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THE MANING TIMES. Published Every Wednesday. S, A. NETTLES, EDIToR AND PROPRIETOR. Terms: SunscRIPToN' RtrEs.-One copy, one year $1.50; one copy, six months, 75 cents one copy, three months, 50 cents. All subscriptions payable in advance. ADVERTISING R.&Es.-One square,. first in ertion. $1 00; each subsequentinsertion, 50 cents. Obituaries and Tributes of Respect charged for as regular advertise ments. Liberal contracts made for three, six, and twelve months. ComxusIcArIoss must be accompanied by the real na-ne and address of the writer in order to receive attention. No communi cation of a personal character will be pub ished except as an advertisement. For further information address S. A. NETTLES, Manning, S. C. WORSDAYI 10VZK3I III 1891. Publishes all County and Town Official Advertisements. Your Name in Print. -Mrs. M. Kalisky left last Sunday for Augusta -u a visit. -Mr. Joe Kalisky left last Sunday fqr Sharon, Ga., to attend a school in that place. -Mr. W. E. Dinkins, of this town, is in Louisville, Ky., attending the medical college of that city. -Mr. Seckendorf, of the firm of Secken dorf & Mi.idleton, of Charleston, is in Manning on business. -Mr. and Mrs. John S. Cole, leave to morrow morning for a visit to their children at Jesup, Ga. -Mrs. Louis Loyns and children re turned home last Monday night, after an extended visit to relatives in Charleston. -Mr. M. L. Sauls has about completed his store and his dwelling in Salem, and very shortly he will be ready "to take her to his home." He was in town Monday looking as happy as happy can be. -We are informed that Mr. C. R. Hirvin, Jr., beneficiary cadet from this county. is making a fine record in Charleston. It is said that in mathematics, which is his principal study, he has made perfect since he has been at the Citadel. -This morning's mail brought the an nouncement of Maj. Abe Levi's intention to desert the ranks of celibacy and to take unto to himself one of God's greatest gifts to man. Moze Tov. The announcement reads as follows: "Bethrothed. Miss Kitty Isaacs, Philadelphia. Mr. Abe Levi, Manning, S. C." Dry salt sides at S cents per pound, at Jacob Prodovsky's. A large lot of men's suits, all styles, at lowest prices. Come and see for yourself, and you will be sure to buy, at B. A. Johnson's. Is your house insured ? If not see S. A. Nettles at once, and get him to write a pol icy for you. Harness and saddles, for sale by B. A. Johnson. An elegant line of holiday goods such as fine plush albums, decorated vases, cups and saucers, toilet sets, lamps, and chil dren's picture books, at Dinkins & Co.'s drug store, Try Johnson's Patent flour, best on the market. Miss Nonie Harvin is teaching a class of elocution in the Manning Academy. WV. H. Young is agent for Singer's V. S. No. 2, three-drawer machines. Dr. W. A. Player, one of the most distinguished physicians in the State, died at his home in Darlington last Monday. Nice lot of assorted candy, only S cents a pound. at rodov-sky's. The County Alliance of Florence County met last Monday and organized two Alliance stores, one at the county seat and the other in the country. Go to Brockinton's drug store for pure drugs and medi::ines. Some of the colored people of this place are in a high state of indignation because the public school trustees have elected as one of the teachers of the Manning public colored school a colored man who they claim is an ex-convict. M. Levi has in stock the celebrated Sa borosa cigar. Try them. A case was tried this afternoon before Trial Justice Timmons, in which Ben Evans, of Brewington, was indicted by Frank Herrington for entry on land after notice. A jury was demanded. The de fendant was acquitted. Call at W. H. Young's for the best sewing anachine in the market. Ladies' and Misses' peerless fast black Lose at 124 cents. Ten dozen sold in the last few days. Ten dozen on hand. Twelve dozen to arrive. Come and get the best fast black stocking ever sold for the money, at Rigby's. 12} cents only. Seventeen pounds of granulated sugar for $1, at Jacob Prodovsky's. Dr. H. Baer, wholesale druggist, of Charleston, S. C., has just issued a large edition of the old standard "Miller's .Almanac." This is one of the best and most useful almanacs made, and a copy can be had free from Dr. Baer. Jacob Prodovsky is selling plaid home spuns at 5 cents per yard. The attention of the members of the Manning Methodist church is called to the following: The present Conference year is drawing to a close. The last meeting of the old Board of Stewards will be held Friday, the 20th of this month. Have all the mem bers of this church paid in their dues? If they have not they should hasten to do so. Are the stewards doing their duty ? If not, why not? Fresh and choice fruit of all kinds, always on hand at E. Thames's, opposite the Bank. The county treasurer has finished his rounds, and is now behind his desk, ready and anxious to hand out receipts. He says that Pinewood gave him the best collections on his round, he having written 172 receipts there, aggregating $950. At Sum merton he made the next best collections, receiving upwards of $600. To-day he collected about $1,000. It is best to pay early and avoid the rush. No matter what you want printed, from a visiting card to a mammoth poster, the TIMss office will give you neat work at low est prices. Scan our advertising columns if you would form the acquaintance of merchants who are anxious to get your trade, and will apprecitate it. Merchants who adopt the advertising method of extending an invita tion to their establishments are in dead earnest, and will give bargains to those ac cepting the invitation. Tell them when you call that you saw their advertisement in THE TnIzs. It will help the paper. For Other Locals See Second l'age. Popularly called the king of medicines Hood's Sarsaparilla. It conquers scrofula, salt rheum, and all other blood diseases. 20,725 Acres of Land to be Sold. The December salesday at this place will be one of the liveliest we have had in a number of years. The shwriff under order of court in a suit for partition will sell the "Clark place," s-tuated on the suburbs of Manning, containing 234 acres of good farming land, and under a decree of fore closure will sell the John J. Dyson place, containing 183 acres of planting land a few miles west of Manning. He will also sell uder the conty treasurer's execution 20,308 acres of tax-~delinquent swamp lan ds. ITS EXCELLENT QUALITIES Commend to public approval the California liquid fruit remedy Syrup of Figs. It is pleasing to the eye, and to the taste and by gently acting on the kidneys, liver, and boels, it cleanses the system effectually, thereby promoting the health and comfort ofall who use it. - Odd Pants for Men and Boys. - Knee Pants from 25 cents to $1.25. Long Pants from 75 cents to $7.00. Prices to Correspond With 7 1-C. COTTON. The following Goods you will find are away un der regular prices: 100 ODD COATSI 100 For men, sizes 34 to 45. They are coats of suits that usually sell for 10, 12, 15, and 18 dollars. We will sell the coats at 2,3, 4, and 5 Dollars. Any one needing an odd coat will do well to look through this lot before buying. 100 OVERCOATS For men, light, medium, and heavy weights, 2, 3, 4, and 5 dollars each. They are worth 33 1-3 per cent. more. 200 Pairs of Pants For men, regular price, one dollar and fifty cents, price to close, One Dollar. 250 Knee Pants Suits, For boys, age 5 to 14, from 75c. to $4.00 per suit. They are undoubtedly the best goods ever offered by us for the same money. 40 Dozen Knit 1-2 Hose, (Not a seam in them) 10 cents a pair. Red Flannel Shirts and Drawers to Match, 50 cents, 75 cents, $1.00, $1.50, and $2.00. Respectfully, BRoWN & CHANDLER, Clothiers and Furnishers, CORNER MAIN & LIBERTY STS., SUMTE|R, S. C. Levi Bros, Sumter,S.C . JUST .E WORD! TO OUR FRIENDS and ACQUAINTANCES OF CLARENDON COUNTY. You are respectfully invited to call on us, while visiting our city, and .xamine our large and complete stock of General Merchandise. We are prepared to sell you anything in our line, at lowest cashiprices Call and see the Goods herein named, for "Seeing is the Plain Truth." We have-i large and Complete Stock of DRY'" GOODS, - mud especially in the Finer and Better Grades. Double width black cashmeres, henriettas, alpacas, glorias, serges and ilbatrosses at any price from 20c. to $1.50 per yard. Trimmings to matcl ,hem can be found in silk gimps, braid, velvets, plushes, &c, at prices to it the grades. Delicate Shades of Cashmere and Henriettas, .or young ladies, from 25c. to $1.00 per yard. Bright colored, striped and plaid cashmere for children, at any price you want. 20 PIECES FLANNEL TRICOT, heavy weight) 38 inches, 25 to 40c. per yard. 20 Pieces Plain Flannel, 36 inches, from 25c. to 35c. per yard. 20 Pieces Plaid Flannel Suiting (extra weight), 38 inches, ;oc., worth $1.00. 25 Pieces 6-4 Brocades, from 12 1-2c. to 16 2-3c. per yard. 50 Dress Patterns, 8 Yards Each, Double-Width, no two alike, and entirely different from anything ever )rought to this market, for which we ask only 75c. per yard. Our Line of Dress Silks surpasses anything in the city. C-ur 3i-eipxuta~tionx- as "EEeac3Lc2tarte0rM For Trimming Silks has long since been established. So we say iothing of our present stock, only that we are coafident that it will main ain our reputation. Last, But Far From Least, When buying our stock, we took into consideration all classes and dinds of goods, and rest assured that we did not forget the brides. For them ve have laid in a larger stock of Nhite and Cream Silks, Cashmeres, Henriettas, Albatrosses, &c. it lowest prices. Ladies doing Fancy Work can find anything needed it bat line, viz: Embroidery, Silk and Cotton, Knitting Silks, Filling silks, wash silks, chenilles, chenille cord, arresenes, fancy tass31s 'ringes and balls in all shades. Silk lacings and dress cords. "Zephyrs,' lermantown wool, Saxony wool, &c. FW1ta in all Shades at $1.25 per Yard. Our .Dorrestio Sto k. s larger than ever before. Outings, 50 pieces at 12 1-2c. per yard. Ginghams at 8, 10, 12 1-2, and 15c. per yard. Simpson's Silver Grey Prints at 5c., worth 7c. Chambrays, all colors and prices. Satines from 9 to 50c. per yard. Dimities in dark shades at 25c. per yard. Table Damask, Scrims, Crash, Linens, Cambiics, Sheeting, Pillow Jasing, Bleaching, Sea Island Homespun, Checks and Shirting, below value. 74-2 Ladies' Jerseys below cost. These are in all shades, and ire marked from 50c. to $4.50 a piece. Just Received, 37 1-2 doz. Corsets, from $1.00 each. NTOTIONS. We can furnish anythin' in this line at prices that will surprise you, riz.: Gloves, Hosiery, Embroideries, White Goods, Ribbons, Handkerchiefs, tnd anything else that you migbt call for. CL1OT HING-. We can sell you Gents' Suits from $5.00 to $25.00 each. Youths' from 2.50 to $15.00. Boys' Suits from $1.25 to $10.00. We also have a fine line f extra Pants from 75c. to S7.00. Overcoats, Men's and Boys', in all styles and prices. Ej'ats, Ca;s, 3ccts fb We have a large stock of hats and caps, men's and boys', of all priceE %nd kinds. Our stock of boots and shoes is surpassed by none. We Handle the Best Goods, and Guarantee Satisfaction. We can sell you men's shoes from $1.00 to $6.50; ladies'shoes from 95c. o $4.00; Misses', children's, and infants' at prices in proportion. We would ask you also to examine our Hardware, Crockeryware, Harness. These we sell at very low figures. You can find also anything in the ine of Fancy andc. Staple G-roceries. We will pay the Highest Market Price for your cotton, ither here or at your nearest depot. All Orders by Mail promptly attended to, and samples will be ent on application, and satisfaction guaranteed at all times. Our salesmen will take pleasure in showing you around, and making rices as cheap as possible for you. Now, thanking you for your patronage in the past, and asking a contin iance of the same, ve are, Very Respectfully, LEVI BROS. New Goods. DCKER & BULTNIN R , A % First-Class Grocers, -AN'D DEALERS, IN General - Merchandise, Ask a comparison of prices in all lines. Have been doing business suc essfully at the same stand (opp. Court House) for 13 years, and will spare no efforts, now and in the future, in continuing to please the already large number of customers (including some very close buyers), in this city and ounty, and from adjoining counties, whose patronage bas been liberal New and seasonable specialties constantly arriving in their GEOCERY DEPARTMENT. New aekerel in 10 lb. Kits, and at retail. New Pickled Salmon. NeV Dutch Herring. New Canned Vegetables, Fruits, and Fish. Great Assort ment in Imported Groceries. In fact, we have everything to be found ina First-Class, Full-up Stock. Give this part of the store a look before purchasing elsewhere. Coin petent and polite salesmen to serve you, no trouble to show goods, and lesa to sell them. You will find Dress Goods in all the latest styles, shades, and quality; proper and elegant trimmings to match. One of the largest anc best lines of Shoes in the city for Men's, Ladies', and Children's wear. Big Job Lot of Hats just opened. Olothing, Trunks, Valises. Bagging and Ties, Heavy Groceries, ALL AT TILE LOWEST PRICES AT Ducker & Buitman's, SUMTER, S. C. OR CATCH-PENNY METHODS CO ELSEWHERE. W E A MERCANTILE PRI- OF THE OR DOWNRICHT MERIT COME HERE. DAY AND KNOCKERS-OUT OF HICH PRIE. VO PROFITABLe Horton, Burgess & Company, XMANNING, S. C., We are happy to announce to our many friends and public generally that our most sanguine expectations have been fully realized and we will endeavor to give the la dies of Manning and Clarendon county a few SPECIA L BARGAINS as well as keeping our stock to the level completeness, which now- is the subject of so much favorable comment. The Large Number of Pleased Buyers who have visited our establishment are convincing proof that we are supplying their wants with Fscas Gos AT ure nIed V9 Below we quote a few prices that will interest you: 35 pieces 3 H cashmere 34 inches at 25 cents, worth 33 cents. 13 pieces Pelhams tricots, all wool, at 25 cents. 89 pieces henriettas and cashmeres from 33 cents to $1.00 per yard, worth 25 % more. Full line trimming to match each piece. 1 case ladies' fast black lisle thread ribbed double heel and toe seamless hose at 25 cents, worth 40 cents. 1 case 4-4 fruit loom at 8+ cents. 5 pieces 10-4 unbleached sheeting at IS cents. 10 pieces 10-4 bleached sheeting at 23 cents. Come Early and Procure the Bargains. Very respectfully, HORTON, BRGESS,& CO. Yes We Have Got 'Em On The Run I High Prices and Hard Times Must Go. Nothing Can Stand Before Our Magnificent New Goods and Marvelous Prices. See Them and You Want Them! Price Them and You Buy Them! The best manufacturers produced finer goods this season than ever before-We Got Them. Loadi .houses laid in a limited line of extra choice styles for their best trade-We Got Them. Large Jobbers of prices below the market to cash buyers-We Got Them. -: Fine - Goods - Bought - Low - Can - Be - Sold - Cheap, - And we will do it. Our Great Fall and Winter Stock has been bought at a bargain, and shall be sold at a bargain. Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots, Shoes, Cloaks, Carpets, Hats, Caps, Furnishing Goods, Notions, Etc. The finest and most complete assortment of new and popular styles you ever laid your eyes on. An Immense Line of New Novelties as well as all the T. ADING STAND ARD GRADES. WE WILL CIVE MORE HONEST QUALITY FOR A DOLLAR THAN HAS EVER BEFORE BEEN OFFERED YOU. Come in, and learn what pleasure, satisfaction, and economy there is in trading with J. RYTTENBERG & SONS, The Old Reliable, SUMTER, S. C. asrOUR DRESS-MAKING DEPARTMENT IS IN CHARGE OF A MODISTE FROM NEW YORK. The TAT CF OUTHCAROINATHE STATE OF SOUTH CAROUMA. TheSATEFSOUTH CARONA,OF CA NDON. County of Clarendon. Court of Common Pleas. John F. Werner cnd L. H. Quirollo, Co-Part- in B ners, Trading tnder the Firm Yame of John Ebtate of Wesley Tindal, Deoemd F. Werner & Co., Plaintifs, against J. A. Sprott and J. M. Sprott, Deendants. By viitue of a. Decree in the above enti- U toiyvse nu seeuoso h tied cause, made by Judge Jas. F. Iziar, and ett fWse idl eesd ewl dated June 3rd, 1891, appointing the under-selosardyth28hayfNoeb? signed, Thomas Wilson, "Receiver of all L. W. Folsom, of Sumter, 83. C., bas the 19,a ulcotrfrcst h ih and inga the pAroperty, real and person handsomest stock of WVatches, Jewelry, andesbidratheeiecefteltee such property, real and personal, as he Silverware he has ever earzied. eee 'lc ntefrno n w may be entitled to, as and for a homestead, ocoki h fenotefloigpr under the constitution and laws of saidsoapretytow: State, with the usual and ample powers of 2mls Receivers, in such cases," etc., I will sell 1cwadcl for cash, at Jordan in said county and State, 1tohrewgn on the 13th day of November, 1891, between 1bgy the hours of 11 o'clock a. in., and 12 o'clock,10buhlco. i., the following property, to wit:3,)()pudfoer The r-tore-house at Jordan, lately occupied 30bsescto ed n te ri and owned by the said J. A. Sprott. The ds purchaser having the right to remove saidThabedecidpretyo esl store house from the lands on which it isfopatinaogthher-tlwIe The aove property having come into AZ IDL my hands, as Recei'ver in the above entitled ILA IDL cause. THOMAS WILSON,Eeetr OctoberATE7OF1891.HReceiLerA