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A BIG BARUA!N IN JEANS. Only 25 Cents Per Yard for an AIl- Woo! Filier, Worth 35 Cents On Any Market. We are sling hoinespuxis, ging hams, outings, and dress goods at prices which AOiould certainly de imiand your attention. \Ve are offering a nice line of geuts, and bovs hats and caps very cheap. Our one dollar :n ha!is vert:tuly a bargain. Remnemiber we kt- :A .ee ine o ad would like to t upie all.s Yai- nic~l.c before you buy. yor ulii'_ -i shoe is equal to any 1.Y shoe it narket. Call and ' i1 them at Rememuber we pay special atten tion to our grocery departiumIt and handle nothing the parest goods at the lowest eah prices possibl. We have a large lot of dried apple!s - on hand at only 10e. per pound. Yours for the cash, WV E. JENKiINSON. . on the bench of Southi C.rlma. Tihere io : e a : L l iaeInst:11:te onerst a n: . The Racket Store v nice lot (A chrstmas goods fo e o . The disp)ensiary :ti pci-i s one of the qnietest and busiest pil:esi tho town. Trial Jastice Richbcrg, ofS. Paul, i. in Char:cston attending the Masonic grand lodge. Toe Senate has contirmed the re-appoint ment of Mr. S. P. Holladay, of P1anola, as superviso; of registration. Married to-day at the residence of the bride's parents, near Kingstree, Mr. Ervin Player and Miss - F rierson. The Grand Lodge of Free Masons asse' bled yesterday in Charleston. Mr. W. T. Lesesne represented St. Peters lodge, A marriage is to take place next Sunday night at Shiloh. The contracting parties will be Mr. William H. Cole, of the Fork. and Miss Mattie Chandler, or Shiloh. Yesterday afternoon Etzeii L. Adams, a highly respectable citizen of Florence coun ty, in a ' of insanity killed his wite and daughter and then took his own life. When you come to town to. b:y your christmas supplies be sure to call on the advertisers in the Tim.;. Tiiey ar wide awake merchants and are sure to have in stock~what you want. Buy your seedless raisins, entrant-, cit ron, etc., from-B. A. Johnson. We want a good live corresponaett in every comunity in the county. The news from all over the county is wbat bailds up a county paper and at the same time it helps the community. For spectacles and eye-glasses of any kind call at Brockinton's and get the best at the lowest cash prices possible. A citizen of the Fork puts the query to us. Will the consUtu'ional convention that is to be, tackle the stock la? He de sires to hear the views of the corr..pon? ents to the Times on this subj.-ct. When von want a good smoke go to Brockinton's and get a 10;-. package or Pick Leaf smohing tobacco. There are six hundred apiplications on file in the governor's ofiee, asking that divers persons be appointed .Dispensary constables, One hundred have beena re ceived since Governor Evans' inaugura tior'.. For chapped hands and lips try a itc. bot tle of Petreisine, at Brockinton's. Mr. D. W. Brown hais been .(drawn to serve on the grand jury of the Lmited 8thtes which meet in Charleston next month, and Mr. P. P. Meekins has been drawn to serve on the petit jary of the same court. The best 5c. cigars in town at Brockin ton's drug store. Married la~mt Wednesday at the Ger-vias street Baptist church in Columbia. .\iss Mary Collette, of Panola, and Mr. Arthur Williams, of Columbia. A large nur-ber of the friends of the happy pair witnessed the ceremony. The Highest cash price given for cotton seed. W. 3&. Brechinton. - The first pardon granted by Governor E~vans was last Saturday to Willham By-ant, of this county, who was convicted on the charge of larceny and his time wonld have erxnired yesterday. His pardon restores to him the right of citizenship. The Garciosa is the best 5c. smoke to be bad in the market, at Brockinton's. Our merchants are determined not to carry over any more stock than they can -help in spite of the scarcity of money. One of our advertisers told us that he proposes to force the people to buy if selling goods cheap can accomplish the result. Fresh garden seed this week at Brockin ton's. We have been requested by a number of our subscriber s to publish the county gov ernment law past by the last legislature and which goes into effect on the 1st of Janmary, but lack of space forbids us from doing so this week. We may publish it later. Just received a superb stock of bandker chief extracts, floral essences, Colognes. Florida water, &c., lowest prices. R~. B. Loryea the druggist.. Mr. H. L. B. Hodge, of the Foe-k, tells us that he made this year on less than a half acre of land 129 gallons of molasses and about 500 pounds of sugar. He has no trouble in disposing of the molasses at fifty conts a gallon, and hais sugar at fivet cents per pound. -Buy your evaporated p~eaches and apri cots from B. A. Johnson. There is a bill before the legislature re quiring ministers and students to do road duty or pay the road tax the same asth people. Representative C. M. Davis as bill to reduce the seed cotton hieense in this county and Mr. Kennedy has one tc change the voting precinct in the Fork. Hlandsoamest line of Christmas cards evex brought to Manning. R. Bi. Loryea the druggist. It is stated in yesterdays News and Courier that Judge 0. W. Bachanan will make his home in Sumter. We hope thtis is a mistake as we have knowledge of the fact that Mr. BUchanan was desirous of bringing his family to Manning and vwt sincerely hope that he has not ehanged n mind. Remember, I am headgaarters tor John son's Chill and Fever Ton:ie. sold undler positive gularanlte. W. M. l kockiniton. Judges Earle and Buchanan, the newlh elected judges of' the ight and Thirc Circuit, will begin the active discharge o: their duties as such in next January Judge Buchanan will open court at Abbc ville on the third Monday in January Judge Earle will begin at Camden abou the same time. Ladies call and inspect car beatiful lit of Xmas novelties before our stock broken. R1. B. Loryea, the druggist. Col. 31. B. McSweeney, editor of th, Hampton Guardian, has become a leade: in the house of representatives, althoug! this is his first session. The day ior rea merit is at hand. Colonel .McSweene: is conservative on his views, a true-blue re former and a man that has the ability t present his views in a forciable mannier. When you want soaps, brushes, co:ahs sponges,~or any other toilet articli- c-all Brockinton's and get the best for the low. cash prices. Itch on human, niange on Lcerse-s, dog and all stock, cured in JU nimutc. b Woolfords Sanitary lotion. Tis nc-n' fails. Sold by RL. B3. Loryea the dru ,t, Mannirg, S. C. Christmas gobb!ers are now frequltiv heard on our streets, and this isabout near as we pencil pushers can get to the juicy turkey. Tesonaz= ites con RI "'.1C n trE, a ' wrs 1 aiht :Mno nL thi a ta t S r. ells I .v, andk 'n,!oft.m s i~aetpee r 'I' to S.C a d1::v at Miwyat which th- Stoc h v.w didensed nd tat bdy resolvedl topt t inthe rs - 1 to the In conventin to ise sot s ey h the poo-er ctss of farmer cztm g."t r'elief from the oprso sof tI f h oot isv fr.. he iscarydO( with! ha vingr broken ant i:t Istotr.3 -;f C. P. Rag1-in 0.n in n it of th- Ith. r. :1: with, robb o d.: . ..t vof;o d ..oI' ''''s t' i L 'i ofl"'. C. C i nhaa ofL Couba in.n.' hea I :- :on'" 21 '. U orf mao ' :: . C. Itnd C. 'x t! hd delings wi:tho h:md 0 a're v.eoll plo : - 4 with t.r a s me 1. Iis em *f'or ""::-.: n er. h:rd :a~.rt which p n" & .nd p:ise r:-,! r.:ad M ?te :1.". his mcine isL50~ as hayve r~ae' 5s a corn milh.A!1 .ioih hrsia is -ou in: i dne bL, -% In a kti ng a in stoc fod Ric groig promoe pro:1 r ble tn cot ton ar 1 ih one o" I, ce payhins a long0' fetwS tho Dipple. F ley :ru:'s .l hav 'n Sd to~ V anii Our e sto ive the people ofm t' is Couty a good reI l newsper has. wit sue -;. bu-t wIn eaie hnt te r times its ert an a namec fromn our sub Sscription list t ha t desired to-, be on thtpre. pIay of our old si I . . I U .. , T t. a'lowedtheir'sbscripi tr Cxpr ane ate than lose thnvc inudt hm fr a Ie. N v.e t. i 1r' to g7 ve tr no-: ) a r-: case ci onbur ubrit on os :hat i as w canaf to payt. . he sh outQ tf :1 1 - I . our i poft "'nd not reci ..t' h '. in r e"ur i. 1. d'onot w .t . o los:ea LC sur <eib-er; I, noy do propo-e o r di'ds o :nd ee -: w a : r!!y' nd 1m een. A~r~ ':.: m -y , ..ed so'i and re pay -,:s rp p u t i -. z iaLthe same indry a the n::.n w.o. :stper :nd Lardy. Errmhr .h at :ae determined to ciear our, boo the o t:r -.ho have not paid u u~p, an M:tr. :\ey r they of Jhauar ynomppeinai. 1onl :o, the, caurs W.i be tl:. y h t pavi Upe ::n-ct honest '-'or list er .-S-- '"nnie ot is rct fo: r t, puts o e.ble.--Terms re a onabl, to anap Irotnan Whel. pureh' er. Pseso ic aur s 8a Apy to IRS. 31. 3." UE-S, M~nn.S. C. XiR. 'EV'i RELES. i Brother Mood true. T ldhe ref ~sere fto Mh. you. They'urs mO n J::s goi, ot from M'd. he :rc an wce teahg and the e ma snd n your crse though alie asna law cadnycaseyo lipv ae bn frour sme book pebt ht i o ave neverh laweal. Erro N.3. :-otherr.Mood sans tohanm last argose uiV ittoryp toi hver fog ree tre ude th win of- e psuatempt.iv in me, th :ov.e. Brother 2doopan hate the pofu:*.psi ewapect~ for hi, nyid nrt b theve ta~ he nede tod writsher dod nos t ek' mapet. ent but avd t t her rt fom ::o. ..edsgest that I prompts e aoite thisru~ waeeo, nd prh-i to ore the s cro.i pla c bore thap is. of t 'r whe pulc y1rt e l M on. t ] sbEcto o tb si-ys : "thiai of aspiam. sau t theml outstart that I made Ic at dnomino aton Ieb ol quted the worse If dot.n ~-"~ c o"t 1ro No. 2 "sy m efrn:e er surprised that~l l~other Mod werofl take true Therefeence wer from th3.t..s Thrat rnWhe' to.whic' hea rees a ' ad sure that "hough a ' "tedlig I hav nver ad.' -1) ~ I~p. ErrorL-' N.. Brte N.o sas htr~ I mad thestateet rm ':: pul pt that scitrl 1im. a ase o my r~utoriy. gae i frm ley's ownI pe.I .heada o occlraionr to atemp toi " la lttet' ngher .ti an on prech ingthege '"ia not so. muc on ap tis.- I ontkowhwhIeeso h subec ofth sl"n ordiance ofa. baptism But 'I ibeieeta hleIa orahigoubpism I a l preaching tora i EdefiL.r,. 'e &c, onto th Erro No 4.-in ths i C.e tat hurno. Compimonito iRvY. S- A. NvIlles. At a rcent neeting of Di. fAi N). 13 K. of P., on 6:h inSt.. Braother 0. E. which -vwre ha tily t-dor".:.1b ym n ber preset: A.. Ix, ' t " . w 1 4r n'' ~.2'.p, . S. .1- . i *Ai' A . -' : :-:i oe :. sum o e s ITn ! n.d 5:e~~~~~~II. a::ntl -.rdb h s- of Hl' ':rhYR. iNK J.(HENET. -r to1:fre :. :i subscri be1d ir ::y pres- ce) ti Gzh .;ay of Deticeruber, A. ). 1586t. A. W. GLEASON, Va" -) :L'". i IaY. diacly o:: ti e a od and mucou 'to ar:AI 2.til-t. au. and s t !i awo-nd .HENE & Co., Tiledo, 0. - -0 Tont. & i~~han lr:ei':ew hstoFrk Ay jennal ofr0 i'ntlo boe sorsea, grooad ule 'ds. whchthe v wil Sel .t Al fe ofthew are extra inhgh e:d driv- . Call and see them , a un d it. i a ro c cit .Y ate pi .keji 1r. ~ ~''dhO\ia' &ul BRD. .tti seflnuz Out. o tokl. a chan0 ie iV mpLans or he future I will sell out myo proua ropety.I hae alare new st-ocku Ienra1.elu: 11 Mereh.ndise to be sold at rivate saie: m odiules, I .:ood miare, - mifleh' owo s a nd , had-of ha, .5~f ts ,oto se. -(' b, h 1 hrev 11erse V ii.Son & nlsWagoni. lsof oei T enese ()Io ant it. 11 rodat.' andOn -arnes 1 be >u : m harne , full..utfi Ii lmeiet-: anu ao:.eksmith" s Iop oo, u ld bus . Is of corn -2n .hk and shelled, a 'od lot of :)a buhel; Of r-ough i ' e".t potatoes, everal hu: ,,reit ponsOf foddler, . Of crab n pe-ine hA 50bushels of ottn eed1 20 bsh is of Yeny "l.e oto..e1 for plant ..Ii . ..fTfZiiCOIPc A"ll of theA abv rilsWill be old easo~blylowfor eh . i sCHAN. sC iier, S. C. ::riioi A"-.G o' P~o'::tli Co.nany Ph will -- a:?: p e ol tdof toartih t he gri.'nc and io prcn:-: of the Ia(Fe- hc tli reriCop .t 01r thir ILCrial supprt " an. (ascasc., :lhioa'nbra nsuaid ne :Otyng th 2:7rth- :dan of Dcmbt of t -. )ir~tr the ptron l par 1) b y t l A- tl. nai tond wtle etat ouy s::saindeae, iiul.1 ore.CHARLESTON hc. C'I. GEO." .. 1 Woa earE. Gn ra! -\rt~ji;er. Nri OciTIC OatF SAL~ ~ E.I h ine oe arpeaterdg o tohe lcksith of ooendn Sa of elowut ofaronalP wl relou a pulnio ando toJ the oi hest reide, not scihfaie ae h The rset comfethe at 11 B.Gar. 0r ud thefoeased, aturhae of said 01 ony or the 27tny of ecemlbe r . irD1 th paersonal property ber- as ,hse mue1ore, eliery and har tae . losgy 01 roeadlea, ndigot aso pari; a or, thderm wl bat othwied roue- rc old. ailkthnluntrnldn omcarpentersd os noaksit ot ooaid ~air fbloselto r-a athohsome other. ehatl . usal 'kp >n. orabot :a plation) andipanta ion rtee ot anpecie abovet SThe'4T sale to " comme e a 11 o'lock o nr'th forenoon. Prhasr ofc said c . our tlo' pay0 for he proptet ur-: - .hasd bef ore I ' deliyan t he -lose of the'sale an if~ ntc so pa'id or,1 the sam ll be~ f'o~rthwit re- r. Adinistrator, de bonis. non Cof TATE OF SOUTH OARIONA,, .' S jOUNTY A' CLAR1)e BON, u jo . .)1 .e n . tr'ie ' EXECTIMAGANST ROPRIT. 4 ains J. annng Wleh I*av (At~i ed unon nd willole for saeti or cas to th hihet bidde (on in o nay:" the7t da 1f1tnur1W> L Excelled by None For some years havC been a sevel sufferer frem Rhel Matism. So much 5 that I could not a tenid to my busines -7n:l was confined I :Vhouse for weel IwasIa vised to try Rood Sar ,apanrilla and ha% constantly improve since I commeec tIo'take the inedicina ILz. Ir. I n.. I am now well ai 0, " a .:i. Ilo\1-s Sarsn parilla is truly 'c: Remembe 3 sure to get HOOD'S Pcis scur alu iver ills. 25c. ,it, dios;4.loss of appette, ml i' . .1e.n: tp . (I Groive's Tast ? Ohni 'l To i ' 0o thecauev! Vi V a'.10t C. a 5 1Z U Hal Et a OFFICE COUNTY AUDITOR. CiAR._N)N CoUNTY, Manning, S. C.. Dec., 5 1P4. The Auditor's office will be ope >)111 the seiid dav January, 180 the twenth drv c;f February, 189 receive returns o real and pel nal iroperty for taxation in Chu doiC outay for the year 1%95, an, the convenience of tax-payel 11 have deputies at each of th e naLledI below to rece:ve r( ms for the 'said year: Pinewvood, Monday, January 7t1 Pacsl,, January 8tl: nola, eesdayj, Januiary 9tli T: Datvi Levi's Store. Thursday ,Ja rv 10th, 18'5. S unmerton. Friday, January 11tl Buno's X Rosad. Saturday, Jar r .1rh 1 3. Jor:m~', ;Mond1ay, January 14t! School House in St. Mark's towi R, on Raccoi road. near Dufile I.tore, TIsay, January 15tl oreton' . WednesdaUy, .Januiar :h,19 . .January 17t: 15. 'Al 6,,5 lico r. .1, J au ay 14t1: . . ouman' S. Saturday. Ja U. e; /Zion, Tusa.Ja:nuary 22< W . J. 1sy ens:ty Jai TJ. ? Mcadi' S-re, Thursdau' nu ry SC ith 18r0~2.o e. ' Barrows School AAo0UsL;e, -sIi dw a Swati -Fridy n. and piano: 5. (teca ~i way foUrthe ataxper liO~t 0 taxhprpery to return.,I is .ikel p ueration fl he *um r rse attlh uls hepad ot gesorwat1c, organsL and p'iano:s ggirs, wgon ad o 1caep, do s)full, lsur ea ~. which wil retu i' axhpayr te.. atioenah th scsor to pror : n t '.hex wora-s veaxpayes returnt whaC t they ow' the asti lac 0f January, 18 (.L it: p~eroa prope7rty, mst 'ah ur1e th's year.~L I\CC ll, also mae aont eperaretr: -kn eahe atLor then townshipvth :erryorsin wheete tah e o ten realy, an inetv heasi ce as hirac of aursiden, as n.. the nteyalie of earning dernae, hihad he demtay we pllas.tecut raue Alln the cetcnstions aend prevn t e stnet day of February,1~, Wi out: the cnpableiof tearmni lispor t frkengomaingdh tim fro tieg casnoexsle Adeemedowne realth ette, miht dotre taenante o anntpenalty o 0pr taent ade tert, aunreat faprvn by icngte urn or telconthedrin the tim sting.n Ntt kifnge fi the tmeac in reus n timueta tnd allune ras etoate ighte~ do ther ent 10s theyo ra ae a enuew: he asgressin far colleakingh urns r ellidngem owhe tie ci am.g and wthatvefttheyggaigato ma irretrn nd timue ofal the halue es mues. have as well Thelo aseind balngcolectn th e tshal there now in te count ha sae onv to ingethe tho11 onber aind value ofc all the tlrse 1tih tmule toaswla the Iis acr1 l and, yad tbuildi s ahi .etatr sthere as th e cont edi hand samn bstac of the Comr >e Cuenerl's offe by e ti: miha 1 tim t the first da of 0 ber' ach yr the audior'ese an easure's dulicat ha s b con th Comptroller's licellh byte "t wo' on' t1e boo)aks and blank erfore I h-'pe tha . all taxpatye ill 71:, ., ul a o of)7 m~k hut th . iEi(ERT I.)V IS. pers. CHARLES A. DANj Editor, The, Amsericani Constiio, tr pit. These first, inst. and a Stime, forever. reat -est Sunaday Newsp per int the World. noeSeacpy. By mai , $2 aye ?=:r-._ S S W are now prepared to offer lowVE( T cu ;vtu- t. Our stot ls coma lx _ HARNESS, SA Di d Great baLrgains in Guns, Pistoft,, h and Shells (oaded and eLmty.) Engine Suppli -eHaad arters in AND t NEW : YORKf --The Racket Store is the pilace to save your mon'y. Short Profits and Quick s 8.ile s is our mnotto. If you' wa:nt Bar ains cali and see us. Seei)g is be Ilieving. New Goods just received from New York and more coming. We have a hndsome line of Milihnery. We have the same shapes and colors -in Untrimme~d Hats, with i:tcessar. Tfrimmings. :Yarih Tips pid:n and Fehoerosa QuiBck . lio, Velvtt, 8atun, and1 Rhions. Ify onw.Ih Lace, Hamburg, Threadl - Needles, inss, Hair-Pin S Soap, Perfumes, Pa per, Envelopes, STablets, Pen;cils, Pens, inkX, and auyk ater Notions, this i tha pace to get :he:n for the least mn:-y. .We also have h :ite :d aolored In SPREAi-Dts, .12V' ATips TR. T nm~ door to 3i. vi's. W> shall be pfFle,-tn -,nw yomRJgois. .: Laces tou.l!c The, 1 Pur e Druvs oI pdiines. Patalent Medicines. Perfumy. Faneyv and Toih-t itoois, r Hair hrushies, r Tot(O Drlushes :iI Cob. -Fine Gigars and Tobacco. - ine! C:onfectionery, Teas, he hoI .d en hr articles - . l.'. Y .r., - 1 NOTICSPE OFALE s BY VIRTURE OF AN ORDER OF e the Probate Judge of the county o'f f Clarendon, State of South Carolina, s I will sell at the place of the resi ,dence of the late Louis, T..D~es -Champs in his lifetime, in the vicini r tv of Pancolah mt'id county, at eleven 'f o'lock in rKw forenoon on the 21st 1 e day of D~ecember 1804, at public auc -tion to the highest bidder for cash, one :pair of black horses belonging to the estate of said deceased. The horses 'f to be separately sold, and on failure e of any purchaser to forthwith com-1 e plyl with his or her bid, said luroperty~ Sto be immiediately resold. IOLA A. 1)ESCHIAMPs, r AdmninistraLtix of sa'id estat. We offer a comiplete rice mil in on Ma-. chine a k~re n X 5~' The romgh rice. is plaiced in hopper frtbeuse. Machine canbeprad wihsi orse 'Iower, and wil lan 100 C ORIN 1ILL.S. Of theleC dsn, vecrtical and lhorizonta!, dot(le ad .in-;IC RIOLLERI MILLS. Sa: e..e wook working zaachiney CLinnLbia, S. C. Monev can .e haid ,n ctt. nv reaton abiK tenris from the na~ nedwh i prepared to maike advnce on rottn and1 furnish stor i.;e for the~ samie at reasonalte( toe. made .,i .,m. to grant him Ltr of ldinI ittion!, with the' w il annexed,'t oft the ette~ of and ef4 Thels.e are the'r''fore to ci te andi ad mtonishll andt~t singular the kindred and eredit ors ofhe said Macey Bird, eeaethat they hec and appear, before mel in1 the Couirt of Probate. to behel a t Man ning, S. ('., on theltht da of DeceLeAr next, after puiblica-. * tWion hereo. at 1) 'clock in thei fore-I noon. to shew~ cs, if any they -lhould noti he' grated. (Tiven under my~ hand this 27th da [eal.) LUIS APPELT, Tud'eof Prohate. C. C. THE PgopjgPg 1 Poulr Dr1 God ASlrI Reliable Service, Fair Dealing. Guaranteed Prics. Eager and anxions to meet tihe wants of the Dry Goods buyers of Sumiter and this section h.s left no stone unturned in the selection of his 1EW FALL ST OC.L With facilities for purchasing not enjoyed by all merchants, to gether with the new tariff, we guarantee you a saving on Every Dollar's Worth Bought of Us, In Dress Goods we have the largest assortment of . Novelty Dress Goods in this section, including Cheviots, Scotch effects, Two-toned Silk and Wool, English Covert cloth, with other smoother weaves. Do mestic Dress Goods for 8 1-8 cents. In black Dress Goods we have the newest, the latest, and the corre't things. In S HO SI1 M R. Y, Ladies and Gents' Underwear, we simply defy any competition, for these goods were bought under the new tariff law. Dress Ginghams for 5 cents. New style Outing cloth 8 1-2 cents. Standard Prints for 5 cents. 28-inch Twilled Umbrellas, fancy handles, 79 cents. 104 unbleached Cotton Sheeting, 6 2-3 cents. White Cotton Blankets, 65 cents pair. Can'on Flannel, 5 cents yard Our stock of Ladies'and Gents' Handkerchiefs, Laces, and Em broideries are in the shape of the grandest bargains you -ever heard of. R,'S. C. - t: ( al or rite for . Wel~ee ol sito o."r nf HARNARE Mil to., 1, LEATIIER, ETC. 1e. H (wignrters for Powder, Shot, s, Belting, &c. H iIO RU M, Warranted. We Don't Propose to be Behind in the Rush Manning s Making this Season! Having erctcd a commodious rick store one door from the Bank am in better condition than ever Dr serving my friends and the entire MIv stock of HOES, HATS, DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, GROCERiES, WOODENWARE, SAD DLE8, HAR NE88, &0., Has been well selected and bought t close prices. I am offering special argains in 50W PRiCE CLOTHING r 3fen, Boys, and Children. Mvy objet is to make - AS FOXR SHIOES ami right op to thecfront in~ assort aerAt styles, :ul prices. 3My stock of Dry Goods Iuir co:ui;&'t. tha i ueretofore, hile ini! Dnzestics, Jeans, &e, I am ight -up to the front. I carry as utsual a full si~r'k of leavy and Fancy Grocer ies, Hardware, Farming -Implements, u far' everything to be found in a irst -class General Merchandise Stock. solicit a share of your patronage und will miake it to your interest to ~ive it me a call. B. A. JOHNSON. 3 i u0 W.di mYOUR HOME THG|E iF::~D 205T PERFECT + . FA .~35Uli I THE KNOiWN Sy:ili ?3' ILLi BUY THE z' am sN 9 c~m~ne~m toaa .oLecnei ~,t n - . rpan. --ere.t . on ctonan tnih.'A ..s v :.' eaets :-m:aut .en...a us.O. usur prii4 du. ; c; aNt >I 0,:::en htI). ~rec.arlyv in rtock. Corre I ddl & Bates SO~th sri e L imir: Hmm3.mmtnnah .a IrT" or Men. or Ladies. For Misses. WE H VEJ or te Little Ones. We are also agent for the James Means' Shoes for Men, H A M MON D, The Regulator of Dry Goods at leading prices, Main StreeL Sumter, S. C. Loooooooooo ooooooooooooooo ooooooooooooooooo EVI RO8 + The Fall Season Opens With + ELEGANT GOODS SPLIHDID Investigate the Golden Opportunity our NEW STOCK affords. We simply ask you to come and see our goods, assuring all that they will find the highest grades and :uni form prices. Our new goods must be seen to be appreciated. Samples sent on application. Levi Brothers,