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VOL. VI. MANNING, S. C., WEDNESDAY, JULY 16, 1890. NO. 31 who went into a prayer meeting with a dagger and a gun, to disturb the meeting and to destroy it, but the next day was found crying, "Oh. my great sins! Oh, my 'great Saviour' and for eleven years preached the Gospel of Christ to his fellow moun taineers, the last words on his dying lips being, "Free Grace!" Oh, it was free grace! There is a man who was for ten years a ha'd drinker. The dreadful appetite had sent down its roots around the palate and the tongue, and on down until they were inter linked w:'th the vitals of body, mind and soul: but he has not taken any stimulants for ten years. What did that? Not temperance societies; not prohibition laws: not moral suasion. Conversion did it. "Why, sir," said one on whom the great change had come, "I feel just as though I were somebody else:" There is a sea cap tain who swore all the way from New York to Havana and from Havana to San Francisco, and when he was in port he was worse than when he was on the sea. What power was it that washed his tongue clean of profanities. and made him a psalm singer? Con version by the Holy Spirit. There are thousands of people in this as semblage to-dry who are no more what they once were than a water lily is a night shade, or a morning lark is a vulture , or day is night. Now, if I should demand that all those people here present who have felt the converting power of religion should rise, so far from being asham ed, they would spring to their feet with more alacrity than they ever sprang to the dance, the tears ming ling with their exhilaration as they cried, "We are witnesses!' And if they tried to sing the old Gospel hymn, they would break down with emotion by the time they got to the second line: Ashamed of Jesus, that dear Friend On whom my hope of heaven dep-nd? No! When I olush, i.e this my shame That I no more revere His name. When a man has trouble the world ,omes in and says, "Now get your mind off this; go out and breathe the resh air; plunge deeper into busi ess." What poor advice! Get your nind off it! When everything is up ;urned with the bereavement, and verything reminds you of what you iave lost. Get your mind off it! hey might as well advise you to 5top thinking. You cannot stop bihnking, and you cannot stop think ng in that direction. Take a walk n the fresh air! Why, along that -ery street, or that very road, she nee accompanied you. Out of that rass plat she plucked flowers, or nto that show window she looked, ascinated, saying: "Come see the ctures." Go deeper into business? shy, she was associated with all -our business ambition, - and since ;he has gone you have no ambition eft. Oh, this is a clumsy world then it tries to conifort a broken eart. I can build a Corliss engine, can paint a Raphael's "Madonna," [can play a Beethoven's "Eroica ymphony" as easy as this world can omfort a broken heart. And yet -eu have been comforted. How was t done? Did Chrst come to you and ay, "Get your mind of this; go out md breathe fresh air; plunge deeper to business?" No. There was a inute when he came to you-per taps in the watches of the night, erhaps in your place of business, erhaps along the streets-and He reathed something into your soul ~hat gave you peace, rest, infinite uiet, so that you could take out the hotograph of the departed one and ook into the eyes and the face of the ear one, and say, "It is all right; he is better off; I would not call her ack. Lord, I thank Thee that Thou ast comforted my poor heart." In our sermons and in our lay ex ortations we are very apt, when we ant to bring illustrations of dying riumph, to go back to some distin ~uished personage-to a John Knox r a Harriet Newell. But Iwant you or witnesses. I want to know if you ave ever seen anything to make you elieve that the religion of Christ can ive composure in the final hour. ~ow, in the courts, attorney, jury, rd .iudge will never admit mere earsay- They demand that the wit ess must have seen with his own ~yes or heard with his own ears, and o I am critical in my examination f you now; and I want to know vhether you have seen or heard any hing that makes you believe that he religion of Christ gives compos are in the final hoar. "Oh, yes," you say, "I saw my ather and mother depart. There as a great difference in their death eds. Standing by the one we felt nore veneration. By the other, there was more tenderness." Before the me, you bowed perhaps in awe. In he other case you felt as if you would like to go along with her. How id they feel in that last hor? How id they seem to act? Were they ery much frightened? Did they ake hold of this world with both ands as though they did not want to give it up? "Oh, no," you say; no, I remember as though it were esterday; she had a kind word for s all, and there were a few memen toes distributed among the children, ad then she told us how kind we must be to our father in his loneli ness, and then she kissed us goodby and went asleep as calmly as a child in a cradle." What made her so composed? Natu ral courage? '-No," you say, "mother was very nervous: when the carriage inclined to the side of the roadi, she cried out; she was always very week ly." What, then, gave her composure? Was it because she did not care much for you, and the pang of part ing was not gr-eat? "Oh," you say, "she showered upon us a wealth of affection. No mother ever loved her children more than mother loved us. She showed it by the way she nursed us when jwe got sick, and she toiled for us until her strength gave out" What, then. was it that gave her composure in the last hour? Do not hide it: be fra~nk and let me know. -Oh," you say, -it was because she was so good: she made the Lord her portion, and she had faith that she would go straight to glory, and that we should all meet her at last at the foot of the throne." Here are people who say, "I saw a Christian brother die,and he triumph ed." And some ne ele, "T saw a. TALMAGE OUT WEST. THE BROOKLYN DIVINE IPREACHING IN NEBRASKA. An Open Air Sermon Delivered to the 3ul titudett prom the Text. ",We Are Witnes On S:nday Dr. Tahuage preached at Breatric.'- ebraska, in the open air to an uanense congregation which had gathered from all the surrounding country to hear the fa mous preacher. Eis text was, "We are witnesses." (Acts 3: 15.) Fol lowing is his sermon: In the days of George Stephenson. the perfector of the locomotive en gine, the scientists proved couclu sively that a railway train could nev-' er be driven by steam po-er success fully and without peril; but the rush ing express trains from Liverpool to Edinburgh, and from Edinburgh to London, have made all the nations witnesses of the splendid achieve ment. Machinists and navigators proved conclusively that a steamer could never cross the Atlantic Ocean but no sooner had they successfully proved the impossibility of such an undertaking than the work was done, and the passengers on the Cunard, e the Inman, and the National, d the White Star lines are witnes she@'ere went up a guffaw of wise .aughte ofessor Morse's propo sitionto make the lightning of heaven his errand boy, and it was proved conclusively that the thing could ever be done; but now all the news >f the wide world, byassociatedpress put in your hands every morning and aight, has made all nations witnesses. So in the time of Christ it was proved :onclusively' that it was impossible or Him to rise from the dead. It was shown logically that when a man was dead, he was dead, and thehe-rt md the liver and the lungs having 3eased to perform their offices, the imbs would be rigid beyond all ower of friction or arousal. They fowedit to be an absolute absurdity lat the. dead Christ should ever get p alive; but no sooner had they >roved this than the dead Christ ose, and the disciples behold Him, iear His voice, and talk with him, ad they took the witness stand to prove that to be true which the wis acres of the day had proved to be possible; the record of the exper ence and of the testimony is in the Lext "Him hath God raised from the ead, whereof we are witnesses." Now, let me play the sceptic for a oment. "There is no God," says he seeptic, "for I have never seen im with my physical eyesight. Your: ible is a pack of contradictions. J ere never was a miracle. Lazarus as not raised from the dead, and he-water wak never turne&ine-wine. Eour religion is an imposition on the Tedulity of the ages." There is an Lged man moving over yonder as ' he would like to respond. arehundreds of people with a little flushed at these an cements, and all through this bly there is a suppressed feel which would like to speak out in of the truth of our glorious 'i 'tyas in the days of the crying out, "We are witnesses!" The fact is, that if this world is: ,ver brought to God, it will not be rough argument, but through tes-3 imony. You might cover the whole) ~arth with apologies for Christianity zd learned treatises in defense of1 eligion-you would not convert a. oul. Lectures on dhe harmony be ~ween science and religion are beau iful mental discipline, buthave never saved a soul, and never will save a ul Put aman of the world and a an of the churdk against each other1 ,nd the man ofthe world will in all1 robabiity get the triumph. There -e a thousand things in our religion] hat seem illogical to the world, and~ aways will seen illogical. Our weap n in this conflict is faith, not logic: ~aith, not metaphys~ics, faith, not pro undity; faith, not scholastic explora ion. But then, in order to have] ~aith, we must have testimorny, and if ive hundred men, or one thousand en, or five hundred thousand men, ifve million men get up and tell ne that they have felt the religion of Jesus Christ a joy, a comfort, a help, n aspiration, I am bound as a fair nrinded man to accept their testimony. C want just now to put before you Lhree propositions, the truth of which Ithink this audience will attest with overwhelmingnunanimity. The first proposition is, we are witnesses that the religion of Christ is able to convert a soul. The gos pel may have had a hard time to con uer us; we may have fought it back, but we were vanquished. You say onv~rsion is onlyanlinaginary thing. We know better. "We are witnes ses." There never was so great a change in our heart and life on any other subject as on this. People laughed at the missionaries in Ma dagascar because they preached ten years without converts; but there are 33,000 converts in Madagascar today. People laughed at Dr. Adoniram Judson, the Baptist missionary, be cause he kept on preaching in Bur mah five years without a single con vert; but there are 20,000 Baptists in Burmah today. People laughed at Doctor Merrison in China, for preach ing there seven years without a sin gle conversion; but there are 25,000 Christians in China today. People laughed at the missionaries for preaching at Tahiti fifteen years without a single conversion, and at the missionaries for preaching in engal seventeen years without a gole conversion; yet in all those lands there are multitudes of Chris tians to clay. But why go so far to find evidence of the Gospel's powver to save a soul? "We are witnesses." We were so proud that no man could have hum blealus; we were so hard that no earthly power could have melted us; angels of God were all around about us, they could not overcome us: but one dry, perhaps at a Methodist anx ious seat, or at a Presabyterian cat eetical lecture, or at a burial, or on horseback, a power seized us, and mde us get down, and made us tremble, and made us kneel, and cry for mercy, and we tried to wrench ourselves away from the grasp, but we could not. It flung us flat, and when we arose we were as much Mohnge a Gourgis, the heathen, Christian sister die, and she trium phed." Some the else will say, "I saw a Christian daughter die, and she triumphed." Come all ye who have seen the last moments of a Christian, and give testimony in this case on trial. Uncover your heads, put your hand on the old family Bi ble from which they used to read the promises, and promise in the presence of high heaven that you will tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. With what y."m have seen with your own eyes, au a what you have heard with your on ears, is there power in this gospel to give calmness and triumph in the last exigency? The response comes from alj sides, from young. and old.and middle aged: "Where are the witnesses!" You see, my friend, I have not put before you to-day an abstraction, or chimera, or anything like guess-work. I present you affidavits of the best men and women, living and dead. Two witnesses in court wl establish a fact. Here are not two witnesses, but thousands of witnesses--on earth millions of witnesses, and in heaven agreat multitude oinwitnesses thatno man can number-testifying that there is power in religion to convert the soul, to give comfort in trouble, and to afford composure in the last hour. If ten men should come to you when you are sick with appall ing sickness, and say they had the same sickness, and took a certain medicine, and it cured them, you would probably take it. Now, sup pose ten other men should come up and say, ",We don't believe there is anything in that medicine." "Well," I say,. "Have you ever tried it?" "No, I never tried it, but I don't be lieve there is anything in it." Of course you discredit their testimony. The sceptic may come and say, "There is no power in your religion." Have you ever tried it?" "No, no." "Then, avaunt!" Let me take the testimony of the millions of souls that have been converted to God, and comfort ed in trial, and solaced in the last hour. We will take their testimony as they cry, "We are witnesses!" Some tune ago Professor Henry, of Washington, discovered a new star, and the tidings, sped by sub marine telegraph, and all the obser vatories of Europe were watching for that new star. Oh, hearer, looking out through the darkness of thy soul to-day, canst thou see a bright light beaming on thee? "Where?" you say; "where? How can I find it?" Look along by the line of the cross of the Son of God..'Do you see it tremb ling with all tenderness and beaming ith all hope? It is the Star of Beth lehem. Deep horror then my vitals froze. Deathistruck I ceased the tide to t em, when suddenly a star arose It was the Star of Betelehem. Oh, hearer, set you r eyes on it. It s easier for you now to become a Christian than it is to stay away from 3hrist and heaven. When Madame Sonntag began her nusical career she was hissed off bhe stage at Vienna by the friends of ier rival Amelia Steininger, who had ilready begun to decline through her lissipation. Years passed on, and me day Madame Sonntag, in her ~lory, was riding through the streets f Berlin, when she saw a little child eading a blind woman, and she said, Come here, my little child, come ere. W~ho is that you are leading y the hand?" And the little child eplied, "That's my mother: that's Lmelia Steininger. She used to be a reat singer, but she lost her voice, md she cried so much about it that ~he lost her eyesight." Give my love o her," said Madame Sonntag, "and ~ell her an old acquaintanc.e will call an her this afternoon." The next reek in Berlin a vast assemblage ;athered at a benefit for that poor >ind woman, and it was said that dtadame Sonntag sang that night as hle had never sung before. And she ~ook a skilled oculist, who in vain ried to give eyesight to the poor lind woman. Until the day of Ame ia Steininger's death, Madame Sonn ag took care of her, and her daugh er after her. That was what the ueen of song did for her enemy. 3ut, oh, hear a more thrilling story till. Blind immortal, poor and los t,j hou who, when the world and Christ ~vere rivals for thy heart, didst hiss by Lord away-Christ comes now to ive thee sight, to give thee a home, o give thee heaven. With more than Sonntag's generosity He comes now o meet your need. With more than Sonntag's music He comes to plead or thy deliverance. Served Longer than Jacob. W. A. Pollard, a farmer who lives n this county, was in the city a few lays'ago, and to some of his friends e told the following story, which is rouched for by those living in his ieighborhood: About nineteen years go Mr. Pollard hired himself to the ate Alex. Spill ers, a well-to-do far ner of this county. The first month e received a suit of clothes as pay. r. Pollard was then employed per anently as a farm hand. He had een with Mr-. Spillers but a short ime when a girl child was born to Is. Spillers. An hour after it was orn Mr. Pollard asked Mr. Spillers o give him the child as his wife when he arrived at the proper age. Mr. Spillers consented, and said if Mr'. Pollard stayed with him he should have his daughter at sixteen. Through sixteen years the young man worked with his employer and at sixteen laimed the young lady' as his fiance and was soon after married to her. He is now the father of two children, and at Mr. Spiller's death he left his son-in-law 81,600 in cash for the sixteen years he had so patient ly waited for his wife.-Greenville News. -The latest fashionable "fad" is from Yalesville, Pa. At a village im provement entertainment eleven young ladies personated slaves and were put up at auction. They were daped in sheets so as to be uure cgniztble, and brought from 40 to 5 cents each. That quotations ran so low is explained by the fact that it was incumbent upon each pur chaser to buy for his slave all the ico cream, cake and lemonade she de manded, and to escorther home after the entertainment. COUNTING UNCLE SAM'S NOSES. Machines That Beat the Human Brain In Computing Returns WASHNGTON, July 10.-Nice-looking girls in clean, white aprous are the busy hands in a machine shop on the third floor of a Ninth street building. It is the census bureau, and the girls work on those wonderful counting machines, which come so near human intelligence in computing the returns sent from all sections of this big country for the census of 1890. At .; glance the machines remind one of X npright piano. They have hand some oak cases and each one occu pies about the same space a piano does. They are, however, eminently practical maclnes, and with their aid some fifteen young ladies can count accurately 500000 names a day. It is expected that when the work of counting the census returns really begins there will be seventy or eighty of these machines at work. The returns from the census dis tricts throughout the country are coming in slowly. There are morc than 50,000 of these districts, and so far only about 2,500 districts have sent in the returns. As fast as the returns come in they are counted, al. though not as rapidly as they will be, as it is necessary to train the young ladies in the use of the machines. In making this count, which is known as the "rough count," the returns for each distict are countedtwice. After being counted on one machine they are passed over to another, and when the latter count is completed the two are compared, and if there are dis crepancies necessary corrections are made. Following this method, if the total population of the country is 60,000,000 there will be counted in the census office an equivalent to 120,000,000 names. The machines, which are the inven tion of Mr. Hollerith, and supplement his tabulating machines, are very simple. A key board, resembling that of a typewriter, is at the right of the operator. Each key has a number from one to twenty. The operator has a pile of census sched ules at herleft side, and, as she turns the schedules over, she notes the figures which indicate the number of members in each family enumerated in that schedule. If there are five in a family she strikes the key marked five. When a key is struck an elec tric connection is established with the hands on a dial in the frame work in front of the operator. That dial is marked No. 5, which means it records the number of fami lies consisting of five persons. Each time the No 5 key is struck No. 5 dial records one. When the count is completed the recorded number on each dial is multiplied by the num ber of the dia4 the results added up and the total number of individuals in that district is ascertained. If the result is obtained by a different oper ator, then it is concluded that the count is correct. It is expected that by the use of these machines the re sults of the census will be known much sooner than by any otherknown method. THE COTrON CROP. Reports Satisfactory From Euerywhere Condition the Best, With one Exception, in Five Years-The Avsrage by States. WArsHeros, D. 0., July 10.-The statistical report for July for the< Department of Agriculture shows im-i provement in the status of cotton,] the average of condition having ad anced from 88.8 to 91.4. There was generally excess of moisture until bout the tenth of June with fine< weather since, giving opportunity for he destruction of grass and for thorough cultivation. On the Atlan ic coast the crop generally is in ad ance while it is late in the- south west, where planting was delayed by verflows and by heavy rains. That hich was planted early began to< loom from the 15th to the 25th and] n the southwest some bolls are re ported as early as June the 20th.i While the plant in various stages of] avancement, from the wide range of , seeding, it is now almost invariably( n full vigor of growth, of good color, and high promises, very free from j ust, free from worms, except weak ivasions of first breeds in the more southern belt. The present average 2 f July conditions has been exceeded 3 nly once in the last five years. It is t stated as follows, by States: Virginia.....................92C orth Carolina...... .... ..... 95 South Carolina...............95 1 Georgia....................95 ~ lorida ...................... .91 3 labama...................95 i ississippi ......... ... ......89 3 Loui.siana....................86 I Texas......................89 1 Arkansas....................89 < ennessee.........-.........93 ] Nearly throughout the cotton area two or three weeks of dry veather is reported,but scarcely any injury from ~ :rought. Since the first of July heavy rains have beenreported on the Atlantic coast. A Young Lady Missing. On Tuesday morning Miss Mary Morris, the 15 year old daughter of4 Mr. 3. W. Morris, who lives on the Saluda side of No. 9 Township, about six miles from Prosperity, went out to a pinder patch to do some hoeing. The time for herreturnhaving passed her parents called for her, but re ceived no answer. They then insti tuted search for her but with unavail ing effort. The search was continued: during the afternoon and night and, yesterday, and the latest information: that we obtained yesterday afternoon was to the effect that she had not been found. No reason is assigned for her sud den disappearance-Newberry Herald and News. -Governor Nicholls, of Louisiana. vetoed the bill to submit the lottery question to the people, but the House passed it over his eto, and the Sen ate sustained the douse. So the oil becomes a law. -During the last year forty-two colleges received gifts of money amounting to $2,675,000.I Col. H. D). Floyd is hereby announ ced as a candidate for re-election as County Treasurer,subject to the action afthe primay elecin. ARP AS 1 PATRIOT. HF MORALIZES ON THE GLORIOUS FOURTH. Soine Important Historical Facts Recalled -Let Us Have Peace. A tlanta CODstILUtion. I asked an intelligent young man to-day about the 4th of July and what it meant, and he said "Our fore fathers had a big fight with old, Eng land and whipt it; and after it was all over the colonies got together on the Ath of July, '76, and formel a unidn and made a declaration of in dependence." A good many young people have an idea that this day celebrates the whipping of the fight, and the beginning of a new govern ment. T2his is a mistake, but it is a very reasonable supposition. The day of a great victory that closes a war and secures peace and independ ence is a greater day than the one on which it was declared. "Let not him boast that putteth his armor on like him who taketh it off." The surrender of Cornwallis at Yorktown virtually closed the war on the 19th day of October, 1781, and the treaty of peace was signed in Paris on the 30th day of November, 1782. This treaty for the rst time acknowledged and estab Lishe'd the independence of the United tates, and the day it was signed hould be observed as a very notable lay. The 4th of July was not the beginning of the war. The colonies ad been fighting for a year or more illalongthe line.Bancroft saysthe bat leof Lexington that wasfought on the 8th of April, 1775, was the beginning >f the revolution. The battle of Bunker Hill was fought in June, 775. The colonies had rebelled 'om Maine to Georgia, and had or anized for resistance. Old North arolina held a secession meeting at ecklenburg in May, 1775, and pass d a declaration of independence. rhe second continental congress met n Philadelphia the 10th of May, [775, and issued $2,000,000 of conti ental money for war purposes. Cana la was invaded and Montreal was ;aken in December, 1773. Our fath rs *ere getting along pretty well vith the war long before the 4th of Fuly, but the colonies were fighting m their own motion, ynd had not semented any settled union. Some >f them thought that England would ;oon get tired and beg their pardon md invite them back, and perhaps hey would go back, but on the 7th lay of June, 1676, Richard Henry ee introduced resolutions in the :ontinental congress that cut thelast :ord that had bound the colonies to 3reat Britain. The resolutions were massed and a committee appointed to raw up a more formal declaration )f independence; and so it was done, ad was reported to congress and vas passed on the 4th of July, 1776. It is well for the children and youth o understand these things, so that vhen they are asked what all this acket is about, and these annual elebrations and fireworks, they can swer. Richard Henry Lee was the perso tal friend of Washington, and when ashington died Lee was chosen to >ronounce his eulogy, and it was in hat address that he said of him: 'First in war, first in peace and first n the hearts of his countrymen." )on't forget that. Those Lees were terrible rebels. hen Cromwell was dictator they ebelled against him and passed a eclaration of independence for Vir ~inia, and so Cromwell sent over a eet to subdue them, but he couldn't lo it, and had to recognize their ini leendence and make a treaty with hen. The Lees were born to rule, ,nd they have been ruling for 150 ears in this country. It is a grand ld family. Henry Lee, a cousin of ichard's, was the father of our Gen rl Robert E. Lee. He was known uring the revolution as Light Horse arry. His father must have been a ery extraordiairy man, for he and keneral Washingtonloved and court d the same girl, Miss Lucy Grymes, he "lowland beauty," and Lee out ~eneraled the general, and history ays that Washingtonnever wholly ecovered from that defeat. Some ears after he tied a widow with bet er luck. She had one son, and that on married and died, leaving one aughter, and our Bob married her. The Lees all had personal pride and ride of family. They scorned to do ,mean thing. Their self-respect rouldn't permit it. They stood up nd sat down and rode and walked rith a princely dignity that com aanded respect and admiration. Wil iam Preston Johnson says in a re ent letter that he never saw General ee take an ungraceful posture. No aatter how worn or weary or simk or ad, his bearing was grace and dignity efined. was not affected. It ras his nature. A man with a great aind and agood heart can't help being ignified. His body partakes of the tobility of his mind. He becomes rodlike, as was said of Daniel Web Iter. If a man's body is the temple >f the living God,as the scriptur:es say, hen it becomes him to be dignified ad graceful and courteous. Some 'olks affect to despise all this, but hey do not. They are fooling them elves. Just let a man or a woman t or stand before the camera of the hotographer for a picture and see iow they fix up for it, and how care ul to take a good position. They ill do their best and look their rettiest every time, especially a voman. Light Horse Harry was the most lashi~ng cavalry officer of the revolu ;ion and Washington depended upon iimi as General Lee depended upon Jeb Stuart in the late war. Ho was L devoted friend and a magnanimous oe. After the war he happened to be in Baltimore where a mob had athered to break up a newspaper nd whip the editor, a man who had' been his friend, and he rushe~d to1 iis rescue and got wounded in the Eray and was injured internally and aever recovered from it. He went-to Cuba for his health and came back by Cumberland island to rest awhile ith General Green's family and here he died and was buried. Geor da was honored with his bones. *I reckon that the 4th of July is the attest aymto clate, though itwn not the day of the nation's birth, nor the beginning of the war, nor the day of the last great victory, nor the day when peace was made. It is a singular coincidence that the battle of Lexington, where the first blood was shed in the old revolution, was fought on the 18th of April-the same day of the same month that closed the late war, ninety years af terward. Sherman and Joe John ston made peace on that day at Dur ham's station, in North Carolina. In the beginning of the first revolution eleven of the colonies seceded. In the second revolution eleven States se ceded. Secession and rebellion began with the fathers and ended with the sons. It began in defense of a princi ple,a little tax of three pence a pound on tea. All other duties on imports had been removed, and King George de clared that he would keep a little tax on tea, not for revenue, but to show the colonies that England had a right to tax-that was all. Where there is a will to fight, excuses are plenty. The colonies had been quar reling with the parent government for years and were tired. So it was with the North and the South. They had been quarreling for fifty years, and the fight had to come. It wasn't the election of Lincoln, but it was the pent up bitterness of half a cen tury that had to explode. And we are quarreling again, and if we keep on there will be another fight some time. Human nature is the same now that it as then, and there are more causes of quarrel than a little tax on tea. What is the mat ter with this American people? I wonder if these farmers can't stop the fuss when they get into power. For the Lord's sake, gentlemen, do start us on an era of peace and good will, and let the next Fourth of July celebrate a victory over hate and pre judice and the inordinate love of other people's money. BL ARP. ONE NECRO KILLS ANOTHER A Brutal Murder In Darlington County The Murderer Arrested. Saturday morning Kelly Powers killed Ben Newman, at Ashland, twenty-five miles from Darlington. Both were colored men. Powers was beating his wife severely, so severely that Newman askedi him to stop, when he turned upon Newman with a large knife and stabbed him in the heart. Newman turned and ran, Powers following and cutting him. After running about fifty yards New man fell dead. A crowd of negroes gathered at the scene of the crime and beat Powers severely and were with difficulty restrained from lynch ing him. A deputy sheriff was promptly dispatched to the scene of the murder and before sunset the murderer was safely lodged in jail. The Newspaper of the Future. The newspaper of the future will rid itself of the smartness and flip pancy with which the newspaper of the present is to often disfigured. Its writers will be selected for their learning, careful literary training and fairness of judgment. Verbosity is one of the most dreadedterrorsof the average newspaper reader. He is likely to think that an erudite, thor ughly informed writer must needs be dull and piosy. Let us admit that we cannot endure lonie, dull editorial aticles, and that we will not have a olorless, dry statement of facts in the news columns of the joumanl of ur choice. But it is asking too much of human nature-.-newspaper uman nature--that the paper shall be crisp and bright without malice, learned and intelligent without dull ess.-Noah Brook in the Forum. A Whole Township Missed. A Raleigh dispatch asserts that no ensus of South Greensboro', Gull ford county, N. C., which has a popu ation of' three thousand, has been aken, and one township in the ounty had no enumerator. In the township in question a Democratic applicant for appointment as enum rator was appointed over the Re publican applicant. Soon after he ot to wvork he was notified of his re noval and ordered to turn his books ver to the Republican, but the lat er refused to accept the appointment, ad consequently no census has been aken in that township. There are sinilar complaints from all over that ensus district. Superintendent Por er would have done better in this ensus business if he had paid more attention to competency and less to politics in the selection of supervisors ad enumerators.-Baltimore Sun. The People Will Not Stand it. The American people, North and South, will not submit to being bull :ozed and dictated to. Our educa tion for 100 years has made us intol erant of compulsion and of autocratic methods. Fair play is the first prin iple of the American citizen, and this bill violates fair play in every provision. If it becomes, and there is no reason to anticipate that it will not, it will be a law that will never be put into effect. The Su preme Court will not sustain it and the people will not estand it. Tom Reed and his gang of buccaneers may force it through Congress, but they cannot make the American people swallow it.-Louisville Post. Somec Things That Stanley Saw. Mfr. Stanley fairly r'ivals old Ho mer's famous catalogue of ships in enumerating the inhabitants of the central African forests. He found there the elephant, buffalo, hippopota mus, crocodile, wild pig, bush ante lopes, coneys, gazelles, chimpanzees, baboons, monkeys of all kinds, squn rels, civets, wild cats, genets, zebras, ichneumos~ large rodents, while the air swarms with parrots, paroquets, sunbirds, finches, shrikes, whippor wills, hoopors, owls, guinea fowl, blackbirds, weavers, kingfishers, di vers, kites, wag-tails, bee-eaters, pipits, cockatoos, hornbills, jays, bar bets, woodpeckers, pigeons, and fin ally the rivers teem with fish, oysters and clams.-Boston Herald. --On Tuesday afternoon a wind~ storm swept over Clevelad, Ohio. unroofing houses and doing other damage. At one time the dust was U asnt ompletel obscure the WRECKED AMONG PIRATES. The Thriling Adventures of an American Crew. Charles Stuhr, lately steward of the schooner Gellert, who arrived in this port on the stearaship Clyde last Saturday, brought news of the wreck of that vessel on the reefs of the is land of Catalinita, in the Caribean sea, April 21; of the attack of pirates and wreckers, of rescue by a passing tradcr and of the mutinous conduct of the crew. The Gellert, Capt. A. C. Long, sailed from this port Santo Domingo and the San Blas cost with a mixed cargo and carrying a deck load of lumber. A tornado struck the schooner when past the Isle of Pines and made things lively for two. days. The lumber was thrown overboard, but the vessel, still unmanageable was thrown by the surf on the inner reef surrounding Catalinita Island at dawl of April 21. The schooner struck between two rocks and was firmly held. The crew, regardless of discipline, man ned the long boat and went ashore deserting the captain, the mate and steward. They collected some flour and bis cuit and when the sea went down went ashore in the dory. The sai lors had found neither food nor wa ter and welcomed the provisions. A camp was made. That same night three stark naked natives, armed with swords and pis tols, appeared. After some parley they went away to get help to loot the vessel. The crew, already much exhausted, were frightened, and at daybreak lauched the long boat and went out to the vessel, but were un able to reach her. While trying, a native coaster appeared and a num ber of armed men put off in a small boat for the Gellert. The firmness of Capt. Long and the mate, backed by a pair of pistols, kept them off. The savages went ashore, stole the dory and the clothes of the wrecked sailors and went back to their ves sel. The captain and mate, by jumping and swimming from rock to rock, got out on board of the Gellert safely. Wreckers, who were meanwhile flock ing to the shore, failing to entice the sailors ashore, threatened to kill them and began building rafts. Then too, the pirates from tne ccaster made another attempt to board the schooner, bat the captain and mate made a good fight. The sailors, thinking, as they say, that both were killed, put out to sea. They were at sea on their oars for over twenty-four hours, when the ex hausted men were picked up by a trader from Santo Domingo and car ed for. When the captain heard their story he straightway changed his c0'urse-and-wert--to--.the--wreck There they found the captain and mate alive, who had driven off the pirates, wounding several. The two captains decided to transfer the whole or part of the cargo to the trader and take it to Santo Domingo, 150 miles away, but the crew of the Gellert refused to work, claiming that their pay stopped when the schooner was wrecked. They said the captain had no authority over them, and that they were too sick to work anyway. Threats of shooting did not budge them, so the cargo was left on the wrecked vessel and the trader with the Gillert's crew, sailed for Santo Domingo. At that port Capt. Long charged his crew with mutiny. and the men were tried before the British consul and acquitted.-New York Herald. FATE OFITHE FORCE BiLL. Confiting Rtamors of what Wil be Done With It, WismseGTox, D. C., July 12.-Re publican and Democratic Senators have arrived at an informal agree ment by which the tariff bill is to b~e passed within ten days after it is taken up and the election bill post poned until December next. A caucuis of Republican Senators will be held during the present week, at which the agreement will be formally rati fied. The Democratic Senators have plainly told their Republican collea ges within the past few *days that unless an understanding was arrived at by which the elections bill should be abandoned, they would so prolong debate upon the tariff _bill that no vote could be had for many long weeks, if at 'all. The Republicans appreciated the fact that the Demo crats held the whip hand, and they surrendered. The members of the Finance Com-. mittee have been vere- much worried at the strong opposition that has ropped out to the bill whichjthey have reported, and have been at their wits' ends to devise some means of saving it from defeat. The vote in the Senate yesterday by which the consideration of the Tariff bill was postponed frightened the friends ,of the bill badly, and they are wilhing to make any deal to bring about its passage. The Democratic Senators have determined that the elections bill shall not be' considered, even if the session is prolonged into Decem ber, and have plainly made known their view to the Republicans. The result is that the friends of the tariff bill have intimated to the Democrats that if the tariff bill is allow<-d to pass the elections bill will be left un acted upon. It is confidently assert ed by leading Republican Senators that, in view of this agreement, Con gress will be enabled to adjourn by August 1st: A New Cotton Pest. A new and very destructive cotton. pest has appeared in Madison parish. Louisiana, doing great harm to the young cotton plant. The insect. which has never been seen before, is a small beetle, about an inch long, very active on the wing, and able to hop about like a flea. It has devoured almost everything green wherever it has appeared, but particularly the young cotton. which it totally de stros. while the older plants look as though they had been frost--bitten. IThe cotton beetle is as yet confined to only a portion of Madison parish. and an attempt is being made to ex terminate it with Paris green. iSpecimens will be sent to the United States gEntomologist at Washington r clasiflction. THE GROWING CROPS. How They Appear to theCorrespondents -Li South Carolina. The estimate given below are based upon reports received from 237 special correspondents of the Depart ment of Agriculture in every part of the State. Eighty correspondents report the weather favorablo and twenty-five un favorable. COTTON. The condition of the cotton crop, reported at 103 one month ago, is still very high. The warm, dry weath er that has prevailed over the greater part of the State has been most fa vorable for the growth of the plant and the destruction of grass. The crop has been well worked and ii exceptionally clean. At this date the condition is in upper Carolina 101, middle Carolina 101, lower Carolina 100. Average for the State 101, against 88 at the same date in 1889. The outlook for the corn crop is not so good as on June 1st, as the early planting has suffered for rain in some sections. The condition in upper Carolina is reported at 95, middle Carglina 89. lower Caro, lina 90. Average for the State 91, against 97 for the same time last year. RICE. The rice crop is generally in good condition. The acreage, including the June planting, is reported as 2 per cent., less than for 1889. The condition is for upper Carolina 99, middle Carolina 95, lower Carolina 95. Average for the State 96, against 96 at the sar'me time last yegr. WHEAT AND OATS. The small grain crop was harvested in fine condition. Wheat was seri ously injured by z"ust. The yield is estimated at six bushels per acre. The product is estimated at 40 per cent. less than last year. Thirty six correspondents report the quality as good as last year and eighty-three correspondents as better than last year. The yield of oats is estimated at eleven bushel3 per acre. The yield of fall and spring sown was about the same. The total product is esti mated at 22 per cent. less than last year. The quality is reported better by 3 correspondents. as good by 130 and inferior to last yer hy 61 corre spondents. SM.LTER Cr^is. The smaller crops are reported in generally good eondition: Sorghum at 97, sugar cane at 98, sweet pota toes at 96, Irish potatoes at 96. ga den products at 89. peaches at 25, apples and pears at 46, grapes at 83, berries at 81 and watermelons at 95. _______ _ THE VALUE OF TURNiPS. Crops-When and Ho -to Plant. In cool climates the turnip crop is quite an important one, being used quite extensively for feeding sheep. The climate of the cotton States does not suit the turnip sufficiently well to warrant its being ranked as a staple crop. Other crops, like the sweet potato, can be raised more easily and profitably for stock feed. Still the', urnip has some value as a succulent stock food in winter, and coitributes omething to the health of stock, hough not very nutritious. For ta ble and for stock it should claim at east a patch on every farm. Success in raising the turnip de pends very largely on the preparation >f the land, almost as much as in the anure applied. Perhaps no crop emands finer tilth. It is important, herefore, to begin the preparation of urnip land early. It is none too arly now to begin. The first~ thing s to break the land thoroughly and eep. If left all cloddy the roller and arrow should follow th~e plow at once. After the next rainfall plow I gain across the first, and follow as efore with roller and barrow. If one has no roller, make a drag, by niling lumber 10x2 to. two slides sloped upward at front, nailed on veatherboard fashion, and drag it ver the land. It will grind and pul erize the clods very nicely. About ive pieces eight feet long will suffice. This is a very valuable implement on farm. Next to preparation comes manur ng. Turnips will not grow on poor and-it should be made exceedingly ich. Cow-penning is excellent for he purpose, but this practice is be oming less practiced than it used to be. Some stable or lot manure should be put on the land before the flrst lowing, with a view to getting it ined and well mixed with the soiLK Before the second plowing this should* be supplemented with a heavy dress ng ofphosphate-say. at the rate of 1000 pounds per acre. This fertili er is peculiarly adapted to the tur ip. Some nitrogen and some potash re needed also, but phosphate is the hief m-anure it calls for. Not only should a liberal dressing of this be given broadcast, but if the seed are hilled a little phosphate should be put in the drill also, to push the crop forward rapidly out of the way of the fla bug. A moderate dressing of otton seed meal and some ashes or kainit should be given ~also. On excessively rich land fine crops f turnips may be raised by sowing seed broadcast, but on ordinary land better results will follow sowing in rills two to two and a half feet apart, thinning out the crop and working it with plow and hoe. Our experience is, that in our hot, dry climate the turnip should not be sown early from first of August to middle of Sep tember is the best seeding period. The rutabagas first and the flat Dutch afterwards.-W. L. Jones in Atlanta Constitution. A Fortune in a Horse. Maj. Campbell Brown, Spring T-7l11 Tenn., lately paid 812.500 for a half interest in the trotting stallion Mc Ewen, which got a record of 2:18' last year as a 4-ear-old. McEwen was sired by McDurdys Hambleton ian (2.26i), son of Harold. His dam, Mary LX.. is the dam of Annie -W., (2:20) arid Audante (2:2039 -Mr. Noah Clemnts&. an aged and highly resnected citizen2 of Darling ton county. died Sunday night last of hydrophobia. He died forty-three lays after having been bitten by the rabid animal, and his death occurred undr peculiarly sad circumstances.