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]FUBLISHES ALL COUNTY AND TOWN OFFICIAL ADVERTISE MENTS. MANNING, S. C.: WEDNESDAY, APRI. 13, 1S96. ONE PRICE TO ALL. We do not price an article to yo'i at or below cost in order to bait you and make it up in the-next thing. We sell, but we have one price to all, and in no case do we vary from this price unless a large quantity is wanted, and in such cases we make reason able accessions. Ladies, want to call your attention to the fact that we now have on hand a large line of perfumery of all kinds, also, all kinds of toilet articles. such as face powder, hair oil, dandruff cure, and a pre paration for removing freckles and bumps from the face. A large line of spool cotton of all numbers that will work well on a ma chine, at 2c per spool. Give it a trial, it will surprise you. A large lot of shirt waist calico in 10 and 12 yard lengths, at 4c per yard by the piece. Ladies, our line of millinery is now complete. Call when you want a nice fashionable hat. 40 dozen palmetto sun hats for men and boys at 8c, 9c, 10c, and 13c each. The prices on these hats can't be beat in the United States for the quality of goods we offer. A large lot of coffee peas on hand for early planting. $1.00 per bushel. Sweet potato slips on hand at 50c per bushel. Farmers. we have on hand a large lot of goose-neck hoes at 27c, 30c. and 34c each, also a lot of Orange burg sweeps. We have now on hand our last lot of dried apples at 5c per lb. We will order no more this season. Yours for the cash, W. E. JE5I SOS. Never leave home with unkind words. The friends of Mrs. T. H. Harvin will be delighted to learn that she is improving. - Presidents of Democratic clubs should read the notice of the county chairman and be governed thereby. The Ducker Baltman Company, of Sum ther have a change in our advertisement columns. Be sure to read what they say. The Presbyterian church was crowded last Sunday and the congregation listened to a very able sermon from Rev. James Dunlop. Candidates for office who are too stingy to publish a card in their county paper have not the necessary public spirit to make good officers. Dr. Abe Weinberg. recently graduated at the University of Marylanl is now at home. He has not, as yet, determined where he will locate to practice his profes sion. The rnany beautiful costumes worn by the ladies at church last Sunday was the subject of remark by a number of persons, and the best part of it is. the most of the costumes were bought right here in Man ning. Fresh lot of garden seed just received at W. M. Brockinton's. Those entitled to pay for managing the election of delegates to the constitutional oavention will please call at the Times office and get their money. Don't put it off as we want to get clear of it as soon as possible. "Pick Leaf" smoking tobacco, 10c a package, at Brockinton's. Mattied, on the afternoon of the 8th inst., at the residence cf the bride's father. at Sardinia, by Rev. S. E. Bishop, Miss amie Cousar and Mr. Hayward McFaddiu. Te bride is the third daughter of Mr. N. B. Cousar. The finest line of five cents cigars in anning, at R, B. Loryea's, the drugist. The Manning- Guards had their quar terly prize-drill last Saturday. and Mr. tomas Tisdale was the proud winner. 'he boys expected to have a sham battle, but were disappointed in getting the cart. ridges. They expect to have one in the near future. For writingypaper, pens and ink, at the lowest prices, go to Brockinton's. For that torpid liver try "Thedford's Black Draught" at Brockinton's. When Moses Levi issues forth his man ifesto to the people, it is a known fact that there is something more than wind in his assertions. He takes opposition with the me delight as does a boy with his first ops or kite. Read his advertisement and see what he offers this week and note the prices he quotes. Never give a promise that you will not fulfill. The "lily-whites" or Brayton faction of the Republican party held a convention in Manning last Saturday. Robert A. Stew art, Syfax Melton, N. S. DeLaine, J. D. Blackwell, A. Collins and John Dowe were elected to hold the destinies of the country, and their party at Columbia, which met in :onvention yesterday. Never send a present, hoping for one in. return. 'Red Rooster" smoking and chewing to baeco,5c a twist, at Brockinton's. Mr. Joseph Shaw, of Kingstree, was in town last week attending Presbytery, and while here he had the pleasure of seeing many friends of his old schoolmates. He old us the town has improved beyond his recognition, to such an extent that it was hard for him to realize this to be the place where he went to school. Never fail to be punctual at the time appointed. Wood's Premium Tested seed are the best for the South. We have the agency for these seed. R. B. Loryea, the druggist. The town has appointed Captain D. J. Bradham. Major A. Levi, and E. C. Horton to represent Manning 'at the Convention which meets in Spartanbrirg to-day, and the county supervisor appointed Mr. J. F. Bradham to represent the county. This Convention is in the interest of the Cotton States Exposition, which meets in Chicago. Never make yourself the hero of your own story. If you want an early garden plant Wood's Premium Tested garden seed. I. B. Loryea, the druggist. Last Saturday Deputy United States, Marshall, C. L. Emanuel. arrested Julius J. Brunson uder a bench warrant issued from the United States court where Mr. Brunson was convicted in his absence. From what we can gather Mr. Brunson was not to blame for not being in court when his case was called, he having been inform ed that his case would not be called at this term, and believing the information, com ing as it did, from the United States mar. shall at Charleston, he did not underg~o the expense of trip to Charleston. Under the circumstances we hope he will be able to get a new trial. Mr. Brunson was taken to Charleston Sunday night. Mrs. Louis Lovns has received her stock of stylish and fashionable millineryv. These goods are fresh and prices guaranteed ths lowest. Ordinarily when two men become so engrossed in conversation on a train as to be carried by their stopping place, it reates a suspicion, but when two distin guished divines happen to such a slip up, if anybody has a suspicion lurking about in their mind, they do not give expression to it. Last Wednesday two of the most distinguished members of Harmony Pres bytery on their way to Manning became so full of interest in each other thiat they paid no heed to the conductor's notice that Man ning had been reached, and they were car ried on to Lanes, but they turned up all right the next morning and answered to rol call. Never pick the teeth or clean the nails in company. Pure, rich blood is the true cure for nerv ousness, and Hood's Sarsaparilla is tht one tru blood puriir and nerve tonic. Never read letters which you may find addressed to others. Major W. F. B. Havnsworth spe:t last night in Manning. Mrs. W. II. Kennedy. of Indiantown, in Manning on a visit to h:r daughter M's W. H. Hodges. Died last Wedue'zhy, at his lome. n. Fulton. Mr. Frank J. R'eba-dson, a: about fifty years. Miss Engie Chappelle. who has len teaching in the Institute. 1.-ft for her ho-'w in Virginia last Saturday. Preserve your sight by having yant eyes properly fitted with a pair of "Crystal Lenses." Spectacles or eyeglasses. 1. >. Loryea, the druggist. Miss L. V. Beckham, a first-ciass dress maker, can be found at the residence of Mrs. S. R. Venning whe-ie she is prepared to do work in that line. Terms reasonable. The board of health are looking after the sanitary condition of the town and we hope there will be no necessity for the town council to get after any one to jut their premises in a clean condition. General John D. Kennedy, of Camden, died at his home yesterday. He became a brigadier general at the age of 24, was wounded six times and struck with spent balls, fifteen times. He was 5G years of age. Doctor P. M. Salley 1 as decided to make a trip North to take a post-graduate course and when h^ returns he will make Orange burg his home. The people of the Pine - wood section will regret to lose this able phy:<ician. Our merchants are up-to-date with their spring stocks, and we will venture to say that as good an assortment of goods of all kinds can be found in Manning as in any other town in the State. We will also state that goods can be bought here as cheap as anywhere. Come to Manning and see for yourselves. The municipal election was held last Monday, and there being no opposition it was void of excitement. The number of votes cast was 139, and the following officers were elected: Intendant, P. B. Thames. Wardens. B. A. Johnson, J. H. Lesesne, 0. W. McRoy. and R. A. Stewatt. All of the council-elect are new men ex cepting the latter, who has served several terms. A meeting of the Social and Literary Circle was held last evening at the resi dence of Capt. W. C. Davis. It was a de lightfnl one as there was a large attend ance of members and quite a number of visitors. The program of the evening was well rendered. The following officers were re-elected for the ensuing quarter: J. H. Lesesne, President; Miss Lucie Barron, Vice-President; Miss Lou Huggins, Secre tary; F. 0. Richardson, Treasurer. Manning has a new set of town officers and we hope that a spirit of progress will possess them. This -town needs pushing and we believe if the citizens will lend a helping hand to the new council we will see a much needed and desi ed in'prove ment all along the line. No town can do more than exist if the citizens do not show more interest in affairs than is shown here. A town council can do but little if the citi zens who pay the taxes do not show a willingness for something to be done. Let every citizen, and especially the tax-payers give the new council all the encouragement poesible. Let us help them pull the town out of debt and when that is done we can urge them to make improvements. Why suffer with coughs, colds and la grippe when Laxative Bromo Quinine will cure you in one day. Does not produce the ringing in the head like Sulphate of Quinine. Put up in tablets convenient for taking. Guaranteed to cure, or noney re unded. Price, 25 cents. For sale by R1. . Loryea, the Druggist. MfANNING COLLEGIATE INSTI STUTE. Honor Roll for March. COLLEGIATE. Murrett Mouzon, 98. David Bradham, 96. Bessie Galluchat, 95.6. Lizzie Wells, 95.3. Essie Davis, 94.6. Paul Tisdale, 94.2. Edward Barron, 93.1. Hattie Nelson, 92.6. Lulie Harvin, 92.5. Hattie Bagnal, 92.3. Paul Alderman, 92. Allen Bradham, 91.6. Wilson Dickson, 91.2 Joseph Rahmne, 90.0. Judge Walker, 90.0. INTERMEDIATE. Katie Plowden, 97.5. Pet Wilson, 97.3. Sudie Davis, 93.8. Melton Weinberg,93.6. Mary Snyder, 93.5 William Barron, 92.2. Samuel Barron, 91.8. Earle Bradhain, 91.4. Sarah Harvin, 91. Arthur Harvin, 90.2. Clyde Warr, 90.2. Leon Weinberg, 90. - PRIMARY. Eugene Young, 94. George Williams, 90.5. Pressley Barron, 90. Riahlee Bowman, 90. Respectfully, E. J. BROWNE, Principal. BUCKLENS ARNICA SALVE. The best salve in the world for cnts, ruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, orns and all skin eruptions, and positively cures piles or no pay required. It is guar anteed to giv-e perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25c. per box. For sale b Rt. B. Loryea. DID YOU. EVER 7 'ry Electric Bitters as a remedy for y ou troublos? It not, get a bottle now and get relief. This medicine has been found to peculiarly adapted to the relief and cure of all female complaints, exerting a won derful direct influence in giving strength nd tone to the organs. It' you have loss of appetite, constipation, headache, fainting spells, or are nervous, sleepless, excitable, nelancholy, or troubled with dizzy spells, Electric Bitters is the medicine you need. Health and strength are gnaranteed by its use. Large bottles only lifty cents at R1. B. Lorya's drug store. - CONDENSED TESTIONY. Chas. U. Hood, broker and manufac turer's agent, Columbus, Ohio, certifies that Dr. King's New Discovery has no eqlual as a cough remedy. J1. D. Brown, prop. St. James Hotel, Ft. Wayne, Ind., testitie.s that he was cured of a e >ugh of two years standing, caused by La Grippe, Dr. King's New Discovery. B. F. Merrill, Unldwins ille, Mass, says that he has used an d rec ommended it and never knew it to fail and: would rather have it than any doctor, be ause it alwvays cures. Mrs. Hemming, 222 . 25th St., ~Chicago, always keeps it at hand and has no fear of croup. because it instantly relieves. Free trial bottles at . B. Loryea's drug store. HOW'S THIS! We offer One HundredI Dollars Reward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be :ured by Hall's Cattarrh Cure. F. J. Cheney & Co , Props., Toledo, 0. We the undersigned, have known 1". J. Cheney for the last 15) years, and believe him perfectly honorable in -ill busiaess transactions and rinancially able to carr out any obligation ma'le by their firm. West & Traux, whole%.ale Druggists, TL edo, 0. Walding hinnan & .:larvin, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, 0. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internaly acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Price 75e. per bottle. Sold by all Druggists. Testinmon-, ials free. IHow about that pair of spectacles you are needing so bad ? Now~ is your time to get hem at 'rockntnn's. SARDINIA SHAVINGS. Sardivi:. Xprii 13.-Mir. T. H.iic F:alinan . Miss Kui ID. Cua.sar V r ::: ri: Jl :. t h . l bl(: r i-b t:('', W b lay, the 8h. 41 d'clk in :he Ir. J. Ii. aimland, nor . :erpris just h1ne an artisiau wll bored 200 i... ,a ~ i 1:. ': .. 1.:i ; i :: :o s(nd some ..f it t Dr. V. .T )ianria, : , )tvidson C.'ge to be analyzed. Sir 31 L.Saosour mtrrsn merlIhat : tl arm', l:as :ls ht:d an arti-i:mi welli borr ,l "001 feet deep. lie will se inl water to the South ('ar olinha Agmieuhiural Colleoge for analy sis. Anybody suffering from consti tutional troubles would do well to visit our emporium for a panacea. Hiss Olivia McFaddin, principal of the Sardinia Academy, is making ex tensive preparatiens for a May party, the closing exercises of the school. We are looking forward to the 8th witumuch~rllan'tic'ire;/~^~55OLO YOUR PREMISES MUST BE CLEANED. Manning, S. C., April 8th 1S90. To the honorable Council Town of Manning. Gentlemen:-At a meeting of the Board of Health held this day, the following resolutions was unanimous ly adopted: That the Town Council of Man ning he instructed to require all house holders and persons in the town of Afanning to have their premises cleaned by May 1st 1696, when the Board of Health will make an inspec tion and all places found in an un sanitary condition will be reported to the Town Council as a nusiance nd steps be taken to have such nusi ances abolished. All privies, vaults, sinks and water closets in the town limits must be leaned by May 1st 1896, and the Town Council shall so order. All of which is respectfully sub mitted. C. B. GGER, M. D., R. B. Lorrr, Chairman, Secretary. UNITED CONFEDERATE VETE RANS. Committee to Prepare for The Sixth Annual Reunion. Richmond, Va., March 25, 1896. To the United Confederate Veterans Everywlhere: Your Sixth Annual Reunion will be held at Richmond, Virginia, on thE 30th June, 1st and 2d days of July next. Widely scattered since the war by the ties of family and old-time fire sides, by the demands of business, by tour natural energies, and by the necessities of life, you are coming bome-home to the city which is ours by the supreme tests of the rain >f fire through which you went, and >f the sea of blood through which ou passed, on the missions of her and the common defence. You have been no prodigal sons, for you in aerited only the remnants of a rapa ~ius ravage that was rampant every vbere in your land; because you had ~othing left but the manhood from vhich youi were inseparable. But bhe fatted calf shall be killed for you, and we shall be merry together, not eause of pity for your sins, but be 3ause pride in your fame demands. You shall traverse again the streets which thrilled to the tread of your egions while they were passing to he the ranks of the best army that :he world ever knew. You shall be confronted by the irginians who were the comrades of rour immortal glory and who are for brothers forever. You shall see again the women who aursed you back to vigor from the eebleness of wounds and want, from bec wretched woe of your losses, and vho pointed the dying gaze of your ellows to the heaven which stooped o enfold them. Your eyes shall behold for them ~eves the city which proudly wrap ~ed herself in your patriotic flames, rom which she has emerged a thing f beauty and a joy for always. You shall revisit the battlefields vich have been consecrated by your ~lood, anid where, if you lost your ountry, you found a fame that fills ~he wold Heartily helpea by our city and ~er citizens, we are building for you a lace for reunion in which ten thous ud of you may make the welkin ring o the music of Dixie and to the horus ofithe rebel veil. On some applropriate day of the eunion you shall be part and parcel >f the rearing of that monument *hich shall be to Jefferson Davis, not nerely because lie was your Presi lent and dwelt as such in the capital >yrCnederacy, but because he vas the unsp)eakable typ~e of that in ~ffable manhood which made the trmies of tle South. During your stay here there will >e many a bivouac, where, not in ravado disloyalty, but for sweet emolvs sake, will hie sung over gain the old songs, told over again :he old tales, fought over the eld ights, yelled again the ol yell, and :aised again the old lag. Comec, then. Come to our hearts d homes and to these Uivouacs. Before we pass to the great beyondl sve ought to have one more bout and :oast together. The toast shall be to ur own muemories and to your Con ederate comrades whberever they may be; but it shall carry alongz with it a brave blessing for our fellow-citizens averwvhere, a determined devotion to tae safety, honor, and weldfare of the entire country. PEYTUN WasE, Chairman. MANNING ACAD)EMY. The following pupils merited the medl ior seoarhp in thir i repective closes - for the we-ek ending April 10: Colegiate, M1arvin Stranie: higher, John PrimaLrv, Ile G-(ardn er. l1idili. E. C. ALsIanotK. Seri.-e wi he~ held morning and eve. nign - ek D). Y., in the Methodist (lhurch. The pastor will be assisted by it-.v. T. Glrisley I1erbert of Sumter. The entire connunnity is eerdially invited to attend and take pa:rt in thlese services. W. HI. HloDGES. Pastor. Rich, Red Blood Is absolutely essential to health. It is impos sible to get it from so-called "nerve tonics" and opiate compounds. They have tempo rary, sleeping effects, but do not CURE. To have pure blood and good health, take Hood's Sarsaparilla. which has first, last, and all the time, been advertised as just what it is-the best medicine for the blood ever produced. In fact, Hood's Sarsaparilla Is the One True Blood Purifier. All druggists. $. assist Digestion and cur. Hood's Pills Constipaton. 2cents. STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, COUNTY OF CL4REON. SALE UNDl)I MOR'uA;E AND POWER OF ATTtiiNEY. UNDER AND BY V1lrTUE OI' A Power of Attorner contained in a certain mortgage by Willis Davis, C. I. Sinnix, Wash .l eC-me, Toi Wright, it. A. White, T. -M1ellette, H. C. 1)eLaine, M1. Canter. Raymond Wilson, and Jacobl Ballard, 'T'rustees and Incorporators of the Manning Lodge, No. 2469. Grand United Order of Odd Fellows, to Joseph Sprott, Jr., W. E. Brown, S. A. Nettles, and A. Levi, executed on the 24th day of July, A. D. 1891 and recorded in the office of Register Mense Conveyance for Clarendon county, on the 31st day of August. A. D. 1891, in Book P. P., pages 497, 498, 499, and 500, de fault in which has occurred. Now, therefore, in execution of said Po .ver of Attorney, I will sell the premises below described between the hours of eleven and three o'cloclk, on Mon day, the 11th day of May, A. 1). 1896, in front of the Court House, in the town of Manning, S. C., to the highest bidder for cash: "All that piece. parcel, or lot of land, with the buildings thereon, sit uate in the town of Manning Ord State aforesaid, containing ore eighth of one acre, and bounded as follows, to wit: Bounded on the rorth and east by lands of H. Dick son; bounded on the south by street; and bounded on the west by lards of Nathan Nelson, all of which boundaries will more fully appear by reference to a plat made by J. E. Scott surveyor, dated October 1889. Terms of sale, cash. Purchaser to pay for papers. JOSEPH SPROTT, JR., As Attorney for parties above named. Manning, S. C., April 15th, 1896. THE NEW YORK WORLD, THRICE-A-WEEK EDITION. 18 PAGES A WEEK. 156 PAPERS A YEAR Is larger than any weekly or semi weekly paper published and is the only important Democratic "'weekly'' published in New York City. Three times as large as the leading Repub lican weekly of New York City. It will be of especial advantage to you during the Presidential Campaign, as it is p~ublished ev-ery other day, except Sunday. and has all the fresh ness andi timeliness of a daily. It comubines all the news with a -long list of interesting departments, unique features, cartoons and graph ic illustrations, the latter being a specialty. All these improvements have been made without any- increase in the cost, which remains at $1.00 per year. We offer this unequaled newspaper and The Manping Times together one year for $2.2->. The regular subscription price of tiletwo papers is?'?.50. NOTICE OF REGISTRATION Of Voters! OFFICE OF SUPERVIsoRs oF REGIs-) TION FoRl CLARENDON COUNTY.I T HE BOOKS FOR THE REGIS tration of voters will be opened at the court house in Manning, Mon day, April 6th, 1896, and continue open for six consecutive weeks. All male citizens who have been residents of the State two years and their respective polling precincts for four months, and hove paid their poll tax six months previous to an elec tion, and who are not laboring under any of the disabilities mentioned in the constitution, and who can read or understand the constitution, are qualified to register and become elec tors. The books vr.ill be again opened on the first Mondays in .June, July, August and September and kept open one week in each month and thirty days before the general elec tion the books will be closed; but cit izens becoming of age during the in terval and are not otherwise disquali fied, may be registered before the books are closed. All persons registered on or before January 1st, 1898, will be qjualified voters for life unless they subse quently should be disqualified on ac count of other provisions of the con stituton. (+. T. WonSHAM, E. 1). H ODGE, Superv~isors of Registration, Clar-endon County Manning. S. C., April 1, 1890. The Terry Fish COmlphy WHOLESALE SIIIPPERS OF Onguar seas''.. -on for shipme n ts of fiesh fish (padekl fn W9) b)ln!. nou- open, w.e *.. preare to ship yon any desred quantit v. (harleston is the onily~ market sonth that Canl oifor a largp vatriety otftish, and. belug situated on the ocean, where they' are caught, must b~e fresh. We solicit your patronge. Consignmencits of poltryl. eggs. etc., so licited. Account sales and cec mailed day of 22 AND 24 MARKET ST., CHARLESTON, S. C For Sale or Exchange. A neat cattage, good location in town of Mlanning, for sale cheap or wvill exchange for a farmn in the country. For particulars apply t. RL PRE~SSEY ]UAlrRoN, Attorney. MIarch 11th 189t. KNIGHITS OF PYTHIAS. DAMION LOD)GE No. 13 ay neets every tirst and third T~ 'hursday nights. Ev-ery memb 'tler requested to at x.'2 te nd regubirly and prcmpt lv.Vstn brothers al way~s welcomie. . A W.C. DAvis, C. C. J.. of R. nS Mr. Editor: 'iease annou.:e to the public that I now have in all of t spring g oods, and my stock is com]plete. I have the nicest line of spring dress goods, lawns, white goods, and asl !;inds of wash fabrics that I have ever handled, and am selling thei at the lowest possible t.gures. I cannot ceseribe all that I have this week, and mean to inform the public each week on matters that will be greatly to their interest. I shall only quote a few prices this week in dress goods, and next week will speak of clothing, reviewing my line from weck to week. Amnoskeag Dress Mixtures, really worth 15c for S 1-3c. Bajazet Cloth, worth S 1-3c, for 6 1-4c. Lace Striped Dimities, worth 20c, for 15c. Merrimack Shirting for 5c. Central Park Shirting for 4 1-2c. Silk Taffetes, beautiful for waists., 15c. Woolenette Dress Novelties, worth 20c, for 13c. Pique Ducks, for waists, 12 1-2c. Melba Lawns, flowered, 7 1-2c. Best quality of Duck, all colors, 10c. Scotch Lawns, 4 1-2c. Eagle Lawns, 3 3-4c. Nice quality of Outing for 6 1-4c. But these are just a few things. The ladies are cordially invited to come in and see. I have also a full line of Clothing, Shoes, Hats and gents' furxisbin g goods, of which I will have more to say later. Read my letter each week. Yours respectfully, E. C. HORTON, Next door below the Bank. W HE N YOU COME TO TOWN CALL AT GALLOWAY'S SHAVING SALOON Which is fitted np with an cye to the comnfort' of his custon-ers.... .. .. HAIR-CUTTING IN ALL STYLES, SB AVING AND SH AMPOOING Done with neatness and dispatch.... .. .... A cordial invitation is extended. . . A. B. GALLOWAY. Geo.8,. Hacker :Son o a. I. o -msessE nW Manufacturers of Doors, Sash.Blin~ds, Mould ig anid Building Mateilal. CHARLESTON, S. C. SASH WEIGHTS AND CORDS AND BUILDERS' HARDWARE. WINDOW AND FANCY GLASS A SPECIALTY. Machinery ! ....Engines,. .... Boiers,... ......Saw Mills. .......Corn Mills,.. ........Roller Ms.... ....Brick Machines,.. .... Planing Machines,. . ... and all other kinds of-. ..... . w ood-Working.. .........Machinery. . Shafting,.--. ules, . Boxes.... I am the General Agent for Talbott & Sons, The Liddell Company, Watertown Engine Co., H. B. Smith Machine Co. Can furnish full equipment in the above lines at factory~ prices. V.0. BADHAM, COLUMBZIA, S. 0. R. .rRANK GEIGER, DENTIST, MANNING, S. C. OFFICE IT MANNING HOTEL. A. LEVI. ATTORNEY AT LAW MANNING, S. C. Jus-II F. RI.MY, W. C. DAvIs. j) iI. lE & DAVIS, .4 TT' LXEYS A7 LAW, MANNING, S. C. J E. MELVEEN, CIViL ENGINEER AND SURVEYOR. Ibning an e xperience of thirty seven vears, of'err hip professional services to the people of Clarendon county. Satisfaction guaran teed. P.O. KINGSTREE, S. C. OHN S. WILSON, Attorney and Counselor at Law, MANNING S. C. THE MANNING POULTRY YARD. I have on hand a carefully selected yard of the heavy Light Brahma, Buft Cochias, Partridge Cochins. and also the White Leghorns. which I offer to the trad-. Eggs for setting $1.00 per 13. Address all communications to J. D. GovGo, Manning, S. C. R. B. LORYEA, The )]EJU--GIST, SIGN OF THE GOLDEN MORTAR. Has returned to his old stand after having it handsomely renovated and repaired. His stock is now complete in every department. The public are cordially invited to call and inspect his large and varied stock of Drugs and Medicines, and everything appertaining to the drag trade. As usual, special attention is devoted to compounding physicians' prescrip tions day and night. To be sure of the place look out for this sign: R. B. LORYEA. DRUG STORE. Pure Drugs and Medicines ALWAYS ON HAND AT The Well-Known and Reliable DRUG STORE OF Dr. W. M. BrocKioton In addition to a full and complete stock of drugs, Medicines and Chemicals, we keep a complete assortment of Patent Mecdicines, Toilet Articles,I Eye-Glasses, Spectacles, And the thousand and one things usually found in every first-class and well-regulated drug store. CALL AND SEE US. Has received a mag nificent stock of - MILLINERY of - the very latest styles. FLOWERS, - PLUMES - AND - LACES in abundance. -:- -: Ladies, we have - HATS trimmed and un -- tijimmed, of all shapes, and will guarantee to sell as cheap as any store in this section OUR ILLINERY DEPARTMENT is in charge of Mrs. H. D. Riff, who is an expert milliner, - and if you will give us atrial we will certainly please you. We also have a full line of besides a full and complete stock of FAMILY-:-: ----GROCERIES. Satisfaction guaranteed. H. D. RIFF. OPPOSITE COUR T.. ........HOUE. O. C. LESLIE, WHOLEsALE AND RETAIL COMMISSION DEALER IN Fish Packed for Country Orders a Specialty No charges for packing. Send for price list. Consignments of country produce are respectfully solicited. Poultry, eggs, etc. Stalls Nos. 1 and 2 Fish Market. Office, Nos. 18 and 20 Market st., east of Bay. . . . - CH-ARLESTON, S. C. SUBSCRIBE TO THE MANNING TImS $lt50 PER YEAR. . 232 MEETING STREET, CHARLESTON S. C. State Agents for the Sale of Wholesale dealers in Stoves, Tinwares, House Furnishing Goods, Tin Plate, Sheet Iron, Tinners' Supplies. Galvanized Gutter and Rainwater Pipe in ten teet lengths. We Manufacture TOBACCO BARN FLUES and Deliver Them .WO0rldgeS Freight Prepaid to Any Sta tion. Send for our Circular a d giving weights showing plans of dI U UU of Ulu best style e.............. Percival Manufacturing Co. Doors, Sash and Blinds. 478 to 486 MEETING ST., CHARLESTON, S. C. ESTABLISHED 1868. L. W. FOLSOM, Sign of the Big Watch, SoM Ta. . : S. V. - A BIG LINE OF - Birthday, Wedding and Christmas Presents - WATCHES, DIAMONDS - fine Sterling Silver Clocks, Optical Goods, Fine Knives, Scissors and Razors, Machine Needle, All repairing guaranteed. THOMAS WILSON, B. E. JAQUES, JOHN WILSON, President. Manager. Secretary and Treasurer. The Carolila Grocery Compaly SUCCESSORS OF BOYD BROTHERS, Wholesale Grocers aid Coumission Merchants, No. 195 EAST BAY, TO CONSUMERS OF LAGER BEER : The Palmetto Brewing Company of Charleston, S. C., have made arrangements with the South Carolina State authorities, by which they are enabled to fill order-s from consumers for shipments of beer in any quantity at the following prices : Pints (patent stopper).....................---------(---7c per dozen Four dozen pints in crate...................---...$2.80 percrt Eighth-keg.... ...................--------- .------------'' 5 Half-barrl..............................------------- . Exports, pints, ten dozen in barrel................----.....$.00 It will be necessary for consumers or parties ordering to state that thelbeer is for private consumption. We offer special rates for these shipments. This beer is guar anteed pure, made of the choicest hops and malt, and is recommend~ed by the medica fraternity. Send to us for a trial order. The Palmetto Brewing Company, Chrleston, S. C. FREELAND AND ROGAN, Proprietors, Have got settled from the great rush of the holiday trade, and propose now to continue to offer bargains from time to time on their special coun ters, as well as general stock, which will consist of China, Dinner, Tea and Chamber Sets, Open Stock in Plain White China of Haviland and Austrian Ware. LAMPS which will range from 20c., 25c., 30c., 40., 50c., and up to $5.00 each. Will keep in stock a general line of the best TIN WARE on the mar ket, WOODENWARE, BROOMS, and a general line of HOUSE FUR NISHING GOODS. EV We have just received another car load of the Home OTS VE u Pride Cooking Stoves and Rsnges, and our line of SStove is complete and ranges in price from $6.00 to $25.00. We invite inspection on this special line, as our Stoves are cheap and good. FREELAND &ROGAN, Opera House, Opposite Court House, Sumter, S. C. The Ducker & Baltmnall Co., surxnter, 8. 0. Headquarters for RY GOODS, NOTIONS, SHOES, HATS, STAPL.E AND FANCY GROCERIES, Wholesale and retail. One of tile Largest and Best Assorted Stocks to draw from in South Carolina.-: Write to us for prices, and send us your orders. They will receive prompt attention, and we guarantee satisfaction. The Ducker' & Bultmuan Comnpaniy Sumtter' S. CJ. asiPacking and drayage free. Public School Notice. 'Notice of Discharge. Manning, S. C., April 3, 1896. On the 8th day of Mays, 1896, I will apply The regular spring examination of appli- to the Judge of Probate for Clarendon cantai for teachers' certificates to teach in County, for letters dismissory as adminis. the free public schools of this county, w'll trator of Estate Samuel A. Burgess, be held on Friday, April 24th, 1896. deceased. E~. E. BURGESS, L. L. WELLS, Administrator.