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WV. *1;f. 'YNS'VMfl W . WENDhiA)Y, MRY W, 18.11.. A.castis for tile IB:uater. The following persons have -I) C t lap. pointed Agent's and are autithorized to re civesand"ecept for, - all -stins- due- the Suilfer ?itnucr. Any persoi vihing to ',Mvoic a Pubscriber to, tle - 1ainer, by handing thin. their nme and address wil I have the paper forwardeil promptly. NV. \ '.arKEn JR.,..Clum1l4ia N. C WF. N5sVO1 o1r, Nt'rville, S. U V.S, L,A WTUN & Co. Charleston, S. C. .. Russr.t. BAKEI,- " " " 1No other person ia authorized to receipt for.the Banner.. 'I lae Paison-nassa. of the Creni tiosa na1d Del age. - fist as we are going to Press, we are iformned that this most justly celebrat ed Panorama, which hs received so int it C .tmendat ion 'in every place it ha1s :p. peared, vill be exhibited in this place on this (Tuesday) and Wednesdlay night. This is a sight worth seeing and all s'iouW see it. Late Frd. We learn that there was a- pretty elairp lros oin Wednisda-y and' Thtirs. day unoining lasr, but not enungh to do any damage to vegitation. Thank You, Geatlemenu! The Liemon Syrup. ad vertied by MILLEn & 1UTTir uponi another col. ume, if it be a lair lnpreel of the Saim. pie set go a,-aml. we have no doubt it is, ii an ex-cell'ent artice. The hands in the oflico unanimonsly agrec that it is hard to beat, and unanitotns. ly return their thanks for a taste of: t. Full Orat ulsionsmEns.-No Post master has the right to charge- po-tage on a newspaper published in the District or County in which' his otlice is located. The fact that tihe subcriber resides in uno'her iis-trict is not to be considered. A gain: all persons resi'ding in the District in which'ihe journal is published are entitled to the'paper free of postage,. though the Post office be located. in another -istrict. Tie former point is a.part of the law ; the ]ptter has been settled by a rpecial decis ion of the Depart'ment. Oh -Friday night last, a little beforc twelve, tho cry of tire ran throigh our town. Upon..proceeding to the scene the kitch'en In the jail.yald, in near vicinity to the most thickly settled portion of the town, was found to'be enveloped in flanes. Th. te had aiready progrissed so rapidly and so far that no effert, or very little, Iva., made to save the kitchen, and the atten 1ion of. all present was directed and their elliurts employed in statying the progress of the liames..- With.- m-uch ditliculty the jati and a necat-house-near by were savedL H-lad- they taken fire,'vithiout an engitne or even water buckets and axes as we are, iS n ouldlbave been a dea:h knell to the hopes ofiminy. But the night wvas unus ually caln, not a breath of air appearcd to be riirring, and to this providetial cir' -eoumtstanice alone are we ionebtedl for not noiv being enlledi tiponi to' chroniele the des-truction of much. of our town. Soon after the crowd had gathered upon t lie spoet7all wvere shocked' and horrified at the lynrt' ri'tt human beings were in the buining builditng. Thelu town-guard and one other, who were first uport the spot, hi:td distinctly heard the cries of children and the despairing agonizing screamn of a wmn.but the laumes had progressed 10-far,-.the house was then. one-live miass of coals and ai!.etibrt vam useless. When the tire had burned down the horrible re part pioved to be too true, and the charred bodies of a womiaan and three children were found in the embers.- They were those of Sormuy and her three children, the pro~per ty of our friend. and. fellow-citizant,.. Dr. .. L. I IArnswon-rnI. It seems that. Sophy was hired to the rionr as "cook, and slept w ith her famnily int theklitehten, where, on this night, for eome tinfe bforod the alarin- of fire wa giv;en, heavy falls and cries were heard and it is-now supuposed. that site wats thne first to take fine, atnd that the noises heard, awere made in her struggle to ext inguish her clothes. 'Tho house was ntear the gr-eund and had two doors and, four wint. Jes ande grewn person witht ordinary instinct cotnili hmvz easi-ly tmade their es. cape. ' seoms, wvere c lose d or. the claildien niighit have muad~e their es cape. Thle event hats shocked the whle com.. muntity, and we regret to say that it- is sha~ught by many to be: the result of negro tradicking and re()tlFng spi'rite- withont li cense. - 'i lioor woman is lnewnu to hate- received ia smell pieco of money I romn het emnpl'oyer otn this night, and was seen betwveen elevei' atnd twelve 'o'clock, re: turning, apparntly' dy'utt, 'ftun, a row Knrisk shLOp near by, whore site hiad-.been in ae-habit, ince her residence. in tlait v i. ein-ity. of fisiting,: ankfrom. whenice she had frequently .ctaried drunk. Ilomble! horrIble ! -- ,.Ihiis, tto our nihud, is but another evil gtowintg out of thi low, uinhallowed, and unlawt4l.practice~ Tho properfty of our citerenadneighbore is rijit only depreci ated, v'iiatd nmd rniotd bt iin itiany il stIaneve, what little of vaile ill then is left, is cimpleltey de.stroyeJ. It is ;it evil w hichi caII 'bC stoli:c,, vlitchi ouiglt to bo put a sto..:fo, and due0 which our people are I Fo1.4 to sillr it) Axist-The10o conmilutnlity at f.g andthe- Jttriof our country, we verIly lielicye, woithl salctioll :liust ally 11w1u1Yis we might us , inl L) protection ,)f oiur prolc'iy and the vindicaltimn of our rights. The hiss, in this instamnco,. to Dr. llaynsworth, ik a ve(ry heavy tine, and, on1e wh'icht ihtve-tenee of a Vgiln No.. ciety and a sfriitt inforcetll ofd the stt. -0tChAgiis retailing rnighlt'lvive preenut.. Cd, We sc that there ik : sIbscriptionl geiing IIhe ionnd to raike ioniey to pulrchase a./I/ri' ?'nytincFi for Smteri"Bll. We ire glad to ,ee that slme are wa king upi, at ht, to lie necessity of sont1e suich lIuIove. We have warned our readers tite and again that Sine thing mirst be done oy way of pre paration against, lie dire :tti terrible rtvages ofI (ire. .n we tiel that, we ire moic than ordinarily ex.jimsed to the ravges of' this eleet.. Almo11 A all of' winrhouses ave- buImt of wood and' ill Close -proxiiity to e:wl .thei;r and lice fiitly n Se o ur 1w ho ule vil:ia1ge wild' I iAiy lie on1e vaslit le:lp of ashes. W e s:I y I henI. I ItI. we ar e :,IIx ious that somethling shonld be done :uid; we are willing to di)t our part, litit we are not altoIgetler satisfied with the imethod employed to aceomiplish % hat aI (lugit to Idmit to be a good iiteitiot4.. We are not satisfied whh the inethiod mised awl we halve la d several otier. Say tie sailne thliinr; be. cause it is not j i nd rid/t that the poor, and hoiiest ad hard-working Imech:niic, who Ias-- nothing or very little at sta :e, shtouki bie ea:led upon as l ere gelnerosity to Limake lup the sumt necessary to sectu this protec tion to the houses and homes of the rich and opulent. It is these men who are to give tie sweat t thel.r brow.s and the strength of thei'r stronig arms rwenever tese eiiiemergenci tes a. ise,. and th. ought. not to be expected to rise the money to boit. Let the rich :d the weailthy raise mtlost (f the Iolley re quiired and m aiso it in pr ')Into the b'*nefit expected and the anount of real estate at stake. Oir proposition theni is to let one h:1lf, of the mltoney required be raised. by' a to.''n tl.c levied plion I the real e2.tate withiti th iteOr porated limits, :nu. the o.her hialf bV vo It itary s: he'i -i p tion. V :e by t I subscriptill lit t1.It .1. niliiulmbr of the lclielje'is have subs<.ri biedi freelv and liberally id a n1umer of our. Iier eblants :11d otherl rulen (of melanls have done e(lliy r, ell. Tliey have Sub seibed ill p'roportionu to their melan2s; but tLre are other mni of :iealls. N% lit) lava .reat deal ,LL stake, and who are ab'.e and ouigt to sbseribie largely, but who have gi vm bnut litt le, widhe some11 htave d't'elined to' give anyvthinig. Tis' we sayv is not right or* ltir, and weC therefre ropoil ji se a plant by whIiehl alt lianlbe compelledl to. jnuy a part, at least, ini n-opin-tiuon to thi/r m.i* ~eansl mlId thleet cdri'rd, iz: 'To nti e halfi by taxationt and. the litther half byv sub scription. Th'is pkma we bielieve would ra.i e the- amou~t. desiredIiti' anduoub mebet the v' ews oft the piell gener'al ly. Thant of ris intg the tottey by vl utary subscrip t iotn alone will not , foria there are somec senisale etnouigh Lto see the iimprop~ riety and the inj Is!ticer anmd whoiar theretoot unwi~tilling tIo contri.. buate their hard earings f 'r the bene.. fit, of the ric/h whe thlt tey shew t hat tey are unw~tiltlirg to helpi theml~selvyes, bie cause.,, fo.'seothI, othets tulay dii, for Arcabishop4 Rhsh esn~V jam trouble WVe ee biy our i'ohaniiges that a warma conitroversalr", Ii etweenl I Fas-rt-s ltloon, s E' '., oneO l thle editors lof the Newv Grk Expiress, andai A rchibishopi Lth: ms, has beeni goin-; on int tihe papers foir .so:oe tinae "Th'le hiter ch~arged the foriter wt ith faltehiod, in atset iug that contvoeyances or real estateI had heeni mad le to imo,. (IIntghtes;) whiereuj'om .\! r. lirooks publish es from the Rtecords, forty-five copies of coniveyantces of lanzd to the~ ArcIihb- hop1. TI'ic Cathoulic prelate endleavorcJ to geL ouit or this dialienhly by averring tLuat thme tratnsfers were to the chiurc,--he. repre sentinig the chulrch. Bunt, Mr. B3rooks shows that the convey anices vest a title, ini fee simtple ill IInighest, that.l the property is is Lto give away,. will away, tsell anid dispose of as hte pilease's. (TIinus proery is of Iiunens1e value.) 31r.. -rooks albo shows a trantsfer of a portioni of thils "'property of* Guid," as hughes stiyled it, by Ilughes to theo larlem Railrond Comn. paniy, for 64;,000o, anid avers thaut thecre areO othber cIIonvyances still on the re oirid. WVhereupont this used upl diinel, who throughout the whloloecontroversy is sid to have exhibited more of .wrath and ter givers~ttirtio mhan of Chlristiani kindnessL amnd truth,-wit iaws fromt the contest i tis awkward-way~ '-.i take hint (Brooks) with covered htaids to thle neuro-L open s-ish of a wintdow,-and-- send him forth wvith the single mnenta~l observtion-'Go hence, wretched and-vise insect,--the world ha~s In' tle Charleston Couricr of the 10th ilst., we see a notice that the old established wholes'lo dt'i9, hiTise of P. N. Cou'. & Co., lrvec rIecoo, NW10.Iewe bulsiless; It th:ri 041 stand 29' i u e n e :ekf 'The C'orier may s: " Nl'r. B1. Mordecai having-t I rui..hed a1 harge cash capital, will ollan11i theil incrfeaIsed fheilities ihr intiing and selling. whielh togethler vit'h the ex pelienee of tle Iieaiibers o' the c '1 COrn Will enAble. theni to oil'er de:ers wio visit ur city, adviithgos in I). ing in their sip.ivs not to he surips - eid in ay of ilie Northern citis. 'l:e enIr nieniber ol'~the firmn beinig a phyvician, ald thle junlio :1a cernilist, aillbrds a1 gluaranitee to physiciins of the puity of all art-ldes SoId at their establi.-,hinlit Ta~kin;~ The La-nssville IfieraiMl einbraces tle prilposititn recently 1rin!e thriiogh our coln.ions1 inl rt'erenlce to t-he 14)11n. ation of' a State Agricultural ' oiety, to hold its :imua-i n'rs at Colnihiiina . aI rges actilon in the inmtter Ap :i tie Agientira- Sotciery (I Laurens. W\ill 1i"t ou'r Coterinporaries in ie SIte consider the inatter. aid, il'i huir juinient approve , place it. beiorn 1te Yes, .\r. Hieral, we ho"pe they will. For ourselves, we cointes-i we Elie tle propo.sition Iniuch, anid glad.Y take thle hi'.t to call the attentioi of the "Still) ter :\gricultniral Society' to the iiiove Look to it. gn leineni (if the .ei et y. 1.- it nolt a1 proposition1 worth emlbrae. ing ? CoulI you not have sinetldhing ine. and worth attending if the various I )istriet Societics shohill unite in (line: granl Aiial exhibition of the f'riits of their experiinets, industry and en. terprize ? Woul not mutch useful ntrau.tionl he thus diflised, whichi otlerwise 1m1.ust he lust or coi'lied to a coril-aritively smiall nuiiber ? And i not Colun. hlia the prop IA hice .' \\'IA s yoiu ? Oir New Yotirk correspiiident witing upon tle sub jec't of Oh. ]ite Prohibitely% S, Savs : It is inti appreheiniled t hat toere will I e much diiuculty duritng tle intercal be t ween the cessar ion of the licie .systei and the Pourith of Julv. The temiperance pariy are not, L tiiiil;, disposed to proceed loex!reiiiities p:'nd. og tl:e advent oif the whole !aw. Iiii sidesi however are pre par.:g tur Owhe ht igatit'on wiuch will im Ilediately follow that event. The liuor ii'erest is poweril it a pectrni.iry point of view, id has secured the services olf 11h0 ab~est inbe~lral of 4-ur har, atnoiig olberti O'Conlor, w hil has certainly nto su. riior if be hsis any egnial, a.'iig h;i's pr. fesienail Ire:biml iit t;is cily. Rlzi..h rercived 8(00 fur his topinion, whi:clh is sid to be " an opiin as is an oinio," 3:: wvill be riain-d as enan iisl wa tiie .\lvcih.lic ide- durin-. the stig l' I ti lav could Iive fiir plIaiy, it woul iri. uniph over all tile objeetions of .I,. 0[a1, district atiorney, and Ir. Dilon, corpora tion counsel, wlhi :af:er all aure latile bel ter' thaon mere gniibbles. liut there s' iI;ore serious d1rawback~ to its prac t ia u-sefuilou wh~Iieb m... and it is proba. le wi!-l, render it a iiillityV in this cit.-.. A~ liaw"I pss.:+tuubseq i iinIVy(t the paiiage' of' the luijior I il! t'niacts I !,iti iiu lrdeii n. airs coiitlted here 'shal! Ihe tried exclu sit.e!y, in th' C.ourt of: Sessionis. ireaiee of the I'r'h ibairy .vw are iisde'iit'anors, and as the !as. mlent :ined act provies, t hat I he ele:s of iinisdl'4meanot'rs ei whieb at takes cogunirice, shal i take plrec'reine u; all others iii all enotirts oif the State, it is pretty e:car that the court of Sesion, will be brought to a staitirl.stdhl biy the. overwhehinig miass of tiusiness which, the liquo~ :- daers will take carc shall he for'edl uipunit k tromi tl~c jiump~. 'Thle problu~ity1 is theirefore, that the ie tauiling of int'xienting dlrm k, Wll tot Ie stropped in this ciity by th inew meinaeure. bui I have no doubit that thli l.w n' Jl b~e uo amnded~. :at the neC.\t ses:.ion of the I .egislature as to haivte noi i~opolls wide to dira:g a coni iiCiiuma ius clienit thlroiugh. News Items, JIade C.,ohpultt died in Ma'oni (1., ait 8 'cll .\. .31. on the 7thI iist From thet Coihihi Croliiini we !eilli thai~t ColI. I) . i .\l eord dlied in that. cay, on Satiirday tioriiig lat, after a brief1il nies". Nuinnery andi toi lauwvell, coinchusle thei' rport in the'g sty le: \Ve ci 'seiler hi. 'oiiduict uponi the connnliiit tee at !ajweil hiigly : impulrope~r and di sgracefulI ho-hI to h:hnielf aind this be~udy, (of which lhe- is it imeinber, anid we dcem it auch as5 to rmnler haiml luwort! y longei' to) 1ccupyi) a seat tip on the Iloor oft thiis hiou s. Th'le repr't wis sigineid by all the~ connit tee. Thle Iliuse, in a vote upon01 theu re. port, rutsta ined the repiort andi( disiiissed .\r. 115is by a vote of' I:J7 to 15. The Columibia 'Thines of Satturday say: "Y'esterday mnorning about 101 -'elock, the stzable, well-housei~ and one other building inl rear of' thie dwelling of the Rev. George llowe,.were destroyed by fire. Two-val tuable carriaige horses were also constuimel. At a meceting of the Board of Trustees of' S. C. College, ont 9th inst.,. Si J. Alc. Ahiley, I'iq-, was oleeled to fill a- -vacancy in. the llourd caused by the death of Govy. Ptlostonste Kendall has1 been again tar;,-d vilth robbing a letter fron Gal C' T.-ion containing sixs hundredl dollars. The celebrated 'rofessor Agassiz i; eluItd an oflier of tihe.- Professorship of Natural H istory in lite University of Ed inburg with a saldry of ton thousand dol. lars. lie pirtfers to remair at -liarvurd Irot a desire to inould arid develope c nitific lvirining in this country. The clio!cra has appearedI ainong the irltgrant Issenmers on the Upper Missis Kippi. On til !:Jd tilt. the seltemr .lon. tank buried seven of her parsngers, vie. Ijts oi the ioler~a, betweei Keokuk aid Dubqute. TIert were seveteen case, on heIlleIyal Arch, duriig her upward I ti1t ito St. 111 t! last week. Governor (.ardner sent a nessage to et luse on the 10: h insi, refusitng to reinove Judge f1-oriny. The- mesange was laid on the table without acltion, and4 eight thousand copies ordered to be printed. The Hlhln. Jonles L. Orr, inl recent speech bef-orel thle 84)uth1 Carolina insltitt, in Charlestni, :enit:ns a Mret vorthy I ittotiei. it spea:kinl zg of the- iml! pot.;',ice of hionle inom :.e tm1) hle s "T11v vxln.-ive carriago mumfac'ory at G reeniuv !e ermphoys soie fifty imechatt ies, andl Se ll aially- n10t I lot Tari FeV. nuty- ive- thoutd dodlhrs wivor th o itn %% ork. The mta:r iket uhich it Inhliii-hes to tle: vari O(nls brnche olf indusitry inl the d Ptr'e. In nas consitmoptun of* livmlber, moaterial, provisots.n & e., dtLisws a pr ope ily in t1he distlric greatr thtn is dnec bv all tihe capial expended I y our friends froim th ituile and lower districts, in tuir sum. iner excursiois and rels:etices in this beiatifltul nl IiSounitin u tw 1n. A do'uzen. suche ia ii faictie s, n d i n .i imakingr other ar1ticles of prime nece-siily ntow purchaisedI ahmttii. would 41iJw every hill au I Overy valley blmo:n n. iii pkuty i and cvery heart. iwel i1 happy coitet. Thee w .e YoXirk Iirald, Spueaking fi te Kow Notinl , -rgalis-tion says: "We have somewlatt siustained this mutove inenti, believing tat ;otod iust result romt i, in qunshing he co:-r, ptin of' this P'ierce admloinlistrnat ioil,:andil in hading il' hr- great Northorn Sewa nIl. chmttei oI a reonewel ant is - Lavery agit, id a 'ectioml contest 1 1!te suittcessioll1. Let it be lilerto< d, howt-ver, limit tile mt. iient we arc issured if a coalition for the Spoils ieween the ati i-sl iv enIni the Kitow No' hing.'s of the North, upon the fieditilus piai'frn of' Seward ;itu his counlderaes, or anythinog like it, Iit imo iment we abandon ail reist the organiza. lion as a treacheris clinsp;r-a-y, aditti a: .1 party oramedoi lakse pretences. It is rimillttod in \Va.shington tht the l'.esident wilE a Lppnt Julge P. G. IM rir, of !.stn, to lthe v:u;v in th Cori of dec-!inuing T the ippoohimncit. .. . rep.y no -the; alt, 0 e W W/ar remark- "t is harlly poss b!e that tile 'resident eol ltl. r to tIs hsi il giuisiled gentui:-an the on,:ti-m n the IIeV C!. I nde l ..eil n by ihC decleniin uuf .int.e Lui.i1pl, ti! G:eoia. 'To do .o. wouhii be l' ::k.! the whltI i; : this elmllr 1'ron:. thle- nin-slatehLi,'ing Slatezi-a inijure is st' d oj. with C.~:onres, andI int theSoth ireties a."itgei,.atsL I 'residenatcan dl'eu Lie 'V r,.inia election. byj the remova'ilt oft '.iv- lovLernd t111he ilhtietts, in Its p~ce and he is sitongly uring the .dn ....trait to itur--u- h~ course.." onehl pieosunse- thait the~ vie a,'v ;i liji Cou12rt uf (.'.imts, c.miso.l by lie inon-acep Ge urgia, hais bteen h-le.I by the apjpointt. menit of the Liii.. 'aaurge I'. Se*j burghl, anit (.onitt.i:ut oliai Irlw~ in ilhe C~ lege of WV dinan an.1 .Aary, at W L'br-, Vir ''Te(' Geneva G izet e oi Satra ti'.ytVs : "Qlir c~iitn ftr t wo lays pa~tst htyve lbe;, it coi.huiy interested, aind saoe of teum a.grteat deal ex'ted. im refertnce to a .-itrang1e all Itttius fr inetxpheale pie iiirmenonii that f.. ttetenrred in ihe wather. ofi Senieca Lake.. Ituritng the whie itt Wedeh -y anOd yte.,Irdayi the water.. wvilill rise anid falW, int a space of' ihnte conmuosl trough:;i thtoie days tr~n tiLive ine0loes to Lto lOe: in htmlht. Jutt5 after s~tittdown il t 'edtted.ty ci tgn~ii a t(ijen oif oiurs~ mad~e an <.xact mteastt'urment ofi the water l it t-2 ihes, whten it cn. that, the recei'pts ofl liarvardi Univeriy ex cued tie exitenses, andl Itht i:-:ttrly ai mii tury of this veneratb.!e intiiittlit. Theii W'ashinigiton~ Ni-o Saturttday saiys: .\ genttlemani itt tis c ity 1hzi.-sonig ne cu eil a let ter fri Jud. Iige JTo..eph II. t hat hte ha~s poitiuvely andtt uineqiivocally declinted Lt.hi app itt of at Jutdge of thte neiw cimis curt. 'IThe Fa:irtsci d II-ierahll letrns that there wats ani attempjt at ripe madle in th Ito wer parrt of that th)st rict Ia- t wee k. A warranit has beent issuted for the arrest of the per pet rator, a Lad abhout lifteeni. VTe Stnd i of Satutrdayi satys; Th'le tel. e'grapht inflormeid us, itt a hate houcir last evenuig, that thle Africa hats arrived int Ilostotn on WVednesday. T1he only inttel ligettce oif im~portantce, addlitionalI to whlat we2 have by mnai!,. is that the cholera had brokei out and wei riuging foarfully"iiong the French troops in the Crinica: The Lancaster Ledger say:--For soe' eral unccessive dat s,. there has been a contiuious buzz., ini every pliAce in the district, we hav-e heard from. -T. is buzz. ing is caused< fri. imnenee hers'6 lr clists, whicle have played the mischief with the leaves. We are not aware that thy have done any damage to- the grow Ing crop. The iuneral obisequies of the late 1x Governor- Johnson, were celirAbrated- at. Unionville oni S:turd -y the 'ilh inst.. by a -procestsion of the 1lditary, Lodge No. 75 A- P'. M. Intundent and W.rdens of Unionville and citizens grenerally. An oration was deli- ered on the otcasion by o(:*. T. N. Ibwkins, Solir'tur of the Nor thern. Circuit. . The last returns of Ilhe- Cinmissionors of E4iig-a4itii imw a. nirked falling olf in the ititber of alien landed at New Yo'k during the present year,.as compar ed with the arrivals in 1954. Jretween he 1st of Janutiiry and tilt 2.5th of Alarti, last year the uimiber of alien' ristered was , I, I this ier during the same pe. riol 2,73i0, a dereasc of 2.7,23, 31r. Janes I arley, of Oranehiuig C,. II., lost four excellent. civs on 'llhursduiy of last week, by a strok2 of liglit-niig.. 'T'lie Elgelii .\dvertisersays tit S100 coun)terf'eit. hills, on tle Rink of 11Iambhurt'g, m.1, be d!tcteidA by obiserving on the gen nine hl. fie ropes at whicb ifie hands are puilling in ilth oiddle t' tie vessel, anl which are aunchcd to a pilly above, and lhat oi tie cointerfeit bill this puily does not appear. Blt for tIis smil defeet, it i6 sa!i the imitation woul'd have been per feet. - Ti burk "s :lara Winsdor" arrived in New York -lndy-irzi lart ai P1rince, bringin two omen from the missingschuoo ier -'John Clark," wieb'i sailed fromt New Yi rk' on the 31 of. Mareb, ; ( Kingston, Jamaic.- The "Jont Clark" was thrown on her Leanm ends in a squiali on tle 7-th. SIe righted after lie weather rigging haod beent cIt a.ay'kbut wa:r fhll ofwater.- he crew were leit lheithut food al water, ht on the next day obtained a keg of ertcker: thant verm, wet v./ith-sid' .'atcr, aller whielhatiey git; a bucket of r'i::.gar, somen shturk livceredil,-ando zur catmphdotie; h. latte2r made them. stupid, anil feel as if they were on fire. The fifth dy ntierthe catait rolit, t lie captaji, ninte,- stwmard and two uen ii'od,-atd they, the' two re 0liing ueinehad nothintig to oat for cight days previoui twheiig tuk'-' These that died wen t erazy previis to death. Tly a'lo state that tly saw two dill' r ent vessl, one a fi.hiig chMite"; Wich c:ume close to it , so Iat they could see tle tman at tlie helm, one of whieb, came so Close that they hallounei tot hIomI; fite vessel hove to, and came cluse op n. der their le, and after sirveymg them polt their httihtn hard n p 'nl bore away witoint offeriir any assistance ; ;ill were hving at that the, and but ior it being be for,! daiylig t could have read her t iu, as her k ttrs thn wetre distiinty vi.sibl.. The! we.ither. was good. and nothing to hin der then ii trtim saving all on fboirf. 'Thle noniest'f the twto saved are flla'at. .McKa v, Cpta i' i.soin,) and C:in ries f.'ivei . F rim thet .\.nintal repoirt of' tie Bia rd of I'origt Missons of the Priesbyvterian Chutrc.h, imit ipubl ished, wie le'artn thait the lheipts tromt aill sotreeys. iincludin g a bi. atce fromt List yeatr id 81 ,2i7 52, aimout toi - - 81-tf,071 17 !.eatviig a genier-d batince tof $.9,.:4J t)7 lucre ha~s bixen appriopri-'uted to litdianu .lbssionts iniisa anud Nebiraha, - - 8.2-2 (00 l..'air-tg a hitme'e in. th 'rasu ry tar the' giener'al putrpo.,es oft the liii rd. of - 87 07 Thle lhiiard ha-+.setnt ont dutriing lie year. six new Mutsioioinries (tone of whom hand bieent ini th~is coiunt ry ont a visit) auit twenity t wiot al and feimalec Asseitt Missiouna ries, mvil inig t wety ih nal i a udrits iritin, biesies whant is -donec for Papalu I orope, twen~tty separaltet Alin. stins; 50) ordfaiinetd Mlissiontaricn; ) ljdeent tiate P'reac'hers; 114 mta'e ral~ f'emiale .\isiutanit Ali'inriues;.4:3 tnative I Jr Ipers; 21 I fllrelbes, anad abouit (65t tnative coin mi tuicat ; 2o shoonls, andi ti,5Jd puiuis; aini 5 firiniting presses. fritm which have bieeni issued moitre thatn 12,00(\t00& of paiget donrin;g thle year. Th'le famtonits Kinney expeitii'n. case camue liy tin Monda~y lie 7th Iinst., ini the United States5 Distiict Court, before Jiule Inger.. roll. AMter ac'veratl inif'etuial elTorts of te District Attorney to ptistponeo or con' ine lie case unit if antitther term, he dleclared hi~tmself unabule to) proceed and' the Judfge dlisimissetl all the parties tiponm M~essrs. Kitnney andI 14mbens etntering into rec'ogtizanices in $L(000t each to apipear andt answer the chaurge itgainist themti niext terili. A rlumov wais- prevaient in New Or. easotn thte 27th itt., that IBi-k'ar, the t'ur.. derer of Wrill Pmioie had been captured, andu Iwasi being conveyed to New York. PTe Legislature oh' several Statee Ma- saciusetts, New York, Conniecticut anmd others-halive passtled resolutions de climing, atooing other tigs, that there shahl be "no mitire siave States.." Dy die arrival of the Black WVarrior we hiave advices from ILavana, to the 28th ult. General Concha has carried his feelings of vindictiveness towards the memory of the late IRuumno P;nto. so fur nie to rnfs ,til request of the framily of the dceased to permit tle remains to lie deposited in one of the ninte es of tlt coinlpoi Santo. t is also stated although we caln IardIydredk, the rumor,-that In the g-crnment bill 6f costs against iamto's estate the fee of Is$ Cxecltioner is clurge(I It was c.putIed that the blocaile W'6I be raised on the 1st inst. For- the Sumter Banner. : What do the ['eople of Salcm aid Clarendon say to this. Tihe proposzitioii is forthei ieighb6rs arid citizeits gener. ally of, Salem to.give a flarbecue at or near Mr . IlcI MCFADIN's 1lso for thi neighbors and citizens generally of Clarendmh to do likewise at or near A. B. WILLIAMS, fur the purpose of taking-into coinsideratiun the build. ing of* a lUoad across Black lliver Swmunp,-cilircet I')om IUcit McFan. Urs's to A 1. WiLLI- sS'. Vh:t say you one1 and all? That, the proposition ik a good one,- zuid piatrticulatr so. if we canl get the l1oad co.odleted,. you. all will adm-it. So-let us push Irwarda,. if we wish to accomiri-sh- the work. I. will propose til:tt the 4th of J ily be the day of the meetin-g but will. leave that for oth ers to -ay. Messrs. Editors, if you, think the above propoition is worthy ofa small space in your vatiaiable paper lease give it 1-uiblication and oblige yours respectfully. ONEI OF TIE PEOPJJIE. The iaut .i ver Watchlman, ileaso Copy. jilorribi)c afjihir -m tisaly of Sevens IPcaso1as 31u.r dered! The Wabash (lidiatn') G'a.-etc, ex tra c'n.tains an accoutit of the di-eove ry of the bodies of a family :of sev ell ptrsnus, near that place, of tle name of.Freichil,. who had been brutid ly imurdered. It appears the 13un1ily eonisist.ed- of French, hiS wifm, mad. fiv hibren. Iley were very pour, and liveL ill a cabmit, iand in Septemiber last, another lieuily, of* the name110 u l.lubbard, went it live with. them During Uetubter, a iieighbor proceed. d. to tihe cabin to see lrench iand was mtld ty the 114bbards that the fiunily hiul moved away, and thait., they had purebased aill their Corn, gaideni pro dtieu atid furniture, valued inl the ag. gregate at nut over 50. Nu suspi. eion of, fo)ui phry wu+-i are~tud, u;;til revenitJy, whn the l4iblards were arrested ln -pivit of murdering a luan naiaed o.,y les. The house was then sui rclied, aid a pirtion of the grouid floor dutg tili, which remilted inl tihe finudig-'t~thu dead body of mi ill. .u l t, *e imuch decayed. j lie Gatzcttc then. iti'r reliing to the stitieiliang. ut i ec iiener'S iitplest, say: - in tle lirsee$ of-t a large cinpay they ppreed.dato- mabne btir e wo ei thi nlimt haId bee-ii discovered, andH-uerrile to ruhule, founild s'evenl bodies,, ofthe e.mire. Frenlch iihl !.Theiri skulIs were all broken in, 'nd. tle legs of the old. inam 'renich and his w ife vore broken,.sthat they coul-be dbedI up anld forced into the-hioh-, whiih. was thr ee or tour feet 'deep. Tuey were lid in. a-heap-the father and the imother- at' the bottops, and lie chil d reni o the top;. The babme w as about fifteen. imnths lold, anid the oldest child ah~o-ut litteen years old. Thiere' were three girl and two boys. The children w e m iuchi decayed, but the parenits were still sound, and were easi ly recogniz. ed by those who. had kniown them. TIhere is not, the leant doauba that lie lI ubblards are guilty of' tils who. sale and dan lniing iou rder.- It is al. mnost too hort i ble for belief; Ihat facts at e staited, and the conluion0501 is irresistible. hie .llu bbards are alt in jail. - Thre sems to have hbeeni n1o o:hter mloti-ve than the obtaining u hat fe'w wordly goods this poor' tlinily passessed, w hieh were not worth over fifty dollards Awret. Av.aLI i. ics:. Th'le Cicago Ti'bi ie Iearns fromi a private letter tront lieloit, Wisconsini, thie foillowing piarticulaLr& of ana awful tragedy which occu~rred ini that plae on1 the mniniig mit the 23d ultt:. hie u.ite of a citizenl ot' that toiw. wasae aeed Iroin her sleep on the mr ninug of the 23d by a noise w':hich she heard in the-adjoininig alparltmenit. ll a moml ient mior'e she saw a gleeml from a donik lanttern held by a luan in thaut room, and screaming with aili-ight awuke her husband, who was sleeping at her side. As he sprang fromn the bed, the intruder fired at him with a piistol, thec ballI just missinig his heiad' and burying itself in. the pillo-w. Snatching a double barrelled gnu from the wall, lie discharged both barrels at the initrulder. TIhe contents of (one bare enitered the manm's hie..d and the other his body, killing himi instantly. Leaving the body whecre'itt fel, the genltlemnan and his wvif'e proceeded to the nearest neighbor, told haim what had happened and iniduced himi to re. turn with thema to- his biouse.. But iml., asginie the feinigs of' the neighlbor, hiimselt a nran universally esteemaed anid respected, to recognise in the mangled'body of the dead robber Als ojwn sonl! - Upon. returning. to his house, the father funnd lis soin's r'oom unoeciapi. edl, the-window open, and a rope lads decr e.tending t romt the w indow to the ground. The gentlemna. who shot the robber had suff'ered the loss of' two gold watches some) time before in a- myste. r115ios manner, and now attributes their theft to this person. Ilo.\E.MlADE GU.ANo.--S. 13. IInhi. day, of Providectee,-H 1.1, has a. pro. ens by w elsi. cinvert lilt- 1lih W1h cl swjf o . I?(I 'l evi-ry a intas a: ) le likji i'', less I:hu half 14 ceo of tite FrIuviI a icle, and Pro9. Ilaore , f PI elphlia, thnosks equIIy as vil"* ly'Mr. 1al. lthit~it'is ptodnt! cl! ht afforded it W3 per ton,, and pay the snaioeti'r niore than 50 per cent. 'le oil (lie. cording to Drs. Jckjsan and lHare) be. iog almost. v'lueless for fertilizing t rpouses, it is first taken from thse fisls, maJ re flail coild V it ' d g" . Iio. ''hle first cost of the fish i's wbout *2 per toni, and con~aiding neaAll! f per cent. of oil, the oil will pay for the fish alid nearly for theAabor ir manu. fihetlring. By iy own experiment i& thorong ly de aons-rated' the .rdderi ing of ish into gtnano. I then consul.e ed' )r f:lare, f 1Ildlilag T,' ascertained, had experimented eiton. sively and snccessfully. I obtained froni hii his processes, and have re. ceived coAsideralule instruction frohi. him on the suljeet. I have also con. snited )r-. Jackson nore reeent.y_ These geuntlesonen, and all w"ith llvhini T have coisilted, agrqus to the great. valie of' this fertilizer. ~elstgas otao "9f Genseral Quilt Siw R4.nsv4, April. 30.-At a ineetinig of the Cuban Junta, held yes. terdsIy (Snnday), Gen. John A. Quit. I11nan handiled iin his resignation as Com. imWer-in -Chief of the Expedition' whibli hts been so lung organized' againist Culia. All of the American ofleers who held Connissions in this Quitimaun army have Ilso resiignd, and lie cause of Cuba is now in the hands (of the .1 un ia. Thus ends the Quitman' IExpedition, an enterprise in which inany of the leading mien of the south have been engaged and had'eVery re'a. soll to believe would prove snciessful., i The oflicers wvho Wgre engaged to take part in this expedition vere men of ex. perience; who-have held commissions in IHP- Unaited':3tares Army and have seen services and. distinguished them.. selves intile wa- vith Mexico. Manyr. 'of' these ''fleecrs-hav'e nat. their superidfsr in the United States. I. have a list of' lie'- nnes 1Cand the- positions which - they were to Have held; but as the enterprise fins iniled the pnblieatioir ::t'the same is of' nio interest.-- Correr" pondelnce of the . F. Tribune. MIYMENE AL.' R1t1iMy.,.-On Tuestdav-evening the' Oif .\Ly, by he Rev. ). AlcQuerc, V. EDWAR) D)CK, E.qr., to Miss l'OS I lU.\A EVEXLN, second daughit er of Col. Jons A.. and Mrs. ELIZA ' of Sii,.ter District. PRieoks CUatENT OV THIC Charleston Market. Corrdetud weekly by W. S". Lawton & Co. rI U-CItH .o)--coMslfSioN .u1rieIANTS, t'harlecon, 8. C. Chisso iuton, May 1*21h, 11855. Urt.ASO CO:rToN.-ThC sa'es of this arti. cle yesterday-imounted to 56U0 bales at fromn 1) to 10--1. R ie.--Cleani 65t30 to 6,1-8 per hunQd red-lbin: Mu!tz'het lirmn. Gna:M.-.Corn,-.I.,2, to $1l 15c per b.' Searce. Peas'05,) to $1,050 puer b..- Oats' 75c to-Mk ner busth. Nource and rising Falour.--.$1c0t)-to {Il 00 per bl., (or' Southern. .$tiO 90to 141 for good North-' ~' Salt-Saceks $'1,i0-10 5-,2T. Wec have' 3t'90 sac eks for sale.. .ttjvr'xs Griso-'Ihis newly invented& Gin will get out'Long. Cotton cleain of' sinoteF,.amueitheo Fhorter Bi~a bzilanid Cotton.' better' than-sthie commnon kinds. WVe are - A -ents for these gis. 1Iacic.-Itog rond,1.l to 12 l:2c per lhe' accordinug to qiality ibnd qulantity. 1ioDts.-Cow-hedes It) to 10 1.4 per lb,. Doer Skinss 20) to 22e per lb.-Coon and other sonal ah i'us-10ts: each. CuFFE.E.-lRIo It 3-4,,to I2 1-4e, acesa' ding to qua'iiy. SCGa a.-iirown, 4 1-24 to'Go accord inog to quality'. loL Ass Cuba '2 to 25, N, 0.-33 to' 25c. per gal. - W Ax.-22 to 25c. pier lb. T1obacco.-Virginiia anud Northi Carolina' *V> to 50c. per lb. We are agents for the .<actories of those States, and for Lonug Dennet & Co's. brand received a premsiuns' at our Fair.. W ines.-Lngwvorst's winos of Ohio,, $10 to $t I- pr dozs. We are agents for ths wises, for which- we have receivedi a premoiuuan sat imur Fair recently. - Woo.-Washed,. I8 to 22c. per lb.. Trashoy,6. to 15e. 1per lb. iBEMs CATTI.Lh-Car loads '7 3.8 to 9c - 3'.4c per lb., nolt. Get ting scarce. Hous.-Cap loads (J.3-0 to S 1.2C. per" lb. nett. NAvAr. S-rones.-#pts. Turpentine 39' to 4ic per ga-l. Mosin 81,25, to 8250 per barrel. T1ar,.,&'7c. to $'2,50c. So. Crln -Sme it By 11'. LE Jt'JS Es21., Ordinur'y for said D)istri.'~ Wh a, W. L. Ridged sty lhath applieda to moe bor Letters of Admsinistration, ont ally and sinotuhlr the goods sand chiattles, rights *and'creiciraof rhe lhte Jkin G. F"rierscoha dec'd.,.oftisesaid jOistrict. 'Bhoeedte, therefore, to cite and ad.'" oonegjih,~ alL anodingur4ar, the lz'insdred an~d/ csoedis oft~ saisd- deceased,. to be ansd ' appearhfoe ome at ous noet Ordinary's' Court for the isaidl District, I.o be imilden.. at Sumoter Court Hlouse on0 Froisay the 25~th of M1ay inst., to shoow cause, if' any, why). hesdadminisutratioun should noot bo' granoted. G.ven tunder moy hand audd seal, t!.c' 16th dafforfipyin the yeair oi our. [t.ZS.) lard wio 1pusad ei:jht- t~udredi' and f1 fd in the 7.9th -yeav