The Sumter banner. (Sumterville, S.C.) 1846-1855, December 30, 1846, Image 2

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wrt ppgn 0, e partiutiso furany 11111. rormn. yow. -."Ir . e~Aes, -s resultl taiiaie been achinp sh t lpug~ pa he-arI q, p ifrsd' thekry uty undler, gre isad porig gihlims digiinguishei skill andcouage..The vlitories'or:Pal&Aito -i on (fg I.II .. a Si l e,11 iIse-k V_ ....ii ? -a n, r q e IpI I t n <e. gIr &an I R u rs, lore i e a,flegf 0ryTs~I ~ it Z j pe0h0.9 ee g!F tila tphle 1"A I a ehc etlin th(ir Io. anto of veteran tronps, ;eiz ,e d r gh phruirese hd eetheire wuifayut icne of-Nwy fewd tver~h bnn t , part n f t9c* ir 7ogi iteo o tr wainh a wiathnya coua e to ofl, heean te~ps, a au pfge ih e ft's iliral .. praa n fln thes 'ogh n etsegut d thr o oky a wi e e aA~cij-ee or k wthgi fantendredimportant srse.: is brilliaons, it is because the force 1o meqt them ontheiwn eement, and because ofopthe defereces.Which .haire ia interpaed in th difficultiesof isq'na ,I~ti~ihiton the Mexicancoast., purstu0da rnnhPa.ific,. with the co..operatih o of agallant oflcer of the armoy,, and a small itarce hasiey clected;in that djstautcoun 4y, have acquiredi rdodless p0iesion.ol Ah Californips,1and. the :Arerican4agihas beeri rsed t. very Importapt poirnl si that prvinc . - . - n - * ,Pcongrgtulate y6u on the muccesswhIrgh ias, attenciedgyr cmilitarya ndaval opera. io9. Ii, li nes thian seven mnntihs aterx.Mn iFcn had conaimesced herbostililies,-ot aimnd selectecd, by.Jeyselfd pre haye'taken posses' sifn .o.mauy of.he princ.ipal porte.iten back andlpursued 'leer invading ary,,pndl a ry sseion. pf the ;Mexis cani provuncqs'ofNe~w Mexico.New' Leon, ~osuItll, ,Tpaaulipas, and the. Cialifiurniaw, a'territory larger in extent:ba.n that em b!raced in the original. hirtes, States of the Unionn, inhabited bya consiblera ble pop ulation, alnd much-f it..tpore than a shoal sand mniles frm the .points at iwaich we had to collect ouqr forces and commence our movements. By the .blockade, ithe import anl export trade of the enemy has been cut off. Well may -the American 'ebple be proud of the energy snd gallant 'ry' or our rigail' ,ani volunneer officers and soldied. Thi sveen if thise tvo 'anMnths a 'rd a g ra tilving proo f itha t otr cotn ry ca, ue r an1-y..)eergency ov,- ccnfently. re .1y frpley inaintenance of herhoior, and 4he dee'tc al her rights, On effective force, eady-t arll imies voluntarily'to re. ingpish he comfrts of home .for (besperuis any privations of thec camp. Andl though-such a force may be for the time expensive, it is iii the ind econoiicaJ as the ability to enmman mit removes the .neoessaty of Mm ploying a large standing army han time, of peace, andl proves that our reople love their instititions, .,.d are ever ready to def d e n nil protect them. V. ast t.he warwa ain course of higoroas adsnccessful prosecution, being still an io to arrest its evils, andl consilering that sfmerthle briI-liantVi.etoriosf or atrms-n-he eighth and nintih of M hay. owst thqe.nat ioai honor could ot e, cimmoaie b iIt .F other vertaurews made toMexicobymyi rection, o te twenty-seventhof JupydlJst, to ter~fina te hostilities by aupeacceju and honorable to both countries. On th.thair ty first of A.agust fellowing, the Mexican government dleclined to accept this friend Ty overture, but deferredl it. to the decision of a Mexicant Congress,. to ho. assembled ithe early pato the presens mosth: o1fthe-letter of the Secretaury of' Sutue pro. poising to reopen negotiation , of the an swer'of the Mlexicao. governmnent anal .of the reply thereto of the Secretary ofSate. The war will continuna to- be prosecuted with vigor,, as the best mens of securing peace. Ft ia htoped tisat thie decision of the Mexican Congress,. to-whiceh oue last overture has been referred,. may result in a speedy and honorable peace. Wish our expeuience, however, of the unreasonable oonrse of thie Mexican atuthori ties, it Is the part ofrwisdtm not to relax in thme energy of our military operations until thie re stit is mado itoown. riu thisiekw, ii is session of all the prnviances wvhich beve lieen taken, utnti a definitive treaty of peae shall have been concludied-and rut iled by tho- aaountrieer.. The war has not' Been wagedl wielh a viewv to coruluest; buit Hiavig: Ueen- commenced liy Mexico. it has been carried'into the en -emy's country, and wvill be-viiiously pro. scuted there with a view to- obtain an hionorable peace, and thereby seoure am lide indemnity for the expense of the .war,, as- well as to otur mtuch injured citizens, wife liohi- ihrga~ pecuniary demands a gainsat M'rexico B y the lawts of. nations a conquered trriory is subjeci to be governed by the conqueror during his possession, andl -an til there is either .a treaty of peace or lie shall voluntarily withadz aw froam it. The oldl civil governmuent beinag necessarily su persededl, it is the right and duty of the r ~angeror to secure his conquest, and, to e- t-3 vide, 4 abtenanee or d er, f h to fi Akc Ia4that e Ag 4' 644 or (o r ed,' mDiliz -and cm de.s y th e bllsf hment tidpo. y,,governments In the conquered proiln. ednMexoras'sm~iating:tpern -asda'r isr pracicable to thei freqiOnstitutions of our covutry. In tho p resefiNir Meiifo, it IF any 'further f-'it h 1110a'. Ol o itermye- s !Wd t u w a biwites $g r pnfh b tjr~per tofpritid. fer f poiI; 4tefittese:1 mgobtsint conqu'ests, b itIng' an, adequite appropilation for Ab purpo aof erecting folieation. and rainying ,the expenses.-eeeessmrity.ligci. denpl4je, thnaiena nce'bour-posseisson am ufuikriyover'them.;: .* - , Ireonoimgud that 00ongress shiould Im. mediatelypirovidoebylawr for.gratinglist. t$rs .pC marque .ad'd reprisal against vessels under;-he Moxicansflags It Is true - that Ahl~e.ire.but few, if any, commercial. Yes. el.qf Miexico upion the high seas ;:and it l,ti;eforee.tiot - probable that many Amerisca..privateers trould be. fitted out, in qasesaw sliould pass authorizingi this Ommfdepf .arfar.ylt, is, notivithstanding, .cgrtaipi ib4Itauch. privateersa may render good~iiskTvine to.the.commercial intet-it of A o mryi byarecap tu-ingiour merehabt ship,,ieould anly betoken by!armedt ves splQ.,upder.the.:Menican1 flag,,as well: a by capttiingsthese veskels themselvesi. Evi% ry. means within our ifowei shedld be rea:. dered available.for: the, Irotection of-our commerce.- .- . ' Among. our just'causes of cotinplaint'a gaint Mexiwo, arising out of her refusal to .treatifor peace, as well before es since the war -so-unjustly commenced -n heir part, are the eitkordnary, expedditurem Ila'hich wd, have; bin involved, .-Justiebottir fown people will make-it prhpeit that'ex ico should be held responsible fNk thebe ex. penditures. - an ku ninay iesah of'Decemnber last, a tariff vf revenue -dtiieg'bda'ed ih ' th'e pindciplek'of I hesi xslin lat raV"rieddi Fameaded, and 1: haive seehtm o 'rfigfbY 'o .change -ihe opihiUn:lien lexprbsised. lb view of .tlle, probabltbeeiiicial tifteits of that lawmi- recommend' tliat the policy is tablisheil-by it be-maintai ed. It his but jdst.4otAnmnced gol o'ierate; and'to ibad doiinhur modify Itt(v*thout giving' it fair. tial,'would be hn-xpeilient 'iind sunwise. Shouhl defects inany lt'its details be as 'certailned by actual exper-enee, to exin, these may be hereafter corrected; btit-inil guch, defects shallbecomie manifest -tl act should-be fairly tested. 4 Withfull- reliance upon tihe wisdom and -patiltism of yurdeliberation it 'will be my dtitj, as' it will be my anxiouis desire to co-O'perate with you in every constito. tional::effrt to promote the weltere ini maintain the honor of our 'conmon coun try' . JAMES K. POLK. IWAsilINOToN, DECEM5BR 8, 1840. rom- the N 0. Pieddie, .Qec, 20. FUwrHEft - MEXiC- NFV8, By tie orrioil ofthe schr.Mnrtha qmisa, from H avana, we are placed in possession of full aid reigular tiles of thme papers of tims eity, angl,.oum .correspndence. We iearmi verbally that Gen..WVooll, whmo was r maiiy years ini time _service of Mex ic,), anid whom signalized himsnelf ini Texas and on ,tlie Rio Granmde fronter,recently er fecied a, landing at Laguna, and had pro ceeded .toward the Mexiciwn capital.: Gen. Wool is a Frenichmnu by, birth, retired to tmims natiye country a year or two siimce with a fortune, mnd Itas thme reputaition of being a brave oliucer. ,:-s SThme chief of 1,he..Mexican -dieulties arose . from pecuniary embairaissments, says the Diari., Sanmta Anna is calling on the government. forF means. Thme clergy being call'ed together by delegations both 0.1 the reugulamr and secular orders, refused pouitively to guarantee a loan .of two mil lion. of dolMez but the government, con. .sideriWg the straightened circenmtnoes of treasury and mthe necessities of time state q~uite too urgent to be provided for by gen. eval, contributon-had resolved to' issue drafls fur tlse amnounmt of two rmilliuons of dollaes.upon the respo nibiliy o1 .the clergy the clcrgy to be commpelled to meet- t4me same withmin two 5 ears-she government recognmasng thme amount as a loan to be ulti mnately reimbuirsed with-interest at the rate of 5-per cent.. per ann.n- To render these dratis availuble, the government haed deter. mined to dlrew thmmfor amounts varyimng froni 82?00-to 820 00O0,-in favor of-individum. ala of wealth andi accord!ing to-their circum stan~ce:,- and-conmpeL them to adivance the respeeuivp .ums withmin eight-days.. The reportsw ftm Chuihuahuna- were that the governmnent had organized a force of 1200) regulars and. 10,000 volunteers; withm fifteen pieces of artil..cry, nnd thast all were to march agaiinsit tihe enemy on the 8th-of November.. We do not.believe the huif of A. eommuniegtion, liad been received from Sinamloa. damted the 28th October, sa-a t'mg thapt Capmt. Floires, with a few- regulaar. ad some volunteers, had routed ai party of INorth A memioans, it was added. that'. at Los Angeles thme If(indins had massacred onehundredl amnd ffty American sailors act inug .assoldiere. A private letter' from~ Merfieo assuires isted. between 19antma Anna anti the Cen tral Governmmeni, but that time necessities of time General were such that ho was conm. strained to insist upron the forced loan ol two millionsa. His armyv amountied tom a bout 26,000 men, the best arm of whlich was ca valrn. Gun..Taylor. lie .ufl.... nte - r Wil.attemp 164 '4he - hoh et g tho', it. E AAn'ri isi f l'tj il I t6 Q4retira h 'd46y11 640,04F6 h il dayne s lheiil dV'hth (o ifeiltd'be he s 49 ~ij, I t 'Ezirginss Ef~~h dm 45 t i t'dtteh if' n sdd on articleenow hprhibe atiIed-f hed f a skndt in gade mosemesit ay: 6 lo -intihnldtE Odd es i . mea sures, whilj he -LATEW FRO -E4,Rk Monvinkit of'M rey-Deat of pi" tI Ii Disastld ipe&vernme Steqrn Pse'k wilavea dates rm razs go utiis 1 6S in. Ih peg'o .'imm . Cat q~ojc.~ di e irteram M ge nQ e oasen Q ,te mpA'boil.7,wdq - S.twad, a bV.) 4 e. t tey r fr Tjne o nTsla ,.erhipsich Ln isej Co olnteers u. -qnpme ' Thegep r o aie omhi'Q t prto ati. MartIpe wap hie aisa.steia mn , leftAheneirizlsi (di tbr Tmcoi ennesdayi. 13thntwih oet', Co.,rke a . six eqmpanis . thp Alaisiar ea'ent TInninbgeri ngiga 40nr.ank ank fil Th i einnast an itl e U.. (rmpelieyrabs Cage ledhan o i' t ers4wgh~ Rte , ie:id ai !r Fuil . M .(u . -, 1 e ay1s ne' gnito elills ctopa f m o. Tergsalbid jor- Ta spc.rh. Fro-Alfthe.riepiy 6f the.MieKE "'i earpays that th'e'U. S.'steameir Gopher oke thei Z * . . - . 1 4P hg. chai.n andt team conne iMns .ii. Aling the baLr 6i' Shundnj tVe13h pashowever. enibied toger. 9pi come to anchorin five fathom w the wind blowi.egm.stron rn. o mmnd s eas and a beavy sea.ounning sewhaq immcrsm a fri lettr oL ali erally ashed. to pieceasiw -d so.t anptchetor . 1 have a itl pewt.. esterey, a te Seas&th 'o govemince.swed ,.omes nfein.ttreiluris d Olrteers .'tosu grhas threet Markhset's (Cay. To thos who.ery~ tlhgnd tof Satelw, to low prfir;tho apitmenty, d iee et. adsequey a'svips ago nmaion igf wdos beels..rc f thsel nos msayo ber kiihdor d.raion-se mre, ,FJ~f Gen .Bthri. remagn inbcomand wal bencoertinprtesben in afrtplttrsoh~yor arriv te arrayatomorasiwo daysagorri desathes bfor tren. a tien staMre. aN-t hasmilo ofe grd in~. ther seemse, "o give inocreason wh omnl priz miey soulad notuneera,:.o-grane treems GIO monhs py."toewosr mtil ted enlel of thewr e lo various non eym inn somelaest te namsfasell asumt theers, and tog me bn. dna eoiso onrmu ah compaywe. tnhildren muof thmose who o ay .bereicledtorndiesinegerence. proect- o1fl mthi ot ogh to~d b'te Mdwiu beadt ed-am.-oh arie C eig.infvo it..G Mrl BENON~ eared ft th eagh vt.r ai ourselectsCe of the see~n oplr "Thled foalu te ls publii tors emain Chr G~ae yor rosaMnear. .'a beensaEte AL alfamilongo'dhwrs-. Ther nFria maiomwhy some* prizeda mnesh od nte aid, by timeI troops' oufo thesaied'spois." A .~- . .......... RV't Att Out lQ'I a . ou nton U~4 A boe MfJhe4 wJt Ite o inigTh Camip ~tz e t~ * - EQ''666 i iJ e1 d a d~, it a~ i~il to id e o ft v te te m p. ws -Yu e O A e a r ovi ~e nas f recefedlim MO.brok~ I "ecttoseedi~ofdfet ear again amongst'aad , i-, j 0 ' Ao , r e 1 chat ad p h - ' tloly ouei fepo Cisr of heouthe of li. 1tni hedgy wo ng, e th-a deahient, fro ~c.Conpay of one copjhi .. ndn!nIt dolet and .is yates mm en . Raed Cour.and p d 4hep,,us adj, to loce.d a, m e I thl side. of, ami, rg. Onjpemugning ef e gothjah fght wing o e !fimnen~t consiitig-of feV9 eognpyaz st o t a margj n# the lef-wing hd rted fht o syme phee og:4onda7 noruing Jasit.. , h lts 7d ! be one es tgp alea.ofhe right j'gg Th volunteerd.wilsprobaR miai nfora -fe laysuatitheir new aiasienetawenhy sill ',ahe a.gnal move for, te: seat of; WA!, digigh Ji wUIl doubtless soon takeplace.s' e The Pahnetto.,Regitnent'elam tbe lh 4tg-e ganizeti under the new uesqustlou. * LkS 1'~~BU: .&URIOSO*M$tS. -T.kO a cyme .r1~n iio gi th _t hS r a l 5 6 d i n g t ob sate tRa~tftDag e3 n erraf dnga .rgangap~dity and.i in thirty. condi hrw he .1 air, beana nd.. tateasmn utmine.g hetn. IThe sensilmwas more vlilnt Iif lbn thiPfarnc ti ther weather gave reabon- to expeot. Thq sei lent was mainly due to the eixtreme lighftness .* the resael, as she had on board only fourteen belrreis of srovisions and! at-out six hunde Lallons of water 19 mn' d~em'e saveaQ ptaT 't~ g avessel woevedto be the'Ab ' u00;10a on at hSoti tLaaardo isene r .ru. those svbtd *au Lti J3. L. Fv&er;.who snco - inee, in the dating iet'of burning a-% it4i .1, the Creole, undejghe very iialsq*aeCj3 f San Juan do Uiloa.. We reg thof n o give w detailed acceoupt or this fbi ajorm~in y small number of mear. The Br~tIIU, French'and'Spani'sh u~~)~g mear the squadron gave girompt asi aztres' ued many of the 'Americatl 'aelen ronur sary rave: . Afew dify. before- Chbr'actfilt, MIdslftpzl is a tpured'ivh'l( tedonichekng Ca le, with: avietaoY A46ertainigdas dI6 fti it'ghItc ghd thtteahiliity.$ ali itteiptib blow t to. Arter ascertaining tidt his objet could b'ei emiplished,'hie was unfoithunately taptuteed'ullis ettyning to'his boast. The' party'wift hin eseaji~d nd return'dd toi te Somie,. onlyd *oitness 'hef losa, ..187 OF ACTS: PASS1~I) BY: T HE LEGIS.. LATJIg OF #0tJ7H CA RQLIgiA, AT ITS r 1846. VCT's OkAdrlA-rtNa tw Tu' Hoces or RanE8Z.%Ir -tevase I. An Aet, to. Abolish the allowance of Per~E n Bales of CottoR ~.Toennfer oR.ArthurlF . I&olly, an diHew,-she privilege of appilyitng for adimie ih lo-practice La w. tl 2. 'Iho authorizb6 arwpdnetion 'of tolon ingler horse enrli'sv th le State Roadi.. .4 'eN incorporate .te -South Carblina uvusance Company.. 6. To vest thme title of the State, in the . teal Estate of Ed ward Jenkins, deceoased,, n Rt. Pringle, F,,lizabetha Smith, Wri. 'l- 1 inger, Edmund Aiston, and Julius Isard c V4 5er et &j 00 Irr ?:2 Ai 4efinng e At P ops~ ! toi e e ~oil 5: an* t it r nun0 AW iutark onthe-oll pdioq T4r r emite b li uIluar. - , . *~ i W2,6tibe ith maysT Atim4es o sfin to th~pe t CTIIo aMieD .sn ' 80mtrvileli .2 -is . Anapiie to the la a1'b t jn(J'af v so 4p? aa thi "ffice.* AfrstI~ate etcn Y -rwth u go , to D~ehc20t~e 1Quaum. . sou i ic MOWI I I s~ acaniaefr I q r hi" olo Ici Ait firbt -fillcnd~t A. 30T;% ~ . - '