University of South Carolina Libraries
}t'JLISHF.S ALL COUNTY AND TON OFFICIAL ADVERTISEMENTS. MANNING, S. C.: WEDNESDAY. MAR. 18, 1890.. YOUR GOOD LUCK. We have moved into our new store an: it will be your good luck to e&! and ex amine one of the prettiest spring stock of of goods ever brought to the town of Man ning. Ladies, you are specially invited to call and examine one of the prettiest lins of spring millinery ev-r brough1t from the Northern markets. This line contains some very handsome bats. in our magnificent store will be a private room specially for the ladies, fitted up with wash stand and glass, chairs, lounges, and other necessary conveninces. This room will be presided over by ladies. We have taken no little pains ia seclect ing our spring stock, having priced goods in all of the great markets of the North in search of bargains and when yon call and examine our stock closely, you will see that the're is not a single article in our immense stock 1 r4 vi:-; are bargains. Look out next week, we will give you some prices that will gen your eyes. -Toiuris with good luck, - W. E. JENKINSON. Mrs. E. P. Hodge, of the Fork, is very ill. Mr. Louis Levi, who has been quite sick, is convalescent. The Anglo-Saxon race sends more than one-half of all telegraph mess-iges. The Presbyterian c-nngregation held ser vices in the coart honse last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ferdinand Levi, of Samter, are visiting their parents in Manning. Every citizen should take an interest in the selection of our mucicipal officers. The Presbyterian chnrch has been very much improved by the painters' brush. Died, near Wilsons, last Saturday, Mrs. Morgan Johnson, aged about thirty years. The new Baptist church when completed will be the handsomest church edifice in the county. Mrs. T. H. Harvin, of Silver, - was sad dently taken ill at Mr. S. A. Rigby's resi dence yesterday. Three-fifths of all the railroad tickets sold in the world are used by English speaking people. 111,100,000 people speak English while only 75,200,000 speak German, and only 51,200,000 speak French. Several enterprising gentlemen have joined hands and before long Manning will boast of a tobacco warehouse. Our war department cost in 1894 $54, 567,930. Our army is the most expensive, projortioned to the numbers, in the world. Fresh lot of garden seed just received at W. M. Brockinton's. Mr. F. B. Jones, representing the South ern Guarantee Loan Co., of Atlanta, Ga., is in town looking after the interests of his company. Genuine Early Rose seed potatoes, only 25e, a peck. R. B. Loryea, the druggist. Died last Monday, near Jordan, Mrs. Marion Wilkie, wife of Mr. Joe Wilkie, aged about twenty-six years. She leaves two small children. The latest novelties of the season in dress goods, at S. A. Righy's, at lowest prices. Mr.. 0. E. Webber has been appointed traveling solicitor for the Southern Guar antee Loan Company, of Atlanta, Ga. -His territory will embrace part of 4North, and South Carolina. "Pick Leaf" smoking tobacco, 10c a package, at Brovkinto6a's. -':Died last Sunday, Mrs. Annie Cole, relict of the late T. 3. Cole, aged about fifty-five years. '3gie funeral took place in the Man ning Methodist church Monday. Rev. W. H.Hodge; officiated. The finest line of five cents eigars in Manning, at R. B. Loryea's, the druggist. Mr. H. D). Riff'is preparing his store for a large spring stock. He has now on the road a stock of choice millinery and with experienced hands he proposes to give our ladies the very latest in that line. A nico line of matting, cheap, at S. A. Rigby's. No liquor has been sold for 40 years in the town of Bessbrook. Ire.. where John G. Xichardson employs 3,000 people in the man'ufacture of Irish linen, and there is neither policeman, prison, pawnshop nor pauper in the town. For writing paper, pens and ink, at the lowest prices, go to Brockinton's. Never allow cows to drink water that you would not-drink yourself. Milk from coin -mnon cows when grass fed contains nearly 87 per cent. water. The cow has no filter in her to purify water, and if the water is impure the impurity goes straight into the milk. Wood's Premium Tested seed are the best for the South. We have the agency for these seed. Rt. B. Loryea, the druggist. We had a pleasant call last Thursdlay from Mr. -John A. Meete, the gentlemanly representative of the Columbia Register. who is also the author of a book claiming to be a practical plan to revolutionize the government. It is called "The Way to Liberty." S. A. Rigby's line of gents' furnishing goods is complete, pretty and cheap. Call and see them. From every side the Times is being com plimented on the excellent corps of county correspondents now contributing news to these columns. We are proud of this and 'hope that our friends will continue to keep our columns teeming with bright, crispy news from their respective sections. '-Red Rooster" smoking and chewing to bacco,5c a twist, at Brockinton's. Our Summnerton corespondent has rather put us on the run in reply to our query "What has become of the Summerton starch lactory," but we still hope to realize our "knitting mills, canning factories, etc.," dream, for there is no telling what will har pen in these days of competition and progress. If you want an carly garden plant Wood's Premium Tested garden seed. R. B. Loryca, the druggist. We are requested to announce that on the first Saturdav in April all persons in terested in the Thames and Gibson bury ing ground at Silver will meet for the pur pose of putting the grounds in shape; that all must go there with the necessary tools. Preaching will be held in the afternoon at five o'clock. Ladies, go to S. A. Rigby's for your kid gloves, he carries the Fasters. Every pair warranted. Miss A. A. Davidson left Manning last Monday for Greenwood where she will make her future home. She was accom panied by her farther and Mr. Oddie Stukes. Miss Davidson made many friends here and all regret that she concluded to move away. We hope her change of base will be attended with success. How about that pair of spectacles you are needing so bad ? Now is your time to get them at Brockinton's. W. E. Jenkiuson muovel into his new quarters yesterday, and when he gets his store in shape he will show his competitors what the word "hustle" mcans.' Mr. Jenkinson is an up to date business man; he knows how to do business, and if the others want to keep up with the procession they will have to shake the old idea that a man can do business on his shape or good looks. He must have the goods and sell them at competing prices, and he must keep in touch with the people. That is Mr. Jenk inson's rule and the result is tbat his store is know to neeyamily in the connty. We still have a number of Webster's Unabridged Dictionaries on hand for sale cheap. Gard'n seed and onion s.ts at R B. Loryea's, the ".rn-ist. The -oung folks had a :uost p:eas:t m- e:inl of their Soci-l anl Literary Circe! Tumay'v tin. i- I eeting ~ :tS ;jt thoi resi-!eneic .t* C,,, ~UOwf :IS 'h. TheLI.itc prograLn '..--- of d.a5 &Ic. fotni wo apm rks ~c~. r npolf his if-, and t-,e who!,- thinq with ninsi. 'Their meetins are ve-y enjoyable as Weil as iuprovin;:. Preserve your sight by having yonr eyes properly titted with a pair of "Crystal Lenses." Spectacles or eyeglasses. I. B. Loryea, the druggist. Died. last Sunday af:crn.on, at her home in Alcoin, Mrs. Birdie Alderman, nee Gif ford, aged twenty-two years. wife of Mr. Robert J. Alderman. About five months ago the deceased became a happy bride, and she had all that heart could wish for a devoted husband with love and plenty. but the mysterious haud of affliction was recently laid heavily upon her and crushed her young life out. On Monday the body was taken to her former home at Giffords, in Hampton county for interment. Elsewhere we publish letters from the war and navy departments. respectively, t> Hon. John L. McLaurin, informing him of vacancies soon to be had in both of these departments. There are a great many bright boys in this county, and we hope they will knock the dust from their books In+I~e-(Ivnt -ge f tis rad pportu life-time position if they so desire it after graduation. A graduate of either West Point or Annapolis is looked up to the world over, and we would like to see some of our boys wearing thc.Le great honors. Thomas & Bradhani will put in a first class brick machine in a few weeks and will then be prepared to futnish brick to their friends and patrons at close prices. A sad accident ovccured on Mr. T. J. Tis dale's place, near Manning, last Mo-day. resulting in the death of Hattie, the seven year-old daughter, of Mr, Tisdale. A rab bit was discovered in the field where Mr. Tisdale was working and the dogs ran it in the hollow of a cypress tree, the children brought their father an ax to cut it down. The tree was about ten inches in diameter and in falling it struck a tree that the chil dren were standing behind; they became frigtened and ran, but the unforitunate little one had not gotten quite out of its reach; the top limbs caught Hattie, striking her on the head and rerdering her uncon scious. The distracted father ran to her, caught her up in his arms and carried her to the house where she died in a short time. For that torpid liver try "Thedford's Black Draught" at Brockinton's. Why suffer with coughs, colds and Ia grippe when Laxative Bromo Quinine will cure you in one day. Does not produce the ringing in the head like Sulphate of Quinine. Put up in tablets convenient for taking. Guaranteed to cure, or noney re funded. Pr:.,e, 25 cents. For sale by R. B. Loryea, the Druggist. NOTICE TO ELECTION MAN AGERS. Under an act recently passed by the legislature the managers and clerks in the election for delegates to the Constitutional Convention will receive pay. Please send to me at once the names of managers and lerks, the number of m'les from their homes to polling precincts and the name ?nd number of miles traveled by the person who came for, and brought back the ballot box. This information must be had in >rder for me to make out my account. LOUIS APPELT. ' BUCKLEN'S ARMICA SALVE. The best salve in the world for cuts, ruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever ores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, orns and all skin eruptions, and positively ures piles or no pay required. It is guar iteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money efunded. Price 25c. per box. For sale by R. B. Loryea. THE DISCOVERY SAVED HIS LIFE. Mr. G. Caillouette. Druggist, Beaversville, ll, says: "To Dr. King's New Discovery owe my life. Was taken with La Grippe and tried all the physicians for miles about, ut of no avail and was given up and told could not live. Having Dr. King's New Discovery in my store I sent for a bottle and began its use and from the first dose egan to get better, and after using three ottles was up and about again. It is worth its weight in gold. We won't keep store or house without it." Get a free trial t R. B. Loryea's drug store. CURE FOR HEADACHE. As a remedy for all forms of headache Electric Bitters has proved to be the very best. It effects a permanent cure and the most dreaded habitual sick headaches yield to its influence. We urge all who are af licted to procure a bottle, and give this remedya fair trial. In cases of habitual :onstipation Electric Bitters cures by giving the needed tone to the bowels, and few ases long resist the use of this medicine. Iry it once. Large bottles only 50 cents at R. B. Loryea's drug store. SUMMERTON SAYINGS. Summerton, March 16.-The meet ing at the residence of Mr. R. H. Bel-I ser last Wednesday night in the in terest of the circulating libraryI p roved to be a very enthusiastic one. Rev. Jos. Crockard was called to the chair, who stated the object of the meeting to be that of considering the feasibility of organizing such a libra ry at this place. It being a unani mous opinion that such was needed and could be done, it was decided to organize under the name of The Sum merton Library Association. Seven teen names of those present were taken down as wishing to join. This umber will be increased by as many more. A committee was appointed to draft rules and regulations and to report at next meeting, when a regu lar organization will be affected. The next meeting will be at Maj. R. R. Brigs's, Wednesday night the 18th. The regular election of officers for the town of Summerton was held last Thursday as advertised. The fol owing were elected: A. P. Burgess, intendant; R. R. Briggs, R. H. Belser, J. R. Dingle, H. R. Meldatu, wardens; Dr. B. M. Bad ger, member of board of health. The retrns of the election were received by the old council on Fri ay. The report of the clerk showed the town to be in a sc,'md condition inancially. At a meeting of the new ouncil Mr. J. D. Ellen was elected lerk and treasurer. Early risers on last Friday morning were surprised to find a light snow storm in progress, which continued to fall until about nine o'clock. Mrs. C. J. Milling visited her sister, rs. A. J. Briggs, last week. Misses Susie and Annie Caldwell, of Wedgefield, are visiting their aunt, Mrs. R. R. Briggs. Miss Ida Briggs, of Silver, is also visiting relatives in town. It is feared that the recent cold snap has injured, to some extent, the fruit crop. The News and Courier erroneously stated last week that Hon. L. M. Ragin goes out as Senator from this ounty. He has two more years of "good stealing" yet. * MANNING ACADEMY. The following pupils merited the medials for the week ending, March 20th: Collegiate. Marvin Strange; higher. Hermion Jenkinson; intermediate, Ermir.e Burgess; primary, Albertine Loyns. The conduct medal was voted to Cammie Ridgill. Since January the enrollment has been increasing weekly. and until a vacancy occurs no other pupil will be received. Dring the month of January more than half of the school were absent with the measles. Help Is needed by poor, tired mothers. eb~ilated and run down because of poor, th'n blood. Help Is needed by the nervous sufferer, the men and women tortured with rheumatism, neuralgia, dyspepsia, scrofula. catarrh. Help comes quickly when Hood's Sarsaparlla begins to en rich, purify and vitalize t1e blood and send it in a healing, nourishing, invigorating stream to aU the nerves, muscle, and organs of the body. Hood's Sarsaparilla Is the One True Blood Purifier. All druggists. EL Prepared only by C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass. cure Liver Ills; easy to Hood's Pills take. easy to operate. Ze. PACKSVILLE DOTS. Packsville, March 17.-Another run away! While haulihg guano Mr. Edward A. Geddings's horse became frightened, ran some distance, break ing the wagon and throwing Mr. Geddings out, striking his head against the wheel, which resulted in a serious wound. He was carried to.. Messrs. Bradham & Cole's store and the doctor imme diatiys ent for. He remained there for several hours and was then taken home. At last accounts he was im proving very slowly, if any. This is the second accident of that kind we have had during the past week. Miss Jessie Curtis paid her usual visit to Packsville last Friday and re turned Sunday afternoon. Miss Cur tis is teaching school near Summer ton, therefore can only be at home Saturdays and Sundays, which her many friends always look forward to with pleasure for her arrival. Mr. J. 0. DuRant, of Bishopville, also gave orr little- town a visit last Saturday a id Sunday. He was at one time a telegraph operator at this p lace, where he met some of the Packsville fair sex and now finds it convenient to return occcsionally. Rev. C. M. Billings, who will be pastor of the Packsville Baptist church this year, was in town Mon day, and will move in on Wednesday, the 18th. He will preach his first sermon Sunday, March 22nd. We hope to have a large attendance. Miss Daisy Weeks left Monday for Mar assa, Georgia, where she expects to make her future home. We are now having some fine weatl'er after a little snow which fell last week. - We don't know how far south the snow extended but am af a'd that some of H's flowers were injured. We are in hopes that the measles in this neighborhood are about over as nearly everybody has already had them and think that our faithful Dr. Reynolds will have more leisure than here of late. CooN. ALCOLU CHIPS. Alcolu, March 18.-Died last Satur day afternoon, Robert Hodge, aged eleven years, a son of Mr. J. R. B. Hodge. This family is exceedingly afflicted. There are six surviving children and all of them are sick in bed and unable to help each other. Mr. Hodge is a one-armed Confeder ate soldier and a very poor man. Here is a case that the good people of this community should take in hand at once. Died, Mrs. Annie Cole, near Trinity, widow of the late T. ,J. Cole, on last Sunday. She was something over fifty years of age. The deceased has six children, all grown, three of whom are mar ried. All of her children were at home, except David, who is in Texas. Mrs. J. W. Register and family, of Trio, S. C., are visiting Mrs. Merritt, and all are in bed with measles. Mrs. Merritt has several children sick with it also. Mrs. Register and Mrs. Mer ritt are sisters of Captain D. W. Al derman. This contagion has become an epi demic over here. Mrs. Murphy is very sick, so is Mrs. Smith and her children. The death of Mrs. Robert J. Alder man has cast a gloom over our town. M. SILVER SPARKLINGS. Silver, March 17.-There is nothing happening in and around our fine little town to mar the peace and prosperity of our people. State Constable Carrol came to Silver last week and seized one or two jugs of whiskey. Mr. C. E. Bryaut has sold his new store and lot and moved back in his old store near the postoffice. Mr. J. T. Bragdon and family have moved into town and will make Sil ver their future home. Judge T. B. Owen is quite sick with-fever. The unveiling of the Mahoney mon ument takes place at Calvary church on the 28th. H. WORDS FROM WILSONS. I have to report this week the sad death of Mrs. Morgan Johnson. She died Satur day, the 14th, about 5 o'clock and was buried in the Union burying ground at 5 olock Sunday evening, the 15th. Rev. E. H. Beckham c->nducted the fnneral services. She leaves a husband and two small children to mourn her loss. She had been sick for some time and her death was not a suprise to her or her loved ones. She expressed her readinea: to die if it was God's will for her to go. Her life and death is a glorious example to her fellow man. We hear of a few around here who are planting corn this week. NOTICE OF TOWN ELECTION. In accordance with the require ments of the town charter, there will be an election on the 13th day of April, 1896, for one intendant and four wardens to serve as a town coun cil for the town of Manning, for a period of two years. The polls will be held at the court house opening at 8 o'clock a. m. and closing at 4 o'clock p. mn. By order of LOUIS LEVI, Intendant, Acting. Louis APPELT, Acting Clerk. The nmost popular corsets on tbc market can be fonnd at S. A. Righy's. The R. & G., Rt. & H., & M., (glova fitting.) IN MEMORIAM. Miss H. Ellen Ridgeway, aged 72 years, died at her home, near Jordan, March 6th 1896. Although uncon scious when found, and remaining so, we have a well grounded hope that our friend is forever with the Lord. She joined the church at an early age and was a consistent Chris tian from the date of her conversion to her death. She was devoted to all interests of the church. She was especially cheerful around her fire side and always looked on the bright side of life, thereby encouraging others to look forward to better things. Our friends are passing over; the blood-wvashed company on the other side of the river is growing larger each day. There is a happy land Far, far away, Where saints immortal stand Bright, bright:as day, A FRIEND. .Tnrdan, March 14th 189ft A GREAT OFFER! THE NEW YORK WORLD 3 Times a Week THE 1111116 TIlES For $2.25 a Year. A Webster's Unabridged Dictioniary, 1 ,700 Pages, for $1.50I At The Times Office. Opening Up New Goods! If you want Gno cheap come to LOMFS Bargain -. .- . -. Store! In buying out the L. Riff stock I secured a big bargain and I vill give my customers a chance to buy cheaper from me than in any other store. I have a MILLINERY -::- DEPARTMENT under the supervision of expe rienced ladies, and I can guar antee perfect satisfaction as to styles and price. Come to see me........................... Yours, &c., H. D. RIFF. OPPOSITE COURT...... .....HOUSE. Machinery ! ......Engines,---. ...... oilers,..... ......Saw Mills. . .....-Corn Mills...... ......Roller Mills,... ......Bric'r Machines,.... ......Planing Machines,. ......and all other kinds of. . .... .. ood-Working ... ......Machinery. Shafting, Pullies,. Boxes.. I am the General Agent for Talbott & Sons, The Liddell Company, Watertown Engine Co., H. B. Smith Machine Co. CJan furnish full equipment in the above lines at factory prices. V..BADHAM, coLMBIA,'S. C. R. B. LORYEA, The DRUtG-GIST, SIGN OF THE GOLDEN MORTAR. Has returned to his old stand after having it handsomely renovated and repaired. His stock is now ccmplete in every department. The public are cordially invited to call and1 inspect his large and varied stock of , Drugs and Medicines, and everything appertaining to the drag trade. As usual, special attention is devoted to compounding physicians' prescrip tions day and night. To be sure of the place look out for this sign: R. B. LORYEA. DRUG STORE. GeoS, Hacker :Son o~ -. CHA L S ON .C, SASH WEGT N DAs SPEC BfITY.~lid SASH LESALETIPS F south thtcofer a largevarietyofpfish tehy i are caught mus frs.e slicit yOur reatr asooripetso weoareprepmeto spyouy, esredo qlnitd. Achonarlesnd hecnl market dyo parne. 22 A~N 24 MARKT ST. ClHAR LESTON. S.. C. SHEPHERD SUPPLY CO., 232 MEETING STREET, CHARLESTON, S. C. State Agents for the Sale of Stye. Mud nf for The Genuine au bear this X; olesale dealers E Ue-mae. i A Tin Plate, Stoves, ma T e Sheet Iron, Tinwares, House Fur- 'nners' nishing Supplies. Goods, Galvanized Gutter and Rainwater Pipe in ten teet lengths. We Manufacture TOBACCO BARN FLUES and Deliver Them Freight Prepaid to Any Station. 22 Varieties of Oil Stoves and Oil Heaters. Percival Manufacturing: Co. Doors, Sash and Blinds. 478 to 486 MEETING ST., CH ARTETON, S. C. ESTABLISHED 1868. L. W. F'OLSOM, Sign of the Big Watch, SURE 3!!E. : S. O. - A BIG LLNE OF Birthday, Weddiog and Christmas Presents -WATCHES, DIAMONDS - Fine Sterling Silver Clotks, Optical Goods, ine Knives, Scissors and Razors, Machine Needle, .All repairing guaranteed. THOMAS WILSON, R. E. JAQUES, JOHN WILSON, President. Manager. Secretary and Treasurer. The Carolila Grocery Compally SUCCESSORS OF BOTD BROTHERS, Wholesale Groers~ anld Commuissionl IMerchats, No. 1.95 EAST BAY, MANNING -:- ACADEMY". MA 1J%[LNG-...:.:.:..:.:.:.S. C. MRS. E. C. ALSBROOK, Principal. Thity-second session begins Sept. 2, 1895. Prepare for college or business. Co-educational. English, Latin, French, Bookkeeping, Calisthenics. Elocution, Art and Music regularly taught. Three gold medals awarded. Tuition $1 to $4. Send for catalogue. TO CONSUMERS OF LAGER BEER : The Palmetto Brewing Company of Charleston, S. C., have made arrangements with the South Carolina State authorities, by which they are enabled to fill orders from consumers for shipments of beer in any quantity at the following prices : Pints (patent stopper).............................'0c per dozen Four dozen pints in crate..........................$2.80 per crate Eighth-keg..........................................---.$1.25 Quarter-keg.............................................$.2.25 Half--barrel........................................------.0 Exports, pints, ten dozen in barrel...........................$9.00 It will be necessary for consumers or parties ordering to state that theibeer is for private consumption. We offer special rates for these shipments. This beer is guar. anteed pure, made of the choicest hops and malt, and is recommended by the medica. fraternity. Send to us for a trial order. The Palmetto Brewing Company, Charleston, S. C. FREELAND AND ROGAN, Proprietors, Have got settled from the great rush of the holiday trade, and propose now to continue to offer bargains from time to time on their special coun ters, as well as general stock, which will consist of China, Dinner, Tea and Chamber Scts, Open Stock in Plain White China of ,Haviland and Austrian Ware. L AMPS which will range from 20e., 25c., 30c., 40., 50c., and up to $5.00 each. Will keep in stock a general line of the best TIN WARE on the mar ket, WOODENWARE, BROOMS, and a getieral line of HOUSE FUR-. NISHING GOODS. Es ESWe have just received another car load of the Home TflU Pride Cooking Stoves and Ranges, and our line of SI Stoves is complete and ranges in price from $6.00 to $25.00. We invite inspection on this special line, as our Stoves are cheap and good. FREELAND &ROGAN, Opera House, Opposite Court House, Sumter, S. C. Two Car Loads HORSES and One Car Load MULES~expected this week. H. HARBY, I Sumter, S. C.. Jan. 27, 1896.