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Wat ilaniUg eum. LOUIS APPELT, ErroR. PUBLISUI ED EVERY WEDNESDAY. SUn.-C1ulFION RATES: . : . ,... ....... ............. N T. t S. . : . t. . . . . .... .... . [ .a'~ a . 6 net r . i b.- . . t . . .-t . an a.e. E:-re~d at tht Pit O:ice at anirli t M ANNING, S. C.: WEDNESDAY, OCT. 9, 1895. Governor Evans has appointed Dr Sarah Campbell Allen of Charlestor as one of the assistant physicians ol the State lunatic asylum. Her worl will be in the female department and the Governor deserves credit foi making this excellent appointment The Constitutional Convention ha taken a recess and the members are now at home where they can find oul from the people what is needed. They will, if they consult the people, fnd a very large majority in favor of increasing the constitutional school tax, provided the taxpayer is allowed to direct the piymentof his-tax. We believe in rendering unto Casar the things which are Csar's, and in giving the News and Courier praise for its reports of the Constitutional 'Convention we but give that great newspaper its deserts. The News and Courier, through its able corre. spondent, August2Kohn, has given the world a clean, honest and com prehensive report of the convention's work, and those that keep a file of that paper will have literature to hand down to: posterity which will have a value beyond thejreach of gold. Heetor D. Lane is out with another circular letter to the farmers advis ing them not to rush their cotton to market. He says cotton is bound to fetch over ten cents. We have watched Mr. Lane's predictions and so far he has hit it correctly every time. We are personally acquainted >ith the gentleman, and will say "that he is a farmer himself and is honestly endeavoring to help his s tguggling brethren. He has gone over the entire cotton belt, and he Is not takg to hear himself talk. Watch Lane and you will come~ out all ri~ht. - The Piedmont Headlight has "got em again," and is working itself into a frenzy about John McLaurin. Oh?! if MeLanin had not refused the favors asked of him by the Head light's editor he might have spared himself all this bushwhacking and attempts at assassination. McLaurin goes right on minding his own busi ness because he knows the people have better sense than to be fooled with foot-pad tactics. The sixth con gressional district will spurn all of the attempts of McLaurin's enemies. Why do not these enemies' try to break down his public record i o they prefer trying to hide It wIth lying abuse, villification and slander. Elsewhere will be found an appeal from that empty-sleeved veteran, Captain Daniel J.. Bradham, calling on the men and women of Clarendon to join the efforts being made to build a monument to "Mart" Gary. We are satisfied that Clarendon will be found doing her share in this noble cause, and all contributions be they large or small-will be ack nowledged in the columns of this paper'. The list will be called the "Honor Roll," and, as the contribu tions come in we will publish the -amount and the name of the sender. Clarendon in the past has responded liberally to such worthy objects, and she will do so again in this instance. The poiaW n for the Constitu tional conventionTo~' the ap propriation bills and othernie business for running the State gov ernment and dispense with the con vening of the Legislature this winter meets with our hearty approval. It is a real and genuine reform and an economic measure that should re ceive the support of every delegate. The present convention has the right to do what it sees fit, and if they should legislate the coming session of the Legislature out of office, and thereby save to the tax payers the cost of the convention, their work would be very gratifying to the people. Gentlemen, vote for Ellerbe's resolution ; it is :the very thing. There is no use for a session of the Legislature this winter if the convention will at $2 per day do the work of the men who will get $4 per day-the little towns and railroads, banks and other corporations, that want to have their charters amended, can wait until the session of the Legislature of 1897-and they won't be hurt at all, but if the people have to be. taxed to pay for both the con vention and the Legislature they will be hurt, and hurt bad. Re'd wb..zt m.ees Levi has~ to "ay thih week. H<: iuever -loe~ aniything hal? way. me to Maninag and atce.t his invit's tion, and you will find theO sae spirit ex. L.ib.ted ina his mammoiith store as be show: in~ his utlvertisemient. He was neve~r moe in enar:s t ini his hfe to ao business, and~ he- proposoes to o:ve tl.use who aire xrvn ler lead. rsl-ip in. the me*rcangtil line a har, ti.:ht. 3!r. Lev; p.r~g. id-+itslI on holdity the .ad.s -sp na- C.'rbet doe~s the chain p~ion~.iajp L.-.t. 1i in the latrge stock car riedi by3 Mi. buyers enuznut be suitei .u prce and quail ty, they will have to laee] a miarket beyond the bounds of Sont] CaotinL CONTRIBUTE YOUR MITE A MONUMENT TO BE ERECTED To the Memory of " Mart " Gary, the "Bald Eagle of Edgefield " Subscription Lists Now Open. 'o the People of Clarendon I am grattified to ee that a ?uvemlent has beeit 'started to ere-ct a maonctuent to that .--ad hero. Mar'in Witherspoon Gary, the --bi-i Ea'lte of E'" the man wiho nt-vr sqrre-drt-i vtamt the ians who tever received hi- j'st d.serts froms the p.<tdle he ,svent his lift. for. As a kio'dier a u a Carolinian I app.-al to the paotriotism of tr i-n .und wonwn of C natdon to j-in in the w.-rthy c'au-e by contributinig our nwiti- to tiis noble object. .W,-tid cotributions to the Manning liue<.. i.ta y gYuill I- .w-knou-gen { tLi rkut. L-AN1Z J BLALP-G - ALCOLU NOTES. Titt..-tin4 n..w in A.r.4 the ch.;--l. on~need y Een:-lis:R. A. So - ble-tt, is a.r. .wig r.;i.1'. in inter -st. The cou~eetitn i f v.r n i-.Thu ?*e-tne .ain conritinue na th week The chapel is no cLurch or;:taizktiore, but ira composed4 of att densoninarltions, and now has three pattstors. Rev J. 0. (ongh. Bap tist. preaches twice a mitnth; Rev. James McDowell, Pre.byterian. preacbes once a uaonth; and R,-v. J. W. White, Methodist, preaches once a maontb. The chapel is a beautiful little building with a meating ca pacity of about two hundred. Miss &made M Duffle is the organist, and the music is not excelled by any church we have attend ed in some time. The Sunday-school here numbers about seventy-five. Mr. N. 0. MeDume is superintendent. Mr. Robert J. Alderman, of the firm of D. W. Alderman & Sons Co., left yesterday morning for Gifford. S. C.. where he will be united in marriage to Miss Berta Gifford. He was accompanied by his father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Alderman. We extend our congratulations. "And still there are more to follow." Mr. D. C. Shaw spent Tuesday in Sum ter, - where he has recently opened a new store. Mr. Paul Alderman has been sick -a few days but is now getting better. We were pleased to have a nice rain fall last eight. Mr. Chas. E. Evans, the steno pher and typewriter of D. W. Alderman Sons Co., spent Tuesday at his home in Flor ance, 8. C. There will be a baptising at Dudley's , Baptist church next Sunday by Pastor D. I W. Hiott. aiiss Mary. Tedder. who has been spend ing some time here, has returned to her home in florence. Now. Mr. Editor, it is always a wise poli ey when a woman has told all she knows, to stop. Some, however, do not do that, N but it shall not be the fault of your corres pondent. Exrr. Confusion as to the choice of a blood pu- w rifier is unnecessary. There is but one beat Sarsaparilla, and that is Aver's. This important fact was recognized at the World's Fair, Chicg, 1893. being the only blood purifier admitted to be placed on ehibition. HONOR ROLL Of the Manning Collegiate Institute. The following are the names and grades of those constituting the honor roll for September, 1895: Lulie Harvin, 96.8; Hattie Nelson. 96.7; Essie Davis, 942; Liszie Wells, 94.2; Mur rett Mowan, 93; Annie Harvin, 92; Eatie Plowden, 91.7; Hugh Plowden. 91; Allen Bradham. 90.7; Eddie Horton, 90: Ada Bagnal, 90. DEAYNESS CANNOT BE CURED si Blocal appliations, as they cannot reach th iesdportion of the ear. There is only one way to cure deafness, and that is ' by 'eonstitutional remedies. Deafness is li caused by an inflamed condition of the et muouona lining of the eustachian tube. tI When this tube is inflamed you have a l rumbling sound or imperfect hearing, and n when it is entirely closed deafness is their result, and unless the inflammation can be Ih taken out anid this tube restored to Its nor mal condition, hearing will be destroyed sJ forever; nine cases out of ten are caused by eatarrh, which is nothing but an in flamed condition of the mucous surfaces. of We'will give one hundred dollarsafor anyn ease of deafness (caused by catarrh) that H cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for cirenlars; free. F. J. CNETr&Co., Toledo, O. t~ Sold by druggista, 75o. th REGAINING LOST LAURELS. Up Goes the Prc of Cotton and the Farmer is Happy. Cotton Is struggling hard to regain his lost crown and from all sourses of infor- g mation itis agreed that the price will stead- el ily advance. There will be some iluctua tons, but it will only net as an Incentive C to struggle the harder and then go still higher. The government report comes out tomorrow, and a great shortage in the crop is expected to be annonnoed; if so, look out- for cotton to go bounding up, and no earthly power will stop it short of ten 2 cents. The yield this year is about six millions or bales with no surplus in sight. el The amount required to supply the die- re mand is about ten millions. Tb-s mannu fiturers have contractsi out which they are compelled'to fill and the raw cotton maust be ~ had regardlesa of price. The farmers are surely -in it" this year. and if any class of people need-a lift, it is them. We hope they will not in their present properity forget the lessons of economy forced upon them in the past. 2 A WONDERFUL CONQUEROR. ii No distease is more common among the people than scrofula. Handed down from generation to generation, it is found in b nearly every family in some form. It may I ake its appearance in dreadful running U sor - swellings in the neck or goitre, or in eruptfiain Jaried forms. Attacking the mucous membrane-it .may be known as catarrh, or developing in the lan~gti jmay be, and often is, the prime cause of on sumption. In whatever form scrofula may manifestc itself, Hood's Sarsaparilla is its invetiarate foe and conqueror. This medicine has such powerful alterative and vitalizing T effects upon the blood that every trace of impurity is expelled and the blood is made rich, pure and healthy. Endaldoe Tamayo, Antonio NraTe Alfredo Betanort and b~esiderio Is a~rdo have been arrested at Statiagde for' conneetion with the re ey willbe deported topaa. A d fraome Madrid espe that GenralCam was writis Geerl ar~ o,..j .. the I In which he a thtthe C ,.n fblo.a. ~ep mor seiu haaltwsbat tme of hfs last report. t Ayer's 'aE~~ MHERRY MEDAL. WORtLD'f AIR c For Colds and Coughs : RECEIVED C MEDAL and DIPLOMA AT THE MEDAL .l e PFAIR. STRAIGHT BUSINESS Dome and see Us and Let's Talk Straight Businessy We have one of.the largest stock of goods ever brought to this town, and they were bought to sell. Give you something to eat? Then you hit us at our strongest point. But it is impossible to try to tell you here what we have, but you will find everything, from a soda cracker to barrel of molasses in our grocery department. Everything fresh and of the very best quality. Smoked Bacon, "White Dove," Brand Hams, "Gold Medal" Flour, and Fine Coflees Are our peta. Our line of tobaccos and cigars is complete. Ladies, Your Attention I Dress goods in Broadcloth, Silks, Sateens, Henriettas, Outings, Teazledowns, Eiderdowns, Etc. In fact, we can furnish you any goods you need. Dry goods have gone up since we bought, hut we will give our customers the benefit of our early purchases. Ribbons, laces, trimming and buttons and gloves in large quantities. [ur Gent's Furnishing Goods Department is full. Ready-made clothing to fit anybody's back and pocket-book Large line of pant goods in bolt. low about Shoes I Now you are talking. If we can't fit and please you in footwear 'you will have to go barefooted. We've not 'em. Drops are good I All right Then you will want bagging and ties. We have a warehouse full and will make prices right. They must be sold. Want to Sell Your Cotton And Cotton SeedI RIEGy LToR Are you taking Snooms LvFn REG jLron, the "KTy( cr LIVER MEDI on?" That is dat cur readers rant, and nothing bat th:.t. It is the me old friend to which the old folks inned their faith and were never dis ppointed. But another good recom nendation for it is, that it is BETTER EAN PIuLL, never g-ipes, never weak us, but works in such an easy and astaral way, just like nature itself; that elief comes quick and sure, and one els new all over. It never fails. verybody needs take a liver remedy, ad everyone should take only Sim mon Liver Regulator. Be sure you get it. The Red Z ig on the wrapper. J. H. Zeilin & 0,, Pbiladelphia. PORTER'S TISEPTIC HEALING OIL For Barb Wire Cuts, Scratches, addle and Collar Galls, Craeked Heel urns, Old Sores, Cuts, Boils, Bruises, iles and all kinds of inflamationon an or beast. Cures Itch and Mange. TheEs, Ost p ar 1B1 wet um #e aU the 411 u ben applis. Be prepared for accidents by keepingIt in your onseorstable. AllDruggistsell itn a guarantee. oCure, No Pay. Price s cts. and $x.oo. If your uggist does not keep It send us s5 cts. In ge stamps and we wl- send it to you by mail, Parts, 20th. 1894. Dearfai,.! have used Poretrs AnsteS Reals n er Harsesand Saddle Galls.Seratchesan4 Barb Wire Cuts th satiteton. and I heartily recommend it to a Ljve7 and Stockmen' C. IVI. livery and feed Stable. BABY BURNED, Gentleen,-Z am pleased to speak a word for Peter's aepIs ela OU. My bab7 wa bmnsd a fewr months 10 anafe trmn all %theo =eede 1applied you r -01 dglt applcatton~~ orsllef.and in a low dasthe Vr ws well. Ia se the oillon my stock and 11-741a1 t the besady for this purpose that I have everused. yours. C. T. LE"I. pari, Tan., January SL.1104 3ALUFACTUaZD BY PARIS MEDICINE CO., ST. Lors, K: For sale by R. B. Loryea, the Druggist. lanning. S. C. THE NEW YORK WORLD. Thrice-a-Week Edition. The twie-a-week edition of the New ark World has been converted into a srice-a-week. It furnishes three papers of pages apiece, or eighteen pages every ek, at the old price of one dollar a year. his gives 156 papers a year for one .dot , and every paper has six pages eight umns wide or 48 columns in all. The rlcea-week World is not only much] ger than any weekly or semi-weekly wspaper, but it furnishes the news with uch greater frequency and promptness. fact, it combines all the crisp, fresh aslities of a daily, with the attractive cial features of a weekly.I If the care of the hair were made a part a lady's education, we should not see so ny gray heads, and the use of Hall's air renewer would be unnecessary.I ou run no risk. All druggists guaran Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic to do all at the manufacturers claim for it. Warranted no cure, no pay. There are ny imitations. To get the genuine ask Grove's. For sale by Loryea, the Drug Jewell Bea .,te smallest womnaa athe south, beat the exposition, le ls ai18 d Is 838-Inohes high, reigh aue n wears No. 8 baby oeHe home i n Arkanma. The second week of the ezposition Lmed withS and d of all na n satiwni~ anI brilliant Ta S~~~aslY The atten lance grow gBaturda being veryl ga A serious diffloulty occurred at theC ounds Monday night bet#een Joh Onnuineaamng Populs ~~and Bowlet oez brotheI' A ta's fire chief in Jys aved several serious staba Pesident Collier, owig se~.uvere eatal and physical sri rtfre, tmpr yfrom aotive work, ad s spe ~u~ a week wecnperatinga a the uonisof Georgia, a wo robberies have occurred since te opening end valuables have bleepi den from the Manufacture' bule tg. Saturday night a lot of valua~le welry was ploined. notwithstand-r ATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, UT OF COMMON PLEAS. be Bank of Manning. Plaintiff, against lin C. Lanham, Thomas H. H. Gentry and John C. Wieters, Defendants. Judgment for Foreclosure and Sale. TNDER AND BY VIRTUE OF A )judgment order of tbe Court of Comn on Pleas, in the above stated action, to e directed, bearing date June 6th, 1895, will sell at public auction, to the highest idder for cash, at Clarendon court house, Manning. in said county, within the, igal hours for judicial sales, on Monday. 10 4th day of November. 1895, being sales ay, the following described real estate: 7 "All that piece, parcel or tract of land,. ring being and situate in Clarendon c unty, in the Statte aforesaid, containing a ye hndred and seventy-sev(n (577) acres, a1 sore or less., and bonuded and butting as i1 low. to wit: North by Nelson and Mar. y's F.rry pnblic road, which separates it 2 om lands of G. A Walker; east by land fthe estate of John N. Frierson and a rat of latnd bought by us5 fron.: Dr. T. L. hirgess; south by b~nuds of Mrs. Peter layes .\rs. L. L. .Mason and lands form ry of Louis L..yns; west by lands form ny of Louis Loyns andI lands of W. T. ~ prott, the said tract of land being a part t fwhat is known as the "COid Cordes" tact and conveyetd to us (John C. Lanham ud Thomas H. H. Gentrv) by separate eds of Mrs. Sarah A. Burgess, y. H. urgess and Ja-nes A. Bnrgess, each deed ated November 19th, 1889. and recorded nthe office of the Register of Mesne Con- 3 eyance for Clarendon county, in Book T, pages 183, 184 and 1#5." ( Purtser to pay for papers. D. J. Bnantza, I beriff Clarendon County. A Manning. B. C.. Oct. 9th. 1895. Our seales are at the back door, and we wil give you the top figure. Haven't time to write more, but want to see you before you se your ootton or buy your goods. Yours, tbr Business, J. W. McLEOD. ?ure Drugs and Medicines1 ALWAY4 QN HAND AT I be Well-nown and eliale for the DRUG STORE OF . Ir, W, M81rockinton ** In addition to a full and complete stock of drugs, Medicines and chemical, we keep a completo assortment of B A Patent Medicines, Toilet Articles, Can be found one door below Eye-GlaSseS, the Bank of Manning, pre Spectacles, And the thousand and one thinge pared to show you as cheap a usually found in every first-ela stock of goods as was ever and well-regulated drug store. NLY FIRST-CLASSto Manni. SNLY WARTERAS This stock wvas bought be SODA WATER FOUNTAIN I fore the rise in prices, and I MANN INO, S. C. propose to give my customers the advantage. in g When Yc'm are abouttobuyaSewing~adhlne D net be deceived by allnrmg advertisement Dry &04d Cmothing, pd be led to think you can go sthe best made, bet rgnished and MA 41st PopularHt, Ssamereosong. wee tobt tha ou buy from reliable mann rthat have gainedr pe Hardware, MputA ,Cion bypeonest to g mqure alng, will then get a I world over for its durs 1 ty. ou want the one tkat I =est to mnage and is Wago Xateril, Light Running ' There is none in the world thatS can equtal in mechanical con struction, durability of working fart,uieness of finish, beauty I ~ P ap7!ce. or has as many Glasware, oinproom onts asthe -_n m s n a o s NE w HomE t has Automatic Tension, Double Feed, alike I defy competition and wvill both sides of needle (#cte~dno other has ; New Stand(patented) righclhne adusab~ontrs t c iconged not be unadersold. 4 ble fricton t RITE FOR CROULARS. ME IEIonE SEWIG IACIE CO. COME An as z?5h5o. CAL. ATLA5LL, G. FOR SAL BY . E. BROW', NANIM, S. h. avtg S IOCn SDhool Examination. I have overything you wan, ES REGULAR FALL EXArMIdw-a rtion for teachers will be held in Man- and I will save you money by eg on tWe third Friday in October (18th)a ,11 parties that are interested will take Calling on mnc. 41,Steves, Crookery ne noti'eand garnessheandeSaddlesd L..W~r, I stand cmeionand will wan. ..twN, ANI0 . C. to adtefrsOypaiK S co Exmnain tIe he everyton yof want tio for teersOn$ heN CLnIMS arke I o teirs~ poumoe fee ingagointh thir Friaty of oetobe (16th). I atiesan that ae oingeraitd eitate gling oss0 ise notanmern themselves M.euord-eiy en in lo 6caso minainer ,tciaren1%n 1ny.. sand reay and wlling e iaaning, prdc., e akness.1 enera d o r a i tes farmer barg a yin Notybicn, e o etitrs thm h vrytpif-h agions nd etateiof Loez'. TPtlassyo-stuy rl~ Teoneic pre es e the du ly atic pro- her y g estan those owmldes.T t ate yorwill dek he d.ymn Fto Joenti. Toertity Beans mine alSO. eine ad corntipation. Noroe n aslssO. tuy l by Larvea. the Druggist. EVER SINCE I HAVE BEEN In theiClothing.Business I Have'Reoeivedia Very Liberal Patronage from the People of Clarendon County. I Appreciate it Very Mi~ich, and Shall Always Do My Best to Please Them. My New Fall anid Winter Stock Is Now In. I have Men's Suits'in Three:and Four-Button In sacks, ats Cutaway Caps, Regents, shirt, and Underwear, Prince Collars Alberta, and from the Cheapst 1Y S , Cuf to the Finest, WILL PLEAvTAKE' NOTICE Neckwear, and made of JtUAT WE AVE ST R E CEIVED Gioves, the most durable ALL OP THELATEST NOVELTlE5 s-vener and popular / i OS<HI~ -ni-oe "9 IN 80Y3 ctLOTHIa(3 V Ha1 Hse fabrics. OF THE 1anaer My line of -S HQPKII S chief. yDr 5TAR AK C R Umbrellas, BSuts 0TA MAK- E ID larger J. CHANDLER, oTIHER, ibes, andsUMTER, S. C. Mclntoshes, more varied t, etc, I can suit than most any one. ever before. WILL BE PLEASED TO HAVE YOU CALL WHEN IN OUR CITY. Respectfully, D. J. CHANDLER, THE CLOTHIER, Surnter, S. C. Facts and Figures Tell the Tale. Some people give nothing but facts, while we give you both. We leave nothing undone that we believe to benefit our customers. We have bought an IMMENSE LINE OF CLOTHING,. Hats and Furnishing Goods, And, Best of All, at Prices to Suit Every One. Lot 700- 25 Men's Suits - - - - at $ 2.50 Lot 1548-118 Men's Suits - - - - at 4.50 Lot 1436-175 Men's Suits, all wool - - at 5.00 Lot 2043- 56 Men's Suits. single and d b at 7.50 Lot 768- 24 Men's Suits, Clay worsted at 8.50 Lot -198 Men's Suits, fancy cheviot at 10.00 The Above GOODS Are MUCH BELOW the REGULAR PRICE, AND ARE SOLD AT GRIOAT BARGAINS. Also a Line of Fine Fashionable Tailored Clothing GPEAT LDTE OF ODD PANTS-ALL SIZES. Brown, Cuttino & Delgar, LEADING CLOTHIERS - - - SUMTER, S. C. P. S.-100 Boys' Knee Pants Suits at 60 Cents-All Sizes. 1,000,000 People Wear J. L. WILSON, WDoulasShoes Agent for theHAD. f South and North American Lloyds. _________ New York and Chicago Lloyds. f 50o I offer Fire Insurance at Reduced Rates on all prop- $4.00 $2.50 erty, including Gin-houses. I am also Merchandise Broker. Get my prices on Groceries before placing your orders. $2050 Office Opposite Dr. Brown's M ianning, S. Q $2.25 For Men ai19_t -~~~= - erU.L eulasosad save from . 0o 30 All .tyl0 Wid sTe advan neaerhizgadte L. eugas h~e reainthe same. Take no substiD re s-ethatu-- iandprieoars mn Fuorc U.I en gi E, YOCXlliA8 Fertilizers for Fall Crops _____________ E. C. Horton. should contain a high percentage of Potash to insure the largest yield and a permanent enrichment of the soil. - Write for our "Farmers' Guide," a 142-page illustrated book. It is brim full of useful information for farmers. It will be sent free, and will make and save you money. Address, Sign of the Big Watch, GERMAN KALI WORKS, 93 Nassa Suree, New York. SMTER, SOUTH CAROLINA - -~.------.1A BIG LIE oc~.sec ..s or Now Is the Time to Subscribe for the Manning Times ~EsTABL~sHEDN186N %~_Jj1L.W.FOLSOM aOLY DaG 1.5~'Ioftl0 PERANNUM.~: Ljcoiyp7C~ntDA~CBO14 O~. .' O~lC~abT~tOED - J~htenpon~c gt sam$OOf ou Occ~fl7 Dy;_ Foruccss ~fl~ ~i-ow Om~) .~ ~*: WATCHES -:- DIAMONDS - STERLING SILVER CLOCKS, sk jur rocr fr ~optica goods. ne knives, scissors