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THE MANNIG TIMES. LOUIS APPELT, EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. Termats .Ar-scaRrrION RATEsI.--On c11 OIApy, ' 150;one copY, Six onth,.5 cn one copy, threv fonths, 50 cents. Ail subscriptions pakyable in advanee. ADVEnis5o RATzs.--One square, tirst in sertion, $1 00; each subsequentinsertion, 50 cents. Obituaries and Tributes of Respect charged for as regular advertise ments. Liberal contracts made for three, si%, and twelve months. CoeN.ICmTIoSs must be accompanied by the real na-ne and address of the writer in order to receive :rtention. No comunii cation of a personal character will be pub lished except as an advertisement. For further information address LOUIS APPELT, Manning, S. C. 'ublishes all County and Town . Official Advertisements. Wednesday, August S, 1594. Your Name in P'rint. -Miss Alice Connor, of Charhston, is visiting friends in town. --Hon. W. W. Grayson, Clerk of Court of Kingstree, was in Manning last Friday. -Barron Grier, Esq., of Kingstree, was in ,Manning last Friday on professional business. -Mr. Leighton Conyers has been very idl in Sumter, but we are glad to say he i getting better and will soon be out. -We had a pleasant call last Thursday from Prof. W. 11. Wallace of the Colnmia Female College. The professor is an old newspaper man and of course has a pro. found sympathy for the craft. Poultry is very scarce. lee for sale at Stewart's pavilion. Thanks to Mr. W. T. Francis for a very fine watermelon. Come again. The county Democratic execntive con mittee will meet again next Monday, 13th inst. Married at Bethel church, Privateer. last Wednesday. Mr. G. W. Geddings and Miss Della Osteen. The town authorities believe in pleaty of light, as we have one of the best lighted -towns in the State. Presidents of Reform clubs shonal ex to?2- get ont a full uem'z 1 j ert themselves toie n ^ nl etbti. ship next Saturday. The Manning Farmersi' Piatformi Clnb will meet at 5 o'cloclk Friday afternoon. Every merber turn out. Don't fail to attend voour club meeting next Saturday. Every Reormer shold go out and vote for the governor of his choice Died last Wednesday at th3 Poor lon-e. Mrs. Easter Creey. aged seventy years. Uer funeral took place at Oak Grove on Thursday. We heard several of the ministers that were here attending conference last week say the water in Manning was as fine as any in the State. In the city of Columbia there is now a Reform club of 500 members, and they are going to do their best to put Rtichland in the Reform colum. Owing to the recanmt rains the water ini Black river is running over the ciuseway, and in some places over the bridge's. Passage with vehicles is izmposible. Mrs. E. C. Alsbrook, principal of the Manning Academy. will resume school Monday, Sep. 3. Students prepared for classes in any college. Books on hand at publishers' prices. Last Friday twelve of Darlington's citi zens were arrested by Detective Newbol for participating in the Darlington riot, and four of the number are charged with the killing of Constable Pepper. Judge Watts has issued a writ of prohi. bition against the Mayor of Laurens for. bidding any interference with the Dispen ser at that place. Similar writs have been issued against other Mayors. -Recent arrivals mid summer goods at Horton, Burgess & Co.'s. When the dispensaries opened_ last Wednesday everybody had a curiosity to know what would follow, but the doors were opened and business commenced without a ripple ot excitement. Base balls and bats at Dinkins & Co.'s' '1There was considierable feeling in the Fork last week against a negro named Jack. son for beating an imbecile, who is his em ployee. The negroes were so embittered against Jaokson that he was in constant fear of violence. Turnip seed at Dinkins & Co's. The trustees of Clemson College, after thoroughly invest.igatinig the reported trouble between the students and Prof. Craighead, say there is nothing in the sto - rias which have been going the rounds of the. newspapers. Ventilated summer corsets. Thomson's gloye fitting and WVarner's, at Horton, Bur gess & Co.'s. *If you have a Reformer living noar you that don't take the paper tell him about the meeting of his club next Saturday, and that the purpose of the meeting is to give him an opportunity of expressing him -choice for governor and hentent'nt gov ernor. Fresh and genuine turnip seed at J. G. Dinkins & Co's. It wiil be a source of gratifieation to then people of this county to learn that Hf :n. J. S. Wilson is getting well. We called on him yesterday and found him strong and cheerful, and we believe it will not he long before he will b~e at home and hiniseli . again. FORt REN I-Sept. 10th, Briek Stort 'now occupied by B. A. Johnson. Apply i .E. S. Ervin. .Mr. J. Furman Bradham, one of Claren. ~lon's bes~t farmers, laid upon our tablelA -Ehursday the fnest cantaloupe we haiv seen this season. It was certainly a treal and it placed the editor and his family uin der obligations to Mr. Bradhaim for a go'. square breakfast. Next! A full line of delicious candies at Din kins & Co.'s. We have in our onfice a sample of tobace< raised by Mr. J. L. Green, of Suloc. Mr. Green is a progressive farmer and long agt found tobacco culture more profitable that cotton. 'rhe sample left with us is ver pretty and of Sne grade. We have showr it to several gentlemen. among them tobac co salesmen, and they all agree in prononnec ing Mr. Green's tobacco a supler~or grade. We notice one of the Sumter pap~ers urg ing the merchants of Sumter to e.mploy to; their clerks young men from that city in: stead of emp.loying those fronm other pat Thl'is is groat, sure. Wonder if the mer -hants of Sumter depend entirely upon th .rade of Sumitem for their sup port ?' W hardly think so. A sensible merchant emi plovs' his help where he can obtain thi most good. Upon the same p~rmesplle, I -ahertises in the nIew'-ppr most (e.ten ively read. We. were iuavoidably prevented fr' ' attending the campaign 'meeting in Salen last Friday. but from the repiorts we hav received wve can safely say that Salemi solidly Reform. Quite a mnmb r oif gen i. men fronm this side went to the mueetin tnd every onelL of theum e.xpress thenmselve as5 highy ph-~ased with the treatment the received and the outlook genendly. On man told us that he talked naih a goto many pecople over there and they all tol him that t'Mey wer -'upl to sniuir" should th, Conseratives undertake to put foi wai any oppositioni. Sc~ra eii:..t..etinsare unavoidablv crowded out this week. They will appear in onr next innW The county inmigners ar' at ,4tlmm@r ton to.bV ani Friday they wil be in Man ning We hot there will be a good attend ainee .tt both nL .etinhg. Ruv. Jno. C. Kilg. whtoi for a iind rof ytearN was filnOlCil agent and of WVolford College hta" acc eptedi the pr-Si denev It Trinity -o.N. C. Spainful accident illappn lst cdnesday to Mr. T. B. fenkins, o: Sum ter, the lather of 31r. John F. Jenkins, the t kgraphi erator of this place. Mr. Jn kinA was shooting. bats on his r1!iSs, and while cing the breach of his gun the shell caught -nd exploded, sending the shot ont throught the burrel. :;ud th.: brass shell tiew bke and struck Mr. Jenkins' hand. severely iangling it. aLd his ara was painfully burned from the powder. Mr. Jenkins is one of the salesmien in the store of Ryttenburg & Son.s and j: well known in Clareudon. The Mannini Farurs' Platfrmw Jub met last Saturday with a ,ood attendaTcI: 311' though the Weather was, inclement. Re-ports from the comiittee showed the club to be in a tlourishing and growing conlition, and a Iumlber of new natmes were enrolled. Several important matter" were diwcussed, and the mieeting showed that the members were wide awake. If every Reform club in the cotfnty x i'l do its duty as well as this one, the opposition will have verv little to repay them for the strenuous eltforts they are making to crate confusion in our ranks. Sumter is to have a gala week in October. The Iusiness men of that towi are always onl the lookout for Snmter. and we would suggest to the business men of Manning that they get up i somethitg .to attract peo ple here. It will take a little money and a consideiid.blt amiouhnt of puish, and Ma1n ning has both. The imelchanits of Mai ning ar. fwst putting a stop to Clarendon's trade leaving home by selling their goods as cheap as they can be bougtht tlsewhere, and vith a little extra iudacements in the way of attractions thrown out, there is no reason v.hy Manning shonal not realizO the fall benefit of the large erop that i.; being made in the county. A few tvtys ago while co:ang to Man ning, irs. Lizzie Duioese and her son, of Mid av, miet with an a dccidnt on iack river causeway, which might have been more serious. They were riding in a cart, and when about midway of the causeway a runawav borse frightened their animal and he dashe.1 to one side so suddenly that it thew Mrs. DnBose out on her head and right shoulder. causing her sotti painful injnuries. and while she was endeavo~rintg to disentaigle her head from her skirts, the horse looked back. be-cai worse trighttened at the strange asxect, and young Dntuose wa.s th!own out - lit landed into the water where he did - lot of splashing before lie got ont. Tuey t oa"n to Manning where r-:. )uitoser hi i hr injuries looked after and her so-.. etj'i *Iw s unatiz'n w ehile drying his clothes. D. .\l. Bra-Iam as j 1" ptrehis i fonr o;lsr fI on ti-. Parties %vaint M 1' L''it.; V. ill ti, Wvll Lo v,4 O.:h; I:. Til" prot stoi , t t i -.1 the tbest crop S.el-s 'e hae lad fr a ti n (r of ears, ,o .a rs have made the:r crops with -s exp.n,-" and with the extreise of more e-onomy thian ever bw,fre. The vproslect '1is gr-at and proadse'S- Ion-'i. It promises tie- pav'ing otf o-f dilbts that have canse& slee;&-5s night". It to release the rmortgage now over the shelter that protects he wife and little ones from the heat of a broiling sun or.the of winter. Tie farms will be imn roved. Everythng will take on rev ewed life, and a repetition of the experiences of this sumhn(r we hope ill never b. for it is a fact, there was suf fering for want of food ii many a home this year. If there are no reverses the nmer Ichant will not have to carry over balances, and the credit of the country will again ihe what it shomuld be. Our mercbanfts5 are in syptvwith the people, and it is to their interest that the people should prosper'. -hI herfore beh~ooves every man that owes moe tomke a strennonms efhort to pa-y uip, anil tiie he can go to the mercthant amt get ainoth--r acecomomodation. JBy pari ing your debts you place the merchant in ap sition to help you, which he.s will do, be cause that is what he is ating business for. No sensible merchanit does business upon this or that sentiment. The motive power behind a business man is primuiple and honesty in the men that pay their dobts. Such are solicited and redited and all of us should strive to reach he point wvhere our name to a paper will bring us what money does now. There is saying and it is true. "that any kind of ai man can buy with money, but it takes an honest, working man to buy without it." To the voters of Clarendoni: Having been indluced to become a c-andi dite for legislative honors, and owing to pressing business preventing me fronm making a canvaSS, I wish to announce that I am a farmer and a Retorme'r froni princi pe, that I am in favor of a constintional cnv'ntioni andi, the dispensary law, andi will, if elected, cast mty vote first, last, andi always for Benjamin Rt. Tillman for the . S. Senate. RtOBERT H. GR.IFFIN. Pinewood, S. C., August Gth, 18t%. The Methodist Church anid the Sumuter Freenman. 'he following card, from ltev. Henry .M. Mood, of' Mannmng, has been sent to the Freeman for publication. It wvas eaihld forth by the following which apipeared ini the Freeman the 24th ult. "AsoTlHEn nEcoRD BEEN. * 'hese are record breaking times anc oe of the nmost startling "bireaks" we have hird of is the application of Steve A. Net to. of Clarendon, for a license to p~reaich he .opel of Christ. A\ gentleman who cme form Manning yesterday told uis that Mr Netles went before the Methodist chnreh there on Sunday and that his alph cation was approved. He will apply to the dstrict conferenhce which meets in Manning in a fewv days for license as a local preacher. Another startling "break ' at that meeting o0 conference wil bhe the presence there of H. i. Thomas as a delegate. Now, to comaplete the record,and add another "break," sup~pos) -e ." Nettles be appointed special spiritun advisor to his "great andl good" master, Bjmin. We will watch the action o1 Conference with great interest. zihl. MooD's) etRDt. Editors the sunter Freeman:- it wa: with grief that niy attention was directedi t a assoere thrust by the Freeman of .Jul 2th, at the Hion. S. A. Nettles, a membet of the Methodist church in Manning. I have had aginiance with Mr. Nettles fa the past tifteen years, with financial buiness transactions with him in volvin' hhndrds 'f dolhars. antd an intiimate asso. an midhae all along fonind him to he a Ghris t'an genteimn. Mr Netles came bfore. our church con. fernce on application for a license t< prach and, while nearly every miembei lrsent w as ini adverse position to him 1po fiicall, he obtained byv ballot the unani mous ote of the conferentc for a recom menidaon. Wh Wiat surp~' ses tie in thi s harsh treat men t or.i Ne-tt *s, by thi- -ditors of thi Fre ma, is that both ohf te ar, pr lofess or (if the religion of the LordI .Jeus~ Christ one e inI und.' -stanid b'-ing aiPresbyteritr and thl toLtther i 1.pti1t. Doe )ich'e Meithe dist church dheerve thi treatuient involved iation with great inttee" Lt-t tme in. oin' teni 'that thi- wiirld, the dlesh, ar, the devil have been watchuing us for lo thsee many years, and wve cian add thei names to this list. 'To assist them in kee' in their ey-es in the correct c-entre, I wi. inform them that Mr. Nettlcs's case wVill noC comoibefore the district confere~nce. but be ort 1quarterly conference, so they cat adj st th-r purposes accordingly. H anv M. Mo,i Pastor Manning Methodist Church. Sum i'tt r Hlerald. htlb Meeting. TheManin Faritners' PI't fort Deiiocrat Ie Club will mueet mi th' cort house next Friday afternoona 5 'c lok. I). J. BRADPHAM, . I3Uw~M . Pre-sidenit. Action of the Reform Comuittee. COLUMIA S. C., August 8, 1894. Speeial to The Manning Times. At the meeting of the State Reform committee last night, after a thorough canvass of the several counties in the State, it was deciled1 to make no change in the plan of ascertaining the choice of the people in their selec tion of a governor and a lieutenant governor. The lcfori clubs through out the county will therefore as semble next Saturday, the 11th inst., tid elect delegates to the county convention which will meet in Sanning on the 13th inst. At the said club meetings the mem bers are required to express by bal lot their choice for governor and lieutenant governor in accordance with rules 5 and 6 published below: 5. That the Reformers attending the various club meetings called by the committee on the 11th day of August, 1$I4, be requested to exp~ress their choice by ballot for Governor and Lieutenant (iovernor of this State, and that the chairman of the delegation of tile club to the county couvention le required to make a re turn of said choice to the county convention to b)e held on the 13th day of August. 94. 6. That in holding the eletions in eLch Reform club provided for, to take place on the 11th day of August. 1894, each club is to provide mania gers for holding said election. The following resolution r-as adopted: Whereas. this committee recog nizes that the plan adopted in April and reiterated in Tuly is not perfect, but after full consideration of all the interests, preferences, circumstances and conditions confronting the Re form movement, it is the best that we have been able to devise. and whereas, we believe that if faithfully carried out it will compass the object in view when this committee was or ganized, namely, the nomination of a governor who shall be the choice of the Reformers. Be it Resolved. That we deem it inexpe dient and unwise to abandon the Colleton plan at this tune. L. A. Executive Committee. The Democratic Executive Com mittee of Clarendon county, as lately organized, will meet in the court liouse at Manning. Monday morning, August 13th. now. at 11 o'clock. A full attendance is requested, as the committee at that time will organize for work for the next two v-ars. IlBy order JAS. E. DAVIS. 1). J. EnAIINIA. Co. h'ri. Acting See. Conity Convention. In accordance with the rules of the party the county Democratic conven tion assemlbled in the court house on last Monday. The weather was ex ceedingly inclement which was the cause of so)le of the dclegates not responding to the roll eall. County Chairman S. A. Nettles called the body to order and at once proceeded to effect the temporary organization. The work of organizing went along without a hitch with but one except ion and that was a notice from Mr. Ellison Capersi contesting the Cross roads delegation upon the ground that the club had elected its delega ion with the understanding that the regularly elected delegate could se lect some one to act iln his stead if unable to attend. Mr. A. J. Rich borg, a miembe(r of the delegation, made the explanation that the club elected five 'delegates under a mis apprhension, and it'turned out under the rules that his club was only enti ted to four delagates. This number of the regularly elected delegates were present. Mr. Capers insisted upon his contest, whereupon a com mittee on credentials co~nsist ing of one from each club was appointed. After hearing the merits of the contest, the com mittee unanimously decided that Mr. Capers wvas not entitled to a place on the Cross Roads delegation. The temporary organization having been effected, Mr. Nettles delivered an address retiring from active partici pation in politics and expressing his appreciation for the honors conferred upon him by the Democracy of Clar endon. His remarks were well de livered and with considerable emo tion2. He then announced that the body was ready for permanent organ ization, and the first step taken in that direction was the election of a president, vice-president, seetary and treasurer. The following officers were unlanim~ouSly elected: Presi dent, James E. Davis; vice-presidents, J. H. Keels and T. B. Mims; seere tary and treasurer, D. J. Bradham. Mr. Davis wvas escorted to the~ chair by a committee and on taking the chair he was greeted with ap plause. In a few appropriate re marks, he thanked the convention for the honor and then went on with the work for which the body was called. The roll of clubs was.- called and the name of the executive committeeman as elected by the clubs was announced. All the clubs responded but Friendship, Ful ton and Deep Creek. The DeerI Creek club not having the required number of memnbers was dropped from the list of clubs. Then the body confirmed the election of the executive committee which stands as follows: Aleolu, E. D. Hodge; Cross Roads, A. J. Richbourg; Clarendon B P. Barron: Doctor Swamp, J. H Timmons; Douglas, WV. J. Turbeville Friendship, -; Fulton, Foreston, C. S. Land; Foreston Re form, J1. H. .Johnson; Fork, R. L. Lo gan; Harmony, W. M. Younans Jordan, J. Elbert Davis; Manning, E C. Horton; Manning Farmers Plat. -form, D. J. Bradham; Midway. S. W McIntosh; Newv Town, J. W. Kennedy New Ziona, Dr. I. M. Woods; Panola R.L Geddinigs; Pi newood, Ri. H Griffin; Packsville, J. C. Johnson -Sumerton, H. B. Tindal; Sand' Grove, W.. D. Gamble; Silver, A. W IThm~nes, Sr.; Trinity, WV. I. Hudnal Thle convention was hairmlonioul throughout withI the best of feelin; prevailing and when the busines.s wa: completed it adjourned. Immedi atelv al'ter the convention adjourne( a conference of the Reform (delegates was held to take action upon the cal -mae by Chairman Sligh of the Stati Reform c-omnittee. After the matte was explained by the committemai from this county the conferenc< adoted some suggestions and il structed the commflitteeman to prse them to flhe State conunittee an< urge their adoption. . The reports from the several Re tform clubs show a healthy conditioi and that the Reformers aro ready an< fully equipped to have a ballot battl, ihe iouthern tauWay ;yez m e lar 01 instrueti n: tot : . . A , Q!.V 3(1. IN'-t . (ifS01.11 :.Lo1.; 0-I Witt ;Atl I Toc ;t..-nts ato! cur.tor.;\lwittlin the~ Stait.: cuf Son.bI (Crcchna: On: andl :tt< r c gast 1, 1' %, y In wi iept for shipi ,t.: 110 spirito s, wdili, '.in us. :I r t-dl t A cthe LinkUtoxicatinrg iiut-s or ~... i*'Im puid cr ui xtur th -rf, by wi.,)I- - riain caclle.1.ineln-lin i - l. w~. hahi i Will pioldne intoietilu nicd by the crmal .ri t. th St commNiNSUionr attach--i t1 ;~e :I n - packag as; r.-A c by .-et- : 1 of the Act pase.d in 1 by t I of Sonth Caroin A peisary lIw." Shlip:wl-ts conling- fro;:-.oti uitae lin.t I aiiportc'd and :i' r hiereto ifore. Al! .gents ace- stric'tly e jrv c ao. 1 ny a(r-conuct toid or abetl~c kncowin.l :. in-rsnlc i;1 th' s:ae (-f any mtcxicdnu: i.< nors, or in proe-ming the, sanit- f,11r 4. :n Violation of th. lo. D. Crtw-i ivinFehtA:.:Int, C nbi.4S. C. luittri.tN. ". C. J. M. C~,'nii a:-:t .h tol. 1). C. l 1el1o. D - ---- .. Rtch on b :a ,IIip 'l fl a ' anld :d.11 , erla i :., :1 ;:.31 1t.. Woocclfcr..-s Santit.tre Icition. Thli n 'V'r failIs. 8,ld byJ. 0'. 0ikt , ; C ., drn. gists, Mcain:: S. C. ('ounty Campaign MIenis. Rooms Deiocratic Executive Com. Clareidon County. Manning. S. C., July 21. ls'4. In pursualice of actiol of the Counitv Executive Conimmittee there will be three county camp1aign iuet ings this year. as follows: Salem, New Zion, Fricay. Aug. Sumnerton. Wednesday. Aug. 5. Maning. Friday. Aug. 10). All candidates for the Legislature and all couity offices are expected to attend these meetings. S. A. NE'TT1LFs. D. J. BRADH.M, Co. Ch'in. Secreta'rv. Firvl on1 at Night. The Governor-s Mansion was fired upon by unknown parties at an early hour vesterdav morniig. Two-shots were tired. on'e of which struck the w.all near PriVate S'cratarV Tomp kins's window. The hullet was found and was seeni yesterday aftcriion at the Executive office. It had been iMashid nearly flat by the force of its contact with the w'all. but haLd Shaptlie eCoigl re maining to show that it was fired from a large pistol or a Winchester rifle. That the weapon uused was a rifle is:-urmised from the locality from which Mr. Tompkins supposes that the reports came. Mr. Tompkins. who occupies a sletp ing apalrtlilelt on the second ioor sa\s that while 1 l'in :wake It ao,0ut 2 '-elock he heard the rep Ort o a firearm. The report came, from .the direotion of Laurel street to the South of the Mansion. Heard t he bullet strike the wVal and fall as it re bounded, Up1oni the tinl roof of the portico below. Another came alimost immediately. hut Mr. Toinpkins does not know whether or not the shot struck the building. On searebing yesterday morning for it the bullet that struck near the Seratarvys window was found lvinig uplon the groulnd below. O1 1he wall is seen the indentation of the shot where aL little of the plastering is knocked off and where the bullet was mashedl against thle brick under neat h. From the Executive Maisioni to) Laurel street it is at least thireisujiitr ters oft a block. ori abocut scvenitV-lIve yards. The pcarties who iired the shots ~muist certainly have .been toc the Southwvard off the Mansion. anid could not have beeni less t hian sev entyfive yards oiT unless it was that they hadenteredl thle enelosu re and were upon the grounds at the timiet. The p)olice were seen in regard to the mjatter, but say that they know nothing of it. No report of lirearmns was heard by them (luring the night in the direction of the Executive Mansion. There is only one man on that beat at niight and ice is gener~ally in the neighborhood of Main street. a long distance ofY.-Coltiumbia liegis Political Notice. Ini accordlance with the action taken by the State Reform Executive~ Commuittee the Re fornm Clubs throughout the couni tv will assemnble at their usual places of meeting. m tie~ 11th day of August, 1894l, and there expiress bcy ballot their choice for (iovernor and Lieutenant Governor. They will also elect a delegation to reresent said club in a County Con vention which meets at the Court House on August 1:lth. The delega gation so elected must be 01n a baLsis of one delegate at large and onec dee gate for every twenty-five nmembers The chairman of the delegation mnust furnish to the County Conventiona statement of the vote taken at hib club signed by the pcresidlent and1( secretary. wl ics The clubs wilalso dcusthe ad visabiity of nominating a full set of State officers in the State Convention and instruct their delegationis on thii point. Every white voter that will pledge himself to abide the result- and1( sup port in the general primiary~ the 1n0om inees chosen byv the State Reforni Convention is entitled to a vote ii the Reform primary~'. Louis AiorEL. Chairman Reform Fatctioni Cha Ien don County. Manning. July 1i;, 1$1i4. The Hoard of vis!ior of C.tlemsot College show by ineir report that th ~College is in -' ioturishinig coindit ion T ey made a th.>)rcugh e.\Iamiiat or of all the delcart ments and~ they ex pes grat i flention x wi b th ri esu lt IThe boarid anh'o s:',s. lesjcite the 10i of the mnainc butilding, linie* UOrI h ieine don ue antd that thes fac.c I ni10ousiiv. Th'lei r relcort shows hat ti thi'e- in the maini buildhing xil n t c'X.'i'il $1.'Lu, x'.hlieib i. mlim-h Ies fort \' m-iw 5t udlents we're enroli-d. Cures bRising Breast . ,"MOTHERS' FRIEND" Is the greatest blessing ever offered child berncoman. I have been a mnid-wee~ for manYy ears, and in each case where Mothers' Friend has been used it has accomplished wonders and relieved much su~ferirg. It is the best remedy for rising breast known and worth the prce for that alone. M Rs. M. M. BR UsTr ax,Montgomery, Ala. " I can tell all expectant mothers if they will use a few bottles of 'Mothers' Friend' they will go through the ordeal without any pain and suffering. IMas. M AY BRANHIAM, ArguSville, N. D. - Used 'Mother's Friend' before birth of my eighth child. Will never cease its praise. Mxs. J. F. Moouit. Colusa, Cal. toi - ;Cthrs taaled free onct t.g va-lefrmd BiiAnmitwREGUL.ron(Co'., Atlanta, Ga. Partis disirinig a riic' ent ih-n ld upp~cly liens cano tinai thc-- .t ?1 By the Best Material to Your Advantage, FILMING CEMENT AND BRICK COMPANY, -4 oad2- guazrters foir al.l- Masons' Su pplcs -7; L.;I YT 1>1AY. ('JlRIAYTX, s. '. 'V-. Lirne, Jl aster, ]Rosendale, r aisIh Potln Ce et All Sizes~ Terra Cotta Pipe, g Fre Brc am C y. IHair, ivick, Tiles, Etc. 0 MIXED LOTS. , CAR LOAD LOTS. 2 Agent for the Celebrated Rock Wall Plaster. I CTrphone 29L. Write for Prices. O L~ ~ ~ ~ J S 11. C.1 IXs F . . r t O r 2wo Fu Coures. 0, gq .4F, I Courzesu'COLUMBIA, S. C. lii: frred mli; 1- ist y I lars. Is an begins Sept. 25th. Nine regnlar **.. e oi-I- aros, :, with Dipomas. Fpecial Courses, .E . ;.c! E W '. L. with ertieatr- Ii-quirements for adits SPARTANBURC, S. C. S.i.ony e ttety. onf ai . Iaord *i a pionth. Total :- e xply ses f->r the year (exclusive - of tram-!ing, clothing, ard books) from .,ai =k& S51 12t S ii f'Ur AnuliiCiicnkut. For orth-le i:.-: r t ot wl mation i t Pres A u r1 .:2 t o stu52 . aer a hll ~ An u cm e n t . ~~Ui~IME~~tTON, s. C. ~~~idgoter aiapl oth r.iet r.. A - .JAN!ES- WOOD1,OW. S'ESHi 6 WTlE-Li & TiM,1AtL GRDIERTON. S. C. -a ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ cu : iA.> '4..1 1-"a~s prmvrt, bnard.nfa adrb , uensbu roo~~~~~~~~~ s.- oroi a oribe. b.., ;;rL-r- 1offin.- ea ts et.-.. r-te. -u to k o COFIN AND MAASKETS) row:; v4A tdljlA vitl. mc. .41- s0t--k of ooxis CASKETS 1Land A ge ney. k.:pt i, ti. f ill l ordr at a -ri day. or 1* hit. .11. 1. i n dh. , ;1 : l: a will in . Li As th. represeritatve of thae wrutic ad attntin to r, ph in ' a a iii of uri - : sh t(t (. Our I i ation Ageny I can O rftmr .. 4as U; a :1 :. at e a e an i etn of o oods those vso lsirin to 11 ther aring . r *als. or frpe liar wb-vantni -ahs. ,i ljThr. lar-gr tho tract tixe- beitter I can 11,11,l1f the szame. W. C. DAY1IS. WTM. SHEPPER.D&CO X~ A. McCobb, Jr.,~ Genefai Coninissiol Merchant, -7 A06'00 S-AND DEALkR IN - Lime. Cement Plaster Paris. -A-[ar ieBrick's, and 14r& -u l -l AT -21 ~~~.,.. ...~/ "lay~ >~i . . Land Plaster, and \ -du1 for circulars - pr i for White's English Portlanement. N 3 e et St., C H A llESTON, S.,.. REENVLL S C.".C PE~cIVAL M'FGM CO ATLATICCOSTLI The xt esion ill r-C.i ASpil 23, 1)91. FO atil iognesr tls at i o the -. m.YLi, tle will D . . il oflet: A NORTH 11OUNi. Lv 30 pn 5 m i o pan Ar ti - es d p :u lvn 29 ma 7 tag. The largerc th trac tia-. btte IS cni f ha n GvFenri 7Commiion Merchaan:t, a -AND DEALE IN-2) m92 i ~ - SAS ; BLLime. Ceet.p 12 Plasr Paris. EastrAIIRI. WETHERH RN & ICHEarni 1% nst.N Nay Ct., Carlston3, 1.1. BOIRl SAhi NB B NB; NOuRTc HESTR 1:,I dA D 7. , I aitli Sitt,(IAfl.E~'M), . C Cux!j jt.oi .S . pr :1 , 189n . NoSS BoUND. oS No 7Pn ~Lv e hPrrhiston 3 a5 ani 01w ~~A r C -altiu 5 1 30 a30 0 in LV labnf~tl u59No 11 No 60 ____________ 20 pia 5 00pr Lv 8auner S 4 p 4 5 pm 5 57 am Lv~4~ Florr-nee 7 2 pm 7-5a 37 pan ..Y L~Ar.JILEY R , Caasn 11RAL n 1 231. 0 -1 giletngaret ClAP. ETN , S. C. 7 , 1 a1W3yit StreetL CliloARLEf9TaN,1 1. a. \r SiSiaild rr9VI8Iam 12035eps, W . ou anlej N.C. A pri 23 1'J1.i t 1 ~ ~"'~ Lv Waihuinton 5 40 pma 4 ti ltt iL vL lluriaan 4;0 pt 50 pmt at 1 1 \ CLi Flornue ~ 5 pn 110 a n t IIL'1. Ar Wilmingto 6 27 pm 110an 01. \L irnce 7 ( 7r 1 0 pm THLCELBR~. GAN! AN ITLIA MOUMETS ~ .f.L aill 0 00)ain 18 71 pin - ~Ar-Sn-ter 9HE0DSmO8ES8 pm '~'1i.ji.' t. t.'.: (tubtt(:l l ArIv W~.N IEd iel 1AN 8D a 8UUT 50 pii L;1.,A~Sj. .- t~tAr CitIn nbia 11'u05 eami30lI00 pi.. buy an ilv.rior aus.iY.r...........SUMTER, a.iC No 59No 53 No 5 Lva pm 5p5 anu FaEN~&E~DC'AJ~' --C NTRAL__ RAIl_ A OF__._C. better th n 3POIE3O.s Da~~;~~W~aCaletn uted Aptril R3, 189. .. Qut r r. -t ae umlk Al i'ys-a~ Lv WilsaXon........s a a ~~' : nor; prepa redgto l10ryinn tial aen -try R. We d none but tea:llarvin 1st~at~bant V h" v~ork. an1 nrez al j o. eL ani: 'u,'iu.uTiOti.San) 1 -.vrl inkuauilrcs ataliininat. t~ d h - i~i.lfl4-~ Cu:~ ton L~i~~'titti'. S a. I .v No 52taf Nalo 82a -. b 'e hei toi" Lv~r' -iV l I L:"\ at( i~taItalt' ~.~t~ile. 7 00. V ta . 4 40i am' and Small (il~aen Suit 48' t I 12tI 325 pm i 'N 0 be'. l j1t1110& i ~ tJ"('I'4 v Btii'ttyi ~ -1' 20pm 10 jam )(uru' 'M~sSt~ifi. 1v I~'.' 8f 40 am ('u tt..: I''. . .CIIRLESfON S.C. v S~ancr... 04 pm t u 0am N I \i~tafli.A ~ tO I' itt~griii........ 15..p... 10 10 ain ~ui ' ~ .~dIIII~f uiuiu 1 a Ne.. rai 0i0at tai 12 e30epm It 4 CAN~~e p e t r~ eto CinD a f row~ La~it'aniN~Lielt 1~j I\. \ u a~r'NSys1 ITm hmtb..e o pimens. DOf -.:rk n'rd o Lil t rge TA L Bost'Lce till ii, ,IAN bUlF:' TERLONDERAUGUST PR. Ra tlia' Mauauat ' . ' tl '''L'' .-i,,.ltt ....\ 8rive..Riainini: . . .c,.'.. ...clt...ilO,5'ttttm COat - L . m. . . .. ..10 HEALTH is Better than Wealth, Preserve yonr health by using Pure Drugs and Medicines tromt the nld established and always reliable drug honse of J. G. Dinkins & Co., ----- In addition to a flull and complete stock of Drug, MedicineF and Chemicals, we keep all the poplular Patent Medicines, Paints, Oils, and Window Glass, Cigars and To bacco, Garden Seed, Lamp Goods, Sew inmf Machine Needles and Oil, and the thou.'ands of other artiel,. : ntanally kopt in a lirs-clas drug stori. J. G. Dinkins & Co., Sign of Golden Mortar. MANNING, - - S. C. Palmetto Pharmacy Company, Charleston, S. C. M AIL. Express or Freight goods to any Ipa1t of the United States or abroad. Orders receive prompt atterntion immedi ately upon4 receipt. In sending money for articles not qnoted in tbis list or our free catalogue, send the amount of retail price less 20 per cr-nt. Any difference will be returned by rwxt mail. Onr bnsiness is STRICTLY CAsn. Goods sent C. 0. D. to- re sponsible parties. We solicit a share of vonr mail orders. Our Regu Price. lar. Alleock's Porous Plasteis, 10 25 Belladona Plasters. 15 25 Capeine Plasters, Ienson's. 15 25 Alleock's Bnion Plaster.<, large 18 25 Allcock's Corn Plasters, 08 10 Our Little Liver Pills, 15 25 Cuticura Resolvent, 85 1 00 Cutienra Salve, t0 50 Cuticura Soap, 15 25 Anti-Pain Plasters, 10 25 Simmon's Liver Regnlator 67 1 00 No-To-Bac, 3 boxes for 2 50 Chce'uta~er's Pt-nnvioyal Pills, 1 85 2 00 Hall's Syrup of IIyphosphites, 90 1 50 Pennyroyal Pills, 75 1 00 Dr. Felix Lelrun-s Steel and Pernnyroyal Pills, 1;7 1 00 Alligator Liniment, Y5 Scott's Emulsion, 67 1 00 Acid Phosphate, Horstord's, $ .40 S .50 Ayer's Pills, 20 25 Pierce's Favoite Prescription 75 1 00 1a1ll's Emulsion 25c and 50 Cod Liver Oil, pure, 45c, pint. 50 Cod Liver Oil, pure, 80c, quart, 1 00 Castile Soap, 12 oz cake, 10 15 Castile Soap, imported, per lb., 20 25 West's Nerve & Brain TreatneaL- 67 1 00 Phosphodine, Extract Witch Hazel, pint<, 20 Carter's Little Liver Pills, 15 25 .iWe claim to have the best stock of Druggists' Sundries, Perfumery, Tooth, * Nail and Hair Brushes, Combs, Sponges, Chamois Skins andi Toilet Reqnisites in the City. We can mail over 2,000 articles in the Drug line, anywhere, and pay special attention to mail orders. We will mail our catalogne to any address about April 1st, 1801. While this eatalogue is not complete it will give some idea of the stock we carry. 217 KING STREET, (One Door North of Wentworth.) Opposite Dime Savings Bank. S. THOMAS, Ja. J:NM. THOMAS. Stephen Thomas, Jr.& Bro. JEWELRY, SILVER & PLATED WARE, Spectacles, Eye 6lasses & Fancy Goods. pZr Watches and Jewelry repaired by competent workmen. 257 KING STREET, CHARLESTON, S. (. WMK N. BAHR & BRO., DEALEr~s IN AND M1ANUFACTURaERs oF Cakes, ,Biscuits and Plain and Fancy Canidies. Penny Candies and Chewing Gums.. French Mixtures and Chrystaliized Fruits. 31i0 King Street, CilARtLES'1 ON, S. V. THE BEST IS THE~CHEAPEST. Send TEN cenlts to 28 Union 84., Ni. Y., Ifor cur prize game, "Blind Luck," and4 wna :o-.- Ho;~e Sowing Machine. TIh0 New Home Sewing Machine Co. CIRANCE. litASS. , es? FO SALE !Y CL, W. E. BROWIN, MANNING, S. C. ESTABLISHED 1838. L. W. FOLSOM, -- Sign of the Big Watch, - LINE OF --Watches, Diamonds,+.: STERLING SILVER, CLOCKS, - iptieal Goods, kin'. Kuaives, Seissers ad