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A Bold Robery. We clip the following from the Williamsburg County Record: A theft was committed in this town on last Friday afternoon, which for boldness of audacity is without a pre cedent in this section. George Bar rows, a colored man, who lives a few miles out of town came into this place in his buggy, drove into Mr. John Coleman's lot at the corner of Main and Academy streets, took his horse and left him with the harness on. Late in the afternoon a young colored man, unknown here, went into the lot, mounted the horse with the har ness on and rode quietly and leisurely out of town. Several persons, who knew Burrow's horse, saw the thief on him, but thought nothing of it un til Burrows went to get his horse and could not find him. Then it w-is that they remembered the circumstance and informed the owner, who, as soon as he could get ready, pursued the thief, who took the public road lead ing from this place in the direction of Sumter. We hear that the thief stop ped at a gentleman's house a few miles from Kiugstree and asked him to loan him a saddle for a short time. telling him that his brother had been shot and killed in Kingstree, and that he was in a hurry to inform his sister, who lived a short distance up the road. He got the saddle and the latest infor mation of him is, that Burrows came up with him near Camden and shot at him, but he succeeded in escaping on the horse. Burrows is still in pur suit. THETR BUSINESS BOOMING. Probably no one thing has caused such a general revival of trade at J. G. Diukins & Co's Drug Store as their giving away to their customers of so many free trial bottles of Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption. Their trade is simply enormous in this very valuable article from the fact. that it alwvs cures and never disappoints. Coughs, Colds, Aethma, Bronchitis, Croup. and all throat and lung diseases quickly cured. You can test it beforo buying by getting a tri.: bottle free. large size $1. Every bottle w.;arranted. When a Kentuckian sued a doctor for malpractice he didn't suppose the physician could have any defence. He was therefore paralyzed when twerty-four doctors took the stand and swore they would have set a brok en limb just that way. BRACE UP. You are feeling depressed, your appetite is poor, you are bothered with Headache, you are fidgetty, nervous, and generally out of sorts, and want to brace up. Brace up, but not with stimulants, spring medicines, or bitters, which have for their basis very cheap, bad whiskey, and which stimulate you for an hour, and then leave you in worse condition than before. What you want is an alterative that will purify your blood. atart healthy action of Liver and Kidneys. restr your vitality, and give renewed health, and strength. Such a medicine you wil find in Electric Bitters, and only 50 cents a bottle at J. G. Dinkins & Co's Drug Store. When Farmer E. D. Higby, of Tocsin, I., went to his well to draw a pail of water the other morning he found, where the water had been, nothing but a black hole, which up to date had been unfathomed. This is Sone of the instances on record of the botflm droppiog out of a well. Bueklen's Arnica Salve. The best salve in the world for Cuts. Brues, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever -Sores, Tetter. Chapped Hands, Chilblains. -Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and positive y~ores Piles, or no pay required. It is .guaanteed to give perfect satisfaction, or. 7money refunded. Brice 25 cents per box 7Far sale by Dinkins & Co. Two unknown men attempted to enter the house of Mrs. John Botts, of Chadron, Neb.. and when she told them to go away one pulled a revolver. 2 hereupon Mrs. Botts pulled her re r olver and fired first, putting a bullet Sthrough the stomach of one and into the thigh of the other intruder. One wound was fatal, the other uncertain. Giye Them a Chance. That is to say, your lungs. Also ..ajl your breathing machinery. Very 'wonderful machinery it is. Not only the larger air passages, but the thous Sands of little tubes and cavities lead inmg from them. When these are clogged and chok ed with matter which ought not to be ~there, your lungs cannot half do their work And what they do, they can ~not do well. Call it cold, cough, croup, pneumo nmia, catarrh, consumption or any of he family of throat and nose and 5%ea andlung obstructions, all are d. Alought to be got rid of. EThere is just one sure way to get rid of them. Tiaat is to take Boschee's SGerman Syrup, which any druggist twil sell you at 75 cents a bottle. Even feverything else has faild you, you i may depend upon this for certain. SA special from Columbia, Texas ?says: In a fight Sunday night, in Mat iagorda county, between a large mob' zof negroes and a posse of whites, four 'negroes were killed. It is not known how many were wounded. Two whites ost two horses in the fight. The trouble arose over the killing of a colored constable who had started out i-o arrest a white planter. TE EFFECT OF SLEEPING IN CARS the contracti'g of cold, which often re ~slsseriously to the lungs. Never neglect cold, but take in time Taylor's Cherokee edy of Sweet Gum and Mullein-na e's great caugh medicine. ~A little girl wasn't far wrong when told her Sunday-school teacher, anwrto the question, "What is was "cause we ain't got any." We .Call say that. ;adies will find relief from their Costive Swimming in the Head, Colic, Sour mach, Headache, Kidney trubles, etc,. aeking a dose of Simmons Liver Regula after dinner or supper, so as to move bowels once a day. Mothers will have health and the babies will grow more by using the Regulator. If an infant signs of Colica nothing like a few ps in water for relief. The Genuine has red Z on frontof Wrapper. Compare this with your purctSae: P I |3iR CSS ALYl KEDII0E AN : f5. [g P3_ariemton O. D. stoc in Whe s, e , Di amndlbcs.. Jewelry ~ c- L-D. S eelng el rer Z Siv r ae ar, Brn te flamps, oine China, SfApe a.rn~l Ey te Gles vt ealads to a xamie or J.oodse!r a(tc:,.eshe is.=u RZ Te SSie &M( ' U. [,-. I W oferalag nd Jew ry, CAEULLY RtEAIED StA..k iU A6s 'fflo* n D - s-r Goons. -e. - - er PRS CE 28 v1r. Silv er Pae vr , cne L pii FCHARSpetOs. . ! ac Gost h an peutp5!:. Buysa re.'!~ the P Xalak - e al Goo, Wolke. onsk ie, is Barnis efr u clasin i WINESG SRANDIE JEW EQUORS, 285h maKing Atrhs oteri lstO iac DinI athe nhot ewehr, anStering ini; oratsil or te witer.nee Lhis, CHA. Specaes. S Old N.C C6 orecn, sng SWeChest Whiskey ongl ReI. CIARS ,S.C COM WITH ARE TOTS Te aac guarantend S Wolkviskie, et His plae is gert chas bgin is a ithek store pues M.ES KLOISKYAD nea the arendthi ounter. esvad Boys Coedy Fancy Dlinks foots, ho ete, and atin ni. oerathing to te woninr Se firs ls CL SpeialtiSTOR Gcldn Gra soldewee Old agntfor TnigMnfc ryAndwl ay th fullest ofce >rRa HI, Otto Sin, FxSn ad Be isfacto,.an d M. KALISKY, et When T Sumter, S C. Dry Goods and Notions. We have in stock the finest assort ment of Dry Goods and Notions ever brought to Sumter and at prices so as to create surprise and place us be yond competition. Wraps, Circulars, Cloaks, Jer seys, Walking Jackets. Special attention is called to our Ladies' Robe Dress Patterns, from $7.50 to $2-,00. CAL1COES 3j cts. MUSLINS3. ts. Our stock of LADIES' HATS cannot be excelled. We have on hand an endless variety from the "lose of a bon net" to the ordinary sun shade, ,si%:rir~& AVs_. ranging in price from 50 cts. to $5.00. Ladies' Shoes. A very popular Shoe for the ladies, is our $1.00 shoe, which gives unprecedented satisfaction. We have on hand a tt of fine Ladies' Shoes at $2.50; every pair warranted. Sole agent for A. S. BROWN, DON' T BUY BF L.AR. C ALL THE Ll The only hous Patent Square Men's and Boyi Ou~r stook or1 he sold at prices that can Men and Boys Hats, from 25 cents for $5.50. Our 75 cents shirts are equ A WELL KIS A Dealer who makes a Specialt ways supply the Best Go IT IS TIIEREFOR E T( Buiy Your: R.W. DUR -The kep inl stock e and would call ospecial attent on to a RUBBER AN LEA in all widths, with Rive and 1B STOVES OF EVERY VA: A large and si Chiina and. ndthe Snest and largest assortnient 0f T. SCISSORS, &c., from the best factorieso tion has been baid to the selectio: Wagon Material of evi Single and Double Muzzle and Breech &c. Rembmber this is the ONLY ] and will be suipporte< R. ~ou Visit Surnal 0 ' DONNE 30.3P. 31L.OiClcE CA3C-, Rochester, New York. NOVELTIES: A fine line of All-Wool Flannel Stripes and Plaids at 50 cts. per yard. Gents' Hats. I 100 dozen from 25 cents to $1.50:-cant be bought elsewhere for less than $2.00 to $3.00. Regulars from $1.00 to $3.00. Clothing for Gents. $1.50 to $25.00 a suit. Overcoats $6 to $18. We are also prepared to furnish from our immense stock, suits of latest styles, for boys of all age6 at from $2.00 to $9.00 a snit. Neck Ties-Latest Designs. 5 cents to 75 cents a piece. Do you want a Market Basket, Lunch Basket or any other kind of a Basket ? Then here is the place to purchase, as our stock is large, variety great, and prices way down STJTE YOUR CLO toWN & C ., AND ATT: EADING STYL e in the City ha shoulder Perfect s' suits, from $&. ~ien's and Boys [I A. f ~ not be compared to $5.00. Unlaundried Shirts at 50 cents, 7( a to most shirts that are sold at $1.00-4 to suit the BROWN& ( OWN FACT. -of one particular line can al ds at the Lowest Prices. YOUR INTEREsT TO E-ardware ery known variety of very large. aind w.Al selected s'toek of TIER BELTING sor L-en is~vb d ire. Lperb stock of Gasswrare ~BLE AND PoCKET GUTLEliY, RAZoRS, R E$op7fli AeR Epial atten ry Conceivable Kind. Loading Guns, Ammunition, Shells, fARDWARE STORE IN TOWN I by T.OW PRTCES. ;er Call at the E LL & CO. to the bottom. )Ur Stock of Family Grocries, s simply immense; and if you but call and give us a chance, we will astonish you as to Low Prices. N-e can also suit you in >f every description from a jack-knife to a sweep. Also Bagging and Ties. .n fact our store is packed and jamm ed, ui-stairs and down stairs with the very goods you are lookmg for, and which we are determined to sell you. So :ome and be convinced that we mean hat we say, and don't you forget it. Call and Zee Us. R, S. C. THIIING B EO0F HAN DLEF RACTIVE S'i ES AT LOWE adling a full line Fitting suits. 5Oup. Overcoats, from Zhidren 's suits, reest in the o< with. cents, and $1.00. Will sell six of onr Silv< for 75. Remember our entire stock is times. 3HANDLER, Si CORNER MAI J. G. DamNs, M1 D. D5089i~f3 AN A Paints, Oils. Glas Fancy aml Toil' Patent Me Fine C'ig Tobaec and everything usuall: First Class Dr se Prescriptions pounded by day or nli; J. G. DINKIE Q [Sign of the Gol< 1SS7. 3tore of Sumter, S. C. e have out-houses for the accom;e dation of our country friena. who are compelled to stay in town over night. bieds for your Wagons, Stalls for your llorses. Our polite and gentlemanly clerks 6ve been impressed with our deter ination to make it to your advan go to purchase your goods from us. 'e are paying the Very Highest CASH PRICE FOR 0 T TON. W- Special inducements to coun y merchants desiring small stocks. Our personal attention given to the ling of orders from our country iends. O'DONNELL & CO. Sumter, S. C. . S CHANDLER E SEEING 'OCKS ST PRICES. of the popular $.5 up. from $1.59 up. Junty, and wim ir King, the beat shirt in the ma~rket aew and will be disposed of at prices amrnter, S. C. N AND LIBERTY STREETS. R B. Loam. i&01., OtHArices tationery. diines. ars and r ket in a___ ug Store. Z carefully comn rs& Co. MIx~e Mort.r.] BEAST! Mexican Mustang Lininmen! 9catica, SoratcheP, ontractu Lumbago, Sprains. E c Rheumatism Strain, Eruptin Burns, Stitches, Eod AD. Scalds, 42tiffoints, Stew Sting Backache, Wri Bites, Gans, Vinvney, Bruizea, Sores, Saddles$ Bunions, Spavin Piles. Corn.% Cracks. THIS COOD OLD STANDeBY accomplishes for everbody exactly what sealmed forit. Oneof the reasons for the great popularitrot the Mustang Liniment is found In Its universal applicability. Everybodynoedssuh amedloa The Lumberman needs It In case of accident. The Housewife needs It forgeneralfamnlY Ua .The Cannier needs It for his teamsand his msa The Mechanio needs it lways (a hs weo bench. The MIinerneeds itinese of emergeney. The Pioneer needsit-can'tgetalongwithontt The Farmer needs It In his house, his staba and his stock yard. The Steamboat man or the Boamag; neee It In liberal supply afloatand ashore. The Horse-fancier needs It-1t Is hise@ friend and safest reliance. The Stock-grower needs It-It wIll save ling thousands of dollars and a world of trouble. The Railroad man needs It and wil need ft so long as his life Is around of accldentsand dangers. The Backwoodsman needs It. There isnotbo Ing like It as an antidote for the dangers to lift limb and comfort which surround the pioneer. The Merchant needs Itabont his store anong his employces. Accidents will happen, and when these come the Mustang Inlnment Is wanted atones. Keep a Bottle Inthe House. 'Tiathe bestrA economy. 0 Keep aBottle In theFactory. Its mmedha use In case of accident saves pain and loss of wage, Keep a Bottle Atways in the Stable f use when wanted. 09 T Crat fi semedy for A Eirrrh~lua, Ujlrj &. Also 3v DEEN TEETHING I ~Siple :t'nd iea..ant t. Aahe. ID-t very fecw rea'iz' ! that in the l~tlo :- ccry, or w.-ctebory, growirg e'cg:..oercunr- -- usen wh-ich so e ya. E...e cat.a in ri., .very shr;;e, thero is a * .-;i h i. a tendrfu cres o'n tho Lowels. t:: e .- Ccr: Isjus1thing a vey cn":'r-Ce rad .tla..ho orm and Is -h----a--.---:.-------- renost~i p - .1-'es fer.nt .cc- in i..e stmazch which re i. : terriol Gl'.- r:.ror.1.:.eTiscordial 3 .2lz t~ edycm. . st igacs ; -- nf, e,- :: .' 1cetahe this *,sme-:,-c.ei cu:.out-:i::o.rir one - :r -.a. u i s':"eos that can aCcet the .c.'. zecly a :cot.v:k.nn. This '-hc'vsc:::ina o~cr.:pod state u aa 0: -;. tec'.a 'J.r o-rovit. c':.: chp:tas: t' flle oem.v:==:ting a-w:y f* :.:: i .a:;;c apen its c:'n, rher-let use this C - , ':-; wi relievo it and -.'ithout danger. - ;t is imp"orant that E7vllY 1fouaoLD -ao,-7-..i a hemselveui with acme speedy relief I -an '.a.den a.,1 da:.-aro-.a attacks. A dose of t o. ''-M ' :llevo the ';;ai and save calling a paIc ~ i.. -: -:chymmrancazity. Erega 7 ThoW. A. 'O2GCo., Atlanta, Ga. Sc.oeS.,atcyo. SoldtyGll~ sd ja e w'. a raly clue Coughs, Croup and Con T'o's Premium Cologne. Te Reord of a Thoroughbred Racer, PE&I6REE OF WILLE BURKE. Was bred by Ri. A. Alexander, at Wood burn Stud Farm, Kentucky, in 1871. and is by Baywood, by Lexington, ou' of Bay Leaf by importedi Torkshire, out of Maria Bladk by Filbo da Pata, damn by Smolensko. Willie ]h:ues first damn was Katina by imported Australiean; second dam was Kate Haes by iported Albion; third dam S-m4j, second by imported Bluster:fifth dam wats Beut Bosley., firsbyipre Wilkes' Wonder; sixth dam sb impanticedr sve'cnth dam was by imported Sterling; eighth dami was by Clodius; ninth darn was by. imported Silv.rcye; teuthi damn was by i'port'd .Joly ltviger; eleventh dam was by artner: Twelsch dam was by Monkey; thir tcenth, an imported mare in stud of Harri son of Brandon. It will be seen by the above that Burke is as lighly and fashionably bred as any Stal lio:n .n the country. B3eing docile and gen tie, rides and drives delightfully. - PERlFORMANCES : 187.-Jerome Park: P1urse race for two year olds, half mile, won by Willie Burke. time 0.51. Sartatoga Meeting: was second in "flsh stakes," one-half mile, won by Olitips. time 0.7[ Saratoga Meeting: was third for Kentucky Stakes for two year olds, one mile wo by Chesapeake; time 1.48t. 187d.- Saratog. Selling Race: one and a gaarter miles; ran second, won by Acturna, tune 2.13}. Jerome Park: ran third in raco Eor all ages, one an d one eighth miles won by Perae; time 2.018. Baltimore Spring Meet ng, 11andicap ra'w, zaile heats; ran second; von by Ore Knob: time 1.51 1-.2, 1.55k, BaI :imore Meeting: Mile heats f >r all ages, won by Willie Burke; time 1.47), 1.48, 1,52;heat ng Rainhanthus, and others. Re'ceivinlg somae injury, Burke retired from :he Turf witn a promising record. He is ow at the age of seventeen, as handsome a orse as can be found. Seo his advertisement for where he can be hund every day. September 5, 1887. ad PAVILION HOTEL, CHARLESTON, S. C. First Cias~s in' all its Appointments, upplied with all Modern Improvements Excellent Cuisine, Large Airy Rooms, Otis Passenger Elevator, Eleo -tric Bells and Lights, Heat edlotunda. RA TES, $2.00, $250, AND $3.00.. %oo,. Re..,-,.ed A, .Mal m. elrwam. ,