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THE VMIG TIMES. I rann -inigr, S. C. Ci le re S. A. NETTLES. Editor. p tb cl Bill Arp's Baby Girl Goes to College. rc These are solemn times now-there cc is nobody dead or dying, but there si is a lost child, and that-is nearly as i sad. We kcow where she is, for we D( sent her there; but it is bard on the ss old folks to send their youngest child ri away, especially when she is a girl w and the last of the litter. It took us tl a few days to realize that she had pi gone. Sometimes she goes to spend B a night with a schoolmate, and it ut seemed like she was there and would h soon come back, but she doesn't. ir Her piano is closed, and its dark rose wood case looks darker now. There a is a feeling of badness around the N house. The sewing machine is hav- tj iug a rest, for she made her own ti clothes, and she cleans up the house il and sets the table and lights the lamps and helps her mother, and t( when the cook quits she can make as si good a biscuit as I can. She loves al hr home and loves me, and when I as am. grunty or sad she knows it and o1 rubs my head with cologne and combs N my back hair and cheers me up, and b I get well, but I am sick right now w and she is not here. 1 I was in hopes we could finish her w schooling right here, but we can't. te - We have no college and the high tc school is limited by poverty. We are il taxed enough in all good conscience h to have anything we want. I am pay- s ing now about one hundred dollars a p, year for other people's children, and 01 have to send off my own. There are I many parents here doing the same al thing and to my my mind it is all N wrong in principle. Our county pays tU $17,000 to the school fund of the ic btate and we get back only $7.000 of cl it. The other $10,000 is scattered all n, over the State to educate white and w black. Our town pays out $1,000 a w year to educate the negroes in the h, corporation, and we get no thanks r< for that. All this tax is base-1 upon ai the idea that we get it all back in a making good citizens out of the chil- hb dren as they grow up. If that is a: really so, we will try and be content, s bat the whole system is a strain upon w our philanthropy. Every community would like to keep their money at a' home, and if it is not spent right we can make a fuss about it. Our town pays $6,000 for school tax and our ,county pays $17,000 more, and we y4 can't help thinking that if we could p -keep the $10,000 that is sent away what a home college we could build a in our own community. Ten 'thous and dollars a year for an income it - would give us a first class institution, , and it would save us a big lot of a noney, besides $2,000 a year that is , going away right now from this town to other female colleges. That makes a $12,000 a year that we are out of b pocket, and our people are not happy. y But all's well that ends well. t ~-Our Jessie has gone to college, to a G<,higher at home. And besides, it was a1 thought best to send her away for1it -rest and repose. A number of our n best girls have been sent away recent- s y for repose. The boys of the town ,w don't seem to have very much to & kl and so they indulge ini the delightful a Semployment of visiting the school Sgirls and this disturbs their tranquil- p ity and distracts their s':aceptible lx ~minds from study and wholesome reading and meditation. By day andg %fb nght they are coming and going . ugetting up parties and playing fxenmis and baseball and other -hilani ties, and as it couldent be stopped ~ without bad manners it was thought ce ~best to send the girls away and let iy ~tem stay until their minds came gi bahto them. I heard one afflicted tpre say thathe was was afraid his dager' mind was clean gone. We G account, but she does need some time ~ that she can call her own. Some as time to read and study and devote to at her music. She is gone now-and ti< the boys will frequent these parts no n more, I reckon. No more will we be cd entertained with the thrilling narra- D tives sof baseball, and tennis, and the so droie achievements of the Cedartown nine, and the Acworth nine, and the s Oartersville lawn tennis club that cost :' 40)'for its equipment. I heard Sam Jones preach a ser mon once to parents about these ~ Ssame troubles, and he stretched forth hi his band and said, "Now, boys, I see or you here, andlIwant you to hear me. ( I-want you to keep away from my house until I tell you to come. My at daugh.*ers are at school, and I don't vi wan't their minds distracted from ax their studies. I like you and I like k your fathers and mothers, but there is atime for all things, and you must keep away from my house. Well, of corse, if you come I will treat you be politely and invite you into the par- th lr, and I'll send for Bob and Paul to I come in and entertain you, and if you in can make anything off of Bob and or Paul you are welcome to it, but you er shan't see my daughters."" Well, it's right hard to drive the ax boys away, for they come with good w intent, and I never saw a mother wlbo si a~was not uleased with attention to her J~ daughter, and I never saw a daugh- th ter who was offended at it, and so we h< just had to send the girls away. Of in course, it costs money, but what is . money compared with the restoration of a disordered mind ? I restored is Mrs. Arp's mind by marrying her at when she was just sweet sixteen, and Ci some of these boys want to try the -same medicine. It's most astonishing how close the w youngest child gets to a parent's tA heart-the boy to his mother's heart, e, and the girl to her father's. One by th one the older ones marry or leave us, re an. -we get weaned after a'time and d( take fresh hold and cling the closer to the last. The sweetest pathos in Sthe Bible is the pleading of Judahi for his little brother Benjamin. It made ~ Joseph weep and it makes me weep ' every time I read it. Our "Benjamin" I ' hasn't got acoat of many colors, but I he has a spotted cap and a redt suringle that he wears, and I'm -afraid the Ishmaelites will get him some of these days. Bxu. Air. fali Golden Machine Oil for gins, and mills be or stae chap at ninkins & Co.'s drug store. d Too Much Ice Water. "The funniest experience I ever d," said Colonel L. A. Leonard, of neinnati, recently to a Morinuig urnal man, "was during a visit I cently. made to New York in com LDY with my sister. We went to e Grand Union hotel, and I request [the clerk to give us a couple of ljoining rooms. I understood the erk to say that we were assigned to >oms Nos. 98 and 101. We were inducted to the rooms, and I was iown to No. 99. Shortly afterward y sister informed me that she could >t succeed in getting any one to an ver the bell, and requested me to ng mine and order a pitcher of ice ater for her. I rang and requested e boy who responded to take a teher of ice water to room No. 101. efore going down stairs, a few min :es later, I asked my sister if she id received the ice water, and was formed that she had not. I rang ;ain and told the second boy to take pitcher of ice water water to room o. 101. I went below and soon re irned, and was surprised to learn tat no ice water had been delivered L my sister's room. "By that time I was interested and ild my sister that I would see that ie got some ice water if I had to go ter it myself. So I rang once more id told the bell boy that a pitcher ice water must be taken to room o. 101 right away. and he said that ) would surely attend to it. After aiting some time I made inquiry of y sister again, and she said no ice ater had come, and begged me not bother myself about it, as it seemed be a hopeless task. But I replied tat water was cheap, and she should ive some sure. I went to the per >n in charge of our corridor and referred a request that a pitcher ice water be sent to room No. 101. received a promise that it should be tended to instantly. But it wasn't. [y next attempt was to prevail upon ie elevator boy to take a pitcher of e water to room No. 101. He de ared that he would do so on the ?xt trip. He failed. In despair I ent to the office of the hotel and iked the clerk if it were possible to ve a-pitcher of ice water sent to >om No. 101. 'Certainly,' was the 1swer; 'that can be done without iy trouble.' 'I have been trying to ive it doine ever since I came here, id I haven't made the riffle yet,' I d, 'and if it is a possible thing I ould like to have it done.' "Later I stepped into the elevator, 2d the boy there asked me if I were ying up to the 101 floor. " 'Yes,' I responded. 'Why ?' "'A hundred and one will throw >u out of the window if he catches >u,' said the boy. " 'What are you talking about?' I sked. "'Why, there is a bride in a room i 101, and you have been firing ice ater into their room all the evening Ad the man is wild. He swears be ill murder you.' "Upon investigation I found that y sister's room was not 101 at all at was 96. My room was 99, and, my sister's room was next to it, ] ought it was 101. There I had nt about ten pitchers of ice water to cf! af -onrce ror a ad 101 for 4 o'clock the next morn g when I was down stairs last, and ver thought to have it changed. at 4 oclock the bride and groom ere awakened by a thundering ock at their door, which made Lem furious, and they were firmly rsuaded that the early call was a irt of the ice water fiend's scheme annoy them. "I escaped with my life, and was ad of it." BUCKLEN'S ARNICA SALVE. The best salve in the world for cnts, ises, sores, ulcers, salt rhenm, fevet res, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, rs, and all skin eruptions, and positive cures piles or no pay required. It is iaranteedi to give perfect ra'isfaction. or oney refunded. Price 25 cents per box. >r sale by J. G. Dinkinis & Co. UARANTED CURE FOR LA GRIPPE. We authorize our advertised druggists to 1 yon Dr. King's New Discovery for con mption, coughs and colds, upon this con tion. If you are afflicted with Ia grippe a will use this remedy according to direc >ns, giving it a fair trial, and experience >benefit, you may return the bottle and ive your money refunded. We make this fer because of the wonderful success of r. King's New Discovery during last sea n's epidemic. Have heard of no case in brich it -failed. Try it. Trial bottles free' J. G. Dinkins & Co.'s drug store. Large te 50c. and SI. , GOOD LOOKS. Good looks are tuore than s kin deep. de nding upon a healthy conditio-r of all the tal organs. If the liver be inactive, you ive a bilious look, if your stomach be dis dered you have a dyspeptic look, and if a kidneys be affected you have a pinched :>k. Secure good health and you will have od looks. Electric Bitters is the great terative and tonic, acts directly on these 'tal organs. Cures pimples, blotches, boils, Ld gis a good complexion. Sold at Din. ns & Co.'s drug store, 50c. per bottle. A Lawmaker Breaks the Law. FLonzsCE, September. 25. -The court of neral sessions for this county has just en closed. The most interesting case of e term was one against Senator L. S. Big. n, against whom there were two indict ents, one charging him with assault with tent to kill and carrying concealed wveap is. the other for forcible entry and detain .Te case is a family affair and gros it of a dispute concerning land betwen mnselt and his sister. There was quite i~n ray o able lawyers in this case, Messr.. oods & Wilcox and Harlee & Hanckel as sting the prsecutionl, andI Johnson & hson for the defence. A great deal of interest was manifested by e business men of the city, and the court ase was crowded during the entire hear g. Feeling ran pretty strong for and iinst the accused senator. There was a 'eat deal of the testimony that was very unsing to the spectators. Senator B3igham a man with manny stril-in.; peculiarities, d these were caricatumed by the prose. tting witnesses. 'Thle verdict was a sur 'ise to many, as the Senator was fonnd tilty. The charge of assault and battery th intent to kill and carrying concealed 3apons was continued. [Iis sentence was irty days in jail or S25 fine. The ease against the liquor dealers was >l prossed, they having agreed to close eir places of business on Sndiay and to move the screens in front of their hen Babj was sick, we gave her Castoria, hen she was a Child, she cried for Castoria. hen she became Miss, she clung to Castoria. ben she had Children, she gave them Castoria. ll scalp and skin diseases, danudruff, lng of the hais, gray or faded hair, may cured by using that nature's true reme Hll's Hair Renewer. :,.:. A. .'. RI0Y' Is -- Out -- Again, Upon his fall and winter vovaf' with colors flying and every sail stretched. ar.d every man at his post, and expiects to imake good his landing if Square Dealing,Low Prices& Firsl-ClassGoods merits it. Having just returned from N orthern Mar kets with a compltte ani- well seccted line of Fall and 'Winter Goods, I fee! quite assured that I will be able to fill the wants of my custoimi-rs. My line of Ladies' Fancy Dress Fabrics Was never more complete. cont:.ining all of the lat.,st novelties of the season. consisting of Gross-Grain Silk, Silk Banig;ilites, Silk Warp Henii ttas, All Wool lIarriettas, Cashmeres, Flannels from 30 to 56 in wide, All Wool Tricots, All WgoI Serges, Novelty and Domestic Ginghams, Suitings of all qualities, and, in fact, everytbing that can be imagined in Fancy Dress Goods Fabrics. -Tammmn Sius, SILK VELvETs, Velveteens, Silk Gimps, and Cords suita ble to trim every piece of dress goods in stock. M1y Line of Notions Is complete. consisting of Gcnt's Furnish ing Goods, Ladies' and Gents Underwaar, cotton and wove Balmoral Shirts. Chil dren's Undervests, CHILDREN'S HATS AND CAPS, Laces and Embroidery. Embroidery Wools and Silks, Table Oil Cloths, White Linen, and Turkey Red Table Covers. Turkey Red and White Linen Doylies, Ladies' and Gents Hosiery and Neckwear, and in fact almost anything that can be thought of in the Notion line. I have a nice line of Gent's, Youth's, and Children's ready-made Clothing, with prices to suit the times. SHOES SHOES II I have a large and well selected line of Ladies' Gent's, Children's and Infants' Shoes in stock, and time and expense has taught me that a shoddy line of shoes is not the kind of goods to build up a trade with, therefore I have taken great pains in select ing my stock of shoes, and as I have had many years experience in the different qualities of leather, I feel quite sure that my customiers will get One Hundred Cents worth of wear out of every dollar invested in a pair of shoes purchased of me. A complete Line of Hardware & Crockeryware always on hand. Special attention has been paid to my Grocery Department And consequently my shelves are always full of the best and pirreF:t Family Groce ries, consisting of Flour, Unicon, Lard, Su gar, Coffee, and all kinds of Canned Fruits, Salmon, French and American Sardines, Corned Beef, Cheese, Butter, Fancy Can dies, and everything found in a first-class Grocery, and all sold at the lowest cash prices, and any one will please come and Sha]k.e the Cash at me, and they will never leave without getting what they want. In conclusion, I desire to e-xtend a cordi al invitation to all of my customers to call and inspect my large line of Fall and Winter Goods, and I further wish to tender my heartfelt thanks to them for the liberal support they have given me in the past, and trust that my past dealings with themi have proven satisfactory, and will malke them better eustomers, and gain others for me. Very respectfully, -S. A, Rigby, Manning, S. 0., Sep. 16, 1891. -: Tennessee +: Wagons, : (ONE AND TWO HORSE,) ROAD CARTS, BUGGIES, --FOR SALE n 5. A. RIOBY, Manning, S. C, The Tennessee Wagon is one of the best, strongest, and most lasting wagons made. The Road Carts and Ruggics are guarmin teed to be the best in the market. Dr. H. BAER, CH ARLESTON. S. C. Dealer in Drugs, Medicines, Foreign and Domestic Chcremls, &c. Show Lases of all sizes. "Nothing Like Them" Is the verdict of all who take Ayer's Pills. Prompt and effective in their actin, they leave no ill-effects, and may be administered to old or young. Herbert ElwelI, of East Saginaw, Mlich., says: "I was a great suf ferer from Constipation, Headache, and General Debility. 3My skin was yellowv, and I had constant pain in my side and back. Other medicines failing, I took three boxes of Ayer's Pills and am cured." " I was severely afflicted with Dyspepsia and Enlargenient of the Liver. most of thio time being unable to retain any solid food. Three boxes of Ayer's Pills cured me.'" - Lucius Alexander, Marblehead, Mass. Ayer's Pills, Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. Sold by all Druggists and Decalere in Medicine. PERFECT- TISTIG BRI ' . - . LLASTIO SOUTH CAROLINA COLICEE, COL UMBI.A, S. C., Opens September 29th. Entrance Examui inations begin Septetuber 2tlh. Classical. Literary, Scientitic, anid Law Couirses. Thi tt eni Professors. F-or further infor.oation address the Pi -s. A. AVEINBE1'G. I. I ANL REtAL ESTATEI AQENCY E -r R Clarendon Countyo. Parties having lands for sale or xishing to buy will do well to consult us. At pres- C'I ent we offer foi sCde: E. P. Two :-r.-s in town of Manning- on hepot 'an road. eight One lot I acres in town of Manning with whok three builhings. price One tract in Harmony township 115 acres. - One tract in Santee township 177 acres. 9 One tract in Santee township 1054 acres. On One tract near racksville, S. C., 55 acres; who I One tract in St. James township 87 acres. Xorti One tract in St. James township 37 acres. reaso One tract in .1t. Zion township 14 cre,- Carpi One tract in Mt. Zion township 56 acres. Fu One tract in Sammy Swamp township 71 We s acres. Sndl One tract in Manning township 7-11 acres. Send One tract in Harmony township 88 acres. We 315 acres. New Zion township, 80 acres moni cleared, 2 settlements. and i Special attention given to renting and N. collecting of rents and to payment of taxes - and listing of lands for non-residents, on moderate commissions. For particrilars apply to WEI NERG & ilAGNAL, Manning, S. C, GRAND ANNOUNCEMENT Is --FROM THE Tr M 0by9 by :0h The Only hxcluive Cauet Honse in the City, 247 King St., Opposite Hasell, CHARLESTON, S. C. T Hed-airim for all floor overings Upholstering Goods and Draperies of DYE all kinds. THE MOST COMPLETE STOCK IN THE STATE, We quote a few of our specialties: B rnssels Carpet at 65, 75, 85, and $1 per yardl. \Xlvet Carpet at $1.25, $1.40, and $1.50 Ingrain Carpet at at 50, (0, 70, an d 90c. per yard. - He-mp Carpet at 20, 25, and 30c. per yard. Str-aw Mattings at 15, 18, 20, 25, :30, and 35cgpe a 75, 1.25, $2.00, $2.50, to S9 iach. Window Shades at 50, 75, $1.00, and up. Cornic2 Poles at 25. 35, and 50c. Full stocki'4~- (Curtains. from 90c. _to yr~roT per par. Special attention given to all orders. We gnarantee satistartin. To give us a trial { order is to comec again, as our pi-ices arc the lowest. Sec. and reas. Manager. SUMTR BRANCH CHERAW Don't fail to consult us before buying your Machi nery'. We arc Man ufaceturers, and can save you in prices and freight over Off more distant points. Best Machinery, Fo Lowest Prices. EsmrIATES MfADE AND ADVICE GIVEN U~rox .txV~ STANDARD MACmsI- ld1 ERIY IN TJIE MARKET. Fall Stock of -: And Supplies. : Write, or call upon CHERAW MOHINE WORKS, Sumnter, S. C. Vak &Murdoch, III Charleston, S. C., Manufixnturr ot Eagle Screw Cotton Presses, Hand and Pawer. Sim ini111 1 Mechlaniism,. and gi' e better SatifaIcti thain any' otheri Piress' on the. Mrket. Egines, Boilers :1 MACINERY, Joun F. Winx i.' - L. 11. (-ii:oto. - JOHN F. WERNER & CO., Sm GROCERS, COMMISSION MERCHANTS and Provision Dealers. 117 .x 110 EiT U1i, Ax 2 (dEE LS ~i xiET. Cri:.ESTON, S. (' - Sol- Agents for ame Cock & Thee Link Tobacco, Ptenztcees of the (Xelelirated SEE these CELEBRATED PIANOS before purchasing elsewhere. Manufactured by NEW ENGLAND PIANO Co., BOSTON, MASS. o Factories THE KILLOUCH MUSIC CO., IN THE WORLD. FLORENCE, S. C. Ceneral Representatives. stey Pianos ard Organs. TEY PL\NOS, ESTEY ORAGANS ARE M.\DlE UPON HONOR, SOLD UPON nTerit :nd are knowin the world over. The Estev Organs have b-n niannfactiuret rtv-five vears and fully deserve the praise accorded by all who purchase them. al- con strulctecd to nief ll rtq1iremennts for Parlor. Cburch, Lodge, or School. They e purchased on easy terms of the KILLOUGH MUSIC COMPANY. I.p:. CA.MXI-IMW TER CO:M3P.A.NY.V RPENTFRh ORGANS ARE FIRST CLASS IN EVERY RESPECT. SOLID iauntt cases neat in design. Varied combinations to smit all classes of muitsic. Th1e Carpent-r Compaty, 11annfactnrers, factory at Brattleboro, Viermont. have had years of .-xperience ard are fully responsilife. They fully warrant all organs for years. The Killough Music Company buy them in large qnntities and sell theam .sale or retil at lowest prices, quality considered. Write for catiloge and list. ]1e- 3Mji l xLz gh. M/x2_rxfcw -0>3~zLtL ly chartcred music comnany in the State. We are jobbers and retailers, not dealers >ny from jobbers. We want good agents and good customers thronghout South and Carolina to confer with us before arranging elsewhere. Our prices are low, terms able, and quality of goods among the best that are manufactured. Note our spec PLNis.-Behr Bros.. Estey, Ivers & Pond, New England. OnoANs.-Estey, mter, Weaver, Farranl & Votey, Kimball. I five octave organ only S29.00. Seven and one-third octave piano only $198.00. hip from factory direct allowing fifteen days' test. Assume all freight charges in settlement. Book and stool free. One price strictly, and we publish the price. at once for catalogue and price list. Special discount to Churches, Ministers, )s. and Masic Teachers. aiso sell all kinds of Sheet Music and Music Books, Violins, Guitars, Banjos, Har a~s, Strings, Brass Band Instruments, which we buy direct from the manufacturers rn~orters,. Send for our special sheet music catalogue to THE KILLOsGH MtSIC COMPANY, Florence, S. C. D.-F. C. Lighte is our only authorized tuner and repairer. We guarantee his work. he Greatest Success of the Day! THE FAMOUS "World's Boquet" naranteed a long Havana Filler and Sumatra Wrapper, and is pronounced by isseurs the INEST FIVE CENTS CIGAR EVER PRODUCED. them and be convinced of their superiority over would-be competitors. For sale G. Dinkins & Co., B. A. Walker, S. A. Rigby, B. A. Johnson, Agt., and M. Levi. LENN SPRINGS SPARTANBURG COUNTY, S. C. is Famous Resort will be Open te Visitors Until October 15th. s accessible from Spartanburg by a Daily Hack Line, making good connection with all trains. Telephone in operation to Spartanburg, and Daily Mail. -E 1INERAL WATER Is unsurpassed, and invalids find sure and speedy relief by its use. It Will Cure >PSIA, LIVER COMPLAINT, CHRoNIC HEPrATIS, JAUNDICE, TorPon OF LIVE , AND GENErAL DEDILITY FOLL.OWING UPON MALARIAL DISEASES, DROPSY, Di ARRI(A, DYSENTERY, CNSTIrATION, HEMORRHOID, UTERINE, RE NAL AND Cyrric DISEASEs, HEMATURuA, RIHEUMA TISM C rMENAf DEIOAEIMENT, Lncl Otlaeo Female Complainlts. 'Highly Reconmien led by the Medical Picfession. SIMPsON & SIMPSON, Proprietors. I Did Not Know It! Don't say this, but call for yourself and get my prices on H AarDW A R E, lting, - Paints - and - Oils, - &c. We are alvays IIead-Quariter's, and ask you to call and give u5 WT. B. Bu~.rns, SUMTER, S. C. HARDWARE. (OLD RELIABLE) raUfiRofNT & SON, ical Use, We buy largely for' cash and sell close. Pr'ettiest and 'est Stock outside of tile large cities. arriage ci WTagon 1M/aterial, TALE AND ?OCK1r CU'LERY, GUNs, Pisrors, SHELLiS, AMMUNITION, TooLs, ENGINE FixrrUREs, PI,1No, PUMrrs, WooD AND IRON, CR.OCKERY, TINWARIE, &C. atig, - raa g. - ILain.g, - cc COOK S'TOVES, ALL W~ARRANTED. HEATING S-rOVES, ALL KINDS. 01L S-roVEs FitoM 1.00 UP. 'E~arness ini 'Erery Variety7. R. W. DURANT & SON, MAIN STREET, SUMTER, S. C. EKKO Thorough, Practical Instruction. ~Graduates assisted to positions. of I g@"'Catalogue free. Write to BRYAT &STRAIONBUSINESS COLLEGE, LOUISVILtLE, KY,. PERCIVAL M'F.G CO. IOORS, : SASH, : AND :BLNDS, 8'74 to486 Meeting Street, (CHARtLESTON, S. C. OLD CLOTHES MAI)E NEW. -..-E.I) YoUR DYEING TO TilfE - -: Charleston --Steam -:-)ye --Works, : 11 Work (Guarantfeed. 31() King St., CIIAiRLESTlON, S. C. oke Heno Segars, The Best Nickle Segar Sold. Il. A. JOHNSON, Sole Agent, Manning, S. C. 1 58 East Bay, Charleston, S.C. S. A. JNETTLE3S, F ire -:- In3surIan1ce -:- .A.genit, for infants and Children. ".astiriaijisoejadapttohndrens rtha . n . kdiown t a erio Kils W orm gives sleep, and pro ote di 1 So. Oxrord St., Brooklyn, N.Y. Wit urionsmed-na "The uise of 'Castoria' ig so universal and "For seve-al yemr I have recommended its merits so well known that it seems a work your, Castoria,' and shall alys Continu to of supererogaton to endorse it Few are the do so as it has invariably proftked becedeW5 intelligent families who do not keep Castoria results," within esyreach-" Enwn V. PiunM X. D., Newos MANY-r'' Di The Winthrop,"125th Street and AthAto Late Pastor Bloomingdale Wodhc- NewYork City. Tru C=U-aE COMPANY, 17 MURREY STEET. NNW YOU ADGER SMYTH. F. J. PELZER, Special Partner. SMYTH & ADGER, Factors and Commission Merchants, INTorta A.tlantiC 'TUaarf, CHARLESTON, S. C. W. E. HOLMES. LELAND MOORE. W. E. HOLMES & CO., ---DEALERS IN White Lead and Colors, Oils and Varnishes, Glass and Brushes, Mill and Naval Store Supplies. STREET- LAMPS -:- AND -:- LANTERNS -:- OF -:- ALL KINDS. OFFICE 207 EAST BAY, CHARLESTON, S. C. OTTO F. WIETERS, WHOLESALE GROCER. Wholesale Dealer in Wines, Licuors and Cigars, No. 121 East Bay, Charleston, S. C. OTTO TIEDEMAN & SONS, Wholesale Grocers and Provision Dealers, ' 172, 174, and 176 East Bay Street, WJn. SBErPP8aD & Co. LARGE """"ii" " 4 ASSORTMENT -OF- 9A -AT 7ine Cocking htovee, t~orNt Living Picu. Tinware, and prie lits No 232 Meeting St., CHARLESTON, S. C. ESTABLISHED 1844. Charleston Iron Works, Manufacturers and Dealers in Marine Stationary and Portable Engines and Boilers, Saw Mill Machinery, Cotton Presses, Gins, Railroad, Steam boat, Machinists', Engineers' and Mill Supplies. ?ir Repairs executed with promptness and Disatch. Sendfor price lists. East Bay, Cor. Pritchard St., * Charleston, S. C. 0. L. VIET T,1 -. ~ -MANUFACTURER OF-j .Artis tio M on.rin e nt s In Marbl1e an12d Grarite.I MAGNOLIA CEMETERY AVENUE,I C IIAHRL E ST ON, S. C. Enterprise Cars pass office and workshops. HENRY C. WOHLERS, Provision Dealer. --AGENT FOR !ig Anytr ad Re Agle Tchaccoa alic 3ig Augpr and King Richaid cigan No. 2 Meat a Specialty. 213 East Bay, C HA RL ES TON, S. C. "Adamant" Wall Plaster Best Material for Walls and Ceilings Ever Put Be fore the Public. The only thing about a building that has not improved for ovei' 1,000 years is lime laster. But there is no excuse hereafter for falling ceilings, erumbling walls, broken and defaced decorations. ADAMANT is not a guess work mixture of lime, hair, and sand: it is a machine made mortar, containing no lime: it comes dry in bags ready to be used at any s'eason by mixing with water only. Any mason can apply it: bursting pipes or leaky roofs will not elre'ct it. It's the beet known fire resisting material in the world, and1 it is impervious to disease germs. Architects, Engineers, and Scientific Men Everywhere, Endorse It, and 300,000 buildings plastered within three years, is the only testimonial we need offer. For full particulars address the SOUITHEASTERN PLASTER CO., Sa-vaniuna Ga. ;eAlso mnanufactulrer and dealers. in calcined plaster and Portland cements. Southern Fruit Company, IMPORTERS & W1%HOLESALE DEALERS IN FOREIGN - AND - DOMESTIC - FRUITS, CHARLESTON, S. C.