The Camden journal. [volume] (Camden, S.C.) 1836-1851, March 12, 1836, Image 3

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THE JOUKirAH | CAMDEN, MARCH 12, lt?b. j LATfc FROM FLORIDA. j BATTLE WITH 'HIE INDIANS. The Southern Mail yesterday altrnioon brought ' us dates Florida to the 6lh inst. Gen Gt >ra had joined Gen. Clinch with about lloO mrn on the tilth February, and was on his return to 7'anipa Bay when he encountered the Indians said to be ' 151*0 strong, at the lower crossing of t c Walhla It if.nff taarrhrd b? the upper crossing |0 C V?iV^^ ? ? ? ^ ? reach Gen Cl.scii Various account* .?f Ui* batik? is gir. n by Irttrr writers from St. Augustine, *nd the true stale of tkr affair, difficult to be as. Plained- Most of the Icltr;* published in the Charleston papers seriu to have U-ru wriUm in a hufird manner, and consequent U ran !?ard!y be apposed to be i ntiir!v cntrect. 71t? y gi ncrally concur bo?cv?-r,tn pulling down the U ?s of Crn Gaixcs at G kilbd and ab* ut CO v. "end.-a !u!e >f the Indians thru* are support d to be between two and three hundred killed. The forr-c ol i_-- n. G vtxts il ?s slated, is coinp<;*rd of nclitia Iroui Alabama and Louisiana. Gen. pai?ed through the scene ol the massacre of Major Utnr.'s command. discoterrJ and interred tbc remains of 15? men. anil 7 officer* Gen Scott had reacit* J I'tolata?his f.r*.: General Order was issued on tbc u!t. We have rfeithcr time nor s. acc for an abstract of it. nor is il important. COlTtT OF COMMON I'LKAS. We an- requeued hr the So. riif ? ! th'* District fanvi as Ik* i? ?'ar friend ?! < ur*T v.r rf. < r* fully comply) to *tst?* tha! acc?r?.'.:>o to the Art t. the last ?e?*Joa ?>f tlx* Is g.? :Te < I tb;? >"late t-? /.*j? f<*rtn and win!.- trortf li.c rv r.??!riu th.f Court vcill * A cn the third M?nJ .y ? f (hep;""* eat month, inj'oMJ oj th-* h: . '1 ..ufv,' a."^; tu?* f ?urth MonJir in March. a? ! re lie t?*r? ui ai^o (and ore ivl.:'! re;u :.]/ <i.- ?? -? **c <!. ..-? t<? keep -.i a,Ui (tie k-VriC; '.<> |?*. ?!? ;i.e s.r- ^ jag cxtrcr* ljoru Uj. act af-e-*. ii. :? j* Sfcli'tn 1-1 AH jOi.-;* sn ' w it:,rwi zltr. < dj ivn iTwmrd, or who.Ji*.t -;raf./ r tlunn,:: 'J, to stu*><*i jic ! C*r>crtc rr : . i?v, i r?i:<!.n; l?? the l?v? lic.f'."fntv ia free, of :?-dt-? sttmd at the t;:?? * !:? r?*.n f.x. J r t'.r ? ' -n^ * C t' * Mid 1 "oU:"j fi*?ee*-t;rt !\ . KRA.NCK Wc are at the j*rv/L.<M?- , w>, 0' e.?od Jerhn ? h? t-reen tb?? c:ut;?rv s; d ?t - ?vn Tfu* Km* > ( F'fsnct ha?. vc J, ; *?>; ? <! a trssn'jtrr t ??uf?j?V ti;r ?.j" .-1f>t n t - ?t i ~Iio our ividrr* u i!! r> e< Utvt wa* n r.ii.Vil, ?r. i n. ix-q'jrnrc of t .!!r^rd ? flVnVre i'rr? <i -r* iijovo^i*. at I?i?- ftjirs < ( the ? * *'< ?n 1-Ctl A* I'l.ii -? Jo-.*; ?J;r tins*. in ! ' i >;,? o?ir mlrT-'i .< *. and ll;>* >. .it a in ? 3?< a f-'-itj. ?*?.- !.'? > I . r t:.- * >. ? r->uil .*. Kr l>r;nr f?.-? .. o- <*!. . U.'l ..err*1 f??? VV#<!f' ' 'J !? ii"5 ?U?d< *i i ' I'-.. U ? ot ,;f i liif Iir -M.t!. lr , roiilf *lr J cotdiaUr * ' *. '* jt-ti im IftCf 'i. ?-I 1;..- IjU .1. <n \ ; ..?n !c olli'PJllriJ, ot," i-? a m!Ur: o: it v;?vc::m \ r.: soi.ruo.vr*? l|t? SSI U? *:t 2 ilewlit'i' M fcjr. [,**'.-{ ica h'il lit.' L-.nd? uf the Si-iia'-1' ifi CvP; !: . i "'i*'. Sut rt tnd iv< l.a VJfwtiljf, l!.- dci.rr I eft .'U T'f 1- > J??? 'If I t ?i }|i# {tir'jjrx ' ?JI* *'al ' 'J u * ' 1 1 Jl n' C!?3?lv t i (ump' v w.'l? t'??* *\ ty;?i * 1 ih 1/ j.f'j Jljrr 1 !k* <!jv lite J t rj/t^r-ft ?-! .Vt T?t m'? rc< ( Mr Hit > *. fhn hirtti'lf ? *? I tn trfu i :\:c it}?l.'acir*d <nst of tile* t>a? rin'rd k*Jpftf '?< p'?f <* Mr. l-? ' .It *!,!! ?<}ltrr<*? !n );i. * it Mu? h <-ti Illicit u r'jfo' ! t-n I'm* ?: jr*<I tl thr . in ? - - < t ... UtiJ p<K#OC, um. TH?n an ma-, wc j , UI. op. ??on ihil !?r -.rsH n-Z.tiT oj *rrtn? t ' pfrd'JWID* to W. ?!;sM M-i" giii a r karhiq: akk ll u ??fi ilictathrrilv 01 .1 !? iter, i ouei , fUiiimiri*. f;"U? \ aJpjua < ?, Ili-it i'.-k.n, .n ' b>1.4, !>4a I*-.*-a drtlt ?vcd. tiy s:. ct?:i. cj^s ? ...! ojj,? f." ntit 'I ' ii?? t aa'iu h?? ** * ?"j J"1 ' ??, ' hit t; ;>'. > c?l v lit* r :? it<> > 4 . - atiJ j j :.t I oi ?. ?w ,'vt.i cj Ritt. r.tjjirr?Tivoti lu'.s. i s <* **ity N?**' Votii, ! ? t!i K?t t? * t'i'luV Juc.t !'"?r, liio '.4r;??-?* ?f nhuh ?!. ' l. >( hiv.- a frout c \ct. Jm * Ik! fret < in?*hr*, and t .1 lyin;; m that portion t! t'n c iv inch # j> *hr Kcnv cf Jir co..tS<^r4l.-M in and . !. t>i!d * r? !!.. 'Ji : ut: li.r t fl" rn'?f !?>'? ? *u n *?l fC :? itttH'i-'f' J', !.' tn tltOMSIJ.'J 7 r>/?-' Juirt Mini ? it?n per*iu* at hi. I? h n neu.brrri! by dr?Ui, and taken t" Ik*i Jonp ho w", at th cj* o! "fit* litindird and mij-lrti . cr. ? l! Will hr t< ~ dir. l> th it It * hern j Jnbit/ 1 thr.'U|tinu? lU-ft <if till- Northern Mat.*. *? ncu v't/. from lw r yr?*at ajjr*. an 1 i* md nlfr'.to hare been !hc n'i*?e of Gci?rr"i W illii>c;t> < irthe ti ed *! Xer. ^ ?i l, ?n i!u vvM u];.( the hi:lit d ?v if f???r?c.*a? Wasiii r>-. HON HEMIY I. S'lVt i.NKV Tlii* gi>nl!.4ttnn iia* audit wd a ciitiin miration to iiis r in?t;taeui>, rt Ir.iive t 1 lue rutted ti au di . ... i.'.n, h't'i rari^-nr r 'rv<>' i? ' ic mo uli< n whu it ! t off. f?'vl. aid uin.i vis ;w{ >ptccl li tt?r II I-M* .>f ri<-pr ?? nistnrs \V? Invr bccu luffed v.n r'\>y < tins <i c ? .:?<] !iav?- rrvl r. .itfn! fly, an?! wo haw .urn ffom '* ru?ul with .*?? p? rf ft c. 'i\ ? f tin i* " rr jmnt\ I ' fr Pin J M.I ? '>r .ci thai ;;,< couriK' In* iji'fi?, n Ji liii ' r m!d ii-v. i-rrii ? ??r' ' ffl On a r " c.wich. ?< iiii i;.-j d<? >ir I'm km t rntirr justice, w.? i ?; jv of in- rev olution Wr ?pn e of ?S a? >.?nij*iy r. <w';n:r,j it t?.? tf 'iri! (*> r>2r?' ni'.? rff: ornh-lav. IV >"l ' I). Strict '?{ (.' *! U.l.wiU. w m U III f.irt. ret/, rtu-n s i..y . i (*"Un<J i !? ? iuUoa,i:tsLruct? Uk* committee to repot l, tLaf' Coa! gross ought not to interior? in any way with slave' ry in tbe District cf Columbia, ItCACfi IT woCLb | st. a v.olaiio* or me rciuc riini, u..witr. impolitic, nil j dangerous to thf Union.'* .?ir 1 m:*, tu li:s address t<> his constituents, tolls them that in the report, on this subject, which as chair ! man til the sciocl committer, it will be his duly toj frame, he ron'.rmplates placing the objection 10 an ^ itierli-ii-nce by Congress with slar.ry in tbe l)i? j triclot Columbia, on conslilutional grou ds, bc.-ausc, as nc maintains, a-td u c Ihinit very properly, the liaoier* ot the u.d riot intend Uiat that instrument shoulu gi ve Cojig ess the [siarr ot civimitn* ihc bite /oiiA, nod r?i??oqnentijr every such violitieu, rou.J be uii:o>??;:Juttonai. Th? tr rh >D. the icorc ?c have lie l?cd at tl?c objection , to .^tr 1'jj.i * r..t;.rr, me string r arc our c.?..vicl;< ivs of !:;n correctm -i in ibis parto vjlar. he nof Ju* he rrer been a favorite j ot nun, l?ui tw uijirrcnrc U op mvii *luH *>r*rvntf 1 ' us, tvln-'i "f speak of a public man at all, from ' doing aim at hast, what v.e Conceive to 1* ample ' justice. TOUACCO CHKWJ.NC. If iJiefc u ..ay one prailicr, unconnected trjib f ab?ou?o no ai guut. which c ui.>r>- cordially abo- j inmate, tuan any other. it :? the practice of chew- 1 :nj tobacco. 'Imagine f^r a m-uncut, the &[icrture I i.'iii.i li Ii:r!i ell lual and oniami li!e. ' i? to pan. a'-no*' coa#*.a?t]_V ctnpto\?*o t:i i.iaalica- ; tin? naa?cou# wood L"^k U?o, at thr trace# I . I hit lue tobacco cf.cucr X? Jic |io*???4 through j \nui h >u?c. Icnvinj behind him bcautilulijr ran-1 (;a".< c r. iilcatri <l in* pco^nni'.ioix Notwith- j unit g lins'u f, cur utlcr e!oi!;.:.jUoc of th;t , ?c sft oor/rlv. *a i.<* -*t itirornrfibJe to. \ Ui'Co r .iCivrr aim' !hv< Lc< n .f.arn uumcmo. . i s'.. a*. ik> far ? oar infuiirv tun# \W hid j t!?'>ngh, on oi.c ^rrMan cor." near alxndoning j the liabnno *bo;:M h?te done [wrhape, but} l~..i > ? :, v i.? mere locon* j fum *mi i.. ;<*asr ihu.i nr. i!.:.. rcnnmunilj anJ j * :> -u* i-i >.o S'.-alorin r.? r*. rna aa far u? r?r i Uiicini, ir, art v o*] . | | \r.:!.tu the T^i'C f ..or ^erpiarn'-in <*. V*"e ftllucV to Co!. i.M T I. .. II. ?i o he h?? fr-rt-ohar iratnii I ot pit'. ,.ar iijj ami iu'U-t*r't,nng Ini# : anrftj! article, girrg v?ufjr? -. i ,n?". jw of ippr'air fr that on v J;:r*i 'hrv f?i d Wr rr?(<Jt;.la Ctfrx-C Ultil OMf fir* ..If th? (<ii:ii.Lu? SruUn?-l. in lr." ra'a?j of t?i?- .Min-'c a..i il oii(C? U'.iD si** Coinnri u hand ; an l ,<* ,t !- trran; to ow li*c r.r?-d, !>? will crrsjM.'r ij anfsvrr f'-r. ub/ J.s? rfiort* L.t!;r .r.anufacturr t > perfection, he I '.J j j. ;vi< .< J .1 *.i :nd:?;?-a?3L'< . ',e t f I . ?. Wc l? jf . -r'.i) 5?..i,J ?; .<></. !lui il wc I all TTrr q?J:! ' ? ' " ? v-'" an find *py J .? h-? ? 5 . i.r HI Si** rrsuivl. uz jjh . mmrj t im IUT wn i c umt'xii:\TI:O. j Ur, - ? ..I<* cn U?r olh in*!. in S-JH.'er j L>.. -ci, /: A'>,i5i?jtWof M>j. Jainr* K ; an! M?? Sarah'#. I'.rii !*pil, 3?i'd tttrlvc jrtji, ; ?i *h t month a;i<! iacnl) ? S dav? It- Vnt!?-?? shot: lot of ail, .None tmni tItV jfiwrr ran r'tv he f?rr; N?f < *ti llu> in ?rri r--?. *.'1 I !.c <ji ?? ? TinT.a onfo oy lie. ' Tii^U rov ?! ?!>? ?r<?rM ?>I rr. J uitnLiud, A ill oi'r i pi? -> w < *th!r*?. by*. Ami i'? liir uiCf'iy h i ! I'lOhouncr (in wot<),lii4( ii.r y wc?i i!i<' TIi u cnlfi'?' '.' <* ah m! a ->f j? se<*. i -t hi a't'l. 3 fill hsj ; lii ?i jli'' , A'.'i !* br".;ii f: l-> i TCI \ ?itc, A \i : i ii-iM^U* * !? lit A 'I ?i:s!r tin* J '<nd ihr ciJi*, ><i >i Ui '!'< I itti r hjfiil Of rJii!ilTr,m 'If t?!??"iii '( li'V, i t ?no?*ng?O' Brlii ii! thr !;jki! .N .t M'.if.'il at; thou '.a\r I'll >?? TV:." ffjilW Ark <tlM" ihl'.fl, *ftti My ' J 'to ttof c>n i a:?'?iHittf. f?-" i In sa?T I ti< ?irc tu hrr aiiullf t ilay !? ! iv,i?t>d ii?t tiiou, t'? t-I! J.i?r l-I r ?rh? ** }&?*<? ?ft *<>c truiliil ?ttCVr; 111 u <- 34111 ?u?c, -?r?* *.r \N lia 1' p; viou ti li^ulalc {<? l< 5\r N ? favors J. rrcr ?5ic?w. Npir < nlrr , rl.i1 ?i r rr rp?n??.!t ? S<> fav ?:iV ?J *?l tii'-u ' h i know, i -i *K ?l. *.nr '.Jtc fcsuit ("1.1 ulrrii ?? ?rnf<ii an<l hc.-u'r arv I _? ?'?.-? ifii id lJip<f fal'trr i Ui;J; So.iv ?!i:n;ug !>n?hlrf >;i ti-? T..jii "Sled .a liie htt!f H tr '.!) twiiJi mnr ? j*?. I) *.i jn ! *.?t<(-r? r?-n??>rc Tlit* '1' ? !l d i',1; 1li? lnitfli'rf ?|,iDf, A. tr.ou ajJ ?i Ann, v.l.-nu all ii.?; at. of Of o??* ib.ntf onl,. ran >.r T??-?*?!. f And lii * "-re ?.< Kitii iHnnkfu'm'w T!-> ? rj Ann <? ? ?*, | K-?r ? ' 9 ia hra'.rn Wcrcr*Y It ; :n . / # ii f'nrnJ. i Commercial Krecri). i /?t r.std atui ci" It'u-'.'i/ ? .V-r U 1 I .0, I 5 * ' t' rn. T."? a 7>>, Wi.rV. I 37 a I JH; F|. ?!f, ''.lMiVn Mi! 0, yl<}, ccui:t? v " .' <? a 'J HJI. vijcr, " ' Ji:? .tac-'i. U 1-3 W! ,v, i*. ? ^ | KEMAKRH ('.Try*. ? Fp-culati??n n? nf. in ll.t# ??Ucl?*? There :? b toU-ia'j.'. cming in, for the ?-a? ;> \. i.irl. find* a in h ?ah' ?t ? ??r quotation# H !r# ! jvc iii'do 4l M ? W if til' Olirlo'.nl IT;? '.-3 f, an entire crop, brought the lall**r price jre?lrr'l*,?. Ileal \o. *2. Ittrfttion! "^t.7" k i\ >. il! |> trie ni **iliir '< > , 10.1. JL iusi. ul 10 o'clock l?. fore the Cutm , -i* in t'ain'!.I'.ich mut w'lh n iniis-' kl III ???! Uli'i 'III.! m v Ij'.Tik rn rlri.lp.f i A. 'OHNMI.V, I?: Lieut. <'omnia ruling M m cli l?2-7-2i. P. S. A* a return <?f the niunkrr ? ' j mrn niui nrtterr*. together trit!i tin- juiMm arm?, i? l'? In* mailt* tin liiat ?la\ ?it in h" 1 j.mI Tii..( !i.i t?nu \r il| upprnr on }?arn?l tv11ii"nt .i!I tin* ';rc> ?snr\ ;t' > Mitrcnient* ' :* ir 'R.-vico | <pfi ' IB? AUTHORITY.] LAW or THE DEI T1?D STATES PASSED AT TIIE TtfCKTV FOURTH COKORE84 riRT SESSION. [Public fto. 4.J AiV ACT nuilmriztng a special trr:t? ol the Court of A|>pca!s, for the Territory of Florida, ami for oilier purpo-e*. He it enacted Ly the Senate and House oj lirprcMntatitu of the United St alts oj America in Congress assembled, That n special term of the c<uiri of .ippcals, for the Territory ol Florida, shall be holdcn si Tallahassee, the seal of (.Jorrrnmcnt of ?aid Territory, on the 1st Monday in May next, and all appeals, writs of error, motions and suits, depending or returnable 10 the last January Term, snail be heard and decided attic special term hen in appointed, in the same manner as they might have been under the existing Jatvs if the January term had been hohicu according lc law. Sec. 2. He it further enacted. That when, by the death, sickness, or ability to atmiu, 01 an) ?i we jtiugcs, or lor any other cnu?r, the rcgtilat ic n?? of said court shall nut br h?dden,il shall ami way !?c lawful for the judge* thcicof to appoint a special term. Sj c. .'J. Jfe it fuvihtr enacted. Thai llic rnuniy of FrnnUiit, in the T? rriiury uf Florida, shall he added lo, and form a pari of the middle judicial district of said Territory, and it shall he the duty of Ihe judge . f *iil middle district io buhl two regular irrmj uf the superior court, at thi* uiun of Apalaciiirola. com.ntcnrirg on the second Mondays of April and November, and sprcinl term* at such *Slier periods, as tr.ny he required by busiraw, and out interfere trith the business of cai ! court in other rmintirf. Sire. -1. Dc it furthercnc(tidf'T\i>i there slia.'l ??Iv be one trim of the superior court hotuYu for tltc counties of Madison and ITasr.tlloa in rich rear. JAMES K. TOLK ' Speaker of the {Ions: of Reprint antes. 3! VAN BUR EN, Vice President of tho United States and President of llw* Senate. Arrnovro, 2.">th of FrBrunrv, IS06. ANDREW Jif-K ON. ISothc of Untct lr.iniiicnl. >i.L?5t !?rr inform* It:? ftSrr.i!* and the public jjrnerniiy, that he i a' taken she house l;../ni rJv oernpird bv Mr W to. Itcval. a lloit*e of Entertainment nnd i*? prepared to accommodate all \rlm nay fa?mr h!m with a call, in the best manner. Mi* lih'c will be at nil time* furnished tviih the lr*t the up country market can flliirtf. Ifti bar with the choicest hqnorf. his M* b!e* with the tn<?M uhu'c* ?rr?e proi isnm. attruthd by ftiihlul ostler*, and from his constant uttrtitinn. and unremitting eir-pinn* ?n please, hf hnpri In merit .1 share of putlir patronage. A. I). JOHNSON. Lancaster M ?rrh 12--7 -3?n The Charleston Merrt ry, PnTti^'hia Trleacopc, Chrrair (inirlie. and Charlotte Journal trill puhiuh the b:?h\c iour times and srnd ihcir recounts to thi* of. Pre for payment. CO UN. (OKN! \\f ANTED, 2,000 bushel* of Corn v ? for which cash trill bo paid, or g olds a! cnah prirr if wanted j(>?i'.rii ( . < i, urn. March 12.?7 ? if. Silks .iiid Cliailjs. A good csfiorfirw nt o|" frr?li liiark ?!!!?? Al*.? ll'nrk aitd Plni>i minted osAiirc. For sr!t' bv FA'?? PESTER 6i DOWRY. Varr!. 12 7 Confectionary and Cordials: A largo *uf?|?!y of ihc ub???rr jusi rrcriv ct! and Tor k.iii itj * \V. J. GERALD. March 12? 4 AlU'lvNTEirs Fluid Fitract *arMi|?ariIla. Kxincf lliichu, ! xtrari JiUp, xtruct C it tcrnut, Syr-ip Liverwort, li-ulcr'* Mun ?iiti no ?*, Uilui i'f Culuutbn, llu'it" r'? I' ru Plus cr, 11 n j* -in Pills, ft up rial 11 i?r L)? v Bleaching Lujiid, in rvinore'iroti moulds am: ink ?}?oh ipin liticu. IX'*?injj's C? nieut, loi mendm" lifoh* n j,'!*'*? ?*lnni. & ? : J v? itt'j Wan- Proof \ arrtish. Al. -()?Sal Acratm l-iii^h*-, Gum Arabir, Gun' St'iicgil, Arrow Knoi, C inm. <ujubo pHtli-, l"??!o Ivtzcn^o Sorli do. Li(|uoncc and Opium do P ppt-r do. Ktiuhirh rl . \|??lal llnrnXi's, und i v.iri ty of Surgical Instruments, ju?t r<c?nci mul lor >ali by YOI. .NG & M K.MN. M urliie, im PLAID SILKS. AN vuittmcut of fusluoiiitdo plaid silk? for salo bv CAKPJNTER <k BONNEY. I February 27.?o\(. *' 131 JEttUlTV; bthrtK District. ) J\brtiary IrviO. $ ! John M'DuiialJ," nml U'ifr, j vs. ^ 'l Thos. Williams. mf T { and K. Dnram f j Adtn'rs. Josrph Durau! j and Chs. Duranl J IT is ordered thai a!! person* l aving ik-; mauds againsi the o:alc of Joseph Du-1 rani, decM. late shcriiT of Sumter District, J I be and appear before (he Commissioner of, Sumter District, on or before the 15th j day of June nest, and establish the fame | r by proof. By crtJer of llie Court, toiiv n \iir.i Fir pnm ; | Sum:erviHe, Feb. 27, IfcCHJ. 7is.3 I SOUTH CAROLINAT LANCASTER DISTRICT, i Mary Izard, j 1 He?) l? rd, i . T|oV Lucy ?zard, \ <- ! Allen Izard, j Ey rirtue of * decree of the Cnnrt of' Equity io thealioye caw, I will offer for sale' j at Lancaster Court House, on the 1st Afort*' I day io March next, the following tree* of j hnd, the property of "the laic Walter Iznrd. j The description i:i the bill is as follows? ; "One tract of land lying in Lancaster Di?f.t' ion the Catawba rircr, near Landcford, con* I tainmg 550 acres, including a small Llaud 1 in the river, oootaing three acres, more or i less; this tract is bounded west by the Cauw-j \ ua liver, houtn by Undi ol Massey ot, Alien Hood.Eiit by UntiinfThitnipjOii 6l Gcddca and North by land* of Foster, upon ilm (net arc the mills situate?fiftv acres hare been ' sold to litbson, so that the tract no* contains ' but 600 acres. AIso another traci containing three' linn- J drcd acres more or l??3s, situatr iu the District { ofiitncwfr, a Lull one mile from the tract, ; la?l named, hounded W. by Foster's Und, S.-j by Crawford and Foster, Kim by beau Zc j fioddes lands, and N.. by Massey 6c Hoods, . ; lands. { Tim above lards will be sold on a credit of one, two and three years from the day of, Sale. Parchaacr* to giro bond, mortgage | ! and person;! security, and also to pay lor I Commissioners pnjwrs. * j ' J. H. WITUEOSPOON; , Comai'r. Equitf, D. , ! Feb. 23. * , ! KOODS AT COsff ' Three week* longer ill > THE subscriber iotemling to li?? buoinrsf rn (he 28ih ins!., wi'l sell1 AT COST, ! until flist lime, ohm ilir balance of his, slock nil! he offered al'?iur:h>ii. t A. CATO\>ET. , ! March G?G: 3l. &UC:TmW.:. ON Monday and Tiicsd-ijr, 'ih?* CNb -niJ 2mIi ol .March, iriU l>c sold br the suit > acriber, the remainder of his stock, cotmal* ing of DRY GOODS, .1.V0 b % ? %. -wr*. s. I | ftKUUEKIMZA. j ! # Terms.?All soma undt-r 92Ti eaeh, and! ! above ibat an ouut a crrdii until the l*t J*.| ' nuarv |NJ7, with note and approved sccu-> ' fity, and inn-rot from the date. A C .ToNNET. j March 5-6; 51NO'l'It'K. A LL prraon* indebted to the fuhwrtbur are r?-*pecifolly recpoMed to come and nettle (lie tttif, a* mmmi a* | o*?iblo and d! demand* | a. ain*i him, inurt be rendered by the let I i April next. A CATONNET. I j M^rrb ?fi -3r- | Sw'as' <N? C?'?'W 1 ' | II auth^rit-cr ha? ih?*v resetted a frrelij i * ".ltd ^rneral aeeortmrii of : Lndic* and ficntlciuen* Boot* i and - - . . 1 : I Ol I lie I .lie* I 1IHI ina<l IOMIHIIMIMD i?'t WIMV.II i wrre nrlrritd v\nh much cirn l?\ lii.u?4.*lf-? i : I ; ninth he Mi? rm mil Kite general mttefac* i linn 1U tlx** who will hror hiui with ih? ir i c.u-ium. Hi* pi ?c!i ci*ji)|?ri*?VH e?i rir il?*?cr?}>! (Mill <if l.ndiej and Gentlemen, ami < hildrru* B<*?is and Shoe*, unit-rally found in it rvgul ir hoe aloft-. TImi !.* ies and fjctnhuucii ol lamd-n ?it rc.?|>ccilul|v invited lo call and jexamine fnr themamvc*. iAl.SO- Oh Maw! u gmrrnt luttrrimenl */ mm SULK HATS, ' Which mil Iw .told on li?e um?i reiwooahY I i I lennp. \v n niNm.s. |i Frltrur n 27.?f? f s \Lk. EICIITPKN IT Twenty NMiKOf.8 Rmmi|| wlimt! is ? j?ri n?* Carpcm*' I'lii* larger |M?rti"M %ri* fi ll??w ? ??\il v^itrl" 111 ?. umi-tialiy prime am) likely. If it" J f nt prii'nle null*, tin v will j??|?i at I'uMir Anrii"ii ?n l:,e lir^i M?? ? ay in Mnrrl?. Apply to Tltotim* li*l t r ' '?r ihe Milifrt iSor. S WHTI. FlJHM \N. | F'lirmr\ 13.?3-31 . t I'T. II. MASSr.Y. of Lam aster, v. i' net as n^ciit f??: ilu* miIi?i riher i!?rinj. Iiis absence. 'S,\ T. UlfitiON, Feb. 20- l::3l 'J be fa.'d^vhill Acaileui]ry | THE I'ubfic arc respectfullyinformed that llit: duties of this iiruituiton are again riy , suineii ;>y Mr. Vv 9 Richardson. The count* ' nf siudii's u ill be suited o (be present re* i (piircments of the So?rh Carolina College. ChninouDt, Feb !::4::10t. !?: ? ? ?* CHAIBS. Carpenter Ac Bonie^, HAVE on hand a few dozen fine Baltimore and Greciarf Stand # Chairs. A LSO? Cmamoit Windsor nr,d targe Rock*' i:tg choi s, ' Which they oiler low to close a cotiaignmer.. February 27?5lt . a?.. a. ???a.?T*a ARTIFICIAL NIPPLE. THE Subscribers l.atc just purchaseJ ;ifof'Uic aborr instrnmci.t, which ha* born successfully used for the lest two orthrce years fur that distressing complaint, sure or c*cori*tcd nippies; ?r where the nipple is entirely wanting; or n Iki e the ciiilds mouth is so sore that ft caiiMwi nurac ? n dip ustuml nipple.?The artificial nipple >? rccsmtuended by ili* L:-! i: i ? ? - - .1 - ii^urm wicxin ui ?u?itvnu?a i?w ittm sui>H*Clr ia (.Ms country. Dr. Dewees of Fhtia* dclphii, and Dr. SeuaJt of Wasiiiiig?oa City* as the ccrtLCcalea annexed will at* iril; to which the in<-dtc-al faculty of this place, give their entire concurrence, lav* 1*1 witnessed iu successful application. n? i?r? Jbifjiitt rjnii, Dlah SIR : A? I feet it a mailer of much pubiie important ?*. t?? po*?c?*ii no an* of Umtp* iiir the terrible *Mi7*nr?ig fwm tore nip pits; I have iiiucli plra.tiur. in being able U -av, thai U.e: ?!uvU ybtf offer fur the preventing- and cure of this malady, it hi-iter ?uaptc>! to ihc porpoae ibao any 1 have bertofore treti. In tao or three in* ?nacc>, I have known them tu be tti*4-~I n uch satisfaction ku been expreaafU , and Imve hu hesitation tu believe, it trill generally succttJ. " l am ?o well peratiadtd of ibbyai tbU ii.oni*-ut, litai, f rnnuot forbear tu ejrprCwf a tenth* that our City, through the wriuu* Apothecaries, may bo supplied triUi them. . I ?m..vtwr*, fee. AT. P. DKWKKs, M. D. Philadelphia, Jan. 13th, 1^4. WoJtiagtc* Ci/jr, Frbroary 4th, 1834. Ua?i?c WCaroinrd Dr. P;a!t*s nevrlr i irciui'.I nipple ddrMs and uitnesst d its pra?-*!cj! applications amen* try p%tirn:s, I t;!.o .rial j Icasorc ;:i rrcormt*n?*i?f it nf ?iftl led'r snprHnr to a y thing prcviknown. !: crnYthctes a perfect rruitily f..r dLircwuij; n.alady, aor* hippie*,- ? ?*; ? a*e* w !uch ao frequently -iCIic!? nursing women. TZ!t>2!:l*SC'?YALL. M. D. Prof. Aflat. &. Physiology, C'(i|o:i.bus Col!r^'. 1). C. The Instrument ii accompanied with printed directions for its application, and pmrrrttion.?It ran l?c parked up in a small cnirpaM, and #ent tn any pari of lb* couutrv l?y Stnse?price 83? Address vm vn x. %Vfir a i v ^ v? %v ?%? Camden, H. C. Worthy of Attention. WILL he (rated in an apprured applicant, if applied for iriireedialrlr, extensive and urJI ealabliahed house, kuouru * H A dam9 Hotel, situated in the Tunnel Camden. Thia hdlwb in awry reaper! calculated (ur a larje and profitable bimiurM, ftom 119 locality, aod re jmtrona^e it has fur many \ earn received. Il it in |{ood repair, and has rrt-rv UCCtMtIT ?:??i?r?ii?-???rc- a?|ir?uv?| ?nr)i n* extensive brick Kitchens. with large ami coirmoilioua Stables, lloraO yard*. Willi rv. rv other coitrcnicnce (hat *a? b dceir-d in such a > cvthbli-hmenf. Tie Fi:n*i;ure will H-- 1 a- <> with the premi?e?. K "-tnri'ierj ? (iciiar* r >i;u;ie in person, or bv letter (p.?ai io M vHV j Marrh 5.?C-!!l Tin- Col i-nliia Ti Jwofe and^ harlt jj! l? n Patriot will please insert the above Ituirr, and nn.d their bill m this office for I payment. i NOTICE T1I1F. firm hcretoldm cxi? -.nj under the name of '3TLZjirX -\?XD BUdmW , h.tfk boi n dt?Mlived. The subscriber will con{limit ai ihr old si ami, the business ol BOOK BINBITC. Ac. ind Imijeji to rurrit the public patrnnspe. 4 I P liR'f.MRR r?.!> G-'2:: :?r ' * " ~ ???- ? FrErir ('onff.CTICN MIY, or st lurr. ion .wsr kecf.iv LU A\ U * OH S.ILE AT Tim Il(i: T umrn. wlitfh hi*y ! ?* f->un?l (hi* fallowing KiMi*, Dri'n*, liofcr Almo'iJ*, Lcoxmi, ('iiMiamnn, R.'fcc nml Rork i <:AiXDWS. AI.^O?For Fnk Sai AZi'atws and iMn^lnss. j Dec* V2. LAW RLAAKS ** For sale ai ltu> OJticc.