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L1 ANN TMas.~ - tLeks Like Cleveland. Our Republican contemporaries are hard to please. Whben Mr. Cleveland ee-liued, for obvious reasons, to take part in the campaign they denounced Whim for his cowardice. When he was t4enderd a reception by his neighbors Sanawich, Massachusetts, they de tIared that he was trying to make lz pohtical capital for himself. When She staid at home, wrote no letters, and made no speeches in the Congessional Ke~ampaign last year, they said that he was a mean, contemptible political in grate and self-seeker. And now they arehoviing at him because he took part in th~e recent contest in New .--York and saved that State, by his .high example and earnest counsel, to ihe Democratic party. The Boston J[ral is particularly stupid in its criticism of Mr.Cleveland and the part i played in the New York campaign ad eclares that "he is only a piece $:o 1ery ordinary humanity" and that be was willing, even eager, to dis - the great office which he had ain oderto purchase thQ favor of h deaed and. dangerous pol organization on the continent." aptggetexcited ,contemporary, veland did not obtain by fraud office whichhe held, and he did bIlittle it while he held it. As _ lwh can bg said for hi s~uccessor uthat Mr. Cleve E: -, q - ueLrue ta r "is only a pieQe.of very. ordinary. wajsi," the fact should not disturb But-we hope that it will in its campain of billings The people of the United States rleveland for the enemies he isiade-Nem and Courier. 'Tol a Makes a 'oeid Governor. Bro&li H. Browne, of the Christ SNighbor, believes in giving ; to whom honor is due." of Governor Tillman, he Probably no governor of ou Carolina has everbeen watched a 7-utinized as- closely as R RL b'as been since his inaugura on. He has, however, pursued an I'Spedetand straight-forward nu ifheh more and more satis .that he, understands y ayre tives and en discha the !ormer and usly exercise the latter. wesiations of State institm CiAuding the*Citadel Academy, , , dale andl his exercise of power meets with gen So farhe he has made -OcQ erDor. Big Crop & Old Maids. ig crop of. old maids seems im judging from statistics. If itaie"s of Gre Britain are cor excess of women and girls -r.nen and boys in that country is 900,000, an increase in ten years 200,00. tn Gerinany the. o f females in excess of males. - a~L1,000,00Q. In Sweden and the "weaker sex" is in the ma *about 250,000; in Austro S 600,000; and in Denmark nuadeand Austratlia the males are in ~e'*mqrit. In thin country there abo 1,000,000 more men than - ev. P~ak-lak om Niotorlety. t~onble wif a good many prom in,4eah breddern, is dat dey jeteriety for fame, and de dey- make as dey strut ou lik*.ovrerted turkey cocks am ~ao~m~mb' at observin' people doan' kydeecmic papersVen de SBother -Japkz "I; asked Virginia rwto marry me, and she said .togeta discrepancy in Bitr How old in Virginia?"' Bro: !"Twenty-thrse : ~asf"And you're 19. So just y all ya4d yonVi both be 21." 6p t o~ A C.etei Planters and - Buyers. - ess Aes~Ier Sprunt &L Son, ootton o.prtrfiing~ton, s'ent out the fol ~lwneircuar last week; riev wetiandt starsy u~tbbelt,alisde w a?~entof 16ir frentis'in anterior to the most important matter of for wotton to be held or handled he WintE? months. It will be re ~ m~rdthat a lgepart of last season's -hldn .~rere nmerchantableand -Cwg~s by previous exposure to the ~'weather in open fields or under the eaves o gttsouges, either from indifference or ~ with the'unworthy purpose of adding to 'tewih by moisture. and thereby in ~/a~ its imirketable value. Many ex ~portera of cotton were thus deceived, and ~'madesech heavy losses from damage and off in weights that it is their fied, nto utterly refuse cotton which Iinot 'Ienproperly housed -this ~ Our purpose is toshow.that -such care lessness reacts upon the planter. Many .cnt~slast spring appar-. ~ andlin' g'od condition, were found, upon examination bythe testing rod, to be utryrotten and vaueless. In one in4 ee ba . .apparently dry cotton yeighing64n'pounds, was opened for ex amination and found to contain 550 pounds erofrottinag cotton, which was sold for about 1 cent a pound. Many other similar cases could be ,quoted, but this will suffice to justify the warning that a planter or mer '-bcant whq risks his cotton out of doors in a4t4 is likelyMtg suffer serious con -speSin heavy-allowances for dam age or the utter rejection of the cotton as unmnerchantable." The Toledo Weekly Blade and Campaign of 1892. - Te Toledo Weekly Blade, the most rominent Republican weekly published, a th..only political weekly newspaper in thee United States that is edited with speial reference. to circulation in every pitot the Union. It has subscribers in everyt State, teritorey and nearly every -oanyof the.United.States, It has always abo4100,0(Wan*pribe. and during a su~i~t~ P poh tcal pate Asidefrg poljies-it is a, favorite fail liazing-more and .better -~t1can be affordedb papers smal n. eria an Short. i WR aat Humor, Poetry,-.Camp-fire (Sca4ie's),,Pirai Stu m SChool Lessons, NuaeSezuicon Young Folke, Poultry, Pa~nlsH ~o8,(best ithe world), neerto1gorrespondents, et, ,etc. Only O Dla ayear, Send postal to The Dade. Tol~o Ohie, for a free specimen e;Askfa'lso, for. codfidential terms to a O.Want o .easily earn a few 'Eb Lad3 Godiva must hagehad excep eOpceon ncAysesHai Vgor came inise such examples are not so rare as for inl.It not only promotes the growth of t hau givet rich, silken textnre. HOUSEHOLD NOTES. MRS S. A. NETrLES. CumsMTMAs GmIVIa.-SLTLY steal along the frostv air of winter, brin, iug with it the desire to commenc the waling of gifts for those, dea ones who will surely think of us o Christmas day. There is no need t remind ourselves that last Christma we promised to make a very early bx ginning this year, for did not th chiming of the midnight bells on las Christmas Eve find us with still a fei final stitches to be taken? As soon a the holiday interest has been awakene by the reflection that the season is fa. approaching, we devote much careft thought to deciding what presents wi be most appropriate to the needs c tastes of the friends and relatior whom we wish to remember. There can be no doubt that a certai sum of money will make a much mor substantial showing when the gifl are to be made up at home than whe they are to be purchased already pr( pared; and it is equally certain the there is economy in making seven articles alike when they are destine for recipients in different homes. Th loving thought represented by eac token of rememberance should an usually does far outweigh the intrinsi value of the article; but even whe only a very simple gift can be afforde< it is always possible to choose som thing that shall be either useful or oi namental and shall have no suggestio of cheapness in its appearance. A number of inexpensive and easi] made gifts are described below, an the general woman who has many t think of and not a very generous si at her disposal will find among thez an assortment of, dainty articles e3 aitly-suited ito her needs., FOR DUSTING CARVED furniture painter's brush with moderately sti bristles is to be preferred to a feathe duster, which is too soft when new t remove the dust from the smooth it terstices, and when somewhat worn i too harsh for the purpose. Highl polished sarfaces should be duste with an old silk handkerchief. Whe blue mould gathers on a piano o any other smoothly polished furni ture, it.may be removed by rubbix4 with a wello, moistene4 chamoi When necessary a polish composed c one-third crude oil and two-third olive oil may be applied upon furni ture with a cotton cloth. A.-am .oamoRT rather than. c splendor should first impress th stranger on entering a house. Thi is not to be attained by means of ric1 and correct furnishing alone, for with out substantial evidences of woman' kindly and refining presence no out lay of money will suffice to transforr a mere house into a sweet home. I touch of color supplied by a fes pieces of dainty fancy-work, a grou] of nicely mounted photographs, or i grace'ful vase or two filled with fresl flowers, will slo mnpre. to make a roor attractive 'tian the highest achieve ments of the cabinet-maker's, upho] sterers, and decorator's arts. In shori cuntess minor details must be per sonally considered by the feminin head of the house in order to make; ,oom-otable home; and above al must she eultivate a graceful manne in dispensing her hospitality, that he guest may enter her gates with pleas ure, and depart from them with re gret. FOnaMNG SaucE.-Beat the whites c two eggs to a foam, but do not mak them stif. Stir in a cupful of pow dered sugar and a table-spoonful o lemon juice or a very small wine glassful of sherry, if wine is approved and lastly pour slowly in a cupful o boiling milk, stirring continuall; while pouring. This sauce .is bette: if served immediately. Rouis Rumns. - Mr. Cb~rle Lawrence, of Ashland, Nebraska, de sires that suferersfrom Rheuritis should know his experience with S;. S. and writes under date of July 2l 1891, that he was a great suffere from acute rheumatism for more thai six months. He had quite a numbe of physicians to treat him, and als< took other medicines, without an: permanent benefit. A friend tok( him to try S. S. S. He did so, and used only four bottles, which cured him sound and welL. He recomn mends it to all who suffer from rheu matism. Rheumatism has been con eded to be a trouble in the blood and we have numbers of reports fron the most reliable people in the coun try that -it has cured the most aggra vated cases. We certainly recomn mend every sfferer to send for o: treatise on blood and skin diseases which will be mailed free. Address SWIFT SPECIFIC C0., Atlanta, Ga. The G~rant Monument. The Grant monument association o New York are putting the $154,00 they have got on hand into the foun dations of the monument they meant< build, on theexpectation that when thi first story is finished the -money wil come .pouring in. Secretary Richar< T. Greener says their most importan means of raising funds~in future will be the sale of alithographof the propose< structure in s'eventeen colors and thre< several views. They only want abou $400,000, or perhaps half a millioi more, and it will be easy to raise tha by selling a chromo, of course. When Baby was sick, we gave her Catoria, when she was aChld, she cried for Catoria, When she became Miss, she clung to Caatr Boils,carbuncles, and other skin eruption: indicate that the system is endeavoring to re ject poisonous acids, and that Ayer's Sarsa parilla is imperatively nheded. It is the mos reliable of all blood medicines. Ask you: druggist for it, and take no other. An Ohio lady was so frightened by a snake that her glossy black hair turned white as snow. It was soon returned to its origina color by Hall's Hair Renewer. An exchange says it is a well estab lished principle of economics that th< young man who would get up with the sun should not stay up later that 10 'clock with the daughter. r4,j~l4)~m1'y pens'ettr or tiSate. Mr, A. G. Flowers, who entered the Inter State type-setting contest at tiedidwont. Exposition. Atlanta. Ga, retnrnetd on Monday nigit, the. winner of the seconidl I prize $125.00. There weo tw-nty -two entries from all over the South. al Of whomi staved in the race to the close. lIe is un doubtedly the fashtest. type-sctter in1 this Sitate, if not in the South, and with equal chances would have won the first prize in the. contest. As it wae he was a close second in a contest in a style of contpj)oL tion with which iie was totally unfamiliar, against others who were accustomed to the e work. On straight newspaper work he t will set more type, correct, and distribute, 7 in ten hours than any man of whom we have heard. * Gilbert Flowers has been working at the case since he was nine years old, with the t exception of abcut eighteen months or two L years, and is now in his twenty-second year. He has been with this office all that time, except about a year and a half, during r which time he worked in Barnwell and on s the State work in the Register office, Columbia. The Watchman and Southron naturally feels proud in having the champion type e setter in the State on its force, and more s especially as he has had no training other a than that received in this office. Sumter's game cock his Another occasion to crow for Sumter always gets there, and the Watchman and Southron does not lag I behnd the procession.-Watchman and b bouthron. e 4 BUCKLEN'S ARNICA SALVE. The best salve in the world for'cuts, 3 bruises, sores, ulcers, salt- rheum, fevor a sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, a corns, andall skin eruptions, and positive ly cures piles or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by J. G. Dinkins & Co. A WONDER WORKER. Mr. Frank Huffman, a young man of Bur lington, Ohio, states that he had been under the care of two prominent physicians, and D used their treatment until he was not able to get around. They pronounced his case to be consumption and incurable. He was persuaded to try Dr. King's New Discovery for consumption, co'ghs, and colds, and at that time was not able to. walk across the street without resting. He found, iefore he E had used half cf a dollar bottle, that he was f much better; he continued to use it and is r to-day enjoying good health. If you have any throat, lung, or chest trouble try it. We guarantee satisfaction. Trial bottle free at - J. G. Dinkins & Co.'s drug store. ELECTRIC BITTERS. This remedy is becoming so well known and so popular as to need no special men r tion. All who have used Electric Bitters sing the same song of praise.-A parer medicine does not exist, and it is guaranteed to do all-thAt is claimed. Electric aitters. .wi lcure all disees .of the liver and kid niys, willrremove pimples, boils, salt rbeum, and other affections caused by impure blood.-Will drive malaria from the system and prevent as well as cure all malarial fe vers.-For cre of headache, constipation, and indigestion try Electric Bitters.-Entire f satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. Price 50c. and $1 per bottle at J. G. 'Dinkins & Co.'s drug store. No Chance There. Dasher: "Clara, dear, will you be - my wife?" IClara: "Have you. asked mamma?" L Dasher: "Yes. But she won't have F me." -Health and Happiness come to all who persistently use Ayer's Sarsaparilla. This - powerful alterative effects in the system a change that seems little short of miraculous. -No medicine has been in such universal demnand for years. Giveit a trial. ty, want of ajpetlge, depressin of spirits, and lassitude, will-ase Ayer'aSarsaparilla.L am confldent a cure will result, for I have Sused li, and speak from experience. It IS - by far the .best remedy I ever lus? -F. 0. LoringBrockton, Mass. Ayer's Sarsaparilla, Preare,Lowel,Mag. Soldby al 880%"-Pric$1;six bottleue,. f Worth $5 a bottle. - Second Arrival! About Tuesday, November 3rd, another car~ horses. H. HARBY. Sumter, S. C., Oct. 29,' 1891. ESTABLISHED 1868. L. W. FOL~SOM, - Sign of the Big Watch, - SUMTER, S. C. -- B IG -LINE OF -' Presents. + Watches, Diamonds,+mi - STERLING SILVER, CLOCKS, - Optical Goods, Fine Knives, Scissors and Razors, bMachine Needles, Etc. S. A. NettieR will insure bales of cotton for thei full .aluea at a low- premiunm . K aln's Main Street, Next Door to Schwerin & Co., suTXXXrter, 0a. 40. We take pleasure in announe ing to the citizens of Manning and Clarendon County, that. havg returned from North eri Marets, where we pur chaed-a stock of fANCT GROCERIES, Cigars, Liquors " , Oba OC S. That we will endeavor to sell goods at as low figures as the lowest; we beg for a call and inspection of goods and prices before purchasing elsewhere. Agency For il.IENNEY S NW YORK CANDIES. which will be received fresh weekly. W Pure and unadulterated Liquors for family uses. CRAND ANNOUNCEMENT h Only hecluive Cazet Ho in th City, 2417 King St., Opposite Hasell, CHARLESTON, S. C. lea -urirl for all 000 C0vrin~i, Upholstering Goods and Draperies of HE MOST COMPLETE STOCK IN THE STATE. Brssels Crpet at our 7sp 85 an S1 per Vaelvet Carpet at $1.25, $1.40, and $1.50 perain Carpet at at 50, 60, 70, and 90c. emp Carpet at 20, o5,1 d0. pe2yrd Rug at 75 $1.25,aS2.0, $2.50, toS9 each. Cornic Poles at 25. 35, and 50c. Full stock of Lace Curtains from,90c. to 1500pelattetion given to all orders. We deri to come acain, asour prices are the lowest. K.,L PW~U, I, K. W! R, Sec. and Treas. Manager. JoN F. wEEuN.-- --L. H. QumoLwo. JOHN F. WEMkER & CO., -- --WHOLESALE 6OCERS, COMMISSION MERCHANTS and Provision Dealers. 167 A.o 169 EAsT BAY, Ao2 QUEEN sTREE, CHARLEsTON, S. C --Sole Agents for Ganuj~osk & ,Thr1. ipk:TObasse, Patentees of the Celebrated "E En.ey - WanmeB. PEREECT TISTIG Dr. H. BAER, WEOLZALE D00U1?I CH A RLEST ON, S. C. Deale tin Drugs Meicines, Foreign and MANNING HOTEL. N EW HOUSE. 17 LARGE AND CoM-. ewforta>le roons, nicely fuirn i se wit uest.a.kExcellent table, supplied wth best d to depot and the business part of town. Terms reasonable.M TAS.rn SEE these CELEBRATED PIANO$ before purchasing elsewher. Manufactured by 'I EW ENGLAND PIANO CO., BOSTON, MASS. LAMrc.Producg PiarA jFactorlem THE KILLOUCH MUSIC CO.9 IM THE WO0RLD. FLORENCE, S. C. Ceneral Representatives. ~tey Pianos anicl Organas. -0 E STEY PIANOS, E-STEY ORGANS ARE M.DE UPON HONOR, SOLD UPON merit and are known the world over. The Esteay Organs have bei-n manufactureu for forty-five years and fully deserve the praise accorded by a1l who purchase them. They are constructed to nieet all requirements tor Parlor, Church, Lodge, or School. They can be purchased on easy terms of the KILLOUGH MUSIC COMPANY. -3. 3P. CARFEAX=L3nMCOMPA0Z -1ARPENTFR ORGANS ARE FIRST CLASS IN EVERY RESPECT. SOLID walnut cases neat in design. Varied conibinations to suit all classes of music. The E. P. Carpenter Company, Manufacturers, factory at Brattleboro, Vermont, have bad many years of experience and are fully responsible. They fully warrant all organs for eight years. The Killough Music Company buy them in large quantities and sell thenI wholesale or retail at lowest prices, quality considered. Write for catilogue and price list. Do You K< vrw ? HE KILLOUGH MUSIC COMPANY are growing, business increasing, territory extending, new branches a4.agenies being established. -BUSINES8 RULES: Buy direct. Sell direeL One price. Lowest price. Ship on approval. Assume freights. Have satisfied customers or none. -SPECIALTIES: ORGANS. PIANOs. STEINWAY. ESTEY. BEHR BROS. CARPENTER. ESTEY. FARRAND & VO'TEY. NEW ENGLAND. WEAVAR.. KIMBALL. Holidays are approaching. Make your home happy. We want to send you complete catalogue and full information free. We se'.1 everything in the music line. p'rWrite now to THE KILLOUGH.MUSIC COMPANY, Florence, S. C. H- JR IDOW A. 1;L (OLD RELIABLE) RW RDNT & So, Offer a full line of goods For Household, Plantation, and Mechan ical Use, We buy largely for cash and sell close. Prettiest and largest stock outside of the large cities. CarmaA cfe "Wagc>3. MafWterial. TA.BE AND PocKr CUTLERY, GUNS, PIsTors, SHF.Is, AMMUNITIoN, Toors, ENGrE FIxTUnRs, PIPINo, Pumrs, WooD AND IRoN, CRocraRY TwAR, &c. Beltinig, - Pac-ira6 ing - Isacing&, - ctoo. COOK STOVES, ALL WARRANTED. HEATING STOVES, ALL Kn. OIL STOVES FRox 1.00 Up. 3ar3'neBs inL "EZ7e3-y .7'aiey R. W. DWNT & SON, MAIN STREET, SUMTER, S. C. LOUIS LOYNS, DEALER IN General -Merchandise,, 8. C. I have laid in this season decidedly the largest stock of goods I have ever carried, consisting of everything usually kept in a first class General Merchandise Store, and I am selling at prices as lowe as any Merchant can dispose: of Goods oL like quajity. Dry G-ood. ~ I have an unusually full stock in Ihv vrkp~adakfrol all kindls of ladies' dress goods, trim-tratobaleosllhegd.I mings, walking. jackets, shawls, fian- hv hmi l tlsadqaiis nels, ladies' underwear, hosiery, etc.; bos headsiprfrmp do not attempt to enumerate the ldebygrs n h ais names of all these different goods, but am satisfied that an inspection cf this - 0 department will please in both variety and price. Our prices are as low as l a l e s the lowest. Trr amrkostevleo --00--- anss epi, o uge cG-roceries. SknHreClaitptntoks This is something all are deeplyhaen suri;wipbdls concerned in, and I make it a. pointsadetcohn. to keep such groceries as will :please. - 9 I not only carry a regular line of ba con, flour, &c., but I have on hand a nice assortment of the best fancy gro eries, cakes, crackers, french sar- Cohn ngetvrey o l dines, canned pears, and all such.szs gs lses n odtos Try a can of grated pineapple, one of ada rcst uteeyoy the most delicious dishes to be had Cide' ut nalrevreya anyheero $1.40 the besr he i~ea dICaB have eve kept I have a full shaeutheminyalfstyle and oasqua aetesmkr mlits see, te bst o b ha, adhpe ots, ineias asnde slies. o bet see. Nw i th tme o pa. ladies, ands girls "ad Queben. An sl temIwil i hr-pnrckbtt takethemaway I oferood valery armey kpntwth vale.o I a plase tostae t th puli wgnrll a gurane my. hr LEO isnowwit me ~n wilae great perior;c whipsrbridles, fred.Cey loethuingi retvritfo l sizesnagesclassesean conditions ansstd t posics taouit reerbody. SmkeHeoegrshildesuts ickaelargarietyla. A.frNON ole Agent, Manig for aCuls. --ooLN1--~ ~ae- -_-oo- n1 seedtheest1o5b addsot a feCigars as thyws. obt for infants and Children. "C~*2iigo~e-A-~t~hBMtb csutmcDisrrcum Rruetatioa,&W Irecommenditassuperiortoa&YPre*=iPUn E Worms, gives sleep, and promot dl. kEown to me'n . Pa AC16 .D D., Illt So Oxford Sac , Bro klmr , N. .- w i n 2hread7t h A ., .The as of omCstda' is sounlvrW ad For zeeet yar T.ave reDommeD its merits so wel kown that it seem & work o C tor, b0 anBrsa, oNW o of san reroptOnlt endorse it. Few Am tbc o 0?ihss lwa~p~f~dbuaa intelligent aieBwho do not keep CAAstod rewlt&%% wiuureamcb&IM E~nrNr. PAanum]. D.,. CW.05 .AL!1 D* 4h wiop."1MStetan ft Av.. NwokNew York 6ity U. Late Pasto Bloomngda Ratiod TMl CUTAU COMPA3, 77 XUZZRET. NilK YOMi ADGER SMYTH.F J. PR, Special Partner. SMY*TH & ADGER, Factors, and GOmission MerchuaIs CHARLESTON, S, C. I. E. HOLMES. TIXA MOORE W . E. HOLMES& C0 ---DEA LERS IN White Lead and Colors, Oils and Varnishes, Glass and Brushes, Mill and Naval- Store Supplies. STREE -:- LAMPs -:- AND -:- LANTERNS -:- OF -:- ALL -:- KINDS. OFFICE 207 EAST BAY; CHARLESTON,. S. C. OTTO F WIETERSA, WHOLESALE GROCER; Wholesale Dealer in Wines, uprs -adigmf No. 121 East.Bay,.Charleston, S. C. OTTO TIEDEMAN & SONS Wholesale, Grocers and Provision Dealers,, 172, 174, and 176 East Bay Street, 4' E. 3EL Mu 3'E r" .T lT, S. C . WM. $HEppWFD. &QO. LARGE SS OR TM ENTAl 7ine Cookin 2001 - Send for circulars Tinwre, 't"''"~a price lists. No. 23'4 Meeting.St., CHARTESTON, S.0C.. ESTABSUSHED -1844. Charleston' Iron Worksj Manufacturers and Dealers-in; arine Stationaryfand Portable Engines and Boilers, Saw ill Machinery. Cotton Presses Gns, . Railroad; Steame oat, Machinists', Engineers' an Mml Supplies. M E P~epairs executed with promptness and Dispatch. . Sendffor prie~s East Bay,CUor. Pritehard &, Charleston, S. 0C. -PERCW4AL M'FG. CO. ~DOORS, SASH AN BLINS. ; 48( Meeting Street, CHARLSTON, S. C. -HENRY C. WOHLERS, Pr ovision Dealer. -AGENT FOR i Auge ad Est .sh aB~ig Aspo iad King ichd Cigans No. 2. Meat a Specialty. 213 East Bay, CHARLESTON, S. C. "Adamant" -Wall. Plaster Best Material for Walls and Ceilings Ever Put 3B' fgre the Puic. The only thing abouit a building that has not improved for over 1,000 years is lime plaster. But there is no excuse hereafter for falling eeilinlgs, crumbling walls, broken e'nd defaced decorations. ADAMANT is not .a guess work mixture of lim~e, hair, and sand: it is a machine made mortar, ontaining no lime: it comes dry in bags ready to be used at any season by mixing with water only. Any mason can apply it: bursting pipes or leaky roofs will not effect it. It's the beet known fire resisting material in the world, and it is impervious to disease germs.- . Architects, Engineers, and Scientific Men Everywhere, EndorselIt, and 300,000 buildings plastered within three years, is the only testimonial we need offer. For full particulars address the SOUTHEASTERN PLASTER CO., Sa~tyamnn n." y ra prAlso manufacturers and dealers in calcined plaster and Portland cements. OLD CLOTHES MADE NEW. ---SEND YOUR DYEING TO THE -: Charleston -:- Steam --Dye -: Works, : All ork uarateed 31 King St. CHARLTESTON. S. C.