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VBLISHES ALL COUNTY AND TOWN OFFICIAL ADVERTISEMENTS. MANNING, S. C.: WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 11, 1895. NO SUCCESS Without the Dust of Labor-Remem ber This, Friends, and When You Come to Town Give Us a Call-We Are Ready and Anxious to Show You Through Our Stock, Whether You Buy or -Not. We have a large lot of Young Hy son tea on hand, at r.Oe per pound; this is a splendid article of tea for the money. When you want pure fancy can dies of any kind give us a call. We can please you in price and quality. One pound of good smoking to bacco and one curved-stem pipe for only 25c. If you like a good smoke give us a call. When you want a first-class smoke try the Rio Hondo and Royal Cu banas cigars; they are as good 5-eent smokers as any one would wish to Remember, when you want the best brass-hoop bail buckets-for the least money, give us a call. We can please you. A large lot of empty molasses bar rels at $1.50 each. Ladies, call and see our line of fine toilet sets; they are something very handsome for $1.35. Yours truly, W. E. JENxINSON. P. S.-Read my advertisement in another column, please. . YOUR NAME IN PRINT. -The Hon. Joseph . Ihame has re turned home from the springs. -Mrs. W. C. Chandler and children re turned home from Summerville yesterday. -Captain L I. Bagnal has sufficiently improved as to be able to go Glenn Springs yesterday morning. The entire commu nity is in sympathy with Captain Bagnal in his affliction, and it is earnestly hoped that he will soon be himself agatin. The exercises of Mrs. M. M. David's school will be resumed the 16th inst. Terms, $1.00 per month. We understand that the D. W. Alderman Sons Company of Alcolu ex pect to soon es tablish a telephone line to Summerton. New millinery just received from New York at the Racket store. Ladies desiring to ship articles to the Atlanta Exposition can be supplied with the negessary.tags by applying to'Mrs. Abe Levi, lady-commissioner for this cunty:. Remember every pair of. scissors or shears bought at Brockington's is guaran The Summerville. corespondent of the News and Courier in.Mouday's issue says that Brigadier-General Stoppelbein an nounees the appointment of - Mr. Louis Appelt of Manning, S. C., as ordnance of-' - eer on his staa, ranking as major, vice A. J. Richbourg -promoted. Genuine Butiermilk Soap. 3 cakes for 25c. IE oyes. Mr. W. E. Burgess has given out the con trc -for the building of a. comfortable residence to Contractor 1R. .0. McOje. domepeople might regard this as a sus picions circumstance, and it might be so for what weknoW ;t least, he believes .n having a cage before he captures the bird. * he attention of the ladies is -called to our line of ilne scissors'and shears: W: M1. Broekington. -Master Joseph Nettles's little pet donkey .wi reftally gored by a sharp hornea year E lng a week ago. The~ donkey attempted to defend himself with~ his heels- while the yearling furrowed him with his horns from the shoulders to the hind legs. The donkey died yesterday morning. Bishop, Lucille, Dimple, and -Joe are . the chief mouriiers. Base balls and bats for sale by R. B. Lor yea, the druggist. A trip to Sumter is not complete without' a visit to the large furnilure establishment of Arthur -Belitzer. This house has been in business, only five or six years, but in that short. time has made a reputation for itself second t'o iaone in South Carolina, and is known t'ar and .wide as an estab lshment that is firstcelass i'n everyr respect, an& whose fair ~dealing -every customer testifies to. The immeng fall 'stock is being received, and things are lively in that 'tyit~. . Bed-room suits, parlor suits, ining suits. .hat racks desks, . cliairs. fancy rockers, mattres tables, window shades, pictures, fram and everythimg in the furnsuture lia at te lowest prices, in large quantities and great variety. This store is considered the' cheapest and largest in Rastern Carolina, an'd it will pay~al n tending purchasers of furniture to inspect the istock b4ore buying., In addition, this firm manufactures the celebrated "Daisy'* woven-wire, sprnags, of which they sell large 'quantities to the wholesale trade in South Carolina, North Carolina and Georgia. The price of the "Daisy" has been placed at $2 for the fall season-within the reach of alL These springs are well made and give general natirfation. The price is ridiculously low. but that's the way they do businese. PECULIAR TO ITSELF. Bood's Sarsalparilla is peculiar to itself, in a particularly medid'nal sense, in three impartant particulars, viz: first, in the comn bintion of remedial agents -nsed; second, in the proportion in which they are mixed; thrd, in the process by which the activ" curative properties of the preparation are secured- These three important goints make. Hood's Sarsaparilla peculiar in its, medicinal merit, as it accomplishes enres hitherto unknown. But it is not what we say but what Hood's Sarsaparilla does, that tells the story. What Hood's Sarsaparilla. has done for others is reason for confidence that it is the medi cine for you. There is nothing to prevent anyone con Actng a muixture and calling it "sarsapa rilla," and there is nothing to prevent any one spending good money testing the iiubf; but prudent people, who wish t6 be sure' of their remedy, take only Ayer's Sarsaparilla, and so get cured. Ayer's Hair Vigor tones up the weak hair roots, stimulates the vessels and tissues which supply the hair ., with nutrition, strengthens the hair itself, and adds the oil which keeps the shafts soft, lustreous, and silky. The most popular and valuable toilet preparation in the world. 'TIE NEWS -IN BRIE F. - A ~~Amg. ot tmportaat Bvente Over Vs. World. Through the Seuth, heAaana-lryce aano hospital at oloos has1,220 inmates. t lvladtoo iit villo~ George W~Vanderbilt'p taxes ins Bun ombo oounsty, N. 0., fot this year will be $5,116.44. 'he silp of the Central rsilroad sye temn of Georgia has been fixed totk place Oct.'7. General Simon Bolivar Buckner, of Kentuokv, has withdrawn froms.the race for IUited States senator. E.ConigressmanL A. H. A. WIU"nS of Oxford, N. C., died at Ohas Cty, V., of kidney disease, a few days ago. Malvern Hill Palmer, of Waretofl, . C., state bank er is lEe W- I reanqsnti i testiilegisla DR. I. M. WOODS Says He Could Not Vote for Hirmself With Any Degree of Self-Respect. SARDINIA. S. C, September 6, 1895. EDrroIT THE 3AIEING TIMEs-Sir:-I no ticed in your last issue what I conceive to be unjust criticism in reference to myself. You would have the public believe that I was a candidate, voted in the prinmary. and being defeated refused to vote for noumi nees. after having taken the pledge. I did not -oi in the- primary and advised'.otb ers to make no sacrifice to vote for me, as I wake it a point to counsel no one to do that,which.. would not do myself. Theiehwire gentlemgh-qn the ticket that I d'sired to vote for .but for: the undemo cratic, unjust, and arbitrary measures of the -State executive committee. There be ing but five candidates, ltt me out, as I could not vote for myself with any d, gree of self-respect; therefore being deprived of the God-given righi of choice fir lack ot candidatte., I would only have voted thA ticket in its entirety to have kept out Cuffy and I knew he was virtually disfranchised. I think I hal the constitutional right to be a eandidate for any oflice in the gift of the people,. notwithstanding arbitrary rules, and as I did hot have any hand in making the ticket to be voted for .at the general election, I did not feel morally bound for its keeping. I. M. WooDs. CHILDREN OVERTUIN A LAMP And Set Fire to Mr. .P. B. -Thames' -Riidence. Last Sunday night a lamp was turned over in Mr. P. B. Tbames'.house, and had it i4bea foi the coof'and limely efforts on-~ the part of Mr,..Thamp and some neighbors, the house would have been de stroyed. The oil from the lamp.became ignited ard ran: through the cracks of the floor and under the wash-board in the pas sage way. After ripping off the board 3r. Thames succeeded in smothering the flames. This should~ be a warning to parents not to leave lamiips where children an come in contact with them. BUCKLEN'S ARMCA SALVE. .The bestjolve in the world .for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers. 'salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapfed hands, chilblains, coi'p and all skin erutions, and positively ciird psf'pf iy required. It is guar anteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25c. per box. For sale by R. B. Loryea. A HOUSEHOLD TREASURE. D. W. Fuller, of Canajoharie, N. Y., says that he always. keeps Dr. King's New Dis covery in the house and his family has al ways found the very best results follow its use; that he-would not be without it if pro. curable. G. A. Dykenian, druggist, Cats kill, N. Y., says that Dr. King's New Dis overy is undoubtedly the best cough. rem edy; that he has used it in his family for eight years, and it has- never failed to do all that is claimed for it. Why not try a remedy so long tried and tested. Trial bottles free at I. B. Loryeas drug store Regular size 50c. and $1.00. - DID YOU-EVER Try Electric Bitters as. a remedy for 3 our troblos? If not, get a bottle now and get relief.* This medicine has been found. to be peenliarly adapted to-the relief and cure of all female complaints, exerting a won derful direct influence in giving strength and tone to the organs. If you have loss of appetite, ~constipation, headache, fainting spells. or are nervous, sleepless, excitable, melancholy, or troubled with dizzy spells, Electric Bitters is the medicine ycu need. Health and strength are guaranteed by its us. . Large bottles only fifty cents at B. B. Lorya's drug store. MANNING' ACADEMY. The following pupils have merited the medals in their respective classes- for the week ending Sep. 6: Cellegiate, Marvin Strange; higher, Lu cille Alsbrook and John Cuttino; interme ediate, Ermine Burgess; primary, Julius lark. The conduct mue~dal was voted to Yirginia alluchat. E. C. AtLSURoL HOW'S THIST We offer one hundred dollars reward for ny case of catarrh that can not be cured byHall's Catarrh Cure. F. J..CHENEY & Co., Toledo, 0. WVe, the undersigned, have known F. J. heney for thme last fifteen years, and .be ieve him to be perfectly honorabl'e in a11 business transactions and financially able to carry out any obligations mad'e by their firm. WEsr A TRUAz, - .Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, 0. 'W.u.DzxG, KsIYas & Maavzs, -Wholesale Druggists, ToLedo, 0, Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous urfaces of the system. Testimonials sent free. Price 75c per bottle. Sold by all. druggists. MISS ADDIE'PARSONS nd sister will open on the 16th instant a ice line of millineay in .the store form~erly ccupied by Mirs. M. O. Burgess._ 'They will also do dress-making. The patronage of the ladies of' 'Ciarendoi is solicitedl for them. Mrs. Burgess, who hast been in the mil inery business in Manning for twenty years. has been engaged to do the mil inery work for them, and solicits the pat ronage of her friends and former patrons. Malaria produces weakness, general de bility, biliousness, loss of appetite, indi .estion and constipation. Grove's Tasteless Chill Tronic removes the cause which pro ces these troubles. ~'ry it and you will be delighted. Fifty centc. To get the genuine ask for Grove's. No cure, no pay. Sold by Loryea, the Druggist. Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic is a pe:fect Malarial Liver tonic and Blood p)uriier. Reoves biliousness without purging. As pleasant as Lemon Syrup. It is as large us any dollar tonic and retails for 50 cents. o et the genuine ask for Groees. Sold on its merits. No cure. no pay. For sale by Loryea, the Druggist. "Ruby" machiire oil for gins and mills for sale by R. B. Loryea. Try a sample bottle of our Palmetto Iar ness Oil only 15c. R. B. Loryea. "Yellow Leaf smoking tobacco is the best to be had 10 cents package at Brockington. If you wish a .stylish walking hat, call at the Racket store and purchase a '"Wind Fon S&L.-A good mule, or will ex change for small saddle horse. 0. E. Webber. Go to WV. E. Jenkiinson's to get Rev. W. B. Duncans little books, -'Our Vows," '-Character umilding," and "Baptism. AYER'S . .. Hiigior1* ROWT ' BALDNESS \l REMOVES DANDRUFF. -AND Restores Color TO / -fro .\Faded and Gray L1ROWT ' - HAiR' ~OLO TH E Best UrGssinE Pure Blood C1ves Perfect Health-Hood's Sar saparilla Makes Pure Blood. "I became troubled with *oe which broke out on me from the lower partof my body down to my ankles, dark, flat and Very PaInful. Hood's Sarsaparilla cleared my sys - tem and healed the A sores in a short time. 14 / It also Improved my Appetite and benefitedmygen eralhealth. Irecom mend Hood's Sarsaparilla to alL L P. THoxAs, Postmaster, Burton's CreekVa. Hood's.-Parlo CUXe Hood's Pills are the best. 25c.perbo. -' WE LEAD x 1IGH1E;e-r QUA LY AND LOWEs' PRICES. We have just received a full line of hair brushes, tooth brushes, nail brushes, shaving brushes and combs. These are the finest goods on the market, and both the quality dnd price will suit the most fastidious., . A big line of nice briar-root and apple pipes. Call and see them and you are sure to purchase one. All prices.-from Sc to 35c. Our line of fine cologne extracts, bay rum, face powders and toilet soaps is the finest ever brought to Manning. We are still offering gen uine buttermilk soal) at 10e; three cakes for 25c. Our flue green and black teas are unsurpassed in delicacy of flavor. We purchase'them direct from the importe'i-s'and guarantee them pure and unadulterated. Try a 10-cent sample pacekage and you will be de lighted. And don't forget, if you want prescriptions accurately compounded, always go to R. 13. LORYEA, 'rHE DRUGGIST. Successor to -T. G. Dinkins & Co. PRICES SPEAK ALOUD, WHILE BRAG ONLY WHISPERS. The By Goods Is Where You Can Get Honest Goods the Cheapest. GIVE US A CALL AND WE ARE Sure You .Will- Decide' Thai Our H'ouse Is the Cheapest. Piace to. Get First-Class Goods at Rock - Bottom Cash Prices. We have now in stock a large lot of smoking and chewing tobacco of all kinds, and those who use tobacco in any shape or form, will do well to give us a call, as we are headquar ters for all grades of chewing and smoking tobacco. Our Social Circle plug tobacco at 5 cents per plug or 25 cents per pound has no equal in the market for the money we ask for it. Our Red Juice plug tobacco at 40 ents per pound is something that is sur,e to ,.please gny an'.d Aeyerybody that will give it a trial. Remembe that we keep on hand all the time a large lot of Annie MLeod plug tobacco at 10 cents per plug or 40 cents per pound. This is a piece of goods that we have recorn mended to the public many times before, and it. has never failed to come u'p the hiigh recommendation we h'aVe always given it, as it is an honest piece of goods, w~ell worth the money we ask for it. -94nts, when-you want fine cigars, cleroots .and smoking tobacco give us a call. WVe'll please you. We wish to -call your attention to the fact that we have now in stock a nice line of hardware in the shape otable:and pock& dutlery: . - A large lot gf knives and forks at 45c, -lSe, $1,-$1.20", $1.50 and $1.75 per set of six knives and six forks. Call and see them.' We can please you. Aver'y .nice line of pocket knives at Sc, 10c, 15c, 20c, 25c, 35c, 50c, 65e and 75c. 'We can" please anybody in this-line.. . . Our line of gents' two and three blade vest-pocket -.knives at 25e, S0c and 75e is a line of goods that we are sure will please the most fastidious ~eentleman. We have a very complete line of padlocks and knoblocks. We have some of the best padlocks ever brought to this town. Our "Tramps' Terror" is an out and-out six-lever brass lock that no thief can nick and nothing~ but a sledge haminer can break. 'It is just what every farmer should have on his barn and smoke-house. A large lot of T and strap hinges at Sc, 10e and 15e a pair. - A large Jot of nails at p~rices that '-an not be beat anywhere. A large lot of the best split-wvood market baskets ever brought to town at only 5c and 10e each. We have now on hand a large lot of brass-bound cedar hail buckets (two and three hoops) at 20c and 25c each. Call and get one of the best buckets you ever saw for the money. Call and get one of Joseph Rod gers : & Sons' celebrated hollow ground razors at $1.25,-and you will have no trouble about shaving. - Well, friends, I am going to talk to you next week about dry goods, notions, shoes, hats, caps and ready made clothing, for I am going to give you some eye-openers and record breakers. I mean business. Yours for the cash, WV. E. JENKINSON. A POSTAL CARD s all that it will cost you to get a specimen opy 'of 'The Columbia Daily Register or the Columbia Weekly Register. The Daily is 6 a yoar and the Weekly $1 a ye-ar. In the Weekly yon obtain twelye pages of real live news, a handsomuely printeli paper nd good large typle that an-y one may read. n the Daily yon get the best telegraphic news service extant-that of the Associ ated press, whose leased wire runs inito the Register office. supplying 15.000 words.of the latest news every might. The Constitutional convention is near at hansl, and the Register will contain a good report of its proceedings. Now is the time to subscribe if you wish to get the eon tinon news of the'convenhton. Address Charles A. Calvo, Jr., Columbia, S. C., for specimien copies of the Register, and. in subscribing rennt by P. 0. order, regitered letter, express draft or personal check. .. Yu run no risk. All drdiggists guar.n tee Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic to do all that the manxuf'act'arers claim for it. Warranted no cure, no pay. There are many imitations. To get the genuine ask r- te. For sle hy Loryca. the Drug THE DAY OF HIGH PRICES HAS PASSED. The opportunity we offer is one of a lifetime. You cannot do better than to take a view of our stock, get our prices on all lines of goods and secure a bargain. If there he any doubt, all thi we ask is that yo6 ina-ke- a itriaf trade with us; one such trial we are satisfied will convince you of the justice of our claim. Don't let any one get ahead of you, but come and select some of our many bargains which we offer for the cash in gents' and youths' clothing, which are qheaper than ever before ; in ladies' dress goods, which we are selling at rock-bottom prices for the cash ; and as to shoes-everybo-lv knows where to go and get a good pair that will give them value received for their money. A nice lot of ladies' cloaks from $1.50 and upward. Misses' and children's hose at five cents a pair ; worth ten cents. Beautiful line of outings at five cents per yard. Look out for my prices next week. They will astonish you. SA.R By THE ENTERINE MCHANT S. A R I BY,1F MANNING,4 S. C. zz-.STR AIGHT BUSINESS Coxne and See Usi and LtI. 's rallk Straight 13unemss r+ We have one of the largest stock of goods ever brought to this 0 town, and they were bought to sell. Give you something to eat? Then you hit us at our strongest point. Ent it is impossible to try to tell you here what we have, but you will find everything, from a soda eracker to barrel of molasses in our grocery department. - Everything fresh and of the very best quality. Smoked Bacon, = - .5 "White Dove " Brand Hams, '-"Gold Medal " Flour,4 14 andi Fine Coflees ~ rug.Are our pets. CD Our line of tobaccos and eigars is complete. o -7 Ladies, Your Attention ! F ' Dress goods in V Broadcloth, - Silks, I Sateens, - * Henrieti as, 14- Outings, -7 Teaziedowns, -- Eiderdowns, Etc. In fact, we can furnish you any goods you need. Dry oods avegone up since we bought; but we will give our custmer th beefi ofour Qarly purchases. Ribos laces, trimming2 and buttons and gloves in large qtiantities. - Our Gent's Furnishing Goods 14 D epartment is full. Ready-made clothing to fit anybody's back rntm and pocket-book. Large line of pant goods in bolt. p How about Shoes? Now you are talking. If we can't fit and please you in footwear, you will have to go barefooted. We've got 'em. . . ""'Crops are good ? 3" All right. Then you will want bagging and ties. We have a CD . warehouse full andl~ will make prices right. They must be sold. W1Xant to Sell Your Cotton and Cotton Seed? 0 2 '- Our scales are at the back door, and we will give you the top 2 r+ j fgure. Haven't time to write more, but want to see you b'efore --- yor.sell your cotton or buy your goods" 0 ~Youar, for H3usinss, o J. W. McLEOD. W HE N YOU COME TO TOWN CALL AT GALLOWAY'S SHAVING SALOONJ.L WLS N Which is fitted up with anAgnfoth eye to the comfort of hist adN rh m rcn lys customers.. .. ... HAIR-CUTTING NwY r n hcg lys IN ALL STYLES, S H AV I NG AND Iofr reIiuai a dutdRtsnalpo Done with neatness and Jmas ecads rkr dispatch. . . . . . .....I (e ypie nGoeisbfr igyures A cordial invitation ~ l~OioieD.Bons ---Mnig .C is extended... A.J..L.ALLOWAN, Having a egperieceroftthrtyoseheayearN.rth AmerVIca Loy s ofer hs roesioalsrvce t te eoleM NewNGan CiagoRN L lyds. of ~aendn ouny.Saisfcton uaa I Ofie Fi re I~an oe nrnce a. Reue ae o l rp teed. m. to~~~ 1a3m. aMrnd ise53 Bre. h. IMNIi.C Offce.ppoit Dr Brwns -- -Manin. C.C Save Your Money While Yni Have A CHANCE. Our Stock Is Twice the Size (f Last Year's, But Our Prices Have Been Reduced One-Half. 1. Our vxpenase is swu6l. 2. We are buying goods direct from hedquarters, anl that is why wu cn alfr-i to sil goods at very low lrie-s. We will !eil yon t ine erat and vest (guaranteed two years wear and not lose the color, for i 3 Qulity, The ery S1I5, e $2, S0 2 st $225 A nice. c.mplete suit of clothes for only 8:3 andc 1325 Our prices on hats next to no thing, and1 we will sell you gents' farnishing goods at yo:r own prrice-. DUtEmSm (OOUS of all kinIs a1-l late'st styles., very cheap. Oting in twexnty-live 'f. fereat o:rs. very ch . wdi be to vour ntere.t to cro and price it. We also carry a large line of Shoes and Groceries, and everything that you can find in a first-class store. Goods delivered to any part of town free of charge. Come and see as before you buy and save your money. You can't miss the place-it is di rectly opposite the court house. Come one. come all; we will be ready to serve you with pleasure, give you prices, and show you goods. W. FASS,, MANAGER1, RlANNING - - - S. C. Pure Drugs and Medicines ALWAYS ON HAND AT le Well-Known and Reliable DRUG STORE OF kr, W Mg Brockinton In addition to a full and complete stock of drugs, Medie:nes and Chemicals, we keep a complete assortment of Patent Medicines, Toilet Articles, Eye-Glasses, Spectacles, And the thousand and one things usually found in every first-class and well-regulated drug store. )NLY FIRST-CLASS SODA WATER FOUNTAIN IN MANNING, S. C. ATTORNEY AT LAW MANNING, S. C. H AR D LW. DVII 'o Our Clarendon Friends : We are now prcpared to offir lower pr you want. Our Stock is. complete. We hardware a large line of Paints, Oils, Etc., Ha~rness, Saddles, Rubber and B Great bargains in guns, pistols, Headquarters for Powder, Shot a Engine supplies, belting,. etc. Headquarters for Cooking and I 7 Exhaust Sare made to produce large * use of Fertilizers rich in 'Write for our "Farmers' Guide is brim full of useful information for Swill make and save you money. A< GERMAN ) T HE DAIS Enre MaIm.e Themn a~r ALL OTRER KINDS OF FUla ARTHUR E {Hon- t~~~~~~st trklsa u-f-inFie.e For uccss wlle- erfollow(Omit) Ask your rrner for it - -a Collegiate Institute. Seventh Annual Session Begins September 2nd, 18!>. Courses: Prir', .ntermed:ate, high school and collegir..e. LItin and hi; er matematic required for graduation. Freach, German andl Greek taught if desired. for e*dogm. E. J. BROWNE, Principal. Jas. E. DAVIS, ina.i * -rd. I.-V. ihtL,, .Seretar% .u.l Trcatr. MANNING ACADEMY, Thirty-Second Session Begins September 2, 1895. Prepares for college or business. Co educational. English, Latin, French, book-keeping, calisthenics, elocu tion, art and music taught. Work thorough. Three GOLD MEDALS awarded. Tuition: Primary depart ment, *1; intermediate department, $2; higher department, $3; collegiate department, $4; music (including use of instrument), 23; painting and drawing, $4; contingent fee (per ses sion of five months), in advance, 25 eents; board, per month (including washing), $7.50; board from Monday to Friday (per month) $5. Send for eatalogue. E. C. ALSBROOK, Principal. CET THE BEST When you are about to buya Sewing achine do not be deceived by alluring advertisements and be led to think you can get the best made, finest finlished and Most Popular for amterc song. SeectoIt that obru from reliable man atuesthat have gained a rep utationbyhonst and square lealing, you will then get a Sewing Machine that is notcd le world over for its dura biity. You want the one that is easiest to manage and is Light Running There is none in the world that can equal in mechanical con struction, durabiliof working parts, fineness of ish, beauty in appearance, or has as many improvements as the NEW HOME It has Automatic Tension, Double Feed, Alike n both sides of rcedle (patented), no other has it ; NewStand (patented), driving wheel hinged n adjustable centers, thus reducing fiction to the minimum. WRITE FOR CIRCULARS. THE BEW HOME SEWIIG IACHINE CO. LlvO ASS. D~ oTow, MASS. 28 Usm.O N.azL CmncAro, ILL. Sr. Lo m, o es. D aS. Sa Fnacsco, CA. AT , FOR SALE BY W. E. BROWN, MANNINGi, S. C. 1,000,000 People Wear IWJoug1hsShoes HAND PROCES. g sORLD $5.00i Arm3.00 $4.00 $2.50 $2.50 15 We~ W-L. ougas hboes and sae fom Widhs.Th aa in lterhas ncrse the enof sote taks. t thnalit d priceo on sole. W. L. Douglas, BaccxroS,MAS5. Sold by E. C. Horton, VARE! NI&SON E, s. C. ees than ever. Call or write for what have added to our immense stock of at Low Figures. cting, Leather, Etc. ~t. na Shells (loaded and empty). leafing Stoves (Warranted0, ed Soils r and better crops by the Potash. "a i.;.-page illustrated book. It armers. It will be sent free, and dress, ALI WOR KS, 93 Nassau Street, New York. Y WOVEN-WIRE SPRINGS. ic.5Te Bell Theezzi ICE, $2. NITURE JUST AS CHEAP. 3EL ITZER, - . - S. 0. Sspro. ample 10e. 2. Zdtime. e ound the beat; ...Claimns aplace above the ret ceran-y day; . .. eyourpnneswinre5P8Ya owllnver be jroewh s Q.. B. F