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PUBLISHES ALL COUN Y AL D TO W N OFFICIAL ADVERTISEMENTS. MANNING, S. C.: WEDNESDAY, MARCH 22, 1899. A Treat For the Ladies. Ladies, you all are invited to at tend our great Millinery Opening of Spring Pattern Hats and Fine Dress Goods, Silks and Ribbons, on TUESDAY, MARCH 28. We will have one of the most beau tiful displays of Pattern Hats and Spring Millinery ever shown in the town of Manning. We will also show on that day a most beautiful line of Spring Dress Goods, Wash Goods, Lawns and Or gandies in both Imported and Do mestic makes. 0 Remember the day, Tuesday, March 28th, and all the balance of the week. Yours truly, W. E. JENKINSON. Notice is hereby given that no advertisements will be hereafter changed in this paper where the copy is brought in later than Sat urday noon. Mr. J. T. Stukes, Jr.,is home on a visit to his parents. Died in Sumter last Saturday a six months old son of Hon. R. 0. Purdy. Mr. Aaron Weinberg has become a knigLt of the grip and is now on the road. Silver Skin and Yelliow Onion Sets. R. B. Loryea, the druggist. Today the editor celebrates th'e 42nd an niversary of his coming into this world. *.rockinton has a full line of spectacles. and can fit 3oung or old eyes. Try him. A negro by the name of Jack Hanks want ed in this county broke jail in Sumter last Sunday. . Woods' Seed are-good seed. We sell them. R. B. Loryea, the druggist. The New York racket store is opening up a large stock of spring goods recently pur chased by Mr. Kendall while up North. Everybody likes good perfamery. Dr. Brockinton has a full supply of all kinds and can please you. There has been no trace found of the horse stolen from Mr. D. M. Bradham nbr the buggy stolen from Rev. J. 0. Gough. For Rent-Four-room cottage, $6; Net ties house, 8 rooms, $13i. Apply Mrs. E. C. Alsk. [9 -tf The small pox scare has about subsided, Cornelius Ward is convalescent, and we hope the danger, at least for this season is over. Woods' Southern Garden Seed are the best for Southern planting. Just received a full line. R. B. Loryea, the druggist. Supervisor Owens is putting Fellow ship branch in an excellent condition, and since he put his portable jail on the road a great deal of time is being saved. Mrr. Simon Iseman and family of Spar tanburg has moved to Manning and will make this place their future home. Mr. Iseman has taken a position in the Levi store. To'restore clear skin, the bright eye, the alert gait and sound healty, use Dr M A Simm-~ons' liver medicince. Sold by Dr WV M Brockinton. Those of our readers who think it an easy task to bring out a newspaper, when their is no news, and with all of the coun try correspogdents busy planting their crops, should come and try it for a while and we think after one week they will be convinced that it is not the editors fault when the paper comes out as newsless as this issue is. The new tobacco warehouse company has purchased a lot on Church street, next to the property of Mrs. F. E. Brockinton and the contract for erecting the building has been awarded to Mr. J. M. Mc~oy of For eston.- The house is to be 80 feet wide by 150 feet long. The location is a very good one and we expect to see a lively competi tion this fall in the tobacco business. Rob childbirth of its terrors and minim ize the pain and dangers of labor by using Simmons' Squaw Vine Wine or Tablets. Sold by Dr. WV M Brockinton. We hear of a probability of a cotton seed oil mill being put up in the county soon, and the projector is undecided whether he 1.-1l establish it in Manning or St. Paul. Hs hesitation is caused by the indifference shown about the welfere e ! the town. Ev erybody seems to think that progress will come like the flowers in the spring-from nature-and therefore do not try to nur ture it. Quite a sensation sprung last Friday near Alcoin on the "Bob McLeod" place, by the finding of an infant male child, supposed to be white, in a well. The supposition is that the child was thrown into the well to hide the shame of its mother. Coroner An drews was sent for and an inqaest was started last Saturday. bnt not concluded. We presume another inquiry will be made into the horror, and we sincerely hope for the sake of decency and for that community that the fiendish 'parent wiH be discovered and receiv-e the punishment she merits. Ladies desiring a contented and happy old age shculd use Simmons' Squaw Vine Wine or Tablets, commencing at 40 years old and continue during "change of life." Sold by Dr W M Brockinton. The claims of volunteers in the late war who paid their expenses to Columbia and took receipts therefor in expectation of be ing reimbursed by the State cannot now be paid as was expected on accouct of the mis take of the engrossing clerk who failed to put in the appropriation bill the amend ment providing for the payment of the above claims. Capt. L. S. Carson has been corresponding with Mr. Boyd Evans, pri vate secretary of the Governor, in regard to these claims and has bcen promised that if anything can be done out of the appropria tion by Congress to reimburse the State f.or expenses incurred in enlisting volunteers, he will communicate with him later.-Item. The signature of the peace treaty by the Queen Regent of Spain was a wise act, and the woman who took reponsibility for con cluding the business which had to be end ed, deserves well of her countrymen. The politicians of Spain have shirked and dodged the matter, fearing that odinm would attatch to them and that their for tunes might suffer. The Queen Regent, who throughont Spain's misfortunes has been the finest tigore in her country, took the settlement upon herself. and acted bravely and wisely. The treaty had to N concluded aud the dilly dallyiug was child ish and might have had woeful results to Spain, but the Queen alone had the courage to brave the popular regard in order to do what she knewv to be right. Maria Christi na should be an inspiration to her people to renewal and rehabilitation of thei r un .appy lanA _('hnreston Post. One of our Manning boys, now in Amer icus, Ga., telegraphs home to his parents the glad tidings of his success. The young man referred to is Mr. Lionel C. Stukes. a son of Mr. J. T. Stukes, who studied phar. niacy under Dr. R. B. Loryea in this town, and a few months ago went to Americus to tale a position in the Dodson Pharmacy. where he bad the advantage of a suitable library to continue his studies. Last week Le went before the State board at Atlanta and his examination resnltedi in his getting a diploma as a i..rinacist. We wish for the young man a successful career in his chosen profession, for if strict integrity, a lofty ambition and energy are requisites of succes-, then we feel sure Lionel Stukes will Dot remai& long on the lower rounds of the pharmaceutical ladder. Constipation of the bowels may be easily cured by a few doses of Dr M A Simmons' liver medicine. Sold by Dr W M Brockin ton. Complaints have again been made to us about THE 'TIMES not being delivered regu larly at Fulton and )ther postoffiees. Nw'. we mast insist upon postmasters deliver ing THE TtES to whom it Is addressed or we shil certainly make complai.t to the postofice department. Fhere is no sense or justice in permitting a sct of dead-bfats taking a paper belonging to a man who has pai his money for it, and postmasters that permit the practice arc simlply encouzr aging these dead-beats to the injury of the paper. Just as long as on- of these snek ers c; n go to a postoffce and iead his neigh'bor's paptr, jnot so long will lie con. tinue to do so and refrain from subscrib ing himself, and by doing so it often hap pens that the subscriber who pays for his paper does not get it all and becomes pro voked into having his paper stopped alto gether. We have suffered from this sort of thing a; long as we care to and the next comhdaint we get, it shall be forwarded to the po.stai authorities for their attention, and we gue.s something will drop. The curative properties, strength and ef feet of Dr M A Simmons' liver medicine are always the same. It cannot be equalled. Sold by 12r W M Brockinton. A new business enterprise is soon to be started by which Manning is to have an other turchant. :,ir. Lomis Levi has se cired the store recently occupied by the Davis Hardware Company and will opec up a business on Lis own account. In a conversation with Mr. Levi we were in formed that it is his purpose to go into busi n;ess here %%here he was born and raised, instead of going abroad; that he will do a general mezcantile business on up-to-date methods and upon legitimate business principles. He does not intend to be a drone in the town and will endeavor to make Manning a first class market by buy ing goods in the best markets for cash and then offer such inducements as will give the trading public eucouragement to come bere. Mr. Levi has secured the services of Mr. P. B. Thames and we cel sure that the two will draw a good trade from the start. As soon as Mr. Levi determined to start in business for himself the traveling salesmen were on hand anxious to sell him, and al ready he has brought a good part of his stoci. He will open up about the 1st of next month, and we wish for him, that which he deserves, great success. Shorten the time of confinementstrength en mother and supply breast milk for child by using Simmons' Squaw Vine Wine or Tablets. Sold by Dr W M Brockinton. To Our Business Men. Did it ever occur to you that no commu nity making a pretense towards business can get along without the aid of a newspa per? If this thought has not occurred to you then we beg that you give the same your earnest consider ition. We are here in the newspaper business with the intent to give bur town all of the help we can; it is our purpose to lend encouragement to every enterprise which tends to build up the town and enhance the value of prop erty. but if our efforts are not appreciated with a substantial patronage we must sooner or later throw up the sponge and quit the business. Our business men with but few exceptions do not support the pa per of their town and county. They are all anxious that it should remain one of the necessary adjuncts of the town, but they want it at the expense of the few who do advertise. Is there any wonder thut the sheriff is called upon? If the business ele ment of a town have no more public spirit and push than the little cross-road mer chant, loss of business necessarily follows and failures are the result. Look over the columns of THE TDIxs and the tale is told; our merchants are not catering for a trade other than that which conditions and cir cumstances force to come here. There are some merchants here who are anxious to keep in touch with the business world and they do business upon business principles; they advertise because they know that it pays, and it gives the town a better showing abroad. These merchants are not content to wait for a trade that comes because it cannot go elsewhere, but they push forward and invite a trade here, and by offering such inducements as will attract that trade they in a measure build up or rather hold together that which the non-advertising and lack of public spirit merchants would let go away. If all of the merchants and other busi ness men in this town would advertise their business properly we would not have to stand upon the streets and grumble about the dullness of trade. There are some mierchat~ts who will not advertise be cause they say that they do a credit busi nesa and if they advertise prices the credit customers will want the goods at advertised prices, but these same merchants do not hesitate to say that they want to share in the cash trade and it a buyer has the money prices can be fixed all right. Now then why do not such metechants advertise their goods upon a cash basis and, thus arouse a competition that will bring about a renewed activity to their trade,andt at the same time give our town that importance which is due it. No other medicin e builds up and fortifies the system against miscarriage as wvell as Simmons' Squawv Vine Wine or Tablets. Sold by Dr \V . Brockinton. A Claireindon Widow Remated. From the Lexington Dispatch we clip a communication which will be of interest to many in this county, and it will also prove that it is sometimes well for people to go abroad. Swansea, S. C., March 10, 1899. o the Editor of the Dispatch: Last Wednesday evening, March 8th, in the Baptist chuich, in Swansea, our genial friend and townsman, Mr. W. M. Johnson. and Mrs. M. E. Carrol. of Manning, S. C. were married, in the presence of a large concourse of friends and relatives by Rev. Thos. F. Rivers. The contracting partios then repaired to the home at the groom, where a sumptuous feast had been pre pared. Then the racket began for every body it seemned, had gotten a cow-horn, tin horn, fog-horn, 1 .w share, mill saw, or something with wvhich to make a noise, and they made it. They were also serenaded with stringed music, and the newly mar red couple seemed to er'joy the seienades. May they live long ann, if their cup of joy dioes not run over, may it always be full. J. B. L. A Clever Trick. It certainly looks like it, but the~e is really no trick about it. An ybody can try it who has lame back and weak kidneys, malaria or nervous troubles. We mean he can cure himself right away by taking Elec tric Bitters. this medicine tones up the whole system, acts as a stimulant to the liver and kidneys, is a blood purifier and nerve tonic. It cures -constipation, head ache, fainting spells, sleeplessness and melancholy. It is purely vegetable, a mild laxative, and restore~s the system to its nat Iural vigor. Try Electric Bitters and be convinced that they are a miracle worker. Every bottle gnaranteed. Only 50dc a bottle at t. B. Loryea's drug store. 3 Attentioni, Maninigi Guards! Yuare hereby ordered to be at your ar moy Saturday, March 25th, for the pur pose of reorganizing and electing offcers for ensuing year. Members having uni forms who do not intend to re-enlist must turn them in to ihe secretary on that date. By order WV. M. L1-wis, Capt. That "Great Scott" (uin Filled willi Mustard Seed. Editor THE Tims: It was purposed that the reply of last week should end our connection with your rich, rare and racy con tributors in their allusions to us; but that last was too "goody good" to be laid out unfeelingly in the cold. Really, however, the awful front car ried by those youths and those threatening innuendoes were calcu lated to dismay the "unsophisti cated." Frightful, we would imagine, as the utterances of that fearful appari tion described by the poet, who could "a tale unfold, whose lightest word would harrow up thy soul; freeze thy young blood," etc. Vain expectati'on! - only words. words, words. As to authorship of that plain, un varnished article, admit, only for sake of argument, that a-few sugges tions were made: is it not better, thus, and timely in reply, than to devote two weeks to bring forth a production as dry and void of liter arv essence as those fabled apples of Sodom, which looked so tempting and turned to dust and ashes in your grasp? They appeared to take a goodly share of comfort over their English accompanied by allusions to dictionaries great and small, but a cursory examination shows that they must have branched out into the Phonetic, Volupuk or some high Dutch, for instauce: "unsophisto cated." Here a small dictionary would have served a good purpose. An accusation of "contempt of court" was laid. What of the learned judge, dignifiedly ploughing with his rugged, judicial heels through those unoffending oats in another man's field? Hear of contempt of court! The Fates forbid: In breathing adieu to the subject, we would commend a little caution lest they become afflicted with that disease, so prevalent in the days of youth and the dread of editors, an insatiabl-e desire for scribbling and seeing one's productions in print. With this we consign the controversy and warrant to the tomb of the Cap ulets. ** Bun~ the The Kind You Have Always Bought of Stages of Water. Camden, March 17, 8 a. m.-Height of Wateree river, 28.3 feet, being a rise of 3.4 of a feet during past 24 hours. Columbia,March 17,8 a. m.-Height of Congaree river, 12 feet, being a rise of 4.2 feet during past 24 hours. St. Stephen's, March 20, 8 a. m. Height of Santee river, 8.4 feet, be ing a rise of 1-10 of a foot during past 24 hours. Buckiet's Arnica Salve. The best salve in the world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers. salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns and all skin eruptions, and positively cures piles,or no pay required. It is guar anteed to give perfect satisfaction or monev refni td. Price 25c. per box. For sale by R. B. Loryea. Two Lectures. Don't fail to hear President A. P. Mon tague of Furman University March 26th at the Baptist church. Lecture at 1130a. m. "Baptist Education" at S p.m. "Christian Education. J. 0. GOUGH. WVe have saved many doctor bills since we began using Chamberlain's Cough Rem edy in our home. We keep a bottle open all the time and whenever any of my fam ily or myself begin to catch cold we begin to use the cough remedy and as a result we never have to send away for a doctor and incur a large doctor bill, for Chamberlain's Dough Remedy never fails to cure. It is certainly a medicino of great merit and worth.-D. S. Mearkle, general merchant ad farmer, Bedford county, Pa. For sale by R. B. Loryea, druggist. The Second South Carolf in omning Home Havana, March 21.-Thompson leaves Wednesday, Eaves Thursday, Wagener Saturday, Savannah, via Tampa.-Bristow. Flushed cheeks, throbbing temples, nau sea, lassitude, lost appetite, sallow coin pexion, pimples, blotches, are warnings. Take Dr M A Simmons' liver medicine. Sold by Dr WV M Brockinton. The White Man's Burden. r Copyright, 1899, by 1tudyard Kipling.] Take up the White Man's burden Send forth the best ye breed Go, bind your s-ns to exile To serve your captive's need; To wait, in heavy harness, On fluttered folk and wild Your new-caught sullen peoples. Half devil and half child. Take up the White Man's burden In patience to abide, To veil the threat of terror And check the show of pride; By open speech and simple, An hundred times made plain, To seek another's profit And work another's gain. Take up the White Man's burden The savage wars of peace Fill full the mouth of Famine, And bid the sickness cease; And when your goal is nearest (The end for others sooght.) Watch sloth and heathen folly Bring all your hopes to nought. Ta'cke up the White Man's burden No iron rule of kings, But toil of setf and sweeper The tale of common things. The ports ye shall not enter. The roads ye shall not tread, Go, make them with your living Aud mark them with your dead. 'ake up the White Man's burden, And reap his old reward Te blameC of those ye better he hate of those ye gnard 'he erv of those ye humor (Ab, slowly !) toward the light: "Why brought ye us Irom bondage, Ouhr ioved Egy ptian night?" Tale up the White Man's burden Ye dare not stoolp to less Nor call too loud on Freedom y onr weariness. By all ye wui or whisper, By all ye leave or do. The silent sullen peoples Shall weigh your God and you. Take up the White Man's burden! Have done with childish days The lightly-proffered laurel. TIhe easy ungrudged praise: Comes nowr, to search your manhood Through all the thankless years, Cold, edged with dlear-bought wisdom, Trhe judgment of your peers. -McClure's Magazine. A. It. De Fluent, editor of The Journal, Doylestown, Ohio, suffered for a number of years from rhenmatism in his right shoul der and sude. lHe says: "My right arm at tiie wua entirely useless. I tried Chamn beran's Pain Balm, and was surprised to receive relief almost immediately. The I 'n Dalm has been a constant companion of mine ever sincejand it never fails." For sale by R. b. Loryta, druggist. The reatl proof of the pudding is in the digesting. The Kind You Have Always Bought atu~ THE PROFIT IS DOWN. Never have fine goods sold for lower prices than we are now mak ing on Irresistible Bargains. We invite yourinspcction of our every department, which will re veal to von bargaits for cash that Will dfy all com1etition. Wak the pi ivilee or selli::g .o on the closest living margin the fineSt styles :un1 qualities that money can buy in the line of Dry Goods, Shoes, Clothing, I [ats, Caps, Hardware, Groceries, Etc. Full supply of Farmers' Imple ments on hand at Rock Bottom Cash Prices. Eargains in Clothing never heard of before, and in fact in every thing that we keep. Inspect the goods, compare the prices and you must admit that we are offering the opportunity of the season. Give us just one chance to make you Lappy vith beautiful goods at bed-rock prices. Economy, comfort and satisfac tion goes with every purchase made of Yours truly, S. A. RIOBY. We Sell and Recommend Wood's Seeds. "Tested and True." Wood's Seeds are Southern g grown and are adapted for Southern soil and climate. For an early crop and a good stand be sure to plant Wood's Seeds. ALSO Silver Skin and Yellow Den ver Onion Sets and Wood's Early Rose Seed Potatoes. R..B. LORYEAa DRUBBIST. SICN OF THE COLDEN MORTAR. 9 Cure LaGrippe or bad colds or coughs in one day by using 24 Hour tecver Core or S Laxative Bromo Quinine. 3 We sell and guarantee these goods. R. B. I.OYEA he DggISE Notice to Creditors. All persons having claims against the estate of J. R. Thames, deceased, will present them duly attested to A. J. RICHBOURG, Executor. St. Paul, S. 0., March 14, 1899. [4t Notice of Discharge. I will apply to the Probate Judge for Clarendon county on April 1st, 1899. for letters of discharge as administratrix of the estate of William P. Pengler, deceased. MBs. T. L. PEAGLER. Jordan, S. C., March 4, 1899. [36-At Notice of Discharge. I will apply to the Probate Judge for Clarendon county on April 1st, 1899, for letters discharge as administratrix of the estate of 3. J. Boyd, deceased. KATE B. GAILLARD. Dulbants, S. C., March 1, 1899. [36-4t Discharge Notice. On the 30th day of March, 1899, I will apply to the Judge of Probate for Claren don county for letters dismissory as guar dian for E. Fant Epps and H. Van Epps. J. S. EVANS. Workman, S. C., Feb. 23. 1899. [35-4t J. L. WILSON, Notary Public and Insurance Agent. Will place Fire Insurance in T HE PALA TINE INSURANCE COMPANY, of En - land and the SUN MUTTAL, of New Orleans. Also represent THE PRUDEN TIAL Life Insurance Company of Ameri ca, one of the strongest and best compa nies. Call on me before taking out your Insur ance. OFFICE AT TOBACCO WAREHOUSE M ANNING, S. C.. Rhame's White Pine Balsam, I "THE BEST IS NONE TOO COOD." Guaranteed by D.0. RHAME, Summerton, S. C. W HE N YOU COME TO TOWN CALL AT WELLS' SHAVING SALOON Which is fitted up with an - eye to the comfort of his customers... .. .. HAIR-CUTTM IN ALL STYLES, S H AV IN G AND S HA MPO OING Done with neatness and -iispatch.... .. .... A cordial in vitation is extended... J. L. W ELLS. DR. J. FRANK GEIGER, DENTIST, MAN.NING, S. C. Bringo-ur Job Work to The Times office TUESDAY, Is the day on which we will show the largest shown in the town of Manning. The Pattern all the balance of the week and we will be glh styles or fashion to visit our opening some df tend our G-rand Opening of Spring Millinery. SPRING DRESS GOODS In addition to our Millinery opening we will have on ex hibit a most beautiful line of Spring Dry Goods containing all the latest styles and fabrics of the season. White Piques and Welts from 10 to 25C per yard. Fig ured Piques in every description. A beautiful line of White Organdies, from I Oc to 50c per yard. The cheapest and prettiest line of Figured Or gandies ever shown in this town at 10c per yard. Our line of yard-wide Percales at 6c per yard beits any thing ever shown in Manning in the way of Percales. Our line of Shirt Waist Prints at 3 1-2c per yard is cer tainly beyond the reach of our competitors; they cannot be bought today by the case at what we are now offering them, viz: 3 1-2c per yard. In short, we know we have many lines of goods which we are offering to our patrons cheaper than our competitors can buy them, for we bought them in De cember when dry goods were at the lowest and we are going to sell them cheap for the cash. SKIRTS AND WAISTS. We have opened up a new department in the way of la dies' ready-made Skirts and Shirt Waists. Beautiful black Brilliantine Skirts, any size or length, from $1.50 to $2. Ladies' Ready-Made Shirt Waists, beautiful styles and patterns, at 40, 45 and 75c each, and you must look at these goods they will certainly please you. Remember the Day, -GO TO THE N. Y RACKET STORE AND EX AMINE T HEIR STOCK OF SNEER GOODS. Our Millinery Parlor will be open the last of this week. C. W. KENDALL, Prop. J1ARCH 28, and most beautiful line of Pattern Hats ever Hats will be on exhibit all day Tuesday and td to see every lady who cares anything about ty that week. Ladies, you are invited to at APR The ladies are cdtching on to the idea of sending us their orders for Butterick Patterns. We are now ordering lots of Patterns daily to all parts of the county and do you know how we do it? We'hand out free to all who will call for them Butterick Fashion Sheets and if any lady sees a pattern on these sheets she would like to have all she has to do is to send me the number, size and price of the Pattern and it will be mailed to her postoffice ad dress at the price named on the fashion plate. In ordering Patterns from me, fill out the following blank or one like it and send to me: I W. E. JENKINSON, Manning, S. C. Please send me Pattern Number .................. Size.................... Price................cents. N am e.............................................. Postoffice.................................. Sign your name, along with the price of the Pattern, in money or in stamps, and the Pattern will be at your post office in from four to six days after you send me the money. ruesday, March 28th. JENKINSON. Then See Us Before You Buy Your Groceries. Just before the last advance in FLoUR we purchased 900 barrels and we can 'sell it at mill price. -Another thing, we will guarantee every barrel to give perfect satisfaction for the price you pay for, it, Another big item is, we will deliver it at any other station in sumter or Clarendon county at prices given below in 5 barrel lots or more.. Flour.I Best Fancy Patent Flour at.........~ ilra lsSet6oth0t$57 rs Best Half Patenc Fancy Flour at.... 4 30 Mths Best straight Flour at. ...........4 00GodPrra.....5pegos Best Family Flour at.............~ T3ao75 Good Family at................. 3 503lbcnh dpakat Sco Rice.2l a' adpcea . 0 o 100 lb bags, good, af.............. 3 75CandGos 100 lb bags, best whole, at........5 00 Pte aa.......0 o G rits.BatBe,1l ana. .-.1 o 2 bushel bags, at........... 120AakSlont...........90c-2o 2 bushel bags meal, at ........... 1 10Sadns10cnsicse $.0ae ~Starch. SgrCr,2l as t lc o 5 40 lb boxes large lump, at... ...... 1 40 FnyMieCr, bcn~tio o 5 Soda. W antb nesl.Aet o See us efore yu buy ad you ailoncd tilas Sweaselt n Sceae ta n 57rs others. YMrtchruly 3 lb cashn pakda ... ...90'z TH CARLIN GRCER Cane OMPA. SuCsos orOD BeeROb aS....$.1do TRMSWLOst Beie1l ast.... 19lEatskya ales PercivalsManufa cansring C os.....29,cs DoorsSash n 2lins,.1,3fo25 FaetngySreeie CHAR,LESTNs, 5c 2frC