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FIRF.D WITH BOTH EVES NHI.T. As an Anmerican He Fouaht the Dul :nd Killed the Cuban. Soon after the Cubans were compelled to surrender the Virginius to Uncle Sam I landed in Havana as the agent of an American agricultural works, says a writer in the Detroit Fie Press. For tunate for me in this case I could chattc r away in Spanish with any of them,_ and though I was born and reared in Ohio I was supposed to be an Englislnan. Had I given out that I was a straight haired Yankee the chances of beingz mobbed or knifed or shot, would have been excellent. The feeling aginst Americans was so verv bitter that one from the States was lizble to insult and violence on the public streets. I had been here about a week when an Amerian named Charles Whitley, from: Michigan, arrived with his wife. Whit ley was an invalid, and he had come to Cuba by the advice of a physician. I re member him as a tall, paile-faced and ex tremely courteous gentleman. while she was a fittle bit of a woman who was all hope and sunshine. It so happened that I made their acquaintauce the f rst av they landed, and I felt it my duty to warn Whitlev of the feeling entertained against our nationality. v1 advice to him was to keep close for a time and to carefully avoid being mixed up in any discussion of a public nature. He had been there a week without anything be ing said to him, when one day, as we sat in the hotel reading room, a couple of Cubans who spoke very good Enolish came in and took seats near us. 1 iere was no doubt in my mind from the first that they meant to draw Whitle into a trap. They began by abusing and maligning Americans and wishing for war, and when he persistently refused to take notice of them one of them deliber ately turned upon him and said: "Havana is no place for such as vou." "The gentleman is an invalid," 'I re "But he is also a Yankee," continued the Cuban. "Our Government should not permit them to even land on the island." Whitley's face grew paler, and he bit his lips to keep back the hot words which wanted to come, but he made no reply. The larger of the two men, who appear ed to be a native fire eater, waited for a moment, and then rose up and said to the Michigander: "Al Yankees are cowards! I insult you! Demand satisfaction if you dare" "I do demand it!" answered Whitlev, in a low voice. "You evidently want a duel! You shall have it?" "Good!" hissed the other. "My friend here will arrange the details with your friend. You have more courage than I thought for." He walked away with a nod to me, and was followed by his friend, who promised to return in half an hour. "You can't mean to tight him?" I in quired of Whitley when we were alone. "But I do. He insulted me as ani American, hoping to provoke a duel, and as an American I will fight him." "But your health?" "Never mind my health. All I want is to keep the affair from my wife until it is over with. Arrange to fight him to morrow morning." "With what weapons?" "I never had a sword in my hand, and I have had no experience with pistols. Choose pistols, however. I know enough to sight and fire one, and I must take m chances." Teewas no doubt that the man was an experienced duelist, but the more I argued with Whitley the more determin ed he was to fight. Under all the cir cumstances it would have been no dis grace for him to refuse, but from the very first his mind was made up. Suich affairs are easily and quietly arranged in Cuba. When the second returned, we settled on pistols for weapons, and he was kind enough to say that he would arrnge for a surgeon to be present. We were to be at a certain spot about four miles distant at a certain hour in the morning. The fellow v~ a pink of politeness, and I carried the idea that I had been mixed up in seral affairs of the sort, and that my principal was not a green hand on the field of honor. Idid not see Whiitley again until we took a carriage in the morning to drive to the grounds. He was cahnm and self possessed, and on the way out arranged with me about sending his wife home in case of his death, and provided for other emergencies. The little woman had not received the slightest hint of what was on the tapis. We found the other par ties waiting for us, and the details were speedily arranged. The men were placed fifteen paces apart, and it was under stood that they were to fire until one or the other was killed or wounded. In case either was wounded and wanted to continue the fight, the duel should go on. The two pistols were loaded and handed to the prncipals, and the awk ward manner in which Whitlev hel his made the Cubans smile. I hadl told him how to stand so as to present the smallest possible target to his opponent, but as they took their places I was horrified to see him present his full front. It seemed as if any one who could sight a pistol must bore him through at the first fire. Helwas a trifle paler than usual, but he stood firm on his feet and was in good nerv-e. The word was finally given-one, two, three, lire-and both pistols were dis charged at once. I was looking at Whit ley. I saw a piece of cloth from his should fly in the air, and as I tur'ned my gaze toward the Cuban I saw the latter sink down in a heap, as if he had been struck on top of the head. We ran to him to find a bullet hole in the center of his forehead, and he was stone dead. His bullet had chipped Whitlev's right shoulder, but without drawing bloo'd. I never saw two men so dumbfounded as the surgeon and the Cuban's second. It was a minute before they could realize the disaster. Everything had been fair and according to the code', and nothing remained for us except to return to the city. Whitley was verv cahn and self possessed; neither astonished nor ex ultant. "What spot did you aim for?" 1 asked as we rode homeward. "None at all," he replied. 'I had both eves shut when I pulled the trig ger." Food 'Wanted in Tes~as. A'smi, TEN.W". August II .-Gove'rnor Ireland to-da~y issued the following procla mation for :'ie relief of the droug'ht suif ferers: "Wera it has been made' known to n-e that on account of the unpreede drought which hie previe inQ' ti' u of Brown, tColeman, Cailigan. E-;hm:. Stephens and others cont; "o'". :a:s:y families are sufferiing for want~ of foi: Now, therefore, ?. .: ''n ire'od. G, *ern 'r. contidently call upon the people ofot' sections to contribute to treie. *i theCir distressed fellow-c'itize:-. by frwarding, without de'lay. funds to (ounty Judgzes o: the several counties asing taid' A homely woman has somie "advmtagze over a beautul one. It is ' poibl for other women to love he. Deci-ionu. i h twelnt-third voilume of the Su"th C.ulthine whiid has .us lievi pub n1hd. conlt: itin a scheue (Of ren d ins the Ctirc" iit gs o on wich ba ken pash ied upon by the Suprme Ct. r i ce W ons ice:!- outtwenty1%-ei._-b: of which wvrt :rd.six mnere'iX !::n.6lit l titler,11tn re-I~wd Th woliw i reliabe o h e I 'me -tf Itne reverx. T.h d2i.iu ress~er-Ullrmed : revesed. ! ar 'Aiirmeld. -1: reversed. 1: mi -~k er j1 haw-Atrei,. 4: revered. 1. Wallce- dired.2: rever-;al. 2. irm .: A c% iw-tr bv 14' ai ch ne a t- -be 1v.r h a 1.; tlo-a be c eI.ii th'an te vta, E ;atry I v -.- o lives I r vouse. n: C-" cll% .i1ditWho ownu store' 0r" t~~t~t t'"OV to ) Vil thle miu:s ai:ii111nov,1uc. o1 .s. T ousands' of Strap thaed other evices, vc rve. 4it tci to rit tle World of nsea ee 1 cis Vemin m ore tdr e m tre ard at :trier. I v'rd11 w(hlits e nr ai " he, and enp cilnvl :I%, I h ios whop.w tor " o Ir . fno that ae thervae at ' annvancep or Thusnd s'. scetes trap, pos Io to much. and a bens b dued ito rbd the wld of it toi hemso vemn timd our ighbor, Pete. ( Ruckerili put devotd mren the cftir and ttentirn to r~ding cts th n nys othe r aninte a~ e dhis frop thet ave',' beene lurnul. pc tiI.e 0 lit i : d t a, t all seaso i. Ile oif the psition-in at, hl ie L'ort. Mr Rue r has i venu 1th. rt oirestio;nclv ant uting itu but haep t lastb stu , u:on ain exterminjratur which heice n ivHeves will rtd him of ras.e like'ths fjiItd th alt at tet ) catch r:s by.. nr:1p or pooin them sliuddenly wtil ai O ) rats knov, too much. :und can onily be caiglit by ki:nhtess. the,) d tr them ithem - good\ n mel avt!ey dav. tro n put aly poison inl the foo:1 hut Simply pro pare a lish for te dai asa fr-ee luch. cm0posed (of coran e iu sne with miik, into which an eg andl a little salt ito sesoii 'ihs been a atten. At first the ay fodt tuch it, but kip it before them, making it fresh daily. They will n try alitlea ifittileC. and in nj iis thiuicio;n will be allayed. In aI week .or ten day'., iev il expect ia.:md every rat n the ISee will , a 0tile appineil- 'spot fr the treat. Give plenty .f it. So as to binu ma the ralt i te ne i orheodnco ji i Dn De nlot beC inl a hurry to poismt them. If they eat all t ft.i I. ve em la ir qumtity next time. As oon as they haive thrown off all sutspicion. to youmr drugit, gt nephiosphort (runpate (-orther rat pin. mi";x it With tihe food and be sr'. you iv them enoughi andl something to spar . so, as toe tnduc all to at. Tht y will either be killed or Ibecomet So susiious O of al ther food as to Icve, alu lA not a rnt wIll remain. Hence, lo destroy ratt 1:1e petyii (If "tie. ginthei con iidenice. and tinish itemt . in th te leat expect "t. Li~t'. v~ t~n it ~n etndl. in c-are aot ad semS t-1 red the avcse criticismis wii-ch a.vie been mn:e upen iei ticmaed fo in the u n itre leas e of Cut:Ing- a:" misreprese-n t-utions." cazlculated to ethrasthe gnv ernuenet and nourate ixico in it$r ati tu rn. hat in tf:tiIt int a case fOr pir aetra hnhat n can.e the farcts. I: Ct ttb- eatraetprecsl has lina to do witrt. arard, that itiso cli thue righ to ty :ipd- topn i~sh.nAeia cize for a~ cimIercommtte agarint A3era witinfu thenea Scae:d in it llaed near Livepoo on cSumna wuein' Itasee that the church hastly bedfer um dericn repiin. Anmxio ohe im bprdereoeprin a lie uoa ofeptasi 'miaced on Mhexico, fo llolwd re coza libf varnsh Thomritted war mt pilasing To he laem oft the tatet)epathen is n eftthat Iad o thae to begtom hrden awre punshan, weicn the cnregatom mlocted toithir sts. no jurisdction-W maynelientain the dotie tht cmer ian aso abouttalldnltvhr trhed binei zonfo whiensh congregtdin wee hor-e ritiedt evend thatg thei ren abe texo stand uptheee in ftat edn or raeed aetrase to thrats TeirO cpourse eve r o i::re wire mor. dis ressa ting 'schtness. er vais ndting tl to weihthnatter Tn hey wer sie wiuethon kfinfpcal- e ore rightulb. As tey wrenfor thee momce power ilaneoarniveroln unday teyk Itngedm toa te therchlhas lately their underingbu reairs. Amn sathfier The povemerentealnew coere wfint wunay pae onShedpes, ofollwns, cyalcoat boadcloth. and esutmres wmost plefting to their ofe bt untenaty, te varn-e inh hatttenn apledshatcurh and the hweek that cingradntin, toi becom e arbe hured Sundard wenthe onregtionon tirfaees a thoughsets.eNo apparets were cveniene sufered ntil ther cler gymns aberool Pto.eiehebnde hit tintat ofeywre unabie isto rawthvanis he to thei' sa Thir ;asasmoied eoi to r'isela werevs have tresinge toltess. trInin id Pe kind of paniieal ehemry ftrightful be-c les. Athins, utwht seemed toe; a mutb aes i oand cuea jrk they pewus bee literll ownveredi ont Su-da brodelth andcamees haea weh ore.ieft as theucaer of Ilthe thecitf vaihi sed inrl beutfying~ tha hrch atndt hap less colnieregainsin fom the door, hurie '-d thowr ith ani eprssion on theirefaces afraidof teir heart wer evenmore' everlet a ther-gore met.ierpon f~ost.meti reo ireand ind Poland.s o ice This wanteogte mpirhe doctrn Ais no nwiii thin. were s ians havefu forn year aplied it to Pland. Theyv rae Lndo peretaehv. yareiyuo '~mst'. maste. n Poland.f ;, ~. whait that bieenl fouii ow mn vic hotnttRussia Ouarat-oloniesu are ains our iIi hral pol."i Tlhi reacl Art islhisn Thv prvilge GENC H \LNEa T.. Fact' of IntIeret Gathered from Various F .1 t ire:::r stl a ine .:(ii flii:3an. iTi Ra new re P::s bn ::-lvn mn onThe r~rdla -,v,: te -.t ll I' r r in W " nIton :s in r I Rinerd .vA A 3: NOlting aser Sfl :,eu iem t o t : .h :m. 0 :: oi: C - tr e Ti:re. st d A i: 1:Anc .h- :i c ntt i ve ' vo Tn -a: i . .n :l Loi' :trLi n' h oe:m w'var ite 3 i? 3ci 'is~t13 40:;' As;id n;cI. Ri-.. o :undi ki]!c i the1W 1rIilze s ath G3tl dr i3l! :ts t i S un:i c. e la ld and . ns lt Ie ::n I-. . I 1OL Ar'u:. m e fn 1t1i.:ntrh t reNoiwas ;;u g ye I :ay ruin it'iit :nOc'a Rev.t F.I Ai. Hwak in :hed iA Tie urt ta S rdrI , e n i d an. c for noric nnen -I- or ~n i- v.a m t5 ie The Dukeyof ArIyl -It proscutite Inc St-het St h t t*i du: ee Ibf "Ihv ola 1-'ad . ex:v'. -it r,u.- i 1 iii:ri 3 ie d a car pil mee' 't m m av ri'ngwar areg s 3i. i,1 I1 thc 1,i3" Al311 la Ga' -.Ii !o( 401, bat G Iln3.a lit' ece ' in e f re t: husa F IltorI rt'"'i to -%or '3c'1Io8. [h i10 :1 'iciu c Am tr::iiil -r (i io 'r i.hc 1l . tst of 1i atuniy liel l 1 i u' erso :ldc t ata. l inTurewo ohe '1A cI ire:: 1i. p.i ii) d x. i isp':e .ieriy coast in 1 )a"ne :t . wcn ing ilel s nd wa v'-~ ui'(airoads I\ is reortetat tiw m3i1aresi::s in:co 'rp wfibecut .ash t :u 'hm O n s irear. cens:quenc of ot mA rn. d3l . 1 11 iCn. . Is inin. I isn 11Zyi rlatIves't gOmney i front benit :a:socia (obe'nr . TaV.l w s nom'iatn 'te Govd ervere Terms in. The (''nytoirc' od i rtm:Ci h:s e soped the sirt cai unrin . 1 :3k iae t'ue ison aiatera ls.t:'ltn 33r3d03 'i t la:,t. in l rthe md<:n:ngst.G.cretr:so iatr' returnd t work. 53 IScij Ion . th Frnc .x .ninr e hea"d d it. 1pl i i .ica aer The '''rii't.d c 3niders30 i:'>e l and toothe bro'~uithe of Georg. IChe b veo Two me. lnil pase vre Niagaor 'apis .uriv in a itriel v-eire br:. e'it C p o w .nn d.Heiimh exhmsed 1i ' 8 C'i th pr' spls. Sr 3*1 (4~hiu his phy sleins hve n fea of intl reuit Th InSlcnenino heNto~ ter at Graysville. Tenn.. attempted to whip .hohn Itvis. a young farmer, for visiting his sister. Davis crushed Bondy's skull with a stoue. and then the father of Bondy interfered. Ie and Davis fought with knives and both were mortally wounded. At lBird's Eve. Indiana. recently a man naied 'oultz 'was waylaid and killed. and mother nam11ed Waller mortally wounded av IId tj ndv m his son. On Saturday last chize- of that neighboriood hunted the two HI . from their hiding plce and 2 voaun man at Brodhead. Wis.. in r.d hi a11 slightly on a barbed wire fe::e*. and to stop the bleeding he wrapped aed silk hankerchief about it. He is in a precarious condition now from blood pois 4nin::. caused by the coloring matter of the C4l. Swain, one of the most popular can didates before the State Convention at Galveston. Texas. declared in a speech that if he rtceivcd tile nomination and was (e-tled. i f war w:i declared. in 24 iours hi! w.ukll lead a force into Mexico, and every m:m would have a hacienda. The delezntion from the Irish Parlia imintary party. consistiug of Messrs. W lirie. Etedmond and Dieasy. which is c-mini to atend the Chicago Convention of tic Irish National League of America. tIo i held oil August 1S and 19, sailed on Sundar frm Q ueenstown. If the weather is favorable the ship will be in -New York next Sunlay. i)uringi a storm Tuesday niglt at Otter Dam Creck, Richmon(d, Va., a water spout butrst over and washed away a long stretch of the railroad between Petersburg and Wehlon, and carried away the abutments of tl iron bridge spanning the creek. Yester a througl train from the South dashied iuto tile washout, carrying down the en:ine and several cars. No bod% seriously hurt. A New Postal Card. The ne- postal card design, adopted ablout a year ago. will soon be superseded by :motwr, which has been prepared at dw- hireau of engraving and printing, and wh ich has e 1cen formally approved by Post master General Vilas. When the last change. of design was made there was some ocasion for haste, and there was difliculty a! out ,-ettin- rid of certain notions about the ca ld th experience has removed. Mr. Vias Las. year look the best of the designs 1Tlered. It wi7. an improvement, but still not etirely satistactory. The new design will at once be accepted as an improve ment upon that now in use. It consists of one picce of engraving instead of two on the present card. A head of .IiT-erion, a miniature portrait after tile tri:al in the State department. occupies a c'ntral place on the upper third of tile card. Over this head in liglt letters are tle words U"nited States." In panels sutported by scroll work at the left and ri-JIt are the words, "postal card" in dis tinct letters. Under the head are the words *"'ne cit." and beneath the border line, iclosingr 'e designation of value, is the i "Nothtng but the address to be on this ide.- Thie design is graceful and light, and its advantage over the old one is that it idea of putting the stamp off at one idand the designation of the article at tile opposite side is abandoned to secure an exchisive design with the strongest feature oF it in the centre. The Postmaster Gene ral may decide to print the new cards on white plaper and in black ink, for the reason that white paper furnishes a better ground f- written characters, helping the post o&tlce clerks who are compelled to decipher :!adr,.Zes, and for the reason that the brown 1ink is complained of by the printers who use it as more troublesome to obtain , _ood work with than the sane quality of Ui:iek ink. As there is a stock of about 12, tt.00 postal cards now on hand, it is probtale tihat the new cards will not be out for a month or two. White Th re is Life There is Hope. 3Many of thle diseases of this season of thme ~year can be averted by a small amtounit of care and at little cost, by the timeiv tuse of Ewutxx's TOPAZ CIxn~iosA Com)Iat. It cures Diarrhea, Dysentery, Chol era Miorbtus and like complaints. .Yo tren:cler- should be without a bottle, as it will prevent any disease that would no0 doubt arise from the change of water, food and climate, without its use. The most valuable medicine in the world, contains all the best and most curative properties of all other Tonics, Bitters, etc., etc., being the greatest Diood Purifier, Liver Regula tor~ and Life and IHealth-Restoring Agent in existence. For Malaria, Fever and Ague, Chills and Fever, Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Sick Head ache, Nervous Headache, Chronic Rhbenmatism, etc., etc., it is truly a lierculean Remedy. It gives new life and vigor to tile aged. For ladies mn delicate health, weak and sickly chil tren, nursin;g mothers. See circulars wrapped with bottle. CHu:tLEsTox, S. C., Sept. 1, 1885. II. U. Ewn.tix, EsQ., President of The Topaz Cinchona Cordial Co., Spartantburg, S. C.: Dear Sir-I have ased a case of your Topaz Cordial in ny- fimniily, and as a Tonic and Appe izer I can cheerfully recommend it to ll who are suffering from Debility mm( lack of appetite. My children, espeially, have been much benefitted y its use. Respectfully, HUTSON LEE. Akyour druggist for EWBANK'S fotu Ci~oxxCORDIrAL and take 110 other. TtHE Tot'uz CINCHtONA ConDIAL Co., *Spartanburg, S. C., U. S. A. Total Solar EcipMe. A totatl clipse of tile sun occurs on the 29th. which will be visible as a very small ,artiial eclipse in the southern part of New i'ii:tad anld tile Atlantic States. The ilah tof totality commnences at the isthmtus fPanama. crosses the northern part of oIuthl America. alnd some of the adjacent 4mdsl. (rosses the Atlantic ocean in a oteasterly direction, strikes the coast of X inca nt-ar llenguela. andI ends in MIada tscar. The conditions for observing it :re mole favorable than they' were in the tal e-clipse o~f 188:3 and 1885, whent thet ne;e of totality passed almost entirely over bec Southerni Pacific ocean. Doubtless as ronom~ters will be on hand at many points I II obl eve" tile ectlipse. Thec eclipse btegins i t ith. (ha. A. .\l, (a little more thant an tar after sunarise.) continuing 22m., antdi ls at "h. :;Sm. A.M3. It is so light thatI wilih:rdly be noticed. untless attention diremOl to it. The imagnitude of tile -!nsisoly m.01s of the sun's dliameter, :ai is on thw sunlt south limb. The linmit f the relipse i' 1 degreec north of Boston. Sb we iamt be contenited with a touche In (hio ; i dow owned a large gravel mu whch certain railroad company :very :tnxious to secure. Several rpitimons we-re made and rejected, nat thle preLstcit finally sent his private Vrr tary doa with instructions to oftier tOo ii,0. The votung man re ured after a coulie of datys, and when ked how the business had turned out, ecplied: "I will accept your oifer." -Yu rxactly. I married the iojw and own the batnk." Anyv hutehor whot derives a large incoetil rom ll h iasa iaeinell m1ighlt aptly fermo BR IC-.A-BRtAC. A foot race-Chicago girls. You can get your phiz at the photo grapher's or the soda counter. The Mexican tica is becoming viciouis and shows a decided inclination to bitc. The sins an old mani confes-es wit the greatest relish are those he never onmit iedl. The candidates are abroad in the aud. The woods in every counity are full of them. Very possibly the child is iorn whi wilt ie the tls Presideit of the British repub lie. Many a man is the architect of hik own fortune, but never gets mo ney iough to build. A poodle dog and a h oodle husb:and :rn all that many young ladies require to ike them happy. The only lime a young girl will excuse her lover for treating her coolly is when hle sets up the ice cream. It is a curious fact that the sun never shines so hot on the base ball urounds asit does on the harvest field. If fifty men in the United Sttes e:e in a violent outbrc ak it is called a lnq:al i. turbance: in Mexico it is a revolution. The advocates of female suffra-e arc' consistent that at a recent banquet they i:al their bill of fare headed "womenu." Some darned Yankee has invented a new patent stocking darner. It can never take the place of a nice little woman, howee. Some portions of South Carolina are nw so rigidly temperate that they hij-et to storms brewing in the neighborhood. The Knights of Labor and Labor Unioi are distinct hodies, but there is a "striking rescmblance between them. The boss piinters have met in Phiade! phia, but we presume there wiil be no change in style for coats of paint at present. It is curious that a wrecked steamship always li command of "c'ne of the tost experienced captains in the service." The difference between a buzz saw and a bull dog is that when the former is nost dangerous it never shows its teeth. We are never more deceived than when we mistake gravity for greatness, solemrity for science, and pomposity for erudition. A California woman while splitting wowl bit her tongue in two. There is no moral to this. W%1omen don't split wood this side of California. M3elocipede is the new name of a musical bicycle so fashioned that the rider can kick out melodies, waltzes and reels as he travcls along the road. A pistol-carrying, threatening crank has become an adjunct of Gen. Logan's Presi dntial booming scheme. Anything for notoriety. you know. The new $1 silver certificates will i.:ar a copy of the Stuart portrait of Martha Washington. A portrait of Gen. la:cevk will adorn the $2 certificates. Fortune is like a collar button: when it flies from you you have to get on your hands and knees and work hard to get it back. "Harmonious coloring gives a feeling of repose in the home," says an art juurnal. Therefore if you have a red headed wife, furnish your house in the same tint. Women can talk a great deal with their eyes, but the troubie is in pinning them down to anything they say in this rather vague and romantic form of expression. French women consider carrots as a specific for the complexion, and gor judges in such matters can tell at a ghme: how many carrots fine a woman's complex ion i. Al He was arrested in Porthmd on S picion. Now if somebody woull arre-t "Ali there" and keep it out of sighit an, hearing for a while it would be a rest for every body. An advert isetnent in a Wecstern exeche' readls: "'How to act successfully otn t b liver." If the c'hap who puit the amLI in: would only produtce a medicine that wuld teach people ''how to act suc'cessfully" on the stage there would lie some sense about him. A Fantina Girl. In Cincinnati a sixteen-year-old girl recently died after a fast of fifty-two days. She had been attacked by some thing like patralysis which rendered it impossible for her to take uourishment. The human system cannot thrive with out good food and good ability to digest it. Weak and impaired digestion is rectified by Brown's Iron Blittes-better than any other tonic in the worL Mr. J'. E. Freeberg, Pomeroy, Iowa, says: "I used Brown's Iron Bitters for dyspe~p sia and p)oor appetite, completely cured me." It will crure you. - "lensSan28 a in0forire Sal'o. h1I!AM CHOOL Estabulished in 1793. THmE 98D YEARLYv TEluM berints &otem-' ber 8th, 18801. For' Catalogue. giving full partieulatrs, addr'ss, Maj. R. BINGH AM, Supt., Binghatm Schtool P. 0., Orange Co., N. C. PEACEa INSTITUTE~ FOR YOU.NG LADIES, RALEIGH, NORTH tAROLINA. T lIE FALL TERtM COMMENCE' ON thme first Wednesday otfc uetemi'e, smt, and ('loses correspondintg thne in .1 utte oihowing. Advantages for' instruction ini dhl the'brauches, usually taughit in lirst lass Seminaries for Young Ladies, tmsur )assedl. Building heated by~ sterm, and in vlery wiay as to equipmntt, etc., eqtual to myI it thei South. A fulil 'orpis (of First 31ass 'Teachers engaged for se-5sin com nencig in September. I'T rms as riasin tble as any otheir intitu'iont oifering same dvauntages. C orriespondenice solic'it-i. -or catalogue, conitiin f"tull pariticular's s to ternms, eti. addrmess Riv. I i. lAWF.LL & SON, Aumg1L P'rinipal', Ratligh. N. C. CHARLOTTE FEMALE INSTITUTE. FUlE tor that the Princitial will r' i.imve to Columbia, S. C.. h/ a mistio Ie has purebasuted thte cent roling itrest a the CIIARtLOTrTE FEMALE INSTi' TTlE: has spient M4,(iii in renovi~atin-a aind improving the butildtings and ism now m'as ii. tmore valuablhe iliiprovemnt's ti--ai ver'. rTe biuildimng is tighted witha, ut'naces, hias hat alid coldt water cai.s ud~ lirst-class alpoIell:tiinints as a lain-' ch-ool ini everyr reispec:t. No niore 'xper'ielleidr.dami'cmi: i -.v'd oirps of Teacerst' is to be' fud in h authm, timd the Mu-i''and .\rt Departim n-t For catalogue apply~ to theu l'i--:: I'. S MTC rnrDR.COTT'S u. - sampe fre t i-at fir -'uno-. THRSHIG N IMSAndHORSES 'anw 'illa. 'in I tandardi Irnplemuents gen erally. '-n for ilust ratd catl-u'-. A. B.FARQUHAR, RUN BwTTERS f 1.Rni.r N( with PURE VEGET.iBLE T1zi.a, rndkl;do completely CLEANSES ,!i ENRIt-iTS THE BLOOD. Onicke.i the a4t1:,n of the Li7er and Kidneys. COars ibe ca plexo. m-.ies the rtkin smooth. It does rt ir jri r he! eh, cause headache. or produce con 'ipvfie"-.H.L OTH ERt IRON 3IEDICIN.ES DO. Ph;;siciaus rnd Druggists everywhere recomnend it. Dr.. N. S. RXaGGM. of Mrion 3Na.. nqy::' "I ; Br.-n's tran Bitters as a valuabe f- : -i bod.:tnd r aing all dyopaptic It does not hturt the teeth." Dr.. T' :-. Dr,.LT. Rcynolds. Ind.. sayn: "I o..pres:Ad BrmYn's Iron Bitters in cones of - :. ::n I bliod di'eanes. also when a tonic w.s i. i -:.vd thorongbly satisfactory." -l.W..I:TrN; Sr. Mary St.. New Orlegnui., t.:resn iro - n Bittni relie-ed n- in a cae o L.o: .:.and I hearti'y commend it t.) '".... G..:r ha.; T ratde 7 i. r anl crossed r.:1 ti:Es n: no other. Made only by :;V;.N ( !::.: Z:AL CO., BALTIMOltE. L y- :: .os and attractive, eon -:iie forr i . ini.rnuation.. a: Ie, in nedicino. or . i oa oncip: 1. stmp. Most of the diseaces which af!lict mankind are origin ally caused by r disordered condition of the L IV E R. Fcr all comninints of this kind. such as Torpidity of the Liver. Bilio:sness. Nerrous Dyspepsia. Indiges tion. irregularity of the Bownelsn. Constipation. Flatu lency. Eractations and Burning of the Stomach (ometites called Heartburn). 31iasma. Malaria, Bloody Flux. Chills and Fever. Breakbone Fever, Exh::ustioa before or after Fever,. Chronic Diar. rhoa. Los.4 of Appetite. Headache, Foul Breath, Ir-egoarities incidental to remales. Bearing-down la STAB 16ER'S AURANTIl it Invaluz ble. It is rot a par:acea for all diswaiaen, but ( all d!sensesofthe LIVER, -ill -STOM ACH and BOW ELS. It cha::. s the coni-lo:ion from a waxy. y.-llow ti:7 to a rudd healthy color. It entiroly re-noves l 91-0. 1 i It one of the BEST AL TERATiVES and PURIFIERS OF THE SLOOD, and Is A VALUABLE TONIC. STADICER'S AURANTIl Fr, salo byalDr::ggists. Price $!.00 per bottle. C. F. STADICER, Proprietor, 140 S0. FRCNT ST.. Philadc',hln. Pai !A Y active anti W A TiED--''" ?otr t"o , , 3 - mte! repre ent inI hr .v:ni ! a~lity an Fh ri. Refer ene : rep : .- sitioll anti .y :' 1G arclay St, N. Y. Trio BestWO D AND FORA of nlw-rsity, C iomrarc!ai College *L "igton. Ky. TtlX7grAt honor ;-A Gold 3edal eve al ther C.>Uce. trenei-l JBusine. Edcention. hi) Iriinate,- in e~ce:r.;Two~s:.--ory~d30::d.I5~t90. Sho~rt - entw.l S nter iNw. Gradiuate. Unarante-ed suiccess. For 1-. ::r ~e -e; ru~ n:: .:o ndvr:hratfa 1. YOL Gra F\::b a fral erp. ' A'ILEY COTTO A ND CORN COI\i'( tw eop- ad als largelI used by the Truels t iize for~ Ct::, Corn antd 5inali Grniie Crc A\iilV Dsu.Li) BONE; ASiLE3 -r'e-o s ln d in Co;upotst ISeap. THE~ ASHLEY PHLOSP Thceo ni!!s were a wondorful diicoerv. No other or re ~;'a all m~nerr ofcasse. Thte i::formation bfr :1:r . Ti"i! u I , flOnpila 'do'1s s. oldw1 'itho" Sat y for 25 cents in stamps. Ill ihe t-t a~~d c:t he g~e o onlui's pweu r andmltrir: aflletions-. It is a I rii't fir W0\ N UN LY.f:ni for one IEUi~l.L 'LAS o diea., it is a , s li f or 4 vertaiaI discam!l conditions of w-1w1mb, :1:14 1ro(; to o conrl thle 'n:: ;1:41 adIrre Iarities of Ivo 10 _ONTI LY SICKiN'SS. proi rit*: ;n' to d,-i' tI~w :W is ilot this trollim!: ned re..ain po e s i n ply to ,andsIa iies Bradfield's Femaic Regulator It i-- !: . - and h eniabh- and bomale- bcano f :i welrfuI sule en in :.e te e ::d 1ent're of feuiale comiplaits. TIIE hI'LATOR is the GR.\NiiST REMEDI known, and rich WO31AN'S BE7,ST FRIEND! it cont" e ' of functions the vartius eO e"me\i' of which cause more i' hel ti tn all 'er cautses i i . !:-r from a !on- train o; ani tis wh' re o n-:y bitIh-r her life and~i 1n 1~i::t:r Vn heIr exi'tenicc. Oh! w m i "'re ;! ~ Vwitnetsses can tesify to its chr:I: :Tcs WOM.N take to Vour c -n this Precious Boon of Health! It will relieve you -1f nveaily all the com pilaints peculi;ir to you - 1x. y upon it ai gursafguard fo i:alth, liappine:s h) b x- i dilruist5. Send for our treatise on the Ilvthtix anid happiness of Woman, mailed free, which gives all par ticular. TnE BR.DFIELD ECL. TOR CO., Box 28, Atlanta, Ga. PTINOS aIQ OREIANS BUY THEM AT HOME. THE BEST MAKES OF PIANOS AN) ORGANS -SOLD AT FACTORY PRIC'ES FOR CASH -ORl EASY INSTALMENTS. DELIVERED TO NEAREST DE POT, FREIGHT FREE. Write for prices and termns to N. W. TR UIP, June30.1v (olumbia, S. C*. tRK. ELADICATED. ik I am entirely well ef "cze'ra a'flte havma !A wth I verv .tle i x n m face since. Ia- .prmel. maxde a shebt appeance. but wen'. away and ::P: .t :eat t put myx' vystem m:: ood c.::tnn :!y m cas of 0ick hadache .:ind r.aade a pret ir old daiu'ter h.xxw. x:::te. a'r - 'iemra*- "o* ..''.:-3.A:.r.'. Ga. JBLE fUANO. .1 Aiumnoniated Guano, a complete Ihigh )UN D)--A Complete Fertilizer for these ers near Charleston for veg-tabesa, etc. p and exce!!ent Non-Ammnoniaied Fer ps, and also for Fruit Trees, Grape, ACID PIIOSPIIATE, of very Bigh Dr the various attractive and instructive HATE CO., Charleston,is.c like them in the world. Will positively cure round each box is worth ten times the cost of a do more to purify the bloodar~dcurechron ic i:1 health than S5 worth cf any other ~remedy yet disct cred. Ifpeople could be made to realize 100 miles to get a box if they could not be had ostrated pamphlet free, postpaid. Send for it; :CO. 22 Custo House Steot, BOS'n, 3IAS