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THE MANNING TIMES. j tI1I i ,7 Eii- I I ,x <( 7t iti S A.NETT1,ES, A-~it.ND l':l hT . SSuienwri' 1iF.s. - ipt y onc- vyeair $1 .40: 'I'on, vcoy, sni :nonthit 5 e.nts 4;1w cotNv. thre- 1:inths, 50 cents. All subscriltions p.ayable in advance. ADVErTSTNO 1.c-r s.- Onv squa;1re, . first in Srton. %%1 &1;* each subsequent insation. 50 cenlt. il-itnaries and Tributes of lvspeet carged for . reglar advvrt. 1ents. L-i0a coLntracts nt:ide for thrve, ix. and twe le months. COMt It .4nTIO\- Intnst be accOn1ipaied by the real na-ne and allress of the writtr in order to rre-ive4\ at-tion. No -onmununi Cation of a persona! charact-r will be pub ishd ecet aLS anl advertiseteru~zt. For further infoniation addr5 S. A. NETTLES, Manning, S. C. Your Natue in Prin. - Dr. \V. E.1-4wn b-ft la-t we-k for Glenn Springs. - Miss Elnia Davis is quite ill at her fath er's residence near town. --Mr. and 'Mrs. S. 'M. Clarkson left ves terday morning for a trip to the mountains. -1Hon. J. F. Rhame and family left "Man ning this morning for a smumer vacation in the mountains of North Carolina. -Mr. E. Iseman spent last Sunday in 31anning with his family, and left Sunday night for New York on a business trip. -Judge Louis Appelt receivrs his con gratulations with a very dry grin. It is the fourth girl and his heart was set on a boy. -Mr. Ben DuPre Hodge. formerly of this county. and now a snec-essfnl orange grower in Florida. accompatnied by his fata ily, is visiting relatives in the Fork. Fighting is a variety of fruit better nipped in the bud than picked after it is ripe. It isn't safe to estimate the quali tv of a man's time by the size of his watch chain. Excursion to Eutaw Springs-On ly 50 cents-See particulars in adver tising columns. The bump of self-estcem of the man who loves his neighbor as himself must be something prodigioas. It is asserted that Wanamaker is the only Maker that our Postmaster General sincerelv worships. A man's place in the bosom of Abraham will depend largely on his conduct in the bosom of his family. Sheriff Bradham is a nerfect terror to the evil-doers of this county. It is a shrewd one that can escape his lynx eve. It is said that sixty millions of dol lars is paid out every year in the United States for the salaries of teachers. The people of the Pacsville sec tion are now enjoying the satisfaction of having the finest crops they have had in a number of years. Rev. W. S. Stokes expects to return this week from his summer vacation, and wvill preach next Sunday morming' at 11 o'clock in the Methodist church. Last Sunday the scholars of the! Presbyterian Sunday- school celebrat ed "Children's Day." Addresses were delivered by B. P. Barron, Esq., and Mr. W. C. Davis. There is a large revival meeting in progress at the Pine Grove church in Douglas township. Twenty-two in fants were baptised last Sunday, and a number of persons have joined thle church. John Lewis, colored, had ai prelim inary to-day before Trial Justice im mnons, charged with stealing $100 frm Mr. J. T. Flowers a month ago. He w as commited to jail to await his tril it the next ternm of court. There is a fine opportunity for one of Clarendon's young men if they will take advantage of the chance for ob taining a scholarship in the Citadel academy. Read the notice and re quirements in another column. Granulated sugar. 4 pounds for 25 cents, or 16 pounds for a dollar, at M. Kalisky's. Rev. T. E. Jasper returned Saturday from Kersaw where lie had been con ducting a revival meeting. He preached sixteen times in eight days. There were sixteen additions to the Kershaw Baptist church, and the meeting resulted in general good to the town. For la grippe, conghs, colds, etc., use syr up of rock candy. horehound, and tomn 50e. a bottle at Dinkins & Co.'s drng store: A protracted meeting is in progress in the Baptist church in this place, conducted by Rev. T. E. Jasper, pas tor of the chlurchl, and Rev. M. W. Gordon, of St. Stephens. Several per sons have joined the church. These will be baptized next Sunday night in the font in the Baptist church. Preaching every morning at eleven o'clock and every night at eight. A magnificent line of ladies' slippers at M1. Levi's. Last weekf we mentioned that the streets are being taken for a baseball field, and we must make the same complaint again. The batting of: balls in the streets is a dangerous practice and should be stopped at: once. There is no telling how soon some child or lady will be struck ini the face, by the card-lss throwing of: balls. It is not only a dangerous! practice but a very boisi erous one. Corwitz Sarsaparilla is the best blood pn- I ritier. 12S doses for a dollar at Dinkmns & Co.'s drug store. Ex-Senator Allen G. Thurman, of I Ohio, has been interviewed on the political situation. He favor~s the nomination of Grover Cleveland for President in 1892, and thinks that either Ex-Governor Gray or Govern or Campbell should be on the tict with him. The Ex-Senator is ia fa-~ vor of the free c'inage of silve-r, but he thinks that the tariff will be the all-absorbing issue in 1592, and that the ticket and pilatfoJrm wvill be made up) on that basis. Frecsh gtilt e-he butte-r, onN ly cnts a p-ttvd, at Xl. Km-cy's.t The scheme of clectingi United States senatiis by popula vot ap-i peal-s to be gaining suipport all overi the counitr. It li--s beeni endior~sed by manytU p'romlinent nlewspper bot h I-.publican' and De moerati, andI by political convyenitions of several kinds. The Indianapolis S'ntine-l is of thec opinion that the scheime will beC adopted "ait no distant day," but w~hat point in the future must he passedl before the "distant day" which it has in inrd shall have come and gone wev annot say. Summerton News. SuNrom-rox, July 14.-The weather the last week has been very cool for the time of Year. I saw one man rid ing around with his overco:tt on. Is it as cool other places as here, or is it on acount of the location of our town ? You seemed to doubt our ice story last week. It was told me by a man of undoubted verneitv. You must be considerably behind the times if von eant believe that story. In Sumter they can take common well water and in a short time make solid bloeks of ice. -I know a man down here that caugh a white shad with hook and line last spring fishing for bream. A live black bear walked through the main streets of Summerton last Sunday morning and even the little darkies did not get scared. We get a good deal of our nests by tilephone and it is very reliable. The railroad commissioners were in our village last week. They came over the W. & S. road on an inspect ing tour. Rain is very much needed in this community and if it doesn't come very soon the eorn crop will be a failure. The cotton seems to be holding up pretty well. c. Sumter News. [Samider Freeman, Judq 14.] Mrs. H. A. Lowry, of Manning, is in the city visting relatives. Married, on July 8th, at the resi dence of the bride's parents, in Mar ion, S C., Mr. V. H. Phelps and 31iss Golda Brown. Judge Fraser has no free pass; has never owned one. Sumter has a good record on the free pass question, let other counties show up. Mr. C. F. A. Bultman has sold his erd of cattle to Mr. R. L. Oswald, of James Island. It is one of the finest in the State, and no doubt brought a good price. Mr. Oswald, we under stand, will continue the dairy business here. [Suml(Tr 'eenwm.] Mr. John R. Keels Suspended. Judge Izlar has filed his "Judgment rder" on the rule to show cause gainst J. R. Keels, Attorney. After reciting all the facts in the case, already published in the Pre rian and so well known to our read ers, and the answer of the defendant, (or failure to answer except by a gen eral denial,) he concludes his order thus: "I have determined that it would be best, under all the circumstances t the case, not to make an order dis barring the respondent, but to pro tect the court and the public by pass ing an order suspending and forbid iing the respondent from appearing md practicing in the circuit and pro bate courts of this State, during the pendency of indictments against him r-owing out of the facts upon which' he present motion is based; with eave to the bar of Sumter to renew he motion to disbar at the termina ion of such prosecutions. "It is therefore ordered and ad udged, that the respondent, John 1I. eels, be and hereby is, suspended ~romi his office as an attorney, solicit r, and counsellor in the circuit and robate courts of this State, during he pendency of indictments against iim growing out of the facts upon thich the rule to show cause was ased, and forbidden to appear in ny cause civil or criminal in said ~ourts, or to p)ractice therein, either irectly or indirectly. "Further ordered that the bar of sumter have leave to renew the mo ion to disbar said respondent upon he termination of the indictments or forgery now pending against him; nd that the clerk of this court do! orthwith serve on said respondent a luly attested copy of this judgment." This is the course advised by the Meman as wise and proper. We re pleased to see that the Judge act d so justly and discreetly. Rey. Plink-Plunik on Woman. Woman am de greates' puzzle in de ol', deah breddern; an' de mo' we tudy her de less we seem to find out bout her. My experience, however, iez taught mec dat she is de crankiest, eazinest, aggravatinest, wilfullest, rappiest, expensivest; an' at de same ime de cunningest, sweetest, dearest, veiest, indispensiblest creature in e hull wide word'. A Victim of ('igt~i'tes. FimDLA, Oiiio, Jluly 11.-.-Harry :urtiss, a glass worker 18 yei'.rs old, 'as found dead in his bed t(o-day. n autapsy showed his heart paa 'zed, caused by the excessive use of igarettes, he having been in the hab of smoking three or four boxes haily. ayings and Doings of the Colored P'eo ple Thr'oughout t lhe C'ounty. Rev. E. H. Wilson is making stren Lous efforts to liquidate the debt on rinity A. M. E. Chlurch in this place. festival ini and of the chur'ch was eld in the school house last even ev. Whitehiead andi memibers of ti ie Haptist chlurchi are disculssinlg the uiding of' a new church of worship. Rev'. 'J. P. Crawford. pastor of P~res- ' vterian ch urch. le'ft for Conyers, (Ia. o be gone f'or a few months. Rev. ~reen,. a student of Biddle Uniiver's , will offieiate in his absence. Rev. I. B. Smith. piastor of Warren hpel M1. E. Church. will preach at ie school house building Trisdayx The District Conference will coi 'ene Tlhursday, July 23rd, lasting un i Sunday.11cnpiethco - es ofChar'leston, Florence. ]Daring-. ,in. Siunter, and (Clariendon. A bout .ftv delegates will be ini attendanice. 'ii' programn of tihe confter'ence' will 1pear' next week. thitd Fel lows Lod'ge No. 21ln hasi aliy comipleted itsi ioge hail at a 0.t 'of a bout 88i0 AnXl enterlta in et foi' theiir teneflit w'ill be held at Ie' ne'w hail 1beg'ining Thiur'stday ight, 1it h.ltV.T white fr'iendtso laininug anid St.~ aili hlae 'c (ontri ted veryv libera'liv t ward 'thetlt enter ri.e, for wich asst' ll l e i- tile lodig ud ladder is nea rinig c.omp11letionii andi I (onIlpany of thI11is kind, V whihh if r'o)erl-y imnaged,. w'ill be very luse i inI timet. of tires. Robert A. White Wet thiink the' c'oloredt peole are en 'avoing to imipro've thet'mselves and k onlyv a fail' consideration from the hiite flrot her ini thlis commendtlI~ablet ' ut'. H A. < , Printer Wanted. Wanttl. a priittir who van distri i uie and set two gad.-y s lid brvh-r a d. t take Iharg: of the mchani cal d partI -:t 0 the M.NIsi, Tuu1 nwspr rinti j"l ilicet. Mlust 1b lnt, sibe, anzid iosascsd1 of' ~ eiumn 01en. Add rtss S. A. NET"I'Ls. ?Iannin. .. C. Feelimll'.His Way. "Nellie," he said with a kind of experimental, imimature, early, home grown smile on his anxious face, "I I May count on you as--as a friend, maty I not?" Certainly, Alfred," she replied. "As-as a tgood friend '" "To be sure." "You have no objeetion to looking on me as-as a distant relative, per baps?" "No I have no objection to that. "Second cousin, as it were ?" "I amlt willing to be your second cousin. "Or firs! cousin once removed ?" he persisted, imopping his forehead with a trembling huilkerchief. "Wcll, I have no objection to that either." "And I might as well be a first cousin, mightn't I?" "Yes, I suppose so. "Do you feel, Nellie," he went on, hastily swallowing something large and buoyant, "as if you could be a be a-sister to me?" "No, Alfred." The invitations are out. The worst eases of scrofula, salt rheum, and other diseases of the blood, are curedt by Hood's Sarsaparilla. She Lent Him a Ilairpin. She (sweetly)-The moonlight is beautiful to-night, George. He (desperately)-I know it is, Nel lie, but I can't propose to-nigl--I forgot the ring. You will forgive me won't you? $lo0 REWARD. Wl0O. The readers of the MAiso TIMs will be pleased to learn that there is at least one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure in all its stages. and0 that is catarrh. Hall's c(atairrh Care is the only positive eure now known to the mtedical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional disease requires a constitutional treatnwnt. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, actiti directly upon thc blood and mliUus slrfaces of Ile systei, thterelv destroying the foundation of the disease. and givin the patient strength by building up the constitition and assisting ,ntre in doin its work. The proprie.tors have so m1uch faith in its curative iowters that they otilr One Hundred Dollars for any case that it fails to cure. Send for the list of testino nials. F. J. CIlENEY & CO., Toledo, Q. ; Sold by lruggists, 75c'. Napoleonic IFinanciering. S. Ponge-Can you let me have $10 for a week or so? G. Enerous-T've only got $9, but you can hava that if it wVill do. S. Ponge-All right; I'll take that, and then you'll owe me $1. SYRUP OF FIGS. Produced from the laxative and nutritious juiee of California tigs, comibined wvith the ,edicinal virtues of plants known to be nost beneficial to the hluman systeni, acts ently, on tile kidneyvs, liver anld bowels effectually cleansinig the systemi, dispelling olds andt headaches, and curing hidtitual Thait lDreadful Nidie Issue. 'Wool-What is the matter with your mother-in-law" that she don't live! ith you any more ? Van Pelt-I like her all right, but she can't put up with me. UUCKLFN'S ARNICA SALVE. The best sailve ini the world for cuts,~ ruises, sotrcs, ulcers, salt rheumi, fever ores, tetter,. chappedt~t hands, chillains, oras, anti all skin eruptions, andi positive yv cures piles or no ptay requiiredt. It is ~uaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or noney refunded. Prlice 25 cents per box. or sale by J. G;. Dinkins & Co. A WONDEls WORIKER. Mr. Frank iiitl'tan, avyoung Inlan of lUnr. ingon, Ohio, states that he hatd bteeni under he care of two ptroniintent phyisiclans, and isedi their treatment until lie was not able o get around. TIhey pronounced his cae o be consumpltion anrd inc'urall. He wa >ersuaded to try Dri. King's New Discover or consunmtion, coughs, antd cttids, and a hat time was not able to walik aeross the treet without resting. lHe found, before he. had used htalf cf a dollar bottle, that he was nuch better: he continued tto use it anidi :-day enjoying good health:. If you hav ny throat, lang, or chest trouble try it. We~ ~uarantee satisfaction. Trial hottle tree it . G. Dinikins & Ct).'s drug store. ELECTIRIC UITTERS. This ren:edy' is btecomtiin'g so well known nd so p~oplar~~ as to need no special llltn :i'n. All whto havi uisted Electrie hitters ing the sameC stng of praise.-- A imurtr uedicine doe-s not exist, antd it is guaranteed o doi all that is claimetd. Electtric itt[rs vill eurt all dis'ass of the livet' and kid. teys, will remove pimple hs, boilIs, salt rhlemn. nd othter aifectioins eciusedl by imp~u re >ilotd.-W'\ i drive lllalaria frttin thet systemil .ndl prevent as we'll as eure all umahtrial fe -ers. -- -For cure of hltada'he'. c'onst ipIationr. nd indigestion try Ele-ctrie titters. -~ Enti r. atisfac ton 'guara'nteed tor ioney rt'fundIted. 'rice 50e~. and s'i per bott l t . '. iDtins a Co.'s drug store . 'The Last liestin;g Place. Ni:w Tong, July' 12.-- -Mr's Jeffei'son avis in a 1cengthy~ letter :tilressed to he veterans anti people of the Stuth ~rn States, finally decides that her' msband's remains shall i'est perma-itt ently in Rielnuord. VIA'T YOUR GIIIEAT1 G;RAND.)IOTIIElt She hetceled thet tiax and carded the tool, anti wotve the linen, and spun the >w, and madite tilt clotnes for her' htuibaind nd ten children. Shie mahli butter and heese, she dippted tallow candles, to light te hiouse at night, and she cotoked all thie >Otd for hter househotld by an oplen 1'ire-plac' na a brick ovent. Yes; antd wheni silt was arty y'ears of age. Slit was ailready ani old idy whose b-est tdays wer- tver. Itir shoulI ers were be'nt andi her j. ints enilarged' byv ird work, andt she wore spte'tacles and a ap. H-ei' great grand.diaughtm', with all the odertn conveniences fttr coxmfor't, re':in' ent and luxury', may be as charminag and ttr'active at ftrty-ive 'is "' twty.t Esp)e nt bteauty it" te u+. of Dr. ire-' ort'e Prceriptitn,~ whit wIardst'I l- olf all fI nl ihu nt and 'irlretr-'liltie.-, cures tilt ftihey atld exist, keeps thet. Ife cun Un liof :Initlw Ige t, rin the f r-'lhnet t yoth in her eye-, antd it': elasticity in er step. Sell bty all druggists. igna:l, Cict'got, ill., writels: I nevr sawt .nythinlg thmat wtouhi en'te hi-eiache like tour Iradver ttinet. Priest--"Wecll. Dennis, you're mar ied, I hear'. LIm very'~ glad of it. ow do you and your wife get alonig to' ~ether'' Dennis-"Well, y'er river nee, Oi t'ink we get along besht gither' whin wve're aparL'" Presto ! Change 'Gray atnd faded heartis ade. to assume their originali color b p lying Buckinghau's Dye for the whiskers. The Never Failing Remedy. TlJose wlho (lWitue to sliler witI coatagI-ous blon ieae ferhJn goWe tllroUgli tie lisuILl Coorfe 01 treatnti, have o coinslation: They c:L fall ick on III never-iilng "pe itie. S. S. S. Seeiines thcr% sulle frota the klisease itself,:tnd seinetimes froin tIh (.1iets of t hI !recatllent its-if. es .pecially if niere1-ury talk (oil:er Minl eral poioNs have bween eniploy -t'l. III either es ihelv caLn find anl Infallible rIledy in S. S. S. It would he bet ter to take advaninge oif the reinedy befo' Lunroing other treatimient. ai tio avilds have done an] are doing, but it is not every.oidy's foresight that is as, gool as Il. iiidsight. Ife WoIdn't-11, Waste te 31o0ney. ieSh--These flowers are just lovely, but I-inaniia tianks it not right for me Io aeeept Such gift s unless--unIless weO we-re eggd i ell I guess it is a go. Those Ilowtrs eo t 5l, and it sccls a Pity to have tl e in'nov thrown away. Kil Absolutely Pure. A ervain of ta:rtar Iaking .,der. High Cst Of all i h -nin.1 trength.- -Ldtst U SOUTH CAROLINA MILITARY ACAE1Y. OFFIC. Ol CH AIIAN loAR) OCF VIstrols. Baril well. S. C.. .l uly 9, 1!1. I The followilg Beneficiary Vacal eis. eXi st in tle Solil h Caroliina 31ili tarv Acadleliv: Abhevile 1. ( Clrendoll 1. Colletoni 1. (eoritw 1. Greeiville 1. fiorry 1. Ornrhrr1. Pickenis 1, iihandt 2, .\iken 1, Will iaushur." 1. l'nioni 1. These cXalieS will be tilled Iv coiIpetitiVt eXininatis b efore Couitv iioards, which will convenIe for the 1irpopse at their respective couniity seats ol Thursday. Septeniher 1o proxilO. 'T'le Countv Exainiing Boards will rece.(ive. theil* appIoInltIcenTS an1d inl stillettiolis froinli tile STate Superin tendent of E(dicaztn, and will report resu1 lIts directly to the uInldersigied at Barnwell. Aplien~tions fOr inlfor-1inatiOn anld forims on which to apply for perinis sion to Ippear betfore thit Exauining Board will he i1It' to the Chairnian of the Board of Visitois at Barnzwell, ill tiine to he received pio0r to Augist :1. 'Te Board of Visitors will pass upon these applientionis at Cohillhia. on1 Thursdamy. Seiteinbr :,. and gronit pierinits toi siich as ap~peatr to lie etnti tIed t hereto. O( tilie wtitlioiit suhl periiiit will be t~niinetlIl hx oluiiit v INoardis. No( apIIritltiion wIfl lit considered hiv thet lBoardt oft \isitoirs whieb is iiot fully ;u13! titiarly inade ouit ini nteordt ancel 1 13 with i n~ t preserihed reulin; tind erwVise. w i!i 4iipicat iln hie conisid e-red after th ad' 0 joiurnmenit of the~ session'1 of tihe Board, held for tihe lihr pose oni Sep ttinb ter :; It is thereforeQ whlenilt neceslarV, he retumrnled for amienineniclt 1before* the sess5io n of thle Board. and13 parties lie assured that t heir i I ills aIre proerl i piiV resenited. lIn the Eagiler com11pet itlio ifoIr thIese vacies~i' experlience has sh owvn thlat justice to all requiiires a rigidl atdher enlee to thle conit14 iions 01 annouced. Each: Ipaper publhisihed ini the coun ties froml whlib vacanies ex ist is re guiesteh tio give th is not ice one' inser C.itadlel, in (I'hrb-ston. JO HNSON IIAiMn )o,) S. C.' M. A., Las irmExdlr fsiors. Of the Season! EUTA W SPRINGS Friday, July_24. 0:0:0 Fare for Round Trip 50 Cents. iille at s.:M .x. M. Ieturingit, leave the sprinig at 4 3'ehiek P. M. WilI stop It SilI 3'r. 51113n1 -rtoln, andi St. Paul. Parties com. Sinutehr desi r:ing to g'o can .st tickets JOllN M. TIND)AL, M1anIager. ~ ~ATfAeneSr : -j 0~g E4{E C.. f cM caGo. 25 UNION SQUARE.N.'Y $l4'RtACl3sr O:'370N.MA3.1 An.ATA.GA. 3iL ~LWJ FOR SALE BY W. -'.. BlWN i! C, .Alanig._N. INS VRE YOURI LIFE. The~ under.NO1I'lned isuhrizedto wrib .any3. 'I New' Yrk. jaL't i 31rin to ini N. M. .JuliNSO)N. HEMME'8 RESTAURANT, 2a KING;1 TI LT, Opposite Acadeiny of MIusie, CHADRETON S. C. YOUNG WIVES! Who are for the first tinw to In Iergo woman's severest trial we offer MOTHERS FRIEND a remedy whicli if used as directed for a few weeks before confinement, robs it of its Pain Horror and Risk tiu Life of both mother and child, as thou sands who have used it testify. A Blessing to Expectant Mothers. MoTHER's FRIEND is worth its weight in gold. My wife suffered more in ten min utes with either of her first two chibdren than she did altogether with her last. hav ing previously used four bottles of MOTH ER's FuIEND. It is a ble-sirg to mothers. Carmi. Ill.. Jan., 1890. G. F. LocKwoOD. Sent by express. charges prepaid. on re ceipt of price. $1.50 per bottle. Sold by aft druggists. Book to Motlers maileil free. BRADFELD REGCLAIou Co.. Atlanta. Ga. Why Drag Out A tniserable existence. when a few bottles of Ayer's Sarsaparilla would certainly give the strength and evnergy you need ? Thou sands are proving its virtues daily. So may you. Mrs. Alice West. (if Jefferson. W. Va., writes: " I was all run down before I began to take Ayer's Sarsaparilla. but an now gaining in strength every day." Being very weak and despondent after a long illness, I tried Ayer's Sarsaparilla, and two bottles have restored me to my former health." -Miss Blanche S. Brownell, 4 Boylston Place, Boston. Ayer's Sarsaparilla, Prepared by Dr. T. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. Sold by all Druggist Price $1; six bottles, $5. Worth $5 a bottle. -~ AGENCYiGF 01. A pamphlet of informatntn andab stract of the laws,shion ig 11ow to otain . atents, Caveats. Tnade Marks Copyrights, sent free. Address MUNN & CO. 361 Broadway. ESTABLISHED 1842. G, S, Hacker & So n, Genra ComsinMrhn,, t= c = a a Agni fofht' nls Prln eet SCHARLESTON, S. C. A. McCOBB, Jr. General Commission Merchant, A-D DEALE IS Agents for hte ElbPrated Cet 1947&&11 0 East alsy,S.C CHARLtn FSt, HLSTON, S. C. C28. W$20.FN& ON F -FTEEN DASE-IA Do'A aent 5or $th . Cbated ovuare THas." A.WO A,?.rh7*** CHAELETR, S C .T.rmDXOro rieor In28. $2r0orhuebr.fuatr. a THE C. A.m WOOD Insu~rcepny. COLUMTEA, S. C. Fted, relte-de, aoind riltitted eith llentd v taie. iu rne n tor the baceinm oation t t ithe ptron. Hat~ i s a saus, lighn:oa irvsaipl ro. IlotX( an Pol hths. uisine yuceltent. he pbrn.rietorpe. l Yot Bsriattiond Motercantil oFis in tr nsut irtashae Cofpatroa. a L. W. slEE , Fir IsunE. CoPanT, t. 3.C omem-e s uranc lC an y.- t DO o CAN AVE MONEY YOU KNO F URNITURE 1 t Ici SING YOUR GOODS OF IT? |BELITZER & SPANN FURNITURE CO., STUMTEmnL, S. c. They have all vm could wish in low prierd, ineditimn. :If expensive goods. Flower Pots, Wire Stands, and Refrigerators. 0 11311e xamllille thil. Ir 20 (s 111 lbe collv illeetl. 0Fire PolicySPECTACLES & EYE CLASSES. P )0-1. G. Dinins &Co. ave recently obtain- ANING, AT eil. ed the ~a-encv for the ctokbratedMANGS.C Al 11iii (1011 Reidne NS.WL'N r edAqua Crystal Spectacles and viii Cost jtGass Attorney and C'ounselor at Law, 0111 'e MANNING, S. C. mot asiand in addition to their already FLL mout th e TChv neaeaI EI u1e supply of did these goods, and are now prepared to fit the *e ATREA A eyes of any one, N o o aNING, S. C. ougroud would bevin n eed help. By t ai:d of the OPTOMEER )Notary rublic with seal. )le dollar this is rendered the work of a few moments. Asn ted (11lt these goods are unexcelled, 3.ALLEN HUGGNS D. D. S., )n ofd the * HR W . le Illill'aet- 20CiitmpMnnnaniremuhSr w he PRICE IS MODERATE. epresentedaolby on J. G. Dinkins & Co. and e fitted ce t tan- ATTONETEAW edvltt one agecyhoth ce~sclebate d calC M ANNONG, EM. NT ToAr uouse is not pSr of Aqua Ciytal spectacles or e glsEyeGlsss Lpt to buirn, T. G. Dinkins & Co. will present each one -RMTE mat thein of their customers with a valuable treatisdy-F on the care and preswrvation of the eyes. i nase it did called hO Bye in Health and Disease." tild Clls nd ee tet oneo tk'i hadl Ja GoDINKINS& CO, Druggistsc i Co iAo toudce, Sin of the Golden Mortar , '011 ~ ~ ~ an their il 1 0 ,fix; MANNING, S. C. 0U0 vere,~MANIG' WihC.WI M ['Ntar Puli witheal !'il*C lilstran~er CoinpaAliLLs IN SUMTER. 247 King St., Opposite .asell, eprsenedby We have opeil(.d the finest drug store in -A.Nettles Sumter, and tak this method of AxWnding CHARLSTON, S. C. oVtIley noa cordial invitation to the profssioally Any P one ho pyes ei sold1 call S. A. NJttles, annin, S. C., represet ome of the best fire insurance companitreis on tther adprsevaiorflheeys Sto givE us a call whenever they visit this pholstering Goods and Draperies of _____________________________ cty. They will always find our stock corn- Iall kinds. RARE C H A N CE, pewtth rugest~ M iInS THE MOST COMPLETE STOCK IN THE STATE. --:o:-0 Lades an cildens hts flwesAlso imported and domestic perfumery, We q uote a few of our specialties: toilet and faney articles of every es Jices, embroideries, rucings, dress tion, combs, brushes, stationery, ihe b rst hields, tapes, fans, lparasos, neck wear brands of cigars, and the choicest confec- ya :)r ladlies and children, Dr. Warner's tion cry, in fact everything that a first-class Velvet Carpet at $1.25, $1.40, and $1.50 drug store handles will be found with ns. per yard. elebrated corsets, belts and all other Speia t opud Ingrain Carpet at at 50, 60, 70, and 90a. .rticles usually sold in a millinery prescri ptions, and we shall always be founa per yard. tore will be sold regardless of cost to!I in our store, day or night. Ele~ctric bells on Hemp Cret at 20, 25, and 30c. per yad. Fo door. w.H. GILLILAND & CO , Straw Mattings at 15, 18, 20, 25, 0, and aalhe goodfor a t new sok. Monaghan Blolk Sumter .'c. 3.5c. per yard. ---h oosms b od Rngs at 7.5, $1.25, $2.00, $2.50, to $9 each. S MRS. M1. 0I BURGESS WinS T R at 50, 75, $1.00, and up. FORETONDRU STOE$ ornc-- ole at25, 35, and 50c. SFull stock of Lace Curtains from 90c. to SumterRn FORESTONt S. C. $15.00 per pair. S al on h Special attention given to all orders. We Iol bee prlmptl paid.a ul ie f ty I esrethpblc o nguaarantee satisfactio To give us a trial pltorer is to come again, as our prices are the Lave a lare sto of millinery goods Pure Dugs and Medicines, lowest. ud having received the encourag- FANsCY aNnDTOTLTARTICsaeTOILET aent of the purchasing public I will I --rOAS ElZ1'(31TM.Yx, STATION._ He 1 POIN Be X, W=&i ontinue to conlduct my business a I Y CIGARS, GARDEN SEEDS, Sec. and Treas. Manager. eretofore, that is, to receive e and ats and lowers every ten (ays. frstill c airnery t re usAally kp i fistake room fora ewstck eT-Spccial bargains always on Ihave justadded to my stock a line ofsod and.' PAINTS AND OILS, Wholesale & Retail Commission Dealers in Mrs. S. 31. CLARKS ON. and ami prepac-cd to sell 1 :.NTS, OILS ~ is~ Manning, S. C., June 10, 1891. LEABR, VAGEN ES, BRUSHES oin andtiies to suit imrcl aser s .S.J11E~y.H.R.EVO's.L. WV. NETTLES, 311. D., 0TIASj 0B N PUT r'otnston, Crews cbCo., -ushForeston, S. C. of poultry, eggs, and bes Notions and mall WaressciionsL an we shl alay be foundnta . fS.C Dinourstore, hunta ru n how Ele ofell otf CiL TNY,!S. r% 7OREmON S 7 __Laveroiarg stnk 8fmillmerygood itent of thelpurchasingannugb8i1aI 755p eretofor, thatOis to reeVANS Dnew I~[ LHi 3a 0p ats ad-flwerseverttendays [.vpecialibar1ins0plwa45am Boos. Sh.e an ClothiSnArui~l~viAI~L los 14p 0a Manning0, 228. 2., Mutng 0, e, 18n1.12pm 94a IAreepaaheaysnon2handaaifull line of wilumrh friurstr adurdiintesx Div.tal xcp udy CHARLSTON S. . ~ wFks.CYA~NDTOLTARTIC LuETILEi J T. ELJF ii S~iOAtPh PnEvlUEt, aION-wl e st e'lMn' ealSpt - ~~~~ I ~~n csatio ar stlites are nsualet igh a i.M i~sN ie' asne~et Pnknn j rr~~~~e~tirtl or use.adti aueo ~U.EU~h IJ I thavnte pust. Conid to s u stockeo 232& 234 Kn" Street in iunttes posuiitiolw purchaes. W ON OT N ~ hre servWants0. of oreasest, nd whtiC. Calson 65 n 50 purhasd y tem Lvoly Hil 8f31 a in0 60T57ip[m )lVii ~Gos~L Uholen Goods aind 7Drapere of Mattin~allilkCldth iot t i~itr wenan l~ortniy lkethiWL Suote 10 few ofou eialis ive I'ac M. orvezs bestattenion. tttestworms.IfeonyetoCrarpetityt c$1.2A5,3$1ntt0,ilan12$1.p50 MANIN HTEL cans, ndyo wil eevHempGN CarTH ato 25tad 0c pe2ad ~TE HUSE 1 L~IG AD CE BelwStrawi L attingsa15 8 00 p 30nd tortatle ooi~s, ncely utrasliti ~vtli al ~Ol1~ ~i ~3n. c. puier 7ard ~w uritreBthromsfoRueugs L Pat7, $.25le 00 7250 46 p9 mah testi.dow bhades ttb50, 7upli.d0witndbes. ,.. . h '0~~holsik I. 50 cttn F ull stokonaeCran fro 0. pto Specaliatenroasivettolll rder. W Mt~. li. . t~l(ICS, ri. lr hind erelief~c.inl 3 ort d u arantee 1 stfactiiTiv 8s 36 pria I .' e 's h. 1..not i~e~3e.q rder s Lto coe ain 8 7 pri armh - - led i~nek .~c, up L~cdcs' ho L' lloest.4 m 8 9 ORDAN ACADEMY,' irlu i~~~~~~~~ist-~~ ~ :'.it p igie-Ii e as 92 5p sli r-sItowoth511.,wht lne sirec. X Catnd Tre 8as. 10 Managr JORDN, S C. etit l~eiCHArRLES t0.ilLESI. 5, e~bil j-i~vVesS i; Su-b lnes W holesal &' N Retail Comissio DAlers.i iin S itibi-at citlti.frtit t~iit- i3 ars -l-.e.k, ad i Cies 8 ofp1 lr,0 s a nd allp eks. ]iiiiay, Inermedite, ad I Ii~hie l~i e1 0 lolkindsi ofI niuntryDrectoource 1are-trespe1ctO)ualn idig o citilate M si dlertlen tX*tis 'r1 :r~Lil~ 'OfieuNo.1 9 10 M ae t. Ei fasny chrERSF R GOS CHARLESTONeli-. eat i:C I~cee 21p 8.0pm o. 4oo Ho ayn he MretSreets, I~U reit n hv hoghcr e , T. MusiA H 2 AN A ls. B toN.h ioT. P. EvitA 0 ecets.i~v argeh eah ppil tf~fl eteri I ~Dea1lrinG Drugs, Meiins oin aXnd GnrlMngr ae. orfrhrifrtton der aD oetictCheicalsi t&c.i do e s o f atl syulos nurd fntseSA A.SiotcaranbadflxJr eMannTitie o Sfice oetpie ete toce n e i owieap i,.C.aThe gratst organgiigos icfrvn