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PUBLISHES ALL COUNTY AND TOWN OFFICIAL ADVERTISEMENTS. MANNING. S. C.: WEDNESDAY, NOV. 8, 1899. Large Stock Of everything at bottom prices. Good Calico at 4c per per yard. Good Check Homespun at 3jc per yard. Outings at 4e per yard. Yard-wide Sea Island Homespun at 5eper yard. Dress Goods of all kinds and the largest stock of fine Millinery of any house in this part of the country. We are offering some astonishing values in Men's, Boys' and Children's Clothing. Fine California Dried Peaches at 12ic per pound. Evaporated Apples only 10c per pound. Fine Red Onions, only 35c per pk. Large lot of Irish Potatoes on the road. Finest King Apples only 35c per peek. Very low prices named on Apples'by the barrel. Red Rust Proof Oats, in 5 and 10 bushel lots, at 45c bushel. Best Patent Flour at $4.25 per bbl. Best Granulated Sugar, 18 pounds for $1. Very fine Coffee at 8, 10 and 12je per pound. If you want something very fine in Coffee, try our Old Gov ernment Java Coffee, blended, at 25c per pound. This is the finest Coffee ever offered in this market. Try it. W. E. JENKINSON. Notice is hereby given that no advertisenents will be hereafter changed in this paper where the copy is brought in later than Sat urdav noon. A large crowd went up to the fair today. French Rat 'raps, 50c. each. Manning Hardware Co. Col. W. B. Wilson of Charleston is in town today. Pure Apple Vinegar at the R. B. Loryea, drug store, Isaac M. Loryes, Prop. Clarendon is well represented at the fair this week. Go to Brockinton's for a delicious and re fresbing drink, when heated. They say it will come off on Norember 21st. Get your presents ready. Stove Gasoline 20c. per gallon. Men ning Hardware Co. Mr. Walter Burgess of Clarkton N. C. was in Manning last Saturday. The Moses Levi Memorial Institute has an attendance of about 225 scholars. Full assortment of Sewing Machine Nee dles at the R. B. Loryea drug store, Isaac M. Loryea, Prop. Mrs. M. E. Walker will give out the contract for a new store building in a few days. Why stay hot? when you can get cool quick and easy at Brockinton's up-to-date soda fount. Mr. Reese of the Fork, has a hog in his pen which weighs 688 pounds and was raised at home. Just received, Green and black tea, a beautiful blend at the R. B. Loryea drug store, Issac 31. Loryea, prop. Governor McSweeney tenders a reception to the newspaper men this evening wat the executive mansion. Requisites for the toilet a superb line at the B. B. Loryea drug store, Is.aac M. Lor yea, Proprietor. The first Assistant Poet Master General makes in his annual report 'a strong plea for rural free delivery of the mails. "Sweets to the Sweet." Fine French Confections at 25c and 35c a box, at the R.' B. Loryes, drug store, Isaac M1. Loryea, Prop. The quarentine has been lifted and now those desiring to visit Charleston can do so withont being required to show up a health certifieate. To purify and enrich the blood,strength en the nerves end invigorate the system. use Dr'M A Simmons' liver medicine. Sold by Dr W M Brockinton. Miss Mollie Avant will open up a mill' i.ery parlor next door to the post office. Her goods are on the road now, and are expect. ed to be in the later part of this week. Wurtzburger's Malt Extract, a Food, a Tonic and au Invigorator for the weak, sick and convalescent at the RI. B. Lor yes. drug store. Isaac M1. Loryea, Prop. Lat Monday was salesday and the Sher iff only sold1 one tract of land; 'this was sold under mortgage, and was bid in by thbe mnortgagei' W . D. Gamble for $300. To rgulate the menses, stop flooding and too freqtgent appearance of menses. take Simimons' Squaw Vine Wine or Tab lets. sold by Dr W 31 Brockinton. Probate. Judge Windham will hereafter have Mondays and Saturdays of each week as his office days. Persons having busi ness in tbe office of the Probatte Judge will rememnber the days. A fuli assortment of Woods Tested and Tried Turnip Ssed Wood's Rye Seed. Wood's Silver Skin, Yellow Danvers and Pearl Onion Sets at the R. B. Loryea drug store, Isaac M. Lorya, prop. The Dixie Minstrels will give an enter tainment at Summierton on Friday, Novem ber 17th, for tlie benefit of the Sammerton Graded Scho"?. Performance begins at 8 p. mi. Admission, 25 and 15 cents. The reliable cure for leucorrhera, ovarian disorders and f.lling of womub, is Sim mons' Squaw Vine Wine or Tablets. Sold by Dr W 31 Brockinton The United States court which was to meet in Columbia this month has been postponed until December I2th. Messrs C. 31. )Jason of Foreston, and W. G. Frier son of Jordan have been drawn on the Petit jury. A magn'ificent line of Soaps, Pears, scent ed and unsoented, 4711 White Rose Glyce rine, Parker's Tar, Glenn's Sulpuur, Cosmo Butter Milk, Elder, Flower and many other favorite brands at the R. B. Lorvea drug store, Isaac M. Loryea, prop. Sergeant A. C.Davis is now in San Fran cisco Cal, and expects to sail for the Phil ippines next Sunday. In a letter to the writer he expresses himself well pleased with the service, and sends his r-gards to inquiring friends. The flashing eye, buoyant footstep and rosy complexion result from the use of Dr M A Sinunons' liver medisine. Sold by Dr W M1 Brockinton. The fire insurance adjusters, re presenting companies having losses in the Kendall fire were here last Monday and adjusted the e'aims of Mr. Kendall and Mrs. M1. E. Wal ker. They also adjusted Mr. J. W. Mc Leod's claim for damages done to his prop erty. You may do without love What is love but repining? But where is the man that Can do without dining? We carry a superb line of Chocolates, Cocoa, Eagle Condensed Milk, Essence of Coffee, Duryeas Corn Starch, Geclatine, Mustard 10 and 15 cent boxes. The R. B. Loaa drug sore, TInac Toc, Prop. Rev. P. D. Wells at the Methodist church last Sunday, preach a sermon to thie May ning Guards. This seruon was not special ly prepared for the occasion, but the guards turned out in uniform and appreciated the words of wisdom which fell fron the clo quent pastor's lips. Society's Elite are using these. Scientific Toilet Preperations, Eutbymol Cream, Euthymol Tooth Paste, Euthynol Powder, for the Complexion, Nursery and bath, These preparations bear the imprint of Parke Davis & Co., which is a synonym for Purity, the R. B. Loryea, drug store, Isaac M. Loryea, Prop. There is a darkey who is permitted to go on ridicuously upon these streets, his nai is Deas and his tongue is waggiun and sending forth a lot of silly jabber and often profanity. The twn authorilies should put a stop to this nuisance or turn hiu over to Supervisor Owens, who can possi bly get some benefit of his, services. Deas plays fool, but we think him a pretty slick customer that should not be allowed so much lattitude on these streets. Monthly and bearing-down pains, tten dant upon irregular and suppressed int-n struation, are relieved by Simmons' alu iaw Vine Wine or Tablets. Sold by Dr W M BrocI'inton. The truatees of the Moses Levi Memo rial Institute require from those who do not live in this school distriet, the nsual tuition fees, and we told that this requir ment is not satisfactory to some who do not reside in this district. The taxpayers voted to pay an additional tax of four mills to give their children better school facili ties, but this additional levy was only for the children of this school district. It will be readily seen, the more scholars in a school. the greater number of teachers are to be employed, anti therefore more ex pEnse attaches, to be paid out of the taxes ollected; now if the trustees permitted outsiders to enter the school on the same footing as those whose parents are paying the taxes, it would operate as a great in justice to those paying the taxes and at the same time cut down the school term on account of the additional expanse of an increase in teachers. The trustees in ebarging outsiders the usual tuition fees are not only pr6tecting the taxpayers, but if they can succeed in securing enoigh out side patronage they may be able to cut down the tar. Manning has now good school facilities, and judging from the work done already, we believe that the improvement will be so apparent that there will be a fine patron age to the school from outside the district. f our school builds up a reputation for thoroughness, and we believe the corps of teachers employed are using their best efforts in that direction, there will be a very perceptible increase next session. Our people are aroused on the subject of education and now that fortune has again smiled upon them with a fair price for the products of their lands, they want their children to reap the benefit of the blessing by giving them a good sound practical education. -You may break, you may shatter the vase if you will, But the scent of the rose clings around it still." 'rhat is if you use Eastman's, Garwood's and Lazell's Extracts to be had at the R. B. Loryea drug store, Isaac M. Loryea, proprietor. Bejamin DuPre Hodge. The announcement of the sudden death of little DuPre Hodge, Monday afternoon, cast a gloom over all hearts. To know him was to love him, and even those who did not know him were attracted by his bright and happy face. Benjamin DuPre Hodge was the youngest son of B. DuPre and Mar tha Hodge, deceased. He would soon have passed his seventh birthday. Since the death of his esteemed parents, DoPre has spent the greater part of the time at the home of Dr. C. J. Allred, in this city. Here he was the idol of the home and pet of .11. He was taken ill very sud :enly last Wednesday night, hav ing been apparently well all day, but not until Saturday was the sickness considered serious. Doctors [zlar, Smith and Hood were in at tendance at his bedside, and all that love, skill and devotion could do was done for him. But the disease, con gestion of the brain, prevailed, and, bonday afternoon, the sweet spirit entered the pearly gates to join those gone before. SThe funeral services were held Tuesday afternoon at 3:30 at the res dence of Dr. Allred. They were con ducted by Dr. J. G. Law and Rev. T. J. ixon. The little body was laid to rest by the side of his parents. The circle of DuPre's friendship was unbroken in the home and in the school, and was ever widening in. the community. But while our hearts are sad and our lives lonely without the sunshine of his presence,we know that it is but the heavenly messenger sent to "bring the little one to Jesus."-Ocala (Fla.) Banner. Finest line of Stationery in Town Box Paper at 50c 40c 35c 55c 15c .10c and 5c. Writing Pads for Pencil 200 pages for 5c 2 Pads of over or.e hundred pages each for 5c, Writing Pads for Pen 10c and 5c, Inks in Black, Violet, Red at 5c a bottle, Ink Wells at i~c, an endless supply of Lead Pencils, Indellible Pencils, Pens at all prices. Mucilage etc. etc. Mourning Paper at 25c a Box, at the R. B. Loryea drug store, Isaac M. Loryea, Prop. Packsville Notes. Editor THE T1'IEs: Miss Eva Curtis left last Sunday to take charge of her school at Silver, much to the regret of the young men of this place. The Young People's Literary So iety held their second meeting here last night. One of the leading feat ures of the interesting program was a debate, "Should women be allowed to vote?" Miss Jessie Curtis is to give an en tertainment tomorrow (Thursday) night. The young folks anticipate a great time. Judge Richbourg, who has been quite ill for two week, is convales cent.*** Did it Ever Occur to You that a little Perry Davis' Pain Killer on the end of the finger applied once or twice to a mosqumto bite would counteract the poison and speedily reduce the swelling? Pain Killer will also cure bites and stings of other poisonous insects as well as reptiles. See See directions as to use upon wrapper on each bottle. Avoid substitutes, there is but one Pain-Killer, Perry' Davis'. Price 25c. and 50c. The higher a man rises in the world, the harder will be his fall. Prohibition will never be a success until a law is enacted that will abol ish thirst. George Noland, Rockland, 0, says: "My wife had piles forty years. DeWitt's With Hazel Salve cured her. It is the best salve in America."' It heals everything and cires all skin diseases. D 0 Rhame, summer ton: Dr WV M Brockinton, Manning. Paregoric-The crying need of the midnight hour. Gossip-A deadly gas that is often fatal to friendship. CASTOR IA For Tnfants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought TIle trust may be able to limit the output of whisk1ey, but it can't limit the input. Undertaker-A. muan who follow's the medical profession. Weary women nee-l an occasional dose of Dr .1 A Simmons' liver medicine to strengthen their nerves and invigorate their systems. Sold by Dr W 11 Brockin ton. Kiss-A simultaueous contraction of the mouth and enlargement of the heart. Definition-Something looked up in the dictionary to day and forgot ton touorrow. "I wNO 't be without DeWitt's Witch Haz-l Salve for any con:ider.tion. writes Thos B Rhodes. Cettei itild, 0. Iufailible tor piles, cats. burns and skin diseases. Beware of counterfeits. D 0 Rthame. Sum merton; Dr W M B3rockinton, .anning. Trying to stand upon one's dignity often results in a hard fail. All a man has to do in order to be come famous is to do the public. Temporary derangement of digestion, through overwork, worry or emotional ex citement, are quickly rectified by Dr M A Simmons' liver medicine. Sold by Dr W M Brockinton. A weak-minded man is usually the most head-strong. The present generation might be justly termed a bicycle race. Dr W Hixon, Italy Hill, N Y, says: "I heartily recommend One Minute Cough Cure. It gave my wife immediate relief in suffocating asthma." Pleasant to take. Never fails to quickly cure all coughs, colds, throat and lung troubles. D 0 Rhame. Summeiton; Dr W M Brockinton. Man A punctured tire is a holey terror. Matrimony-A sort of trust for the protection of infant industries. Volcanic Eruptions. Ae grand, but skin eruptions rob life of joy. Bucklen's Arnica Salve, cures them; also old, running and fever sores, ulcers, boils, felons, corns, warts, cuts, bruises, burns, scalds, chapped Lands, chilblains. Best Pile cure on earth. Drives out pains and aches. Only 25 ets. a box. Cure gua ranteed. Sold by R. B. Loryea, druggist. 2 Marriage--The fatal termination of the disease called love. Secret-something a woman is in a hurry to tell her friends. Used by british Soldiers in Africa. Capt. C. G. Dennison is well known all over Africa as commander of the forces that uptured the famous rebel Galishe. Under ate of Nov 4, 1897, from Vryburg, Bechu aaland, he writes: "Before starting on the last campaign I bought a quantity of Chamberlain's Colic, Ch:>lera and DIar rhoea Remedy, which I used myself when troubled with bowel complaint, and had given to my men, and in every case it proved most beneficial." For sale at the R. B. Loryea drug store. Wedding--The link that connects tboughts of love with thoughts of ar. Bcarathe The Kind You Have Always Bbught Hope-The untiring efforts of an ~ld maid to discover a man under he bed. Keep quiet, nd use Chamberlain's colic, choiera and di'rrboea remedy for all pains of the stom ach and all unnatural looseness of the bow l.. It always cures. For sale by 11. B. Goryea, druggist. [janlay Satan might justly claim to be the nly original scorcher LaGrippe, with its a fter effects, annually estroys thousands of people. It may be uickly cured by One Minute Cough Cure, the only remedy that produces immediate results in coughs, colds, croup, bronchittk, pneumonia and throat and lung troubles. t will prevent consumption. D 0 Rhame, Summerton; Dr W MI Brockinton, Man ning. Wife-A servant who lets her ser vices for life without wages. Bisnmarck's iron Nerye Was the result of his splendid health. Indomitable will and tremendous energy are not found where stomach, liver, kidney ad bowels are out of order. If you want the qualities and the success they bring, use D~r. King's New Lif e Pills. They de velop every power of brain and body. On ly 25 at R. B. Loryea's drag store. 2 Xo man is ever &ead in love with a woman unless he commits suicide on her account. TheKia ouHu Always Bougt A boy never gets much comfort out of his first cigar, but he gets lots of experence. The girl's friend. Simmons' Squaw Vine Wine or Tablets, cause natural ap~pearance and regular monthly return of menses. Sold by Dr WV M Brockinton. Scorcher-A fellow whlo feels duty bound to break his record, his bicy cle or his neck. The cruiser Marblehead, in pursuance to orders from Washing ton ,has sailed for Panama. General Wheeler. writing to a cousin at Nashville, says the Filipinos are not as highly educated as reported. The new postage stamps of Germany will bear a bust representing Germania in place of the present imperial eagle. A heavy frost has fallen at Jackson, Miss., and the board of health expects all quarantines to be raised in a fev1 days. John L Lafar, superintendent of St. P.'s Lutheran Sundayechool at $a v.nnah, fell dead while reading his re port. An understanding has been reachefd by which it is expected that negotiationls will be opened soon at Madrid for a new treaty between the United States and Spain. The Presbyterian synod of South Car olina, sitting at Niewberry, has recom mended that the synod raise $50,000 to endow a chair in the theological semi nary located at Columbia. Admiral Dewey has taken possession of his new home in Washington. Owing to the present low price of sugar and the poor prospects, many Cu ban planters have decided not to grind their present crop, but to use it im re Because she imagined her sister-in law had slaidered her, Mrs. Ida M. Bruce, a Nashville widow, stepped be fore a mirror and blew her brains out. The monthly statement of the direo tor of the mint shows during the month of Octob6r last the total coinage It the mints of the United States was $11,883, 109. President McKinley and Colonel Rob ert J. Lowery'of Alanta cohversed over a long distancd 'phon1 at the formal 6pening of lineg popuecting Washing ton and the Gate City. Fett Snyder, formerly a man of great wealth, but of late a ragpicker, was burned to deaty at Wichita, Kan. Sny der's house caughIt fire in some manner and he was unable to escape. The Kentucky court of appeals has refused to advance the case of the Brown Democrats, who sought to compel pre cinct election boards to allow anti Goebel Democratic inspectors at the polls. Captain Charles Nicnols, a well known river man, is reported as dying at Vicksburg, Miss. Bryan, to.keep an appointment, trav eled 22 miles through a blizzard in 70 minutes, using four relays of horses. General Fred Funston will prosecute Archbishop Ireland and a Catholic pa per for criminal libel in accusing him of looting churches near Manila. General John B. Gordon, command ing the United Confederate veterans, has issued an order subdividing the di vision of Georgia into four brigades. The Continental Telegraph, Tele phone and Cable company has been or ganized in New Jersey with $50,000,000 capital. It will compete with the Bell company. President John Skelton Williams is authority for the statement that the consolidation of the Georgia and Ala. bama, the Florida Central and Penin sular and the Seaboard Air Line will be effected about Jan. 1. Rev. Samuel Boykin, editorial secre tary of the Southern Baptist conven tion, is dead. The official trial trip of the firstelass battleship Kentucky will tale place off the Massachusetts coast on Nov. 23. Rear Admiral Crowninshield, chief of the bureau of navigation, in his annual report, belittles Dewey's victory and en logizes Sampson. A great battle has betn fought j4 Qo lombia, resulting in the defeat 6f governmefit forces, with A loss of killed and 100 wounded. The heavy losses among British offi cers in Natal have led a London pa r to suggest that the sword be abolishd, not only on account o f its 1selespiess, but also because its glitter attrac'a the aim of the enemy. The Illinois flag law, which has pro voked much litigation sinc its passage last winter by the legislature and has led to numerous arrests, has been de. clared unconstitutional by Judge Gib bons in the circuit court at Chicago. Bear the 1he Kind You Hane Always Bought siratse of. -THE R. B. Loryea DRUG STORE, SAAC M.. LORYEA, Propr. Sign of Golden the - ~Mortar. MANNING, S. C., "A celebrated artist once explained his success by saying that lhe mixed his paints with brains.". The painter that uses his brains wvill use LONGMAN & MARTINEZ'S Justly Celebrated Paints. We Are Sole Agents. And carry a complete line of these. Paints in White, Black and all other colors. Varnish Stains In Mahogany, Walnut, Cherry, Cocabola, Oak, etc. Wagon and Carriage Paints IN ALL COLORS. Venetian Red, Princes Metallic Paint WHITE LEAD In any quantity-i11b. to 1,000 lbs at lowest market quotations. OILS, OILS, OILS. Raw Linseed, Boiled Linseed, Neats foot, Lubricating, Castor, Ma chine, Japan, Varnishes, As phaltum, etc., etc. Kerosene Oil, Aladdin, Kerosene Oil, Fire Proof. Before placing your orders on Paints, Oils, etc., etc., communicate with us and we will furnish esti mates. The R. B. Loryea Drug Store ISAAC M. LORYEA, Propr., MANNING, S. C. SIGN OFTHE GOLDEN MORTAR. We have a complete line of Glass constantly in stock in all sizes, Putty an1 Triangles, Glass Cutter Combi nations, etc. Sale of Delinquent Lands, BY VIRTUE OF AN EXECUTION issued by M. R. Cooper, Secretary of State, I have levied up)on and taken possession of a tract of land belong ing to unknown parties in Sandy Grove township, containing Sixty Acres, adjoining lands of Estate R. A. Cook, R. N. Thigpen, WV. M. Bar field and M. F. Barlield, on waters of Long Branch. I will sell the above tract of land at Manning court house on salesday ini December next at 12 oclock noon, to the highest bidder, for cash, to satisfy the above execu Purchaser to pay for titles and stap js. DANIEL J. BRADHAM, Sheriff Clarendon County. Manning, S. C., Nov. (3, 1899. (28-4t J. . WILSON. W. C. DURANT. W ILSON & DUR ANT, Attorneys and Counselors at Law, MANNITG.S C. K(EEPI~vNG THE TRADE COMINi OUR AY. We are making the CASH SELLING lively, and for 'he month of November we will offer special inducements and itractions to CASH BUYERS. Such values as represent conomical buying and make your money go just a little fur ,her than you expect it. There is not an item in your needs for fall and winter Ihat you cannot buy from us, and we pledge you every sav Mng-all the economy that right buying and right selling make possible. Here is a solid showing of <1 CASH *:. BARGAINS > rhat will turn you our way: Good Striped Dress Outings, the regular 5c quality, 4c. All-Wool Red Twilled Flannel, the 20c kind, 15c. Extra Heavy Brown Canton Flannel, 32 inches wide, the L2 1-2c kind, 8 1-3c. Ladies' French Form Ribbed Undervests, fleece lined, ,he 25c kind. 15c. Ladies' Ready-Made Figured Brilliantine Skirts, in black r fancy colors, nicely lined and faced with Velveteen binding, 98c. Ladies' Black Beaver Double Cape, trimmed in Braid ,vith fur on collar and front, 98C. Good quality of School Boy Jeans, 10c. Beautiful Ladies' Shirt Waist Pins, gold wire, three for 5C. Child's Cashmere Silk Embroidered and Silk Lace Trim ned Cap, 25c. Child's White Silk Embroidered, Silk Trimmed and Silk Lined Cap, the 75c kind, 49c. Child's Fancy Knit Wool Caps, 24c. Gentlemen's nice plain Linen Cambric Handkerchiefs, arge size, 18x18 inches, 5C. THE OLD RELIART. S. A. IRigby. 8 EIOR TIMs: We only want to say a few words to our Sfriends and the purchasing public this week. SAt the store of M. Levi's Estate a complete 8 stock of New Goods has been received for the 8 fall and winter. We buy in many instances direct from Fthe factories, and the long and well established standing of this business puts us in position to2 ~get the best prices, which we always give our 2S Scustomers the benefit cf. Remember that we carry EVERYTHING+ to be found in a General Merchandise business and employ a force of courteous gentlemen to2 Swait on our friends and customers.2 Come and see us when you have any buy Sing to do, and if you have been everywhere else and can not find what you want, come and Ssee us anyhow, and probably we have the ar ticle. S one other thing. We give the highest 6market prices for cotton. We get several re ports from Liverpool each day and reports on Sthe cotton market every twenty minutes from New York while the exchange is open. Things Sthat happen in Liverpool at 12 o'clock noon 2 S8we often know here by 10 or 10:30 the same 2 8 day. Bring us your cotton. D. &A. LEVI, 8 Executors. 004004.0++ 00+0*+O+++ WE BE TO S 0+++ To our many customers who called for Anti-Rust Tinware while we were temporarily "out of it," that we now have it in Scalders, Milk Pans, Pudding Pans, Wash Basins, Water Buckets, Teapots and Dippers, and will endeavor to always have it in future by buying in large quanti ties. Our sales of this Ware have exceeded our expectations by many dol lars. We have just received ten dozen of the best AXES ever brought to this market for chopping pine timber. These Axes are made after a pattern eE pecially adapted to chopping in the gummy pine timber of North and South Carolina, having long, narrow blades. We"had these made under our own brand and every Axe is carefully tempered and guaranteed free from flaws in manufacture. We still have a few CANE MILLS, AND EVAPORATORS on hand to be sold at low prices. The season for shooting has arrived and sportsmen can fit themselves out at our place with almost everything needed by them. ' We have 10,000 Club and Rival Shells that we are selling at popular prices. Also Cartridge Belts and Bags, Hunting Coats and Leggings. We have also a splendid lot of Guns for boys. We are selling an excel lent Single-Barrel Breach-Loading Gun at $5.75 up, while for men we have a Double-Barrel Breach Loader for $9.50 up. YManning Hardware Company. HERE WE ARE! +osoe+eo0+so0+0o*0 Have you been to my store to take advantage of the many bargains I have to offer? Others may blow and bluster, but the proof of the pud ding is the chewing of the string, and when you come to my store there will be no such thing as tempting baits in order to induce you to begin purchasing, and then after you have commenced to make your bill, the profits increase on the goods you need most and have to buy in larger quantities. My friends, I am here to tell you that I intend to sell my goods at a living profit aud you do not expect me to do oth erwise. Let me show you my DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, SHOES, CLOTHING, HATS, ALL KINDS OF HOUSEHOLD NECESSITIES,' CROCKERY, CUTLERY AND WOODENWARE. My Grocery stock is as complete as any store in town, with all prices as low as the lowest, and goods guaranteed. When you come to town be sure to call on W. G. King ~ZJust Received - A lot of Sample Shoes at prices to interest any one .who wears them. Come early before the Ssizes are broken and look at our specialties in SMen's, Ladies', Boys' anld Misses' Groeds. Have also just opened up a cheap and pretty lot 3 Sof C C E~. " WA - 0 Look at our line of ~Dry Goods, Notions,. Groceries, Etc. For the benefit of our farmer friends we are sell- 3 ~Eing the prettiest Red Rust-Proof Se asee Sbrought to this market. Thanking you for favors, I am, Very truly,_ ~R. M. STRANGE.~ ---THE Tobacco Plailters of Clarendon AND ADJOINING COUNTIES Will find it to their special advantage to bring their Tobacco to THE PEOPLE'S TOBACCO WAREHOUSE, Where they will receive courteous and prompt attention from the Man ager and other officers of the Company. We have a large and commodious Warehouse, Ordering and Grading Rooms and all facilities for the accommodation of our friends. Give us a trial and we assure you that we will get the H ighest Prices for Your Tobacco. Come and see us and inspect our Warehouse. We will cheerfully give you all information in our power. THE PEOPLE'S TOBACCO WAREHOUSE, 0. M. MASON, Manasger.