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S. A. NETTLES, Editor. WEDNESDAY, MAY 16, 1888. DEMOCRATIC COUNTY CONVENTIO) The Democratic County Convention c Clarendon county met last Saturday morn ing about 11.30,. u., in the court house and was called to order by County Chair man James E. Davis. The roll of delegate .ias called, and the convention was orgar ized, with the following delegates present: BzrHE-r Civar-R H Griffin: J D Hoyle, L I DeSchamps. Czmmmo -B P Barron, Dr J I Ingran S S Wilson, Louis Appelt, B S Dinkini D JBradham, W M Plowden. Caoss Roas-Col H L Benbow, W I Dingle, J M Davis J E Tennant, M E Mel lette. DEEP CBEEE-T Wilson, J A Mills, Jame "J Holliday. FoazsroNi-W B Bonham. L M McRoy Dr A J White, J H Burgess, B P Fulton. FoBS-R L Logan Sr, Jas M Montgomery J J Brnson, ED Hodge, S J McFaddin Faransme-Col J 0 Brock, J P Brock T H Harvin, W E Felder. FuvroN-J 33roughton, H B Richardson Hamxosex-E E Plowden, Sr, E R Plo's den, Jr, E MMontgomery. . Jo x-C M Davis, Jos Sprott. Jr, C I Pack, JElbert Davis, H A Tisdale, J I Sprott, W T Sprott. Maano--JFRhame, A Levi, E M Hodge P G Benbow, W J Clark, P B M2ouzon. Mrnwar-F P Cooper, 3 S Evans, J 3 - Player. .Morrs . Nw Tow -J L Steadman, B L Gowdy Nzw Zro-W D Gamble, Dr I M Woods A Boykin, R S 3ellett, Harper Johnson, V J Gibbons, 3 C Baker. 'aCs=m2-G W Broadway, T J Tisdale OBFBaker, JETindal. Sarm Swa-F M Barwick, E G Da Boss, A W Thames, W S Briggs, A P Hill Jas W MoCauley. John P CarroL - SAms Gova-T E Shannon, W D M %addin. Sumro- M Mcenight, J CIngram S B Cole, B E Bryant. tD Joahn L Ingram was then, on motioi of Col.- H L, Benbow, elected permanen chairman; and Mr. E. R. Plowden, Jr secretary. Maj. P. G. Benbow moved the all speeches in this convention be restricte to its minutes, and that no one speak mor " that twice on the same subject. Dr. Wood and Mr. E. G. DuBose thought the time to short, and on motion of Dr. Woods the tim Was made ten minute& The folldwing Executive Committee wa J. W. Osborne, Bethel 1. B. Dexhamps, Calvary. J. & Wilson, Clarendon, J.B Mellette, Cross Roads. r . A. Mills, Deep Creek. C. S. Land, Foreston. . D. HFdge. Pork. J. G. Brock, Friendship. A..M. Brailsford, Felton. -L S. Cole, Harmony. V. M. Davis, Jordan. J. F. Rhame, Manning. F. P. Cooper, Midway. Motts. B. L. Gowdy, New Town. W. D. Gamble. New Zion. JB. Tindal, Packsville. B. i. DuBose, Sammy Swamp. T. E. Shannon, Sandy Grove. R.,M. MKnight Summerton. Mr. JamesE. Diavis wasre-elected Count - hairman. Itwas moved and carried tha delegates to the State Convention be nomi - ated from the joor, and elected by ballol About fifteln persons were nominated, bu six of these withdrew their names. Al lectionwas then entered into with the fol lowingxsnlt: W. D. Gamble, 68 C.& Land, 64 C. I. Davis, 52 John 0. Brock, 44 Jas.BE. Tndal, 37 W.&S. -s 34 L. H.Dexcnamps, 19 Renattnng, 28 TheILIre were sixty-nine votes cast. Th -frst six hauing received the highaestnumbe oe votes were declared the delegates. Th next three were, on motion, elected altel Mr. F. P. Cooper introduced the fobos - ng resolution: - Besolved st, That it is the sense of thi cenvention that it will be unwise and in for the coming convention to non 2nThat this convention heartily en dorses the administration of Grover Clev4 land, and indulges the hope that he will b -unanimously re-nominated by acclamatior Adopted. * B.P. Barson, Esq., offered the following Wmzeman it is the sentiment of this cor vention that the administration of Presider Cleveland has been emmnently wise an highy beneficial to the country at larg. - ha his suggestions for reform mark i eminent degree his fitness for the exalte place he holds; That the measures now being discusse in the halls of national legislation for carr ing out his suggestions and the argument made thereon demonstrate the wisdomC his recommendations in respect to the in portant matters of reducing the surplus an reforming the tariff and his high purpos in presenting the subject as ha did; That his course has inspired confident and the country is the better for his admiz istration; That while we recognize in ti Democratic-party the spirit and purpos which best protects and promo'es the gei eml-welfare, we find in no individual of ti party or citizen of the United States or mow eapable, worthy, or better qualified f< the discharge of the responsible trusts yes ed in the President of the United State than Grover Cleveland; .That irrespective of party lines the inte ests of the whole-country will be best col sulted by re-electing him; wherefore, be Raoed. That the Democrats of Clarei don county, by this convention, hearti] endorse the administration of Preside3 Cleveland.. Besokved, That-the delegates to our Sta convention are instructed to support f~ delegates to the St. Louis convention on such as will unswervingly and energetical urge the re-nomination to the Presidency Grover Cleveland. Adopted. Mr. J. A. Mills presented the followit paper which was adopted: Wumrms we the citizens of Clarend< county, have watched with just pride tl eareer of our distinguished fellow-citize the Hon. John.P. Richardson, while cc pring the position of Governor of the Stal ad believing that he has discharged b obligations to the whole s'tate with marks faithfulness and ability; therefore, be it: 1. That we take this opportunity of i dom-n the Hon. J. P. Richardson. for seodterm.. 2. That the efficiency of the present cor ef State officers has gained our uzfqualifi On motion of A. Levi, Esq., the following C was adopted: WEsJs, we understand that there may be two candidates for congressional honors . in this county; Be it resolved, that this convention do not G elect delegates to the congressional conven .tion. Be it further resolved, That as there is only C one candidate from this county for the office of Solicitor, that this convention pro ceed to the election of delegates to the ju- G * dicial convention. This was the first matter brought before the convention that seemed to be of inter- ( est to the delegates. Speeches were made t by A. Levi, L i. Woods, E. G. DuBose, W. _ B. Bonham, H. L. Benbow, and some others, most of whom advocated the elec tion of judicial delegates. Two or three, Z however, while doubting the propriety of electing delegates just now, yet would not t oppose it as the interest of a county man was at stake. The resolutions were put separately. The first was carried unani - mously; the second with only one dissent ing vote. The convention during the dis cession of this resolution was quite enthu siastic for John S. Wilson, Esq., for solic itor, and repeatedly indulged in loud cheer ing. The following delegates were nomi nated and elected to the judicial' conven tion: e S. R. Cole, W. B. Bonham, J. P. Brock, A. Levi, Thos. Wilson, W. D. Gamble. Mr. John C. Ingram moved that the county chairman be urged to use his influ ence to bring the judicial convention to Manning. Mr L. Appelt moved that the 9 judicial delegation be empowered to fill A vacancies in the delegation should any oc- A cur. Both motions were carried. B The following resolution, offered by A. Levi, Esq., was unanimously adopted. C Resolved, That this convention, having C full confidence in the integrity, competen- C cy, and legal ability of John S. Wilson, do C - hereby heartily endorse him for Solicitor of C the third judicial circuit, and that the del- I egates elected to the judicial convention are E e hereby instructed to vote for John S. Wil- F son, so long as there is any shadow of a G chance for his election. G Hon. J. F. Rhame moved: B That the County Executive Committee B t shall refer the question as to how nomina tions for county officers for the ensuing election shall be made to the respective if t Democrat% clubs of the county; that upon o a day to be appointed by the said commit- Y a tee an election shall be held by each club in R the county for delegates to meet in con n- s tion at a time and place to be appoL ed by p i such committee, to then and there decide t a the question so referred. Adopted. 5 B. S. Dinkins, Esq., moved: That it is the sentiment of this conven tion that the primary plan of nominating State officers and a congressman and so licitor is cumbersome, impracticable, and im politic, and that our representatives favor the convention plan for these officers. Adopted. C Mr. E. G. DuBose, as usual with him, C had a superabundance of gas on hand, and this time Dr. Woods was the subject of his 5 discourse. His remarks created a great ii deal of fun and laughter, and Dr. Woods P seemed to enjoy it as much as any one. G Dr. Woods was rather complimented by the S remarks. "Uncle Ellie" is certainly the C silver-tongued orator of all the meetings and conventions he attends. The convention after having been in ses v sion for more than four hours was adjourn- S ted sine die. C - The Executive Committee met immedi- 11 ,ately after the convention adjourned, and i torganized by electing James E. Davis chair- F Sman, and Frank P. Cooper secretary. On - motion the committee then adjourned to meet again Thursday, May 24th- al Nozza. ti --The convention was very harmonious si in all its proceedings. i --Mr. W. D. Gamble received every vote d of the convention but one (his own), for c delegate to State convention. --Tbree of the six delegates to the Statea convention are from the Jordan club. -The rnin just before, during, and af ter the convention, considerably marred 01 Sthe pleasantness of the day. S-There were no delegates to the conven tion from Bethel or Motts club. The con vention elected J. W. Osborne member of? -the Executive Committee from Bethel, and decided that whoever was member of the -committee from Motts two years ago should , remain the member for the next two years. - - Foreston's Troubles. C -FoBESroN, May 14-The farmers havea smiling faces, this morning, as we had fine i -rains last week, and everything is booming. -But in the brightest day there is always a cloud to be seen. The merchants are now threatening to bring suit for damage against0 the corn planter. They say the cracking ~ of the corn growing is frightening the horses i of their customers, so that they are afraid to come to market. There is always some trouble. The only way out of the difficulty is to learn their customers the art of pull9 ing wool over the animals' ears. We had two very able sermons yeste-rday b from the Rev. T. J. Booke, of your town. Trouble again, as it is a month before he will visit us again. Young Frierson is do ing well. POP. A Tunnel Niearly Two Miles Long. e Sr. PA., May 2.-The great tunnel through the Cascade Mountains on the e Northern Pacific Road will let daylight tthrough the rock some time to-day. The workmen on both sides are now within e hearing distance. The tunnel, which is e 9,900 feet long, is through solid rock nearly . all the way, and has been finished as the e work proceeded. When the final piercing e is accomplished there will be nothing left rto do but to lay a track. Trains will be running through it within two weeks. The s tunnel was begun early in 1896, and the contract was for about $2,000,000. The - work has been carried on by electric light, - the power to generate which is supplied by t a small mountain stream which flows down - the mountain and. falls directly over the y mouth of the tunnel. Thornwell Orphanage. In the Thornwdl Orphanage, Clinton, S. C., are fity-five orphans. They' are from the St!ates yof S. (kzrolina, Georgia, I'lorida, Tennessee, 3lis sissippi,'1ers, illinois, Maryu~land and Massa chusetts. The'yare from the Presbyterian, Meth odist, (Ep4iscopal a-nd Protestant,) Baptist, Episcopalian, and Lutb~ran deoinations. g They are taught only in schiool-room, but are jit' ted, by practical labor, for life's battles.2Ko sr children do it alL The boyjs learn printing, farm le kngadnigad carpenteing The idea of -hlping thmselves" is carefully inculdcat ed. The support oft thsInstitution depends on those toho love to help the fatherless, as no orphan wcith property is admitted. Gifs for their support should be sent to Rev,. Win. P. Jacobs, Clinton, b ~. C. The Inst itut ion has growcn to such pro portions, that a central building for dining-room and kitchen purposes is to be built, the corner astone of wchich will be laid on May 28th. The ,Sunday-schools are all asked to contribute to its erection. Th malest gift ihlp. B- Get yur grist, el and umbel r frmD, TORPID LIVER, Is known by these marked peculiarities: L A feeling of weariness and pains in the limbs. 2. Bad breath, bad taste in the montf, and furred tongue. 3. Constipation, with occasional attacks of diarrhoea. 4. Headache, in the front of the bead: nausea, dizziness, and yellowness of skin. 5. Heartburn, loss of appetite. 6. Distention of the stomach and bowels by wind. 7. Depression of spirits, and great melan choy, with lassitude and a disposition to leave everything for to-morrow. A natural flow of Bile from the Liver is essential to good health. When this is obstructed it results in BILIOUSNES, which, If neglected soon leads to serious diseases. Simmons Liver tegulator exerts amostfelicitousinfluence over every kind of biliousness. it restores the Liver to prpr-oking order, regulates the sece. ion of bile and puts the digestive ora In such condition that they can do their beet work. After taking this medicine no one will say, "I am bilious." "I have been sulbject to severe spells of Coa gestion of the Liver, and have been in the habit of taking from x3 to so grains of calomel which gen erally laidme up for three or four days. Lately t have, been taking immos Liver Regulator, which gave me reifwithout any interruption to basiness.'-J eoUG, Middleport, Ohio. le, - OL GENrUIAE has our Z stamp in red on front of Wrapper . .N.zeiltn a Co., Ebiladeiphla, Pa. .A. L30 VI, Attorney at Law. Manning, S.C. ls Notary Public with sea]. W. F. B. HaYsswornT, Sumter S, C. B. S. Drxrss, MaYsNro, S. C HAYNSWORTH & DINKINS, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, MANNING, S. C, JOHN S. WILSON, Attorney and Counsellor at Law, w9MMig. s. C. JOSEPH F. RHAME, ATTORNEY AT LAW. MANNING. S. C. Valuable Florida Land for Sale, I give notice, that I am agent for the Land Department of the Florida Southern Railway Company, which owns large bodies of valuable and choice lands in va rious parts of the State of Florida, now on the market in quantities to suit purchasers. Any information wanted concerning these lands can be obtained by applying to the un dersigned. JOSEPH F. RHAME, Manning, S. C. F. N. Wilson, INSURANCE AGENT MANNING, S. C. DR. G. ALLEN HU1GGINS ''FlNTIST. Manning and Kiingstree. -Orca DAs Kingstree, fronm 1st to 12th of each month. Manning, from 12th to 1st of each month. - OrrcE Horts 9A.M.tolP.M. and2to4P. M. MACHIERY FORSALE! To The People of Clarendon: I am the Agent for the Cei ebrated REVOLVING HE AD PRATT GIN, LIDDEIL & Co.'S Engines and Boilers. I am sole agent in this couxty for the BOSS COTTON PEESS. Corn Mils, Fulleys, Shaft ig, etc. a.. All this machinery is direct from the factory and will be sold at the Factory's Lowest Cash Prices. It will be to the advantage of purchasers to call on me .before byg. W. SCOTT HARVIN, *Manning, S. C. PHLADELPHIA SINGER. High Low $28. * $20. y own ous B~ bY U aN TE C. A. WOOD CO.,Imis~i".'4, EfA7!lAXLE I iii~riGR EASE BEST IN THE WOELD. Is wearing qualities are unsurnansd actuall froma'i~ins&"ET E GENUIN(E. jOB S&L aY >FAIJES GENEALL.Y., )id What Doctors Could Not Do. "About .Auqust i st, 1865, an ruption appeared on my arms nd legs, which pained me much nd seemed to affect my physical ondition generally. Under reatment of a physician the sores isappeared except on my left leg. Chere it seemed to concentrate, ,nd two-thirds of the limb from pe knee to the ankle soon became solid running sore that dis harged bloody matter continual 1. Iwas treated by many phy icians at various times. but ob zined no permanent relief. On pe advice of a physzcian at this lace, Ifnally commenced using iwift's Specific. I am glad to ay that after using three large ottles the sore.;- have all healed." G. N. FRIZZELL. Farmersville, Texas. Treatise on Blood and Skin Dis ases mailed free. THE SWr SPECIm Co., Drawer 3, .tla ta, Ga. The Pensions by Counties. The following is the number of pensions :anted in each of the counties of the State: bbeville........ 28 Kershaw ..... 25 iken ...........18 Lancaster 37 aderson........65 Laurens. 59 arwell .......21 Lexington. 33 eaufort......... 1 Marion......47 erkeley ........ 6 Marlboro. 27 barleston.......26 Newberry 26 bester... ......20 Oconee......36 besterfield......21 Orangeburg 1 arendon .......45 Pickens. 34 lleton ........15 Richland. 35 arlington.......38 Spartcnnrg 133 dgefeld ........45 Sumter.......9 airfield ........25 Union.......39 reenville .......37 Williamsburg 20 eorgetown.......1 York........72 ampton ........ 32 orry .......... 11 ...... 1,085 Simmons Liver Rxgulato what the name indicates a - hgnlator" that most impor6ant organ, the Liver. Is 2ur Liver out of order? Th.n is your hole system deranged, the breath offen 1e, you have headache, feel languid. di5 irited, and nervous, no appetite, sleep is oubled and unrefresuing. Simmons Liver egulator restores the healthy action of the iver. See that you get the Genuine, pre ared by J. H. Zelin & Co. 4th Regiment, 3rd Brigade. The followi3g is a list of the staff and ld officers of the Fourth Regiment, Third rigade. S. C. V. T.: Lieutenant-Colonel, ionald . Auld, Sumter; Major, George rown, Darlington; Adjutant, Lawrence S. arsen. Sumter; Judge-Advocate, F. W. rosswell, Sumtar; Quartermaster, Z. T. ershaw, Florence; Surgeon, J. W. King, lorence; Paymaster, E. V. Green, Sumter. he regiment is composed of the five follow ig ompanie,, all of which expect to be resent at the Greenville encampment: Gor en anifes, Bennettsville; Darlington uards, Darlington; Sumter Light Ineantry, amter; Florence Rifles, Florence; Manning ards, Manning. BUCKLEN'S ARNICA SALVE. The best salve in the world for Cuts, ruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever ~riae, Te.r Chappe H.iuantCillones, onsad .ald, Su er;ptions, G orgie resne,rlino pduat reqrence IS rasnte r; gv perfectdvoateat, . rW onrened.ymase 25 c.Grens Sero. Thi remedy is cominsedo heieollown opnell whof which uedxect Bt e reesenteit and tenis ncaramntee o nllth Rif l . cti Benn ttsvle;Drington ealls Dsasesngon; Sthe Ligh Inaintry, llerremoree iles, Bolorece Saltningm cl rive Malania n r sTa el es sauve inl Maelaria fevrs Fors renof adache Ckinsption and ositie stan trEletie Bier.entr satisfacr ogarndomoney refunded. Price25ensprb. cen sand by pr tl Dinkins & Co. s Thi Streeyi. eoig owl nw nga the followng: r.s. AH purrisd ieoes Ark. sayst ai s dowrnwthe Ab res alf Lunseaefth ie and fredsadeysan onouhed affcins Icale Conumpive.oo et a weias cDr alngl Newariscver for nuptreofHeda, mnonipathiad bottle in betry Elctiv Bters . Entire o mytifam isth gfarantedircmney evrfunde.Pic J ens andlewprt Dotecatur hios, says: rug Store. ewark,. PAk, s, ad down sithAb :essoflj Longs, pn ricendslco ande psci-and ronsancd ean oIcurabl ornse umve Allumptions are fobiddn mplohing bttle Sle owg namdverstho, an thy er m ioyte fornte yearin 188,asrme." s Had hav leot withort cauKgse Nw:is Aey personsempoiong ths woull bae prosd ocdto the eni t of heal." r H. Sapebi Ies fre UtDGnins, &C.' Fonan resses.Ma L1ric 1888. ac, olm CAVR UTION!RDR dhae et tout caurse: t w BRUTUS NEDG "iCIEf~R~~ -t TOI.O 5 E *GHT- UNNJN C . .U MOSES LE THE CHAMPION LOW PRICE LEADER, 1 AND SUMMER. GRAND BUSINESS STA Opening the season with a blaze of glory. All departments complete in e' exquisite styles in Dress Goods. Ladies we solicit your inspection. A well and childrens dresses, with Torchon Trimming to suit. A nice line of heavy thing. A tremendous line of colored Muslin from 5 to 12c. A beautiful lot of white goods, 3arseils, Nainsooks, India Lawn, Persian Lawn, India Mull, specialty, and iun from 7 to 35c. A large assortment of Seersuckers, both fo of Ginghams, embracing all the finer qualities, such as Toile Du Nords, Special bargains offered in the fine Dress Goods department. This line is c< market to undersell us. A nice line of Lace Curtains. A splendid assortmen tains. Hamburg Edging and Inserting in all styles. A fine assortment of O on hand a very large and carefully selected stock of Shoes. We would call sj Shoes, and the celebrated Zeigler Shoe. A large lot of Children's Spring He Old ladies low-quartered Shoes. Clothing buyers will find just what they wa Ready-made Clothing and of fine goods. It is needlesss for us to say any thing about our Grocery Depari It is fully supplied with everything needed, whether in the heavy or fancy lin prices. We want to see you; we want to sell to you. CITIZENS OF CLARENDON! STAND BY YOUR COUNTY SEAT! LOUIS LOYNS TO THE FRONT! Having selected my stock with utmost care, I can safely say that it is the most complete line ever offered by me since 1871, consisting of ALL WOOL ALBATROSS, Striped and Plain, GINGHAMS, Plain and Crinkled SEERSUCKERS, DIAGONAL SATINE and CASHMERE, ROMAN DRAPERY, SCRIM NET, WARWICK PLAIDS, NUN'S VEILING. WHITE GOODS and TRIMMINGS A SPECIALTY. Ladies' and Misses' Corsets, Lisle Thread Hose, Chair Tidies, Lamp Mats, Linen Towels, &c., &c. Oil Window Shades, all Colors, at Prices which are sure to please. -:o: My stock of SHOES Men's Boys' and can't be beat for COM- Children's C L 0 T H - FORT and LAST. IN G in L A T EST Latest novelties in Men's Boys' and Chli- STYLES, and P E R dren's Straw Hats. FECT FIT. My stock of GROCERIES is always FRESH and at LOWEST PRICES. CROCKERY-WARE, TIN-WARE, HARD-WARE, and FARM ING IMPLEMENTS. I do not quote prices as they mislead, but I like opposition and I defy competition. Don't mind showing goods. Coma and con vince yourself. Samples given with pleasure. Thanking the public for their past hberal patronage, andsolicit ing a continuance of same, I am, very Respectfully, LOUIS LOYNS. Co .A DIES'_EMPOR IUM _ LiiTWO DOORS BELOW RIGBY'S,ii -0 Jyannirng, S. C. 00 ~-(0)-_ WE respectfully call attention to this new Enterprise,: ?iV whic.h meets a long felt want in this community. 00 --A FIRST CLASS a iLadies'Store - WITH COMPLETE AND) CAREFULLY sELECTED STOCK, AND WITH THE: MILLINERY AND DRESS MAEING ,00 ~Department in highly competent hands. We are now re-g ceiving the Prettiest and Cheapest stock of Dress Goods: ~fwith Trimmings of all kinds to match, White Goods withE the newest kinds of Embroideries and Laces, Neckwear,: oGloves, Fans, Parasols, Corsets, Bustles. All of the La-o r test Styles. Also, an Elegant Line of French and American Millinery.0 I will be assisted in the dress making Department byg Miss Epps, a lady of rare taste and skill, from the city of Charleston. Ladies from the country will - find for their accommodation a comfortable 00PRIVATE ROOM. Mas. L. A. BROWN, Manager. Mrs. A. Edwards Keeps always on hand at the MANNING BAKERY, a full supply, and choice assortment, of FAM~ILY AND FAN~CY GROCERIES. Bread, Oake,0andy,Fruit,Etc. I always give a full 100 cents worth of goods for the Dollar MRS. A. EDWARDS, Manning, S. C. -gSEEDS. SE EDS. :|| In Stock in Their Season, and for Sale by LORIOK & LOWRANC.E COLUMBIA, S. C. SEED CORN-Shoe Peg, Golden Dent, White Flint, Red Cob, etc. Seed Rye, Barle~y, Wheat, Oats', and Clover. Onnnn Ga.uss, BLUE GRass, Timothy, Red 'Top, Mixed Lawn, Lucerne, Millet. KAFFIR CORN, GARDEN and FLOWER Seed generally. __Irish and Sweet Potatoes for Seed. m~ Farmens havig Maromots Seed to sell, please correspond with us Lornck & Lowrance. rvI .5 EADY FOR SPRING RTERS. ery detail. Grand accumulation of elected stock of Linens for ladies Linen Duck for gents' and boys' clo India Lawn, 15e. A magnificent line and Victoria Lawn; these goods are a ladies and gents. A complete line Corded Ginghams, Suitings, &c. mplete and we defy any Southern t of white and colored Scrim for 'ur iental and Torchon Laces. We have ecial attention to our Common-sense el Shoes, ladies and children Slippers. nt. We have an immense stock of ment. e-and every thing sold at bottom F. VON OVEN, SUCCESSOR TO C. 0. ABRENS. Staple and Fancy Orooeis T ABLE LUXURIES, WINES- LiQUORS, 237 3?C Street, Charleston, S. C. [GEo. E. Tous. Hzanr Oravz.] Geo.E, Toale & Co. M3ANUFACTURERS AND WHOLESALE - A T . Doors, Sash, Blinds, Mouldings, Mantels, Grates, etc. Scroll Work, Turning and Inside Finish. Builder's Hard ware, and General Building Material. OFFICE AND SALESROOMS, 10 and 12 Hayne Street, BEAR CHARLESTON HOTEL, Charleston, S. C: All Work Guaranteed. iWrite for estimtes. [EsTAiSnD 1855.] James Alla & 5. The place to get reliable goods, Watches, J'ewry-,;~ve ware, Clocks, -Sil ver Plated-ware, Spec tacles, and Eye-glasses. Spscial attention is called to our stock of' Watches in Gold and silver and Nickel cases. Best Goods at Lowest Prices. :silver Double Case Watches, $7.50, $10.00, and s15, up to the finest railroad time piece. Ladies' Gold Watches $30, $40, and $a' and upwards. A fne stock of surveyors' and Draght men's tools and material. pi Watches and Jewelry carefully re paired. JAMES ALLAN & Co., 285 KING STRm', [sroN OF DRUM o0o.) -. CHARLESTON, S. C. C. 1. Hoyt & Bro., Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Silverware, etc. ais RIPAInrNG A SPECL&ETr- "i Main Street, - - Sumter, S. C. CHARLESTON - STEAM DYE WORKS, 32& KING STnEEE, Side, - - Near George Work Delivered Free of Charge. LADIES9PYE Do Your Own Dyeing, at rene. They denoteroek ere sut$OOaln 7onale by J. G. Dinkins & Co., M.anning,, s, C. Manning Shaving Parler. HIR eU'l'PI ARTISTICALLY EZECUTED. and shaving done with best Razors. s eo ial attention paid to shampooig es hI hve hftd considerable experience in several large cities, and guarantee satisfac tion to my customers. Parlor next door to E. D; HAMILTON.