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I'lELISHES ALL COUNTY AND TOwN OFFICIAL ADVERTISEMENTS. MANNING, S. C.: WEDNESDAY. DEC. 16, 1896. CRHISTMAS BARUAINS... ... ... ... -AND ... ... ... ... ...TRADE WINNERS. Remember, friends, that we are offering great bargains to you in a.l of our departments in order to se cure the Christmas trade. We are offering great inducements in ready made clothing for boys and men. We offer a nice, black cheviot wool suit for gents at $4.50, worth $6.00 anywhere. Nice, black clay worsted suits, all wool, io sacks and cutaways, at $10.00, worth $12.50. Come and see our gents' fine shoes at $1.25 per pair, worth $1.50. Come and see our ladies' glove grain button shoes at 90c per pair, worth $1.25. Come and see the best ladies' shoes ever offered in this town for $1.00; every pair of these shoes is warranted to be solid leather. Remember that t old Santa Claus has opened out in full blast at our store and he is get- f ting in new presents on every train. Come every day from now until Christmas and you will see some thing new. Yours truly, W. R JENKINSON. ________ V Died last Thursday, a twenty-months-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Jones. v Thomas & Bradham have just received d a car load of fine horses and mules. ( All of the newly elected county officers will be ready to take charge on the 1st day a of January. e The show window of Dr. Brockinton's I drug store is filled with frogs and they make a natural picture. B At the baby sbow in Sumter last Thurs- ti day the baby of Mr. Robert Delgar, of this town, captured one of the prizes. Mrs. H. D. Riff has a beautiful line of it millnery for the holidafs which she is sell- b, ing cheap. Give her a call ladies. C Ladies, call and inspect our beautiful w line of Xmas novelties. R. B. Loryea, the ci -druggiat- .ll The Methodist church at Packsville is te being beautifully paiL ed. Mr. W. 0. C Dority of Manning has the contract. a Catarrh is a constitutional disease and of . requires a constitutional remedy like Hood's Sarsaparilla, which purifi-s the tbood. re: If the railroads will run excursion trains to Columbia. when Hon. W. J. Bryan lectures there, a large crowd will be repre sented from Clarendon. Japanese crockery, beautiful goods, at do low prices. R. B. Loryea. th< Brown Cuttino & Delgar have just re- be eeived a large lot of fire works. Boys if p you want siz boom-bum, go and buy 'your Ra crackers and candles from them, ke All of the elections to establish new in counties have failed to get the required kit votes, with the possible exception of set Cherokee with Gaffney as the county seat. co< ha Most superb line of decorated1 cups and wi raucers- and vases at B. B. Loryea's. Last Wednesdayv two yong boys, Coger McIntosh and Putnam Hlerrington living ha ac-ar Workmans, became involva'd in ar~ c~h altercation which resulted in Pntnamn He.'- di ringt a getting cut in three places.,t The New Zion cliurch will give a festival goa on De.cember 17th; couaanenceig at on~e .....el r- c. The public are cdrdially be invited. The proceeds ar-e to g~o tiwards mi hearing the expenases of repairing the ekurch. w cal Dr. Loryiea has a good many novelties to wa offpr the trade in this issua. The ladies of New Harmony Presbyterian '70 church will give a hot supper at the resi- bo. dThnce of Ar. W. H. GaiUard on the evening pra of the 22nd inst. Thc proceeds are for ] the benefit of r--pairing the church and me~ we liupe thbere wiil be a large attendance as lair the object is aworthy one. t The town authorities should prohibit the ma ,dacting of fire crackers and other fire- t~ works in the business portion of the town. tho Several store lots cantain large numbers h o bales of cottor. and should a spark of cot fire get among them it would cause a great ** <teal of damage. rea rea For fine confectionery go to B. B. Lor- to < yea, the druggist, iti President Cleveland, and Solicitor . John S. Wilson, are shooting ducks to near Georgetown. The m rning mail leaves the post offce 8.5 and the evening mail leaves yot the post office at 6. p. mn. bot Fine candies in half-pound and pound e Ba boxes at R. B. L~oryea's. ae The weather signals points to a cro marriage in a few days, not far from go: the Times offie, and we will bet anci acbing tooth the signal points true, of AMarriage service wil be solemn- reit ized in the Midway church next bot Thursday. The contracting parties gist will be Mr. Herbert Burgess, and Miss Ada Epps. c Go to Brockintons for all holiday On goods. thle The train from Charleston arrives Les in Manning five minutes earlier in ing the morning. The schedule time for ha arrival is 9.05 a. mn. and from Colum- the bia, 6.58. p. mn. hay lint ' this afternoon by Rev. S. trai E.. ishop,-at the residence of the hou brides parents, M~.. L. Burgess, and and Miss Estell Wilson. he couple will Les temporaily live in Manning as the and groom is one of the handsome and amt popular clerks in Mr. J. W. McLaod's he a store. it is Decorated vases and cups and saucers, at R. B. Loryea's. Beautifal goods at I lowest prices. t The Home Mutual Fire Protection tihe Association which is represented in is E this place by Mr.. J. L. Wilson, the veg, bookkeeper at Thomas & Bradham's ceni stables is an organization in whbich the we have eznfidence, beleiving it to be gan equally as safe as any other fire in-~ bloc surance, and a great deal cheaper. peti We have very recently taken a pol- by)t icy in it and feel satisfied in recoin- bloc Inending it to our readers. Sole Lor, MUCKLEN'S ARMCA SALVE. x 'The beast salve in the world for cuts, toi bruises, sores, ualcers,' salt rheuma, fever gist, ores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, call corns and all skin eruptions, and positively dr; cures piles or no pay required. it is guar- toila anteed to gveperfect satisfaction, or money into refronded. Price 25c. per box. For sale by tica: RL. B. Loryea. cosr ver3 THE GRANDEST REMEDY. a .ta :31r. R. D. Greeve, merchant, of Chii- dis -iowie, Vai., certifies that he had consump- chi .tjon, was given up to die, sought all mcdi- il .ca4 tratment- that money could procure, itl tried all cough remedies he could hear of b ,t got no rehief; spent many nights sittinO up in a chair; was indueed to try Dr. ting hell fNew Discovery, and was cured by use of c two bottles. For past three years has been co :attending to business, and says Dr. King's br .New Discovery is the grandest remedy ever ..nzade. as it has done so much for him andj ,.also for o:hers in his community. Dr.j .t Kings New Discovery is guaranteed for R Cofghis, Colds and Consumption. It | R '4on't fail. Trial bottles free at R.B. R Hon. Harry J. Haynesworth, o Greenville, and Miss Rhoda Livings ton bf Bennettsville, were married oi the evening of December 9th. On Christmas night there will be., dime reading at the residence of Col B. 1?. Barron, under the auspices o the ladies of the Presbyterian church Col. W. A. Neal, superintendent o the State penitentiary, passed through Manning last Friday on hi way to inspect the Scarboro farm or Santee. Go to Brockintons for Christmas goods of every discription. A full attendance of the officers atl members of Damon Lodge is reqnesttA ,t the convention of their lodge to.mor row evening, as new officers will be elected and other important business :laim their attention. The ladies of the Presbyterian ,hurch will have an oyster supper :o-morrow evening at the Institute 1all and a good attendance will be Lppreciated. Fruit, cake and Ice ,ream will also be served. Santa Claus bas epened an agency at Z. B. Loryea's drug store for the sale of ine Xmas goods. The conference-has sent Rev. S. A. ettles to Compobello, Spartanburg listrict. For fine box paper and envelopes go R. B. Loryea's drug store. Mr. W. E. Burgess is at home con ned to his room with a severe 'case f rheumatism. Big line of beautiful Christmas cards ad Tooklets at R. B. Loryea's. Services will be held in the Man ing Baptist church every night this reek. Let everybody attend. The Manning Guards attended ser ice at the Baptist church last Sun ay to hear the annual sermon by haplin J. 0. Gough. If you want to laugh and grow fat, 'tend the minstrel performance giv 2 by the Mayesville troupe in the istitute building to-morrow night. Latest novelties in Xmas cards at R. Loryea's. Call and make your selec >n before our stock is broken. The attention of the county author ies is called to the condition of Wr >o bridge. Last Friday Mr. J. H. bilders while crossing that bridge ith his horse met with a painful ac dent and came near ruining his >rse. The horse stepped on a rot n plank and fell in, throwing Mr. Aders off. He struck his shoulder ,ainst the plank and he thinks some the bones are fractured. By several reqnests I -have decided to nain in Mdanning until Saturday, De nber 27. J. 13. Taylor, Photographer. Who is it in Clarendon that does not ow the firm of 1R. W. Durant & Son. We t not believe there are such, but never less like all enterprising merchants they ieve in keeping in touch with their 'rons, and therefore their advertisement be found in these columns. The Dn nts handle hardware, cuttery and house pers supplies. You can get anything the housekeeping line you want from a 1 chen poker, to a handsome dinner or tea t They are agentR for the standard b king and heating stoves, and they also C Idle a full s ^pply of sportsmen goods.t ien you go to Smiar call on them and I isftetion is assared. handsome present,. that can be ided dowvn to your children, anid their a Idren can he ~aieeted fromi the grand v play at L. WV. Folsom's palace jeweelrv re. Folsomi w~itbont a doubt can se-ll ids in his line as cheap as any Jeweiry a iblishmtent in South Carolina, and the mutv of it, is that what he does se:l ynn, y be relied upon to be as represented.a ask our re-adems when they want a ' ci, a ring, or jewelry of any kind, to l on Folson., land when they want silvert re we can say that his stock is simply L :erb. Ftds.'m's store is the place to bnv ly el1ses' siste-r or br,.ther a handsome sent. Ike snre to go there. ead Ryvtten burgs Christmas ad verti se- Vi iet. This estabdishmwent is one of the p zest mercantile establishments in the ti te and with the large number of sales. ni n they can handle with ease the vast of ti ic. Clarendon has always patronized si Ryttenburgs libendlly; their name is a a isehold word in certain sections of the p ntv and for that reason it would be h dles for us to sing their praises, hut by h ding their new advertisement, our it ders can see what the Ryttenburgs have v difer them, and knowing the firm so well bt needless for us to say tbat they pro- d e and mean to give the people grand w gains for the holidays. When you go G sumter be sure and visit their store, b 7hen most needed it is not onusual for r family physician to be away from w 2e. Such was the exoerience of Mr. J. Y. L enick. editor of the Caddo, Ind. Ter., em mner, when his iittle girl, two years of r< was threatened witth a severe attack of c< ip. He sayrs: "31y wife insisted that I y or the doctor, but as our familiy physi- ir was out of town I purchased a bottle re hamberlain's Cough Remedy, whieb el eved her immediataly. I will not be w aout it in the future." 25 and 50 cent OR les for sale by Dr. Ri. B. Loryea, drug- fo ongress is in session, and every body is i be tip toe of expectation to know what P be done with the money question and P1 tariff, but while this is going on J. H. s esne is devoting his attention and bend his entire energies to selIl goods. He se first laid in a nice lot of fire works and gc boys can get the material from him to 'c e tiheir fun. Lesesne carries a general se of merchandise, but for the holiday m e. he has made a specialty of the thingsH ~ekeepa wants to make gaood dinners,e the material for the nicest of cakes. esne is one of onr youngest merchants, g already hie has mad" a reputation ti ng the purchasing public. Whenever ells an article, everybody knows that just as represente I. _____ _____te SOMETHING TO KNOW. C may be worth something to know that cc very beat me-licine for restoring the fi I out nervous system to a he-althy vigor cil lectric Bitters. The medicine is purely 113 table. acts by giv-ing tone to the nerve Ifl res in the stomach, gently stimulates of liver and kidneys. andt aids these or- vi in throwing off impurities ini the ac d. Electric Bitter.; improves the tip. 20 te, aids dig-stton, and is pirononnced CJ hose who have tried it as the very best hi d puritier an~d nerve tonic. T'ry it. w f--r 50c or $100 per bottic at R. B. te ea's drug store. Si lady or can col.ntiee a twithout enaiing for thc aidl of a drug-. Not that it is absolutely un r-sary to the druugist, but as a general thing I store's are the places where the be-st tgoods are k,~pt. At Dr. Wt. M. Birock a's drug store thle show cases are artis ly arranged with the finest of soaps ietics, and perfumes. He also has a pretty line of paper on which many 15 e of love may be told to the one at a s inue. Dr. B3rockinton has a great many la atmas attractions andI with the aid of fu Ible assistant Dr. J1. F. L-eGrand, he is be able to maake many Oe. heart glad hi his nicely selecte I stock of holiday te Is. T1henm besides, he always k-e-ps ato supply of drugs and meiines, and nm ives his prescription dlepartmenxt the - st attention. Dr. LeGrand is a tirst drugist anid priles himuself on this n.e ch of the business. 51' ipans Tabules for- sour stomach. tb ipans Tabules cure dyspepsia.y ipans Tabules cure liver troubles. g ipans Tabules cure indigestion, be inanTahnles cure headahe pe~ f Xverv man wants to enjov his Christma - and if his clothes are all tattered and torn he car.n.-t th-ow that spirit of plovrnre int< thingz a-. whern b,. is conf. rtaly clad ani his cl:th. t ar.- teat an-l w-1l fitting. Peo L plear- at ke the worl. over, an- it is at accepted fact, is dress does not make thi M , :1 teast maIe- a dec'd diff -nce in h- ,tIwarkce; in thi- az - of -rog-ess n'i rb, apearrence ten l a *.g s tan'e -ow.:rds the recognition -f the man. Brow I nittino & Der-ar, whosr- (stblh. mc- J jit balow the bank. hava in th.-ir stoC'k of e-l-thiig and cents finri-hing goods the very newest style-. nni the latest iovelties iu neck wear. They are -ents fn'nish-rs solely, arid by making this brani of trade their sp-eia:ty. they of course devote all of their attention to it. Brown. Cuttino &, keep a nice lie of bats and all the paraphernA ar o o ike up a ;entlenans dress, and they will sell you a snit of clothes lit for the presene of a king for a surprisingly low cost. Have yon been to H. D. Riff's store sin-e Santa Claus sent hira word of his inteaded oic. I you have not, you sbonid g.> at onceand let him show you throngh his stock of goods. Riff is got the stock and he is determined to sell the goods regard less ot the weather and the price of cotton. There would be no use for us to enumerate the stock in this store, as it would require too much space, but our renders will give him a call wen they want to make their holiday purchases. Riff keeps every thing that can be found in a general store, but when a man calls on him for a bill of dry goods, shoes or clothing, he is then inhis glory and if there is any trade in the man, Riff will bring it ouit. Mrs. H. D. Riff man ages the ladies department and her stock of nillinary can not be bettered anywhere. Her millinery department is growing in popularity every day, because she keeps up with the fashions and her stock is always up-to-date, and she is constantly getting in new goods and new patterns and styles. It was Mrs. Riff that revolutionized the millinery business in this town. The toys, toys, toys, that are now on ex hibition at Jenkinsons, store. Santa Clans must be hard to please if be does not find what he wants at Jenkinsons to please the little folks. The front part ot this estab lishment has been set aside to bring mirth and joy to the children and customers are waited upon by young ladies who are sta tioned at the toy department. Jenkinson has dolls, horns, cups, wagons, trains, fire works. vases, albumns and in fact every thing in the to.ys and holiday goods line that one can conceive of. Then his general stock has been replenished for the Christ mas trade and with his usual hustling he proposes to outstrip his competitors. Jenk inson carries a large stock of goods, con 3isting of everytbing in the mercantile line, and he shows his good business sense a using printeis ink to keep in touch with he people. There is not a household in I .larendon county but what Las bought from Tenkinson and all because he let the peo Dle know that he had goods for sale and vben they went to him Le satisfied them with quality and prices, Jenkinson invites he holiday buyers to his store and he will ndeavor to convince- them that his store is he place to buy. The alleged killing of Macvo the great ,uban chief, has not cast a damper on the rim and spirit of S. A. Rigby. He has >een looking forward to a big Christmas rade, and with his usual keen business ight he ha-, made preparations for it.. He laims that Santa Clans has made his store 2 eadquarters, and is daily stowing away the y hings intended to bring the crimson glow f delight upon tie cheeks ofthe little ones, *nd make their eyes sparkle like so many ewdrops in a summer sunlight. O!i tigby is a stunner when it comes to bus- t ness, and to help attract buyers to his C tore ho has employed two of Mannings 2ost bewitching young ladies, and nwA he receiving applications from young men assist i the store without pay. Even is regular clerks congratulate themselves n beinrg alive to enjoy the presence of iese Christmas angels that Rigby has - Ilaced in charge of the holiday counters. ot only his Rtigby a large supply of beau fuil Chr:imas goods, but his stock of gen ral mserchandise was nev-er miore comp llete nd he and his corps of experience~d clerks ere never mnore anxions to sell. To sum p, Riigby is a first cl,.ss me-relbant, arliv ad eniterp)risjing, iu-to-dlate on e-very- thing rsf always ready tor meet comrrpetirion. The greetings of the season may b.e s en the stores before an.i*hre else, because am up-to-date-merchant w-ill buy hie igon:1s ith an e-ye to catching the lpnble- H ill arrange these goods in the most at ,rctiv-e mran:r-r arni then he will advertise ztem is his connv paper, Mose-i Levi, the ionee-r merchant, the man w-ho pitch-rd s tenrt he-re when all arnud wa sa wvil.l-re Ls5. and who gr.w rip with thie peepk-, the an wvhose long experience mi ikes him elIl Uived to know the wants or hi, trons . He rnever loses an ooportunity Smake his great big estab~lihment ap. lar resort. Mr. Levi h-is prepare i for - e Christmas holidays by laying in hisn ore a beautiful line of Chinat and Bohe- Li ian ware, magnific-ient nove'ties, and the rettiest kinds of jewelry; besides, he has s shelves filled with everything that the aman family needs to make up their wear g apparel. His dress goods is of the . ry latest fabrics, and his shoes cannot excelled in any market. The grocery $6 epartmuent will supply the housekeeper ith all the rnice things to make up a good $3 bristmas dinner and the beauty of the isiness is that these things can be bought $5 ith little money. That gilded sign so conspicionsly seen ca hicb hangs out in front of Dr. R. B. aryea's drug store is a golden morter an ca ublenm of the drnggist profession. It rep sents the vessel in which medicines are 35 mupouinded, and when you walk in side )U are greeted n ith a sight that is pleas. g to behold. The good~s are well ar- 80 nged and nretness and care is seen oa -ry hand. The standard mcdic-inea in all put up packages are on the shelves of te side, and the ingredients anid material r compounding proscriptions on the oth- aug .Every body knows that Dr. Lorycn is druggist who stands high in his profes- lb an, it would be damning him with faint alse were we to undertake to tell the peo e how good a druggist he is. but we will $2 ste that his stock was never more' com ete and h~- was never more anxious to rye those who need his services rand his ods. Dr. Loryen realizes that Christmais 22 ames but once a year and he kaoa-s it is a ason of good cheer, when the heart o1 pe en is softened and he feels like giving miothing to those who are nsear to him. therefore laid in a mnanificie.nt line of ina, glass, Bohemian, an-I Japanese bo ods. The vases and caps and sansers, flowr-r holders and toilet sets are bear.- 12 al. Here is a good plauce to select. ndsonme present. If any of our friends when in Sum r will called at the store of D. J. pa iandler, they will not only find a rdial wvelcome, but they will also 8 id one of the best selected stocks ot thing in this section of South Car la. Now is the time to buy cloth g, because after the inaugration McKinley, woolen goods wvill ad nce rapidly. They have already tranced since the election about per cent and those buying frotm 5 1andler will get the advantage of s having bought when the goods .b ere at the lowest ebb. Don't forgat call on D. J. Chandler when in tinter. The very air is charged with rum s of coming nuptilals and of course e newvly married couples will soon or later have to go to housekeep g, as the old man does not take ways to get tired of feeding a son law. Furnitur-e is one of the cessities in every household and -thur Belitzer, the fnrniture man, without a doubt well prepared to lb. pply the demand. He carries the rgest stock of everything in the rniture line, carried in Sumter. He also the manufacturer of the cele ated Daisy spring. Parties con- gl: rnplating housekeeping should go Sumter and inspect Belitzer's im- $ anse stoel-. The wife of Mr. D. Itobinson, a promi nt lumberman of Hartwick, N. Y., was k with'rheumatism for five months. In eaking of it, Mr. Robinson says: hamnberiain's Pain Bahlm is the onlyI ng that gave her any rest from prin~. att r the relief of pain it canno't be beat." ~ny very bad cases of rheumatism have 'I en cured by it. F'or sale at 50 cents r bottle by RL TB. L +vs th ...,~~:ie Great S proved by the statements of lea S a Ies ing druggists everywhere, sho that the people have an abiding confidene in Hood's Sarsaparilla. Great Cures b'' the v*l"ntarystab Cu e ments of thousands of peopI4 show that Hood's Sarsaparilla has grea over disease by purifying, e Powerrichig and Invigorating th blood, upon which health and life depend. Hood's Sarsaparilla Is the One True Blood Purifier. All druggists. el , l are the only pills to tak, Hood's Pills with Hoods Sarsaparilki The Best of Everything foi Christmas. Right to the front of all competi tion we place our Elegant New Holi day Stock. Complete in Assortment, Splendid in Quality, Overflowing with Gener ons Bargains in all classes of Goods Atmore's standard Minee Meat (th best.) A fresh lot of London layer raisins, also seedless raisins in 1 lb packages. Cleaned currunts, 1 lb packages. The very best brand of citron, powdered sugar for icing, etc. Fancy candies for trimming cakes, etc. Spices and extracts of all kinds. A large assortment of nuts (mixed). Best crernery butter, cream cheese of the best quality, maccaroni, dried ipples, fancy jellies, etc. Headquarters for Christmas toys, &c. We will have the largest dis plays of toys and fireworks ever han lled in this town. Children's china tea sets, fancy :ups and saucers, faucy lamps, beau iful fancy vases of all kinds and sizes, Large lot of dolls, children's table ;ets of knives, forks and spoons, baby -attles and tin horns of all kinds. Toy pistols and caps for the boys. Cops of all kinds and other small oys of all descriptions, doll baby car iages, wagons, carts, wheel barrows, >uckboards, etc. Don't forget to ome around and see the sights. Fresh lot garden seeds just ar ived. Remember, our dress goods stock ias bargains also. 27-inch Brittany .loth, in stripes and plaids, beautiful atterns, 12 1-2c per yard. 27 1-2 ach Teasledown, very heavy goods, retty patterns, only 10c per yard. lice, fancy veiling, full width, 10c er yard, etc. Shoes! shoes! we keep all styles nd quality. Popular selections, plenty of varie r, finest attractions. We solicit a Dmparison of our goods and prices, nowing you will find our Holiday tine the best and cheapest. Yours truly, S. A. RIGBY. 60 YEARS' EXPERIENCE. TRADE MARKS, .DE8ICNS, COPYRICHTS &o. Quicky ascraifree whether an Inentionai confidentia. Oldest age forsecrng paents Patentsctaken througha Mun Co. rev special notice in the SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, beautifully illustrated, largest circulation of 31. si onts Specimen copies and .N BooK ON PATxETs sent free. Address MUNN & CO., 361 Broadway, New York. UCKER & BUL.TMAN CO. SUMTER, S. C. Plum Pudding, No 1 Anderson's, 20c can, .25 doz. Pium Pudding No 4, Anderson's, 50c can, .00 doz. Plum Padding, No 1, Atnmore's, 25c can, .00 doz. Plum Padding, No 2, Atmore's, 40c can, .25 doz. Plum Pudding, No 1, McMechen's, 20e a, $2.40 doz. Piam Padding Sauce, No 1, R. & R., 10c a, $1.20 doz. Slince Meat, Anderson's, 5 lb glass, pail, C. Mince Meat, Anderson's, 3 lb tin, 35c. Mince Meat, Atmore's, 5 lb wood pails, Mince Meat, Leggett's, 31b stone jar. 40c. Mince .Meait, Leggett's, 18 lb pail, $1.00. Mincc Meat, Leggett's bulk, per lb 10c. Ldaisins, seedless, extra choice 1 lb pack. ,12}c. Raisius, seedless, extra choice, buik, per 12.. Liaisins, 41 er. Muscatels, bulk, por1b610c. EL is J cr. London Layers, 20 lb box liaisine, 3 cr. London Layers, per lb l23e taiis, 3 cr. London Layers, t boxes 75c 'alaga Raisins, finest vineyard clusters, l b box, $3 50. Slalagi itsins, finest vineyard clusters, rlib 20c. ~ia aga R-ds.ins, tinest vineyard clusters,I >oxes, $1.15. 51alaga IRaisins, Imperial clusters, 22 lbC iS125.C lalif. Prunes, large extra fancy, per lb 3 ,c. julif. Prunes, sele: ted French, per lb 10c. I Jalif. P'runes, aedium choice, per lb Sc. I Jurrants, prepared ready for use, 1 1t, C ekaige, 10c. Jarraunts, prepared ready for use, bulk, ents. iew Figs, enrtra layer, 10 boxes $1.65. " " " "loo e, per lb 20c. " "good gnality, " ""15c. 3itron, extra fancy Corsican, per lb 20e. litron, cihoice, per lb 15c. * pples, vap. N. Y. State, fanc--, per lb 8c. 11pples, evap., N. C State, per lb Gc. \pie1 dried, N. C. state, sliced, per ib, eaches, Calif. evap , halves, extra, per 'eacits, Carlif. evap , halves, per ib, 15c. eaebes, N. C. sliced, per 11b, 10e. a pricots Calii. evap., faincy, per ib, 15c. 3 ?car, Calif. evap., fainey, per ib, 12}lc. Sew Mixed Nuts, per lb, 124c. Kew Mixe.t Selectedi Nats, pier 1&', 15c. thuinds, Tiar:agondai, per Ib, 15e'.J t.meunds, C dii'., soit shell, p. r lb, 20c. ( Uimonds, Vlen--in, shell, per lb, 30c. s 3ruzdl Nuts, per lb., 200. Entgish WValuuta. Griienble, per lb., 15c. I Boglish Wanus Calif. soit shell, per L PNeans, Texa~s, extra large, per lb., 15. i ?-cans, Texas, imediutu, per lb., 10e. Jui tice Bros. fine p)reserve:- t ?reserved L. C. Peacnes, halves, 5 lb s .ss, $1.35.e Preserved Straw berrics. large, 5 lb glass, 3.5. Preserved. Apricots, peelIed, 5 lb glass. Preservedl White Cherries, pitted, 5 lb c *s, $135. Preserved Reispberries, 13 lb glas's, 50c. SI'ail orders receive prompt and careful I ention. he Ducker & Bultman Co., "Blight" costs cotton planters more than five million dollars an nually. This is an enormous waste, and can be prevented. e Practical experiments at Ala bama Experiment Station show Th conclusively that the use of allI } IMPO. "Kainit" - will prevent that dreaded plant disease. P All about Potash-the results of its use by actual ex perient on the best farms in the United States-is Oil Pa told in a little book which we publish and will gladly mail free to any farmer in America who will write forit. GERMAN KALI WORKS, A si 93 NPassau St., New York, Cat. die Goods C. C. LESLIE eni 9 and mja wOLESALE AND ETAlL stock is COMMSSION DEALER IN Fish, Oysters, -00- X . Gaiie aid Po tr will Fish packed for country orders a special- We h ty. No charges for packing. Send for we are list. Consignments of countiy produce are respectfully solicited. Poultey, eggs, etc. Stalls Nos. 1 and 2 Fish .Market. Office, UAQI Nos. 18 and 20 Market st., east of Bay. VlI CH-IARLESTON, S. C. Master's Sale. By D. J. Bradhan and a lo AUCTIONEER. canno William S. Manning, Plaintiff, against Thomas H. Dick, Jr., George W We avi Dick, William A. Cooper, Robert which M. Cooper and William J.. Roddy, and $1 Defendants. BY VIRTUE OF A DECRETAL Order made in the above entitled BLAI cause, dated October 15th 1896, I will sell at public auction, in front of the We are court house, in the town of Manning, ive in the County of Clarendon and State aforesaid, on Monday January 4th, 75a at 1897, being salesday, between the $1.001 hours of 11 o'clock in the forenoon and 5 o'clock *in the afternoon, all CIO that portion of the following de scribed property which lies within e ca the County of Clarendon: All that plantation or tract of land, and pric situate, lying and being for the suit for greater part in Sumter County, you will aforesaid, and for a smaller part in show yoL Clarendon County, in said State, and which was conveyed by George W. Cooper (now deceased) to William A. Cooper as Trustee by his deed, dated You W the 16th day of March, 1868, and re- i corded in the office of the Register ine as M Mesne Conveyance for said Sumter of this dE County in Book R. R. at page 505, satisfacti the said tract of land containing one thousand and eighty-one acres but- O ting and bounding to the west and north on land now or formerly of the Special tt Estate of the late James S. McBride; We ar to the East on land now or formerly in .. of John S. Cole, and land now or l lh formerly of the estate of Robert teed or rr Wheeler deceased, and to the South partmn t on lands now or formerly of the estate of the said George WV. Cooper ' deceased-, having such shape, form, marks, battings and boundings as ars-more artclal et forth and d'elinnte by a plit- of-fhie samie drawn by WV. Hi. Brunson, D). S., fro'm At a survey made by him.____ Terms of Sale, one-third to be Ipaid cash and the balance in one and two n years, in equal instalments, each in- f' stalnment hearing interest from the day of sale, (with the privilege to the J' p purchaser to pay the whole or any .1. I portion greater than one-third in cash) the credit part of the purchase UPT money to be secured by the pur-' ehaser's bond and mortgage of the Prescriptic premises sold. Purchaser to pay for.GodG papers. Go W. HI. INGRAM, Master for Sumter County. 9 Dec. 9, 1890. This Girei STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA.G Clarendon County, s COURT OF COMMON PLEAS. ohF.WrePlaintiff, mP-.trolent against Colds. Cn: Mtchard Hodge. Defendant. [udgmer-t of Foreclosure and Sale. See his ah Under and By Virtue Of A judg nent order of the Court of Common Besra ?leas, in the above stated action, to ,Shaue nie directed, bearing date the 4th to every-one lay of June 1896, I will sells at >ublic auction, to the highest bid- -____ ler, upon terms below mentioned, at )larendon court house, at Manning,1 n said county, within legal hours * or judicial sales, on Monday 4th day Q.J >f January 1897, the following escribed real estate: "All that certain piece, parcel or ot of land lying, being and situatei n the village of Foreston, in the )ounty of Clarendon, in State of -THE ,foresaid, containing one-fourth (t) f one acre, and bounded as follows, o wit: North by lot of C. S. Land; ast by lot of L. WV. Nettles, -outh by at of Richard Hlodge, and west by Protects inds of WV. T. P. Sprott. The above (escribed lot of land being the same onveyed to the Defendant, Richard Lodge, by Mary E. Fleming, by deed earing date the 29th day of July 890, and recorded in the lRegister of JA fesne Conveyance's office for said R ounty, in Vol. A. 3 page 342. Terms of sale, cash. Purchaser to pay for papers. D). 'J. BRADHAM, Sheriff Clarendon County. Ha Manning, S C., Dec. 9, 1896. a porte< The State of South Carolina, . CLARENDON COUNTY. VASF COURT OF COMMON PLEAS. Ct abu F. Werner, Plaintiff, agatinat [ary Jane Hlodge, Defendant. Judgement of foreelosure and Sae- CRAC UNDER AND BY VIRTUE OF A udgment Order of the Court of ommon Pleas, in the above stated ction, to me directed, bearing date une 4th, 1896, I will sell at pIgh c auction, to the highest bidder, These pon terms below mentioned, at as wel larendon Court House, at Manning. eea i said County, within the legalj Call ours for judicial sales, on Monday,~ bie 4th day of January, 1897, being and y alesday, the following described real_____ state: 'Al~l that certain piece, paree! or lot o't Not nd lying, being and .staa:e int t:he village Al Foreston, in the Counaty of Claren.zi estate of Nel ne acre, and bounded ats foliows, to) wit : esent th orthi by lot of C. S. Land; east by lot of owing said l .W. Settles, andl H. 13. Drose; south by t ot William Caraon and I~r. S. C C. ~icharidon, and''west by lot of Richard [odge. Ternas of sale, cash. Parchaser to pay for papers. Ripans 71 D. J. BRADHAM, -Ripans 'I Sheriff Clarendon County. Rinans'j Manning, S. C,, Dec. 9, 1896. 1 Mfans i Grand Display -OF -AT BU l 9LE finest line in town, incloding la.,t INoveltis 1TED DECOlZATED CUPS AND iUCERS, . LAIIPS, SMOKING SE rs, ROSE BO WLS, I PHOTOGRIZAPH ALBU.S, TOILET CASE, utings, Christru:s Toy Books, Fine Perfumery. ;ert stock of fresh, delicious just received. All these md many others to be sold at iingly low prices. Call early ke your selections before our broken. is now Coming and soon be here! :re a nice line of Toys which ;elling cheap, NICE CUPS AND SAUCERS, of other goods which we mention here. also a lot of COMFORTS we are selling at 73c, $1.00, ..25, worth double. are going still lower. rs in shoes. We can fine Ladies' Shoe for d good Man's Shoe for mfd up. thing ! Clothing! onot be beat in style, quality -, and if you want a nice ;hristmas you will do well if give us a call and let us what we can do for you. ;ut Dry Goods! 11 surely be suited in that rs. Riff has the entire charge partment and can give you )n. i, The Millinery! > the Ladies: now offering big bargains c ery. Satisfaction guaran oney refunded iu this de the BEE HIVE. iEMBER THE PLACE; I-DATE DRUC STORE, n Work Our Specialty. >odsh and Pnre Goods Onr Motto. LPHOiPHONE ! it Wonder of the Wonders of the. Age is to be [VEN AWAY FREE. I the best quality from~ 30 to 50 eaper than anywbere else. ni Jelly, same as Vaseline, pure, d 15c pei bottle for Coughs and es in a short time. sp.ay. nid do not forget that there is nore tickets left waich he gives spending 50c in cash. B. Wilson.1 OTARY PUBLIC. -AGEN~T FOR : MUTUAL FIRE PRO. .N ASSOCIATION OF S. C. fro Fire, Wind, and Lightning. ANESE GOODS! B. LORYEA, The Druggist, ust opended a conm line of Genuine Im Japanese China and Novelties, con of S5, PS AND SAUCERS, ROSE BOWLS, TRATS, TEA SETS, KER JARS, 'EAPOTS, WORK BOXE~S, goods are beautiful 1as useful and make t Christmas presents. md inspect our stock u will be pleased. ce to Creditors. shaving plaims against the o'n R Cons ir, deceased, will in duly attested and thoseL state will make payment to! Joux E. Cors. a. S. C., Nov. 21, 1896.Eeutr abules cure nausea. 'abules cure dizziness. 'abules cure bad-breth. PRESENTS FOR THE CI REN PRESENTS FOR THiE I N V U)(8 ! PRESENTS FOR THE .D FO KS! vt Dear Children: I bave decided to open up my headquarters at the store of W. E. Jenkinson, he having consented to let me have a por tion of his store for the purpose of displaying and distributin my presents to the the children of Manning and Claiendorn County. I expect to arrive at my headquarters about Decem ber 10th and remain with you until after Christmas. Here you will see the largest line of Toys and Christmas Goods ev er brought to Manning. All kinds of nice presente for the little buy and little girls. Fire Crackers and Pistols for the large boys. All kinds of nice presents for the young men and their sweethearts. You all must come and see our grand dis play of Christmas Goods. Your old friend, SANTA CLAUS. Friends, as you have seen by the above, we will have Santa Claus with you Christmas and have given him a portion of our space in the Times, but we have reserved enough of our space to thank you for the large and hearty support you have given me during the three months just passed and from now on to Christmas we expect to offer some great bargains in Dry Goods, Shoes, Hats and Cloth ing. When I make this assertion I do not make it only to be say. ing something, for you all know I am no gas bag and fall far short of being a humbug. We use no trick in trade. We will not offer you any one article at or below cost in order to take you in and swindle you on the next article you buy, but we put a just. small and living profit on everything we sell. We have just gotten in a large lot of Dress Goods and Trimmings md are now able to suit a lady in almost any shade or quality of goods she may desire. Silks, Velvets and Gimp Trimmings. Our Millinery Department is up to date, fresh Goods arrivino ,very week, and from the amount of business done in this depart nent we feel sure that it has met all of the exegencies of our lady >atrons. We wish to call your attention to the fact also that we carry large line of Gents', Youths', and Children's Hats and Caps [hose who want cheap clothing will do well to give us a call as we tre closing out several broken lines of Clothing at g.eatly redticed )rices, also a large line of Gents' Pants that we are offering very heap. Some specials that must command your attention: 100 sacks Salt at 50c, worth 75c. Red Rust-proof N. C. Oats a4 55c per bushel, worth 75c. Red Rust-proof Texas Oats at 45c, worth 65c. Gray-mixed Blankets at $1.00 per pair, well worth $1.25 mywhere. Heavy Comforts at 75c each, well worth $1.00. Heavy Jeans at 15 and 20c per yard, well worth 25 and 30c. Nice wool Cassimeres at 20c per yard, never was known to ell for less than 30c. Ironstone Granite Cups and Saucers at 35c per set, usual >rice SOc. Yours truly, W. E. JENKINSON. WW ARIVALS~ BR ON, CUT TINO & DELGAR'S: 25 Child's Sits, wor th 31.25, to be solcd at 75c. 23 Child's Suits, worth $1.00, to be sold at 65c. 23 Child's Suits, all-wcool, worth $2.50 an ct $3.00, to be sold at $1.50. 25 Child's Suits, all-wool, $2.50, $3.50 and $4.00, to be sold at $2.00. 55 MAen's blck Cheriot Sitits, worth $5.00 to besoldi at $4.23. 100 pairs Kntee Pants, 4 to 10 years, wLorth 35 and 40c, to be sold at 20c. 50 dozen Hfaif-Hiose, worth 10c per pair, to be sold at Sc per pair. Justreceived, a fresh shtiipment of sample [Vnder rests, to be sold at 50c on the dollar. In Fine Clothingi we lead, both as to style and price. T'f'e are agents for the NVeplune Antiplui Wfater-pr'oof. suits for Men, Boys and Children. lienme:ber, we wont be undersold by anybody, and you can count on getting Gen une lBarga ins in our stores. LEADING GLUThIERS UF MANNIN ANl .S