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P1tULISHES ALL COUNTY AND TOW OFFICIAL ADVERTISEMENTS. MANNING. S. C.: W S 1N ESDAL. A UG. 23, 1890) Notice is herey given that no advertisements will be hereafter changed in this juter where the copy is broutr1t in later than Sat urdtv 110011. Do you want a nice cheap hat for yourself or your child? If you do, you can get what you want from us at half price. We have been for tunate in securing a large line of drummer's sample hats at half price, and we are able to offer them at less than wholesale cost. If you want any of these very cheap hats, come while they last for they are cheap VERY CHEAP. We never howl bargains when we have no bargains to offer. But this line of sample hats is a bargain you don't find every day. Yours truly, W. E. JENKINSON. A. S. Dibble, Ezq., of the Orangeburg Bar, was in Manning yesterday. Miss Lizzie Dancan, of Georges, is visit ing her mother, Mrs. Louisa Huggins. Dr. C. W. Barron has returned home from an extended stay in Tennessee. Miss Sallie Murry, of Edisto Island, is in Manning visiting her friend, Miss Mayme Harvin. Mr. Harper Johnson formerly of Claren don, but now of lichland was in Manning last Thursday. Professor Coleman, of the citadel acade my, was in Manning yesterday, in the in terest of the school. While cutting trees in the woods near Packsville yesterday, Moses in dal, colored, was killed by a tree being felled upon him. Fresh turnip seed, at Rhame's drug store. Mr. Louis Levi, !as rented one of the Nettle's stores, and will move into it to morrow. The change is made on account of room. There is a young lady in this town, who sings with so much expression. that her own mother can't recognize her face when she is singing. Tiry a barrel of Perfection flour if you want the best. The colored folks are making prepara tions for an oratorical contest on August 30th, and much interest is being taken in the scheme by them. Died at Silver last Friday Levi Lesesne, aged six years. The deceased was a son of the late L. F. R. Lesesne. The body was inteied in Manning cemetery. With every pair of shoes you buy of Ken dall's Racket store from $1.25 up, you get a piece of glass ware fully worth 25cts. The usually quiet and moral town of Summierton has recently been troubled with a sensation of a scandalous character, much to the mortification of the good peo ple of that community. Died this :sorning, at the residence of her son, Mr. J. H. Burgess. at Jordan, Mrs. Sarah Burgess, reliet of the late Capt. Joseph C. Burgess. The deceased was about seventy-tive years of age, and a woman of lovely character. 'There is much complaint in this county about the reckless violation of the fish laws, and yet the parties complaining will not do their duty by prosecuting _those violating the law. Those complaining, claim that the violators of the law are do ing great damage to the fish interests, to such an extent that it has become a nuis ance. Make baby's birth quick, easy and almost p~ainless by taking Simmons' Squaw Vine Wine or Tablets. Sold by Dr W M1 Brock in'on. Supervisor Owens requests us to an nounce that the seed cotton license law re quires those engaged in buying seed cot ton to take out a liernse, wvhich is good fromu August 1st to December 15th. That h.. expects to tour the county, and all per. sons engaged in the purchase of seed cot ton withont a license will be prosecuted by him. This duty was imposed upon him by the grand jury and he proposes to act without discrimination. Mr. Owens hopes that he will be spared the unpleasant duty of prosecuting for the violation of the law. In diairboea Dr Y A Simmons' liver medicine is invaluable, it gives tone to the stomach, aids digestion and assists na ture in carrying off all impunrities. Sold by Dr W M1 Brockinton. Among our advertisers will be found Mr. WV. G. King, who has established a busi ness in the "McLeod block," and who, by attending strictly to that business, worked up a nice trade. Mr. King is satisfied with small profits, and thereby his sales 'are constantly increasing. He keeps a general merchandise store, where the buy er can be supplied with anything and everything at competing prices. King is a bard worker, and deserves doing a good business, because what he tells a buyer can be relied upon, and any goods bought at his store, not turning out as represented will be made good without at y argument. We take pleasure in commending W. G. King's store to the readers of THE TIMEs, and we can promise them, that they will receive honest and polite treatmnent. Mr. James G3. H. Setzer who has sold goods to thousands of people in Clarendon, is the he~ad salesman in King's store, and he will be glad to have a call from his host of f riends. The Summer Normal school, now in ses sion at the "Moses Levi Menioiial Insti tute," convened here last Thursday with Professors L. W. Dick and S. M. RiceJr., of the Aiken Graded school in charge. These gentlemen are tcacher with fine rep utations and we have every reason to be lieve that their work here will greatly benefit our teachers. The attendance is fairly good, there being about 30 teachers enrolled, and they are given a regular course of study and instruction, in ar ithmetic, geography. english etc. In a conversation with Professor Dick we were highly gratified to hear him speak so well of the teachers of Clarendon. He says they arc very bright arid intelligent and that they are attentive students, all of which is pleasant to know of those who have the moulding of the coming generation's ideas. It is to be hoped that before the school breaks up, the teachere will give a public entertainment, in ordet that cur people may have the pleasure of coming in social contact with them. Wi know that at present they have no time for social functions, as their time is all taken up with their books, and from the serious countenances we see we imagine that they are taking advantage of this grea opportunity for improvement, provided by the State. Tbe last evening of the schoo might be set aside for a public recep Mr. C. IV. Kendall has gone -North to buy his fall goods. Mr. Samuel W. Barron left this morning to accept a position at Hub N. C. Mr. Joe Wells returned home Mon day evening from his trip to Asheville N. C. Mr. Frank Barron goes to Packs ville to keep books at lradhamn's st ore. Mr. Louis Levi. has returned home from his trip to Chicago looking hap py and improved in health. Fie h Rutabaga seed.R bamas dig store. Mr. Murrett Mouzon will hold down the position of book-keeper at the1 store of Mr. J. W. McLeod. J udging from the nuinber of stores opening up in the country there iust be a fine prospect for seed cotton traffi. Mr. C. J. Lesesne one of Kingstree's merchants, after spending several days in Clarendon visiting relatives returned home last Monday evening. The up-country has gone wild on rollor mills, if a little of that craze will reach this section, "ur people will be able to eat unadulterated flour once more. A telegram reached here just before going to press announcing the death from sunstroke of Dr. Reubin B. Lor yea, at Tryon, N. C. The body will he buried in Sumter S. C. Simmons' Equaw Vine Wine or rablets are effeetive, elegant to take, and produce no unpleasant after results. Sold by Dr W M Brockinton. Mr. Aaron Weinberg has just re ceived a patent for a cord-ball hold er, which is a very useful counter at tachment for a store. Mr. Weinberg thinks he has a good thing in his pa tent and is already receiving propo sition from manufacturers. On the 17th inst Mrs. S. W. Reep, a highly respected young woman of York county was found assassinated in her bed, and her husband has been arrested and lodged in jail, suspected of the crime. It is thought that an other woman is connected with the horrible tragedy. Always destroy the dread of becoming a mother by takiing Simmons' Squaw Vine Wine or Tablets. Sold by Dr W M Brock inton. The council did some good work on a few of the sidewalks by putting down some clay, now if they will buy a cart and mule and haul clay on the streets in the course of a year we will have decent driveways in our town, and the bicycles could then run some where else than on the walks. Parties are making inquiries relat ing to the establishing of a round bale plant at this point. We are not sufficiently informed on the subject to know whether our farmers desire to market their cotton by the new process. It is claimed that by the round bale process the producer gets about one cent per pound more for his cotton; at any rate it is now too late for this season any way. We are very much pressed for inon ey and our subscribers would confer a special favor if they will come for ward now and settle. It is utterly impossible for us to meet our obliga tions unless we can collect what is due us. We have printers to pay, paper and ink to buy, and all of this requires money and this we must have. THE TIMEs does a straight business and makes every endeavor to give the people an honest paper. Ho! for a good time. Take advantage of the excursion to the "Isle of Palms" on september 5:h. Mr. Ed Green of New Zion, has proved himself to be in the land of the living by coming to Manning last Monday with a load of tobacco which he placed upon the floor of the Peo ple's Tobacco Warehouse, and which brought him such a satisfactory price that he came in with a years sub scription and high praizes of the treatment he received at the tobacco warehouse. Mr. Green says he will not only come bac~k again, but will endeavor to get his friends to bring their tobacco to Maninng. DeWitt's Little Early Risers benefit per manently. They lend gentle assistance to nature, causing no pain or weakness, per. maneutly curing constipation and liver ail ments. D. 0. IRhame, Summterton; Dr. W. M. Brockinton, Manning. At yesterday morning's session of the Summer school, one of the teach ers rose, during the discussion of en glish, and asked the following ques tion. '"Professor which is correct" "them molasses or those molasses?" The class laughed of course, and the teacher in rather explanatory eumbar-. asssment turned to the class and said "I have heard both terms used and I want to know which is correct." "-Them molasses" might go all right enough in that teachers section but if he goes to mixing it up with "those molasses" of the teachers of other sections he will tind himself stuck in these molassesses. What's thc MIatter With Hler! Foreston's annual August sensation came offlon scdule time last Thursday night. It will be remembered, that onr courts have had the matter of investigating the charge of heinous crimes upon the person of a Mrs. George Richb'ourg, who lves a short distance from the peaceable town of For eston; the result of these investigations were, that a negro was convicted and sent to the penitentiary for a ternm of years, not upon the evidence adduced~but because the fellow was a triffling chap, and on general principles he went up. In that trial the testimiony showed that whoever molested .\rs. Richbourg, if' she was mo ested, did not succeed in their horrible purpose, and the most that could be made of the case, was an attempt to committh crime. This is the case which created con siderable excitment, and the one in which lynching was threatened, and would have been carried out, had it not been for the doubt which existed among the good peo ple of the community where the crime was alleged to have been cotmmitted. One year later, the samne woman, was again in the court, as the victim of ain al leged outrage, but this time, the evidence showed the crime had been commuitted, and' although circumustantial, it was woven around one Ed. Meyers, w'ho recently died in the State prison; he was convicte3, with a recommuendation ti micyi, and the judge sent him to the penitentiary for life. Notwithstanding the conviction was Lad, there must have been a doubt, even in the jury room, or no negro proven to have committed such a dastardly crime upon a white woman, would have gotten oirt with a recommendation to mercv. Now the month of August has come again and with it, comes this same Mrs. Rtich bourg with her troubles; she creates a sen sation among the neighbors, with her an nual report of another attempt upon her by a negro. This time her supposed as sailant, does not get any nearer than four steps o1 her and by having a pistol handy she succeeds in defending herself. The story as given us is as follows: Os last Thursday night Mrs.George Richbourg was stan dingt in her door, and she saw a negro1 approaching, she went back into the hotnse, got a pistol, carne out, and as the negro came towards her she attempted to nre, but; the pistol snapped. Again she fired on him when he was about tour steps away; this time she got her gun off, and the fel low wheeled, hollered and fell; on seeing her would-be assaillant where she could haudle him, she went to the wood-pile to get an ax to knock him in the head, but |when she returned, the fellow had crawed of' through some pea-vines, leaving a trail trail he was traced over a fnce into a pas ture, where he escaped. The alarm was given and paltit-s went over the ground, but the do's had lieked ull) the blood on the ground, tnd the, hos in the pasture feaste1 cu nhe- blood there. As it was with Mrs. Richbouirg's alleged forier imisfortuilea, so it is with this clse, :- reen'of donhut txists as to whether any :atttalI. to lnrui this woilian %was md;L&-, , - (S l ti are. t!Ir . vt - il I 1 ne .,ion . anid in th. month ; Au:g-t that she eha ims to be the viili (4 a's 1", t. It may be pos-ih! that sihe is not iauring under om mnital delusiolin. but the tregntency of h: r tiwnbles, create a suspicion of doubt. To ptrk a;re a girl to i-e a w.fe, and a wife a 'otI r give hei Siimons' Squaw Vine Wine or TableI. SI by Dr nt .1 Brock inton. Siiamterls DrV Gilis. Probablv Sumter is etvinced now that thlehto bovs fron MLnning siceeded in proving that the boys of humter can "blow" bt-tter than they can thy ball Last Wedlesdav morning our juveniles went to Snter to cross bats with the boys of that citv, ats a return compliment, and although one of the best players conld not get off to go to Sumter they undertook to "do" Sum ter with only eight players, and the follow ing from the Sumter Item of the next day shows thie result. "The game of ball between the Manning and Sunter kids yesterday afternoou re sulted in a tie, the score at the end of the ninth inning st,tiding 4 to 4. The game was well plyed an(d closely contested, al though the Mannieg team had only eight players on the field. If there was any ad vantage in point of sizo and weight,it was in favor of the home team, and if the Manning team was the same that took part in the game in Manning the kick of the Sumter kids does not hold good. The game was not played to a finish as it was beginning to get dark at the end of the ninth in ing" A Mother Tells How She Saved Her Little Daughter's Life. I am the mother of eight children and have had a greLt deal of experience wtth medicines. Ltst summer my little daugh ter had the dysentery in its worst form. We thought she would die. I tried every thing I could think of, but nothing seemed to do her any good. I saw by an adver tiseient in onr paper that Chamberlain's olie, Cholera and Diarrhoex, Remedy was ighly recommended and sent and got a bottle at once. It proved to be one of the very best medicines we ever had in the house. It saved my little daughter's life. I am anxious for every mother to know what an excellent medicine it is. Had I known it at first it would have saved me a great deal of anxiety and my little daugh ter much suffering. Yours truly, Mrs. Geo. F. Burdick, Liberty, 1R. I. For sale by R. L3. Loryea, druggist. ie Means Business. Our readers will note the announcement of Mr. J. W. McLeod, a merchant who does a business second to none in this section. that his name is a household word is be canse he is identified with the mercantile interests and farming interests. He is a farmer as well as a merchant, and if any man knows the needs of the farmer it is J. W. McLeo:d. His immense store is full of goods bought to great advantage, and as a lcvel-beaded business man, he is giving his patrons the benefit of his heavy deals in stocks of merchandise. The corps of clerks in McLeods' store will give close at tention to serving enstomersand we vent ue that a cash buyer will not leave his store without having his wants satisfied. Mr. McLeod, besides selling goods is an ctive worker to buill up the -Slanning mark-t, with that end in view he has ar anged to compete with the other markets n the purchase of cotton and is prepared o handle the staple with advantage to the armer. It is not necessary for us to tell the peo >le of this county who "Jake" McLeod is, for his many a-.'s of kindness speak for im louder'praizes than can tihe words of any newspaper. A man with the benevo lent disposition of Jake McLeod can be relied upon to treat his customers proper A Rtemarkable Case. Antioc, Miss., July 1, 1898. I want to thank you for the great benefit [ have received fr'om your wonderful rem dy, Benedicta. I was induced to try a bot te, and it benetited me so much I used an other and I am now entirely well. There s certainly no medicine like it and I can ecomend it to all women. Mu~s. BErrIE LAiSTOo. Sold by R. B. Loryea. It is easy to bear the aches of aother man's corns. Gun-shot wounds and powder burns, cuts, bruises. sprains, wounds from rusty nails, insect stings and ivy poisoning, iuickly healed by De~Vitt's Witch Hazel balve. Positively prevents blood poison ing. Beware of counterfeits. "DeWitt's" is safe an d sure. D. 0. Rhame, Summer ton; Dr. WV. M. Brockinton, Manning. Stages of Water. Camden, Aug. 18, 8 a. m.-Height f Wateree river, 3.5 feet, being a fall of 3-10 of a foot during past 24 ours. Columbia, Ang. 18, 8 a. mn.-Height f Congaree river, 1-10 of a foot, be ing a fall of 1-10 of a foot during past St. Stephien's, Aug. 18, 8 a. m., eight of Santee river, 1-9 feet, be ing a fall of 1-1 of a foot during past 4 hours. For headache caused most likely by a disordered stomach, accompanied by con tpation, use Dr M A Simmons' liver med icine. Sold by ])r W M Brockinton. The soothing and healing properties of hamberlain's Cough Remedy, its pleasant taste and prompt and permanent cures, have made it a great favorite with the peo pe everywvhere. For sale by RI. B. Loryea, drugist. The Ancient Order of Hibernians is usually whiskey straight. Mr. and Mrs. B. Lackamp, Elston,MId., ~vrite: "One Minute Cough Cure save the ife of our little boy when nearly dead with ro p." D. 0. Rhame, Summerton; Dr'. W. M. Brcckinton. Manning. Most people believe in the total de pravity of somebiody else. J F Griffin, Lancaster, S C, says: For 18 aers 1 have used and recommnended Dr M Simmons' liver medicine to all painters is their best mledicine for painter' cohle and r~id liver. I find it far superior to Zeil n's. Sold by Dr W M Brockinton. Give a man an inch and he wvants a umbler full. You can't cure dyspepsia by dieting. Eat lol, wvholesome food and plenty of it. Kdol Dyspepsia Cure digests food without td fromi tile stomach, andI is niade to cure. D. 0. Rhlame, Summerton; Dr. W. M. Urokinton, Manning. A cynlie is a man who is never hap py unless he is unhappy. Keep the stomach and bowels in good condition, the waste avenues open and free by an occasional dose of Dr M .A Simmons' liver muedicitne. Sold by Dr WV M Brockin Men always bow to fate; but not as a matter of courtesy. Chaberlain's cough remedy has saved the lives of thousands of eroupiy children. It is also witho'ut an equal for colds and whooping cough. For sale by R1. B. Lor yea, druggist. [janlay It's at wise father that knows as much as his own son. "What tmight have been"-if that little cough hadn't been neglected-is the sad reflection of thousands of sonsumptives. One Minute Cough Cure cures coughs and olds. D. 0. Rhame. Summerton; Dr. W. M. Manning. Manning hasn't taken on a balloon growth like some towns, but she has outstripped towns, even of larger size. A few enterprising citizens saw that by establishing a wholesale and jobbing house here they could get the key to the gates of the best mar kets in the United States, and as soon as this was demonstrated to them, they at once concluded to put Man ning in as close touch with the com mercial centers as Charleston or oth er markets. And today in THE MAN NisN Tines block under the manage ment of Mr. H. T. Avant, is a whole sale and jobbing grocery establish mnent, where the dealer can see what he buys and from people known to him. This establishment is a great ad vantage to the trade here, because this grocery company can effect freight arrangements that a retail dealer cannot, and thereby save a considerable amount in freight. The wholesale business in a small town is an experiment, and should receive every encouragement, because it takes pluck and money to run such are institution. Keep (quiet and use Chamberlain's colic, cholera and d irrhoea remedy for all pains of the stom ach and all unnatural looseness of the bow e13. It always cures. For sale by It. B. Loryea, druggist. [janlay Attention, Mfannmgn Guards ? Headquarters Manning Gnards, I Manning, S. C., August 1, 1899. f You are hereby ordered to meet at your aramory every Saturday at 4 o'clock until this order is changed. Bring all the guns at once. By order of W. M. LEwis, J. C. GaAmu, Captain. First Sergeant. aug2-tf DeWitt's Little Early Risfrs cxpel fet m the system all poisonous aocumulat.ons, regulate the stomach, bowels and liver and purify the blood. They drive away dis ease, dissipate melancholy and give health and vigor for the daily routine. Do not gripe or sicken. D. 0. Rhame, summer ton: Dr. W. M. Brockinton, Manning. Have you a plat of your land on record? If not, you should have it done. Reason able rates and good service are offered you. E. J. BnowNE, Surveyor. Manning, S. C. Notice of Discharge. On the 7th day of Sept, 1899, I will ap ply to the Probate Judge for Clarendon county for letters of discharge as adminis tratrix of the estate ot J. H. McFaddin, dceased. M. R. SHANNON. Sardinia Aug. 3, 1899. [3t, The man who is satisfied with him self is very easily satisfied. To keep young-keep well, keep the nerves calm, the body ruddy and well fed, n d with Dr M A Simmons' liver medicine regulate the stomach and bowels. Sold by Dr W M Brockintun. Straw hats usually show which way the wind blows. A diseased stomach surely undermines health. It dulls the brain, kills energy, destroys the nervous system and predis poses to insanity and fatal diseases. All yspeptic troubles are quickly cored by Kodoi Dyspepsia Cure. It has cured housands of cases and is curing them very day. Its ingredients are such that it an't help curing. D. 0. Rthame, Summer on; Dr. W. M. Brockinton, Manninig. When you want the best flour, ask your gocer for Perfection. NO OLD STOCK. LOUIS -LEVI Is4 now in position to offer to the trade Brand New Goods at Rock Bottom Prices. He asks that the public call in person nd examine his stock, consisting of Cashmeres and Henriettas Organdies Scotch Lawns Duck ini all Shades & Colors Figured Lawns White Lawns Checked Muslins Colored Muslins Percales Dimities Piques in all shades & colors In fact we keep everything in the Dry Goods line. All we ask is to come and see for yourself. If quality and low prices will sell goods we are satisfied we can sell you. We make Gent's FURNISHING Goods and Shoes A SPECIALTY. We have 'used every effort to buy the lat est styles, at the very lowest price, and if you need anything in thbt line it will pay you to look at my goods before buying. We have the biggest BargaiRS in Clothlig ever brought to this town. Our stock of QROCERIES is of the best quality. We carry a large as sortment in that line at prices that cannot be beat. 1,000 cakes Bull's Eye Soap, two cakes for Sc. ,00 cakes Octagon Soap, 4c cake. 500 cakes Magic Cleaner, 14-lb cakes, six for 25c. 400 pkgs Gold Dust, 5c pkg. 100 pkgs Gold Dust, 4 lbs to pkg, 25c. Ground Black Pepper, 4-lb pkg, 5c. Gold Band Hams, strictly No. 1, 12.'c lb. lest Corn Starch, per pkg, 6{c. Best Lump Starch, Sc lb, six lbs for 25c. Good Flour, S3.90 per barrel. Large assortment of Coffees and Tobacco, Can Goods, etc., at prices to suit the hard times. LOUIS LEVI. (COTTON IS LOw AND MONEY IS SCARCE, Bul Pee MusI Hae G With such a condition of affairs, the business man is plit to his trumps to study out the most effectual way of meeting the people and sharing their burdens, to remedy the bad effects caused by any turn in affairs which op erate adversely to the people. It is unnecessary to in troduce myself to the readers of The Times, they know me, and tiey know full well that my many years of ex perience, both as a farmer and a merchant, give me a de cided advantage over many others. I have used my ex perience that it may count for the best interests of my business. In doing this I had to study the needs and and warts of my patrons, studying their condition as well as their welfare, because upon their welfare de pends my success. Every business man, to keep up with the progressive spirit now pervading this country must study the markets just as a lawyer or doctor must study his books. This must be done or he cannot buy his goods to meet competition. I have made deals by which I can sell goods at prices that cannot be duplicated anywhere, and I am going to do it. A visit to my store will convince any buyer that my immense stock has been selected with the greatest care, and contains everything that can be used in the family, or on the plantation. There is no store in this section of the State that has a more varied assortment of Foreign and Domestic Dress Goods, Notions, Fancy Goods, Trimmings, Clothing, Hats, Gents, FurnishingGoods, Shoes, Hardware and Cutlery. Sadlery, Harness, Crockery, Glassware, Wood and Willoware. Dress Making Department Up-Stairs, My Grocery Department is thorough and complete; I buy direct by the car load from the best mills and packers. Sugars, Coffees, Teas, and everything in the Grocery line in such quantities purchased to give my patrons the advantage of wholesale figures and can save my pa trons monev. I am paying all the market will permit for cotton and in a position this year to make it advantageous for the people to bring their cotton to Manning. I solicit a continuence of past favors. YOURS TRULY, J. W. fcLeod. Wi SC OIT HARYIN Manufactures the finest Line of HOS IERY for Cents', Ladies' and Children known in the Southern States, and while this Famous Line of Goods have such a wide reputation, yet they are sold at a popular price, namely: l0c. per Pair or Three Pair for 25c. We are Sole Mill Agent for this splendid Line of Goods in this County and we recommend this Line of HOSIERY to our friends as being worthy of their attention for during our long experience in the Dry Goods business we have never seen as nice Line of HOSIERY offered for as little WE1WSH ASO To impress it upon the trade that we are Agent for the Famous J. & P. Coats Spool Cotton, and we are prepared to sell it just as Cheap as any wholesale dealer in Charleston, New York or any where else on the continent; try me and see. Dry Goods. As is well known our Dry Goods Department is one of the strongest lines in our Store and we wish to announce to our friends that we now have in Stock an immence line of all kinds of Homespuns, Checlks, Calicos, Jeans and Dress Goods, and when the season opens we will have in Stock the most complete Lice of Dress Goods in this part of the country and all we ask you to do is to watch our ads. from SPECIAL SHOE SALE. We have gone through our Shoe Stock and thrown out all odd lots of Shoes, one two and three pair of a kind, and we are offering them at a great sacrifice. You can get Shoes at almost any price you want. Call and see this Line of Shoes and you will get some bargains that will astonish you. Groceries. 50 Sacks good rice, 100 lbs., only $:3.50. per sack. 100 dozen 3 lb. cans finest Tomatoes, $1.00 per dozen. 500 lbs. Good Coffee, Sie. per pound. 500 lbs. very good Coffee, 10c. per pound. - 500 lbs. Best Rio Coffee. 121c. per pound. 25 bbls. good straight Flour, $4.00 per barrel. 25 bbls, good Family Flour, $4.25 per barrel. 25 bbls. Best Patent Flour, $4.50 per barrel. Bacon and Lard at the lowest cash p~rices. 17 lbs. Granulated Sugar for $1.00. See our Blue Jay plug tobacco at 3l5c per lb. 10 Bars of the best laundry Soap for 25c. Yours truly, W. E. JENKINSON. FOUNDEE LIMESTONI GAFFNE This institution, famous in the h has recently been thoroughly reorg, Faculty, is prepared to do collegf Nearly twenty thousand dollars have A splendid new building is being eree rium, a Library. a Reading-Room, a : ful hall for the Literary Society and s be furnislhed with new heating appar supplied with new furniture, new pi chemical and mineralogical laboratoi thing that is necessary in the work o provided. The site is unequalled in healthfulness. Limestone College mi on its own merits. Literary, Scientif ular college degrees are given by the 2 lina. An especially fine Course in Pe< become teachers. There are three de and the Primary. Let Limestone's i news all over the South. The revered fessor. Professor Wade R. Brown, re( Professor of Music. For further info LI Take Care o We take this method of informing that we have just received a nice assc ire prepared to furnish our customer vision. Our prices are on the "Live i with a small sum, buy from us a pair We have Spectacles and Eye GI satisfaction guaranteed. Gilers am Remember when making repairs have the best stock of Steam Fitting place. Also Belting, both Rubber and low prices. In fact, we cannot be r bought when it was cheapest. We also have Lubricating Oils at Wood choppers, we have a splen guaranteed Axes at 75e, 85e and $1. We have the finest line of Pock( Also Razors and Shears. Veey tru amNNING + HRI R. B.LORYE A, THSI "Prove all things, hold fast that whbich is good." Our Prescription Department is under the supervision of experienced and skilled pharmacist; the strictest attention given to the compounding of Prescriptions. PROPRIETARY MEDICINES. We carry full lines of all Proprietary edicines. TURNIP SEED. T. W. Wood & Sons Famous Seed, tested md true, in all varieties. BASE BALLS AND BATS. A full assortment at all prices. We carry a full line of all goods apper aiing to a well appointed and complete Drug Store, and feel satisfied of our ability o please the public and our friends. R. B. LORYEA, The Druggist SICN OF THE COLDEN MORTAR. The A Manning Bakery. Have you called on lIERIOT, the Baker, yet? If not, do so and purchase a trial lot of his Bread, Rolls, Cakes and Fancy Crackers, all of which are guaranteed to be fresh. He also keeps in stock the best line of Canned Goods and Meats to be found in town. Will give you special bargains also in Heavy Gro ceries. s i Your patronage is solicited. if fresh goods and low prices availeth anything you will call again. JOHN W. HERIOT, In Rear of Bank. CHARLESTON, S. C. One Hundred and Fourteenth Year be gins October 2th. Furnished room and board in College Dormitory $10 and $12 a month, according to room. One free tui tion scholarship to each county of South Carolina. the holder to be appointed by Probate Judge and County Supt. of Educa cation. Entrance examinations, and Com petitive examinations for vacant Boyce Scholarships (which give S150 a year), on September 29 and 30. Total expenses for holders of scholar ships $103 or $121 according to room; for stdents not holding a scholarship $40, tuition fee, in addition. For catalogues and information in full, address H ARRISON RANDOLPH, President. C AN O IL curs Cus unBruisesEhU ratim and Sores. Price, 25 centa For Sale by . B. Torven. Drnuist ) IN 1845. COLLEGE, IY, S. C. istory of education in South Carolina, ized and now, with a large and able work of the very highest grade. been appropriated for improvements. ted which will contain a large Audito kfuseum of Natural Science, a beauti oMe needed offices. The building will itus throughout, all the rooms will be anos will be purchased, new physical, ies will be equipped-in 3hort every f a first-class woman's college will be South Carolina for beauty and for Lkes its appeal to the people strictly ic and Commercial Courses. The reg uthority of the State of South Caro lagogy is offered to those desiring to partments, the College, the Seminary, 'riends and former students tell the Capt. H. P. Uriffith is the Senior Pro ,ently of Winthrop College, is the new mation, address the President, E DAVIS LODGE, A. M., Ph. D. f Your Eyes. our friends and the public generally rtment of the best Glasses made, and a with accurate and scientific aids to tnd Let Live" plan; hence you can, of good glasses. ses of all styles, grades and prices. W. M. BROCKINTON. I Ml Men and overhauling machinery, that we that has ever been brought to this Leather, which we are selling at very ndersold in the last articles, having 1l prices. did axe to offer you at 60c each; also' t Cutlery ever shown in the county. ly yours, "aR COMPaNY. 'Millinery, Millinery. The ladies of Clarendon are invited to visit my millinery parlors, where they will have an opportunity of selecting from a beautiful line of Hats. The very latest designs. Every attention is given to styles. Miy stock consists of HATS BONNETS FEATHERS FLOWERS RIBBONS And All the Latest Trimmlngs. Miss S. E. McDONALD, SUMTER, S. C. Insurance. The Prudential Life Insurance Co, Issues up-to-date Life Policy. The Palaflue and San Fire Ins, Companies. There are none better. Also HEALTH AND ACCIDENT INSURANCE. Insure Against Sickness. $2 a year pays $5weekly indemnity. 10 "' " 25 " J. L. WILgN, Mianning, S. C. Land Surveying and levellng. I will do Surveying. etc., in Clarendon and adjoining Counties. Call at office or address at Samter, S. C., P 0. Box 101. JOHN R. HAYNESWORTH. Bring your Job Worki to The limes office. Fresh Supply Just In, BUIST'S and LANDRETH'S. RHALME'S DRUG STORE, SUMMERTON,S.,C. ATTORNEY AT LAW, MANNING, S. C. Office lately occupied by the late B. Pressley Barron, Esq. JOSEPH F. RHAME, A'ITORNEY AT LAW, MANNING, S. C. Another Grand Forward tlovemnent at COLU~MBIA, S. C. JOHN A. RIE PsRNT. Prices reduces nearly 25 per cent. for next year. Modern appointments, com forts and equipments. New infirmary. High standard in thirteen Departments. Able Faculty of specialists Best homelike, social and religious influences. Closest personal attention to every student. Those having daughters to educate can't afford to miss seeing the new catalogue. Sent on application. 9-3L. CASTOR IA \ or Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Alwas Bought 'Bears the Slgnatnre of 49 7 4 4