University of South Carolina Libraries
MANNING, S. C.: WEDNESDAY. JUNE 21, 1899. l'UILISHIED EVEIRY WEDNESDAY. sC!;SCRIPTiON RATES: One Y..... . .. . . . . .. . . . . 1.50 six M onths- ...- - .- - .-- .----- . Four Months....... ---------- .... 50 ADVERTISING RATES: One square, one time, $1; each subse qjuent insertion. 50 cents. Obituaries and Tributes of Respect ebarged for as regular advertisements. Liberal contracts mnade for three, six and twelve months. Communications must be accompanied by the real name and address of the writer in order to receive attention. No con. munication of a personal char aeter will .e published except as an adver tisemeut. Entered at the Post Oice at MU:*Ainlg as Second-Class Matter. Hon. 1. B. Scarboro of Horry President protei of the Senate has taken the oath of office as Lieutenant Governor. He will preside over the Senate, and a good officer he will make. A. sucnsful career to him. The Darlingtonian of Darlington has a new editor in the person of Mr. Louis J. Bristow, formerly of the Kingstree Becord. Mr. Bristow writes well and by the way he im proved the Record, Darlington can feel assured they have a man who will give them a good, live newspa per, and that he will keep them post ed on everything that is going on. Hon. James Norton is determined that Lake City shail have postal facil ities or give the postoffice authorities at Washington no rest. Through hi:s efforts the government sent a special inspector down to Lake City last week and Mr. Norton accompanied him. The officer made an investiga tion and upon his report will depend whether or not Lake City will be per mitted to get into postal communi cation with the outside world. If he fails this time, we know Mr. Norton well enough to know that the gov erunent will have some one to give them trouble until he succeeds. Con gressman Norton feels that Lake City is being wrongfully punished, and that innocent ores are being punished for the crime of others. In looking over the recent acts of the General Assembly, we fail to find the act passed providing a salary for county auditors. This is a piece of carelessness, and somebody is respon sible for it. We know it to be a fact that an act was passed regulating the salaries of all the county Auditors in the State, and the salaries were equal ized according to amount of taxable property, thus reducing the salaries in a large number of the counties. This law does not appear in the pub lished acts sent out by the Secretary of State, and which book is regarded the "official" book of State laws made by the General Assembly of 1899. Who is responsible for this neglect, the State printer or Coditier Bre zeale? Governor McSweeney in reducing the constabulary force, by which the State will be the gainer to the extent of $20,000, has done a wise thing and exhibited his good business judg ment. The chief executive deserves the co-operattion of the municipal au thorities for the enforcement of the dispensary law, and he believes that much of the opposition can be avoid ed by placingsmore confidence in the local officers. Take Charleston, for instance; everybody knows that the enforcement of the dispensary law in that city by the constabulary is noth ing short of a silly farce--even wvorse -many of the bliud tigers are work ing under the protection of consta bles paid by the State, and the con stables are actual obstructions in the way of enforcing the law by the po lice authorities. Major Boyle, chief of police, has earnestly endeavored to execute and enforce the dispensary law; his records show the seizures, but whenever he attempted to co operate with the State constables, his raids were failures, with every indi cation that the proprietor had re ceived warning of his coming. It is openly charged in Charleston that the blind tiger people have the State constables in their pay. Now that the Governor has reduced the force, it will be seen whether or not the municipal authorit les will be more active than thev were before. We believe they' will be, because there will not be any excuse on the ground that the State has special offieers in their municipalities for that special work. We assume that in reducing the force the Governor ineans to scat ter- the constables in the country where the peop~le who are without po lice protection, can have officers to break up the illicit wvhiskey dens which are becoming very numerous and] in some communities greatt nui sances. Advice is about the only thing that you can of'er some people that they larry Le-esie neard from Again. Elitor Ta- Tniws: I am perhaps venturing a good deal in sending you another letter already, as I do not know whether my last one was worth enough to be printed, but concluded to-night that as I needed something to occupy my mind I would scribble a little for you. The town that this ie written from is quite a nice place. It is the county seat of Laurens county, and is situat ed on the Oconee river. According to the last Census Dublin had eigh teen hundred people, but now the population numbers about four thou sand. It is on the Wrightsville and Ten nille and Macon and Dublin railroads, about a 110 miles southwest of Au gusta. The town has a spendid coun try all around to back it, and the growth is permanent. On account of good railroad facilities and also a line of boats all the way to Savannah, they have splendid freight rates, and the'place can boast of several whole sale houses, in addition to electric lights, an immense water stand-pipe, some hundred and fifty feet high, and other improvements.- I understand that fifty thousand dollars is subscrib ed for a cotton factory which is to be built right away. In fact the people all over this "wire grass" country are wide awake and up-to date. Right through here the timber in terests amount to a good deal as yet, and there is much farming too, but lower down towards the Florida line there is little less than saw mills and turpentine stills as money producers. Turpentine and lumber are both bringing good prices now. Spirits turpentine has gone from twenty-four to thirty eight and forty cents per gallon, with rosin also strong, and the mills cannot cut the orders for lumber. For a man with a little money there are five to ten years of big money making in either turpen tine or lumber in Georgia and South Alabama, but the unfortunate part with most of us is t bat we would like to do and can't for the want of enough to start with. As I said before, South Georgia is full of mills and stills, and I will also add alligator and grass-widows. The days of the mills and stills and alliga :ors are limited, but under the pres nt system of laws in this State bear ing upon the matrimonial question the grass widows and widowers are ealculated to flourish until their name shall be legion. I attended a swell wedding in a church in a certain co'.jty-seat one night about ten days ago. It was a large church but was too crowded for me to get in, so I remained outside at the door and had a good look at the bride and groom and train of attendants as they paus ed for several minutes to arrange to marcb in. You ought to have heard them inquiring who had the "license," if it was in the preachers hands etc. The preacher is supposed to hold the i license in his hands when he ties up a couple over here. It wvas all very amusing and I may almost say ridicu lous to me. You know wvherever they issue licenses to marry they generally have a dog license too, and sometimes both the dog license ofiice and the marriage license office are in the same building. It also sometimes happens that where a man iage is to take place and the groom does not arrive in time to take out the license that the young lady applies for it so as to have it ready. Then imagine the amuse ment of the officer, and the predica nment of a blushing prospective bride who goes to apply for a marriage li cense and goes to the wrong oic,an when she finally takes a handkerchief from her biushing face and ventures to tell the officer what she came for, she is informed that that is not the the place, and that she is in the dog license office. I am a typical South Carolinian on the marriage question and I always did think that marriage was too solemn and too high a thing to be put along with tobacco and whiskey and dogs. Divorces are also common overhere and divorce cases take up a good por tion of the county courts. I under stand that a license only costs one dollar and eighty cents, one dollar and a half for the license itself, and I guess thirty cents for recording. So) sometimes I think I'll just take out one and carry it along in my grip sack, in case I should strike a streak of luck over here, but you bet your sweet life here is one "bach" who would step back across the Savannah river to have the thing (lone up right. I would hate to feel that I was all fi ed up for "weal or for wvoe," "for bet ter or for worse," "until death you two shall part" etc., and then to know that at the first county court that came along I might lose my dollar and eighty cents and then be turned loose, and have all that big job to do over again. When that preacher married that couple the other night and told them that they were married until "death you two shall part," etc. I think he said it wrong. He ought to have closed it up by saying "ac cording to the Statutes in such case made and provided." A certain young man from the town of L- was to have been married to a young lady in T--- about ten days ago. The marriage was to have taken place on Wednesday night, but when he got there he only arrived in time to learn that she had changed her notion on the Sunday night before and married another sweet heart. And all good folks too. Now his dollar and eighty cents is gone, unless he can sell the license, and they tell me that they are not transferable. IBut Georgia, notwithstanding all this, is a good State. She is Demo cratic to the core, and the white man is certainly on top in this State, ar he is in South Carolina. If the Get-rgia people will go to work now a'nd fix their constitution like we had to do, and like Mississippi did, and then take a few lessons fromn South Caroli na on the mrrriage question, she will be in deed as she is in name the em-' pire State of the South. South Car olina occupies a unique position on that marriage question, and is per haps the only State in the Union where people cannot get a divorce. The consequence is that in no State is the marital vow held in higher re gard than in ours, and shame upon, her whenever she issues a marriage license or any other kind of paper which is calculated to weaken the high and crystalized sentiment on the that pretty fast. The city of Atlanta has recently passed a law forbidding people chewing tobacco and spitting on the sidewalks, under a penalty of being arrested and fined, and that's pretty good for a starter, don't you think? Atlanta will advertise her self, and she is willing to have yellow fever, just to keep her name in the papers. H. L. Dublin, Ga., June 17, 1899. Washington Letter. (Frow ocr Regnlar Correspondent Washington, June 16. Having sanctioned a policy for the sending of soldiers to the Philippines that is a clear case of what used to be called "whipping the devil around the stump," Mr. McKinley has gone off on a ten day pleasure trip, with the very important object of seeing his niece graduate from Massachusetts female college. Meanwhile private advices from Manila say that instead of ending the war General Otis is likely to find himself and his army confined to Manila and its cutskirts, before the rainy season is over, unless he is heavily reinforced. Mr. Mckin ley fears the political effect of issuing the call for volunteers, although he has several times decided to do so, and adopted the plan of sending a sufficient number of regulars to Otis to give him a total of 35,000 men. This is to be done in a way to ban boozle the public. Portions of regi ments are to be sent and portions re tained in barracks. And to the latter all the men enlisted at the recruiting offices are to be sent to be broke in, and nobody outside of the War De partment will be able to know wheth er the regular army is over-enlisted or not. as early as last week every U. S. recruiting office was ordered to bustle and to keep it up until fuither notice. The boldest witness who has testi fied since the Industrial Commission began the investigation of trusts was Henry 0. Havemeyer, the president of the sugar trust, who was heard this week. After reading a carefully prepared essay, in which he claimed that trusts, and especially the sugar trust, were public benefactors, he said: "We are not in the business for phil anthropic purposes. It is policy, sometimes, to divide our profits with the public, and we conduct our busi ness on business li:.:es. We have tried to sell so low as to shut out all com petition, but up to the present time we are in it up to our neck. Trusts are a natural growth. They are reg ulated by the laws of trade, and neith er you, nor the Federal government, nor any other power, can alter these laws, and the sooner you fiud it out and cease these useless investig.ations, the better for the country." Now that is a fine picture, isn't it? The head of one of the most notorious of the trusts which are driving individual enterprise to the wall and slowly but surely getting possession of the whole country, standing up and boldly tell ing the representatives of the U. S. Government that they are engaged in a use less investigation of trusts, and that neither the Federal government, nor any other power, is strong enough to stop the growth of trusts. Mr. Havemeyer was mistaken. There is a power strong enough t-> stop the growth of the trusts, and sooner or later it will do it. That power is weilded by the people, who pay the enormous profits of the trusts. Representative Sherman's friends try hard to conceal their soreness over the Henderson bunco that he ran up against, but they do not succeed very well. For instance, read the follow ing remarks made by ex-representa tive Southwick, of New York, and it is easy to see that he does not believe Shermian was given a square deal: "Mr. Sherman accepts his defeat for the Spakership with the utmost philoso phy, and isn't in the least sore over Henderson's record-breaking victory. He never knew in advance of others that Mr. Reed contemplated retiring from the House, and his declination of the Customs appraisership was not made prior to his knowledge of Mr. Red's intentions." That sounds very much like pleading the baby act, as it was generally believed that Mr. Sherman did know in advance, and that he was Mr. Reed's choice for the Speakership. In fact, it was Mr. Sherman's declination of an office that he had sought which gave the public the first intimation of Mr. Reed's intention to retire. Again, Mr. Southwick indicated his belief in bunco practices by the Henderson men when he said: "When the Illi oids people put up Hopkins instead of Cannon, we would have had a large following outside his own State, they picked a fore-doomed non-winner. Had Joe Cannon been their candidate the result would never have been set ted in advance of the meeting of Cogress." WVhen the Committee chairmanships are announced the Sherman men will understand still better how they were knocked out. Ex-Governor Bookwalter, of Ohio, who has lately returned from a three year's trip through Russia and its dependencies, has some new ideas of the Czar's country. He said: "I en joyed the trip to Russia thoroughly, and arrived at the conclusion that Russia is a wofully misjudged coun try. Nowhere have I seen a more pronounced tendency on the part of a government to promote the interests of its poor people. 1 think the pre vailing delusion in America concern ing the alleged tyranny of the Rus sian government arises from the fact that it will not tolerate crime. Jus tice there is swift and severe, but are we in a position to say that it is too swift andi severe?" Mr. Bookwalter says that Russia is bound to be the dominant power in Asia and that if this administration carries out a hank ering it has, unless he reads the signs wrong, to get into the Asiatic mix-up, the people of the U. S. wil deeply regret it. Edit. T HE IDES: Election of Town Council of Sum merton was held Saturday, the 17th, resulting as follows: Intendent-Dr. WV. R. Mood. Wardlens-J. C. Lanhamn, F. F. Whilden, D. 0. Rhame, H. R. Mel dean. Board of Health-H. L. Brunson. Fred Lanhamn of Clemson College is at home again. Alva Sublett of Orangeburg Colle giate Institute is spending his vaca tion at home. ough came home Saturday from Greenville, where they have been at tending college. Miss Blanch Billups, who has been teaching school in Williamsburg, is at home. The Rev. Blackburn of the Second Presbyterian church in Columbia, S C., filled the pulpit in the absence of Rev. J. C. Bailey yesterday at 11 o'clock and last night at 8:30. We are in hopes of having him to preach for us again. W. Summerton, June 19, 1899. There is more catarrh in this section of the conatry than all other diseases pnt to getber, and nutil the last few years was supposed to be incurable. For a great mn1c3y years doctors pronounced it a locd disease, and prescribed local remedies, and by constantly failing, to enre with local tratment, pronounced it incurable. Sci ence bas proven catarrh to be a constitn tional .iisease, and therefore requires con stitutional treatwent. Hall's Catarrh Cure, ina:nu1factured by F. J. Cheney & o , Tol edo, Ohio, is the only constitutional cure on' the iuarket. It is taken internally in loses from 10 drops to a teaspoonful. It acts directly on the blood and mneous sur faces of the systeni. They offer one huD dred dollars for any case it fails to enre. Send for circulars and testimonials. Ad dress, F. J. CHENEY & Cc'., Toledo, 0. Sold by draggists, 75c. Hall's Family Pillk are the best. Foreston News. E.litor THE TiEs: The cool wave has reached our lit tle town, and one may plow, hoe, write or do most anything else and keep comparatively cool. We have had a good rain, which was needed-not so much in our im mediate section as in some of those near around us. Crops generally are looking well. Some farmers were late planting and have not good stands of cotton and tobacco. Tobacco was begin ning to need rain, though early plantings are in a growing condition and look well; the late plantings are slow to grow on account of the dry weather. Where cotton was planted early enough to get up before the drought set in it is in good condition, growing and large enough for this time of year. The cotton crop has not suffered for want of rain. I think the acreage has been reduced this year 23 to 30 per cent. and perhaps more. Corn is good, generally; in low lands where corn grew last year worms have been bad and stands are not good. I believe there is more rice planted here this year than formerly. It is too dry for rice, but with good seasons from now on a good yield may be expected. Nearly all farmers plant cane that they may make their own syrup. This crop is doing fairly well. Farm ers are realizing that it does not pay to raise cotton exclusive of crops for home consumption. I am informed that Messrs. Thomas & Bradham, who have cattle in the "big pasture," lost four head by fam ishing for water or from drinking bad water. They have since extended the piping from the flowing well to the pasture. Stock should be well looked after, in dry times, especially. Mr. C. M. Mason visited Kingstree last week, I am told, to assist In get ting the "Elephant" through on his second degree in the Knights of Pyth ias. The Knights have assumed large proportions. On Friday, June 9th, our weather prophet (Boswell) predicted rain for the next day. At 17 minutes past 5 o'clock rain came; at 11 minutes past 5-6 minutes--off. By some more practice and study he expects to get it down to the minute. W. Foreston, June 19, 1899. W T Davis, Ruby, S C, writes: Dr M A Simmons' liver medicine cures pains in back and that "out of sorts" tired feeling. I tbink it four times as etrong as Zdilin's and black draught. Dr W &M Brockinton. Commencement Exercises of the Pres byterian College or South Carolina. The exercise was opened June 4th with the baccalaureate by the Rev. J. L. Williamson of Newberry, S. C. His text was "Our Father 'which art in heaven." Matt. 6:9. He brings out very clearly our conception of God, and discussed the formation of a true and beautiful character. The sermon was a splendid presentation of truth, free from mechanical orato rical flights, rich and abounding with clear and original thought, a sermon worthy of the brilliant, brainy preacher. Mr. Williamson evidently thinks for himself. His exposition and development of his theme was strikingly attractive and impressive ly strong. Sunday evening at 8:30 the services were conducted by the Y. M. C. A. Monday evening at 8:30 was the de bators' contest for a medal. The query 'was, "Resolved that territorial expansion Is a disadvantage to the United States." Affirmative-W. W. Chamblee and WV. B. Doyle. Nega sive-T.C. Simpson and S. L. Thomp ton. It is said by some to be the best debate ever delivered in the hall at Clinton and by others to be the best they ever heard from college boys. After the contest was over the faculty came on the stage and con gratulated the debators for their suc cess in the way they discussed and delivered the debate. It was shown by the attention of the audience that it was good indeed, and, very much appreciated by them. Tuesday evening at 8:30 the hall was crowded to hear the honorary orator, Rev. S. C. Byrd of Colum bia, S. C., and the declaimers, six in number. Rev. Byrd spoke for one hour . and ten minutes on "The White Man's Burden in the State." Mr. Byrd was very enthusiastic on his subject and he penetrated the hearts of the audience as if he had sent a two-edged sword winging its flight through the crowd. Then followed the six declaimers in a contest for a medal. The declaim ers were L. W. Brown, J. W. Car p enter, C. M. Fulton, G. W. Wilkins, SB. Wright and L W. Matthews. All the young men acquitted them selves well and did great credit to their trainers. Mr. 3. W. Carpen ter, surpassing the other five in ora tory, was awarded the medal as the best declaimer. Wednesday morning at 10:30 the exercises were brought to a close by an address from Hon. Julius C. Boggs and the exercises of the graduating class. Mr. Boggs made a fine speech on the "American Home; How to Make it Attractive for Those at Home." It was filled with the gem of thought and the genius of oratory. Essays were then read by each of the graduating class and diplomas were then given. Thus ended the happy college year of the Presbyterian College. College opens September 27, 1899. The college, appreciating the fact that there are so many young men desiring an education, but are un able to obtain it at present rates, have decided to reduce expenses to a minimum. The rates have been re duced from $1453 to $100 total ex penses. Those wishing to avail them selves of this opportunity should make application at an early date. Write for catalogue or further in formation to W. T. Matthews or A. E. Spencer, Clinton, S. C. Now just one word from a friend to boys and young men. This is the opportunity of a first class education at the lowest possible rate. Just think of it, one hundred dollars will send you to college one year. Young men, don't let this opportunity pass, but enlist at once. S. L. THoMPSON. Cinton, S. (L Jnne , 1899. Stages of Water. Camden, June 17, 8 a. m.-Height of Wateree river, 7.0 feet, being a fall of 9-10 of a foot during past 24 hours. June 19, 8 a. m.-Height of Wat eree river, 6.4 feet, being a fall of 2-10 of a foot duriug past 24 hours. Columbia, June 16, 8 a. m.-Height of Congaree river, 8-10 of a foot, be ing a fall of 2-10 of a foot during past 24 hours. June 19, 8 a. m.-Height of Conga ree river, 5-10 of a foot, being a rise of 2-10 of a foot during past 24 hours. St. Stephen's, June 17, 8 a. m. Height of Santee river, 5.0 feet, be ing a rise of 4-10 of a foot during past 24 hours. June 19, 8 a. m.-Height of Santee river, 5.4 feet, being a fall of 1-10 of a foot during past 24 hours. Some men have such happy dispo sitions that tbey never amount to much. A Card of Thanks. I wish to say that I feel under hiting ob. li.-ations for what Cbamberlain's Congh Remedy has done for our family. We have used it in so many cases of coughs, lung troubles and whooping congh, and it has always given the most perfect sati-faction, we feel greatly indebted to the manufac turers of this remedy and wish them to please acceptouir hearty thanks. Respect fully, Mrs. S. Doty, Des Moines. Iowa. For sale by R. B. Loryea, druggist. The cycloue can raise anything on a farm except the mortgage. of Interest to Inventors. C. A. Snow & Co., one of the oldest and .most successful firms of patent lawyers, whose offives are opposite the United States patent office in Washington, D. C., and who have procured pitents for more than 17,000 inventors, say th't. owing to the improved c.>n.litions in the Unite-1 States patent office, paterL w.iy now be more promptly procure-l thau at any previons time in their experience of twenty-five years. Nothing goes as far with a woman as a little masculine remorse. e The Kind You Haye Always Bought A cigar cutter of gold hindsomely enameled is set with precious stones. During summer we are liable to stomach and bowel troub:es, such as diarrhoea, colic, craips, etc, for which Dr M A Slm mons' liver medicine is bighly recom mended. Sold by Dr W M Brockinton. A diamond of the first water is one that has never been in "soak." Fools never rush in where theatri cal angels fear to tread. CASTORIA For Infants and Children The Kind You Hae Always Bought Bears the Signature of . Notice to Creditors. All persons having claims against the estate of Win. Buddin, deceased, will present them duly attested to W. J. BUDDIN and A. T. BUDDIN, Executors. New Zion, S. C., June 12, 1899. [7-4t A GOOd Clothing Store Is where you get the right sort of Clothes without dan ger of mistake. Our Clothes are of the right sort, and you will appreciate their excel lence and smallness of cost. We Make Clothes to Order for those who prefer them. Lasting materials, proper fit and make and moderate pri ces. Your or'ders will have our best attention. JLL DAVID & BRO S. W. Cor. King and Wentworth Sts,, CHARLESTON, S.C. Noice of Election, An election will be held at th-' court House in Manning in secbool distrie:; No. 9, Clarendon County, 8. C., on WVednesday, the 28th day of June. 1893, to decide the following question: "Shall this school dis trict levy and collect for school purposes a special annual tax of four mills on all the property in said district, to supplement the constitutional and other taxes for like purposes?" Those in favor of said levy will vote a ticket upon which the word "yes" is written or printed, and those not in favor of said levy will vote a ticket upon which the word "no" is written or printed. The polls will open at 7 o'clock a. m. and close at 4 o'clock p. m. Only those voters of said school district who return real or personal property of the value of one hundred dollars for taxation will vote at this election. The managers of election shall require of every elector offering to vote at such elec tion, before allowing him to vote, in addi tion to the production of his registration certificate, proof of the payment of all taxes, including puoll tax as'sessed against him and collectible during the previous year. I). M. BRCADHAM, P. B. MOUZON. J. Ri. SPROTT, Bloard of TIrustees School District No. 9, Clareudon County. South Carolina. There will be a box placed at, the polls to allow those who vote in said electioni to ex press th.-ir choice of umen for trustees of said school district. Man~znini,,. C (, June 13, 1899. [7-2t BOUNTY. PRIZE CLAIMS OF All In the PREPARATION. PR~sENTATION and PRoSECUm). of any kind of claim against the G;overnment of the United states, we posses unsurpssed4 facilities-knowledge, skill, experi M.oerate fees. Quick wcork, '~f~ servi an Prfionanl probiuy guaranteed. Donot fail to write to us before giving your case to any one else. It will pay you to do so. Information free. Highest references given on demand. DOYLE & EOKMAN. W&cMINGTON, D. C, JO.-EPH F. RHAME. 17 TURNEY AT LA W, MANNING. S. C. R. J. FRANK GEIGER, DENTIST, MANTWA S. C. Tobacco Growers, Take Notice! We still have plenty of Sheet Steel on hand and can fill orders for Flues at our usual low prices. People who are in a position to know, say that our Sets for 16-foot barns at $9.50, $10.50, $11.50 and $12.50 are the best made and fitted Flues they have ever seen sold at those prices, the joints being all locked and riveted, ends crimped and braded; each part fits per fectly; no sparks can escape, and a perfect draft can be maintained, which will insure a uniform heat, that is so essential to the perfect curing of the tobacco leaf. We also have Paris Green and the very best devices for applying same to tobacco plants. Farmers, we have a few Orangeburg Sweeps, which we offer at our usual low price: 10-inch Sweeps, 25e; 12-inch, at 30c; 14-inch, at 30c: 10-inch, at 35c; 18-inch, 35c; 20-inch, at 40c, or two for 75c. Cotton Hoes at 25, 30 and 35c. Very truly yours, MANNING + HIARDIARD COMPANY. Wm. E. Holmes & Co., 2O9 ]East Bay. -DEALERS IN - Paints, Oils, Glass, Varnish and Brushes, Lanterns, Tar Paper and Building Paper. Headquarters for the Celebrated Palmetto Brand of Cylinder, Planing Mill and Engine Oils and Greases. Climbing UpO gDown Stairs ARRYING heavy burdens washing, iron ing, scrubbing and other laborious duties are productive of an enormous amount of sufferingamon women who are already weak 41and prostaeb the ravages of female dia Pjeases. The perfrac of these heavy labors is obligato many women, but the suffer ing is not. Ufeature of the household bur dens may soon be removed if women will only take the trouble to learn how. A fewbottlesof DSI FEfIALE PANACEA TRADE(O. F. =)MAN0 will regulate all menstrual Irregularities, and restore the entire female organism to Its proper condition. Take St. Joseph's Liver Regulator in small doses if there is any ten dency to constipation or indigestion. BED-FAST FOR A YEAR. Geirstle's.'Female Panacea has made a most wonderful cure on the ene of our tenants. She had ben bed-fast for twelve months, but your medicine has cured her and she is lou in her raises of same. HIMON BROS.. Claiborne. Ala. Get this medicine from your drugist. If he does not keep It, send us $1.00 and we will send you a ottle, all charges paid. L. GERSTLE & CO., Props., Chattanooga, Tenn. For sale by "E:L. 3. T O E~Y 3D.A.. Take Care of Your Eyes. We take this method of informing our friends and tne public generally that we have just received a nice assortment of the best Glasses made, and are prepared to furnish our customers with accurate and scientific aids to vision. Our prices are on the "Live and Let Live" plan, hence you can, with a small sum, buy from us a pair of good glasses. We have Spectacles and Eye Glasses of all styles, grades and prices. Satisfaction guaranteed. W. M. BROCKINTON. The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has been in use for over 30 years, has borne the signature of ~ and has been made under his per snlsupervision -since its infancy. Alw no one to d~aceive you in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and Substitutes are but Ex periments that trifle wiith and endanger the health of Tnfants and Children-Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Castoria is a substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Harmless and Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhcea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipatforr and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea-The Mother's Friend. CENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS . Bears the Signature of The izid You llave Alway Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. THE CENTAUU COMPANY. TT MUnnAY STREET. NEW YORK CiTY. ____*_"E-_RK,_C __or SHiYU NM PROECTION. end mode, sketh or photo. BOOK ONPATENTS FEE. *Att' Patent Lawyers. WASH!I NGTON, D.C. I L TLS Iand Surveying and Leveling. OLN I will do Surveying, etc., in Clarendon and adjoining Counties.dipth...... Call at office or address at Samter, S. C., P 0. Box 101. Acrilivtto JOHN . xtnued.u iha Hfln you Jo Wor toThe i-e offce..i. L:.r WELS.i ATLAUIC COAST LINE Cumzsk, S. C., Apr. 17, 1899. On and after th' date the following passenger schedule v'i be in effect: NORTHEASTERXAILROALD. South-Bount *35. Lv Florence, 3.25 A. 7.5 *5 Lv Kingstree, 8.57 Ar Lanes, 4.38 9.15 - Lv Lanes, 438 9.15 7.1r Ar Charleston, 6.03 10.50 9.15 North-Bound. *78. *32. *52. Lv Charleston, 6.33 A. 5.17 P. 7.00 A. Ar Lanes, 8.18 6.45 8.32 Lv Lanes, 8.18 6.45 Lv Kingstree, 8.34 Ar Florence, 9.28 7.55 *Daily. tDaily except Sunday. No. 52 runs through to Columbia via Central R. R. of S. C. Trains Nos. 78 and 32 run via Wilson and Fayetteville-Short Line-and make close connection for all points North. Trains on C. & D. R. R. leave Florence daily except Sunday 9.55 a m, arrive Dar. lington 10.28 a m, Cheraw, 11.40 a m, Wadesboro 12.35 p m. Leave Florence daily except Sunday, 8.00 p m, arrive Dai. lington, 8.25 p m, Hartsville 9.20 p m, Bennetsville 9.21 p m, Gibson 9.45 p m. Leave Florence Sunday only 9.55 a m, ar. rive Darlington 10.27, Hartsville 11.10. Leave Gibson daily except Sunday 6.35 a m, Bennettsville 6.59 a m, arrive Darling. ton 7.50 a m. Leave Hartsville daily ex cept Sunday 7.00 a m, arrive Darlington 7.45 a In, leave Darlington 8.55 a m, arrive Florence 9.20 a m. Leave Wadesboro daily except Sunday 4.25 p in, Cheraw 5.15 p m, Darlington 6.29 p m, arrive Florence 7 p m. Leave Hartsville Sunday only 8.15 a m Darlington 9.00 a In, arrive Florence 9.2) a M. .T. I. KENLEY, JNO. F. DIVINE, Gen'l Manager. Gen'l Sup't. T. M. EMERSON, Traffic Manager. H. M. EMERSON, Gen'I Pass. Agent. W.GI.&A. South-Bound. 55. 35, 52. Lv Witmington,*3A5 P. Lv Marion, 6.34 Ar Florence, 7.15 Lv Florence, *7.45 *3.25 A. Ar Sumter. 8.57 4.29 Lv Sumter, 8.57 *9.40 A. Ar Columbia, 10 20 11.00 No. 52 runs through from Charleston via Central R. R., leaving Charleston 7 a m, Lanes 8.34 a m, Manning 9.09 a m. North-Bound. 54. 53. 32. Lv Columbia, *6.sO A. *4.00 P. Ar Sumter, 8.05' 5.13 Lv Saniter, 8.05 *6.06 P. Ar Florence, 9.20 7.20 Lv Florence, 9.50 Lv Marion, 10.30 Ar Wilmington, 1.15 *Daily. No. 53 runs through to Charleston, S. ., via Cential R. H., arriving Mdanning 5.41 p i, Lanes, 6.17 p m, Charleston 8.00 p m. Trains on Conway Branch leave Chad bourn 5.35 p m, arrive Conway 7 40 p w. returning leave Conway 8.30 a m, arrive Chadbourn 11.20 a in, leave Chadbourn 11.50 a m,arrive at Hub 12.25 pm,returning leave Hub 3.00 p m, arrive at Chadboum 3.35 p m. Daily except Sunday. J. R. KENLY, Gen'l Manager. T. M. EMERSON, Traffic Manager. H. M. EMERSON, Gen'l Pass. Agent. CENTRAL R. B. OF SO. CAROLINA. No. 52 Lv Charleston, 7.00 A. M. Lv Lanes, 8.34 " Lv Greeleyville, 8.46 " Lv Foreston, &55 . Lv Wilson's Mill, 9.01 " Lv Manning, 9.09 " Lv Alcolu, 9.16 " Lv Brogdon, 9.25 " Lv W. &S. Junct., 9.38 " Lv Sumter, 9.40 " Ar Columbia, 11.00 " No. 53 Lv Columbia, 4.00 P. M. Lv Sumter, 5.13 " Lv W. & S. Janet. 5.15 Lv Brogdon, 5.27 " Lv Alcola, 5.35 " - Lv Manning, 5.41 " Lv Wilson's Mill, 5.50" Lv Foreston, 5.57 " Lv Greeleyville, 6.06 " Ar Lanes, 6.17 Ar Charleston, 8.00" MANCHESTER & AUGUSTA B. RL. No. 35. Lv Sumter, 4.29A.. Ar Creston, 5.17 " - Ar Orangeburg, 5.40" Ar Denmark, 6.12 " No. 32 Lv Denmark, 4.17 P. I. Lv Orangeburg, 4.50" Lv Grestoni, 5.13 - A r Suter. 6.03 " Trainis 32 and 35 carry through Pullmian palace luffet sleeping cars' between New. York and Macon via August. W Uson and summer-ton B. B Tflxz Tir. No. 1, In effect Monday, June 13th, 1898. Between Sumter and Wilson's Mills. Southbound. Northbound. No. 73. Daily except Sunday No. 72. P M1 Stations. P' M 200 Le......unmter...Ar 1230 2 03 ....W & SJunction. 12 27 220.........Tindal.........1155 2 38........Packsville....... 11 30 2 50 .........Silver......... 1110 ..... ..Millard...... .14 350.......Summierton... 1010 4 20..... .... Davis......... 945 4 45 ........Jordan ....... 935 .5 15 Ar....ilson's Mills..Le 905 Between Millard and St. Paul. Southbound. Northbound. No. 73. No. 75. No. 72. No. 74. P M A M Stations A M P M 3 05 10 15 Le Millard Ar 10 45 3 35 3 15 10 25 ArnS. Paul Le 10 35 3 25 PM AM AM PM THOS. WILSON, President. THE Bank of Manning, MANNING, 8. 0. Transacts a general banking busi ness. Prompt and special attention given to depositors residing out of town. Deposits solicited. All collections have prompt atten tion. Business hours from 9 a. mn. to 2 p. m. JOSEPH SPROTT, A. LEVI, Oashier. President. BOARD OF DIRECTOBs. r LE~vi, -. - MCEzoD, 'W E. BBOWN, S. M. Nues, JOSEPH SPROor, A. Lii z. s. wzrtsoi. W. C. DUon2er. WISON & DURANT, Attorneys and Counselors at Lauw, MANNING.S. C.