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Zvtw Palmino in~ LOUIS APPELT, EDITOR. WEDNESDAY, NOV. 20th, 1895. There is a class of men in this State who may be called wouid-be politleal propbts They have bcen predicting the dow.fall of John L. McLaurin ever since te had the serve to differ witb the gr'eat leaders and tame out.manfully to let 'the penple know just what be thought tf things in the polit alrld die di". not go about in an un derhani-L-.y'.q,.b1t while the leaders were 1r the 7,:nith of their glory he pointed out twhat he conceived to be wrongs and dan gerous pit-falls. For doing so, some of the big leaders have lost their fondness for him and their little henehmen have ever since been endeavoring to break the confi dence of the people in him. Horry county is one of the places in which the little heel ers have been trying to do their woik, and the amount of their success can be imag ined when they read in the newspapers the warm and enthusiastic greeting .3cLaurin recei-ved at Conway last Wednesday at the hands of about 3,500. people. He was in vited there to delivg un address to the sur Tivors of the war, and he was met by the *,Brooks Guards" veterans, about 100 strong, and a cavalry company, the Horry Hussars" in full uniform, also about 100 strong, altogether about 700 persons were in the procession to do honor to the man whom petty politicians would call a politi eal corpse. Hundreds of ladies and chil dren were present and the day was made one that will remain in the minds of those people as long as they live. His speech is published elsewhere, and we are satisfied that all who may read it will arrive at but one conclusion, and that is-it is grand. The Convention raised the constitutional school tax from two to three mills, which, with the one dollar poll tax, will give Clar endon a sufficient sum of money to run seventy schools for a term of six months. In our judgment there is no necessity for seventy schools in the county, %and if we can manage to meet therequirements cita less than seven ty, the fewer tl, schools the longer the free term '11 be. It will be clearly snee tkai e members of the Con. yention desiied to give the*children of the poor man a better chance than they have 4eretof& bad.without increasing the,taxes of the po r man. As it is, the property owner is the one who bears 'the.burden, No poor ,man'can complain at this. It A complai nts at*al!, they will come fTiam that clasi of citizens who believeit ia unjust to tax their property for:the cdz.attion of an other's children. T'lhres some men op paed to tanitien for eduntion; they want every wan % h:v own, and if with ot the ueab, to do u:at eduaion. Fortunately, such citizens are few; the ma jorityar ilg to be taxed, but when taxed thoy want good schools and to be within the reach of those for whom free sehools are intended. The Legislature will not meet until the second Tuesday in January. The Conven tion would save the people lots of money by postponing this sessien entirely. SThte Constitutional Convention performed the grand salary-grab act last night, and - otecd themselves four dollars per day. Captain D. J. Bradham voted against in fiiing~ this wrong upon his people, but ron. J. W. Kennedy. although a member -of the Legislature which fixed the salary at ~two dollars. is found among the salary bbers. Hon. J. S. Cantey's name does no ppear among those voting. We re gret t Mr. Kennedy has placed himself n s inconsistent light. Senator Tillman m ----opposition to the qplary-grab. --The recent election in Florence for the unexpired senatorial term resulted in the election of J. E. Pettigrew over D. H. Traxley, both Reformers. The former, we are informed'belongs to what is known as a "McLaurinite," the other as "anti-Mc aurin." If this be correct, the ficey poli ticians of Florence court house must feel somewhat chagrined at their defeat, because it has been their boast for a long time that McLaurin nor his friends need apply for public favor in that county. 'One of Mc Laurin's friends, howe,'er, did apply, and the people gave him what he asked for in *spite of the self assumed managers of the nght of the people in Florence co'mty, and when the next election rolls around we expect to see a number of the now stiff necks begging McLaurin for quarter. ~YOU CAN BELIEVE The testimonials publised in behalf of B eod's Sarsaparilla. They are written by honest people, who have actually found in their own experience that Hood's Sarsa parilla purines the blood, creates an appe tite, strengthens the system and 'absolutely and permanently cures all diseases caused -by impure or deficient blood. *Hood's Pills for the liver and bowels, act promptly, easily and effectively, THE STATE'S COLLEGES. The Convention Devotes a Day to Biscussing Their Status. Goumnsza, Nov. 16.-Specia.--This en tire day of the Constitutional Convention was devoted to a discussion of the question whether the Legislature should be required. or simply authorized, to make proper pro. vision for the different colleges. The speech of the day was made by Seui ator Watson of Edgefield, his proposition being to substitute -'may" for "shall'; in the section relating to these institutions. Mr. Watson took the general position that the State cannot maintain a real university; it ought not to attempt anything in that line. He said the higher colleges must be sup ported by endowments. He thought they should receive just such support as the peop'le, represented in the Legislature, should, from time to time be pleased to give. The Constitution should not tie the ands of the people's representatives by any mandate on this subject. In the course of his speech Mr, Watson paid a handsome tribute to the denomina tional colleges ot ts State, citing them as examples of what private efforts, properly directed and united, may do. It was stated, by some of the colored delegatts, that Claflin University, at Or angeburg, is realty under the control of the Northern Meth.odist church, though that body-gives but $1,500 out of the $25,o0 used for its support. This particular mat ter was laid over for future inquiry ad ac ton. The ordinance to postpone the next ses son of the Legislature till the second Tues day in January, 1806, received its third reading. The Grovernor will, in a few uays, issue his proclamation formally annonec ig such postponement. The Convention adjourned to meet at noon on Monday. STATE oF Omto. CrrY OF TOL.EDo, Lvcas COUNTY. - Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he is the senior paetner of the firm of F. J. Che ney & Co.. doing business in the City of Toledo, County and State aferesaid, and tha; said firm will pay the sum of One Hundred Dollars for each and every case of c.itarrh that cannot be cured by the use of Hlrs Catarrh Cure. Paayx J. CaEzaY. Swornto before me and subscribed in my presence, this 6th day of December, A. 1). 1886. [SEAL) A- W.GLEAsON, Notary Public. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally and acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Send for testimo nials, free. F, J. CHrENEY & Co., Toledo, Ohio. meSold by druggists, 75e. A SEWING MACHINE FREE. Do you want a first-class sewing ma chine? Now is your time to get it. Every subscriber to the Manning Times who has his subscription paid up to the 1st day of March, 189K, will be entitled to compete for one of the best sewing machines made by the New Home Sewing Machino con P',ny. On the 2-1th day of December, 1895, we will take the names of every paid-up sub se:iber and place them in a hat, and on the baclk of each slip of paper containing a name Ni-5ll be a number. rhe number drawn erresponding with the one se lected by some disinterested party will be the one to carry off the machine. The subscription price of the Times is $1.50 a year, and only such as have their subscriptions paid to March 1. 1896, will have a chance at the machine. On Thanksgiving day. Thurslay, Nov. 28th, there will be a union service at the Methodtst church at 11 s. m. Addresses will be delivered by the pastors who will be in town. The demand for Ayer's Hair Vigor in such widely-separated regions as South America, Spain, Australia. and India has kept pace with the home consumption, which goes to show that these people knew a good thing when they try it. RELIGIOUS NOTICE. The communion meeting in the Man ning Presbyterian church will be on the 1st Sabbath in December. Rev. J. Lowry Wilsan, D. D., of Abbevillo, is empected to preach that day, and also on Friday and Saturday before. All invited to attend. JtSns McDowmr, Pastor. You may eat cheap food and not be seri ously hurt by it; but you cannot take cheap medicines without positive injury. If you use any substitute for Ayer's Sarsaparilla, you do so at the peril of your health, per haps of your life. Insist on. having Ayer's, and no other. We will soon have a lot of Websters un abridged'dictionaries for sale at $1.50, 2.50 and 5.00 They are wall bound and every family should have oae. These fbooks are cheap and as we will only have a limited number, parties wishing them had better engage them. One of these valuable books would be an elegant Christmas present. E . The Best , ZE Remedy for MEDAL 1A1 woRDS STOMACH, rA) /L Liver, and Bowel Complaints AYER'S PILLS Received E Highest Awards , E FAT AT T HE WORLD'S WoNd's Fair / Pure Drugs and Medicines ALWAYS ON HAND AT The Well-Known and Reliable DrW M.Brockinton In addition to a full and cotuplete stock of drugs, Medicines and Chemicals, we keep a complete assortment of Patent Medicines, Toilet Articles, Eye-Glasses, And the thousand and one things usually found in every first-class and well-regulated drug store. ONLY FIRST-CLASS SODA WATER FOUNTAIN IN MANNING, S. C. OSEMPH F. RntE. W. C. Davis R HAME & DAVS, ATTORNEYS A2 LAW, uANNING, S. C. J E.McLE , CIVIL ENGINEER AD SUJRVEYOEt, Having an erperience of thizuty seven years, offers his professional services to the people of Clarendon county. Satisfaction guaran teed. P. O. KINGSTREE, S. C. OHN S. WILSON, Atorneg, and C'ounsekor at Law, MANNING, S. C. TH BEST u bout to buy a Sewing Machine - - d by allurmng advertisements :0 you can get the best made, 9 Opular - - .mg Seecto itthat a emreliable manu s t have gained a ho:'est an dsquare -wiul the:a get a ine that is noted - to r for its dura : -- - ant the one that __i\ght Running 'There Is none in the world that - can cqual in mechanical con - .'. tr action, durability of working K ..,C parts, fineness of fmnish, beauty m i appearance, or has as many r ~~improvemtents as the . NEW'~ HIOME i t hias Automotic Tension, Double Feed, alike on both sides of needie (patented),no other has it ;New Stand (patented), driving wheel hinged oni ad justable centers, thus reducing friction to the minimum. WRITE FOR CIRCUL.ARS. THE hEW HOB SWIIG TICHIHE CO. u.Lxz MS. Bos MAS 28Ucos 5oViz N.Y sai Fasucisco, CAL. mATAC, d.. - FOR SALE BY W. E. JENKINSON, Manning, S. C. You run no risk. All druggists guaran tee Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic to do all that the manufacturers claim for it. Warranted no cure, no pay. There are many imitations. To get the genuine ask for Grove's. For sale by Loryea, the Drug gist. Lockhart, Trx., Oct. 15, 1889. Messrs. Par is Medicine Co., Paris, Tenn.: Dear Sirs: Ship us as soon as possible 2 gross Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic. My customers want Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic and will not have a~ny other. In our experience of over twenty years in the drug business we never sold any medicine which gave such universal satisfaction. Yours re spectfully, J. S. Enowsa & Co No curet, no pay. Sold by Loryea, the Truggist A Stitch in Time Saves nine, says the old proverb. Mr. J. F. Wassel, printer Dwight, Ill., says: "I neglected what seemed a slight ailment un til I became so P broken down ., from rheumatism that I had to givo up my work and became an invalid. I yielded to my wife'sproposition take Hood'sSar sanarilla. I used 2 bottles, have entirely recovered strength andenjoy life like a new man. My wife says Hood's Sarsaparilla Did it and insisted on my writing this." HodsPills cure habitual consti. Hood's PiIs ion.25c. er bo".. A Few Words to Our Friends. For some time we have been notify ing our friends of our great stock and our great bargains. We cer tainly acknowledge the fact tbat we are patronized a great deal. Now our stock is complete, and will state only a few prices. We carry every thing in stock-from a pin to an overcoat. Ladies' and gents' dress and furnishing goods. Our clothing is the best and cheap est in this county. Ladies' cloaks, the latest styles, from $2.75 to $4.50. Woolen worsteds, fiom s cents to 10 cents per yard. Our shoes are very cheap. Come and price them. We also carry a full line of rubber goods. Our grocery department is com plete. Pure leaf lard at 10 cents per pound. French macaroni at S per pound. Good first-class cheese at 18 cents. Tea at 30 cents per pound. Pepper at 12 cents per pound. Our pure apple vinegar at 28 cents per gallon or S cents per quart. Crockery and woodenware at. the lowest prices? Our coffee is the best in this town; try it and you will be convinced; 25 cents per pound. The finest hiud Northern Jersey butter at 30 cents. You can always find the "Dixie Boy" and "The Village Girl" tobac coes in our store, and we well them -9 inch, 5-to-the-pound--at 26 cents per pound. Our meats are at the same old price-G cents per pound. Our goods are guaranteed or money refunded. Yours, very respectfully, W.FA~'SS, MANAGER - MANNLNG, S. 0. OYSTERS. OYSTERS. MULLET. MULLET. F. Kressel, Agt., Fish, Oysters, Gae Northeast Corner East Bay and Market Sts., CHARLESTON, S. C. State of South Carolina, County of Clarendon. By Louis Appelt, Esquire, Pr6bate Judge. WHEREAS, THOMAS E. RICHARD son made suit to me. to grant him letters of~ administration of the estate of anda effects of H. DeSaussure Garden. These are therefore to sight and admon ish all and singular the kindred and cred itors of the said H. DeSaussure Garden, de ceased, that they be and appear, before me, in the Court of Probate, to be held at Man ning, on the 5th day of December. next, after poblication hereof, at 11 o'clock in the forenoon, to shewv canse, if any they have, why the said administration should not be granted. Given under my hand this 20th day of December, A. D. 1895. [sEA.) LOUIS APPELT, Judge of Probate. Spectacles*++ ++Eye-lasses ! R.'B. LORYEA, THE DRUGGIST, THas just secured the agency for KELKAM & MOORE'S Crystal Lenses Spectacles and Eyeglasses, And now has the largest steek of Optical Goods ever brought to Man ng. PEFECT SIGHT IS IN~V..LUABLE. Preseorve yonr sight by using onr "Crystal Lenses" Sp~ectacles or Eyeglasses. W~e take special pains to fit the eves accurately, and guarantee satisfaction. Call and have your eyes examined free f charge. RH. 13. L OHRYE A., Druggist and Optician. Successor to J. G. Dinkins & Co. "Blight" osts cotton planters more han five million dollars an ually. This is an enormous aste, and can be prevented. Practical experiments at Ala ama Experiment Station show onclusively that the use of "Kainit " wvill prevent that dreadted plant disease. Our pamphlets are not advaising circulars boom ing special fertilizers. but are practical works, contain gv tth rltarmer shoul liv a otpy They arc sent cre fvr the asking. GERMAN KALI WORKS, STRAIGH T : BUSINESS! Come and See Us and Let Us Talk Straight Business We have one of the largest stock of goods ever brought to this town, and they were bought to sell. Give you something to eat? Then you hit us at our strongest point. But it is impossible to try to tell you here what we have, but you will find everything, from a soda cracker to barrel of molasses in our grocery department. Everything fresh and of the very best quality. Smoked Bacon, " White Dove " Brand Hams, " Gold Medal " Flour, and Fine Coflees Are our pets. Our line of tobaccos and cigars is complete. Ladies, Your Attention! Dress goods in Broadcloth, Silks, Sateens, Henriettas, Outings, Teazledowns, Eiderdowns, Etc. In fact, we can furnish you any goods you need. Dry goods have gone up since we bought, but we will give our customers the benefit of our early purchases. Ribbons, laces, trimmings and buttons and gloves in large quantities. Our Gent's Furnishing Goods Department is full. Ready-made clothing to fit anybody's back and pocket-b.ook. Large line of pant goods in bolt. How about Shoes? Now you are talking. If we can't fit and please you in footwear you will have to go barefooted. We've got 'em. Crops are good? All right. Then you will want bagging and ties. We have a warehouse full and will make prices right. They must be sold. Want to Sell Your Cotton and Cotton Seed? Our scales are at the back door, and we will give you the top figure. Haven't timo to write more, but want to see you before you sell your cotton or buy your goods. Yours, for Businxess, THEOBTACLE To low prices--the middleman's profit-has been done away with here. We deal direct with manufacturers. Our New York buyers have succeeded in getting another lot of those Fancy Plaids, and we are putting them at prices that will take the entire assortment in a short while, so do not miss the chance of getting some. Plaids at 8 1-3 cents. eheap at 15 cents. Plaids at 27 cents, sold elsewhere at -10 cents. Plaids at 35 cents, sold elsewhere at 50 cents. Plaids at 49 cents sold elsewhere at 65 cents. One case of Brocadines at 11 1-2 cents,!all shades. One case of Henriettas at 11 cents, all shades. A 54-in. Dross Flannels at 47c., worth 65c. 54-in. Black and Blue Storm Serges at 49c., cheap at 65c. A lot ofi3G-in. all wool Serges at 25c. A ict of Rough Suitings at 27c., would be cheap at 37 1-2c. A lot of Rough suitings at 47c., cheap at 65c. One case of Ginghams at 4 1-2c., cheap at 6 1-4c. Another lot of India Fleece at 10c. Our Blanket Sales this Season Have Been remarkable, and to those who have not supplied themselves would say that we have re ceived two more cases and will oirer thens at prices under their value. See them and you will buy them. In Carpets WA'e .Are Showing Great Bargains. Our Carpets at 39e., 49e., 65c., cannot be duplicated at 50c., 60c., and 75 We arc closing out a lot. of Remnants of Carpets and Mattings at a great sacrifice. - - - Our lothing - - - sales have been th~eigratest of the season. We have the largest stock and name the lowest prices. We nre daily receiving new goods, and are sure to please you. We have also a Custom Department. Goods made to order and fit guaranteed, Do You Wear Shoes? If so you cannot pass this dcpartment. Sole agents for the leading and popular manufacturers, and we can surely please you in price and quality. Sole Agents for Celebrated S. C. Corsets. Every, pair warranted. Sole Agents for Butterick's Patterns, the Standard Patterns of the world. We carry the largest and best selected stock of HARNESS and SAD DLERY in this market, and name prices, that defy competition. In Hardware and Crockery 'We can give you an immense line to select from, at bottom prices. Our stock of Staple and Fancy Groceries is the largest and best scleted in this market, and prices are equal to any in the South. In our Jobbing Department 'We bave some special inducemnents for dealers. A visit to our stoie will amply)i repay you. N. W. Corner Main and Liberty Streets, SUMTER, S. C, EVER SINCE I H-AVE BEEN In the'Clothing- Business I Have'zReceived a Very Liberal Patronage from the People'of Clarendon County. I Appreciate it Very Much, and She11 Always Do My Best to Please Thern. My New Fall and Winter Stock Is Now In. I have Men's Snits in Three and Four-Butoan i Sac1is, - ats, Cutaw., .V. Ue=Ce ts. Shirts6 and IUnderwear, Prince Collars Alberts, ad from the Cheapest 9 to the Finest, A OTIC Neckwer, and mae of U3TRECEiVED Gloves, the most durable AL FTyi.I TNVETE SUspne L~lE ' Supender, andpopular - N BOY 1 L 1T H INW-H ose, fabrics. '- andker. IvNR ehief PK' My line of Umbrellas, Boys' r. BU9gy B larger )""" D.J C HANDLER, CLOTHIER, *Rbs sUTRd C. Mcntohes, and more-varied 4 /i'; Y e~Si than Icany one. ever before. WILL BE PLEASED TO HAVE YOU CALL WHENIIN OUR CITY. Respectfully, D. J. CHANDLER,-THE CLOTHIER, Sumter, S. C. From Monday Morning Until Saturday Night We Are Busy Sehing Goods. WHY 1 THIS? /e KnHow and You go Also. IT IS N 155We are Honest, Straightforward and Square in all Our Dealings. We give you a dollar's worth for a one dollar piece, ..--and our fred andy parn ppeit We have a lot of Men's Sack Suits., formerly sold at $10, 812.50 and $13.50 Q You can take your' pick fr............................... O This is a genuine bargain. 50 4den M7ite Hatikhi Hanhchiefs at 10 cent, 3st 3lack Hlf-Hose in the City at 10 CeniL Remember, when you want men's and boys' clothing, hats, furnishing goods, of any kind and at any prie VISIT THE CLOTHING EMPORIUM, Brown, Cuttino & Delgar, LEADERS IN STYLISH CLOTHING, HATS, ETa. sUM~iTEN., s. o. Geo,8, Hacker Son ar- ------- It comestobyntrswrhCohig Boys, we are probably in more people's thoughts. z t han any other house in South Carolina. Your -- money back when you're dissatified with your I puchseis a great trade inducer. 279-8orKng S., CarletonS, C hors iBij i H P HERD SUPPLY CO. SUCCESSORS TO WM. SHEPHERD & CO., CHARLESTON, S. C. SASH WEIGHTS AN 23 MEETING ST., CHARLESTON, S. C. CORDS AND BUILDERS' HARDWARE. ~--"HLS DE.omR fl WINDOW AND FANCY OVER TWO HUNDRED VARIETIES OF G-LASS A SPECIALTY. COOIKING FR wooU SOUT HERN STmVES ERME Tinwares and Housefurnishing Goods, F R UPTlCte, Shet r. i w. H. MIXSON, Manager, TBCOBR LE tLWS RCS IMPORTERS AN~D________________________ ______ WIHOLESALE DEALERS IN ruit and Produce, S~3LSE ETC., ETC. ~ ABGLN F 217 E AST B A YBihyWdigadCstsPru CHARLESTON, S. C. -WTHS IMNS TATTORBAN FUE atLOWSTPRIES ~ S.C. Al reairng uaae. . s . .