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PUBLISHES ALL COUNTY AND TOWN OFFICIAL ADVERTISEMENTS. MANNING, S. C.: WEDNESDAY, DEC. 6, 1899. Our Great Holiday Sale. Remember our great Holiday Sale is now on and we are offering some of the greatest bargains ever offered in Manning. Call and see the great values we offer in Holiday Goods. Fireworks of every kind. Great bargains to offer in Men's and Children's Clothing. Just call and see if we don't offer some of the greatest values in Men's Fine Pants ever shown in the town. Just received, another shipment of the Famous H. C. Godman black bot tom Shoes. You know you want this Shoe, so come and get it. When you want Shoes that will last, come to us. When you want the best and the freshest Family Groceries come to us. Raisins, Currants and Citron for that Christmas cake. Apples, Oranges and Bananas and Cocoanuts cheaper than anywhere else. Hecker's Buck wheat and Rolled Oats, fresh and cheap. The finest line of Teas ever shown in this town. Celestial Blend, Eng lish Breakfast and Young Hyson are our brands-65 and 75e per lb. Try our line of Teas once and you will have no other. Yours truly, W. E. JENKINSON. Notice is hereby given that no advertisements will be hereafter changed in this paper where the copy is brought in later than Sat urdav noon. Mr Levi R Tindal of Sumter was in Man ning last Monday. Go to C W Kendall for Xmas goods. We regret to learn of the extreme illness of Magistrate Richbourg of Packsville. Tarbell Cheese at McLeod's. It is the best. Miss Ria Spott has accepted a position at S. R. Vennings jewelry and novelty store. If yor want a stylish Hat see Kendall's. Mr. and Mrs. Bigby of Atlanta in Manning on a visit to their son W. C. Du Rant Esq. French Rat Traps, 50c. each. Manning Hardware Co. Rev. P. B. Wells left Monday evening to attend the South Carolina Conference in Orangeburg. You can get a nice Tooth Brush from 5c up, at Brockinton's. Captain Thomas Wilson, presiden t of the Wilson & Summerton railroad was in Man. ning on Monday. See Kendall's line of Xma Dolls. Mr. Henry Weinberg a former resident of this town, now a citizen of Mayesville -was in Manning last Monday. Stove Gasoline 20c. per gallon. Man ,ning Hardware Co. The Grand Lodge of Masons convenes -in Charleston next Tuesday, and Dr. C B Geiger will represent St Peters. Go to J W McLeod's for Dried Fruit, Cit von, Currants, Raisins and Jellies. Died Tnesday, 28th day of November. at her home near Pine Grove, Mrs. Ellen Tlomlinsoni, relict of the late R. R. Tomhin son, aged about 65 years. Dress Goods at Kendall's,very low prices. Married this day at Beulab, at the resi dence dfthe bride's sister, Mrs B B Thomnp .son, Mr Charles Steele and Miss Hamie Epps, Daughter of Mr S R Epps. Just received, a new supply of Writting Tablets, from ic to 10c, at Brockinton's. Died last Saturday at her home on San tee, Mrs Mary Walker Lesesne, wife of Mr Geo I Lesesne, aged about 50 years. The funeral took place at St Paul Monday. Handsome Water. Lemonade, and Choc olate Sets, at S. H. Venning's jewelry and novelty store. The ladies of the Methodist church 'sill have an entertainment in the court house Friday evening, 15th inst. The prograta will be attractive and oysters will be served. Ladies' and Misses' fine Shoes at Ken' deli's, next door to Post Offire. The piece of "unknown" land in Sandy Grove township advertised by the sheriff was not sold because the same was settled by the parties havin.g interest in the same. We are still headquatters for all fine Perfumery and Extracts. Call anid exiam ine our stock. Brockinton. Married by Rev. S E Bishop today' at the residence of the brides parents near Workman, Mr R C Bergess and Miss Mag gie Evans, daughter of Mr John Steven Evans.. Are you a lover of good Books. Then read iadvertisement that will appear in M.anning Times. Wednesday Dec. 13th. The R B Loryea ding store Isac M Itoryea, Watch for Lnz TnmFas' issue of the 13th of D~ermber. It will be a beauty, the haiud somest ever gotten up in the State and it Swill have the effect of adivertisiog the town anid county. Housekeepers that hill want to prepare tho.e nice dainties for Christmas can be supplied, with a fiesh lot of raisins, cur rants citron, jellies an d everyt bing else in the "big dinner" line at J. W. 3-!eL-:od Probate Jndge Windhbam wi!l lhereafter have Mondays and Satnrdays of each week as his office days. Pefr'ons having brasi ness in the office of the P'i.obt- Judge will jm.-wber the days. Ev'ery man, woman and child will do well, to read carefully the adverti'ezuent in Manning Times Wednesday Dec. 13th. The R B Loryea drug store, Isaac M Lor yee. Prop. There will be, an ice-cream fa'tival at the Silver Academy on next Fridiay even ing Dec. 8th, at 8 o'clock for the b'enefit of th,- school. Oysters will be seived also. The public is cordially invite d. It is to your interest to read every word in advertisement which will appear in Mannjng Times Dec. 13th. The R B I r yea drug store, Isaac M Loryea, Prop. Married this afternoon at Sumter, at the rsience cf the bride's father, Mr John Sh:aw of New Zion and Miss Eva Pierson, daghter of Sheriff LB Gi Pierson. The eou p~e left on the evening train for a brid a tour North. You may require a Preseiption to be filled and sent by mail, if so be sure and read advertisement in Manning Times Dec. 13th. The R B Loryeai drug store, Isaac M Loryea, Prop. There will be an entertainment at Home Branich school house on the evening of the 14th inst, for the benefit of Miss Jessie Curtis' school. Refreshments will be serv ed, and the editor is promised remember ance over the phone. Do you wish pure drugs, a full asiort ment of every thing appertaining to a well equipped drug store? Then read adver tisement in Manning Times Wednesday Dec. 13th. The R B Loryea drug store The following pupils of Silver Public school have their names placed upon the Honor roll for the past month: Daisy Rhame, Jackson Rhame, May Briggs, Liz zie, Mamie, Hattie and Willie Brig;s, Margaret Thames, Eddie, Clarence and Ad die Butler, Abie and Bessie Briggs. Are yon a lover of the Lady Nicotine, and wish to enjoy your after dinner Cigar? Then read advertisement in Manning Times Wednesday Dec. 13th. The R B Loryea drug store, Isaac X Loryea, Prop. It is not often that Manning is visited by genial souls as Col. A. C. Heckheimer and Maj. Gus Gumprecht, both of Balti more, and when these gentlemen do visit us the "the pleasure is all ours." They spent last Wednesday hete repr.-,rtiung their repective business houses, and when concluding "sehmusing" the merchants and mailing their fat orders they made fan for the boys. These two gentleman always receive a warm welcome here and the houses they reresent are fortunate in having them. If you wish te procure any Patent Prep aration, Soaps, Perfumery, Toilet articles, fine Confections, in endless variety? Then read advertisement in Manning Times Wednesday, Dec. 13. The R B Loryea drug store, Isaac 'i Loryea, P:op. Parties are about to commence circulat ing petitions, praying the legislature to Ex empt certain portions of Clarendon from the operations of the stock law during the nionths of December, January and Febru ry. The portions songht to be exempted is in Mt Zion, Brewington and Midway townships; those who want to turn theil stock out will probably not plant any win ter grain and are not caring about those who do plant such crop. A bill was introiuced at the last session looking to the stock law exemption and was killed in Committee for lack of compliance with the law. "A thing of beauty is a joy forever" do yon wish to possess any article that will give you joy and pleasure? Then be sure and read advertisement in Manning Times Wednesday Dec. 13th, The R B Loryea drug store, Isaac M Loryea, Prop. In the notice of the County Supervisor calling for claims against the county to be filed on the first Saturday in January, he also extends and invitation to th county's representatives to meet with his board. We are glad the supervisor has done this, and we hope there will be nothing to pre vent any member of the delegation from being prese;nt. No Representative can in telligently represent his constituents who does not seek the neccessary information, that he may become conversant with the county's needs. The people have placed a trust into their h ,nds and an important one; the f:ct tlat the position of Represen tative is a conrtdence, makes it the more honorable, and those who are thus honc-r ed should appreciate it sufficiently to come to the court house t atquaint themselves of the condition of the county. We sin cerely hope all will be on hand. Do you wish your Prascriptions com pounded carefully. accurately and prompt ly? Then do not miss reading our adver tisement in Manning Times Wednesday Dec. 13th. The R B Loryea drug store, Isaac M Loryea, Prop. Quite an existing episode occured last Monday by the running of one Cicero Harvin, colored, away from a constable who had a warrant for his arrest, on the charge of violation of contract. The crowd took in after the fleeing negro and he was finally captured- While the chase was in progress many in the crowd did not know the cause of excitement or who was wanted but they went on with the crowd, then some fellow in a spirit of mischief gave it out that they were clasing Bill Dixon, which caused many to halt instantly and remember they had business elsewhere. Harvin when taken was very much fright ened, the fellow did not seem to know why he should have thus been pursued. But Mr. Ed. Briggs of Silver who had him ar rested told the fellow that he was charged with fraud and violation of contract. It was not long however before Harvin gave bond and was released. Are you a letter writer, and desire to in - dite your effusions on Paper that will show a refined and cultivated taste? Then read advertisement in Manning Times Wed nesday Dec. 13th. The R B Loryea drug store, Isaac M Loryea, Prop. Our Sheriff informs us that about eigh teen years ago a mysterious murder was committed in the Silver section and up to date no one has paid any penalty for the crime. Charles Connors, a negro; immed iately after the murder, left for p-arts un known and at the Coroners inquest it was learned that the murdered woman who was the wife of Charles Connor's was lois oned with concentrated lye. A warrant was issued and the country ransacked for tbe escaped murderer, without avail, the sheriff communicated with other sherifi's and through all of these long years Charles Connors charged with the murder of his wife eluded the clutches of the law. At last Sheriff Bradham found a prosper ous colcred farmer in Marlboro county known there as Charlie Johnson; somethin g r,-iehed the sheriff which caused him to look after this man and he located him as the missing Charles Connors wanted by hi -i on to' charge of murder. Deputy Sheriff Gamble left on Monday fo'r Ben nettaville and brought Connors here and placed him in the county jail to be tried at the next term ot cour-t. Every Daiy Affords New Proof's of the peculiar effects of Pain-Killer. In cases where a diso:reel een dition of thle stom ach, liver and limels is combined with great debility, nervons weakness, and in tense melancholy, its effects are most bene ficial and wonderful. It should be kept by every family. .\void substituites, there is but one Pain-Killer, Perry Davis' Prike 25c. an d 50c. Quite a crowd a-sem tie-.i in Mann ing last Monday, to hear :ho pre liminary trial of Cy Connors and Ellison (Connors~charged wth stealing cotton prom ta~e railroad depo.t at Siver. Magistriu- Thcbbontg of St Pau! was the trial .Magiserae and whenr the hour arrived, it was ascertained that some of the material witnesses for the State was not prsent, and Magistrate Richbourg granted a continuence until next Mand-ay. This case is being watched with a great de::i of interest, because it is belheved thnt there is an organized band of thieves who have adopted the plan of robbing cotton fromi the bales and by putting a little seed cot ton with it, have it packed at some of the cotton gins; there is also a strong suspicion that the band is not altogether comnpoead of negroes, and the axiety displayed by the negroes from that section exhibited a degree Iof restlessness among them. Pine-wood has also had a cojion ste-aling scraps from its depot, and as a consequence J. W. Dowe, and J. W. Green, both color -, are now in jail in default of hon:1. The baks of cotton robbed belonged to Mr. N. C. Stack, and Mr. Pat Broughton. It is susectel that the Pine vooi and Silver robbries are the work of the same organ ized gang. My son has b an troubled for years with chronic diarrhoea. Some time ago I per suaded him to take some of Chamberlain's Colic. Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. After using two bottles of the 25-cent size he was cured. I give this testimonial hop ing some one similarly afflicted may read it and be benefited.-Thomas C Bower, Glencoe, 0. Por sale by the R B Loryea drug store. Uneasy lies the face that wears a drug store comiplexion. Cure stomach troubles, cold feet and hands, excessive menstrual flow with Sim mons' Squaw 'Vine Wine or Tablets. SoHl Iby Dr WV M Brockinton. Some mothers spare the rod and spoil a slipper. Dr M A Simmons' liver medicine search es out alt impurities in the system and ex pels them harmlessly by the natural chan nels. Sold by Dr WV M Brockinton. The hand that used to rock the eradle nows grips the handle bar. J B Clark, Peoria, Ill, says, "Surgeons wanted to operate on me for piles, but I cured them with DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve." It is infallible for piles and skin diseases. Beware of counterfeits. D 0 Rhame, Summerton; Dr WV M Brockinton, Manning. - N0TIUE. All persons having claius aginst the county of Carxten, will please present them on the 1st Satturday in January that the sane way be considered for appro val or rejection. An iritaition is also ex tended to the RZepresentatives to ueet with the board on that day for the purpose of acquiring necessary information to aid them in their legislative duties. It is earnestly desired that there be a full at tendance of the legation. T. C. OWENS, 32 -4t] Supervisor. THE< R. B. Loryea DRUG STORE, ISAAC M. LORYEA, Propr. Sign of Golden the Mortar. MANNING, S. C., "A celebrated artist once explained his success by saying that he mixed his paints with brains." The painter that uses his brains will use LONGMAN & MARTINEZ'S Justly Celebrated Paints. We Are Sole Agents. And carry a complete line of these Paints in White, Black and all other colors. Varnish Stains In Mahogany, Walnut, Cherry, Cocabola, Oak, etc. Wagon and Carriage Paints IN ALL COLORS. Venetian Red, Princes Metallic Paint WHITE LEAD' In any quantity-1 lb. to 1,000 lbs at lowest market quotations. OILS, OILS, OILS. Raw Linseed. Boiled Linseed, Neats foot, Lubricating, Castor, Ma chine, Japan, Varnishes, As phaltum, etc., etc. Kerosene Oil, Aladdin, Kerosene Oil, Fire Proof. Before placing your orders on Paints, Oils, etc., etc., communicate with us and we will furnish esti mates. The R. B. Loryea Drug Store ISAAC M. LORYEA, Propr., MANNING, S. C. SIGN OF THE GOLDEN MORTAR. We have a complete line of Glass constantly in stock in all sizes, Putty and Triangles, Glass Cutter Combi nations, etc. The Name on a Can Or a package is not nearly so imports.nt as the name and standing of the dealer it is bought of. The canner or packer may be hundreds of miles away. The dealer is close at home. You can go to him any day and demand attention to any short comings of the goods. Every item we sell is guaranteed by the maker, and to this we add our own guaran tee-that makes you doubly safe if yon buy here. ~We want to say to the good people of Manning that we are large receiv ers of everything known to the Gro erv trade. IS4 RICE We have a larger stock than many wholesale dealers and can furnish all grades, from 2 cents a pound upwards, in any quantity. Samples mailed free on application. HOLIDAY GOODS are now in de mand and we have a full supply of everything that is necessary for the full enjoyment of this season. Our stock comprises RAISINS,'CURRANTS, CITRON, DATES, FIGS, NUTS, SHELLED ALnlONDS, CRANBERRIES, MINCE flEAT, PLUnl PUDDING, CONFECTIONERY, ETC., ETC., and hundreds of other items. We are offering, for CASH ONLY, Standard Fine Granulated 50 LB. Sugar at only..... LU Orders filled for any quantity from 1 pound to a dozen barrels if yo'u want them. We issue a monthly PRICE LIST which will be gladly mailed you. It contains much information in a small space and is a valuable guide in or dering your supplies. WELCH & EASON, Universal Providers, 185 & 187 Meeting & 117 Market Sts, CHARLESTON, S. C. Stockholders' MIeeting. IThere will be a meeting of the stokholders of the People's Tobacco Warehouse Company December 8th at 8 o'clock p. m. at the office of Dr. W. M. Brockinton, for the purpose of making application to the Secre tary of State to increase the capital stock of said company. C. M. MASON, Sec-y. Nov. 29, 1899. [31-2t Jeweler & We /FANNIN WatChes, ware I make Fancy Artiel and Holiday been sold he early and see Among t ALUMINUM wear like sil' I deal also in Imported Fancy I Christmas Toys and Fireworks. Manning Times Block, three door amLonnk for 1 UBIAN TA cures Dspep PIe sia, Constipation and Indi gestion. Regulates the Liver. Price,25 cts. Sold by R. B. Loryea. TO OUR FRIENDS. We have agreed to unite our inter ests, commencing on January 1st, 1900, and will do a general mercan tile business under the name of Mc Leod, Wilkins, King & Co. We will handle fertilizers and all manner of farm supplies, and ask the continued patronage of onr friends. The Clarendon Tobacco Warehouse will be under the special charge of Mr. E. L. Wilkins, and Mr. McLeod, Mr. King and Mr. C. E. Wilkins will be found at the store. J. W. MCLEOD. E. L. WILKINS. W. U. KING. C. E. WILKINS. Manning, S. C., Dec. 6, 1899. [32-St P .rThe Kind You Have Always Bourt Si-=tre Land Surveying and Leveling. I will do Snrveying, etc., in Clarendon and adjoining Counties. Call at office or address at Samter, S. C. P O. Box 101. JOHN R. HAYNESWORTB. 0 Others Ma8 Boast! Boasting is not what the people want; they want sol id facts, and with solid facts I propose to deal. My store is in the Nettles building, between Loryea's drug store and Jenkinson's. An invitation to the pub lie is extended to inspect my Fall and Winter stock of Dry Goods, Dress Goods, ~~ My snoreiyih Gootls c uldgbtweengrya' S Anivtain t s pub anall nd Winterstoc Nofelies I 8 M Dy Gocedsoc I ampeotyaisfie tht a ufice ts, now tonda the latpes witovtiesk MtGreod er y Stoces th tIas full and colten and I gwarnt very purchasel. Laui per e vaisfe inga lto ragsintheral heCaan ocmed tor all illretoad hen afcins, Ltreangetl my prcet COME T SEE MT.1 ANNuis Lei. C. Ni N IN I, 2tc Repa1er specialty of e Silverwre an -ePyfoy. ecitmsicoigrall Ithe nda emd o l leNvsI hha e andL Abeautio lneo rop Pr ery chai'pali. n-aed China a nsre e Sut of Postofice LsA'ITOMrnEYTL .N JENKINSOfS__ GREAT Holiday Sale I s l\T O> 7 IN FULL BLAST And it will certainly pay everybody to visit our store during this sale and take advantage of the splendid bargains that are now being offered in Dry Goods, Fine Dress Goods, Millinery, Shoes and Clothing. And Santa Claus has taken up his headquarters at our store, and you can now see the largest line of HOLIDAY GOODS At our store ever shown in the town of Manning. Forty dozen Dolls, dressed and undressed, to sell from 5 to 50c each. One thousand Packs Fire Crackers to sell two packs for 5c. All kinds of Fancy Cups and Salicers, Cake Plates afid Salad Dishes, in Pure China, all at the lowest cash prices. The prettiest line of T1OY8 We have ever shown in this town. If you want nice Toys and Ch1stmas Goods of any kind, come to us and you will get it cheap. Aniy Kinid of a Shoe Will Do In dry weather, but in the cold, wet winter you want the best shoes you can get. At our store you can find the best and at the lowest possible prices. Our Pebble Grain Button Shoes for Ladies at $1 is a line of goods we dote on and we guarantee every pair of them to be per fectly solid and will give satisfaction. Our H. C. GO0MAN Black Bottoll Shoes For Ladies, Boys and Children is without a doubt the greatest line of Shoes ever offered in this State for the money we ask for them. There is not a day that passes but what people come into our store and call for the H. C. GODMAN Black Bottom Shoe, and I ask them, " Why do you want this Shoe ?" And they say, a"Why, I bought a pair last winter and they lasted longer than any shoe I ever bought and I don't want any other but the H. C. GODMAN Black Bottom." It is certainly a pleasure to sell such shoes as the H. C. GODMAN Shoes. Geiits and BoyS Clotlinig. If you ihavent bought your winter Clothing yet don't put it off any longer, but come to our store and take advantage of the great bargains we are offering. Boys' Knee Suits from 75c up ; Boys' Knee Pants from 20c up to 75c. IThe prettiest line of Men's Overcoats to be found in this town. Just see the line of Men's Pants we are offering. We have them in all prices from 75c per pair up. L.ADIES' CAPES AND JACKETS, Ladies, it 'will just surprise you to see the values we are offer ing in Capes and Jackets. Nice Black Cloth Capes, trimmed in fur, at $1.25 and $1.30, that look cheap at $2. Nice Black and Gray Jackets at 3.50 that are well worth 5.00. Nice Black Silk Plush Capes at 2.50 that are sold everywhere at 3.50. Just see the line of long 27-inch Black Silk Plush Capes that we are selling at 7.50 each that are being sold in many places at 10.00 each. Ladies, don't fail to see us when you want Jackets and Wraps. Yours truly, W. E. JENKINSON. Look to Your Interest. Here we are, still in the lead, and why suffer with your eyes when you can be suited with a pair of Spectacles with so little trouble? We carry the 1 7. Celebrated HAWIES Spectacles and Glasses, Whien we are offering very cheap, from 25c to $2.50 and Gold Frames at $3 to $6. Call and be suited. W_ M. BROCKINTON. 0.0+0+0+00+ WE DES TO SIT 0*040*040 To our many customers who called for Anti-Rust Tinware while we were temporarily "out of it," that we now have it in Scalders, Milk Pans, Pudding Pans, Wash Basins, Water Buckets, Teapots and Dippers, and will endeavor to always have it in future by buying in large quanti ties. Our sales of this Ware have exceeded our expectations by many dol lars. We have just received ten dozen of the best AXES ever brought to this market for chopping pine timber. These Axes are made after a pattern es pecially adapted to chopping in the gummy pine timber of North and South Carolina, having long, narrow blades. We had these made under our own brand and every Axe is carefully tempered and guaranteed free from flaws in manufacture. We still have a few CANE MILLS AND EVAPORATORS on hand to be sold at low prices. The season for shooting has arrived and sportsmen can Et themselves out at our place with almost everything needed by them. We have 10,000 Club and Rival Shells that we are selling at popular prices. Also Cartridge Belts and Bags, Hunting Coats and Leggings. We have also a splendid lot of Guns for boys. We are selling an excel lent Single-Barrel Breach-Loading Gun at $5.75 up, while for men we have a Double-Barrel Breach Loader for $9.50 up. iJaluing Hardware Company. HERE WE ARE! .*0.0.0. Have yoU been to my store to -take advantage of the many bargains I have to offer? Others may blow and bluster, blit the proof of the pud ding is the chewing of the string, and when you come to my store there will be no such thing as tempting baits in order to induce you to begin purchasing, and then after you have commenced to make your bill, the profits increase on the goods you need most and have to buy in larger quantities. My friends, I am here to tell you that I intend to sell my goods at a living profit and you do not expect me to do oth erwise. Let me show you my DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, SHOES, CLOTHING, HATS. ALL KINDS OF HOUSEHOLD NECESSITIES, CROCKERY, CUTLERY AND WOODEN WARE. My Grocery stock is as complete as any store in town, with all prices as low as the lowest, and goods guaranteed. When you come to town be sure to call on NV. G. J inag ~~Just .ReceivedI A lot of Sample Shoes at prices to interest Sany one who wears them. Come early before the Ssizes are broken and look at our specialties in SMen's, Ladies', Boys' and Misses' Goods. Have also just opened up acheap and pretty lot 2 Sof CRCI~EER WARIE N Look at our line of ~Dry Goods, Notions, Fo te enfi roceries, Etc. Forthebenfitof our farmer friends we are sell- 3 Sing the prettiest Red Rust-Proof Seed Oats ever' Sbrought to this market. Thanking you for favors, I am, V ery truly, ~R. M. ST RA NGE. Watches and Jewelry. I want my friends and the public generally to know that when in need of a Wedding, Birthday or Christmas Present, That in the future, as well as the past, I am prepared to supply them. My line of Watches Clocks Sterling Silyer Diamonds Jewelry Cut Glass Fine China Wedgewood Spectacles and Eye Glasses - Is complete, and it will afford me pleasure to show them. Special and prompt attention given to all Repairing in my line at prices to suit the times. Atlantic Coast Line L.~ W.FOLSOM, SMT'ER