THE JOUKirAH | CAMDEN, MARCH 12, lt?b. j LATfc FROM FLORIDA. j BATTLE WITH 'HIE INDIANS. The Southern Mail yesterday altrnioon brought ' us dates Florida to the 6lh inst. Gen Gt >ra had joined Gen. Clinch with about lloO mrn on the tilth February, and was on his return to 7'anipa Bay when he encountered the Indians said to be ' 151*0 strong, at the lower crossing of t c Walhla It if.nff taarrhrd b? the upper crossing |0 C V?iV^^ ? ? ? ^ ? reach Gen Cl.scii Various account* .?f Ui* batik? is gir. n by Irttrr writers from St. Augustine, *nd the true stale of tkr affair, difficult to be as. Plained- Most of the Icltr;* published in the Charleston papers seriu to have U-ru wriUm in a hufird manner, and consequent U ran !?ard!y be apposed to be i ntiir!v cntrect. 71t? y gi ncrally concur bo?cv?-r,tn pulling down the U ?s of Crn Gaixcs at G kilbd and ab* ut CO v. "end.-a !u!e >f the Indians thru* are support d to be between two and three hundred killed. The forr-c ol i_-- n. G vtxts il ?s slated, is coinp<;*rd of nclitia Iroui Alabama and Louisiana. Gen. pai?ed through the scene ol the massacre of Major Utnr.'s command. discoterrJ and interred tbc remains of 15? men. anil 7 officer* Gen Scott had reacit* J I'tolata?his f.r*.: General Order was issued on tbc u!t. We have rfeithcr time nor s. acc for an abstract of it. nor is il important. COlTtT OF COMMON I'LKAS. We an- requeued hr the So. riif ? ! th'* District fanvi as Ik* i? ?'ar friend ?! < ur*T v.r rf. < r* fully comply) to *tst?* tha! acc?r?.'.:>o to the Art t. the last ?e?*Joa ?>f tlx* Is g.? :Te < I tb;? >"late t-? /.*j? f<*rtn and win!.- trortf li.c rv r.??!riu th.f Court vcill * A cn the third M?nJ .y ? f (hep;""* eat month, inj'oMJ oj th-* h: . '1 ..ufv,' a."^; tu?* f ?urth MonJir in March. a? ! re lie t?*r? ui ai^o (and ore ivl.:'! re;u :.]/ |?*. ?!? ;i.e s.r- ^ jag cxtrcr* ljoru Uj. act af-e-*. ii. :? j* Sfcli'tn 1-1 AH jOi.-;* sn ' w it:,rwi zltr. < dj ivn iTwmrd, or who.Ji*.t -;raf./ r tlunn,:: 'J, to stu*><*i jic ! C*r>crtc rr : . i?v, i r?i:, 0' e.?od Jerhn ? h? t-reen tb?? c:ut;?rv s; d ?t - ?vn Tfu* Km* > ( F'fsnct ha?. vc J, ; *?>; ? t n t - ?t i ~Iio our ividrr* u i!! r> e< Utvt wa* n r.ii.Vil, ?r. i n. ix-q'jrnrc of t .!!r^rd ? flVnVre i'rr? ;,? o?ir mlrT-'i .< *. and ll;>* >. .it a in ? 3?< a f-'-itj. ?*?.- !.'? > I . r t:.- * >. ? r->uil .*. Kr l>r;nr f?.-? .. o- <*!. . U.'l ..err*1 f??? VV# J??? 'If I t ?i }|i# {tir'jjrx ' ?JI* *'al ' 'J u * ' 1 1 Jl n' C!?3?lv t i (ump' v w.'l? t'??* *\ ty;?i * 1 ih 1/ j.f'j Jljrr 1 !k* *. fhn hirtti'lf ? *? I tn trfu i :\:c it}?l.'acir*d a? rin'rd k*Jpftf '?< p'?f <* Mr. l-? ' .It *!,!! ?<}ltrr<*? !n );i. * it Mu? h <-ti Illicit u r'jfo' ! t-n I'm* ?: jr*1.4, !>4a I*-.*-a drtlt ?vcd. tiy s:. ct?:i. cj^s ? ...! ojj,? f." ntit 'I ' ii?? t aa'iu h?? ** * ?"j J"1 ' ??, ' hit t; ;>'. > c?l v lit* r :? it<> > 4 . - atiJ j j :.t I oi ?. ?w ,'vt.i cj Ritt. r.tjjirr?Tivoti lu'.s. i s <* **ity N?**' Votii, ! ? t!i K?t t? * t'i'luV Juc.t !'"?r, liio '.4r;??-?* ?f nhuh ?!. ' l. >( hiv.- a frout c \ct. Jm * Ik! fret < in?*hr*, and t .1 lyin;; m that portion t! t'n c iv inch # j> *hr Kcnv cf Jir co..tS<^r4l.-M in and . !. t>i!d * r? !!.. 'Ji : ut: li.r t fl" rn'?f !?>'? ? *u n *?l fC :? itttH'i-'f' J', !.' tn tltOMSIJ.'J 7 r>/?-' Juirt Mini ? it?n per*iu* at hi. I? h n neu.brrri! by dr?Ui, and taken t" Ik*i Jonp ho w", at th cj* o! "fit* litindird and mij-lrti . cr. ? l! Will hr t< ~ dir. l> th it It * hern j Jnbit/ 1 thr.'U|tinu? lU-ft c;t> < irthe ti ed *! Xer. ^ ?i l, ?n i!u vvM u];.( the hi:lit d ?v if f???r?c.*a? Wasiii r>-. HON HEMIY I. S'lVt i.NKV Tlii* gi>nl!.4ttnn iia* audit wd a ciitiin miration to iiis r in?t;taeui>, rt Ir.iive t 1 lue rutted ti au di . ... i.'.n, h't'i rari^-nr r 'rv<>' i? ' ic mo uli< n whu it ! t off. f?'vl. aid uin.i vis ;w{ >ptccl li tt?r II I-M* .>f ri<-pr ?? nistnrs \V? Invr bccu luffed v.n r'\>y < tins r .ci thai ;;,< couriK' In* iji'fi?, n Ji liii ' r m!d ii-v. i-rrii ? ??r' ' ffl On a r " c.wich. ?< iiii i;.-j dir I'm km t rntirr justice, w.? i ?; jv of in- rev olution Wr ?pn e of ?S a? >.?nij*iy r. r>2r?' ni'.? rff: ornh-lav. IV >"l ' I). Strict '?{ (.' *! U.l.wiU. w m U III f.irt. ret/, rtu-n s i..y . i (*"Un his constituents, tolls them that in the report, on this subject, which as chair ! man til the sciocl committer, it will be his duly toj frame, he ron'.rmplates placing the objection 10 an ^ itierli-ii-nce by Congress with slar.ry in tbe l)i? j triclot Columbia, on conslilutional grou ds, bc.-ausc, as nc maintains, a-td u c Ihinit very properly, the liaoier* ot the u.d riot intend Uiat that instrument shoulu gi ve Cojig ess the [siarr ot civimitn* ihc bite /oiiA, nod r?i??oqnentijr every such violitieu, rou.J be uii:o>??;:Juttonai. Th? tr rh >D. the icorc ?c have lie l?cd at tl?c objection , to .^tr 1'jj.i * r..t;.rr, me string r arc our c.?..vicl;< ivs of !:;n correctm -i in ibis parto vjlar. he nof Ju* he rrer been a favorite j ot nun, l?ui tw uijirrcnrc U op mvii *luH *>r*rvntf 1 ' us, tvln-'i "f speak of a public man at all, from ' doing aim at hast, what v.e Conceive to 1* ample ' justice. TOUACCO CHKWJ.NC. If iJiefc u ..ay one prailicr, unconnected trjib f ab?ou?o no ai guut. which c ui.>r>- cordially abo- j inmate, tuan any other. it :? the practice of chew- 1 :nj tobacco. 'Imagine f^r a m-uncut, the &[icrture I i.'iii.i li Ii:r!i ell lual and oniami li!e. ' i? to pan. a'-no*' coa#*.a?t]_V ctnpto\?*o t:i i.iaalica- ; tin? naa?cou# wood L"^k U?o, at thr trace# I . I hit lue tobacco cf.cucr X? Jic |io*???4 through j \nui h >u?c. Icnvinj behind him bcautilulijr ran-1 (;a".< c r. iilcatri far ? oar infuiirv tun# \W hid j t!?'>ngh, on oi.c ^rrMan cor." near alxndoning j the liabnno *bo;:M h?te done [wrhape, but} l~..i > ? :, v i.? mere locon* j fum *mi i.. ;<*asr ihu.i nr. i!.:.. rcnnmunilj anJ j * :> -u* i-i >.o S'.-alorin r.? r*. rna aa far u? r?r i Uiicini, ir, art v o*] . | | \r.:!.tu the T^i'C f ..or ^erpiarn'-in <*. V*"e ftllucV to Co!. i.M T I. .. II. ?i o he h?? fr-rt-ohar iratnii I ot pit'. ,.ar iijj ami iu'U-t*r't,nng Ini# : anrftj! article, girrg v?ufjr? -. i ,n?". jw of ippr'air fr that on v J;:r*i 'hrv f?i d Wr rr?(? will crrsjM.'r ij anfsvrr f'-r. ub/ J.s? rfiort* L.t!;r .r.anufacturr t > perfection, he I '.J j j. ;vi< .< J .1 *.i :nd:?;?-a?3L'< . ',e t f I . ?. Wc l? jf . -r'.i) 5?..i,J ?; .<>.. -ci, /: A'>,i5i?jtWof M>j. Jainr* K ; an! M?? Sarah'#. I'.rii !*pil, 3?i'd tttrlvc jrtji, ; ?i *h t month a;i in ?rri r--?. *.'1 I !.c ? ?rI rr. J uitnLiud, A ill oi'r i pi? -> w < *th!r*?. by*. Ami i'? liir uiCf'iy h i ! I'lOhouncr (in wot<),lii4( ii.r y wc?i i!i<' TIi u cnlfi'?' '.' <* ah m! a ->f j? se<*. i -t hi a't'l. 3 fill hsj ; lii ?i jli'' , A'.'i !* br".;ii f: l-> i TCI \ ?itc, A \i : i ii-iM^U* * !? lit A 'I ?i:s!r tin* J 'i Ui '!'< I itti r hjfiil Of rJii!ilTr,m 'If t?!??"iii '( li'V, i t ?no?*ng?O' Brlii ii! thr !;jki! .N .t M'.if.'il at; thou '.a\r I'll >?? TV:." ffjilW Ark n i a:?'?iHittf. f?-" i In sa?T I ti< ?irc tu hrr aiiullf t ilay !? ! iv,i?t>d ii?t tiiou, t'? t-I! J.i?r l-I r ?rh? ** }&?*c truiliil ?ttCVr; 111 u <- 34111 ?u?c, -?r?* *.r \N lia 1' p; viou ti li^ulalc { fav ?:iV ?J *?l tii'-u ' h i know, i -i *K ?l. *.nr '.Jtc fcsuit ("1.1 ulrrii ?? ?rnfn?hlrf >;i ti-? T..jii "Sled .a liie htt!f H tr '.!) twiiJi mnr ? j*?. I) *.i jn ! *.?t<(-r? r?-n??>rc Tlit* '1' ? !l d i',1; 1li? lnitfli'rf ?|,iDf, A. tr.ou ajJ ?i Ann, v.l.-nu all ii.?; at. of Of o??* ib.ntf onl,. ran >.r T??-?*?!. f And lii * "-re ?.< Kitii iHnnkfu'm'w T!-> ? rj Ann >, Wi.rV. I 37 a I JH; F|. ?!f, ''.lMiVn Mi! 0, yl<}, ccui:t? v " .' \. i.irl. find* a in h ?ah' ?t ? ??r quotation# H !r# ! jvc iii'do 4l M ? W if til' Olirlo'.nl IT;? '.-3 f, an entire crop, brought the lall**r price jre?lrr'l*,?. Ileal \o. *2. Ittrfttion! "^t.7" k i\ >. il! |> trie ni **iliir '< > , 10.1. JL iusi. ul 10 o'clock l?. fore the Cutm , -i* in t'ain'!.I'.ich mut w'lh n iniis-' kl III ???! Uli'i 'III.! m v Ij'.Tik rn rlri.lp.f i A. 'OHNMI.V, I?: Lieut. <'omnia ruling M m cli l?2-7-2i. P. S. A* a return ?snr\ ;t' > Mitrcnient* ' :* ir 'R.-vico | pca!s, for the Territory of Florida, ami for oilier purpo-e*. He it enacted Ly the Senate and House oj lirprcMntatitu of the United St alts oj America in Congress assembled, That n special term of the ci there slia.'l ??Iv be one trim of the superior court hotuYu for tltc counties of Madison and ITasr.tlloa in rich rear. JAMES K. TOLK ' Speaker of the {Ions: of Reprint antes. 3! VAN BUR EN, Vice President of tho United States and President of llw* Senate. Arrnovro, 2.">th of FrBrunrv, IS06. ANDREW Jif-K ON. ISothc of Untct lr.iniiicnl. >i.L?5t !?rr inform* It:? ftSrr.i!* and the public jjrnerniiy, that he i a' taken she house l;../ni rJv oernpird bv Mr W to. Itcval. a lloit*e of Entertainment nnd i*? prepared to accommodate all \rlm nay fa?mr h!m with a call, in the best manner. Mi* lih'c will be at nil time* furnished tviih the lr*t the up country market can flliirtf. Ifti bar with the choicest hqnorf. his M* b!e* with the tn?i'.rii ( . < i, urn. March 12.?7 ? if. Silks .iiid Cliailjs. A good csfiorfirw nt o|" frr?li liiark ?!!!?? Al*.? ll'nrk aitd Plni>i minted osAiirc. For sr!t' bv FA'?? PESTER 6i DOWRY. Varr!. 12 7 Confectionary and Cordials: A largo *uf?|?!y of ihc ub???rr jusi rrcriv ct! and Tor k.iii itj * \V. J. GERALD. March 12? 4 AlU'lvNTEirs Fluid Fitract *arMi|?ariIla. Kxincf lliichu, ! xtrari JiUp, xtruct C it tcrnut, Syr-ip Liverwort, li-ulcr'* Mun ?iiti no ?*, Uilui i'f Culuutbn, llu'it" r'? I' ru Plus cr, 11 n j* -in Pills, ft up rial 11 i?r L)? v Bleaching Lujiid, in rvinore'iroti moulds am: ink ?}?oh ipin liticu. IX'*?injj's C? nieut, loi mendm" lifoh* n j,'!*'*? ?*lnni. & ? : J v? itt'j Wan- Proof \ arrtish. Al. -()?Sal Acratm l-iii^h*-, Gum Arabir, Gun' St'iicgil, Arrow Knoi, C inm. ali by YOI. .NG & M K.MN. M urliie, im PLAID SILKS. AN vuittmcut of fusluoiiitdo plaid silk? for salo bv CAKPJNTER THE subscriber iotemling to li?? buoinrsf rn (he 28ih ins!., wi'l sell1 AT COST, ! until flist lime, ohm ilir balance of his, slock nil! he offered al'?iur:h>ii. t A. CATO\>ET. , ! March G?G: 3l. &UC:TmW.:. ON Monday and Tiicsd-ijr, 'ih?* CNb -niJ 2mIi ol .March, iriU l>c sold br the suit > acriber, the remainder of his stock, cotmal* ing of DRY GOODS, .1.V0 b % ? %. -wr*. s. I | ftKUUEKIMZA. j ! # Terms.?All soma undt-r 92Ti eaeh, and! ! above ibat an ouut a crrdii until the l*t J*.| ' nuarv |NJ7, with note and approved sccu-> ' fity, and inn-rot from the date. A C .ToNNET. j March 5-6; 51NO'l'It'K. A LL prraon* indebted to the fuhwrtbur are r?-*pecifolly recpoMed to come and nettle (lie tttif, a* mmmi a* | o*?iblo and d! demand* | a. ain*i him, inurt be rendered by the let I i April next. A CATONNET. I j M^rrb ?fi -3r- | Sw'as' ! (Mill ccilul|v invited lo call and jexamine fnr themamvc*. iAl.SO- Oh Maw! u gmrrnt luttrrimenl */ mm SULK HATS, ' Which mil Iw .told on li?e um?i reiwooahY I i I lennp. \v n niNm.s. |i Frltrur n 27.?f? f s \Lk. EICIITPKN IT Twenty NMiKOf.8 Rmmi|| wlimt! is ? j?ri n?* Carpcm*' I'lii* larger |M?rti"M %ri* fi ll??w ? ??\il v^itrl" 111 ?. umi-tialiy prime am) likely. If it" J f nt prii'nle null*, tin v will j??|?i at I'uMir Anrii"ii ?n l:,e lir^i M?? ? ay in Mnrrl?. Apply to Tltotim* li*l t r ' '?r ihe Milifrt iSor. S WHTI. FlJHM \N. | F'lirmr\ 13.?3-31 . t I'T. II. MASSr.Y. of Lam aster, v. i' net as n^ciit f??: ilu* miIi?i riher i!?rinj. Iiis absence. 'S,\ T. UlfitiON, Feb. 20- l::3l 'J be fa.'d^vhill Acaileui]ry | THE I'ubfic arc respectfullyinformed that llit: duties of this iiruituiton are again riy , suineii ;>y Mr. Vv 9 Richardson. The count* ' nf siudii's u ill be suited o (be present re* i (piircments of the So?rh Carolina College. ChninouDt, Feb !::4::10t. !?: ? ? ?* CHAIBS. Carpenter Ac Bonie^, HAVE on hand a few dozen fine Baltimore and Greciarf Stand # Chairs. A LSO? Cmamoit Windsor nr,d targe Rock*' i:tg choi s, ' Which they oiler low to close a cotiaignmer.. February 27?5lt . a?.. a. ???a.?T*a ARTIFICIAL NIPPLE. THE Subscribers l.atc just purchaseJ ;ifof'Uic aborr instrnmci.t, which ha* born successfully used for the lest two orthrce years fur that distressing complaint, sure or c*cori*tcd nippies; ?r where the nipple is entirely wanting; or n Iki e the ciiilds mouth is so sore that ft caiiMwi nurac ? n dip ustuml nipple.?The artificial nipple >? rccsmtuended by ili* L:-! i: i ? ? - - .1 - ii^urm wicxin ui ?u?itvnu?a i?w ittm sui>H*Clr ia (.Ms country. Dr. Dewees of Fhtia* dclphii, and Dr. SeuaJt of Wasiiiiig?oa City* as the ccrtLCcalea annexed will at* iril; to which the in<-dtc-al faculty of this place, give their entire concurrence, lav* 1*1 witnessed iu successful application. n? i?r? Jbifjiitt rjnii, Dlah SIR : A? I feet it a mailer of much pubiie important ?*. t?? po*?c?*ii no an* of Umtp* iiir the terrible *Mi7*nr?ig fwm tore nip pits; I have iiiucli plra.tiur. in being able U -av, thai U.e: ?!uvU ybtf offer fur the preventing- and cure of this malady, it hi-iter ?uaptc>! to ihc porpoae ibao any 1 have bertofore treti. In tao or three in* ?nacc>, I have known them tu be tti*4-~I n uch satisfaction ku been expreaafU , and Imve hu hesitation tu believe, it trill generally succttJ. " l am ?o well peratiadtd of ibbyai tbU ii.oni*-ut, litai, f rnnuot forbear tu ejrprCwf a tenth* that our City, through the wriuu* Apothecaries, may bo supplied triUi them. . I ?m..vtwr*, fee. AT. P. DKWKKs, M. D. Philadelphia, Jan. 13th, 1^4. WoJtiagtc* Ci/jr, Frbroary 4th, 1834. Ua?i?c WCaroinrd Dr. P;a!t*s nevrlr i irciui'.I nipple ddrMs and uitnesst d its pra?-*!cj! applications amen* try p%tirn:s, I t;!.o .rial j Icasorc ;:i rrcormt*n?*i?f it nf ?iftl led'r snprHnr to a y thing prcviknown. !: crnYthctes a perfect rruitily f..r dLircwuij; n.alady, aor* hippie*,- ? ?*; ? a*e* w !uch ao frequently -iCIic!? nursing women. TZ!t>2!:l*SC'?YALL. M. D. Prof. Aflat. &. Physiology, C'(i|o:i.bus Col!r^'. 1). C. The Instrument ii accompanied with printed directions for its application, and pmrrrttion.?It ran l?c parked up in a small cnirpaM, and #ent tn any pari of lb* couutrv l?y Stnse?price 83? Address vm vn x. %Vfir a i v ^ v? %v ?%? Camden, H. C. Worthy of Attention. WILL he (rated in an apprured applicant, if applied for iriireedialrlr, extensive and urJI ealabliahed house, kuouru * H A dam9 Hotel, situated in the Tunnel Camden. Thia hdlwb in awry reaper! calculated (ur a larje and profitable bimiurM, ftom 119 locality, aod re jmtrona^e it has fur many \ earn received. Il it in |{ood repair, and has rrt-rv UCCtMtIT ?:??i?r?ii?-???rc- a?|ir?uv?| ?nr)i n* extensive brick Kitchens. with large ami coirmoilioua Stables, lloraO yard*. Willi rv. rv other coitrcnicnce (hat *a? b dceir-d in such a > cvthbli-hmenf. Tie Fi:n*i;ure will H-- 1 a- <> with the premi?e?. K "-tnri'ierj ? (iciiar* r >i;u;ie in person, or bv letter (p.?ai io M vHV j Marrh 5.?C-!!l Tin- Col i-nliia Ti Jwofe and^ harlt jj! l? n Patriot will please insert the above Ituirr, and nn.d their bill m this office for I payment. i NOTICE T1I1F. firm hcretoldm cxi? -.nj under the name of '3TLZjirX -\?XD BUdmW , h.tfk boi n dt?Mlived. The subscriber will con{limit ai ihr old si ami, the business ol BOOK BINBITC. Ac. ind Imijeji to rurrit the public patrnnspe. 4 I P liR'f.MRR r?.!> G-'2:: :?r ' * " ~ ???- ? FrErir ('onff.CTICN MIY, or st lurr. ion .wsr kecf.iv LU A\ U * OH S.ILE AT Tim Il(i: T umrn. wlitfh hi*y ! ?* f->un?l (hi* fallowing KiMi*, Dri'n*, liofcr Almo'iJ*, Lcoxmi, ('iiMiamnn, R.'fcc nml Rork i <:AiXDWS. AI.^O?For Fnk Sai AZi'atws and iMn^lnss. j Dec* V2. LAW RLAAKS ** For sale ai ltu> OJticc.