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VOL aii 111K SE. VOL. XV. MANNING, S. C., WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 1900. NO, 42. TiE )ISPENSARY. The State Bc'ard of Control Must Surely Go. HOUSE AND SENATE AGREES In That, but the House Declines to- Let the Senate Elect the Chairman but Approves the Senate Bil Generally. The dispen.sary b'il passed by the senate and published by us last week was taken up in the house on Tcsdiay. The bill was con:sidered by sections. Section I of the senate bill was not acted upon, as it providies that asection in the Irescnt law e koncked out to make way for the rest of the bill. Sec tion 1 will be adopted after the house takes action on the rest of the bill. Section 2 contains but nine words, but it has eveked a long discussion. That section reads: ':That the State board of control is he.eby abolished." When it was read, Mr. C. E. Robinson moved to strike it from the bill. After a long debate the vote was taken on Mr. Robinson's motion to strike on the section abolizhing the present board. That motion was lost by the following vote: Yeas-Bacot, Bll. Caughman, Dar gan, Dean, 11. 11 Evans, Jackson. Jenkins, Jones, Lofson, Lyles, Laban Mauldin, McCullough, Peurrifoy, Prince, Ricnards. C. E. Robinson, Seabrook, . D. Smith, Timmerman, West, Wharton, Wimberly and Woods -24. Nays-Ashley, Bailey, Bates, Black, Blease, Bolts, Browning, Coleock, Cos grove, Cross, Crum, Davis, DeBruhl, Dendy, Dowling, Dukes, Epps. Est ndge, N. G. Evans, Fairey, Floyd, Gamble, Gantt, Gause, Graham, Hen derso:, Hoff mcyer, Hollis, H drick, H. E. Juhnson, W. J. Johnson, Leverett, Lockwood, Mann, Manning, Marion, William L. Mauldin. McCoy, 3eCraw, McDill, McDow, McLauchlin, McLau ren, Means, Mehrtens. Montgomery, H. B. Richardson, J. L. Smith, Moses, Moss, Nettles, Pratt, E. B. Ragsdale, George W. Richardson, Rt. B. A. Robinson, C. P. Saaders, Saw yer, Sharpe, Simkins, Sinkler, G. P. Smith, Jeremiah Smith, Stackhouse, Stevenson, Strom, Theus, W. H1. Thomas, Threat c. Yarn, Verdier, Whisonant, Williams, Wilson, Wingo, Winkler, Wyche, and Young-77. The section was then adopted. When section 3 was called Mr. Bacot sent up an amendment providing that the governor appoint the three direct ors with the con firmation of the senate. He thought it would be better to do this than to let the elections come into the general assemly. After a short debate Mr. Bacu's proposed amend ment was killed i.y a vote of 88 t> 10. Those favoring the anmendment were Bacot, Hendersor,, i1.driek, Lockwood, Marion, Moses, Rogers. Sawyer, San ders and Wyche. 3Mr. C. 1. Robinson and Mr. Dukes, who favored the amendment, were paired with Mr. Brantley and Mr. Evans. Mr. Winkler then iraroduced an amendment or substitute which changed the wording tbut cot the in tent of the section under discus~sion. That section provides that the senate shall elect one director who shall be chairman and the house shall elect t we other directors. Mr. Blease spoke against this. Hie said it appeared that the senate was trying to take the reins in its own hands. The joint asseumbly elects the judiciary and other edicials, why, then, not let the joint asemb!y elect the di rectors? The serate with its 40) mem bers appears to be trying to dictate to the house, anid to elect the most im portant director. Mr. Prince agreed with Mr. Biease and thought the election should be by the joint assembly. Why should such a suggestion come from the senate. The suggestion couhi better have conme from the house. The section had bet tr be killed. Mr-. Stevenson proposed an additional amendment that no member of the gen eral assembly shall be elected on the board of directors. On motion of Mr. Wimtkler debate was adjourned until the night session, and all the proposed amendments were ordered printed and laiR on thbe desks of the members. Ilis substitute for section 3 reads as follows: Sec.3. A board consisting of three members, to be known as the board of directors of the State dispensary, is hereby established, whose duties and powers shall be hereinafter defined. The members of said board shall be men of good moral character, not ad. dicted to the use of strong drink as a beverag'e, and shall be elected as fol lows: 'The senate shall ek et one mem ber, who shall be the chairman of said board, and the house of representatives shall elect the two remaining members of said board. The term of ofiee of the members of the board shall be for two years. They shall qualhfy and be commissioned in the same manner as other ofieers. In the event of a va cancy on said board by death, resigna tion or otherwise, such vacancy shall be filled by appointmect by the gover nor until the next session of the gener al assembly, when an elction shall be hed in the senate or the house of rep resentativesas the case miay be-to fill said vacancy fur the unexpired term. Each member of said board shall re':eive for his services the same per diem and mileage as is allowed to members of the general assembly: Provided, That no member of said board shall receive per diem for more than I00 days in any tis cal year. The said board shall devise such a system of bookkeeping and accounting as it may deem advisable. The said board shall prescribe all rules and regu lations not inconsis:ent with law for the goversat of the State dispensary and the county dispensaries. The sen ate anc house of representatives shall at the :resenit session of the general assembly, upon the aprproval, of this act, elect the memibers of said bill as provided for in this section When speaker Gary called the house to order Tuesday night 31r. Sharpe ex plained the status of tie dispensary bil ah hour,,f aking reess. The printed amendments had not arrived, atd there was a disposition not to take up the bill. Mr. Patterson of Barnwell proposed the second section of his dispensary bill for the third section of the senate bill. There was some objection, but the section was read. It provided for the doing away with the State dispensa ry and the shipping of liquor direct to the county dispensaries from wholesale dealers. Mr. Patterson spoke in favor of his amendment. It was then indefi nitely postponed by a vote of 68 to 39. Mr. DeBruhl offered an amsndment providing still a different methd for selecting the board. Mr. Winkler opposed the amendment of Mr. DeBruhl and favored the senate bill's provision. Then Mr. Blease re peated his objection to thesenate nom inating the chairman of the directors, the most important by virtue of his of fice. The senate might elect a man chairman who could not be elected on the board of election were te be held in joint session. Mr. Prince offered an amendment to Mr. Winkler's amendment striking out the third sentence in Mr. Winkler's amendment printed in the morning re port of the house, providing for one member to be elected by the senate, etc., and substituting "and shall be elected by the general assembly in joint session as follows: The chairman of the board shall be first elected, and then shall be elected the remaiLing mem bers." This amendment was adopted. showing that the house is not inclined to let the senate elect the chairman of the board. Mr. Ashley offered an amendment that a director cannot become a candi date for any other office. The amend ment was carried by a large majority. Mr. Stevenson offered an amendment that the members of the board may be removed by the governor. This was carried without objection. 3r. Winkler's amendment as multi tudinously amended was then inserted in place of section 3 of the senate bill, and was adopted by the house. Mr. COsgrove offered an amendment that the fiscal year be changed so as to end Nov. 30th, and that the governor appointed three expert accountants to go over the books and records. Mr. Cosgrove said it was impossible for the reports to be properly made after Jan. 1. This is a business of a million and a half dollars, and there is no provision for its proper inspection by account ants, the legislative inspecting commit tee consisting as a rule of men not skilled in such work. The house was proceeding to take a vote when the mo tion to adjourn was made and carried by a vote of 44 to 33. So the amend ment was left pending until Wednes day morning. The House took up the dispensary bill Wednesday morning. An amerd ment to section 4 provides for the ap pointment of two accountants at $4 per day to examine the books of the com missioner whene-ver the Governor di rects. Section 4 was further amended by Mr. C. P. Sanders so that it would read in regard to bids for sales to the State dispensary: "And accompanying said bids there shall be a sample of each kind of liquor offered for sale contain ing not more than one half pint each, which sample shall on its arrival be delivered to the dispensary commis sioner to be retained by him until after it has been ascertained that the wines or liquors purchased correspond in all respects with that purchase, said samples to be the property of the State." Mr. Sanders offered another amend ment that "if the wines or liquors pur chased shall fail to correspond in any respect with the sample furnished, the seller thereof shall forfeit to the State a sum not exceeding the value of said liquor, to be recovered in an action brought by the State against such sel Ir." Mr. Winkler moved to amend section 4 by adding: "Said directors shall re quire fromi the successful bidder or bidders such bond in such sum as they may deem necessary to insure the compliance by said bidder or bidders with the terms of said contracts." Which was agreed to. Section 5 relates to the duties of the dispensary commissioner. This section was adopted as sent over from the sen ate, except that at the end was added a clause which provides that liquor shall be sold to county dispensaries at a profit of not more than 10 per cent of the cost to the State. Mr. Ashley wanted to strike out sec tion 6 of the senate bill which provides that the State board appoints the county board as is done as at present, said ap pointments to be confirmed by the sen ate, lie offered an amendment that the county boards of commissioners appoint the county boards of control. Mr. IH. B. Richardson's amendment that the county delegations in the gen eral assembly recommend the boards to be appointed by the State board was adopted, and the section as amended passed. Section 7 dealt entirely~ ,:th the du ties of constables. The bill provided that they be appointed by the governor as at present and be bonded at $500.; Mr. Caughman offered an amendment that the constables are to be paid by tbe county and that the county com missioners instead of the governor ap point the constables. He said that to some extent the constabulary had been a stench, ane he wanted the matter to be bronght nearer home for better reg ul ation s. Mr. E. B. Ragsdalc offered an amend ment providing that the governor ap point the constables, and as a check to him he must report to the general assembly. lie claimed that it would be establishing two powerful a county ma chine to let the county officials appoint constables ad libitum. The governor is liable .to impeachment for abuse of power. Adopted. The house then without discussion adopted the remaining sections of the bill, and it was ordered to its third reading. A Strange Case. A dispatch from Brussels says a physician at Ghent is investigating the strange case of a young woman of 17 who has eaten no food ..ce the beginning of November. hor eighty days. although not apparently sick, she has been confined to bed and unable to even partake of liquids of any descrip tion. Many people regard her as a saint, and already pilgrimages are made I to her houe bynnuprstitious persons. DISPENSARY jkWy The New Bill Passed by the House and Senate. FULL TEXT OF THE LAW As It Finally Passed the General Assemb!y, and Which Will be Signed by the Governor. Section 1. That Section 2, of an Act entitled "An Aet to provide for the election of a State board of control, and to further regulate the sale, use, con sumption, transportation and disposi tion of intoxicating and alcoholic liquors or liquids in the State; and pre scribe penalties for violation of dis pensary laws, to police the same, ap proved March 6, 1896," as amended by the Act approved 5th of March, 1897, be stricken out, and insert in lieu thereof the following, to be and to be known as Section 2: Z Section 2. That the State board of control is hereby abolished. Section 3. A board, consisting of three members, to be known as the board of directors of the State dispen sary, is hereby e3tablished, whose du ties and powers shall De hereinafter defined. The members of said board shall be men of good moral character, not addicted to the use of intoxicating liquor as a beverage, shall be elected by the General Assembly in joint ses sion as follows: The chairman of the board shall be first elected and then shall be elected the two remaining members. The term of cffice of the members of said board shall be for two years, unless sooner removed by the Governor; they shall qualify and be commissioned in the same manner as other State officers In the event of a vacancy on said board, by death, resignation or otherwise, such vacancy shall be filled by appointment, by the Governor, until the next session of the General Assembly, when an election shall be held to fill said vacanay for the unexpired term. Each member of said board shall receive for his services the same per diem and mileage allowed to members of the General Assembly: Provided, that no member of said board shall receive per diem for more then one hundred days in any fiscal year. The said board shall devise such a sys tem of bookkeeping and accounting aq it may deem advisable. The said board shall prescribe all rules and regulations, not inconsistent with law, for the gov ernment of the State dispensary and the county dispensaries. The General As sembly shall, at the iresent session, upon the approval of this A ct, elect the members of said board, as provided or in this section: Provided, that no member of this board of directors, while holding this office, shall become a can didate for any other office. Section 4. A dispensary commis sioner shall be elected by the General Assembly, who shall hold office for the term of two years and until his succes sor shall be elected and qualified, and ho shall receive an annual salary of hree thousand dollars, to be paid as now provided by law. The Governor shall have the right at any time to sus end the said commissioner for any cause which he shall consider sufficient until the next meeting of the General Assembly and appoint some suitable person to fill such vacancy during such suspension; In case of the removal of said commissioner by the Governor he shall, on the first day of the next meeting of the Legislature, make re port to said General Assembly, stating the reasons for his action, which ac tion, if approved by the General Assembly, shall operate as a remoi l and the General Assembly shall elect a successor to said commissioner. n ease of the death, suspension or other disability of the commissioner the Governor shall have the right to appoint a successor to fill said vacancy until the next meeting of the General Assembly. Said directors of the dis pensary shall, within thirty days after the approval of this Act by the Gover nor, and thereafter quarterly, advertise n two or more daily newspapers of this State and one or more daily newspa pers published without this State for bids to be made by; parties desiring to furnish liquor to the dispensary for said quarter; said bids shall be placed an envelope, securely sealea with the seal of company, firm or corpora tion, and having been so sealed, shall be placed in the express office, directed to the State Treasurer, Co lumbia, S. C.; and only one bid shall be made by any one, which shall state the quantity, price and chemical anal ysis thereof, accompanying said bids there shall be a sample of each kind of liquor offered for sale containing not nore than one-half pint each which sample shall on its arrival be delivered to the dispensary commissioner, to be retained by him until after it has been ascertained that the wines or liquors purchased correspond in all respects with that purchased, said samples to be the property of the State; and bids shall be kept by the State Treasurer in his office and he shall not himself or allow anyone to inspect said bids or the envel opes containing said bids, but shall de liver said bids to the directors of the dispensary at a mceting of the board of directors, who shall open said bids in public and record all bids in a book kept for that purpose; said directors of the dispensary may reject any and all bids and readvertise for other bids; said diectors of the dispensary shall pur chase all alcoholic liquors for lawful use in this State and shall have the same tested and declared to be chemi cally pure; and if the wiues or liquors purchased fail to correspond in any re spect with the sample furnished the seller thereof shall forfeit to the State a sum not exceeding the value of said liquor, to be recovered in an action brought by the State aginst such seller; and said contracts shall be awarded to the lowest responsible bidder, for such quantities and kinds of liquors as may be deemed necessary to the dispensary for that quarter; and said contracts shall further provide that the directors of the dispensary may order additional quantities of liquors sufficient to supply the dispensary, should there be need for more, from the same persons- or corporations at the same prices for that quarter Said diwrer shall require from the successful bidder or bidders such bond in such sum as they may deem necessary to insure the compliance by said bidder or bidders with the terms of said contracts: Provided, that said directors of the dispensary shall not purchase any liquor of any person, firm or corporation who shall solicit any orders, either by drummer, agents, samples or otherwise, except as herein provided: Provided, further, that nothing herein contained shall prevent said directors of the dispensary from making with distillers of this State contracts for the purchse of li quors manufactured by them within this State. The fical year of the transactions of the State dispensary shall end on the 30 day of Novemberof each year. The Governor of the State shall appoint not later than the 15th day of Decem ber in each year, two expert account ants, of good character and of high standing in their profession, who shall make a thorough examination of the books of account, trial balances and balance sheet of the dispensary for the year ending November 30, together with all bills, vouchers and any and all evi dences of receipts and expenditures whatsoever, and they shall certify to the General Assembly, in writting, at the beginning of the regular session in January of eat-h year, the result of such examination. This certificate to be in addition to the annual report of the board of directors. The accounts so named by the Governor of the State shall each receive for their services four dollars per day for not exceeding thirty days in any one year, to be paid from the earnings of the dispensary. The commissioner and the members of the board of directors are hereby directed and commanded to give to the account ants appointed by the Governor free and full access to all books of accounts, trial balances, balance sheet and every and all books, invoices, receipts, bank books, and every and all papers con nected with the financial operations of the dispensary. Section 5. The dispensary commis sioner shall, before entering upon the duties of his office, executive a bond to the State of South Carolina in the sum of $75,000, which bond shall be ap proved by the Attorney General of the State according to the provisions of the law as now provided, or which may be hereinafter enacted, and for the faithful observance of all rules and regulations made and adopted by the airectors of the dispensary during his term of office; said commissioner shall be charged with the management and control of the State dispensary, subject to the rules and regulations of said directors of the dispensary and the pro visions of the dispensary law; said com missioner shall enter into contracts, employ all assistants and help neces sary to manage the State dispensary, at salaries not to exceed those fixed by the directora of the dispensary; said commissioner may discharge any of the employees at pleasure, and report his reasons therefor in writing to the direc tors of the dispensary: Provided, that said dispensary commissioner shall not employ any person who is related to him or any members of the directors of the dispensary by blood or marriage, within the sixth degree: Provided, further, that the liquors sold to the county dispensaries shall be sold at a profit of not over 10 per cent-of the cost to the State. Section 6, That the county boards of control be appointed by the board of State directors in the manner now pro vided by law, and with the advice and consent of the members of the Senate and House of Representatives from the several counties, or a majority thereof. The county dispensers shall be elected by the county boards of control: Pro vided, that no person shall be elected county dispenser or clerk who is related within the sixth degree, by blood or marriage, with any member of the board of directors of the State dispe sary with the dispensary commissioner, or with any member of the county board of control by whom such county dispenser or clerk are to be elected. Section 7. All constables appointed under the provisions of this "Act to provide for the election of a State board of control, and to further regulate the sale, use, consumption, transporta tion and disposition of intoxicating and alcholic liquors or liquids in the State, and prescribe penalties for violation of dispensary laws, to police the same, approved March 6, 1896," and Acts amendatory thereof, shall, before entering upon the duties of their office, and in case such constables shall have been ahteady appointed, then within thirty days from the passage of this Act, each give bond to the State in the sum of $500, with surety and sureties, to be approved by the Attorney Gen eral, conditioned for the faithful per formance of the duties of his office; and in case of the breach of said bond, suit may be brought therein by any person aggrieved thereby, either in the county where any of the obligors reside or in any county where said breach may have occurred: Provided, that the Goveruoi shall report all such appointments to the General Assembly at the next ensu ing session, the date and term of ser vice thereof. Section 8, It shall be unlawful for the State commissioner, or any officer or employee of the State dispensary, or any county dispenser, or his clerk, to put any false or misleading label on any package of liquor to be sold udner any provisions of this Act, or to receive any samples for personal use, or to drink, or to give away any liquors in stock; and any person found guilty of violating the provisions of the section shal, upon conviction in any Court of competent jurisdiction, be punished by a fine of not less than $100 or by imprisonment for not less than one month, and such conviction shall work a forfeiture of the office or position held by such person. Section 9. The State board of con trol shall, within ten days after the ap proval of this Act, on demand, deliver to said directors of the dispensary all books, accounts and property of every nature and kind whatsoever. Section 10. All Acts or parts of Acts inconsistent with the provisions of this Act be, and are hereby, repealed. Section 11. That all Acts relating to the sale, use and consumption of intoxi cating liquors, now of force in this State, except such as are in conflict with this, be, and the same are hereby, re enacted and declared to be in full force and effect. Section 12. This Act shall go into effect immediately upon its approval by the Governor. MASTERLY ADDRESS Dr. J. L. M. Curry Deals With the Subject of Education. FREQUENTLY APPLAUDED. Lawmakers and All Others Give the Distinguished Orator Their Undivided Attention. Wednesday at 1 o'clock the Hon. J. L. M. Curry, D. D., LL. D., statesman, literateur and friend of education, ad dressed the general assembly of the State in the capitol building. It was an inspiring sight which greeted him, and he felt the inspiration. On the floor of the house of representatives sat the legislators, senators and repre sentatives, who in a day or two are to discuss appropriations which are to be made for the education of the youth. In the gallery sat 200 young men and women, students of South Carolina college, the Presbyterian College for Women and Columbia Female college. They had been given this opportunity to hear the distinguished southron. Senator Henderson of Aiken, chairman of the committee on arrangements, in troduced the speaker. Dr. Curry has passed the three score and ten, but his blood is young with eloquence, with patriotism and with love of the youthful mind. In begin ning he said that he was pleased to meet the "assembled wisdom" of the State. He had in his lifetime had the unique honor of addressing the legisla tures of more States than any other man but he had never met a more rep resentative, a more manly, a more courageous, a more progressive body than that which sat in this very hall the year that Governor Hampton's term expired. He asserted that he is no stranger in the State, but claimed to be the oldest South Carolinan in the hall, for the year after the stars fell he had attended the school at Willington, Ab beville county, taught by the Waddeils. He had watched South Carolina through all the years to the present. Just here he interpolated that the terms "rebel lion" and "civil war" were unparlia mentary and should not be applied to "the war between the States." This evoked tremendous applause. He then paid a beautiful tribute to South Carolina. What a long roll call of noble men and women rise to one's memory when he stands in the presence of South Carolinians. Do not let your sons or daughters forget them. Teach them the history of ancient times, but teach them, and truly, that South Car olina's history is the sublimest of all. While our pulses beat quicker at the memory of these great people of our State remember that the manna of yes terday will not satisfy the hunger of to day, and we must look ahead. Addressing himself to the legislators. he said: "What are you here for? What are yo-2r plans? You are here to advance the prosperity of South Caroli na, to enhance her glory." He had listened to the dispensary discussion and he now wanted to talk of another dispensary, the establish ment of one of which in every neigh borhood in South Carolina would not spread pestilence and disease and pov erty and death, but would shed light and happiness in every home. He was delighted with the new era in this State. He had just read that this was tha second State in the union in spindles. He had heard the senate discussing cotton seed oil mills, an in dustry unknown 20 years ago. But develop the minds of the children of the State and you will create power. If you would build for posterity develop the mind. Build up the free school system in South Carolina and you will build up the State. Carrying the ad vantage of education to every home. He then stated that he had with him an old pamphlet giving the names of all the young men who had attended South Csrolina college between its foundation and the year 1842. First on the roll of the Clariosophic society was the name of Bowie, afterwards chancellor of Alabama, and the speak er's father-in-law. Crenshaw, another chancellor of Alabama, was the first name on the Euphradian roll. As he ran down the names of illustrous ju rists, theologians and states nen he be came more and more eloquent, and when he paused at the name of "that grand old Roman," James H. Carlisle of Wofford College, the audience cheered almost wildly. These great men constituted South Carolina's true wealth. her glory. Who would tear one page from the history of the State on which the grandeur of South"Carolina college's influence was stamped. If you be true South Caro linians you will support her to the ex tent of your power and influence. (Cheers.) His splendid tribute to southern women was also cheered. lie was there to plead for the little boys and little girls at South Carolina. The future prosperity and glory of the State is wrapped up in them, many of whom are going barefooted in the wire grags country, not knowing the advant ages of education. While you are wor rying about the ratio of 16 to 1, there is another ratio of incomparably more importance, the ratio of illiteracy to those who can read and write. Are you in favor of education? How much do you give to education? There is no such legitimate tax on property as 'that which is levied on property for the education of children. The first school he e ver attended was in a log house 26 by 18. They got holidays by coercion and immersioia, tying the teacher and ducking him un til he gave in. Some schoolhouses now are as cold as icebergs and as barren as Sahara. The first need is an attractive schoolhouse, with pretty landscapes and an occasional flower on the teach er's desk. The next need is good teachers and the next longer sessions. In the annual report of the State sup erintendent of education, a masterly document from a brainy and progressive young man (applause) the need of these advantages was shown. He then ridi culed the fact that South Carolina pro vided so little for the superintendent of edunation. Hisoffen is in an obscnra place and has no comforts. He has no funds to travel over the State. He should be permitted to go around and try to find future statesmen who can not get an education and bring them to attention as was done with the great George McDuffie. At this point he ex plained that the Aristotle of America, the greatest logician this country ever produced, was a South Carolinian, John Caldwell Calhoun. (Cheers.) The greatest American who has ever en tered a pulpit was a South Carolinian, James Henry Thornwell. (Cheers ) The education of children is the par amount object in South Carolina. Yet there are schools which run but two and three months. Teaching doesn't come naturally. A doctor must be trained. Not everybody can teach school. Ana teaching has so much to do with the child. Every teacher ought to go through an examination just like a doctor. No business can be conducted without supervision. It is parsimony to do away with supervision in the school business. Education has become a part of the government, the Democratic govern ment. He stated in this connection the general ignorance in regard to our government and challenged anyone to show him where the constitution says "All men are born free and equal." The consent of the governed is not sound doctrine. The idea of asking the Filipinos what kind of governmen they want! Or some of these Cubans! Their condition he pictured as anala gous to that of the savages in Africa. To be a lawmaker is to be clothed with the attributes of a soverign. To make a law to which a State is subject, an emanation from infinitude, the essence of devine sovereignty, is an awful re sponsibility. He appealed to the leg islature to exercise its sovereign power in the right direction. Rhode Island and Massachusetts have more wealth per capita than any other State. Because they give mil lions to education-the best investment a State can make because it increases the productive ability of the mind. South Carolina may say she is too poor to do this. hat to the contrary she is too poor not to. Where the public school term is the longest, the produc tive capacity of the citizen is greatest. If you want to make a good invest ment put it into brain. He recited a touching incident showing that at Newport News navy yard southern men, and sometimes Confederate vet erans, were getting but 50 cents a day because they had never had the proper manual training, while men from other sections who had enjoyed those ad vantages were getting from 5 to 7 dol lars a day. Put money into the schools and it will come back. South Carolina pays $60,000 to her schools, not including income by the dispensary evasion, and she gets her money back at about 50 to 100 per cent. The education of the past was too scholarly, was not fLr the masses. It took a man away from the productive industries and made a poor lawyer or a poor politician of him, after he had read more Latin than had 3icero. But today things have changed. Youth is being trained to do as well as to know. Poverty is the fruit of ill ad vised parsimony, and the State should not stint the schools. THE STATE PENITENTIARY. Our Prison System Needs Reforming Badly. In the Senate Wednesday Senator Sarratt moved to indefinitely postpone the bill to provide for the establishment of a reformatory in connection with the State penitentiary. He said he did not see that there are funds to establish this reformatory. The boys in the penitcnttiary are outlaws and if they are put on a farm they will have better accommodations than they would at home. It will not be punishment for them. Senator Graydon wishes to add to Senator Sarratt's remarks that there is no way to heat the penitentiary and it was a wonder the mortality is not greater than it has been. Humanity should first dictate making the peni tentiary comfortable for old and young. The penitentiary should fix it ap so that it would be fit for human beings to live in. There are many necessary improvements that should be made be fore establishing a reformatory without any plans or ideas before the senate. He suggested appointing a committee to investigate the matter. Senator Archer said he thought it was high time for making a change in South Carolina. We had, been taught that idea of punishiment was retribution retribution! He knew the treasury is empty but would not vote for this bill from that standpoint. The superintend ent had told him there are buildings on the Reid farm where the young crim inals could be placed and he only want ed money to pay sertain expenses. The bill should require the directors to make this separtion. It is possible un der this bill to work part of the Reid farm by young convicts. He agreed with Senator Graydon about the sanita tion of the penitentiary. Half of the convicts cannot -;alk straight because their feet have been frogen. It is not right to keep the young convicts in these guarters. Senator Arc~her plead ed eloquently for a reformatory system, which would help youthful convicts to begin life anew after the expiration of their sentences. Senator G. W. Brown asked for his authority that the convicts' feet arc froeen. Senator Archer gave the superintend ent of the penitentiary as his authority and Senator Hay, chairman of the pen itentiary committee, confirmed this, Senator Archer continued that the con victs are put in cold sells for 13 hours and they could not stay in bed all this time and their feet on the stone floors were fragen. Senator Archer then took up the system of corporal punish ment and referred to the practice of whipping. He said the superintendent said the white convicts would not work as well separated from the colored and had offered a sent a dozen to them for better work. Those who lagged were "taken out,"' which meant they are flogged. Senator Ragsdale moved to table the motion to indefinitely postpone. This was agreed to and the bill passed the third reading and was ordered sent to BIENNIAL SESSION. The Bill That Passed the House Vo ted on in the Senate. The joint resolution passed by the house proposing a constitutional amend ment to make sessions of the general assembly biennial came up in the sen ate Wednesday. Senator Graydon moved to strike out the enacting words. On this the ayes and noes were taken without debate, except a short speech by Senator Barnwell, who thought the people ought to be given the right to vote on the amendment. The motion to kill the bill was lost by a vote of 27 to 10 as follows: Yeas-Alexander, Glenn, Graydon, Hay, Henderson, Hough, Livingston, Marshall, Mower, Talbird.-10. Nays-Aldrich, Appelt, Archer, Barnwell, Blakeney, Bowen, Connor, Crosson, Dean, Dennis, Douglass, Gru ber, Ilderton, Love, Manning, Mauldin, McDerm-,tt, Ragsdale, Sarratt, Shep pard, Stanland, Suddath, Sullivan, Walker, Wallace, Waller, Williams.-24 The bill was then up for its second reading. A CONSTITUTIONAL POINT. Senator Ragsdale raised the point whether two-thirds of the senators vot ing or of the whole number of senators was required to pass the resolution. The constitution was consulted and it requires t-o-thirds of the whole num ber. On the motion to pass it to the third reading, the ayes and noes were taken and the resolution received 20 votes out of a possible 40, lacking the two-thirds vote, but the chair ruled that atwo-thirds vote is necessary only for the fial passage and not for the se cond reading. The vote was as fol lows: Yeas-Aldrich, Archer, .Barnwell, Blakeney, Bowen, Connor, Crosson. Dean, Dennis, Douglass, Gruber, Ilder ton, Love, Manning, Mauldin, McDer mott, Ragsdale, Sarratt. Sheppard, Standland, Suddath, Sullivan, Walker, Appelt, Waller, Williams.-26. Nays-Alexander, Glenn, Graydon, Mower, Talbird, Hay, Henderson, Hough, Livingston, Marshall, Wal lace.-11. Senator Raasdale said the speaker of the house had ruled that such a reso lation must have two-thirds on every reading. Senator Graydon took the same view and argued this point at some length. Senators Ragsdale and Barnwell spoke on the same line. The senate seemed in doubt on this point and it was uncertain whether a two thirds vote was necessary to pass the bill to the third reading. Senator Archer moved to reconsider the vote and this was adopted in order to obviate the difficulty and secure a vote when all the senators are present. REPUBLICAN CONVENTION. State Executive Committee's Meeting in Columbia Thursday. The Republican State convention for the purpose of electing delegates to the national Republican convention has been called to be held on March 20th, next. The convention has been ealled by the State Republican executive com mittee which met in Columbia Thurs day in response to the call sent out by Senator Mark Hauna, the national Republican chariman to the various States. The national convention is to be heid in Philadelphia on June 19th,1 next, for the purpose of adopting a national platform and nominating can didates for president and vice presi dent of the United States. South Car olina is to be represented by sixteen delegates in that convention, and the State convention is to name these dele gates, and attend to such other matters as may be presented. All but twelve members of the regu lar committee attended the meeting Thursday and those twelve were rep resented by proxies. Since the last meeting of the committee W. D, Hoop er of the fifth district has died, and Thursday C. J. Pride of Rock Hill was elected to succeed him. The personnel of the regular committee is as follows: R. R. Tolbert, Jr., chairman, Green wood. Robt. Small,,vice chairman, Beaufort J. H. Johnson, secretary, Charles ton. E. A. Webster, Orangeburg. E. H. Deas, Darlington. First District-W. D. Crum, Charlcs ton; J. A. Baxter, Georgetown; R. C. Brown, Charleston. Second District-E. J. Dickerson, Aiken; Paris Simkins, Edgefield; W. S. Dixson, Barnwell. Third District-A. Mi. Folger, Pick ens; E. F. Cochran, Anderson; R. E. Williams, Newberry. Fourth District-B. F. Means, Spar tanburg; L. F. Goldsmith, Reedy Riv er; J. H. Moore, High Point. Fifth District-E. B. Burroughs, Cheraw: C. J. Pnide, Rock Hill; W. E. Boykins, Camden. Sixth District--R. A. Stewart, Man ning; W. H. Collier, Marion; James Tharpe, Kingstree. Seventh District-D. T. Middleton, Mount Holly; W. W. Ramsey, Wedge field; Abial Lathrop, Orangeburg. The rroxies were as follows-E. A. Webster for Brown, Burroughs and Middleton; J. W. Bolts for Baxter, E. W. Sereven for Simpkins; J. H. Ford ham for Dixson; H. G. Arthur for Wil liams; H. B. Thomas for Means; Joe W. TolberL for Goldsmith; P. S. Suber for Moore; Jno. F. Jones for Pride; and E. H. Deas for Collier.-The State. Gov, Goebe' Funeral. Rain came down ir. sheets Thursday while the funeral services were being held over the body of Kentucky's dead Democratic leader, at Frankfort. The morning dawned dark and threat ening, and when the parade was on the march rain fell in torrents. Services were held in the parlor of the Capitol hotel. They consisted merely of a reading of the scriptures by Dr. Talia ferro of the Mlethodist church and a solo by Mrs. Jessie B. Caldwell, of Covington, and a prayer by Dr. Schmitt. The march to the cemetery from the hotel began at 1 o'clock. Many dis tinguished men were in attendance. Peace to His Ashes. Maj. H. Clay Richardson, formerly a widely known newspaper man of Co-. lumbia. died in Greensboro, Ala., on Tuesday. He was local reporter for the Columbia Register in its best days, and his "Registered Dots" in the campaign of 1876 were famus. He was afterc-dA Columbia correspondent of The News MURDER WILL OUT. Strange Story of the Skeleton of a Missing Man. MURDERED FOR HIS MONEY. The Body Found in the Hollow of a Huge Sycamore Tree When Cut Down by Workmen. A dispatch from Cox's Landing in West Virginia says four years ago a con spicuous figure in this section of the Ohio valley was Frederick Davis, a German, about 38 years of age, who peddled jewelry. He purchased all his geods in Chicago, and had quite an ex tonsive trade among the farmers in the valley between Huntington, W. Va., and Gallipolis, Ohio. He had no relatives living in this country, but for ten years, so he said, his home had been in and about Chicago. One of his best customers was Mrs. Howard, a wealthy widow, who resides in Union district, Cabell county, a fei miles off the river. Davis was rather a neat looking fellow, a good conversa tionalist, and always had plenty of money. After repeated visits to the home of Mrs. Howard, it became noised about that more than a friend ship existed between thewidow and the peddler. Dame rumor was true for once, and in the early part of November, 1896, a wedding took place. After the marriage Davis traveled but little, but instead devoted all his attention to looking after the -interest of his wife's property. About ix months after the wedding, he left home very early one morning for Huatington, to do some shopping. He was to have returned home the same day. He had considerable money with him. He was seen here, and late in the afternoon started for home. That was the last seen of him. Many were the theories advanced to account for his disappear ance as the months rolled by, but the one most believed was that Davis had simply become tired of living in this locality and had left for other parts. His wife spent hundreds of dollars endeavoring to locate or find some trace of him, but in vain. A few days ago a firm of timber dealers put a force of men at work cut ting timber on Trace creek, on i strip of land recently purchased from Mrs. Davis. On chopping down a huge sycamore tree, to make room for t haul way, the workmen found in the hollow trunk the skeleton of a man. About seven feet from the ground was & huge hole, and through this the body of the man had been thrust, to conceal amurder. A few fragments of clothing still clung about the skeleton, and when & portion of the same were shown to Mrs. Davis, she really identified them is pieces of the garments worn by her kusband on the day of his disappear ince. It is the prevailing opinion that Davis was murdered for his money, and his body concealed in the trunk of the old sycamore. Enlarging Winthrop College. The house of representatives Thurs day passed McDow's bill to appropriate $35.000 for a new dormitory for Win - throp college. The bill had commended itself to many, but to Moflow's persis tent efforts is due a great measure of the big majority which his bill rolled up. The vote on the bill was as follows: Yeas-Bacot, Bailey, Bell, Blease, Blythe, Brantley, Browning, (laugh man, Cosgrove, Cross, Crum, Dargan, Davis, Dean, Dendy, 'Dowling, Dukes, Epps, Estridge, N. 0. Evans, Floyd, Gause, Henderson, Hoffmneyer, Hollis, Jackson, Jenkins, H. E. Johnson, Jones Leverett, Lockwood, Lofton~ Lyles, Magill, Manning, Marion, McGoy, Mc Craw, McCullough, McDili, McDow, McLaurin, Means, Mehrtens, Mitchell, Montgomery,- Moses, Moss, Nettles, Patton, Peurifoy, Prince, Pyatt, E. B. Ragsdale, J. W. Ragsdale, George W. Richardson, Henry B. Richardson, R. B. A. Robinson, Rogers, E. L San ders, Sawyer, Seabrook, Simkins, Sinkler, Stackhouse, Strom, Saber, Theus. W. H. Thomas, Threatt, Ver dier, West, Weston, Wharton, Whison ant. Wilson, Wingo, Winkler, H. H. Woodward, Wyche and Young.-81. Nays-Ashley, Bates, Black, De Bruhl, Gamble, Gantt, Graham, Hill, Hydrick, W. J. Johnson, Mann, Laban Mauldin, Miley, Mobley, Pat terson, C. E. Robinson, C. P. Sanders, G. P. Smith, E D.8Smith, J. L.8Smith, Timinerman, Varn, Verner, Williams, Wimberly ad Woods.-26. Dolegates Selected. Thursday night the executive com mittee of the South Carolina State Press association held a meeting in this city for the purpose of completing some work overlooked at the recent annual meeting. The committee selected Pres ident E. H. Aull, Editor N. 0. Gon z des of The State and Editor J. C. Hemphill of The News and Courier del egates to the annual meeting of the Na tional Press association to be neld in ikw Orleans. The president is to fill any vacancies in the lis of delegates. The National association's membefs ex pect to rendezvous in St. Louis on Washington's birthday, where they will participate in the festiviuies of the oc casion. All the members expect to be in New Orleans in time for the Mardi Gras festivities. The business ses sions of the asrociation will begin about March 1. Col. James A. Hoyt, the national et ecutive committeman from this State, expects to attend in that capacity. A Philipino Ambush. A dispatch from Manila says the in surgents on Monday captured a supply train of nine bull carts between Orani and five privates of Company "G", Thirty-second infantry. The insur gents weakened the supports of a bridge over a creek. The first cart went into the stream. While the Americans were tryinig to haul the cart ovt, the insurgents fired a volley from the bushes and killed six soldiers and tw nic drivers.