sev ond Class matter. Copies of this paper may b'e found on at Washing(nf in teolicc kof o.ur speec:1 kIrt; pondent, E. 6. 0!,% ree .. Washington. D. C. THEY ARE NOT FAIR! The Anti-McLaurin newspapers show their inconsistency, and their unfair treatment of Senator McLaurin, by the fact that all of them. when they take a notion to misrepresent and abuse him, will start. and the others will fol low like a pack of hounds following the lead dog when after something they wish to destroy. When the Puerto Rican bill was up in the United States Senate, the Democrats made a vigorous fight against the measure, and when the vote came on, Senator's Tillman and MeLaurin were recorded with their party. But not one word has been men tioned of this vote by those newspapers that are in the conspiracy to destroy McLaurin, which directs special atten tion to this vote. Oh No' Had Mc Laurin voted the other way the con spirators would have directed attention to it in great big -horse-heads," and columns of villification, and abuse would have been been hurled at him. Now, the people are not going to be deceived by the tactics of McLaurin's enemies. If the Senator's vote on the Philippine question was a mistake they are not going to damm him forever. We have received letters from the Philippines from one who is on the ground, and in a better position to know the situation than those who are denouncing Mc Laurin, and these letters concur with the position taken by Senator McLaurin in his vote for the Paris treaty. They say that the conditions were such at that time, and are so at present to re quire just such action as was taken by the administration, and had it not been for the aid of a few Democrats the treaty would have been rejected, and a fearful condition would have resulted. What we started to show however, was the systematic efforts on the part of McLaurin's enemies to conceal what he does do that will meet with the peo ple's approval, and to magnify, and contort into misrepresentation such acts as they think will be disapproved of. The record shows MIcLaurin to have voted on every party measure with his party, and it also shows that he has had the manliness to be inde pendent of all clique.; or political clans. This fight on McLaurin now, would have been made on Senator Till man, but those opposed to Tillman know they stand no more chance to defeat him, than does a cat in an oil tank without claws. so they begin far ahead blazing the way to McLaurin's defeat, but two years is a long way off, and the conspirators may be striking at the base of a tree which will come down on themselves with destructive force. Capt. F. W. Wagner, the senior member of the firm of F. W. Wagner & Co., the wholesale grocers, has been selected as the president of the Char leston exposition association. This is a fine selection, and proves conclusively that Charleston means to put the "Expo'' on a business plan from the start. Captain Wagner is one of the most successful business men in the South, and his name at the head of the concern will inspire confidence through out the Union. Beware of Ointments for Catarrh that Contain Mercurv as mercury will surely destroy the sense of smell and completely derange the whole system when entering it through the mucous surfaces. Such articles should never be used excepton prescenp tions from reputable physicians, as the damage they wUi do is ten fold to the good you can pos sibly derive from them. Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F. J. Cheney & Co.. Toledo. 0.. contains no mercury. and is taken internally. acting directly upon the blood and mucous sur faces of the system. In buying Hali's Catarrh Cure be sure you get the genuine. It is taken internally, and made in Toledo. Ohio. by F. J. Chenev & Co. Testimonials free. Sold'by Druggists, price 75c. per bottle. Hall's Family Pills are the best. The Resurrection. For nearly 19 centuries the church -has been proclaiming the atoning death and triumphant resurrection of Jesus as incontestable and glorious facts. Christ's resurrection was 'the inner most shrine in the sanctuary of hist mission, towards which he steadily tended; it was also, at the same time, the living corner-stone of that church which he had builded, which, as with *uplifted finger, ever pointed all men heavenward." A denial of the resur rection involves a denial of the atone ment, and the complete failure of Christ's mission to the world. Christ's rising again is the funda mental miracle of Christianity. With it, Christianity must stand or fall. On it, spiritual teaching is based. From it the most far-reaching inferences are drawn. In fact. Christianity is nothing else but the "fact and the doctrine, that through the death of Christ,. the sins of the world were judged and expiated: ai2 through his resurrection spiritual life ed glory restored to humanity." St Paul says: "And if Christ be not risen, then is our preaching vain and your faith is also vain. Yea, and we 'are found false witnesses of God: be cause we have testified of God that he raised up Christ . ... .. and if Christ be not raised, your faith is vain: ye are vet in your sins. Then they also which are fallen asleep in Christ are perish ed." The resurrection is the key stone in the arch of redemption. Now, Christ's resurrection demands and is capable of the fullest historical proof: and admits of the most incontro vertible arguments. So strong is the proof of this fact, that when Gilbert West, the infidel, took up the subject with the purpose of showing its falsity, he was overwhelmed with the weight of evidence as to its truth, proclaiming himself a follower of Christ; and leav ing us the result of his study in a very valuable work, "observations on the resurrection of Christ." In addition to this external evidence, the child of God has an inward exper ience of the truth of the resurrection .manifeted in his heart and life, so that he can with joy exclaim. "the life which 1 now live in the flesh, I live by the faith of the Son of God. who lovei me and gave himself for me." As the risen Christ, he is ever with his people as the motive power in theil lives. But for this inward experience what dark clouds would ever be about us. and what sad forebodings would we experience. And then, it is onlv upon Christ' resurrection that we can rest our hopt for the future-our own resurrector and immortal existence. Standing in the light of ('hr'ist'S lift and death and resurrection. Wt. Van look at death as only a shadow, and triumphantly exclaim . death. where is thy sting: 0 av';v. xn 'ee is thiy vietory!" Thanks be to God the vic tory i's ours through our Lord Jesus Christ. 31ay we rest our hopes for this life and the life to come. upon the risen and ascended Lord. W. Story of a Slave. To be bound hand and foot for years by the chains of disease is the worst form of slavery. George D. Williams of Manchester. Mich.. tell hov such a slave was made free. He says: "My wife has been so helpless for five years that she could not turn over in bed alone. After using two bottles of Electric Bitters. she is wonder fully improved and able to do her own work." This supreme remedy for female diseases quick I cures nervousness. sleeplessness, melancholy. headache, backache. fainting and dizzy spells. This miracle working medicine is a godsend to week. sickly. run down people. Every bottle guaranteed. Only .;0 cents. 'Sold by the R. B. Loryea drug store. Crank-A man who always insists upon convincing others. but will not al low himself to be convinced. A Woman's Letter. Coolidge. Ry.. Aug. 10. 189S. New Spencer Medicine Co.: Since writing you in July. I have continued to use Benedicta and am surprised at the results. Before using the remedy I suffered from womb troubles and a weak stomach. but the three bottles of Bene dicta has completely cured me. It is a great medicine for delicate women. MRs. H. R. GILREATH. Sold by the R. B. Loryea Drug Store. The most successful way to fire china is to use dishes instead of bootjacks in breaking up cat concerts. CASTOR IA For infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bough! Bears the Signature of , . Never marry a large hearted man. He has a capacity for loving too many women at the same time. The Best Remedy for Rheumatism. QT.ICK RELIEF FRON PAIN. All who use Chamberlain's Pain Balm for rheumatism are delighted with the quick relief from pain which it affords. When speaking of this Mr. D. N. Sinks,. of Troy. Ohio. says: "Some time ago I had a severe attack of rheu matism in my arm and shoulder. I tried num erous remedies but got no relief until I was rec ommended by Messrs. Goe. F. Parson & Co.. druggists of this place. to try Chamberlain's Pain Balm. They recommended ii; so highly that I bought a bottle. I was soon relieved of all pafn. I have since recommended this lin ment to many of my friends. who agree with me that it is the best remedy for muscular rheuma tism in the market." For sale 'by The R. B. Lorea drug store. Isaac M. Loryea. Prop. -ever boast of your genealogy. Even if you succeed in tracing it back to Adam and Eve, you can't find any record of their marriage. Volcanic Eruptions Are grand. but skin eruptions rob life of joy. Bucklen's Arnica Salve cures them, also old. running and fever sores. ulcers, boils, felons, corns, warts. cuts, bruises. burns, scalds. chap ped hands, chilblains. Best Pile Cure on earth. Drives out pains and aches. Only:15 cents a box. Cure guaranteed. Sold by the Rt. B. Loryea drug store. 6 The workman that turns out a poor job is an improvement on the man whe does nothing but look on and make re marks. A Remarkable (.ase. Antioc. Miss.. July 1, 1898. I want to thank you for the great benenit I have received from your wonderful remedy. B~enedicta. I was induced to try a bottle, and it 'eneited me so much I used another and I am now entirely well. There is certainly no medi cine like it and I can recommend it to all women. Mas. BxrIra LANGiSTON. Sold by the R. B. Loryea Drug Store. Many a man who doesn't know enough to go ~in when it rains, still knows enogh to raise the best umbrella he can get his hands on. The '.d You Hare Always &< Whenever a widow begins to act gid d again, every married woman in the neighborhood has something to say about her awful conduct. A Testimonial from Old England. "I consider Chamberlain's Cough Remedy the Ibest in the world for bronchitis," says Mr. Wil lam Savory, of Warrington, England. "It has Isaved my wife's life, she having been a mart-yr Ito bronchitis for over six years. being most of the time confined to her bed. She is now quite well." Sold by The R. 1B. Loryea drug store. Isaac M. Loryea, Prop. It is not the dress that makes the chorus-girl-it's the tights. August Flower. "It is a surprising fact," says Prof. Houton, "that in my travels In all parts of the world. for the last ten years. I have met more people hav ig used Green's August Flower than any other remedy. for dyspepsia, deranged liver and stom ach. and for constipation. I find for tourists and salesmen, or for persons filling office posi ticas, where headaches and general bad feel igs from irregular habits exist, that Green's August Flower Is a grand remedy. It does not 'injure the system by frequent use. and is excel lent for sour stomachs and indi::estion." Sam ple bottlei- free at the R. B. Loryea Drug Store. Isaac M. Loryea. Propr. Writer's cramp is a very common affliction; they are always cramped for money. Quick Results. Coolidge. Ky.. Aug. 1. 1898. I have been suffering with female troubles anti was unable to get relief. I was persuaded to try IBenedicta and after one month's treatment'] Ican recommend your remedy to suffering women. MRs. H. R. GI.LREATH. Sold by the R. B. Loryea Drug Store. Some doctors take life easy-other5 take whatever they can. Caught a Dreadful Cold. Marion Kooke. manager for T. Md. Thompson a arge importer of :ine millinery at 1658 Mil. waukee Avenue. Chicago. says: "During the late severe weather I caught a dreadful cold which kept me awake at nicht and made me unfit to attend my work durin:: the day. One of my mil liners was taking Chamberlain~'s Cough Remedy Ifor a severe cold at that time, which seemed to Irelieve her so quickly that I bought some fox Imyself. It acted like magic and I tbegan to im prove at once. I am now entituv well and feel very pleased to aclknowledge its merits." Fox Isale by The R. B. Loryea drug store. Isaac M. Lorya, Prop. People often wonder' why a girl mac 'ries the most undesirable man of het acquaintance. But perhaps they don'1 k-now that he was the only one to pro pose. getion. Regulates the Liver. Price,25ets Sol b the . B. Lry,-a Drugtore. An ounce of keeping your mout 1t is worth a pound of explan o. W. V. Mayhew. Merton. WiX.. mYs. --I c sider One Minute Coueh Cure at wonira rin! medicine, quick and safe." It is the u;ly harui less remedy that gives immei; Ies. 't cures Cougis. colds. crop.rh : whooping couah. pneuncnia and il 'thrott ar.-1 all throat and lung diwaes vents consumption. Chir-u a mothers endorse il. D. 0. iRhame. Sumr ton: Dr. XV. M. Brocktinton. Mannin:r. A dentist is a man vho pullis pople's ;eeths. A lawyer i4 one whi >. pullS their legs. Keep Qciet and use Chamberlain's Colle. Cholera:?nd Diar rhe Remedy for all pains of the stomach aiAd ;dl unnatural looseness of the boweis. It always .ures. For sale by the R. B. Lorvea Dru:: Store, Isaac M. Loryea. Propr. lianlay The physician is the man who recom mends a change-and then takes all you have. Se -ignature .. There is but one spectacle sadder than a neglected wife. and that is a neglected husband. ~The Vind You H^ie AIFav D~ 7ANTED-Henest man or woman to travel for large hous*: salary $i5 monthly and expenses. with increase: position permanent: inelo'se self-jddressed stamped envelope. MAN AG ER. 330 Caxton bld:. Chicago. japlWO Tax Sale Delinquent Land. By authority of S. J. Bowman. Treas urer, I will sell on Monday. the 7th day of May next, one tract of land for taxes for 1899, in St. Mark's township: Estate J. N. Richbourg. 33 acres. and four buildings. Purchaser to pay for papers. DANIEL J. BRADHAM, Sheriff Clarendon County. Manning. S. C.. April 11. 1900. 50-4t Pook In Your Mirror Do yusee sparkling eyes, a healthy, tinte skin, a sweet expresston and a grace ful form? These attractions are the result of good health. If they are absent, there is nearly always some disorder of the dis tinctly fminine organs p resent. Healthy menstrual organs mean health and beauty everywhere. Wine or Cardul makes women beautiful and healthy. It strikes at the root of all their trouble. There is no menstrual dis order, ache or pain which iL will not ciure. It is for the budding girl, the busy wife and the matron approaching the change of life. At everytyn crisis in a woman's life it brings health, strength and happiness. It costs $r.oo of medicine dealers. For advice in cases requiring special directions, address, giving symptoms, " The Ladies' Advisor Department,'' The Chattanooga Medicine Co., Chat Mrne. BOZENA LEIof Oenaville, T~Says :-"I was troubled at monthly I ihterrible In my head and bcbut hve been e relieve by Wine PRROOF. 9It is an easy matter to claim that a remedy has wonderful curative power. 0 The mainufacturcrs of $ RHIEU MACIDE Sleave it to those who have been perma Sneatly and positively crd of Ri-Et' MATISM to m:ule clams. Amona: those 9who have recently written us voluintary letters saying they have he':n eur-:d are: 9Rev. J. L. Foster. Raleigh. N. C.: Mr. .. E. Robinson. editor. Goldsboro. N. C..0 9Daily Argus: Mr. A. Daus. a promixicnt Smerchant, Macen. Ga.. and Mr. XW. R.0 Duke. a railroad man. Kausas City. Mo. SRheumnacklo Will Cure' You. 4 Manufactured by the C BoBBmTT DRtUG Co.. Raleigh. N. C. *Sold in N~anning by the Ri. B. Loryea Drug Store. Notice of Reorganization, inl accordance with the requirements Iof the constitution of the Democratic Iparty' of the Southl Carolina, there will be a convention held in Manning at the court house on the 7th, day of May. for the purpose of electing a county chair man. a member of the State Democratic Executive Committee, and to send del egates to a State convention which will be held in Columbia for the purpose of electing delegates to the National cou vention, and to attend to oth .r business. The Democratic clubs thrm'ghout the county will assemble at their respective places of meeting on the 28th. day of April to reorganize, elect otticers. a menber of the county executive com mittee. and to elect delegates to the county convention to be held in Man ning on the 7th. day of May. The del egates will be elected on a basis of one delegate for every 25 names on club roll, and one delegate for the majority fractional part of said roll. The various presidents will assemble their clubs in accordance with the no tice herein given. By order of J. ELBERT DAVIs. County Chairman. A. J. RICHBOURG, Sec'v. Manning S. C. April 4, 1900. Furniture Stains and Varnishes. A Can With Brush, 25c. - -AT RHAME'S DRUW STORE, SU M MERTOM. S. C. Has testimoniaLs unequat!ed in number and unexceLd in quaLity the eworfd over. Tcstimcnials <which ic!t the truth about the rnos! remark.ble cares in the history of medicine. Cures of Scrofula. Salt Rheum, Aff Humors, Rheumatism, Catarrh, Dys pepsia. That T.-ed FceLing, Thousands of people agree that it Climbing Up g Down Stairs f7ARRYING heavy burdens, washing, iron I-. U ing, scrubbing and other laborious duties are productive of an enormous amount of sufferingamongwomen who are already weak - -. and prostrateby the ravages of femae dis eases. The performance of these heavy labors is obligatory to many women, but the suffer ing is not. This feature of the household bur - ! dens may soon be removed if women will only take the trouble to learn how. Afewbottlesof SFE11ALE i.~~AiGERSTIE' S PANACEA will regulate all menstrual irregularities, and restore the entire female organism to its proper condition. Take St. Joseph's Liver Regulator in small doses if there is any ten dency to constipation or indigestion. BED-FAST FOR A YEAR. Gerstle'sFemale Panacea has made a most wonderful cuic wife of one of our tenants. She had been bed-fast for twelve months. but your medicine has cured her and she is loud in her praises of sa bne e HIXON BROS., Claiborne, Ala. Get this medicine from your druegist. If he does not keep it, send us $1.00 and we will send you aottle, all charges paid. L. GERSTLE & CO., Props., Chattanooga, Tenn. SGROFUL1 nND ITS IWFUL HORRORS -CURED BY Johnston 's Sarsaparilla QUART BOTTLES. A MOST WONDERFUL CURE. A Grand Old Lady Gives Her Experience. Mrs. Thankful Orilla Hurd lives In the beautiful village of Brighton, Livingston Co., Mich. This venerable and highly respected lady was born in the year 1812, the year of the great war, in Hebron, Washington Co., New York. She came to Michigan in 1840, the year of "Tippecanoe and Tyler too." All her faculties are excellently preserved, and possessing a very re tentive memory, her mind Is full of interesting reminiscences of her early life, of the early days of the State of Michigan and the interesting and re markable people she has met, and the stirring events of which she was a wit ness. But nothing in her varied and manifold recollections are more mar velous and worthy of attention than are her experiences in the use of JOHNSTON'S SARSAPARILLA. Mrs. Hurd inherited a tendency and pre disposition to scrofula, that terribly destructive blood taint which has cursed and is cursing the lives or thousands and marking thousands more as vic tims of the death angel. Transmitted from generation to generation, It is found in neary every family in one form or another. It may make its ap pearance in dreadful running sores, in unsightly swellings in the neck or goitre, or in eruptions of varied forms. Attacking the mucous membrane, it may be known as catarrh in the head, or developing In the lungs It may be, and often is, the prime cause or consumption. Speaking of her case, Mrs. -Hurd says: "I was troubled for many years with a bad skin disease. My arms and limbs would break out In a mass of sores, discharging yellow matter. My neck began to swell and became very unsightly in appearance. My body was covered with scrofulous eruptions. My eyes were alro greatly Inflamed and weakened, and they pained me very much. My blood w'ts in a very bad condition and my head ached severely at frequent Intervals, and I had no appetite. I had sores also in my ears. I was in a miserable condition. I had tried every remedy that had been recom mended, and doctor after doctor had failed. Ona of the best physicians in the state told me I must die of scrofulous consumption, as Internal abcesses were beginning to form. I at length was told of Dr. Johnston, of Detroit, and his famous Sarsaparilla. I tried a bottle, more as an experiment than any thing else, as I had no faith in It, and greatly to my agreeable surprise, I began to grow better. You can be sure I kept on taking It. I took a great many bottles. But I steadily improved until I became entirely well. All the sores healed up, all the bad symptoms disappeared. I gained perfect health. and I have never been troubled with scrofula since. Of course an old lady of 83 years is not a young woman, but I have had remarkably good health since then, and I firmly believe that JOHNSTON'S SARSA.PARILLA Is the greatest blood purifier and the best medicine in the wide world, both for scrofula and as a spring medicine." This remarkably interesting old lady did not lok to be more than sixty, and she repeated several times, "I believe my life was saved by JOHNSTON'S SARSAPARILLA." Dlr. 'W. M. Brock~inton1 ,anningf S. C. ~ Experienced Wheelmen Will acremBuy the IDEAL, Because they have Tpone and Style, as well as all the other points which go to make up a first class wheel, and because they are the best 825 wheel on the market today. We ;.sk you to cl arnd examine the 1900 IDEAL. 9 All the Gold in 1cdk -Could buy no better, more carefully and accu ~/ rately constructedi or more intelligently designed Iwheels th~an the 190'i model AMBLER. There are wheels which are higher piriced, BUT NONE BET TER. Watches and JeweIry. I want my friends an i ulictO!~' gewLstI to i~' w who-: 1 i'med of a Wedding-, Birthday or Christmas Present, That in the future, as well as the pest. I mn prepare d a" .uviy ztm. Mly line of Watches Clocks Sterling Silver Diamonds Jeweiry Cut Glass Fine China Wedgewood Spectacles an~d Eye Glasses Is enumi!ete, and it will afi~rd me pieaure to -hwtwu Special and prompt attention given toi all Repairing iz my lire at prices O> suit the tames. Atlantic Coast Line L WI FOL~~ SOM S<"TER. W Vatch inspector. -sV * 2 -V S C S. L. KRASNOFF, MN! OLAI Wilfuruish' etimates am U:N cn tratsforal hnsA of Oml iveadO is P I m prepared to negotiate loans pae ocontract for first c'lss p~ainting-o. ooira estate security, on rea Addrss, S. L. KRASNOFF, sonalble terms. .1. Mening.~ C.R. 0. PURDY, D.J R AN GEIGER. SmeS ' DE"NTIsT,C.AI, 3IANNING, S C OSEPH F. RHAMIE, MNIG.$U A2 TURKEY' AT LAWIi, ofmce 2ateiv occupi.:l by .e laeB MANNNG. . C.Pressley Barron. Esq. Columbia and Hartford - Bicycles.-19 We are now agents for the Pope Manufacturing Company of Hartford,. Con necticut. and have their HAIRTFORD MODEL BICYCLE in stock for Ladies and Gentlemen. Parties contemplating purchasing a first class machine should examine these before doing so. Local references can be given regarding the Hartford, which are all good. We have a full line of Bicycle Repairs, aud wheels can be kept in running order at small cost. We bave lately received a lot of One-Horse Harrows, which are very useful on the farm for removing joint F grass. Ahlo Cultivators for working crop when small, which you will find great labor savers. We still have a lot of those cheap Orangeburg Sweeps and Hoes on hand. TOBACCO GROWERS will find at our place Pure Paris Green in one to ive-pound pasteboard boxes at lowest prices. We bought some time ago when the market was lowest and we give our customers the benefit of our purchase. Our Sprayer for applying Paris Green has met with the, greatest approval, not only on acconnt of its being most effectual. but also owing to the amount of Paris Green -SAVED" by its use. We still have a few on hand and will have a large stock shortly. We have commenced delivering TOBACCO BARN FLUES to parties who want to avoid hurry. and get everYthing in shape before planting and curing season. We are prepared to quote the very lowest prices on these, to be deliv ered at any time between this and the coming season. We will put the work manship on our flues against any in the market. Our Stove trade is better this season than ever before. We still sell the "G A RLAND" and hear nothing but praise of them from purchasers. Call and see our Stone Churns at 25c for one gallon, 35c for two gallons. We have Flower Pots. half gallon at Sc. one gallon, 15c. Very truly. Manning Hiardware Co. Removal. I0, On and after April 15th __ our friends will find us W in the Nettles Building, next door to W. E. Jen Z- kinson's. The small ness of our present buil W ding necessitates the 5 move. Yours truly, THE PEOPLE'S MONEY-SAVERS, THE MANNINGGROCERYGO., Wholesale Grocers, MANNING, - - - S. C. S. R. yEN NING, Jeweler & atch Repairer, MIANNING, S. C. -MDEAER IN Watches, Olocks, 3ewelry, Silver' ware and All Eindsz of Fancy Novelties. I MAKE A SPECIALTY OF HEAVY SILVERWARE AND FANCY, IArticles of all kinds, suitable for Wedding and Holiday Presents. Such goods bave never beeni sold here before. Call and see them. I deal also in All Novelties in Silver bought of me will be engraved free of cost. ALL REPAIR WORK GUARANTEED.. Manning Times Block, three doors south of Postoffice. Look to Your Interest. Here we are, still in the lead, and why suffer with your eyes when you can be suited with a pair of Spectacles with so little trouble? We carry the Celebrated IIAWES Spectacles and S!asses, Which we are offering very cheap. from 25e to $2.50 and Gold Frames at $3 to $6. Call and be suited. W. M. BROCKINTON. TH CAROLINA GROCERY COMPANY, THOMIAS WILSON, President. COMMISSION MERCHANTS. 169 Eas Ba - ' - Charlestonn S. C. Buggies, Wagons, Road Carts and Carriages R1EPAIRED With Neatness and Despatch -AT R. A. WHITE'S WHEELWRIGHT and BLACKSMITH SHOP. I repair Stoves. Pumps and run water pipes. or I will put down a new Pump cheap. If you need any soldering done, give me a call. L AME. Mv horse is lame. Why? Because I did not have it shod by R. A. White, the man that. puts on such neat shoes and makes horses travel with so much ease. We Make Them Look New. We are making a specialty of re painting old Buggies, Carriages, Road Carts and Wagons cheap. Come and see me. My prices will please you, and I guarantee all of my work. Shop on corner below R. M. Dean's. R. A. WHITE.. MANNING, S. C. To Consumers of Lager Beer: Tbe Germati::. Brewing Company, of Charleston, S. C., have made arrangements with the South Carolina State authorities by which they are enabled to fill orders from consumers for shipments of beer n any quantity at the following prices: Pits, patent stopper, 60c. per dozen. Four dozen pints in crate, $2.80 percrate, Eighth-keg, $1.25. Quarter-keg. $2.25. Half-barrel, $4.50. Exports, pints, ten dozen in barrel, $9. It will be necessary for consumers or parties ordering,to state that the beer is for pnvate consumption. We offer special rates for these shipments. This .beer is guaranteed pure, made of the choicesthops and malt, and is recommended by -the medical fraternity. Send to us for a trial order. GER1MANIA Brewing Company, Charleston. S. C. A Good Clothing Store Is where you get the right sort of Clothes without dan ger of mistake. Our Clothies are of: the right sort, and you will appreciate their excel lence and smallness of cost. We Make Clothes to Ord for those who prefer them. Lasting Materials, proper fit and make and moderate pri es. Your orders will have our best attention. S. W. Car. King and Westworth Sts. -CHARLESTON, S. C. C33E AiL YOUR PAIN WITS Pain-Killer. A Medicine Chest in Rbelf. SiMPLE, SAFE AND QUICK CURE FOR Cramps, Diarrhoea, Colds, Coughs, Neuralgia, . Rheumatism. 25 and 50 cent Bottles. BEWARE OW IMITATIONS. BUY ONLY THE GENUINE. PERRY DAVIS' Oeo.8.Hacke&Son ---asoggn le - Doos, ash Blnds Doshegt Sahd Blordsan Builders' Hardware. Window and Fancy 6lass a Specialty, PARR'S Land Survyigmnd Ls ingh I will do Surveying, etc., in Claren don and adjoining Counties. Call at office or address at Sumter, S. C. P. O. Box 101. JOHN R. HAYNESWORTH. ADVICE AS TO PATENTABI1LITY FE oo HowtoobtamnPats"W - E. . SIGGERS, Pa ent L.awyerWa a C.~ AUorneys and Counselors TaJw. MANNING S. C. F. RHAMIE, J. ATTORNEY AT LAW, MIANNING. S. C. Iring your Job Work to The Tamts office,