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Supplement to The Manning Times. VOL. XIV. MANNING, S. C., SEPTEMBER 29, 1898. NO. 10. The New York Racket. ouR SToCK Is OMPLETE IN EVERY RESPECT, QTA.LITY, STYLE AND QuANTITY. DRY GOODS NOTIONS SHOES CLOTHING HATS CAPS AND MILLINERY. Did you ever stop to think it would pay you to drop in our place and get our prices before buying ? We have nine clerks and always have one to stop and show you through and Dcick&oat tiesePrices. Pins.............................. ic (4ood Thread.............. 2 and 3e The best Drill ever put on the Men's White Under Needles ........... ... .. ...... 1c 10 balls Thread.... ........... c market......................5c Mens all-wool nd Blacking ......................... Ic Black Satteen.. . .5, 7, 8, 9j and 12c Check Homespun.........ito e Ladies' Undervests 24 Hair Pins................. ... 300 pairs Ladies' warranted solidbest Sea Island. 2 dozen Hooks and Eyes.......... 1c leather Shoes...............98c A good 4-ply Linen Collar........ .The best ladies' Ho981 Lead Pencil...................... le 300 pairs Men's Work Shoes (a Neckwear.............. 5 to 48c ty (fleece-lined) fo Tape.,....................... c (hummer)..................98 Men's heaviest fleei 5 Slate Pencils.................Ic This line is worth your attention. shirts............. Embroidery Silk.................l1 Ladies' Fine Vesting Top Lace 12 Envelopes.................IC Shoes.............--$1 98to 48 Men's black half woo Suits... $2 48 6 Sheets Note Paper .......... Warrant every pair. Men's black worsted Suits. 4 8 Envelopes ...... .....,3 and 4 us u Paper, per package......2, 3 and 4c Te best $5 Suit on earth; pure Paper, pe p11ae 2 k an.4 wool. 1 yard square Rim CaptI0 eaescn onn nti 12 Lead Pencils....... ( m........m) .. . Brown Plaid Boys' Suits...... . A 7foot Ru.............. 3 Cakes Toilet Soap .............Sce We have all kinds, but we call .. .64c, 98c, 1.19, 1.24, 1.98, 2.48, 2 98 Better quality, very ag . 4 o risVles ikec White Castile Soap........c your eve to our Waist Patterns Youth's long pants Suits tion.A fine Smyrna Ruges Coats' Thread, never sold before at...............$3 70 and 4 90 .................46, 3.50, 3.08, 4 98 Better quality...... in Manning for less than c, the These are beauties. Ladies' Capes ..........48c to 7 A natural velvet Rugweacal old time price, we sell it at. 4c Remnant bundles, 5 lbs..........c Misses' Jackets........1.24 to 2 98 A small velvet Rug. MILLINERY DEPARTMENT. Well, we can only say we surpass anything between Columbia and Charleston, and anything a lady wants in that line can be had at a very small price. Style and quality unsurpassed. You will find in this department the largest line in any town of the same size in South Carolina of Trimmings, Ribbons, Yelvets, Tips and all kinds of Hat Supplies to make up a pretty and tasty Hat. A millirer that has much experience to do the work. Our trade has grown so that we can well afford to carry a stock equal to any in the State to the size of the town. Call on us and look; make it a point to come in our place and feel that youz are at liberty to look and ask prices of all goods sold. We solicit your patronage and will do all in our power to please you. We will make good anything we sell that is not as represented. The -:- -: Yellow THN..AK. -:- -:- Front. 0 * Proprietor. -STAMPEDE GULLY. minaea tose wno saw nim riae ot me The Yound England Party. To Oonsumers at Lger Beer: . fabled Centaur. He rode far forward Largely under Disraeli's inspiration EXPOSURE to WET#. COLD I and bent over, so that he and his horse the Young En.gland i)irty was formed. T! Gamnia lirewing Company, of HOW A WELL KNOWN RAVINE IN appeared to be one animal. No horse, He was on terms of close friendship Cirlemon. ' C.. have made arrangements AS proven disastrous to many women. TEXAS GOT ITS NAME however rugged, 'wild and woolly,' had with its leading members, who were with ie :i ('arolina $tate authorities Wet feet and damp clothing chill the ' ever been able to unseat him. This Az- young men of the highest rank and dis- hv I.- nb to ti ords entire system and the delicate female tea had been to the little brandy runlet tinction. It was at iheir wish, not less . organs are at once effected. Painful, A Herd of 15,000 Cattle Stampeded at too often and had filled and emptied his than in pursuaneo of his own impulse, fron consumer rt \ W r s ~~~~~~~Night, and Before They Were Stopped tin cup with surreptitious intoxicants, that Distraeli gave literary expressio1ny aya -f!oigpie health-<estro g disease is almost certain 2, 00 of Them Were Killed-Costly so that his usual excellent judgment to their common views and aspirations Tor, M i - onn. to follow sue exposure unless proper pre- Blunder Blade by a Mexican Cowboy. went awry. When he succeeded in get- in the trilogy of political romances, of E t a crit,....8i or ernte. cautions are taken. When any of these die- ting mounted, after having fumbled which, thou1i "Tancred" is said to (21 - eases appear women should begin the use of Ono of the most desperate stampedes with his bridle a good deal, he was far have been the most highly esteemed by i T eiY ua - e y of cattle ever witnessed by a Texas cow- in tho rear, and the stampede had gone the author, the teaching of "Coningsby" F:1..r at t -.o iri-1 TK. G . Iboy, says Rev. J. B. Cranfill of Waco, past him, so that when he overtook the and "Sybil" is by far the more direct , ., Tex., occurred in 1S76 on the prairie in rear end he passed to the front on the and implessive. Its purport has already r Fem ale Panacea. the center of which now stands the other side and rode on the wrong flank. been indicatcd. It was to recall the :t e nescre P all forwn of Mattleand creowboyricpatee od 1 "Whmenvrthendere eutoheaof the En-lish aristo-ray to a realization of iu"c' , "o S 11idgL edJ it will regulate the menses, cure allforms of cattle and 25 cowboys p:rticipated in herd, he was just in time to defeat the the true sp-ndcr ok their position and rats tor ime s t . I her is \- female disease, and give health and strength. maeuehte underin exeutit.o bend- the immenity of their responsibilitie.Iaaate ue noeo h niethp 'V It isusedin the privacy of the home. No con- the ing the mnoving mass from a straight It was to imbue tiem with a passion of ul m:ilt. na i re:iowrled by the I t~~~~~~~~ prparothehmeioco-eciptin evet hr. Craells th toaso sultations. No humiliating examinations. a partiipant, but he tells the story as line to a semicircle. Revolver in hand, pity for the retcdness and degrada- ie:a tratrnity. Sti to is for a trial If there is any tendency to constipation or he got it from an eyewitness in The disregarding the other men, he began tion in which multitures of their fellow orir. \ indigestion take mild doses of St. Joseph's Independent. Late in the afternoon of shooting in the faces of the wild steers, countrymen were pinged and to con Liver Regulator. July 4 there had been a lively thunder- and the effect'of this was to straighten vince them that their power, as the EAAssd MY D U H E U F R DI T N E Y rih aua ed r ft i e p e vaoli ng i l.t h 0vorr I.o MY DAUGHTER SUFFERED INTENSELY Stdfm that made the cattle nervous. At the run and bring the advance straight natural leaders of the people, to discover O nm orphr r t female e s a dha d r recoer.d We ere in ped t 10 'clock at night, however, they toward a precipice. This precipice was and apply rweCics for the pvilning uom any OT NAR C OTIC. try erstle's emale Panacea, and I believe it saved her life. seemed to be sleeping profoundly. Then a wash in the prairie, forming a deep evils had not been lost, had not indeed A. J. MACE. Jamestown. Tenn. the narrative proceeds as follows: ravine fully 80 yards wide, and in a been essen-.y :npaired, either by Ch arleton. S. C. Fr Sale at Drug Stores. $1.00 per Bottle. "The stars were all shining, and shorter time than it takes to tell of this the reform bill or by the circumstances i--- - - - -igg1__ZE Le GRSTLE & CO., Props., Chattanooga, Tenn, there was no cause at all for the arous- contretemps the head of the column was of its ultimate passage into law. Notice. F r alIing of the herd. They appeared to get pouring over, a horrible cascade of beef, It would be qrite inaccurate to say For sale b 'EL B IL O'EV.Y E A up all at once, with a single purpose, plunging madly into destruction while that thesc bcks sketched out a policy. Fr.F NYU vs And the roar that was heard seemed to fleeing from an imaginary danger. They endeavored to create, or rather toCIENNCOTY - come from a single throat. The Wilson "When Mr.Wilsonand his lieutenants revive, a temper. And they conveyed MAN1No, . . e 1, 189J. brothers and their cowboys who were saw that it was impossible to save their the confident belief that if that temper o a canceit con sleeping in their camp rushed to their cattle, they saved themselves by dexter- were revived and took worthy manifes- Statutes, it is unlawful for persons to en ponies, who were grazing with the sad. ously turning at right angles at full tations in the lives of the aristocracy it 9to1o1". sol0id dles and bridles on, and as fast as the speed and riding out of the way. They would awaken grateful recognition and kueles, it boat .5t aing, or metad a inSuf bits could be replaced in their mouths next returned to the flank and held a secure all needful forms of practical license therfor. Worms',Convalsid1Sleversl tb# mounted and galloped to the flanks concil of war. A few seconds decided support on the part of the masses of the Notherore, take notice: Any per of tho now disappearing mass, headed them, and all hands commenced shoot- people.-Quarterly Review. son found dealing in pistois, eartridges, or in' te direction of the Brazos river." ing into the herd, the object now being risi'sokles withort tirst buyinig paidL to the iu The usual course on such occasions is to build a breastwork of carcasses and . . ' . Couty twenty-tive dilars for a cense willI to get in front of the herd-a risk save the rear end from the destruction Mime. Grisi made sad mistakes in her be proseented, and it convicted, they shall piece of work-and start it to running that had overtaken the front. The gul- declining years. Unlike Jenny Lind, be punished by a tine ot over S500, or iw- N YOHR. piece of workand start ittoarunningl1 of catl by this she never knew when to leave off. heP48n a u :n n er rbt in a circle. This attempt was made in ly was nearly fu o tte by tie :o ut isre tore this case. time. They were snorting and bellow- retired, but found life insupportable. "Some cattle can outrun others, and ing, crashing and tearing, and still The fact is. unlike Mario, she was quite n in this-case there was a bunch of about heaping up, and when the firing began an empty headed person, with no pur- - 50 fully 20 yards in advance, and to. the wounded ones tumbled over on the suits or interests part fi n t! e .R N -- ward this leading group the two resc. others, and in a short time the gully, -er of ocupyig herself. aersrode. Of the leading group, also, like the sunkenrad at Waterloo, was Grisi came back to the concert roon OFFICE COtNTY SUPERVISOR, THECENTAUCOMPANY NEWYORKCtTY. some were faster than others, and this bridged by carcasses. The herd surged when far too lame to attempt the stage. CAI:ENDoN CoPa e. -. - goup ran in a diamond shape, with two up in billows, like an ocean, and bent I heard her sing at the Crystal Pala ai . . Jn. 29th, 189G.-The - mmenso steers leading all. When Mr. now because it could not do otherwise. somewhere m the sixties. She was born Coun risr' Ji ilson and his companion reached the The semicircle was formed, and Wil. i 1812 and died m 1869. She impru- Saturdav of each week. for the transaction two leading steers, they began shooting son and his men crossed the gully be- dently tried "Casta Diva, her great of busin~ss. The other days of the week I We take this method of informing our friends and the public generally their revolvers close to them, and in low and rode around the opposite side song n Norm, ' bt reached her high will be olt of my oflice attending to roads that we have just received a nice assortment of the best Glasses made, and athat way the bunch was made to oblique, and recrossed, and in a short time they notes with a painful The old ae ae t ri easome t te ase s and s the leadin bunch of cattle had the cattle halted, forming an in men who flocked to r her and re vision. Our prices are on the "Live and Let Live" plan; hence you can, obliqued the main stampede obliqued, complete letter 0, and there they stood, membered her triumphs in the thirties o with a small sum, buy from us a pair of good glasses and the first step in 'milling' had been blowing, bellowing, shivering. All and forties sat crymg like children. We have Spectacles and Eye Glasses of all styles, grades and prices. taken. By this time the cattle were get- hands remained on watch all night, and They fancied they still heard the god- J L W ILSON B Satisfaction guaranteed. ting tired. Nearly five miles had been in the morning, when a count was made, dess of the stage when Rubini, Taglia covered, and the breath of the leaders it was ascertained that 2,700 head were fico, Mario and Lablache had lifted the Notary Pubhc and W . M. BROCKINTON. was coming short and painfully, but missin . There were afterward 2,700 Italian school under Rossini, Bellini, .they were rushing on because theffront airs horns taken from thtt gully. Donizetti and Verdi to the highest Agent. cattle at this time knew as a matter of t was called Stampede gully for many p of intoxilatincepopularsranceun TH PALA For Fine RHA M S fact their only safety was in keeping up years afterward, and perhaps will al- my taste poor Grisi's' Casta Diva" was TINE place Fire COPAN in E the run. Those behind were coming, ways with some people be reme:nbered a piteous exhibition.-Contemporary land and the SUN .UTAL, ot New Bug ad ao RPINE Band they were in the majority, and the by that name." Revie -some .trle1n. A reprCetmTpi UDmEN pair1eaders were compelled to i-un. There Chinese cannot be telegraphed. Fig- The Toronto Mail asks, "Did the pre- cAL Life nsrones CDany of compa Iwas real danger for the forward mem- ares have to be used corresponding to historic man eat pie?" If he did, lie did neo Rearig-bers of the stampede. Ctl etc., go to Ne of the stped e s icertain words. Only one-eighth of the not eat it all. You can find prehistoric C"11 on me before taking out your insur Sever known to fail to re- "In the invoice of articles contaed words in the language are in this code, pie at almost any railroad restaurant. - "Inee. BLACKSMITH I lieve the worst kind of COUgIS, soe regulati nt s a ways but this has been found sufficient for Boston Globe. OFFICE AT TOBACCO WAREHOUSE R L BELLU SHOP, colds, sore throat, etc. stimulants contained in Mr. Wil- practical purposes. During the reign of Elizabeth English MANNING, s CO M M ISSION M ERCHANTS. O posite Baptist Church. For saic at son' outfit it is possible that the stam- For the burdens which God lays on dudes wore shoes three feet long. the R. J. FRANK GEIGER, pede would have been halted without us there will always be grace enough. toe pointed and fastened up to the garter D Log Carts Built to Order. disaster. He had a Mexican along one The burdens which we make for our- with golden chains, to which little bells DENTIST, FineUreu-nThisibest cowboysin the southwest. J seles we must carry aone.-A. w-a 195 East Bay - - Charleston, S. C. This Mexican and his horse always re- Thorold. D. D. w