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H ;.LlSHES ALL COUNTY AND TOWN OFFICIAL A)VER:TISEMENTS. MANNING, S. C.: WEDNESDAY MARCH I, 189S. The Price List. list Sun Dried Apples. Se pt r pound. A verv i .- lI :.2e of Rice at 11e per quatl er tUe ,pr lee. that you can't buy elsewhere for Itss thaI e per peek. \ e o r a lie of Pin 111bacco at p. pountd that we It el sile caniliot be lti iL this town. beat Country Syrup at 100C per L;atllen. Best Pare Lard, 7e per pound. Best Pat ent Flour, 30 pounds to the dollar . We have some great bargains to c:ier In 2icn's Plow Shoes. A large line of All Woo, and Wool-11-xied Jein to close out v rv eheap. Good Check iomespan at 3 i-2c per \ardti 3-4 Brown Homespun, 3 1-de per yard: :ird-wId Best Sea Island liotesput. 5e per yari . yard-wide Bleach, soitd nic le. ni staren, at 4e per yard. :- it Waist Caccets at e and 5 per :rd: will not :'ade. I adies, we bv- now n handi the pret t lin ot Ox:ori T:es we have ever -in i l thstowtn. Ve also have a nice : of Over l&.iter1s ti wear with the Ox loui-n h ear:y str~nU Ladies, We have uicie of te newst things out in Neckwear. Yo will n t:ea in al of the latest magazines that Bat:erdy bows are oue of the new th:n s. We halve them in all shades. Ladies, w1 r wish to impress it upon your minis that We will soon bae in stock a large line of Spring Millinerv and Dress Goods, and we invite von all to inspect our stock before making your purchases. Yours truly, W. E. JENKINSON. Notice is hereby given that no advertisements will be hereafter changed in this paper where the copy is brought in later than Sat u1rday noon. Wilhtani .Jennings Bryan is to speak at Due West next Friday. Miss Marv 0. Intram of Sumter is visit ;ug1 her sister, Mrs. J. S. Wilson. Go to Brockinton's fior whatever you Want. Look for the advyertis :yent of D. O. Rhame of Summerton next weCLt. The county chaingangz is doing gootd work on the road near Mr. J. W. MeLe-o.'s. Onion Sets for sale by I. B. Lorvea, the druggist. The honor roil of the Pine Grove High School was crowded out this week, but will appear next week, Dr. C. B. Geiger left this morning to tai: a post-graduite course at the New York Post-Graduate College. Woods' Garden Seed. tested and true, for sale by i. B. Loryea. the druggist. Mr. Alfred D'Ancena of Chicago is in Manning visiting the family of his father in-law, Mr. Moses Levi. Work has been comminced on a new store or Mrs. M. E. Walker at the old Wal ker stand. M1r. W. R. Whiite is the con tractor. Fresh Garden Seed for sale by* i. II. Lor yea, the druggist. There are a f.ew managers of the last elec tion who have not yet received their money. Let us appeal to them with teairs in oar eyes to come and collect. MIarried on the evening of Februaty 23d, 1S98. by Rev. W. A. Pitts, at the residence -of M~r. J. P. Graham. near Jordan, aL brother -of the bride, Mr. W. J. Rawlinson, Jr., and 3Iiss Irene Grahami. Woods' Early Rose Seed Potatoes for sale by R. B. Loryea, the druggist. Kingstree is to haive a new poJstmaster in the person of .\lr. Lomns Jacobs. Although a Repubniean. Mr. .a-moji wil: be acceptatble to the peiple of thait town,.5 ii e Sas lhved amnon.: thei tnost of his lie ant di taerited the g l i!! of o the rp A little snetaht thief was~ run out 'f 31r. A. H Bret-uia', house last i-nay Th e little (oon hid himself bebiud -. door andA when Mir. Breed'n pulled the -boor to cleo'e it. the scamp run out anid madec goodi hi see and thereby saved his uiammy the ti-ouble of annointing him with heaing- ive. A tine line of stationery at Brockinton's, at all prices. Next to .\. Levi s. Died at her home in this town last Sun day afternoon, M1rs. Ada R. Stewart wife of P.~A. Stewart, E-q. The deceased was one of the most respected colored persons in MIanning; she was intelligent and aiffabie, and among the white people she had mnant tiienids. M1rs Stewart was a sehool t ea cheI bv profession and she very ac-'tals:y tilled a~ ehair in th ecoioretd State College a! Oraingeburg. Her services wele so .ighly appreciated that the board of tru-e.-s allowed her salary to continue throughout her entire illness. The funeral took plaice ion day and the procession which followed her to t'he cemetery was onc ofb the largest .ever seen in the town. WVoods'new crop Southern ftrowni Garden Seed. 1R. 13. Lorveii, the druggist. Read This Laduies. Seve-ral weeks ago in cnvisatin with Cogresman James Noiton, w.e told bina that the people o-f this tow wo::- i appr. ciate a gi :: of i-~E-er-. and] 2 shubrv:rn the horticultural depaerient at Wiashing. ton, for the cem-.etery at this place. He told us he would - wha U.. e could d< when he returnedt to the cap tal. Our re-p. resentative has acted ve-ry pr ---ptly and wre bave rie!vel al'.r e i. t which he s-us: -1 wi u ~-n to fur ish the good ijdies if lai-i tfo.tei cemeteiy the be-st seleei'd o0 1 iecsr I can securc, -.nd such shriabberyC' roe, etc. as I can gept. M1ay i . et them a.1ia.0on Un: will do ali :or thieu pio bie. W\u bi- glad for the laidtes t. mdic-at - in of xiower seed preferred, a-, well a, ti other matter, like roses, shrubbery, ete." Ladies, here is an opportunity to beau :fy sour city 0! the tadt." Wi:1 you take this matter in h?and3 at once and ect ai orgaLam~ tin and appoint some~- itoi of your num-ber to commni~lc:-- wi*b1u represetative in C-ongress. Theed:. ' Tate Tntxs will fe! highy hono'red to-. von, and Lis seric(es await yourC eC tni An ofier uh as Congress.uiu N rton mnakes does not come o'ten -and weino of0 no plaie wihere siuch ai pro .stio si~ould be more n bly apprecit-' uth Manihngf' . e wou s''.:gest tha ;e ing of the li'.s interestd-in the .\aun.: cemnetery ne calle u- at o"ec. '- 'in r that son'- :miv--~ Iany b 'e d-.:.-ti we wuli as '1r. Fraukl N. W -on to s the call nixin- ' ate anipl e Look--ioakLo t ' Bru'ek:n. n's for- that wonderful Celery Cumi pan i. enly St. b'ottle. Next to 2.1. Ler: s A CURE FOR HiEAllTIUURN. . That bur-ning sensation iin the stot.aeb. the pains an.1sulfeing which I experie-ne-1 for five loU.g yearIL, broughLt on by -omntin ued consipaLtion and iliousness. are a most indescribatble. I tie~d every ktnown reaedy without erfedt. Finiaty I triedt Ra~ xion's~Liver Pili6 and Tonic Pellets, follow. ing the directiorns aaref'uily. After ,taktng .a fe dones I bega'n to imeprolve. I havi not used more than three boxes and fe weil a' I ever felt. MIy restorat:u'n to pertee. health 1 attribute solely to the us f mon's Liver Pills and Tonic Pellet-, ane I onlyV wish I could persiuade othLers to iiia .1 did and be cured.-LoganL iiLi Nall AXm .terdamn, Va. Fir sale by Dr W. 31. oreock. ngtn \Manning. . C_ ('o llri. .\t the Ilm 1 f I,,1 :Iig t11 pre-s !,,t week h,- e.,e of i t::ry L -J ohnso,'n, cha::rred wth1 obltaiinin -di b rou,1 h 0alse retre titatlins.\\w:: 1.eing trica1. Thle case." :nI 11rf, : ' tat - h.1 nsaotn oltattined Credit to n iui'nt of 21- trot l:. L. Wilkins, w ith C. .. E:aInn a, enil-rser and with a 1ill of sale: a ian.i live oxen. The pro. eeutrs c ha r " id tL . . .luhson didl not pay th- deit, irti u ii n they dmit1anded1 the propierty v "en a- security, it was not forth cotm in . Ihey as'o elim that .1ohnsoni ''e thtu .li sal. of h-rse wich he was not th oiner .f, and the OX;1n wertt not oxen at :;:1. Iu -alvei. To sh'w the jurv, two otf tc- "xeI were hitched ut n1 the court hoUse ya rd, and .itwai f..... tetemi'nre whtler ou nt Mr. -J1htn :1 had isrepreseteat'. hi. propeItrty to 11 t~rn lrdt. Theb s e wasc\';. ably f f,.:h 'b At tolrney Ie i Da::at X i:vis for the dtint , and .".:1 Solicitor Wi ;s,. for thl Statr. Tht vrrd'et ws't --'o ui'' " a rd Ir. Johtson rc ceivt i Ite c 'ong rtu.ituens of hi trients. GRtAND TYPf.EDET ITo the lion. Ernest Gry. 'residin g .udge fo' term of Court w ich convened Fe-b rur i2t. 1-Y: The Grand Jury elmalit': el :,or th-' y.ear l beg leave to imakc the :oiowing pre sentmILent: First. we desire o ti uthak your llinor for thei' cl-ar :dl imlIpress.ei ''e cha.rge w lh \ on a ''ve US, an1d which Will better tnia ble uts to discharge our duties durin; tie year. We have disposed of all bills of Idliet Iment iandeld u- by t\ t '-ilcit1r, and have \e lav, by spe'. c mlLttee5, eXutn :d'.1 the C'o unty Ji 'ill ei unI' poor !Cniwe. In re ard to tie jt., we wouli report that it is iI'n bOut 1ts custoi:iary' condition, aid is a well kept as could be expectel on ac count of the structure of the bnild:ng. 'Thie stove used by the johtr is about worn out, 'and we r'comn:ei tI purchase of a new stove. R spelctin.: the county poor houie, we hrve to make the customary report, that the saie is in bad condition. This :s not due so much to the eghCigence o, the s:;lerin I ten.ient, but to the ol and Iilai:datel conlition of the bu':i ng. Bath the su vIerintnenn-t's b~u::ding and1 thet bu:ihiinigs oceuwed the I n :es are old anId ot t n n saly ,n nevd ot repairs. If it were 'racticabie we think it would be better to sell the property and nurchase a s :ier tract of land somewhere else. but for the present some rep:rs must be mai We would respeetfulll recoltm-'nd that the Cot'unty Supervisor taite is ch:in:gau an.:d :ne Suich repair on the buildings as are n-c -.-Sr', aud in order t' secure this be ond doubt, we recoumend that the So 'ieitor issue the necessary orders to the County Supervisor, giving hiim instruc tions to this effect. We havie not yet exam:ined the various oniees Of the county, but will do so by spe el co:ntiuttce from our body later on in At the last term of the court we stated :bat there were pait:es in the county buy ::g seed cotton without paying the licelse, an warned them against the same. "inee then several parties have come up and paid the license, but we are reliably informed that there are vet others who bought in vi olntion of the law during the past tall. We do not care to a ake sp-cial presentments o; these cases, but we give these parties warning that if these licenses are not paid t i.e next term of the court we propose to miake few special examples in seeing that the la. is enforced. Itespectfully submitted, W. E. JExaIsoN, Foreman. Manning, S. C., M1arch 2, 1S9S. In the case of the conviction of Bob Wells, Henry McFaddin, William Stukes, M1ose Thompson and Ed MSack. Attorney Rhume argued a motion for a rew trial upon the -round that the verdict was not w.'arranted by the evidence, and as counsel aid in his argument the verdict was a sur rise to all those who beard the testimony. .udge Gxary granted the motion and re :iaked that the testimony showed the ex tortion of a contession by the tuost shock ing methods5. Under the circumstances, his con.ience would make him hesitate to sentence tue prisoners. A new trial was rntdad the pris.onetrs w.~ere adtiitted to bail in the sum of $200J each. This is the case where the parties were charged with breaking into the cotton house of -\r. H. S. Briggs and stealing a quantity of seed, and the testimony showed that some otf the parties charged were forced to con fss under the most trying c:rcuimstances. The case of JaCk MIurry, charged with as sault and battety, was called, and the de fendant rose and entersd a piea of guilty, remarking that he would as soon risk tue judge as the jury, and begged for mercy. He wa s entenc-d to two muths on the enain gnig 01 pay a tine 0? $20. John Lewis p~eudra guilty to the charge oflreenv. of lhve stock: sentenced to one . 'ear on th-- chaingang and to pay a fiuc- of Joe. aslo and John WVilliamus were tried ad convieted of highway robbery. Both ofI the t .r'soniers were'i young negroes, not out of1 tueir teens, aud there was nothing in their appearance which would strike trror into a traveler, not- would they cause colid chills to play hide an I seek down o"ne's baic. Ne:ther of them had that sav'i agne appe-)arance so mnnutely pictured in vel-'iO..back novels, and if one was Out serch ig for "Dare Devil Dick' or "Sear faced Charlie" or "'Jack the Terror," he cer tatnly w.'ould not shake his finger at either of the creatures just convictedI of the nev crimue o1 n:ghiway robbery and "%ay Iti thou." T..e prosecutor in the case w.'s Dy on, black as ininiht: the ieh:tes of1: eyes5 roiled in their tseekets aud utoodou 'n bold ielie: f'romi that pitchy comnpiexion Hle wais not a very intel.:geot w:tnessai the nuie-ttins propounded to lim by Ci iAunt.n. the attorney air the defense, upon :he cross t-xanination: were to him a --na'v"i at ring' on ':2 'ed. Co: 1 "ro'i asie h Lu' ii 'e kn'-ew ''i- ':ther an Ih relaae rmt *"Y, r.' ah.c --wh "s Iyour~ vat:i'' wa ev the as~ute layr AI) en eaii it rng~ unbitig as t0gr , ad t:. ig, e j rors anhaudience thet two: uowever tver.- were a number of pepl fr0 th PI'Inewoaod sectton in tue court ioom 'U*'t the time ani they. unti not c''taic' Dy'soi, and besides the foreaa' of h jury ' also fromi that section. and th j1r to, . u.itcierat truth in the evi denice o' U' sion "o br'ung in a verdie: -f .. neie. I the e1urt was' two years eachD on th' chatuga'~r Tha- iase of the co'urt ws the Stata vs. .i s'IJ 'n as th cas was~ called the ect.: room beCc a tile w th an intere-ite cm. ntrs I ., the w'h iti an every. se.'t a:1i (4ei"ber 1 'o last, broke int , robbed and Rae. i imer b . m erateot w~i -a mtea :t*~ wa Lut wtrt 01 ur e i h r t e 'kur lv '. ibbe it htone tael .t abiout Ii iti rn--at ilt:.te a . agt e rtit j'c: o:dete . Hrvi k Das. at-erdri :ew" niu onf -10 Laer the :1.-1 wr e uite inar hi- d p b'.ee'n, "'rd alr. oh tue~ homee and it proveum-undertail asr:ctionay th-as-in 'such cas-.s, everyv link'was per -eet .No'withstiandio this,. Lawye.'.r Stew ar manaiged the defence aell tind w hen - 'e of the co)lored i't" es's for' the S tate attemt O to ptac him. in an eaarrassmig --:- ht bee the' court. lie eloqu ently. ex plied L:itude in the case to the court. The ease 'w"sultng and It-s but the in wite-" i' h itt adiuitte'd aeing gnu blers- atui a(Ie 'tiD" .vith the prisoner, it was- unde; the crs- '-a:i'ti'' tire of the -defnDnt's cou.i "h '"rincL Iwit ue es. t. ic' Me 3er. liarvin \.birroti in unerthi'n ni de 't. ee lack ich They, under Mr. iarvin's instrlc m were tti dete:--ve-. and js th.y pxoxi as r," stl+ t b :. colorii : ir "' : f.1' to acknow1l e themselv-~' lauh:,n' 00" - raild'e .I it s ), .t rimte anpu t lt, to) tleIi, and L-wver Stewart dhli notei to rin it into l1:s s ete.i to the juiry. .t t art hald - batd eat', a mIai With a:i I rte trd, :and thu erdlne Was. :t may be ;:+1 ne-s.aLled, for 'h, a xtt:apt tn I.t l itL . the prisoner to prove i a xi t i fare: cal ii lur; Iotwi:tht'st-int:n^ a : s e m1:ule at very ingenios r a a:l t::ice a ui dT e S\r i it t " t lIt bl t et 1i2 csix.otu of It ii:lt o the p ri i ., he lt, to '.tolne untl:l -d nl' ten cn'iaan in the it:nd t ta j r11r. T :h: .x ::e:n,:xn xi thbe oba it r -in siiti 1101ment tor . H r rg1d the j11: u" :and ty retiir. They d:d not stay Iin their n ll1:.t b.fore a siarp rap On th' jary ;0 :! doorti Was a signa l for a 1111h :o cn-lt l ri: lc rt roon. In a1 lewi s tont iire jur Ilil in aih to'k the l *rue *tt u Cestio i. -enit t':tl il 'til ::et - I -pon at v r, iei:i Thei i xnd it t %I tedx 1 x him : id be read, u-Le State v',. G: Dl, :iia; Augustu' , lxas, ictinent 2- t, h.sebreakinig hRemy and :mwo: !Il\y. w:tb recomm1:L'endlaitn to mereavt. Th1:1 (Clerk: eC.o n i "Thi11 is y ourl \e: diet, s. sav von :.11.1-' Thece of It 1'rs x'nter dil n'o ch:mxge :a '.:rtice. If Le real 'zed the grav i ty 1: ;x poit:in it waits niit dietex in his counttnanct. T Lroiughiout it vaw4 thron f colore 1.-copie in the a-nience there seemtdI to be 2ln agreeabie surpse, :Oritix11 tey -!:d nt tx t j.ry to recoalnmenld to m2erey. Thet evi dence was -1 strong and all the 1u:s of ire:nista n tial evnence so coap lete:y vi-lied t) -ther, it was the eniral op':-i \u that Gus Dleas waul i !,ay th.. p1;:ladty o: tis erlnm w:th is ie. Judge Gary ordered the pr:soner to stand up, and after the legal torm (1f "(us D-as, alias Augu:stus i)ea;, what have you to siy why sentence should not be pronounced upl you'.? had been eeneluded, h:. IIonor proceded to give the ilUitunate Ilan one of the moust solmn lectures we have heardh in the court house in naXny A iay. Has re iiirks were not only suited to thu prisoner, bout they were soleInt words of warning to all who heard thewn. In the autdi:nc were i good liany boys who cohtl not help but be il-ressed with the woris that ell from the judge's lips. In part he saii. "Gs Deas, you have been placed upn: trial and~t veryr p)roperly conv:retd. ThIe crimle com1t Dmittx i by you was io)t h nu i i waits tsne that had not the jury called for nert Would have bectiae my1 sworn duty to have rolont'cd thie ~-:tene of do.uib utlont xou. The uevi i, tselosel tht f' that x the a1 Of obta:ning a kw It l:ars to 'g:11m:l wt'ith thel boys," y'( 1r 1 ifnt, robbdil :. t hidite your tracks, set tire t. the prexlr:y of :, en' Co: I veii no oubt had ften bet r'-ndcI y,11as w ll as many of your 'ace . The test-13ny shows that the prosecutor in this case are public benefactors, and :1y anI through tem many honest met-: are enabledi to sup tort their famxililee. These guntetn:en m-' pilov and give litbor to men, wo:uen an.I children who are wiling to lead honest lives, and tiny loss to tlemlx means a sidler loss t) those dependent upon ti:g. Dl s, in order that you could :naintiln your tile ness and continue your revelry, debauh ery and vice, you. Under the cover of night. while honest people, with the tear of (od n their breasts were s:eep:no--repos:: :aith in their 'Now I lay ute iawn to sleep." sneaked upon the property charged in this indictment, and with ruthless viliuinv dte -,troxed it with a fi:ay brand, and for what?, Tha't you might -jxiu the boys' an-1 have a I gCo d timle. The court records show that you are o stra-n--er here: xx-veral tlimes- have yout ben arrtined in this court house ehargie With crime, and the punishment given you has not been aimple: it did not have the et :et of halting your infamolls carxer. No doubt you relIed Itlon your iged panlts who, it seems. hive xt(-toxd by yeou in a1 of y-our tril:-- they have comwe her. bx-fore and- test-tiedi to your bieiig ati horn-a andx ise-p ait each of thex tim:es xwhen you wer charged wxitlh crine. It is natur:l for pa rents to shieldt their offspring. but tey did tot avail coiu this time.c Your race is un and you are overtaken, just ats ab eriimi: are, s:ooner or iater. A criminal may dode p~uimen-t fxxr a- xxe all bu it , nl aii queltstioni of tti '.x1 n his xins ":i iti him out.' Des, you xwerx ri': a:i- Iin th - terrble crime: yoxu had conftixdenxtle--. and theyv, t ix, will be runt downi just as yx havx ben; at no very- remi-ote. ttue wi:a they be standing jus-t xher- -m '1 llaeIn. st xi ig, anid 1 xiit ivayi rlght here that -th bo''-voutr mia.~ tis ill reviryx d-:xib e:-y :n.i vice- oui'r co'l:nu II--1 :.: *' h- n:.;' but as sure ax ui .u xlii ly ~ d:nk ace oif 1 :t-iterdr-. .~ - : ' w::i .'.:ss w:i :cs i -i asd y r not bet-~s a :n--: nt--i..',a I i tw, but it-:-cy cx'n Ii- u:i - n I o - eninaltite tu r It arexter ib.. e. ur. L . -- bhaig, l n kIt.; and hkltxire, vixs -other, amuxt I c-ar'-iiy dii as yxx I~ done -eort tol foul xcri-. . to) pirocalie thet materiald to lyx their pursuuls. Deut,-i are young, in the fullI vi-gor 1 of yor L et-Ld~ and phyilcal muanhood; your appeiaranuce idicates a powerful physique: iou c(ub hve made a respectedi iand uxeful citn andI a staff to your age-d pare-nt-, butyu abhorrence of hixnest toi, an robaibly y ou hi-e x.- ownxl tielt . lso. naya 'i nw reap~ the h-arc-s.- Tle 0 '1tenc of' the coiur' is t:.:it vonu iLe sn h ~ xce itt'. riy at i:Ixrd b.-: o air o -- nt::-eni year.i. At th1e ci-nehl~xioni ox Jueit. r '--rks .Ilack ICe --rd-vn, i - :us 31 th- :be 'ins. er. ex to.-- xxh-- wiaa a I:--hi ain x-wrd b-Ie -eric - l .x-. - -ar i' t--'C-yen c I ti- T O - . IA .i Bear-s te eKdxi-aAas . Signatr A bout 1SG0.0 00 buineeS of ba na-as arei cousui le. anuallyx in tue Un itted States. nd ld I- ar- hf- byx neI en.:a od no. tabi s R 1,. Lxxixa .ii ---u II. The di!erncei~ in c-lr ofi'i beer co'ws frxi;n thle malt bethi :noreo ori l--x-- i'bairre - in thbe kilii drying. braxi x x - . - -.'i-et-oug the 2en.eato t kilo theI terr... .b n tot ch-ix r tl1.. R Ui. L*ryex .\inn ing: H. L x. -on xJrdan : L. X. Neutb~-. For Edu catlion in tble Haiwaiiain Islands i cmp3}ulsory. Andi the law aigainst trantst is stric-tly euforc-ed. SO.\IETING TU KNuxv. It may' be worth~ - somtin tox kniow that thx xer xbext tie Itivine 1for re xtring~ the t Ie out tervou syste-m--.lx to a healthyx vir v etbe, acts byc eliving tune to the- nerve cn -trx-s in tih - stimneb -e tl - U- mu1 tit--s the lie and- kxiey>. andl ai thei x--xr g -n lin thr xwingU-' xim ipurities inl the blod. Electrie Itittersx lunprovex the- - peite, aids dtigestion, and is pxronouilnced by those whlo hbare tried it as the ve-rx be-xt bxod pttritie-r antd nerve- tonie. Try- it. S x for 5i0e. or $i1.00 ier b ottle at 11. 1;. II.... v.1 .ln to e -- ...- - to Women. - l . to .O e:: wns :tr e t :tks h hie o h eaily~ -"u . -h e vol ! ~ .i-:. :: a'. \ '. N TI E: D TRISTWVl;"THY AND1 F activ er : :; 1tlee or ioli-' tol trave! fill- I ; f'r r p n !. '' ta isi hous 0 in . , t tn add tre"' -l s-t'):oii ~ ,-n--wore tj~. l . Dom 1111in i. t'. In IIIan . . . 1.. i' 'n-ne . [1" 10t If So, Why Not? and If Not, Why So? We claim our store to be the (Treat Headquarters for B argains in Dry Goods, Clothing, Shoes, I fats, Caps. Groceries, And in fact everything that is kept in a (general Merchandise Store. IF SO, Why not deal with us-: We promise to place at your disposal the -Nicest, Handsomest and Most Desir able (Goods in the mar ket, and to make the PRICES RIGHT. I.P l\TOT, Why so foolish as to claim that which we cannot make good' We are prepared to prove with the very best 'oods and low est prices that Our Store is a place all Economic Buyers should visit. especially with tihe Cash. Yours truly. S. A. RIGBY. For a .. . Fine Garden .ANI) AN ... Early Crop, Plant T. W. WOOD & SONS' Southern Grown New Crop We have the agency for these Celebrated Gi a r d e ni Seeds, and have just received an inn1uens5e stock of all the ditferent varieties. Woc1d.s' Seeg neveir fail. Puy thm and y~ou wi llm he pleas-' ed. Also a big stock of ONION SETS. RELORYEA3.RUGIT SilN OF THE COLDEN MORTAR W H E N YOU COME TO TOWN CALL AT WELLS' SHAVING SALOON Which is tltted up with an .-ve to the coinfort of his HAIR-CUTTINGi IN ALL STYLES, SH AVINGi AND 81H A MPOOIN n.:h with r;.-ac"es and is extruded. . . .1. L. WE LLS. Wn. E. 80!M8& 0, onare ton1, s. C. DI.EALES IN Lanterns, Tar Paper and Building Paper. Hendqumart(r fo kr the Celebrated ing 3Ilill. and' Enogh e Oils and Greot To 00nsumers of L.ager Beer: by v Y:h thl:o. 1~b t ti!! orders any quij~~ty at th:- fo*wing pices Four d zen tpi t i erSae, '2. 1 e crate. Eighth-kei '1i3 lIaIl-barre!, $ 1.0 . ilbarl . It wildl be n.:ee ssarv for* consumuers or parties ordering to state that the bieeri is. fot private consmop'tion. We oiur spe-cial rates for these sipmenofts. This beer is garanttod pur-. madei of the choicest hops and mualt, andt i1 reom:toend .-lvb the tuedicaml fratrnity. Ser:.1 to us-. for a trial Brewing Comnany, .+o+00+0+0+00o++ THE REASON (11 our sutccess is that. iirst, we t o treat everybody as we would have themi treat us: and second. we ter ice no sharp tricks in our business; and third, we sell notiigt ilt first class goods. :nd sell then at prices within the reach of eervhody. Come With the Cash. Wet have now ont han:,d abo ii ut 75 barrels of good Patent Flour that we b ought Iefore the recent advaice inI wheat, a12d hence we are able to sell yoU Floi: as cheat) if not cheaper than vu can buy in Charleston with the freight added. We at least ask a trial and we will prove to you that we make no false assertion whet we make this stateinent. We would also infort you that we have made a large purchase in (ireet Coffee and are thus able to oTer you a good grade of (ireen Coffee at 1ie. per pound attd a very fine grade of Coffee at ''. per pound. We also have great bargains to olTer in Tobacco. Sugar and Meats. .nTo Housekeepers.v At this season of the year there is very little to be gathered from the arden, and in view of this fact we have put in a nice line of sun dried and evaporated Apples, Canned Peaches and Canned Tomatoes. A nice line of Cheese and fresh Macaroni. We solicit your patronage in this line. ladies. -iTHE :- SPRING -: FLOWERS a" Are beginnintg to bud at our store. We are now showing a nice line of Per cales and Shirt Waist Prints for the early spring. We are also showing a beautiful line of Aiiutii-e R)oyal Suitings for making skirts and full suits for the early spring. It is useless for us to mention that we carry a full line of all kinds of Domestics. suech as Brown and Bleached Hornespuns. Apron Check Ging haruis. Shirtings and Drills. A large line of Jeans for making Work Pants very cheap. We would also call the attention of the trade to the fact that we have a few Suits of Clothes left that wr would be very glad to close out very cheap. Also quite a large lit of !ent's Pants that we are offering very cheap. A large line of Ileavy Work Shirts at from 235c. to 50c. each. A large and neat line of Floor Mattings at very close prices. Also a nice line of Floor Oil Cloth:.. Some great values in Ladies' Winter Under vests. The nrettiest line of Ladies', Gent's and Children's Neckwear in town. AGREICLTURAL IMPLEMETS Dixie Boy Plows complete. only................. ..... ................. 1 00 Iron Heel Ratchet Stock, only. ................ ................. 75c Dixie Points and Slides. each............................ ..... 5c Wings. each............ ..................... ................ 10c 101. Poplar Bark Collars. each........ ................. ... .......... .. 5c 11 yards good, siootht Cotton Rope, only............. ................. 10c 11 yards best Cotton Rope made............. .............. ............ 15c Plow Bridles. Backbands, Traces and Hiames. A full line of Steel Turn Shovels. A full line of Heavy Plow Shoes. A visit to our store will be of interest to you and will show you that we are as wide awake as ever and anxious to show you goods. Yours trulv. Percival anufacturing Co.,i Doors, Sash and Blinds, MLeeting Street, - - CHARLESTON, S. C. A eetablePreparafionfor4s imiltiegarodandegha IEromotes~iifsfion,Cheful-g atr Opn iorphie noThneal The indY Kindv Always Bought OBAs'tD Sig areet tt. No'r trdyN rI:c I nsand ~pii io~ .s r LEPo.e .RcI;UG Tregistir e na turn s ~he ofie i hi 3p. a..Atlwiays DBoughst.e W. ii CASETIS IA TiwnngiS C .. g:arch MA.NIN'.. . Wles illo limes Make the times easy by going to IIARVIN & BA RRON :u(l purchase what yon want in the mercantile line from them. A Good Collee for IOc. CASH. Coffee at any other price you want. from 1ic. to 15c. We are confideni that we can give vou the lowest figures on Soap. as we ouglhlt a balrgaini in this line. TOBACCO is one of our strongest lines. We carry a large and well-selecteil stock of it :1d are in a position to oiler very low pIiees lor the eash. Canned Goods, Crackers, Cheese, Rice, Sugar, Macaroni, Butter, Flour, Etc., Of the best quality, and a fresh stock of same always on hand. Plant Your Garden And buy your Seed from us. We also have Onion Sets and the Finest Seed Irish Potatoes on the market. Give us a trial. Yours respectfully, Comino' ~ $2,500 Worth of Spring . . . and Summer Goods. The goods are here and must be sold. and in order to sell them we are going to sell them at least 25 per cent. cheaper than ever before. I will save you 25 cents on every dollar's worth of goods you buy from me. You know very well that you cannot af ford to pay high prices for your goods at the present pricc of cotton. and if I will save you 25 per cent., I think you should give me a part of your trade. I am just from New York. Baltimore and Boston and have selected my stock myself. This is not like buying from diuimers. for vo know if you send to town for anything, this is not like going yourself. If you go you can get what you want. So that :.- the way in buving from drummers they will send you what they want to. not what yon want. I selected my stock myself and they are all new goods of the latest styles. They have not been in stock for three or four years. but direct from the factory. They are not like some of our competi tors say, old stock or bankrupt stock. When yon hear a man say anything like that. lie wants some bankrupt stock or has some old goods about ten years old that he would like to pit off on you, and you had better watch him or he will fool vou. This certainly is the way of it or he would not think of such a thing. Don't believe them. We buy our goods direct. pay cash and get all the discounts, and sell them cheaper. yes. 25 per cent. cheaper. Watch this space next week and we will give you prices that will inake you think the New York Rlacket is the cheap est store in the world. S0. VW. KENDA.LL, Proprietor. We have just received our Spring supply of Plow Stocks.__ D_ Tixie Boys. Cast and Steel, Hamnes, Trace Chains. Single Trees. 2 Back Bands. Collars. Collar Padis. and in fact everythinig the S i ee o u visit CHARLESTON. get our prices, and we I GUARANTEE to save you at least freight on anything im our line. Right Here hast a Few Prices. Trace C hains...............1c to 30e per pair. Baek Bands. with Hooks...............8e to 3i5c each. Collar Pads.......... ................1ec to 35 each. S ingl Trees...... ............-- ...12e to 2->c each. A ood Plow Bridle only.............. .. 40c __UA R'ESS SADDLES.BRDE.ETASRRPAN LEAH ES.T UGS. TRACES. R EINS, DOUBLE AND SINGLE. SWhen von break vour harness coie to us for the broken parts. ~ otliing heats the New South Cooking Store and the Cole's A lr st letisne of China. Crockery and Glassware in town. A cornplete line of Guns. Pistols. Ritles, Ammunition. etc. Wagon and Buggy Material. Thui ng yen for your past favors, we are lours truly. THE DAVIS HARDWARE COMPANY g A.C, DA VISManger. We make Tobacco~ Barn Flues at our~ place of business. Any dimensions re quired, at prices to Scompete with Char leston or elsewhere Come to see us before buying your sup plies. STH MANNING HARDVWAR CO., FRANK P. ERVIN, Manager.