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I CU.LSmES ALL CONTY AND TOWN OFFICIAL ADVERTISEMENTS. MANNING, S. C.: WEDNESDAY. NOV. 24, 1897. Bargains You Must Not Fail to See. Ten rolls Wool Filler Jeans at 1S per yard. This Je:.ns has never been sold for less than 25c per yard, but we picked it up at a great bargain and offer it at a bargain. Ten bolts of nice Dress Worsted, 28 inches wide, at 10c per yard that you can't buy elsewhere tor less than 15e per yard. We have these goods in green. tan, blue, garnet and black mixtures. We picked up these goods at a great bargain and we offer them at a bar gain to compete with the low price of cotton. We also offer some great bargains in higher priced Dress (roods. We offer some great bargains i'n Ladies' Capes. Just call and see them and be astonished. We have them from 75c up. Just call and see our alt-wool White Blankets at $3.50 per pair that you cannot buy else where for less than $4.50 and S5. We also have a large line of Wool Mixed and Cotton Blankets at 50e, 75c, 41, $1.50 and ,2 per pair. Comforts from 50C up. Ladies, remember we have all the different kinds of Fruit for your Christmas Cake. Yours truly, W. E. JENKINSON. Mr.,. A. D. 1 terson of Latta is on a visit tlathe f.caiv of Mr. J. W. McLeod. -w:l; be some very va'.nabie prop rty so.d by the sheriff on ne:t salesday. Aiessrs. W. S. Harvin and D. R. Reaves have our thanks for some nice sweet pota t res. SGo to Brockiuton's for whatever \oa wantr. R. O. Purdy, Esq.,of the Sumter Bar spent yes:eriay in .unning on 1rofessional business. Come, readers, don't you think it is high ti:uii for those of you who are in arrears to pay up? Rev. Charles B. Smith of Wofford Col lego will preach in the Institute Sunday morning and night. Onion sets for sale by R. B. Loryea, the dr_ ggist. bv. James McDoweli left last night for Elisto Island on a visit to his daughter. He expects to return the latter part of the week. I here will be a marriage service this eve ning; at New Zion church. Mr. Lewis Fiem;ing and Miss Ila Hudson are the con tne'tiug parties. We have received a quantity of choice garden seed from Wasnington, and we tak. pleasure .in sending them to our snb seribers, so look out for them when yon ctall !oryour mail at your postoffice. A tiaee line of stationery at Brockinton's, :a all prices. Next to M. Levi's. Edgar Purvis, the young Florence negro v.-ho shot Fiagmian Jas. Blackwell on the 15th of last Angust was hanged at Lilhington C.. rt House, North Carolina, last Wed nesday. Thanksgiving services will be beid in the Institute to-morrow (Thursday) morning at 11 o'clock. The ser'non will be preached by Rev. W. Hi. Hodges. All are cordially invited to attend these serv~ces. Died at her home at Hodges Uorner, near Pinewood, Tuesday, 16th inst., Mrs. Odlie Liae, wife of Mr. David T. ide. 'The fn nternA took place at Calvary chnrch on Wed nesday. The deceased was the mother-in law of Superintendent of Education Rich banvg. Itnternational Poultry Food cnres and prevt'ts chicken cholera. 35c a package. R. iB. Loryea, the druggist. Tile favorite "candidates' home" in Sa le a, the house of "Uncle Bill 'Jin Gibbon." ha~s been remodeled and1 out in first cla's condition. Messrs. S. T.~Ivy and L. B G~bbon were the contractors and they have made a complete transformiation of the old cosy home. A reward of $500 vwill be paid by the insurance companies for the detection of the fiend who set fre b. Harvina & Bar ron's store. The Governor has ofifere i $100, wbich make-s SG600 to any m nan who can work up the case and conviet the party or ua-rties. Look-ioak-go to Brockinton's fz'r :at w:.aderfni Celerv Cotmpound, onliy St.* per bottle. Na t to M. Levi's. The barn and stablc of Mr. B3. A Lb..n son was destroyed by fire iast Saturday night abont 7 o'clock. The cause of the fire is unknown, but matny think it was the work of an incendiary. This is the second barn burned in this town withmn awek and the freqgnency of fires in this town is c.using the citizens to bcome alarmed. Last Wednesday night in the Pine Grove ne'ghborhood Mr. A. F. Cokr was severely c'ut by his son, Bosie Caker. tbue irntor muattin we have is that the old gentie.a'! was chastising onte of his younger children wh:-n the tudest son livin;g at home set upon him with a knife and cat him in sev eral p~aces. The injuries are sern. '., hat not necessarily fatal. The statements of those wvho La're been eured by IHod's Sairsaparilla prove the great iu.rit of this medicine. Get only Ihood's. Woik has commenced on the restoration of the br'ick wall of the racket store which was so badly injared by the rece-nt fire, and wenite intormeti that Mrs. Walker intend~s to build another store u pon thme o! I sit e this winter. We hope this is true, 'oecause the gap imadle ought to be filled in and make that block so1idl once more. It is too line a busines.. stamnd to go anutilizedi. Lorveca's Cleansing Compound inrstan tly r-moves paint, oil and greas" spots from woolen and silk goods without injury to th~e finest fabric. Fifteen cents a bottle. R B. Lorvea, the druggist. One day iast wee-k a pauty of gen:>-en went on a dee-r hunt, and oh, my:ho they we-re going to have venison;: bat ex citeient or baid mnarkseaanship int.-r;'l~s and they came back home with:"m the tooth'sam'3 game. T[he fun or to xoi business is, that a part ofL te hr ;p. was umadL up of our poubi C-ounty- .\' tor J. Elbei' Davis and his bhe,-' Davis, one of Clarendon' hi ly es~'em.i reresniLfta~iv.' Now these distingnis hed gente-men would have felt proud had1 they bagged a big floe buck, but th ey ihn't, be cause the tirst one they' saw suripr:.d tnm s, that h.: ran clear ove both of the'n -an a tfter th' (deer had gotteu ('ut of sight ome ot ten tired his enn anid 's now acen ag tue other of having been exeited. They are ut satidei with the result and they w.y make another tmip w th gre'at hop:- :f meet ing with imore sucess 'phere is mo're caitarrh in this st etion of the~ countryt than all other disonees put to gether, and ntil the last few years wa'. sup posedi to he inenrale. For a great mu.mya years doctors prononneed it a i. cai liene ad prescribed local I reis, and by co s antly failing to cure w it'hO loca tea' mnt, pronounced it inceurable. Se ign. provul ciaarh to te o nttoa - ease, and th-eefor reqmre- co.t~~ teatmenmt i ll"' Catairr Cire mann e tured by F. J. Cheney & Co. ItO-.' is the ol;: constitticnal eure on tewr kt. It ii t:ike'n internlaly'i tdoSes fromn 0 d rops to a tanispoon ful. It ae:s iire-:tlyv en the bioodt and muncousn surfaces at the systemI. They otiecr one hundred dollars for anv case it fails to cure. Senal foar cr cnlars and testimnoinials. Ad dress, F. J. CHENEY & Co., Toledo. 0. ett1"ol by Drugisti, 75c. TOOK H1 v OWN LIFE. THE IASH ACT OF W. C. BAGN-I. OF 31.tNNINGi. Out of Work and Disappointed in Love, the Yonting 3an )term:ined to Kidi Himself - Hle Took Ladiudatniu - - Two betters Written Just Befotre the Deed Was Done. W. C. Bagnil, a w 11 known and in' u young muatn of \Ianning, co mittd so. .,e at the Calhoun hotel last Sun"day ornOn:l. The fact was made known ye terday ab-ait noon, when :s dead body wa discovered in a rooru on the fourth floor of the irg Diapohintmnent in love, i ito procure emioymuent ar-~ giirai :snd enev were the causes of the rash (led. The remlains of B. igu'l wyr ii bed at tired only in underelothing.: Ah'-df emp tied bottle of laudanuma was ttud on t buream inld bes:"l: this we"ato ltter one v.itten:1 to Mr . r. li:T1. the dead muans mother, ant the ot r to a piromlinn young society l:dy of Sumter. The le1tt to the young lady statei thatt B' gal eale-i lts life on accnt of her htavi: beit-r ed her affections on another. Ba?:'s hat lines to his mother were to the effect that be could' in na work to do and that he preferred deat to idlenies. After eating breakfast at 8 o'o!eck s.t Sunday mornin Bagnal went to his room. As this was the let Been of him "livo, and' hid b dv had il ready to dompose wn forud, there is every reason to bzlievea that the voutg man swa :owed the contents of the bottle anti went to bed Soon after he tin ished-, his morning meal. I.n al arrived in this city froniiianing T'tlay nih .:and regtstered at th_ Calhoun hotel T.aly. heclerkecivedL iti... he was unec r the intae nce of^ey wic he put hie na:ae ci the registr. Ali day Thur!dav, Friday and Saturday Bagt! drank heav:ly, attraeting th att ration of the freqnenters about the lobby of the Cal houn. It was evident from the g:yity of his clothes and his general appearance that the stranger was a per.n ot some stand Fromt Thursday tornin:.: until Saturday nigh: Bagnal ma h' a nnuiber of acquaint 'tes the most of wlm: did not fail to notiCe that the vn.. rn:i acted in a rather peculiar man:- . Ia addition to hi int'xicated conditi;:n h: seemned to b2 in a melaneboiy and despondent. mood, ao :1 nad* frequent refeiencts to his uusuccess fal efforts to find a situation. Saturday night he drank ior heavily than usual, and staggered into his room about 11 o'clock. The ntxt morning he arose before daylight and came down into the lobby and sat by the stove for about five minutes. He told Sau Thompson that he intended to go back to bed and get a few hours' sleep before rising again. He bade Thompson good-bye and ascended the lob by stairs. This was the last seen of him alive. One of the bell boys saw Bagn:d go to his room and close the door behind him. Sunday the young man did not show up and the hotel attachees thinking that he was sleeping off the effects of his Saturday night's spree, decided not to disturb him. Yesterday morning Bagnal's room door was still locked and up to 11 o'clock he had not put in his appearance. A chambermaid knocked on the door, but receiving no re sponse, she reported the matter to Htad Clerk Barlow. Mr. Barlow went up and forced open the door. H" was horrified to see the prostrate form of the young stran ger lying on the bed coll in death. Blood was lowly oozing from the mouth of the dead man and altogtther the spcctacie that met the eyes of Clerk Barlow was a grue some one indeed. Coroner Rivers was no tified and a few minutes later appeared on the scene. The coroner after making an examination of the room found a bottle of laudanum on the dresser e'nd the dead man's clothes hanging on 4.2. .': beside the bed. On the bureau at few inche from the poison were two rnotes written in pencil and unsealed. 'The first one was atddressed to Miss Bonnie Brown of Sumter. care of the Rev. C. C. Brown, and in part was as follows: "I am now going to try a different world and if you had only been faithful to nme things 'would have been different with me. But von will never know the agony I suf fered'before I did this. If I had never met you I would never have committed this eed." The other note was addlre-sed tt Mrs. I. M. Bagnal, Manning, S. C. It was as fol lows: 'To my Loving $Iother: Don't worry your self any longer about m?e, for I ann going to a different wo'rld. I hope there is some thing better for me there. I tried to get work sy d after I could not I would rather lie than tramp and lay out. TIeli pt that no parent ever loved a child more than he did his only son. Don't you or' pa worry anv longer nowi aboute me. Teil all the giis, that is 1)aisy, Tora, Uattie and Ada, h~:ore I would minet th-m any more by drinking and tramnping I would rather be aad. *** I leave a:1 I have to you and pa as long as youl live, and when you die give it to Haitte. Ma, I hate to do this, Ibut would rather die tani' -.o hack hotme and have to as'' ousid people for any thing. May th great ad giloioS Godt help y'ou all, and the girls, is the wish of your loving son, W. C. BAGNAL, At Daylight. Sh":tlv after noon the b:>ly was removet to McAllister's undert :king establishmnent 'at the corner of Mleeting street and Horl bek aler, where it was emabalmed. The yong "'in's relatives at Manning were Yesterday afterneon Coroner Rivers held n ingnest'over the temnains of Bagnal and the jury returniel a verdict to the effect that the dece~ased had conie to his death from an overdlose of lanudanum administered durin a tt of mtental abberration. Bagnali was about 23 years old and up to Ia short time before he catme to Charleston he was emp loyed in the Davis Hardware Copan's stoie at Matnning. It is said tht he fost his p'osition and immiediately s~t out to seek other emp11loyiment. Hie had a nber of letters cert!Iyng to the excel anece of his~ character anti standing in Man. The following dispatch was received from \Inning last night: Manning, Nov. 22.-Special: Manning is shoced at the suicide of young Wt lie Bgal who too.k laudanunm in Charleston. H~it fther, L M. Baignal, is one of our best et zens, and the young man stood well, his bre t fault hein druk. He left here a few da s ago to go to Charleston to seek em loym~ ent, armed wit'i several letters of rcom endation, excepting as to his drink g J. H. L. Mr. Louis Appelt and Capt. W. C. Davis, a cousin of young Bagnal, and Mr. E. C. 1orto arr'ived in thee cty last night to look atter the remains of the dheecased. Mr. Ap. pelt, in conversation wxith a reporter for the News and Courier, said that the rews of the young noan's death ha.l been received with universal regrot at M~anig The above is a corrected account of what appeared in yesterday moru ug's News and Courier. The body arrived in Manning yes terdty morning and was met at the depot by a large concourse of friends, wo escorted the remains to the cemetery, wvhere an impressive ser vice was conducted by Rev. James McDowell. pastor of the Presbyterian church, assisted by Rev. W. H-. Hod ges of thle Methodist church and Rev. J. 0. Gough of the Baptist church. His grave was covered with beautiful floral offerings, some of which came from friends in another towin. We might add that warm sy-mpa thy was expressed by many in Char leston for the family of the deceased. The bad and tragic deathi of Willie Bagnal has lacerated the hearts of his family who were devoted to him. and it has brought sorrow to the en tire community. The young man wvas deservedly pop~ular and he had many noble traits of character. 1-i was a young man of line business ability and gentle manners and one who was calculated to make friendt wherever he wvent. His untimely end is deeply deplored anti his family have the sincere sympathy of the . ANTE D-TPl"'TWORtTHY ANT actv gentlemnen or hidies to trave for resposible, established louse in Souti: Carolin..iothl ix '3 anad expenses. .'' sition steadv. Reference. Enclose self addressed stamped envelope. Thie Domnin State Fair Ptraise. The commitice of judges made this entry in the book concerning the exhibit of a "On1e e-x1:bit of whih-el. ali -o:Xi Ca;rolina boul he pron. :rnil to whih ii thy s:onld I'v, their D;ai f:nls suppmt is that of the ,1 tnir.2i to i ery!i mli". lilv hey :::mufacture a :hne . g.:as', i:s' i n0. Ci eO n-'. hosierv in ila-:kl and tan: 1;ast Co;'s. Th goo'ls appear to be cqu.l to :an Nrthcrn o: Eastern inanfacture a1d tl-y ar: all made fro'n cotton grown aid sipn in til tate of south (Ciroi :1. Mri . W. S. II rvin, tle proiirietor, d-.::c riCit f'or th: en tirprise shown in -ab inigii this mi ll in te Stht. H1 ha. .s amea .ith! him as maa::ner .L. Jloh:: +!eier who w fibor and e are. his tr-aie in F'i-:mne', s:e h ih t i h I::t t :en coisotItly irose eti:. : s t t, saO nITh i ict s o f ( the:i r gomi-':Ire v:. bo 1.m' Norh a nd1 t :.terIn p~ro lactoin "n :al.their u:.iii h l~lil ('c pat o:. z y l very (lea:e in S -,n0th I Cart , as wv 1 asal other' Southern i:'-;;,. .1 N " E D -T IWST'WORWI'if? AN) active gentleiien or la.dis to travel for resjniie ic, establi-led lius. in South Crolina. ionth v SG~> and exp'renses. Po sition stelad. Rf-toriace. En ose self ir -. t atp'd en-:e'ope. Th. Do:ain : - Co:p: my, Deplt. ii., ('Cicag . [l' 101 atry ';eay 2"'.,c th.:! In .L mtn:ri. S-. Lois, Nov. n.-The.antifootball bill introduced recently in the house of delegates by ex- Speaker Lloyd is said to be doomed. The house legislation com mittee, at a meeting just held, unani mously decided to recommend that the bill do not pass. .- . S1iireying, Silrvey frig. Evry land owner should have a plat of his .ind. 1 will do surveying for the pres ent on Saturdays. Call an or a-dress E, J. rowNE, 8-tt .ti-Ing, S. C. For Sale. Valua>!e town property for sale. Desir able bi:in lots,. aso coafortable resi dfences will be solI ::t reasortnable igurCs antd on easly term:. A p) y to tU LoUiS APPELT. For Sale, Within 3 1-2 miles north of Manning and one mile from Alcolu, a planta tion containing 350 acres, 5-horse farm, under cultivation and in excel lent state: healthy. good society. The place contains a new s-room dwell ing and sufficient tenant houses, a 70-foot barn with sheds, a cotton gin nery, and altoget-her a well equipped plantation. The property will be sold at once. Terms easy. Apply to C. L. EMANUEL. Manning, S. C. 17-2t or Times office. STATE OF SOUTH CAROLiNA, COUNTY OF CLARENDON. S. Jacobs against Henry Isaacs. Warrant to Seize Crop. UNDER AND BY VIRTUE OF A warrant, to me issued, by J. H. Tim ions, C. C. P. & G. S., I will sell at public auction, for cash, in front of I the court house, in Manning, on Mon day, December 6th, 1897, within the usual hours of legal sales, the follow ing described personal property, to wit: Three bales of lint cotton and all of which was levied upon, and will be sold to satisfy a lien given by Henry Isaacs to S. Jacobs. I Sheriff Clarendon County. Manning, S. C., Nov. 17th, 1897. 17-3tl] Staunch and True. Staunch and true we stand by our friends and we hope they will stand by us. We shall leave no stone un trned to deserve their patronage and good-wvill, and trust to see the Grand Army of our customers grow as it is growing daily and hourly. If the Best and Purest Goods, care ful and accurate attention and reas onable prices will bring them to our fold, they ma)* be assured we will leave nothing undone to merit their patronage. Remxember. our stock of Drugs and Medicine is compllete in every particular and that we are constantly adding to our stock all the latest anid most popular remedies. Be sure and call on us if vou need anything in our line, and we can sup ply you. Itemember, we pay spiecial atten tion to the compounding of p)hysi ican's prescriptions. B, B1LORYEA3.IT S!CNOFTECDEMRT. STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, cunty of Clarendon, COURT OF COMMON PLEAS. William T. Smith and William K, Smith, copartners, doing business under the tirm name of WV. T. Smith &Son, plaintitis, against James A. Thames, defendant. Judgment for Foreclosure and Side. UNDER AND BY VIRTUE OF A Judgment Order of the Court of Comn mon Pleas, in the abov-e stated ae tion, to me directed, bearing date Oc tober 20ith, 1k97, 1 will sell at public auction, to the highest bidder for cash, at Clarendon Court House, at Manning, in said county, within the leal hoiurs for jtuaicial sales, on Mon day, the 6th day of December, 1807, being salesday, the following describ ed real estate: "All tha t piece. parcel or tract of iland known as rthe Aaron Wilson patntation. containing eighty-three and one hatlf 5:3 1-2) acres, situate, ly ing and being in saidl State and coun tv, delinea tedl on a plat of sanme made b~ Jos. C. Burgess, D). S., bearing date September 1st, 1871, and record d in Book 'B,' page 671 RI. M. C. of ie, said county, the same being bounded on the north by lands of Aaron Wilson: east, by lands of Maj. R. R. liudgins: south. by lands of Ma j. R. R. Hludgins and others, and west, by lands of Capt. E. N. Plowv den, the same being the tract of land conveyed by Av.ron Wilson to Minor C. Gallueh'at on the 24th day of Purchaser to pay for papers. D). J. BRADH IAM, Sherifi Clarendon County. Manning, S. C., Nov. 10, 1897. {11-4t Notice of Discharge. On the :ld day of DXeeinher, 187 I wil aply to the Jmidge of* Problite f ir (laretn dou 'County for lters of dismissr a5O vs aid mtinistratrix of the estate of Dr. S. P. Oiiver, deceased . C. 4. OLIVElb Administratrix. November. 3, 187 Josra P. En~tm.. W . C. Durn RiA1 TU R KEYS Xi2 L AW, M ANNTN G. C. Manifests itself in many different ways, like goitre, swellings. running sores, boils. salt rheum and pimples and otir eruptions. Scarcely a man is wholly rce from it. in some form. It clings tenaciously until the last vestige of scrofulous poison is eradicated from the blooi by hood's Sarsaparilla. Thousands of voluntary testimonials tell of suffering from scrofula, often inherited and most tenacious, positively, per fectly and permanently cured by H oo d' Sarsaparilla The One True Vlood Purifier. All drugists. $1. Prepared only by C. I. I tood & Co.. Lowell, 3ass. at h'mrmoniouslY with Hood's Pills Hood-s Sarsaparilla. 2se. CONTINUATION Great Bargain Sale, The constant flow of bargains is never interesting, for every day is a bargain day here. The merchandise we offer suffers nothing by ccmparison. In fact a thorough knowledge of what other firms say and do, tends to throw into stronger relief the superior excellence of our goods and the extremely low prices we ask for them. No louase in :u anning can possibly match our prices and quality. 0pigre 800, 002)a70 ualit Heavy brown flomespun at 3 1-2c per yard. Heavy check Homespun at 3 1-2e per yard. Heavy check Oting (winter colors) at 4c. Still better Outing (winter colors) at C, S and 10c per . ard. Good 3 ankets from 50c up. Good Comforts from Coe up. All-wool boys' Suits from 75c up. All-wool youths' Suits from $3 up. All-wool men's Suits from $3 up. Graniteville improved Drill, Sc per yard. Ladies' dongola button Shoes for 75e per pair. Ladies' dongola button Shoe, better qual ity, $1 and up. Women's good Polka, 75c. Women's grain Polish, $1. Women's pebble grain Dutton, $1.25. Children's Shoes frow 25c up. Men's and boys' Shoes in proportion. Lanterns for 25, 35 and 40c. It is impossible to mention all, but everything will be sold at the cheap est possible prices.. Respectfully, S. A. RIGBY. It flatters Not How hard the times are, when Christ mas comes the boys ai'e going to shoot fire works. I think I led in fire works last year, and have bought at close p)rices this year. I have a big line. They are to come in Dee. 1st. Remeumber that my store will be headquarters for fire works. Have just received a lot of the choicest Citron, Currants already cleaned .for use, Seedless Raisins, Layer Raisins, California Prunes, Pulverized Sugrar for Icing, Mixed J. II. LESESNE. Maning Collegiate Institute. T~he ses.sion for 1807.98 opens Septemiber i, iS97. Tiis a chartered institution ad willi isue dipl omai to its graduates. I takes all gradesa, ani .ppils not in a po sitioto purue the regunlar course will re eleve insiruti iiong special lines. Stu dents pre-pare I to enter any cf our colleges. R:t-s from SL to $3 per mionth. For fu'rthecr infc'rmatioin ad dre:-s, E. JT. B1t0WNE, Principal. 1Public Schoo! Notice. Truitets- are hereby notified to open their chools on the first .\iondlay in No veber, or is soon thereaftecr as practlicable. ' hey ar e al1.o cautioned against emiployinf teachers who have not reg'nlar paer from: the County IUoardl of Education. C\a. snpt. of Education. C. C. LESLIE, Wh' ar-l Ik ail Coucmuission Fish, Oysters, Bamie and Poultry. Fis'h packd for cout tiy or'ders a special ty No charges for packing. Sendic for List. Co-nioments of country produce are re spctuly :licited. Poultry. eggs, etc. Smtis Nes. 1 and 2 Fisht .\arket. Ofiice os 18 and 20 Market st., east ot Uay, CHARLESTON. S.C. Nill Surprise You Next Week. Watch This Space. To Our Former Patrons and the Public Generally: We wish to say that we have just had our store nicely repaired a now have neat and convenient quarters in which to show our gods to advantage, and extend you a hearty welcome to come and gt our prices which are as close as legitimiate business will allow. tdoesn't matter what figures you see marked on goods or what in dcements are offered you, come to our place and we will surpass ay competition. *We have a full and carefully selected stock of' Dry Goods, Clothing, Shoes, Hats, Caps, Hardware, Tinware, Crockeryware, Groceries, Etc. unnaununuaunuuaunuuuuuuuuuu In fact anything in the world the customer wants, which we will eglad to have you examine. We invite special attention to our stock of Shoes. which were ade to wear and bought to sell. We again ask you to call and see us and will guarantee you urteous treatment and fair (lealing. ISixteen full ounces to the pound and f30 inches to the yard. Dnt forget the place-under the shade of the Mulberry trees, xt door to Loryea's Drug Store. Very truly, _B.A.JO H SON. A WELL DRESSED MAN hen he goes to buy a suit or an overcoat first considers the maker of the garment, then h fit. We are not known to braz on our g.oods unless we have the facts to substantiate it. ur buyer when in New York visitedi all the leading clothing houses, andl after a careful an thorough test became convicd-that nio honee in the United States makes a btter fitting garment than that well known house, Hammersiough Bros. Ies liE rts are square shouldered, corset-fitting wai4t, and the latest cut pants. They oge .'. prices from $10 to S16.50. The Handsomest Overcoat in Sumter for a Ten Dollar Bill. Now in-our medium and low priced MEBN'S CL1OTIING e an show you a large lirne, all shades-, ent-, etc., form $2 a Suit to $10. e andle the celebrated "Crck-a-JaTcl" Knee Pants --ie 3 to 16 years, at 50c a ; caper ones at 25c. Bring your boy in and see if we haven't the best titting Uoys' and oth's Suits yon e' saw. All prices- GUe. to $15. Big lot of en's Fine Trousers. Job Lot of Men's and Boys' Hats and Caps, 25c. to $1-50 Worth almost twice o:ur price. Finer oues if you want thcm. Shoes! Shoes! Shoes! In this line we are second to noet, and can show you a compiletel and handsome lie, $1 to S~>. Our $1.50 are like some you see at $5 and $G. TUBBS BROS. & CUTTINO, som ma s c Opposite Iank of Sumter. We Promised You AND HERE IT IS. "Our Every Day Bargains" Six Days Out of Every Week: Good "C" Homespun 2 7-Se per yard. Let's see who can beat that. Heavy Drills only 4 1-2c per yard. Check Homespuns cheaper than ever sold before. Bargains in Calicoes, Outings, Worsteds, Stuff Goods, etc. Headquarters for -Manning made Hosiery. We have recently bought the above goods at. greatly reduced prices, therefore can sell you cheaper than ever before. SHOES, SHOES. A large lot of Men's, Ladies' and Children's Shoes just in. A nice Ladies' Dongola Button, from 74c to $1. A nice Ladies' extra good Dongola Button, from $1.25 to $3. Have just received a lot of Ladies' Cloaks, to be sold at greatly reduced prices. A large assortment of Men's and Boys' Suits direct from New York, same to be sold at prices no competition can meet. Call and see us at our new "stand," the J. W. 3McLeod store. Yours truly. HARVIN & BARRON. _ I~WE AREI "The Chea John" Hardware Dealers In Clarendon County. We sell nothing but first class Hardware, bought at the fac tory for cash and sold at "Cheap John" prices. This is the rea son our competitors can't undersell us and call our store "the Cheap John" store. We are in the business to sell the stuff, not to place it on the shelf to admire. It is all going at a small profit. I Farmers, Listen to Some of Our Prices: 100 cast Dixie Boy Plows, extra point, wings and wrench, only $1.E -1300 steel Dixie Boy Plows, only $1.25 each. Castings, such as points slides and wings, cheaper than you can buy elsewhere. 15 dozen pairs Hames, usually sold for 40c, our price 25c per I pair. Singletrees, trace chains and in fact everything the farmer needs at unheard of prices. Remember, we lead in piices on Stoves. Every stove guar anteed, not for 15 years, but for a reasonable time. A few sets Harness we will sell for $6.75, worth $7.50. Still on hand some 'of those $10 Saddles. This saddle, 2 I girths, 1 wool blanket and 1 Texas bridle, all for $10. We have the most complete line of Guns, Pistols and Rifles in town. A mmunition of every description. Rubber Boots, best quality, $3.25. STHE DAVIS HARDWARE COMPANY A. CDA V!S, Maar. THE Does not expect to do business with the people of Claren don for a few days or weeks or months, but for years, and we hope by honest dealing to gain the confidence of our pat taons. There is nothing more distastefal to us than cheap John methods of doing busi ne.0, and we don't propose to adopt such tactics to attract trade. We keep some shoddy stock on hand bccause there is a demand for it, but -our patrons shall be fully advised as to the merit of the goods they buy from us, for we will not put our guarantee on worthless articles. We have already lost some money by refusing to deceive customers as to the char aeter of material that loolks good but is not so, and we expect to lose munch more in this way, but when the people of Clarendon come to know us better they will appreciate our honest method of dealing and then our losses will be "as seed sown on good ground." We buy llardware, Tiimrie, MillSI1pplics &Wagon Material Wherevever they can be bought to best advantage and we sell the same as low as they can be sold by aniy one doing an honest business. IThe Manning H ardware Company extends a hearty invitation to the peo ple of Clarendon to visit their plece of business, and if in need of anything in our line we shall do our best to please and give satisfaction as to price and quality. Very truly, THE MANNING HARDWARE COMPANY, FRANK P. ERVIN, Manager. TAX NOTICE- STATE OF SOUTH CAROUINA, County Treasurer's Oflice, Clarendon Co. COU01NTY OF CLARENDON. Mtanning, S. C., September 18, 1897.i The tax books will be open for the eel- COU~RT OF COMiMON PLEAS. lection' of taxes for the Iiscal year commte nc-i ing January 1st, 1S07, on the 15th day of Joh 1B. E. Sloan an d Louis F. Sloan, co October, 1S07, and will remain open until partners as J. BI. E. Sloan & Son, plain the 31st day of December, following, aftter tts which time a penlty of 13 per cent. at- Against thes toloi' is th .x levy: Quitman S. Hedge, defendant. For State purposes, live (5) mills. Su'umons for Rtelief, Complaint not Served. milo stiuinl.holTx he 3 To the defendant, Quitmxan S. Hedge, above For Ordinary C.ounty Tax, three and named: three-fourths (3,) miills. Yon are hereby Summoned and required For Past Indebtedin.essnrc-half of one to answer the complaint in this action, amill (1-2). Total 12 1-4 mills (outside of wh;iich has been filed in the Clerk's office for spee.'I l cool Tax. said County, and to se-rve a copy of your S'pcial. tw'o (.) mils, School 'lax, School answer to the said complaint on the sub. Dsrict--No "'" 'Total 14 1.4 mills scriber-, at their oflice, in the city of Sunm School Ditict 1. ter, i" Sumter Cotunty. State of South Caro pealfour (4) mills, School Tlax, School hia, within twenty days after the service Di)triet-No. "7" Total 16 1-4 mills School. hereof, exclusive of the day of such service; District ~7.and i you faili to answer the complaint Spcimal four (4) mills, School Tax, School wit' in the time aforesaid the plaintiffs in Di"triet-No. "20 Total 1G 1-4 mill. this~ action will apply to the Court for the Schiool District "20" relu deman ided in the complaint; and you Every' male cit~izen betw~een the ags of the sad Qaitman S. Hodge, are hereby no twentv-one and sixty yearC except those titled that the complaint in the above en iuiapiblceof ea r"i~ a support fromu be.~g 'titled action has this the twenty-second day maaimecd or from other canes ad exept of October, A. D. 1897, been filed in the of those who ate now exempt by law, shall be tiee of the Clerk of the Court Common deemed taxable polls. Pieais for the County of Clarendon, in said The law require tha ocnmutaton Road State, dated Octobber 223, A. D. 1897. T:ax shall be paid for the succeedng year PI-RDY & REYNOLDS, wn. in State and Cunty Taxes' are pid.~ PlaintiifL' Attorne'.s. S. J. B3OWMAN, 14- b) TraurrClarenc'on County. -- Notk of DISCharge. pi- .J. FRANK GEIGER,. TIhe undersi'gned exeutors of the estate of F J Rlichiardsona deee, will apply to the Judge of 1robate for Clarendon County DENTIST1, on the 10uth day of .December, 1897, for a tinual discharge as. ex>ecutors af'oresaidl. I A F Rrcuxrnosos. November10, 189~7.j ldx:''~ MANNING, S. C.