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CHRI S LAT HUR1. Dr. Talmage Finds Lessons of Comfort in a Sad Scene. HEAVEN'S BRIGHT CROWNS The Creat Divine Says Shall Adorn the Brows of Thcse Who Bear Life's Burdens With Christian Fortitude. From the pathetic sect. if Christ's last bour of suffering Dr. Talniage in this sermon draws lesons ot eaLt for people in trouble: text . John xix. ,30, "When Jesns therefire hau re:ci ed the vinegar. The brigands ot Jeruslen ha-ta dwne their work. It was alino-t and Jesus was dN i ! e; in cru cifixion ofteu lingsered vt! from t'ay to day, crying. beig, Ug c.Aursin;, but Christ had bect exhaiusted. b . a o maltreatment. Pi . l r * logged. as bt nt over and :i d tol post his bare back wa i the scourges interseeu c v lead and boue. andnow he weight of hi bdyi n cate tendon!. and, a co a violent stroke u der been Liven) by t!te nausa-xd evri .i orld Ia is conre\Sed in the t%' %%(,j, thirst!* Oh. se( o Juuea. , a drop of rain strike (n hi 1urn tongue' , y orld. with rirer and s p:rkIng laim-es a u ( i h tains, give Jesus somethwyop, to rn If there be any pity in earth r ha v.ien or hell, let it now be demo,4rtteu il behalf of this royal ufferr The wealthy women of Jerusalcin used to have a fund of' money with which they provided wine for those peo ple who died in crucifixion-a power ful opiate to deaden the pain-but Chrivt would not take it. He wanted to die sober. atzd so he refuscd the wine. But afterward they go to a ,up ol vin egar and soak a sponge in it and put it on a stick of hyssop and then press it against the hot lips of Christ. You say the wine was an anx-sthetic and intend ed to relieve or deaden ti* pain. But the vinegar was an insult. In some lives to ,accharine seeMs to predominate. Life is sunshine on a bauk of flowers. A thousand hands to clap approval. In Deceuber or in Jan uary, looking across their table. they see all their family present. Health rubicund. skies flamboyant. days re silient. But in a great many cases there are not so many sugars as acids. The annoyances, and the vexations, and the disappointments of life over power the successes. There is a grevel in almost every shoe. An Arabian legend says that there was a worm in Solomon's staff knawing its strength away. and there is a weak spot in every earthly support that a man leans on King George of England forgot all the grandeurs of iis throne because one day in an interview Beau Brummel called him by his first name and addressed him as a servant, crying. "George, ring the bell:" Miss Laagdon, honor ed all the world over for her poetic ge nius, is so worried over the evil reports set afloat regarding her that she is found dead with an empty bottle of prussie acid in her hand. Goldsmith said that his life was a wretched being, and that all that want and contempt could bring to it had been brought. and cries out, "What, then, is there formidable in a jail?"~ Correggio's fine painting is hung up for a tavern sirn. Hlogarth cannot sell his best painting except through a raftle. Andrez. del Sarto makes the great fresco in the Church of the Annunciata at Florence and gets for pay a sack ofecorn, and there are annoyances and vexatlons in high places as well as in low places, show ing that in a great many lives are the sours greater than the sweets. "When Jesus therefore had received the vine It is absurd to suppose that a man who has always been well can sym pa thize with those who are slek. or that one who has always been houored can appreeiate the sorrow of those who are despised, or that one who has been born to a great f,.rtune can understand the distress and the straits of those who are destitute. T1he fact that Christ himself took the viniegar nakes him able to sympathize tvday and !.rever with all those whose cup is Iti witht the sharp acids of this life. Ile took the vinegar. In the first place, there was the sour ness of betrayal. 'ihe treachery of Judas hurt Christ's feelinas miore th~a all the friendship of his~ di-ci. lea dd him good. You have had many friend' hut there was one friend upoi when, you put especial stress. You fested him. You loanded him mnoney.X Yu befriended him in the dark p '-e' ut life, when he esp.'eilly needed friend. Afterward, I.e turinIed po you, and he took advantag~ of you past timacies. lie wrote against y-u. ile ini talked against you, lIe t~iemiscopized your faults. Hie flung contempitat \ilou. when you ought to have received noth ing but gra-titude At first .ou vould~ not sleep at night. Then you went about with a sense of ha'ving been stung. That diiculty will never be healed, for though nutual friends may' arbitrate in the uniter until yout shall shake hands. thenld cordiality will never come back. Now I comumu'~d to all such the synmpathy oIf a betrayed Christ. Why, they sold him for less than our $20: Theu all forsook him and fled. They cut him to the quick. lie drank that cup to the dregs. lie took the vinegar. There is also the sourness oifpan There are some of you who have not seen a well day for many years. By keeping out of drafts, and by carefully studying dietetics, you continue to this iUme, but oh, the headaches, and the side aches, and the backaches, and the heartaches which have been your ae companimtnt all the way through! You have struggled under a heavy mortgage of physical disabilities, and instcad of the placidity that once characterized you it is now only with great effort that you keep away from irritability and sharp retort. Difficulties of respira tion. of digestion, of locomotion, make up the great obstacle in your life, and you tug and sweat along the pathway and wonder when the exhauston will end. My friends, the brightest crowns in heaven will not be glen to those, who, in stirrups. dashed to the cavalry charge, while the gene'rai appl~auded, and the sound of clsm bers rang through the land, bh bichte-t crowns in heaven. I believe. will be given to those who trudg~ed in amid chronic ailments which unnerveu thir strength, yet all the time mainItaining their faith in God. It is comparative ly easy to fight in a regimen of a th ou sand men, charging up :he parapiets to he sound of martial music, but it is not so easy to endure when no one but that. ou never had any w wse t h, U is'. The sharpness th't s'ung throu'h his brain. through hi h nds, t uh s cet. through his be.; were as .reat as yours certainly. He was as SIk and as weary. Not a nerve or muscle o.r ligament escaped. All the in f all the nations of all the ages compresed into one sour cup. le took tie vineLar. T liere A- also the sourness of poverty. Your income ndoes not meet your outgo ines. 0nd that always gives an honest man anxiety. There is no sign of des titution about you-pleasant appear ance and a cheerful home for you -but G od only knows what a time you have had to 'manaze your private finaices. .J ust as the bills run up the wages seenm to ruI do. n. You may say nothing. but life to you is a hard push, and when Nu (it dowL with your wife and talk over the expenses you both rise up discoura'ed. You abridge here. and ou atrige there and xour get things u o h sailing,. and. lo. sud e e is a large doctor's bill to av. (' Ou have lo-t your pocketbook. Sorsou e debtor has failed, and you are Iriwn abeatm end. Well. brother. in ;-orious com;pany. Christ wor the house in whi h lie Stop t.d thL , dit on which he rode or the a: il wciich 1 siled. lie lived in a house; he, was buried in a bor Exposed to all kinds of wa r (I Se't he h . only one suit of ct.1 le breakfasted in the morn zi. d n.o one could possibly tell wl:eru he could anything to eat be f1re night. le would have been pro a financial failure. He had to :rIform a mirace to g-t motney to pay - 4x Lili. N:t a dollar did he own. i -a-tion of domesticity. privation of urit.iou .00d. priration of a comfort l couh o I ich to sleep. privation I al1 woridiy resources! The kings of ,he earth had chased chalices out of which to drink. but Christ had noth ing 1ut a I ain cup set before him, and it was very sharp. and it was very sour. He t"ok the vinegar. There were years that passed along before sour fauily circle was invaded bv death. but the moment the charmed eirele was broken every thing seemed to dissolve. Hardly have you put the black apparel iti the wardrobe before you have again to take it out. Great and rapid changes in your family re cord. You got the house and rejoiced in it, but the charrn was gone as soon as the crape hung on the doorbell. The one upon whom you most depended was taken away from you. A cold marble stab lies on your heart today. Once, as the childen romped through the house. you put your hand over your aching head and said, "Oh, if I could only have it still"? Oh. it is too still now' You lost your patience when the tops and the strings and the shells were left amid the floor, but, oh, you would be willing to have the trinkets scattered all over the floor again if they were scattered by the same har ds. With what a ruthless plowshare be reavement rips the heart! But Jesus knows all about that. You cannot tell him anything new in regard to bereave ment. He had only a few friends, and when he lost one it brought tears to his eyes. Lazarus had often entertained him at his home. Now Lazarus is dead and buried. and Christ breaks down with emotion. the convulsion of grief shuddering through all the ages of bereavement. Christ knows what it is to go through the house missing a fa miliar inmate. Christ knows what it is to see an unoccupied place at the table. Were there not four of them Mary and Martha and Christ and Laza rus? Four of them. But where is La zarus? Lonely and afflicted Christ, his great loving eyes filled with tears! Oh, yes. yes: He knows all about the loneliness and the heartbreak. He took the vinegar! Then there is the sourness of the death hour. Whatever else we may escape. that acid sponge will be pressed to our lips. I sotretimes have a curios ity to know how I will behase when I come to die. Whether I will be calm or excited, whether I will be filled with remmileenee or withi anticipation, I cannot say. But come to the point I must and you must. An officer from the future world will knock at the door of our hearts and serve on us the writ of ejectmz~ent. and we will have to sur render. And we will wake up after these autumnal and wintry and vernal and summery glories have vanished fromi our vision. We will wake up into a realm which has only one se.ason and that t he season of everlasting love. But you say: "I don't want to break out from muy present associations. It ii. so chilly mand so damp to go down the stairs of that va-tlt. I don't want any thing drawn so tightly over my eve-. If there were onliy some way of break inig thr(ough the piartition between worldS without tearing~ this body all to shred! I wonder if the surgeons and the doctors cannot compound a mixture by which this body and soul can all the t'ie b-e kent totzether? Is there no es ene' from this separation?" None, a -ltel none. A great many men tuml thro ugh the gates of the future, as it 'ier'. and we do not know where thev hlave gone, and they only add gloom and myI~ste-ry to the passage, but Jesus Christ so mightily stormed the gates of that fature world that they have never einee been closely shut. Christ knows what it is to leave this world, of the beauty of which he was more amp preiative than we ever could be. Hie knows the exqisiteness of the phos phor-escence of the sea. lie trod it. Ie knows the glories of the midnight heavens, fir they were the spangled canopy of his wilderness pillow. Hie knows about the lilies. He twisted them into his sermon. He knows about the fowls of the air. They whirred their way through his discourse. He knows about the sorrows of leaving this beautiful world. Not a taper was kindled in the darkness. lie died phy -icianless. He died in cold sweat and dizziness and hemorrhage and agony, that have put him in sympathy with all the dying. He goes through Christen dom, and heC gathers up the stings out of all the death plo1ws, and he puts them under his own neck and head. He gathers on his own tongue the burn ing thirst of many generations. The sponge is soaked in the sorrows of all those who have died in their beds, as well as soaked in the sorrows of all those who perished in icy or fiery war trdom. While heaven was pitying, and earth was mocking, and hell was deriding, he took the vinegar! To all those to whom life has been an acerbity-a dose they could not swallow, a draft that set their teeth on edge and a-rasping-I preach the omni potent sympathy of Jesus Christ. The sister of Herschel. the astronomer, used to spee d much of her time polishing the telscopes through which he brought the distant worlds nigh, and it is my ambition now this hour to clear the lens of your spiritual vision, so that, looking through the dark night of your earthly troubles. you may behold the glorious constellation of a Saviour's love. Oh, my friends, do not try to carry all your ills alone. Do not put Jines. hzr ithe Alitlghty Christ is1 Yeady to lift up all your burdeis. W nii yuth have a trouble of any kind, ydu rush this r.yc and that way, and you wonder wha: this man will say about it and what that man will say about it. and you try this preseriptioi and that prescription and the other prescription. Oh, why do you not go straight to the heart of Christ. knowing that for our own sinning and suffering race he took the vinegar? There was a vessel that had been tossed on the seas for a great many weeks and been disabled, and the sup ply of water gave out, and the crew were dying of thirst. After many days they saw a sail against the sky. They signaled it. When the vessel came nearer, the people on the suffering ship cried to the captain of the other vessel: "Send us seme water. We are dying for lack of water." And the captain on the vessel that was hailed responded: "Dip your buckets where you are. You are in the mouth of the Anazon. and there are scores of miles of fresh water all around about you and hundreds of feet deep." And then they dropped their buckets over the side of the vesel and brought up the clear, bright, fresh water and put out the fire of their thirst. So I hail you today, after a long and perilous voyage, hirsting as you are for pardoL and tlir:ting foi comfi'rt and thirsting for eternal life. and I ask you what is the use of your UOing in that death struck state while all around you is the deep, clear, wide. sparkling flood of Got's ;ympathetic mercy. Oh, dip your buckets and drink and live forever. "Whosoever will, let him come and take of the water of life freely. Yet there are people who refuse this divine sympathy, and they try to fight their own battles, and drink their own vinegar, and carry their own burdens, and their life, instead ef being a trium ph.d march from victory to victory, will be a hobbling on from defeat to de feat. until they make final surrender to retributive distaster. Oh, I wish I could tjday gather up in my arms all the woes of men and women, all their heart aches, all their disappointments, all their chagrins, and just I ake them right to the feet of a sympathizing Jesus. He took the vinegar. Nana Sahib, af ter he had lost his last battle in India, fell back into the jungles of Iheri-jun gles so full of malaria that no mortal can live there. le carried with also a ruby of great luster and of value. le died in those jungles. Ii body was never found, and the ru. has never yet been recovered. And tear that today there are some who wiP fall back from this subject into the sivken ing, killing j-ingles of their sin carry ing a gem of infinite value-a prictless soul-to be lost forever. Oh, that that ruby might flash in the eternal corona tion! But, no! There are some, 1 fear, who turn away from this offered mercy and comfort and divine sympatly, not withstanding that Christ, for all who would accepthis grace, trudged the long way, and suffered the lacerating thongs, and received in his face the expectora tions of the filthy mob, and for the guil ty, and the discouraged and the dis comforted of the race, took the vinegar. May God Almight break the infatua tion and lead you Out into the strong hope, and the good cheer, and the glori ous sunshine of this triumpant gospel! THE CHICAGO PLATFORM. Bryan Stands by Its Principals. A Party Conference. A Democratic conference has been called under the auspices of the Demo cratic State committee was held in To peka Thursday evening. Prominent speakers, including Col. W. J. Bryan' of Nebraska; Champ Clark of Missouri; Allen ID. MIyers of Ohio and Sidney Clark of Oklahoma were present. More than a thousand persons were invited. The meeting was in the nature of a con ference of Democratic leaders, the pol icy of the party in the campaign of 1899 being touched on. M1r. Bryan himself was given the most prominent place, his subject be ing "Democracy." Mr. Bry an stood out squarely for the Chicago platform, and said that there had been no retreat from the positions taken in 1S96. "We are only holding our own," he declared, but we are gaining back those Democrats who left us without fulls understanding the nature of the strug gle. "Sonve ine4 we hear phcar for har mony fo"m those who opp, sed the pe r ty in 1896," continued Mr. Bryan. "but harmony. (instead of 'being a thing hoped for, is at least, a thing realized; not a pretended harmony be tween those entertaining antagz'nistic principles, but an actual harmoziy be tween those who are united in a com mon purpose against a common enemyv. ?'he Democratic party was never umore harmonious, and its harmony can only be disturbed Dy admitting within the fold those who are at variance with its principles and aspirations. "The D)emocratic platform of 1900 will be written by those who stood upon the platform of 1896, not by those who tried to overthrow the Democratic par ty in that campaign.~ Mr. Bryan declared that events have' been vindicatfng the policies proposed by the Democratic party in 1896. He then passed on to the subject of trusts and characterized them as the products of Republican methods. Mr. Bryan closed with a denunciation of militarism and what he termed the tendency of the present administration toward imperialism. Champ Clark of Bowling Green, Mo., had for his subject "Prosperity, past, present and future.' Governor Stone of Missouri spoke on the future of the Democratic party. He was followed by Allen 0. Myers of Columbus, 0., whose toast was "The East and the West." The toast responded to by Sidney Clark was "Oklahoma. the next star in the flag of the Union.' Three Lives Crushed Out. The bodies of three white minrr now lie 125 feet under groumi beneath great volume of water and tons of dirt and debris in a maneise mine nine miles from Cartersville. Ga., where they met death by being mashed and smother de by the great mass above where they were working caving in on them. The dead men arc Frank McEver, a son of one of the lessees, and the Messrs. Chastain. McEver leaves a wife and two children. He was 263 years of age. The mine is on the Canton road and is known as the Clumnber Hill nmine. It has recently been leased by Messrs. White & McEver and worked with a force of from three to five hands. It may take several days to recover the bodies of the men, as the water in the shaft is 80 feet deep and will have to be pumped out before other work to PNtkSION EASAG2RS. Ti Lint of Chairmien of the Varioil County boards. Following is the list of chairmen of the county boards of penvions. Saluda is the only county which has not com municated with the comptroller gen eral's oflice: Abbeville-J. R. Holloway, Petti grew. Aiken-J. R. Eidron, Vaucluse. Anderson-J. J. Gilmer, Anders.,n. Bamberg --W. F. Stokes, Farrell's store. Barnwell-A. B. Connor, Allendale. Beaufort-Dr. R. R. Sams, Beaufort. Berkeley-D. M. Breaker. Moncks Corner. Charleston-Dr. B. 31. Lebby, Char leston. Cherokee-J. G. Sarratt, Gaffney. Chester-W. H. Hardin, Chester. Chesterfield-W. J. Hanna, Chester field. Clarendon-C. S. Land, Sr., Fores ton. Darlington-Capt. W. E. James. Palmetto. Dorchester-D. M. Horn, St. G eorge's. Edgefield-J. N. Fair, Edgefield. Fairfield-G. H. Me.1aster. Winns boro. Florence-E. W. Lloyd, Florence. Georgetown-J. Ilarleston Read Georgetown. Greenville-Col. S. S. Crittenden, Greenville. Greenwood-W. P. McKeller, Green wood. IHorry-B. L. Beaty. Bucksville. Hampton-J. 11. Steinmeyer, Early Branch. Kershaw-W. F. Russell, Westville. Lancaster-W. B. Bruce, Heath Springs. Laurens-B. W. Ball, Laurens. Lexington-S. 1. Roof, Lexington. Marion-Dr. G. A. McIntyre, Mar ion. Marlboro-J. H Hudson, Bennetts ville. Newberry-M. A. Carlisle, Newber ry. Oconee-J. C. Neville, West Union. Orangeburg-G. W. Dannelly, North. Pickens-N. A. Cristopher, Pickens. Richland-Capt. W. D. Starling, Co iumbia. Spartanburg-Capt. J. W. Hawkins, Spartanburg. Sumter-E. E. Gaillard, Sumter. Union-Godfrey B. Fowler, Jones ville. Williamsburg-H. H. * Kinder, Kingstree. York-J. F. Wallac. Yorkville. An Act. An act to amend Section 4 of an act en titled "An act to provide a system of county government for the several counties of this State, so far as it re lates to the maintaining and working of the roads and highways in this State," approved March 23, 1896, amended and approved February 23, 1897, and amended and approved Feb ruary 21, 1898, by inserting Cherokee County. Section 1. Be it enacted by the Gen eral Assembly of the State of South Carolina, that an act entitled "An act to amend an act entitled an act to pro vide a system of county government for the several counties of this State, so far as it relates to the working and main taining of the roads and highways in this State," approved March 23, 1896, amended and approved February 25, 1897, and also amended and approved February 21, 1898, be, and the same is hereby, further amended by inserting the name Cherokee, on line 4 of Section 4, after the name Spartanburg, so that said section when amended shall read as follows: Section 4. That all male persons able to perform, or cause to be performed, the labor herein required, between the ages of 18 and 50 years, except in Hor ry, Spartanburg, Greenville, Cherokee and Union counties, where the ages shall be from 21 to 50, and also except win isters of the Gospel in actual charge ofa congregation, and persons perman ently disabled in the military service of this State, and persons who served iin the late war between the States, shall be required annually to perform, or cause to be performed, four days' labor on the highways, under the direction o'f the over,-eer of the road district in which he shall reside; except in the counties of Spartanburg, Anderson, Greenville, Pickens and Darlington, wherein the number of working days shall be three; and in Pickens county. the commutation tax shall be one dol lar; and in Greenville county ten hours sh.all constitute a day's work for all hired hands; and in Pieckens county ten hours shall constititute a day's work for all hands; and the counties of Or angeburg, Saluda, Edgefield, Colleton, Chester, Barnwell, Newberry, Green wood, Williamsburg, Dorchester, Sum ter and York, wherein the number of wvorking days shall be four as to York; and the coutnties of Berkeley, Charles ton, G eorget own, Hampton, Beaufort, Marion and Florence. where the number of working days shall be eight; and in Bamberg county, the number of work ing days shall be six: and in Clarendon county, where the number of work days shall be changed to fear, and the com mutation tax shall be one dollar: Pro vided, that the county board of com missioners of any county may cause to be levied an additional tax, not to ex ceed one mill, on all the taxable prop erty of any township in their county, when so required by a written petition signed by two-thirds of the freeholders of such township, except in Pickens county, where it shall not be necessary to have said written petition. Such tax to be collected as the other taxes and to be expended on the roads and nighways of such township: Provided, that the provisions of this act shall not apply to the county of Fairfield. The provisions of this act shall not apply to Pickens, Cherokee and Union counties until the year 1900: Provided, further. that in Oconee county the number of days' work to be per-for-med be four, without .o.y ca'nnout tion. A oproved the 2nd day of March. A. A Brain-Twister for Robert. A discouraged editor asks the follow ing question: "If Bob Ingersoll insists that there is no hell, will he state what becomes of the man who takes the pa per three of four years without paying for it and then tells the postmaster that he does not want it. When the hour came for the Kansas Legislature to close the other day de tectives were stationed at every exit of the State house to. see that no property was carried away. ~.It has been the cus torn for a vast pumnber of articles, ranging from typewriters down to ink stands, to disappear at the end of every session. The detectives found plenty to do, and dozens of would-be thieves THE LAkE oCiY CASE. The Trial Will Begin Sometime kext Week in Charleston. The News and Courier says ovcr eighty witnesses have been summoned to appear for the Government in the case against the alleged lynchers from Lake City, which will be tried next week. There will be a great array of witnesses for the defence, and it is not believed that the trial can be finibhed in less than two weeks. Mr. E W. Bell, the special agent who was sent to South Carolina by the department of justice to gather evi dence in the lynching case, has re turned to Charleston from Cuba, wheie he went to intervie, certain members of the 2d South Carolina regiment. Marion Clark, who enlisted in the regi ment, aLd who was formerly editor of a newspaper at Lake City. is named as one of the defendants. Mr. Bell want ed to see Clark and others connected with the case. At present there are fifteen defend ants. They were all arrested at differ ent times, and were released from jail on bond. The fifteen alleged members of the mob are: Ezra McKnight, W. A. Webster. M. V. Ward, Moultrie Epps, H1. C. Goodwin, C. J. Joyner. Oscar Kelly, Edwin Rodgers, Alonzo Rodgers, Henry S. Stokes, Allen Belk, Van Somerford, Early P. Lee, John P. Newham and Marion Clark. It is hinted that other arrests will be made before the case is taken up for trial. Much interest is being taken in the make-up of the jury which wili have to sit on the trial. The names of the men are of particular interest just at this time. The grand jurors are: A. S. Dukes, Brabchville, Orange burg. S. P. Reid, Spartanburg. Spartan burg. G. C. Singleton, Conway. Horry. W. S. Wilkerson, Hickory Grove, York. A. C. Izard, Walterboro, Colleton. John K. Ragsdale, Jenkinsville, Fairfield. D. P. Lide, Darlington, Darlington. Fred Walker, (colored,) Chester, Chester. H. H. Gooche, Lancaster, Lancaster. J. A. Thompson, Lindsay, Lancaster. J. C. Freeman, Waverly Mills, Georgetown. S. E. Owens, St. Matthews, Orange burg. M. T. Simpson, Cross Hill, Laurens. John R. Gossett, Easley, Pickens. S. F. Flowers, Sumter, Sumter. J. J. Thompson, Camden, Kershaw. John C. Sevier, Spartanburg, Spar tanburg. Adam Cook, Winnsboro, Fairfield. Tom Johnson, (colored,) Camden, Kershaw. L. B. Carson, Union, Union. Thomas Addison, Brunson, Hamp ton. S. M. Snider, Greenville, Greenville. H. H. Cannon, Spartanburg, Spar tanburg. The petit jury are: Alfred Sevans, (colored,) Aiken, Ai ken. J. J. Lawton, Hartsville, Darlington. J. A. Gibson, Newberry, Newberry. C. A. Bowman, Newberry, New berry. John XX. McCullough, Alba, Green ville. J. H. Clarkson, Columbia, Ri~hland. S. A. Durham, Marion, Marion. E. P. Ricker, Sumter, Sumter. B. F. Davis, Marion, Marion. Joel B. Garrison, Sterling- Grove, Greenville. R. M. Marshall, Charleston, Charles ton. WV. P. McGill, Camp Ridge, Wil liamsburg. Arthur L. Kerne, Clinton, Laurens. J. Adams Clarkson, Weston, Rich land. J. B. Stepp, Sweitzer, Spartanburg. William Alexander, (colored,) Ches ter, Chester. J. C. Elliott, Lancaster, Lancaster. W. R. Price, Sunnydale, Pickens. Robert P. Evans, Charleston, Char leston. W. R. Doty, Winnsboro, Fairfield. U. A. Calhoun, Appleton, Barnwell. Morgan Boylston, Wagener, Aiken. T. P. Horger, Jamison, Orangeburg. J. D. Humiphries, Union, Union. Fred C Gibbs, Cordesville, Berkelev. McCloud Rlutson, Beaufort, Beau bort. W. H. Tuten, Hampton, Hampton. T. H. Reane, Graniteville, Aiken. Samuel T. Waddell, (colored,) Doves ville, Darlington. C. H. Carlisle, Spartanburg, Spar tanburg. R. J. Poole, Anderson, Anderson. J. S. Cantey, Summerton, Clarendon. A. J. Stringer, Belton. Anderson. Turpin Earle, Greenville, Greenville. Edward DeReef, XWaverly Mills, Georgetown. C. M. Mills, (colored,) Laurens, Lau rens. Prosperity--How It Propers. The McKinley wave of prosperity is still sweeping on. Around the gates of the factories in the cities every morn ing are found scores and hundreds of men begging for employment, who are turned away with the stereotyped ex pression, "No) work." One-fourth of the population of New York city are subjects of charity! This last winter women disguised themselves in men's clothing and sought work on the streets of New York in shoveling snow, and when discharged by the foreman when their sex was discovered, they cried bit terly and begged to be allowed to re main and work, declaring their families were -starving. In Cincinnati over 4, 900 persons applied for aid in Decem her and January. in Nashville, Tenn., children are working in cotton factories for five cents a day of twelve or thirteen hours. One child received fifty-five cents for three weeks' work, and one family one of eight workers average scarcely 5.30 a month. Talk of McKin ley prosperity! In Ohio-McKinley's home-the head center of prosperity, there are 65,950 people being fed by charity. "No longer the man hunts the job, but the job now hunts the man," is a sentence coined by McKin ley, and yet in the face of it the Wash ington Post recently contained an ap peal in behalf of discharged yoluntecrs of the District regiment now out of employment and destitute! This, un ier the shadow of the dome of the na tion's capital-at the portals of the White House! Prosperity of this kind is found all around the country, but it s of a kind that requires a great deal >f nursing by the followers of McKin .ey. _________ "Ben Hlur," Gen. Lewv XWalace's nasterpiece, was first dedicated "~To ~he wife of my youth.' When the ook began to make its way Gen. XXal ace was flooded with letters of condo ence on the supposed death of his 'ife, the writers basing their sympa hy on the dedication. Mrs. Wallace 1erself had written the words, but for he next edition altered them to the ollowing, which has ever since been ised: "To the wife of my youth who till abides with me ABSOLUTELY h Makes the food more deli AOYAL BAK"NG POWtEi School Books. In connection with Supecrintendent McLO~ahian's statemniit that it is"claimed that many children are prevented from attending school because of the inabili ty of their parents to provide them with the necessary book:'' and that "some even say that the schools are beyond the reach of the poorer elasses unless the State supplies text books to the children," this article from the Nash ville American will be found of interest: The table following will show the difference between the prices of school books in Tennessee and Indiana. The Indiana law was passed ten years ago and any attempt to rescind it would not find a corporals guard in the State. The table is: Ind. Tenn. First Reader...........$ .15 $ .20 Second Reader....... .25 .35 Third Reader.. ... ......35 .45 Fourth Reader... ..... .45 .6t Fifth Reader......... .60 .80 Third Part Arithmetic.. .45 .60 Elementary Geography.. .30 .51) Complete Georgraphy. .. .75 1 25 Intermediate Geography. .20 .35 Spelling Books....... .10 .20 English Grammar .......40 .75 United States History.. . .60 1.25 Physiology............. GO 1.25 Copy Book No. I.. .. . . .05 .1) Copy Book No. 2.. . . . . . .05 .10 Copy Book No. 3....... .05 .123 Copy Book No. 4 ......05 .121 Copy Book No. 5.. ......05 .124 Copy Book No. 6. ....... .05 .124 S4-.60 $9.15. We called attention to the fact the other day that under the Indiana law every school book concern of import ance in the country was competing for the State contract. This knocks into a cocked hat the argument that cheap and inferior books would be furnished the Tennessee children if we had such a law as prevails in Indiana. In commenting on the above the Columbia State says it does not know the prices paid for school books in South Carolina but they are dobutless higher than those paid in Indiana. The State is right. The price of school books in South Carelina are higher than they are in Indiana, which should not be the case. There is no reason why South Carlina should not get school books as cheap as Indiana or any other State. The State reports Superintendent McMahan as saying that the sums ex pended for the luxury of school charts have reached the astounding total of $60,000 in a State where the heaviest taxation bearable is insufficient to keep the schools open six months in the year. It passes understanding how this folly could have been permitted by those who have been charged with the economical and effective management of our public school system. We agree with The State that Mr. McMahan "did not takc charge of the office of superintendent of education a day too soon His statement shows that he appreciates the obligations of his position ani the necessity for radi cal reforms in the system, and we hope that he will continue unflinchingly in the path he has entered. This State. as a State, cannot give more money to its public schools than it does now, but the effectiveness of whit it does give can be greatly increased by wise administration. This the people now hope for."' The School Charts. The school chart business seems to be dividing the honors with the peni tentiary investigation. Assistant At torney-General Gunter has had foi somuetime under advisement the ma:ter of paying for these charts. The qjues tton submitted to him is whether tru~ tees are permitted lezally to i-ay for the charts by warrants on the comning~ year's -chool fund. This has been doije in a number of instances. Mr. Guater had not written out his decision but he sai. that he would hold that trustees couin not do so. The que-tion whethe-r th. had a right to expend school money fi. such a purpose has not bee n submit ted to him. His ruling on the fir point will go a long way in stoppin. the purchase of charts, for few schob districts have any money to spare to the purpose. It will be hard on tnt chart men, even if they wait until ue.\t year's money is available, as condition. will be about the same then as the are now-no money to spend upon suech luxuries. Trustees will have to mak, some arrangements about them or thef chart company will have to take back their goods as second hand. We hop this chart business will make the school authorities more careful in future abo'i making illegal contr-acts. The char. people sold their charts in good faith. and it is certainly hard on them to be knocked out in this way. If they had been told in the beginning that their goods were too high, instead of beius encouraged as they were in many in stances by the school authorities to seli them on time~ the ease would be differ ent. A Big Farmer. David Rankin. of Tarkio. Atchinson county. Missouri, who owns and man ages 23,000 acres of land in Atchin son county, scattered over an area of forty miles. is described in the Indian apolis News as an all-round farmer who farms all the year round. To work his farmse, which aver-age from 4500 to 3.000 aeres. reiuires 140 employes, 700 horses, more than 10)0 wagons and many plows, harrows, cultivators, etc. Half of his land goes under the plowyea: ly. About 2.I000 acres are sown to wherat and the rest is planted in corn. Other land is laid do.;in in clover, tim othy and bluegrall pastures. Every year Mr. Rankin buys and fattens from 8,000 to 10,000 head of cattle, He keeps 12,000 head of hogs at all times, and sells about $80,000 worth yearly. He began to buy his land ia 1876. In addition to his duties as a farmer he the president of the First Nation!l Bank, of the Electric Light and P'ower company of the Water conapany aad of a brick and tile company, lHe'has been liberal in his support of thcechu.h and education. ELEVE persons, including 'ix A: sessor Lewis Coffee and nine member of his family, were killed by a cyclone at Edwardsville, Ala.. Saturdav nigrht. The storm spread throughout 'the South, but was especially severe ni Tennessee and Alabama. Cayenne pepper ishighlyrecommend-. ed for driving away ants. It should.a POWDER IRE cious and wholesome CO., NEW YORK. WIT ME ND CR An Orderly's Tale of Fighting Indians With the Two Famous Generals. IS THE ONLY SURVIVOR Was With Custer the Day He Was Killed and Narrowly Missed His Command's Fate. General Miles' Remarkable Bravery-Rode Across an Open Field Under the Fire of Eight Bundred Indians-A Sight Never to Be Forgotten-Resulted In His I'rono tion to a Brigadiership. To a group of friends the other even ing, William H. McGee, recalled some interesting reminiscences of the Cus ter massacre and of the fight in the Bear Paw, when General Miles captur ed the Nez Perces Indians under Chief Joseph. Mr. McGee was General Custer's or derly on the day of the massacre and is the last man now living who saw that officer and is also the only sur vivor of the command with which Cus ter went forward, when he left Major Reno on that fateful morning of June 25, 1876. "Yes," said he, "I was with Custer the day he was killed. I was his order ly that day and narrowly missed the tragic fate he and his command met at the hands of Sitting Bull and his horde of Indians. I am the only sur vivor of the command with which Cus ter started out that morning, and owe my life to the fact that just a few moments before the Sioux fell on him, he sent me back to Major Reno with orders to the latter. About 9 o'clock one morning the command halted and Custer and Reno held a consultation. I was only a few feet away as they were talking, being Custer's orderly that day. "They compared their watches, and a moment later Custer's command was on its way to the point where it met with annihilation. When we were, I should judge, about a mile from Reno, Custer turned to me and said: "Orderly, do you think you can find the way back to Major Reno?" "I replied: 'Yes, sir.' "'Go as quickly as yo'u can,' he said, 'to Major Reno; give him my compli ments and tell him to wait 20 minutes more. He will understand that. I guess you will have to remain with him.' "It was that order that saved me from a grave out in Montana. "As I wheeled my horse to go back he recalled me, and calling up the reg imental trumpeter, gave him practical ly the same instructions and further remarked to us, pointing in the direc tion of Reno's command, 'If you cut across there you may find it smoother going. If you prefer the trail, however, you may go that way, and use your own judgment.' "We started, the trumpeter and my self. We had only gone 300 or 400 yards when he said to me: 'Mack, which way are you going?' "'Back over the trail, of course,' I answered. "He had gotten it into his head that Custer had told us to cut across, and I argued with him in vain that the route was left to our discretion. He~ wouldn't have it that way, and starting off alone, remarked: 'Good-by, Mack; we'll see who gets to Reno first.' The move cost him his life. He had gone only about 600 yards when I heard sev eral shots in his direction. He had evidendy run right into the Indians, and, as I afterwards learned, they had riddled him with bullets. "By this time I could hear constant firing, both in the direction of Custer and Reno. I was getting over the ground as fast as my horse could car ry me, and I had a fine horse, too. Just as I got in sight of Reno's command I ran right into a bunch of red devils. They were not more than 30 yards away, and instantly I could hear the 'ping' and whistling of bullets all around me. I was n'obably within 120 yards of Reno's command. One ball struck my horse in the withers, and he want down. I fell over his head, but fortunately my arm slipped through the reins and left me holding the horse. "He got up at once, and as I threw my right leg over the saddle another ball hit him, first passing through the calf o~f my right leg. It pierced my horse's lungs. He jtumped forward and carried me within 60 yards of Mlajor Reno, where he dropped dead. I jump ed as he was falling and ran the rest of the way. There was a frightful din at this time, and as I saluted 3Iafor Reno he bent his head to hear' my message. I repeated the orders of Cus ter, and he said: "'Orderly, too late now. Take care of yourself.' "Reno was then whipped and was be ing pressed back on the hill, where f~r three days the command was sur rounded and endured suffering which is indescribable. "The firing was hot and continuous. We did not know what had become of Custer, an~d were expecting he would come to ontr relief. Shortly after we got up on the hill we heard three vol leys in his direction, a signal for aid, but we were powerless to respond, and could noz go to him, although he was but little over a mile away. ''On the morning of the third day we saw a body of men in ildilers' uni forms in th~e distance. XV mistook them for relief coming -o us. Such a cheer and yell as wem r , fronm the im prisoned soldiers cn thlat hill you never heard In your life. We soon learned that the uniforms were worn by In dians, and were those undoubtedly of Custer's men. -This was our ltrst knowledge of the fate which had overtaken him and his command. Our hearts again sank and hope alnmost deserted us. Soon, how ever, the Indians were seen to be leav ing. and a few hours later General Tlerry came up with relief and re-en forcements. As Sitting Bull split UP his followers into small bands. we could not follow them successfully. "'My next light was under General M1iles, then Colonel. This was in th~e fall of 1877, when we fought the Nez Perces under Chief Joseph in the Bear that Gen,:ra; miles is only a dress pa rade and parlor soldier. The people who say this never made a greater mistake. General Miles is as brave and fearless a commander as ever lived. I don', believe he knpws what fear is. Certainly if the people who make that charge against him could have seen him in that fight as I saw him their opinions would undergo a radical change. "It was September 29, 1877, that the fight began. For five days we had been marching at night, going into camp about 4 o'clock each morning. We had camped but six or seven miles from the Nez Perces, although I am satisfied General Miles did not know it. "After we had gone about four miles on the march we came in sight of the Nez Perces' camp. They must have known that we were coming, because they were fully prepared for us. We could not see them, but as we saw the camp we formed in line of battle. "As I said. we could not see the In dians and did not, until we rode right into them, within 30 feet of them. They loomed up to view in an instant. "Just think of it' There were fully 800 naked, painted savages, and, all told, our three companies did not num ber over 120 men. "I will never forget the scene. Ser reant Wilde ran out a few feet in front of his horse. Corporal Delaney was next to him and I was next to De laney. We were in the extreme front. "In a moment Wilde was shot through the breast. Delaney wounded in the head and I shot in the right knee and side. "For a time I was in a desperate sit uation, between the two fires. I thought my time had come, but our boys soon reached us. One fellow, named Stapleton, who was an ex-En glish soldier and a brave one, too, dragged me back beyond a little hill. Here I had a good view of the fight. "General Miles came up to my com pany and pointing to a spot where sev eral shots were coming from said: " 'Boys, I don't believe there are over a dozen of them over there. Charge them once.' "We were so close that the Indians heard the order, and answered back jeeringly. 'Charge 'em.' - It was a dis astrous charge, and of the 14 men who leaped forward five dropped in an in stant, and the remainder were com pelled to fall back in a hurry. "General Miles, telling the boys to remain where they were, said he would go back and send us re-enforcements. It was at this point that I saw him exhibit bravery and daring which have been seldom witnessed. "He could have gone around the hills with perfect safety, but it would have required a little more time. Disdain ing the secure route, he put hs horse into a canter and rode across the open, the only real exposed place on the field. "There were fully, as I said, 800 Nez Perces within a short distance, and they opened fire on him at once. There must have been 2,000 shots fired at him as he rode across. "It seemed certain death, actually courting it, but he dashed along utter ly regardless of the rain of lead around him. It was a spectacle I shall never forget. When I hear General Miles called a parlor or a dress parade sol dier I think of that ride and the scene it presented. and I feel like fight ing myself. "This was the hottest fighting for a time that I ever heard of,. but we forc ed the Indians back, and although the fight lasted five days, the rest of it was tame compared with that first morning. "After several parleys, Chief Joseph surrendered, and a few hours later General Howard, who was following the Nez Perces from Washington Ter riory, arrived. "That fight was a great thing for General Miles. His success there and the opportunities it gave him resulted . in his promotion to a Brigadiership and a big jump toward the position he now holds as commanding General of the Army." New Electric Lamp. An inventor has produced an electric cane lamp, The handle of the cane contains an incandescent lamp, the two poles of which are connected with the plates of a battery. Below this is a small chamber to carry the battery fuid. When it is desired to use the lamp the cap is taken off and the cane inclined, so that the liquid it contains comes in contact with the electrodes. A current is thus produced that will, it is asserted, keep the light going for an hour. A Pastime. A pastime indulged in by the farm ers of Korea is known as "packing off widows."~ It consists of a raid by some disconsolate widower and his friends on som~e village known to con tain a young widow, the forcible ab duction of the lady in question and her' marriage to the widower. A seca -.e is autnority for the statement that children and old people especially suffer from a lack of lime in the system. Persons who habitually drink soft water, while they may enjoy immunity from certain of the ills of life, expose -themselves to other perhaps quite as much to be avoided. Ihard water helps the teeth and the bones by furnishing lime, which is necessary to health, growth and development. Old persons who drink but little lose their teeth more quickly than those who take a reason able amount of drinking water. Lime or food products ini which it abounds should be a part of the regular supply furnished to the system. One of 'the most valuable vegetables for this pur nose is the yellow turnip or rutabaga. A Gorgeous Sight. The throne room of the Sultan, at Constantinople, is a gorgeous sight. The gilding is unequalled by that of any or her building in Europe, and from the ceiling hangs a superb Venetian chandelier, the two hundred lights of which make a gleam like that of a ver itable sun. At each of the four corners of the room tall candelabra in baccarat glass are placed, and the throne is a htuge seat covered with red velvet, nd having arms and back of pure Smallest Inhabited Island. The smallest inhabited island in the world is that cn which the Eddystone ighthouse stands. At low water it is ZS fect in diameter; at high water the ighthouse, whose diameter at the base is 2j feet, completely covers it. It is inhabited by three persons. Unnppreciated Visits. When the Prime Minister of the Chinese Emperor has a -grudge against ne of the nobles he advises his royal master to pay him a prolonged visit. 'his visit generally means ruin, for the Emperor tray-ls with a retinue of te thsa1 nironnn