University of South Carolina Libraries
LOUIS APPELT, Editor. Wednesday, February 28, 1894. The Greenwood Leader a news paper just launched upon the jour malistic sea, is well gotten up, neatly -printed, and we wish it much success. Senator McLaurin, recently elected to the United States Senate from Mississippi, is a cousin of Congress man John L. McLaurin, of this dis trict. The Senator is a South Caro linian, and was born in Marlborc county. I seems that South Carolina is not the only State where petty spleen is used against the officials in power Last Thursday Governer Hogg o: Texas was out bird hunting, and his political opponents swore out a war rant against him for violating the game law. The Governer gracefully .submitted to the arrest, and gave bondto meet histrial, and he says, if found guilty, will promptly pay the fine. Sheriff James P. Hunter, of Lan caster, has been appointed United Pates Marshal for the District o -ath Carolina. Sheriff Hunter is a "-ry popular man in his county, and the last election, although a Con , vative and Lancaster, a Reform qronghold, Hunter was elected sher if This winds up all the big federal ':,ams for this State, and Mr. Cleve Land -has favored the Conservatives wi&rall of them. According to State Commissione: Traxler's report, the profits of the State.dispensary for the quarter end ing February 1st, amounts to $67,139 This is a fine showing, considering t6e efforts of the opposition to defea ihe successful operation of the insti tution, and when-the town and city records are looked into, the decrease .?f drunkenness as shown by them brought about by the dispensary law he report is simply marvelous, anc convinces us of the fact that the peo ple will neer again want the bar room system back. The bitterness and strife among our people, born of political differences should be buried, and none will go farther in the effbrt to restore peace and harmony than us; but if our op ponents strike us we do not propose -for the sake of neace to submit with out a protest. Sometimes we hope 'that an era of peace is about to se in, but our h'opesare dashed agains the walls of disappointment by a bit ter and. spleen-ladened article in the oitin press. Whenever th< lines of the opposition sto] ' g their guns loaded with vituper ation and falsehood, the Reforn Ioxes wiU extend the righthand o fellowship and a day of peace and re - ihen~onstable Elliott was charge< g 'wib.sapping a women in a' whiske; -*en in Chaleston the News an Courier published. a letter purportin to.come froma some one claming t 'ow.!2tott, and charged him wit -)einig capable of doing a worse crim "than slapping'a woman; in fact thi anonymous letter painted Elliott a -blaeck as an imp from the lowe regions, but when a score of citizen frm~lott's home, among whom h, apeut his life, sent .to that paper, refutation of the slander over thei - ignatures, it wa's refused publicatior ro-publish a damaging article abou -Mafan, and then shut him off fror ;proving his innocence is what we cal nnfair journnam. Such reprehen si~coduc seldom occurs. with: * dieent newspaper, but often occur ibiymud-daubing sheets. The Charleston rYnber of comn -mece, at the suggestion 6f y. C 2eiinghiII, editor of the News an< tirier, has called upon Congress nan.MnLaurin to protect Charleston interests in Congress.. After all thi mud thrown at McLaurin by th News and Coiurier, the editor of tha -paper asks Charleston's principa commnercial -organization to place Oleeatnn's interests fin his hands We,are glad this was done, as wi now that none more competent o: - stworthy could have been found t< ~g~dthe interests ofSouth Caro lhia's seaport than McLaurin, and i -'ill give him a fine opportanity t< return good for-evil. We wronder i Mr. Hemphill in drafting his reques resolutions head them with, "Little curly haired Johnnie;' 'Johnnie toats: gun;' curly haired Johnnie too big fo bibreeches?" If he~ did not th< pssident of the chamber of commercE must have warned him beforehand o: he would have done so from force o habit. - - A special to'the News and Courie dated21st inst., says that 'our Gov ~nor was talkbd to in a rough man ner by a man at the dinner.sta~tion a Kershaw.' The Governor was~ tirei and relinig .the car when this man spede roughly to him, and, o course,.like a sensible. man he paii no attention to the bully. The New! and Qourier, however, always readj to catch, the sloppy drippings thal may be thrown at Governor Tillmar slurringly, headlines this special with "Rudeness to That Good Man-A Citizen of Kershaw Abuses Tillmat to his-face." By its headlines it ap proves the act of a drunken bully and seems to take pleasure in pro. claiming to the world that it is thE proper thing for bullying curs tc abuse and villify anybody connected with the present administration. Bul wen one of its own followers is charged with robbing the peoplE there is no faming headlines pro e~laiming its disapproval. There is a remarkable stillness. Let a State constable do his duty and raid a dirty whiskey den a howl goes up. Let a drunken loafer meet Governor Till man and show him disrespect and that Vaper claps it hands with delight. Let one of the former editors of the News and Courier pilfer the school funds, and a death-like silence follows. It is all right to violate the law, curse and abuse the State's chief magistrate, ad that paper will give its readers a full and racy account of it. Then .when its own kith and kin are shown obe guilty of theft and forgery that paper becomes like the little boy the af rnn over. We desire to call the attention of the proper authorities to a matter which should receive immediate at tention. The business portion of Manning has recently been burnt out, and the owners of the property are going-to a great expense to rebuild. We have a large court house square fronting the principal business streets and on it are magnificent oak trees. It would be a decided improvement to plant the grounds in lawn grass, and either tear away the fence or repair it. This can be done at a very little cost, and we think that those investing large sums of money in building up iheir property are en titled to have the public property im proved also. Our court house square can be made -a beautiful park, and we hope the men placed in office by the tax payers will have enough public spirit to improve the public property, especially when private citizens are improving theirs. The unsightly huckster stands now on the court house square should be removed, as there are plenty of other places in the town where these stands can be put without injuring the looks of property that would be an orna ment to the town if properly looked after. The St. Matthews oil mill last year paid a dividend of 58 per cent. to its stockholders. This is certainly a fine showing and we do not see aur rea son for not having such an institution in Clarendon. A mill can be estab lished here for about five thousand dollars, and our farmers and mer chants should establish one, and thereby manufacture the cotton seed meal at home instead of selling the seed here to be manufactured else where, and buy them back in the shape of meal with several hundred per cent. added for profit, cost and expenses. Farmers, give this matter serious thought, it is of great impor tance to you, and we feel assured if you will show a proper disposition of establishing a cotton seed oil mill in this county, our merchants will lend you a helping hand. Such mills are no longer experiments; they have been tried and found profitable, and at the same time a great saving to the farmers of the community in which they have been established. Let us all pull together and manufacture at home. the things we send our money abroad for. We can do it, and who will start the ball in motion? As a starter, The Manning Times, to en courage the building up of home in dustries, will promise to take stock and do all in its power to further the cause. Speak out, people, who will stock in an oil mill? Looking to a solution of the much discussed political problem, Tnd hav ing offered one or two suggestions, we present to our readers a call made to the Reformers of Colleton, which, we think, is the best plan yet. offered to bring about a settlement of the difficul ties now confronting us. The call is signed by twenty-one of Colleton's staunch Reformners, and is as follows: r"Whereas there is a discussion in the ranks of the Reformers as to the Sproper time in which to call a conven tion, and also as to whether such con vention should be called at all, and whereas according to our Reform ideas and rules, the people should Supon all important questions, now, therefore, we the uindersigned Re formers do issue the following call: To the Reformers of- Colleton: You are iequested to meet at the court Shouse in Walterboro od~ Monday, the 5th rday of March next. at 12 in., to take into consideration the propriety of having a con vention of one from each county in the State to decide upon the necessity ofT a con 1vention to suggest State officers and if the jnecessity be determined, to fix the (date o.f -calling the same. "If such meeting decide that such con vention should b e called to elect a delegate to same. "To~ request all the other counties to call a meeting and elect a delegate as we have done. "T~hat such a convention be held in Co lumbia on the 4th day of April next, and Ithat if such convention provides for calling a convention to suggest State officers that they fix the date of the meeting of same and issue the call." The unity of sentiment among the Reformers is wvhat we wish to bring about. We'believe it is necessary for a preliminary convention of some sort in order that our forces will not become scattered and confused, for in the coming'campaign a death strug gle will be made to accomplish the destruction of the Reform Movement, and that we may be a unit we must adjust our differences. The Colleton Splan seems to have such an object in view, and if adopted by the several counties good is bound to result. There may be some who it will not please, because it will knock the po litical stilts from under them, but the masses should not care who is or is not pleased with a plan they may adopt. Every man in the Reform Movement that has its. principles at heart is ready and willing to fall' into line with any plan that will put the Reform army in marching order. A call of this kind comes direct from people, and has nothing of the "snap judg~ment" business about it. Will the0Reformers of Clarendon accept the Colleton plan? Speak out from every quarter. In order that there may be some uniformity of action throughouit the State we suggest that some one at the State capitol issue a call for the counties to meet in ac cordance with the Colleton plan. Let that person be State Treasurer Bates, Col. D. H. Tompkins, chairman of the campaign committee of 1892, or Gov. Tillman, the acknowledged champion of the Reform Movement. It is not what its proprietors say, but what Hood's Sarsaparilla does, that tells the story of its merit. Hood's Sarsaparilla cures. Death of Mrs. John J. Hlarvini. Mrs. Emma Harvin, wife of Mr. John J. Harvin, of Beach Hill, died this morning at 4 o'clock. Mrs. Har vin had been an invalid for several years. She was a -loving wife, a de voted mother and consistent Chris tian. She will be greatly missed by a large circle of friends and acquaint ances, and also by a great many in adverse circumstances, who had learned to depend largely up)on her charity. The afflicted family have the sympathy of the entire township The r-emains will be interred at the Harvin burying ground to-morrow evening. Plowden's Mill, Feb. 27, 1894. Itch on human, mange on horses, dogs and all stock, cured in 30 minutes by Woolford's Sanitary lotion. This never fails. Sold by J. G. Dinkins & Co., drug Packsville Letter. Mrs. Geddings and Mrs. Corbett are recovering from their reeent at tack of grip. Mrs. S. A. White and little digli ter, Essie, are visiting Mrs. (i. M. Davis. Just wait awhile al(d Paeksville will show what can he done by luck and perseveranc(. The town is on a boom, and is growing up as rapidly as is possible for a town to grow. Comne to Packsville by all means. Madamne Ituiuor says the narriage bells are to clihite next Thursdaiv evening. Every copy of the Times grows het ter. Nomen' feels towards the Times as big Jin Tom felt towards his tea none had-all good, ht-st and better. NOEN. STATE oF Onto, CIrY or Tom:Do. 1 Lri.s COrNTY. Frank J. Chenev makes oath that he is the senior partner of the firm of F. J. Che ney & Co., doing business in the City of Toledo, County and State aforesaid, and that said irmn will pay the sum of One Hundred Dollars for each and every case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by the use of Hall's Catarrh Cure.. FRANK J. CIIENEY. Sworn to before me and subscribed in my presence, this Gth day of December, A. 1). 1886. - [sEnLj A. W. GLEASON, Notary Public. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally and acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Send for testino nials, free. P. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, 0. x-Sold by druggists, 75c. - A Democratic Victory. The nomination of Peckhiam to bi a jus tice of the Supreme Co-irt of the United States was rejected by the Senate Friday by a vote of 40 to 31. Although party lines were not drawn in the consideration of this nomination, the result, nevertheless, is in the nature of a democratic victory. A majority of the Sen ate has declared against rewarding any form of mugwAumpery with a seat on the Supreme bench, and the result is in accord ance with the desires and expectations of the people.-Atlanta Constitution. English Spavin Liniment removes all hard, soft or calloused lumps and blemishes from horses, blood spavins, curbs, splints, sweeny, ring-bone, stifles, sprains, all swollen throats, coughs, etc. Save 450 by use of one bottle. Warranted the most wonderful blemish cure ever known. Sold by J. G. Dinkins & Co., druggists, Man ning S. C. We were in the court house last Friday and heard a discussion between two farm ers about the leaders of the Reform Move ment. One of them asked why it was the Anti newspapers were constantly picking at Irby, McLaurin and Tillman.. He re ceived the following sensible reply: "A hunter seeing a drove of turkeys always selects for his game the biggest gobbler in the drove, and the Anti papers are hunting game and at every opportunity call the most conspicuous figures in the Farmers' Movement, but we old bay seeds have hunted ourselves and will not be foolel by the game calls of our opponents." We asked if the incessant tirade. against Tillman, McLaurin, Irby, and other promi nent men in the Reform ranks does not cause the people to weaken in their faith of these men, and lie said: "No, the people in the country know the voice of an enemy just as well as the hunter knows the decoy call of a hunter." "What about Tilhan for the United. States Senate?" we asked. "I read your editorial in the Times which stated your position upon the sol'ject, and will say, you have voiced my sentiments to the letter. I will not vote for my brother for the legislature if he refuses to publicly pledge, it elected, to cast his vote for Till man, and we are not alone in this feeling. I have been about the county a great deal and it is the determination of all the true men in our ranks." "What about an early convention?' "The convention business is not bother ing the people at all. T'hey will stand solidly together, convention or ,no conven tion. If a convention is held by the Re formers our people will take the ticket sug gested and nominate it in the general pri. mory." "Are the Antis going to make any ef'oit tocapture the legislative delegation in this county?" . "The Antis are laying lowv, and in my judgment will endeavor to accomplish our defeat by putting forward men pretending to be Reformers, buj their scheme will not work, as the people realize that none but good, true ~Reformers should be put or guard." "Oh ! but Senator Butler is confident of beirng returned to the Senate, and being a shrewd politician must know what he is talking about." "Senator Butler is banking on the hope of creating dissensions in our ranks, and he has great confidence in the ability of Ben Perry and Cal Caughman to assist him in bringing about raptures, but the Senator is dreaming. He is trying the tactics of city ward politicians, and presumes on the ignorance of the masses. Had the Scenator responded to the call of the Antis in 18'00 instead of taking rheumatism he would have found the masses not as ignorant as he supposes them to be. They wvere then learning the alphabet in polities, and by close study for four years they have become every man his own politician. By' the way! I see that the Senator has dlonned a Refoim cloak, but it don't ;fit him and he can not button it up close and snug. It is about three sizes too big for him, and the silver buttons on it won't fool anybody either. He had better take good care of it, so that when Tillman beats him for the Senate, Mr. Cleveland may be pleased to see him wear it iat the confirmation services in the Senate when the President has an other mugwump friend to have confirmed. Hold on! my subscription to the T1imecs is about out. Write me a receipt; I must have the news. BUCKLEN'S ARNICA SALVE, The best salve in the world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns and all skin eruptions, and positively cures piles or no pay required. It is guar anteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 2~>c. per box. For sale by .J. G. Dinkins & Co., druggists. GUARANTEED CURE. We authorize our advertised druggists to sell Dr. King's New Discovery for con sumption, coughs and colds, upon this con dition. If you are aiilicted with a Cough, Cold, or any Lung, Throat, or Chest trouble, tnd will use .this remedy as dii-ected, giving it a fair trial, and experience no benefit, you may return the bottle and have your money refunded. We could not make this offer did we not know that Dru. King's New Discovery could be relied on. It never disappoints. Trial bottles free, Large size 50c and S1. For sale by J. G. Dinkins & Co., druggists. . I STRENGrl' AND HEALTH. Ifyou arc not feeling strong and heathy, try Electric Bitters. If "LaGrippe" has left you weak and weary, use Electric 1Uitters. This remedy acts directly on Liver, Stom ach, and Kidneys, gently aiding those or gans to perform their functions. If you are afflicted with Sick-Headache, you will find speedy and permanent relief by taking Electric Bitters. One trial will convince you that this is the remedy you neced. Large bottles only 50c. For sole by 'J. G. Dinkins & Co., druggists. MIary E. L'ase of Kansas, claims that she is a Mason. She is not the first of her sex. Maria Deraismues, who died a few days ago, was formerly initiated in the Lodge Les Libres P'enseurs du Pea. January 1, 188:. The lodge, refraetory- to the rules of the G;rand Oient, soon died and then Mrs. Deraismes founded a ne0w l, "Le Droit Humain,' 'whichl is not4 ac~nowedged by the craft. There were wvoman Masons, so called, in France in 1815, but were not recognized. URlious 1.-sioN mTTERS. It cures quickly. For sale by; all delr in medicine. Get the genuiae. Go to the Manning Times ofiice for blinks 3est A"World :he Judgement on Hood's Pro nounced by Squire Fogg. h4 MG-.oz' The following testimonial comes from T. M. ogg, Esq., who is well-known throughout Ken icky as court justice and justice of the peace )r Bath county. H is words should Invoke the onfidence of all who read his letter: C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass.: "I will say for Hood's Sarsaparilla I believe to be the best medicine In the world. In the ,Inter of '02 I had a bad case of the grip which eft my system in very bad shape. I tried every hing I could find and got no relief. In the fall .f the same year I bought a bottle of Hood's arsaparilla. The first dose I took Made a Decided Change or the better. 'When I began taking the first >ottle my weight was 127 pounds, the lightest Ince manhood. By the time the second bottle Hood'sTVCures iad been used my weight was 10 pounds. I )we all this to Hood's Sarsaparilla and I gladly -ecommend it to all sufferers." T. M. FocG, istico of the Peace, Sharpsburg, Kentucky. Hood's Pills cure liver ills, constipation, Aliousness, jaundice, sick headache, indigestion. Skin Eruptions and similar annoyances are caused by an impure blood, which will result in a more dreaded disease. Unless removed, slight impurities will develop into Scrofula, Ecze ma, Sait Rheum andotherserious results of I have forme time been ad boo trouble, for ahc r took many remedies tat did me rio good. I have -Bloodl now taken four bottles of wth te most wonderfl results Amenjoying the best health I ever knew have "'ained twenty pounds and myfriends say t~iey never saw me as well. I am feeling quite like a new man. JOH-S S. EDELIN, Covernmcnt Printinc oice. Washington;D. C. Our Treatise on Blood and Skin Diseases mailed free to any address. SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., Atlanta, Ga. A GREAT MOSES LEVIS. My entire stock of Dry Goods, Notions, Dress ,Goods, Irimmings, Dothing, Fats, Shoes, Etc., etc. Hard ware, Cutlery, Harness, *Saddles, nd everything handled by a fir st-class merchant will bc sold from now\ 011 regardless f value and~ cost. This i:+ done to clear out what stock I now hnivo preparator'y to going into my new store wich is lOW ill course of erection. [ have the goods! They shall be sold! The peop1le now have a fine y1)ortuity, anti should take tlvantage of it. REsPECTFULLY, Moses Levi. FORESTON DRUG STORE I keep always on hand a .ull lne of Pure Umugs and Medicines, 'ANCY AND TOILET AR TICLES, TOILET' SOAPS, rEFRFMmnY, STATION EY, CIG ARS, G;ARDEN SEEDS, ad sh artiel(s as are usually kept in a Ia jut adae to. mysock acneof PAINTS AND OILS, ad am prepared to sell P'AINTS, oILS LE AD, VARNISUES, URUSHES, t quantities to suit purchasers. L. W. NETTLES, M.LD., Foreson. S. C. Buy the Best Material to Your Advantage, FROM HOWARD FLIMING, E 3 ioeacicuarters for all 14ascus' Suippplies, 276 EAST BA Y CHARLESTON, S. C. Line, Plaster, Rosendale, English Portland Cement, All Sizes Terra Cotta Pipe, Fire Brick and Clay, Hair, Brick, Tiles, Etc. MIXED LOTS. CAR LOAD LOTS. Agent for the Celebrated Rock Wall Plaster. Telephone 291. Write for Prices. JOSEPH F. RHAME. W . C. DAVIS. R HA ^E & DAVIS, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, MANNIN G, S. C. A LEVI, eATTORNEY AT LAW, MANNING, S. C. Notary Public with seal. Associated with L. 0. Purdy, Esq., in litigated cases. TEFFERSON D. ALSBROOK, ATTOR|NEY AT LAW, MANNING, S. C. Office in TirEs bilding. Special atten tion given all busiiess in his charge. H o.L. B. WELLS, ATTOI E: AT LAW SUMTER, S. C. 20E. W. DICK, ) EXTIST. SUMTER, S. C. Office hours- -9 to 1:30-2:30 to 5. Over Levi Brothers' dry goods store. R. E. ALVA SOLOMONS, DJ DE.VTIST. SUMTER, S. C. Office over Browns & Purdy's store. En trance on Main Stieet, between Browns & Pardy and Durant & Son. Office hours-9 to 1:30 an d 2 to 5 o'clock. JOHN S. WILSON, Attorij and Counselor at Law, MANNING. S. C. Why. Is It? That the most suaccessful bui ness men are the strongest believers in Life Insurance ? That they are,is attested by the following letter from a well known business nian who held a Tontine Policy in the Equitable Life POWELL & SNIDER, STAPLE AND FANCY GnoCERIE, GRAIN AND FLOM'R. AsitvrLLE, N. C., Jan. 18,1894. MR. W. J. RODDEY, Rock Hill, S. C. DEAR SIR: I have accepted the cash value of my Tontine Policy in the "Equitable," which matured Jan. 3d, 1S9. I desire to say that I am very well pleased with the results. as an evidence of which I have applied for more assurance on same plan. Respectfully, W. F. SxnIDE. If you are interested send your age and let us give you figures on a Toitine Policy. Address W. J. RODDEY, Manager, Department of Carolinas, Rock Hill, S. C. F. N. WILSON, Dis-cr AGENT, MANNING, S. C. S. 3. PERY. H. n. SIXONS. R. A.P RINGLE Johnston, Crews & Co., -WHOLESALE- - JOBBERS OF DRY GOODS, tions and Snmall Wares, Nos. 49 Hayne & 112 Market Streets OHAIRLESTON, S. C. + e IF YOU WANT IN YOUR HOME 4 TiiE FIEST AND MOST PERFECT + . PIANO~PODUCED IN THE KNOWN 9 WORLD YOU WILL BUY THE "Combining a totality of excellence4 Ynot 1ound in any other piano."+ "Perfect in Lone, ac:'on and finish." '"Used by the greatest living artists t "hosen byall musica1 connoIsseurs5 and people of refinement who appre- +~ ciate exqiuisite tone and the art.stlc- 9 j PAL 4 fyowant a sTEINWAY we9 Scan save y noney in its pur-4 chase. Our house is the SOUTH E FRN STEINWAY DEPOT for five* ,*enire states. Steinway's New York ~ F ~rices duiplicated. Not a dollar can 9 Vbisved in buying direct. All + 4'srt~lys egularly in stock. Corre-9 s zpondence Invited. Catalogues free.4 9WR iTE US 4 MusiG House,Savannah, Ga Rice Mills! Corn Mills! Saw Mills! Rlice Planters and Rice Milleis can buy a single machine that will hull, clean, and polish rice ready for market for $350. Corn Millers ca buy the best French Br'r Mill, in iron frame, fully gearanteed, :apacity ten fbushels meal per hour, for aw .Millers can buy best variable friction Feed Mill from $190 up to the largest size; and Gang: Rip Saws, Edgers, Swing Saws, Planing Machines, and all other Wood Work'ing Machinery, also TALBOTT'S ENGINES AND BUILERS. Special discounts made to casu purchas ers. Can meet any comipetit n, quality :onsidered. V. C.BADE AX, COLUMBIA. S.-J. HARDWARE! - FOR Everything in this line go to R. W. Durant & Son., SUMTER, S. C., ---WHO ALSO SELL Paints, 0 Is etc., etc., Cooking and Heating Stoves, All Household Articles, -AND The Stono Phosphate Works, - COha'lestoni, B. C. Established 1870. MANUFACTURE Soluble Guano, Acid Phosphate, Dissolved Bone, Kainit, Floats, Ash Element, Fish Scrap, - C. S. Meal, Etc., Etc. Address all letters to E. H, FROST & CO., General Managers: PERCIVAL M'FG. C0 DOOR : SASH, : AND BLINDS . 4/8 to 486 Meeting Street, CHARLESTON, S. C WETHERHORN & ICHER, -MANUFACTURERSOr SASH, -DOORS, BLINDS. 7, 9, 11, 13 Smith Street, CHARLESTON, S. C. E. A. TINDAL, (SUCCESSOR TO RUTLEOCE & TINOAL) DEAL: -:- T -:- AND -:- XA.WFACTUMR -:- OF F UR N-I T U R E. SUMMENlTON, S.. C. Keeps in stock a full line of bedsteads, chairs, tables, sofas, wardrobes, bureaus, bed room sets, cradles, cribs, matresses, bed springs, coffins, caskets, etc., etc. Our stock of COFFDTS AND CASEETS is equal to any kept in this or Sumter counties, and we will fill orders at any hour day or night. Mr. H. H. Windham, a skillful and experienced mechanic, willgive personal attention to repairing of any arnd all kinds of furniture at shortest notice. Our prics are as low as the lowest, and all we ask to effect a sale is an inspection of ourgoods. We are also agents for wagons and buggies which we will sell at lowest possible prices. -The "OA LiOR A P H." is now thirteen years since the Calipadph Typewriter was first put upon the market and in all that time has responded faithfully to what is required of a firstc-class writing machine The Caligraph is recog~nized everywhere as ' the most simple atnd most durable typewriter. It is easily learned, does beau tiful work, and WILL LAST A DECADE, if properly cared for. In speed contests it has repeatedly taken the first place and in telegraphic work has never been excelled. For manifolding purposes it has no superior. With interchangeable parts the Caligraph is well nigh indestructible. The experience of business men, ministers, te legraphers, short-hand schools, and government departments all go to prove that the Caligraph is without a peer. ---SOLD ON EASY TERMS. C. Irvine Walker, Jr., 8 0. G-eneral .Agents, No. 6 Broad St., - Charleston, S. C. WMI. SHEPPER.D &a CO L A R GE au ASSORTMENT~ ~ ~ Gos t. -OF- --AT-. Tinwar Send for circulars. Tinwreand price lists. Na. 222 Meeting St.. CIIA RLT on S. C. Beautiftul Snow. "0 the snow, the beautiful sno Filling the sky and the earth I Over the house tops, over the Over the ih-ads of the lopl-e y Dancing,' Flirting, Skinnir Beautiful snow! It (an do noti Flying to kiss a fur !adi ch Clingin4 to li- in, a froli:oil I,-ant iful slw. fri om the le-.v Pnre as :in ani-l and fickie as 0 the sniow, the bo:utifuil sno Ilow the fl ke: ir on 1la Whirling -alnt IN -t: dlen It plays in its l- with -very - Chas-ing. Laughing, Ilnrrvi. Ithlights u) the faca and it sp. Aud even thei dogs, with a barl Snap at the crystals that eddy The town is alive an:1 its hear To welcome the enoming of be How the wild crowd go swavi: Hailing e-ach other with humi lHow the gay sledges like Ct. Bright fo.r a moment, then le R1inging, Swinging, Over the crest of the beautifn' Snow so pure when it falls fr< To be trampled in ml I . passing by: To be traileod : and tra, thousands of feet Till it lends with the horrib street. Once I was pnre as the sno. Fell, like the snow thkes. ----to hell: Fell, to be tramped as the filt Fell. t0 be scoffed, to be spit. Pleading, Carsing, Dr-adin Selling my soul to whoever w Dealing in shame for a morst Hating the living and fearin Merciful God! have I fallen s And yet I was once like this I Once I was fair as the beantil With an eve like its crystals. its glow. Once I was loved for -my inr Flattered and sought for the face. Father, Mother, sisters: God and myself I have lost b The veriest wretch that goes Will take a wide sweep lest riigh; For all that is on or about ini( There is nothing that's beautiful snow. How strange it 'should beautiful snow Should fall on a sinner with How strange it wonll be, w comes again, If the snow and the ice strn ate brain! Fainting, Freezing, DVing - Too wicked for prayer, too monn To be heard in the crash of Gone mad in its joy at the d6wn: To lie and to die in my terri With a bend anI a shroud snow!" IF YOUi 1:A CK A Or vou are nit worn out, really Z( it is general debility. B1:W.owsS 110W JUi' It will cure you. and give a good by all dealers in nedi The erratic editor of the S - is a political freak. He pro Allianceman of the strictes never fails to stab an Allin and Gonzales, of the State,a - ical chums. Dargan brags. Gonzales bra:-; on Dargen. the Alliance and the other i- -- ration lover. One is a P - other a Haskellite. Neither -- both are political nondescri fellow-feeling..-Aiken Time H U MP HREYS' Dr. Humphreya' Specifices arosclflea1and carefully prepared R~emedies, used for years in , private practice and for Over thirty 75.bytheo pole witti entire success. Every snl pcd a spcl cure for the disease named. . They cure without drugging, purging or reducing the system and arc in fact and dfeed the Sovereign, Remedien or the World.. No.r0S.Ct'Z PEcCn. 1-Fevers, Congestions Inhamatlons..- .*25 2-Worms, Wormx Fever, Worm Colic.....2 3-Teething; Colic, Crying, wakefulness .25 4-Diarrhea, of Children or Adults. 25 7-Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis.......... .25 8-N'euralgia, Toothache, Faceashe.... 25 9-Headaches, Sick Headache, Vertigo.. .25 I 10-Dyspiepsia Blliousness, constlpatlon. .25! 11i-SuppresseaI or Painful Periods... .25. 12-Whites, Too Profuse Periods........25 13-Croup, Laryngitis, Hoarseness....25 14-Salt Rheaim, Erysipelas, Eruptions.. .25 15-Rheumatism, Eheumatic Pains....25 16-Mlalaria, Chills, Fever and Ague....25 19-Catarrh, Influenza, cold in the Head. .25 20-Whooping Cough....-..-------------..2 27-Eidney Diseases......----..------*21 2S~rvous Debility.............--..oe 30-urnary Weakness, Wetting Bed...2 HUM~PHREYS' WITCH HAZEL OIL, " The Pile Ointment."-Til Size. 25 OIts. Sota br Dr,,ctai.or set pesi-paid o receip of Price, n. iicrrlys' MASLTAL 1144 pages,) MAIL.ED REE. l1UIPHRETS'IED.C..111 ki13 WlliamSt., NEW YORli SPECIFICS. CAUTION.-I' a dealer offers' W. L. Douglas Shoes at a reduced price, or says he has them without name stamped on bottom, put him down as a fraud. ~5.oO. 3 O R 2S W.L Dou.0a $3 SHOE nTHWORLD. W. L. DOUGLAS Shoes are stylish, easyv it ting, and gve better satisfaction at the prices ad vertised than any othcr make. Try one pair and be convinced. The stam ping of V. L. Douglas' name and price on the bottom, wh'ich guarantecs their value, saves thousands of dollffrs annually to those who wear them. Dealers who push th'e sate of WV. L. Douglas Shoes gain customers, which helps to increasc the sales on their full linc of goods. They can afTord to sell at a less promi. and we believe vou can save monev by buyzng all vo::r footwcar o'f the dealer sdvertised below. ~Cak1.:uc free upon application. Address, W. L. DOU'GLAS, Brockton, Mlass. Sold hw Horton, Burgess & Co. Save You Eyes! When' aon noe i a pa:"f spectacles don't i ntferior gass. You will find none better than PERFECTED\ - CRYSTALM rLSS -or THE CEL EBRATED in~inn - -- Eliia - i- 930 i0s a -: YE -:- GLASSES. -:- 1 For sale by DR. W. M. B3ROCKINTON,