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rher -'1. IBal1 o ek, lreit ,f theI lhtk , M.nufaturing e nany tW D:! t n, Ga.. shot hiisetf throu ' 'h the heart. iyig istantly. Th- tra .,1yv cured in ills oilice and was n1"t wit nessedN~ hy anyv (lo. Grravoe d11ubt, exist as t >whethor the de-d was suici-hd or accienta. a ncaus s know' nh the A -i' imh'asin latvin g'i abiroad conernii"t th* dur::ti f the Atlanta eXn 'siti n, Preidlnt C ller has given ou't the fvllowuig statement: "To the 1 Public-I wish to correct an .erroneous impression that- the expositioi will be ex Ind beyond the present year. It CL se inlly and forever on Dec. 31. and t but f ur weeks remain to see the model expos-iin of the century." In R -beson county N. C., Angu Ar chi' Uravboy shoit and killed Mal Strong. his istress. B th are Crtatan Indians. H., suspected ier of Ieig Un faithful and pesualed her to accom pamv him - slhrt distance from the h*sie and si, t he r in the ,temple. He t-ld somw of his frields what lie had dine anid inuchatcly left for South Car lina. He was puirsued and shut, but escaped. Contr:tetor W. J. Allsop. wlisc head quarters are at Starke's ferry, oi the UcklaNvaha river in Fli' -, repo rts that the whites have fm ein orga'ni zatioin and are driving all the negroes away. Some time.ago Alls p importgl negroes to cut ties. These were driven away. three being 'killed. Last week moi re negroes weie brought in and they, too were driven away, two being shot. Allsop snys the negroes are terrrizd. What may be the first step in the long desired lid much labord -for'nion Zif the northern and southern Baptist churches was taken by the Baptist coi vention iii Greenville. S. C. The body < vlote unmi luly, ;zto ooeaewt the .iieriran .a:iisjt Hm in iisi n s'-< i lithe hoi lmi sisim bard i f the Southern Diptist conv1ti1n and the colred Bapltist coinventiol of this state In missinary work aamng the liegres of the state. R ibert Jainsen. 30 years old, an em- 1 plaoe of the Monumental Chemical woiks at Fairfield. Anne Arundel coun t d, Md., mt a horrible death SundaV. lie was making s--me repairs to ma- - chinerv. whlen lie fell 60 fett into a vat fi.ld ovi nitric acid. He crawled out of th ptacie and fell ui iu it. His clothing and chunks of flesh drpnie i from his hvdy when the unf'rtunare m1an was picked up by fel low workmen. Death followed in a few minutes. Jansen came here six months ago from Gustrow, Germany. North, East, West and Foreign News. The senate has confirm'd Matt W. Ransom as minister to Mexico. An international subscription is about to be opened for a monument to the late M: Pasteur. According to the latest advices from 1 Calsare.. Asia Minor. GO Armonians are < known to have beern killed in the mas sacre there on Nov. 30. Anthracite coal freight rates from the mines to Chicago and other western points, have been ordered adranced 50 cents per ton to take effect Jan 6. Cardinal Ignazio Periseo. prefect of f the coigzregation of iiidulgeiees and sa- i cred relivs. is dead. He was born in 1 Italy in 1S23 and was created a cardinal s in 1N93. The president has nominated Rufus t V. Pe-kham of New York, to be asso- I ciate justice of the, United States su premne court to succeed the late Howell i E. Jackson of Tennessee. Inability to pay its men has -caused the East Chicago Iron and Steel. comn riant, wich operaltes a rolling mill, tc shut down itsb works. Six hundred men are thrown out of employment.. The dead bodyv of James M1. Hurd, a carpenter of Bedford, Me., was found in his hed at his home. His throat had1 been ent. T1he dea'd mant''s boy has been arrested charned with t he ermine. .. Ex-Governm '-r Campb'll of Ohio says Gr* w-r Cievoland has not the slightest ida of accepting a nomtiiit1onl for the1 presidency should it .be offered te hi-r by the Democratic part- in 1893. . . Ecuadorian emigrants at Pasto, depart ment of Cauca, have publicly organized1 an army to invade Ecuador for. the pur pose of overthrowving the recently estab: lished government of President. Alfaro, Andrew T. Bates. formnerly associated with Evanrts, Chioate & Beamuan, the law firm of New York. and afterwards an instructor of Greek in Harvard cil ege, has just dLi at Santa Barbara, Cal. The Chicago World's Fair medals will bie delivred by the fifteenth- inst They vwill be kept until the World's Fair diplomas are ready and- L'oth will be delivered at the same time. The fair closed Nov. 30, 189-3. Captain D. W. Wood, a lifelong friend of Senator John' Sherman, is authority for the stat'-men't that there in well do-, fined sentinwati i' viaiu parts - of thec man f r pres il in 1.J Mrs. Dilia vtwart Pa.rn ll, mot~her of the late Iish iledr is lin (il dnem cusly ill at Triity h sil. N w Yornk eitv. Shs lis be: failin" sinc the brutal asaanlt was un i-i up aher at T~hieiz m-in of th Hu-. 'Tope. 1 .4)1 niunids of nitr - glycri no. instant 1l- killingt Ge mrge Bester andI Lewis~ < Elank, who were inm the n igazine. ] A dispaltch fromn Hastings. Engla'd,' announes that a mp~tch for 'the world's chess. chainpionship betweien iarry N. Pillsbury of Brooklyn. anil Emaniuel Lsker, is under the consideration of the Hastings and St. Leonard's Chess clubs. The Fifth-fourth American congreat is again in session. Priomiptly at noon Monday the senate and house were call edl to oi-de-r ini thhir ro.coirtive chambers amid the scenes of animahtion and e:x citemient marking the (pingiii of a con- i grss. J. A. Bailey, who c mntr s th-3 Bar-t numa & Bailey show andl is s ]o own~e1 f the Adam Frepau-th sh iw, has ac quire-d an interest in the Seils B:'-thiers' I circus. anid hereafter the Fo epaugh and1 Sells shoc.: wvill be u::der time same tents. The exceptionally-heavy weather that has nrevailed d(uring the past we-k iiver0 the iBrit ish is10s. conXtinues. \ Nnmberi lss snill winre:-ks haive ben rep rted, and considierable damilage has be-n done to siinig, but tihe bl~s of life has been small. P stmlaster genetratl. Wilson has dis missid William WV. Hill of Mississippi, assistant superintendog of the fi-ee (de livery- system of the g- t Ihlee depart ment, for giving out tilieial infrma tion "-and conspiracy to belittle the de partment." Genieral Edward Wright died at Des Mines. Ia., after i'n iflass lastinlg sev eral weeks. He was barn nrenr $alem, 0., in 1s27, and inl 157 reimovedl to Ce dr caunty, Ia. -He served through the wr. bing birevoted :brigadier .general for- valiant serv-ies. Fire was discoi~vered inl JTames S. Kirk t & C1'.'s soap factirv, 352 Nerth Watem stre- t, Chicaizo. where nearly 200 menOi wer:e at w..rk. and they wer-e comnpelled1 t flee to savei their lives. The l ss will 1 amunt to betwe-en 560,000 and $75,000; coveredl by insurance.. Much apprehension is felt fir tihe Uritish steamnrGorzL, Captain Meade, j w iut *i5 days from This E i the th1ir stame whiuih is unaccount el fC in th north'1 ernid' Paicid.e icean, the ~ lter -0' Esl- and Strath Ther ii. - t~dk amot s~uthern Re pub wh Vi ng credntal fro mi1:uthCaru- I to N NI:N G, S. C.: YNEiC. 11, 1803. ITEMS OF INTEREST Happenings All Over the World Briefly Told. Through the South. Fire at Sn owhill. N. C.. burned four buijlij $. ie- Lin w trs J. in :Charp at New 31artin-.ille W. .. w~S un. :r. zen t. death near his h . . 1live i>no-er Austia of Durham. N. '.~ cnnmitted suicid by shooting him s..if in th-' h~e.1 with a pistol. Alvin Huse, aged 15, liviug in Ster li::;; e unty. T.-x.. lkeing threatened by his teacher with a thrashing, hanged himself. At Lenoir, N. C., Samu'el Newland went to the store of Frank Steelman and shot him down. Death resulted. Steelman has fled. ------ y- was Maryland day at the Atlanta exp-sition, and Go vernor Brown and niany other no tables .i that state wer, i.1 attenuance. The Dush dispensary bill was defeat ed in the Ge rgia house of representa tivos. the measure failing to get a con stitutional majority. John Adams Baker, the oldest editor in Pennsylvania in continuous active service on one newspaper, died at his home in New Bloomtield. Near Clerinont. in Lake county, Fla.. M1rs. Jennie Davis was arrested while main-g moonshine whisky. She tried to shot the Ifieers but failed. A. K. Ward. an alleged embezzler from Memphis. Tenn.. was arrested on board a steamer at Livingston. Guate mala, by ihe chief of the Memphis police. . Al Carver, a weaver in the Odell cot ton mill at'Concord, N. C.. wat struck in the eye by a shuttle. It pierced his brain and he died. His relatives will sue for $5,00) damages. The Travellers' Protective association has enloyed able talent to prosecute Colin Daughdrill. the man who killed J. I. Bates. the travelling salesman. at Ga'lsden, Ala., last week. A negro womat and a negro man were beaten to death with a leather strap in Colleton, S. C. They were charged with having stolen a Bible and some furniture from a cuurch. .:any persons are moving from the southeastern counties of North Caro liha into South Carolina, to work in the cotton mills. Agents are securing this labor and want 1,500 operatives. The speech of Secretary Hoke Smith before the Georgia legislature on the fi nancial issues of the day, was listened to by the members and a large number of visitors, who filled the galleries. The Louisville and Nashville railroad reports for October gross earnings of $1,979,599, an increase of $114,403: ex peuses, $1,204,130. an increase of S, 4i-:O and net, $775,469, an increase of $24.9i7. From all indicatio ns MIay lo will bie observed in the public schools (f North Carolina as \ance day, in mnennoy of the late senator. In each city sochool a collection will be taken u' for the man *ument fund. The grand jury of Beaufort cor.nty, *N. C., has founa true bills against the yug white men who assassinated J. B. Bonner at Aurora,~ and Governor Carr is asked to order a special term of court to try them. Rev. N. T. Lucass. a farmer, was shot andl probably fatally wounded near Mon tevallo, Ala.. by Wiilliam Zeal. Lucass was attempting to take possession of a piec-e of land which has been a cause of contention fo-: some time. Governor Carr offers $200 reward for the .arrest of Samuel Newiand, who murdered Fraink Steelman at Lenoir, Caldwell county. N. C. Newland is of a prominent family and the brother of the solicitor of that district. George W. Blount, a lawyer. and ed itor of the Wilson. (N. C.) Mirror, is dead. He was past grand master of Ma sons and a trustee of Wake Forest colleze. He was wvell known in North Car olina and adjoining states. After remaining in sessin : :t Colum ia for three months. less one week, the constitutional convention has at last c'ouiTleted the work oif fraing- a new constitution for the state of South Caro lina, and has adjourned sine die. A call has been issued for a national Christian conference to be held in At lanta on Dee. 18 and 19. Thie confor ence w~ill be held for the purpose of c 'n demnning the popular evils of the day and to institute certain measures of re form. The grand jury ret urnedi an indict ment against James McCormick, Jr., so of a councilman. for coinducting an oprium~ joint at Lexington. Ky. Mie Cormnick is a guatter in the revenue service. The indictment created ai sen A. C. Denning, a wealthy farmer liv ing on the coast line, 12 miles from Fay etteville, N. C.. was found dead in a ca--o on Cape Fear river. He had been veryv ill and while delirious escaped fromn his attendants and met death in this tragic manner. Smoot. Son & Co.. of Alexandria, Va., have closed a contract for the establish m:-nt oft a $100,000 plant at North Wilkesboro, N. C. The plant will cov er 20 acres of land, use 6,000 cords a chestnut oak bark annually, and employ a large force of hands. Governor Stoine has increased the re ward foir Will Purvis, the MIarion coun ty. 3is-... whit'eapper. fr-om $250 to $750. Purvis, whoi was unde-r sentence to hang Dec. 12,. was released from jail byv a mob of 100 men. and is supposed to be in hiding in Texas. A bad wvreck occ-urred on the Norfinolk and WXestern railway between two freight trains near Eanis, WV. Va., in which En::ineer- Foreliness. Walter Stra 1ev, condunctor, and a niegro brakeman w' all killed. The train broke in two. ~'ii~nan idder was serioiusly injured. The Chateau Y quem, w ith the 562 Italian imigrants. froml Genoa, recached New Orleans and after a rigid examina ti-onu of three h 'urs by Spca Agent WV. E-. Howardin of Wash1iatn and C >mis si5Oner iof Immignration'. 3Inftgomi'ry were admirtt-d. Thiy appear to .e of the bet ter Cass mf Italians. Pe-ter Po iwell if 31 Mntgome'ry. Ala., heard a thief in P - henhoumw., and0 sum-t mm ining his neighb-r. .T "- Grattan,went (ut ti catch him. P.wll w1en ct on one side oif the house anid Grattan on the other. They encountered each other in th" darkness and Po well, mistaking his .. friend fir the thief, shn t him dead. AX test caso if the Si. t miachinie has beer in Bibb couty, Ga., superior e. rt, and Judge Hardman has passe1 dht -n as a lauln Achne that v.nnit bl1.l licenseii md. Ini passing onacs that camne up bef ire him. JudgeC Hardemnan administeed a rather -ererebuki- to the city o~f 31aeon for heir seats on the gru;iid that the stf ias nt the republican form of gve lienlt -Ua-rantked by the,, conlstitution. SeInator :David 13. Ilil's lcet ure t. n the n:rthwe-sr has prvedt a failu: mid it has c me 0t an a irUpt end. wh he senatr c losed his busiess arrans nsand returned-: to -New Yorl, t va sn assigneOd being that he had e4 raete-d a Z-[vere cOld while at Dulut ilinn. (n,:-c'f the lirgest and mni'st represt ai:t% co n Pl've(ntioIs ever hieki in the ti it'r in favor of statehood, has just z ourned at Oklahoma City after ado] ng a resolution urg7ing tho congress he United States to pass an -act. pi iding for the admissioa of Oklahoi Ls a state. While four, coal cars were standi mia steip grad- in the xOntario a etern yard at Iiddletow n, N, [heir bralk-s were released by mischic us boys. .The cars wen.t cras'.hing iI t car on which Brakeman Will 1tim iehienieister was standing, killi: iim instantly. A massneeting of prominent bu iess men of St. Leuls was held for f urpose of making arrangements to ure one or both of the two natior onventions for St. Louis next ye, Cwenty-five thou~ixzmd dliars wore ra d for that purp. se. and 650,000 iii( vill be sul~se . The P->rtions 'f Pretident Cle and's m'essage. on the Cuban questi vked lively comment at 'th6 hc nua'rters 6f 'the revolutionary jntnta sew York eity. Delegate -Estrada P na Objected to the president's descri ng American sympathy with the C >ns as sentimental. At Shn- Francisco Judge M rphy' ied the-motion for a new-trial in .t ase of Theodore Durant. convicted he murder of Blancho Lainont, a >rdered that hxr be turned over to t vardon of San Quentia prison, to ept until the day has been fixed-i >assing sc-tence'l.poni him. W. L. Sachleben. sent to Asia Mir o search for the boidy of Frank Let he Pittsburg licclist murlered_. curds. wr o to his father at Altc 11z.. from Erzerouni kuur days after t nassacre there. He says in his 16ft< ust received, that the sultan's soldiR Ld a crowd of Kurds killed about 5 krmenians in two hours. A 7-story building in Chicago, est Jackson street. has ben con d. :rd William Soay Smith, one of t eading civil engineers of the west, sa hat many of the sky scrapers will. - ess their foundations are strengthenc ventually become wreeks on account he soft soil underlying them. At Philadelphia. Herman W. Mud tt, alias H. H. Holmes, who was cc -icted of murder in the first degree I iaving caused the death of Benjan Pietzel. was in the court of oyer a: erminer refused a new trial and se enced t) be hanged. The (late of e3 -ution will be fixed by the governor ~emiisylvania'. Harry J. Mooney, a shoemaker, w tarted from Brockton, Mass., to ma pair of 'shoes for the governors of t ifferent states, returned home on ount of illness. He had reached ar south as Atlanta and during t rip had made' shoes for governors en states. He will resume his trip oun as his health will permit. At Chicago, James Lewis attempt o defend his. sister from the abuse ter husband, Andrew Gazialow, and result was shot and killed. LeN nret Gazzalow and remonstrated wi tim for the cruel treatme.nt of. his wi xazzalow, in a fit of anger at being u >raided, drdw his revolver and shot au :iled Lewis. The murderer was i2 nediately arrested. .Referring to President Clevelanc nessage to congress, the London Glo avs: "There is nothing surprising he fact that the Monroe doctrine bul aher largely in the.message, nor in t: LostUC. tjne ad' pted -toward Englan sa't'thxe presi<Mltial electiona drawir ixh? Pulling the lion's tail may l.: othe old world a curious way of tryii o catch fish; but .it has been' found iser-in thrturgid waters of Amex Another radical step in the prosec ion of lottery schemes by the postoffi tepartment was taken by the issuan >f a general order to all postmaste orbidding the uso of the mails to t) oteria Mexicana de La -Benefic~icnc ~ublica of Mexico It has been opern ng for about a year. claiming to be ri or the public benefit of San Louis P osi -state, and to have a deposit 100,000 in Kansas City as :a guarant qspeculators. A- STRANGESEIZURE:. evenne Officers Open Typewriter Bo~s -' and Find Whisky. .. RALEIG, Dec.10 .-Much interest nanifested by business men in this sta i the southern exposition at Chicag d assurances are given that Nor axrlina wilI be well represented. Pre.ident Speneer 'of the Southe: airoad, has leased .S,000) acres of hai n Guilf-.rd county for the purp:;so -Revenue dcers f:nnd a lot of ha~n pme bos alleged to. contain ty-pew: ers. These were opened and found eitain unstaniped rye 'irhiay. T1 fiers firs: shook :the boxes -auid hea he se of thie liquid. Rev. John E. White, pastor of t1 hurchx at .-Ede-nton, is - elected by t: 3aptist state convention to succeed t1 :re Rev:' Dr. Columbuis Durham as rrsponing secretary. Mr. White xi 25 y-ears old. A passenger train -on the Southe: ailwav at Durhami ran into twoi teat na~kiled two horses and. injuredl Ga on Hi-h'doni and his son',"Bb, prospc us farmers. is Mission of a Private Nature. NEw YORK, Dec. 10.--A special 'he World from Ottawa. says: It w Lndertood that Premier Whxiteway fefoundand was comi-ng to Cana< o negotiate for the admission of th olony into the dominion, but lhe no vires Premier Sir Mackenzie Bowl hat his mlission to Canada is of an e irely private nature an'd is - in no k onected with the question.of reope ng negotiationis.with the dominion. Coroner Does.nt.Blame Any One. CLEVELAND, Dec. 10. - The coron as rendered his verdict in the Centr -aduct disaster. He fails to find suf ent evidence of an act committed mitted on the part of any person varrant him in holding any one crn xally liable for the accident. He co: ludes that the 17 victims of the disa ercamie to their death as a result of i uries sustained or from- drowning he river. - FIRE. IN NEW JERSEY. - SHundred Thoue~and D~olars Go Up Smoke at Rutherford. NEW YORK, Dec0. 10.-A fire in Rut] rford, N. J., destroyed half a d z< uildings. The fire was discovered h- postotlice building at Dep t squa d Park avenue. The p -stmaster a; is family occupied apartments on ti pper floor. Thbey succeeded in gettim ut and g ve an alarm. The Ruthc ord vlnnl eer- firemen turned out b he'were unable to cope with the fir h flames spread .to- the adjoinir uildigs. where Arswelt -& Prinxce hoe store was wiped '. ttoh i leyert' dry goodis. $tyre and Ha~itch rug store. The total klss will rea A German family conasistingofa mit d wife and one child, are unaccoun d for. It is rumure-d they may ha' ersed, but it is possible they soug] t a nr Carpets, ~ATihe d n and -far CdrpIets has not be. to 2Ingrains--former pri Ingrain s-former y PX lie a1 . The latter nm1 re In Lodl Banssels and Tapestry.we of sarnples of1 lvets e-i 1 ures, rI C A.PEPE b-Ousue~s of lic e And theyare it, T '. - iekly - no rie( re sto area usto Inyan-orm -r NT.-e0.-- ndobl or No. L20--.aUls an e triumme ,No. OluA Ek beaVve ltl - We Lte addiw of t il reky - u pi "1 Have been the wondyr of every .one superior toti l( ysexcept at ai SThe $4 50 Grade agt$ " 8d0Gradeat2 serv ttm in . -- .. orvr~2LFJ YN C o. 61;- in I~wL~kbav ew -i We ave o scial d th Whil s uero thistseia an fact~ ~ ~ ~~xcp tht ouate0isconpeei 2, sere them. r deat-9' 20 - of -e--t - HOGadeai as - b. -bo ns - O e Trid e - -. - o notfai to cal ailk ye~o as0 Becoming Style an asl.S ps of - PR (ICES AONABLE. ccEILS ~Ijj of NEW soORKth Mi orae owb i~g wl e Y o nry g eor gn ao . c d rqiret fro a; th t ssi ng;tr.s is t Ou r~ mi~ eer ir eo 19:I aO ot ItNx ~or UP-T -DT-1UE Planation ad cOpher I-IM-l - Siks -- LNJIAces _,an - -iA1 ~gn~ Nottor M'at oysice cLlats and CaS.C 3A DAVI LDGEONo Is, uy the -iy -. C it - - ' re13 e st- to -* * Blankets and Capes u up to ou expectations, and if pric i SP1 i ndcenient, we ito determined e them 35g1 quote yoi the-following rodUcluos cc 3(*, now 17 A-2c. - ce 460 o10 v 7,14c. Ingrans -foiier prpe 50c, now 37 14. .Inghubis--oiner price 65c. o. 7 c. mr is an alkwool 3ply--aiil excelent- value. - le closing ont Qur 65c ani 75c grade!rat 47 1-2e We carriy a. complete. In , Axmin er -and idvy frssels, whicti.we-etlhug at very close and can guarante. the delivery of them in a..eek. tr exceeded e-ru e' actilionr Our sto& in - this .lineabs -bep renI shd es base b e -'f tB2wn iad country. In addition to a large :u. dy oiband' ha-- - .-- . -- Rec'e fl About .O GarmertI values for ti iN .bot Iv>1 lU t 1 r ei eAio o t i, Lhand1ow:ci t: n our pri . .. .10 'e C - 11 t~rtt 1 ~ il 0; C2 Lit $N5)1 '3 5} Y '1 V 11,~tw e039n at :'.50 former price '-.0 -ARE BLAKETS rho bas soen theri Oniy on verdict- Wit -enidllent val~ues. TheY -ara; so oWls of Norther'rr lagu(?t Leture. that I:-: 1-ter - sacrifice, whiich -we have decided to make follows: 560 Thfe86 00Trade at $3 00 75 50 " at2175 The $2 25 Grade at $1O0. sali.of tlieegods Ogg fri-pds-are w omo .o Y c:1 as o- s fliey last, s as..they will not stav long at prices quoted- - Ioue efbof Carbljtj-Blankets, aid- Capes goar frieidn- m ot foget-the every dejartment, and a.large and ongQotegtforce of sale:iea ready to )NNELL& C 7: 711 POPPJETRS OF CHINA HALL -* Wish to announce that they have throwi -open their doors Yor business an'd-will -cari-y in stock a full line of 00 KING AND HEATING STOVES and .a General Line of * ROUSE FZNSHING GOODS. ICIT'" . 3-AItZ .3TI.IIi Opposite Court House - - - SUTIR, S. C, Percival Manuf actu ring Co. 47 to A8suifEIE G S' t3HARLESTON,S.. -F- TAflLISHED *d ~ - Signof the] Watch, - ABIGLIN O - S - WATCHES, .DIAMONDS Fine Steling SiierAGacs, Optical Goods, - - -i. -. in lLKnive-., Scssors an5d/aors, 3.achLme eedles, etc * ~...- ~- . . ). All repairing gn'at anteed. . .I1MS WLSOJN.' II hJ.\QT-ES JOHN WILSON, SPresidvt. Iu$r. Scretary and ressure -2 g'TeCrolina 1rocryT 01pa3ly SUCCISSORS'&F -BOYD BROTH ERS, SWholesale Grtei~ ad *oriiioiti .J~l t is, No. 195 EAST BAY, IMANNING - AOADEMY. -MA g ING. ..- u - - - - RS. E. C. ALSBROOK, Principal. Thryscn c.w n binsfl Sept. 2, 1805.l' Prpare for college or buisin~ess. Cotdue2finu:; -Eiw'h, ,Latin, French, . skkeepang, Calisthenuies. E1ocution, - A-ft iind Musie. tegularly tahghl.- Three gold medafs awarded.- ..uition S1 to CLARENDON'S HEADQUARTERS INSUMTER For Honest Goods and Popular Prices Is Levi Brothers'-:-Bazar FALL OPENING. Elegant Goods and Most Splendid t ractions investiga the golden opportunity our le stock affords. We simp1ask y6u to c6me - and see- our goods, assuring. all that they... will find the highest grades and uniform - -. prices. Our new goods must be seen to be - appreciated. Samples set og applcafy i 'The- largest assorbment! of .res as Svqrroug tA5 ili" etn ow dri our inspection. Tbisdiiieinehdes be isee lafet and mnost-correct stye ioheviot1 Scoteh effeet twoed silk and :voo-oglisb co-ver6coib .Jiiia thef weaves? blacke anddomestic o Shoes for Men; . Shoesfo edis. --Shoes foi th tUe On.: Shoeo. for Misses. Shoes or oys. -In this deparihent will be found 10.cesIediis' -otios and gents' bandkerchiefs in Lce, silk-andvotton, 1n all sizes, colors and. styles, and:at the:lowest rfces; ldmbis, thread, needles, pins, sospe in all the ..latest stylesi an shions; bair-pins (plain and fancy), perfuines, towels, white and cIoled -b'd spreads, doylies and hosiery for men, ',adies- and cbildre;. in-.all styles, colors and sizes, a'ndt aprices to suit al1; underwir hts (riminedai .iitri aimed) for ladies and misses, all theY sd best desiguyvelvets, satins ribbons,*and many otier notins. Low4 rieedlthing rMen Boysid Children Best Flour. . St acon. Best and Cheapest Canned Geods. Tin-waxe. . flwwze When you visit Sumter eall and we 'us and iike our store your headquarters. Polite and at' tentive salesmen. always in attendance.*- o - trouble. to show goods. Call and -examine our. goods -and prices before purchasing elseher, Come early and avoid the rush. Highest Prices Paid for "Cotton. STRAIGH T -:- BUJSINE88S! Comna.and See Us..and Let Us Talk Strait Business We have one of tlhe largest stock of goods ever brought to this to-wn, and they .were bought to sell. - Give you sometiuj to eat? Theb you hit- us-at our .troogest . point. But it .is im possible .to tr.y to tell. you here *iat *e iave but you will find everythingr,.fromn a soda~ cracker to bar e ot -mL~olasses in our grocerf Llepartment. - Everytl.irz fresh .aiu of the very best-qality-.. - Snioked Bacon, -- S ." White Dove " Brand H-ams,.. -- - -" O old Medal " Fleur,. -- .and Fine Coftees -. - - **A re our pets. - Our lne of tobaccos an(1 cigars is complete. Ladies,.YOur Attention! * . -Dress goods in. - BI'oadeo'ti, -- Silks; ' - - - - -- - - Sateens, He. inrietta.s,-- -- - - oultinlgs, . * Teaziedowns, - .... e(1rdowns, KEtc. -In fact;w~e c-an-fo~rnish ypu:any gbods y6tz need. Dry:ods fliave gone "up sincewe- bouglit birt wediff ive our . . .uatomers the .beneft of .our.early. purchases.. --Ribbons, laces, trimmLings and biG tons sil -g ovs~ large quantities.. LDur Gent's Fuirnishting Goods. *.Departnent is, full. Ready-made -clothing to 6taniyody' back and pocket~book. Lag' line of patgoods ih bols. [ ow.about S1IOU4 '. No~o a talk6g.- f we cai'tfi and please youi ie foowear you will- have-to go barefooted We' 'em. 3irOpS are good - All right. Then you will want bagging. and ties. e have a warehouse full and wili makd prices -right: Thef-must b~e sold. Want to. Sell Your. Cotton and Cotton Seed? -Our scales are at the back door;.and we- will give you the to figure. Haven't- time *to iie ndre2 bot want to see you befo you idll your cotton or bny your goods. Youirs :toi- ains JWMLEODI