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THE BY JULIAN A. SELBY. The Post OrricE Department.?The community of Spnrtanburg me much indebted to the Post Office Department at Washington fur a kindly interference in their behalf, which has saved them from being systematically fleeced. The 1st of January last, when the law requir? ing the prepayment of newspaper post? age went into effect, the postmaster, Dr. Javan Bryant, increased the box rent from $3 to S5 per annum. Finding this to be a down right imposition, many of the box-holders returned their keys and declined to rout boxes any longer. But, meantime, the matter was reported to the Department at Washington, ami the Postmaster-General promptly replied that he would order the box rent at Spnrtnnbnrg to be fixed at S3 per annum from the 1st of April. So the postmaster was compelled to restore the boxes to the former rent. A water famine is again threatened at Philadelphia already this season. In this broiling weather it is not very satisfac? tory to nave notice as the Philadelphians now have from the water officials that citizens lmist take precautions againsi a threatened "water famine." Fischirilo has a little diulongo between Uncle Sam and General Grant. Tin President says:?"No, uncle; 1 cannot accept a third term; or only on circum? stances not likely to arise." "Such, for instance, as that I would vote for you." says Sam. C. F. JACKSON, The Leader of Low Prices, IS selling the best 0] cts. Calico: the best 10 and 12) cts. Pleached Home? spun; the best New York Mills and Wamsulta Homespun, at 15 cts.; the best 25, 35 and 40 cts. Black Alpaca; the best 10, 15 and 20 cts. Embroideries; the best White Piepies, at 1CJ cts.; the best Bib bons, at 25 cts.; the best Dress Goods, 12A cts.; the best Shirt Fronts, at 25 cts., and the very best BARGAIN COUNTER full of the best bargains in all kinds of Goods. June 20 THE GREAT SENSATION INT DRY GOODS STILL. IN FULL BLAST ! ?AT? TO-MORROW (Monday) the BARGAIN COUNTERS will be bountifully re? plenished with a new, fresh line of goods, and will be kept up during the week. Beautiful DRESS GOODS at 10c; worth 25 and 50c. 10 pieces Plain White LINEN LAWN, at 20c ; worth 10c 15 pieces Fancy LIKEN LAWN, at 20 and 25c ; worth 10 and 5Qc. ?5 pieces BLACK GRENADINE, at 25c.; worth 50c. 3 cases: New St vie PRINTS, at Gl and 8ic. 1 case 4-1 American PUCALE, at 10. fast colors. 15 pieces Scotch TWEEDS, at 23c; worth 50c ? 10 pieces Brown LINEN DRILL, at 25c; worth 50c 1 case each Wnmsutta and New York Mills MUSLIN, at lflc. 1 ease each Androsernggaii and Fruit of Loom MUSLIN, at 12.\c. I case Hill's Semper Idem MUSLIN, at 10c. \ case 10-4 Penpevoll Pleach SHEET? ING, at 371e. ? bales 4-1 Fine brown SHEETING, at Jc. ladies'. Men's and Misses' BOOTS and SHOES, from 40c. upwards. The above "STARTLING PRICES" Topv.-sent only a few of the GREAT BAIGAINS that will be offered to reduce stock Now is your time to buy a good deal for little money. W. D. LOVE & CO., Gund Central Dry Goods House, Jute '^7 Columbia, S. C. Do Mot be Led Astray BY ihe sensational advertisements of hmses that are trying hard to mo noppliio the trade of this city. Call on your old friend, [th Leader of Low Prices," And tfcu will find that he is as deter? mine! is ever Sfot to be Under-sold! Flirts AS LOW AS ANYBODY, And HiDUCTIONSare made all through my st?/, as it must be sold or greatly reduce! before my removal. Junefo C. F. JACK SO X. For Rent or Sale. ^jA. iCUSIi comer of Assembly and 3j|I Lalystreets; in good repair. Ap plyto R. SWAFFIELD. June 21 Diva' Diamond Hams. AFULl, supply of these choice HAMS jnstroieived and for Rale by April It JOHN AGNEW A SON. DAILY 'Let our Just Censures COLUMBIA, S. C., THURSDAY MORNING, The symptoms <>f Li vor ConiphiinUaro uneasiness anil pain in the side. Some? times the pain is in the shonhl? r, and is mistaken for rheumatism. The stomach is nlfectcd with loss of appetite ami sick? ness, bowels in costive, and sometimes alternating with 1; The head is troubled with pain, and dull, heavy sensation, considerable loss <>t memory, accompanied with painful sen? sation of having left undone something which ought to have been done. Often ST wmm complaining low spirits, above sympt at other tim? Liver i volvcd. of weakm Some-lime tins ait? tol debility and initiiv of the e divas-, and v? rv few of tin in; but the n< r.tllv tin in 0?Ib> v SIMMONS' LIVER REGULATOR! For all Diseases of the Liver, Stomach and Spleen ! IT is evidently a Family Medicine, and by being kept ready for im? mediate resort, will save many an hour of snfiV ring, and many a dollar in time and doctors' bills. After forty years' trial, it is still receiving the most uiKpialine d t<-ti moninls of its virtues from persons of the highest charaet? r and re? sponsibility. Eminent physicians commend it as the most effect ua l specific for Constipation, Hi:<\nAr.nE, Pain in the Shoulders. Dizziness, Sour Stomach, bad taste in t'.i? Mouth, bilious Attacks, Palpitation of the Heart, Pain in the region of the Kidneys, Despondency, Olooin and forebodings of evil; all of which are the offspring of a diseased Liver. If you feel Dull, Drowsy, Debilitated. Itnv? frequent headache, Mouth tastes badly, poor Appetite and Tongue Coaled, you are suffer? ing from Torpid Liver, or '?Biliousness," and nothing will cure you so speedily and permanently. The Liver, the largest organ in the body, is generally the si at of the disease, and if not Regulated in time, great suffering, wretchedness and DEATH will ensue. Armed with this ANTIDOTE, all climate s and changes of wate r and food may bo faced without fear. As a rcmedv in MALARIOUS FEVERS, BOWEL COMPLAINTS. RESTLESSNESS. JAUNDICE, NAUSEA, the Cheapest, Purest and Pest Family Medicine in the World! "I have never seen or tried such a simple, efficacious, satisfactory and pleasant remedy in my life."?II. HaiNEK, St. Louis. Mo. "I occasionally use, when my condition requires it. Dr. Simmons' Liver Regulator, with good effect."?Hon. Alex. H. Stevens. "Your Regulator has been in us.? in my family for some time, and I am persuaded it is a valuable addition to the medical science."?Gov. J. Gill Shorter, Alabama. "I have used the Regulator in my family for the past seventeen years. I can safely recommend it to the world as the best medicine I have ever used for'that clans of diseases it purports to cure."?II. F. TmoPEN. "Simmons' Liver Regulator has proved a good and efficacious medi? cine."?C. A. NcTTINO, President of City Pank. "Wo have been acquainted with Dr. Simmons' Liver Medicine fur more than twenty veins, and know it to be the best Liver Regulator offered to the public!"- M. R. Lyon and H. L. Lyon, Druggists. Belle fontaine, Ga. sinologs' livek jfs tfics-xjt ? ator For DYSPEPSTA. CONSTIPATION, JAUNDICE. BILIOUS AT? TACKS. SICK HEADACHE. COLIC, DEPRESSION OF SPIRITS, SOUR STOMACH, HEART BURN, Ac Ac, x"fc 1EzT.*\m 3STo 3EIc|."UL?1. Is a faultless Family Medicine, Does not disarrange the system, Is sure to cure if take n regularly, Is ne> drastic violent medicine, Does not interfere- with busim ss, Is no intoxicating bevoravo, Contains the simple st and best rrmedie -?. CAUTION. -Pay no Powders or Prepared SIMMONS' I REGULATOR, unless in our engraved wrapper, with Trade Stamp r.nel Signature unbroken. None otln r is g< inline. Jan 30 tw?mo J. H. ZEILIN & CO., Macon, Ga., and Phihub IVF.B Manufactured by HOLMES, CALDEN & CO., Proprietor?. Office 203 East Pay street. Factory coiner Cumberland and Phihub \\ ".!.?. street*, Oliarleston, JS. O IMPORTERS and dealers in Lubricating and Paint OILS. WINDOW GLASS and PAINTERS' MATERIAL. Agents for Averili s Chemical Paint, Prince's Me talic Paint, Rubber and Leather Belting. Fob 25 iOnio The Alabama Soli Life Insurance Company, of Mobile C. E. THAMES, President; T. N. FOWLER, Secretary; Gen. S.D. LEE, Superintendent of Agencies. Assets $750,000 in Gold. CAPITAL STOCK $200,000 GOLD -ALL PAID IX. SURPLUS AS TO POLICY-HOLDERS OVER $100.000 GOLD. GOLD OR CURRENCY POLICIES ISSUED ! ASOUTHERN COMPANY, keeps and lends its Money in the South. Since chartered, its dividends have varied from 17 to 27 per cent. May 15 W. \ \, GIBBES. Agent. Attend the True Event.' JULY 1, 1S75. VO MOSQUITO NETS,' i White and Colored. J MOSQUITO BARS, | White and Colored. MOSQUITO NETS, White r.nd Colored. Hafts sn LATEST IUF&07ED FATfiHT. Fixtures all ready for hanging up. 1 AAA LATEST Stvlos LADIES I .l/VM; and CHILDREN'S STRAW i i ATS, only FIFTY CENTS EACH. JONES, DAVIS & BOTJKNIGHTS, Successors to R. C. Shiver A Co. ?Tune ILi New Fresh Goods at J. H. KINARD'S LARGE assortment of rich and beauti? ful DRESS GOODS. The styles and patterns of TEINTS are numberless in variety, and every de? partment of Iiis large establishment has been replenished with accessions freshingly seasonable and accommodat? ingly priced. The Millinery Department Is superbly stocked. _7Tif~Mr. Kinard invites a call. Millinery OF the LATEST STYLES; also, Ladies' and Children's I SUITS of all sizes and qual? ity, UNDERWEAR, COR? SETS, HAIR and FANCY GOODS. Just received, a large assortment e>f Wench's PERFUMERY, at April 25_ MRS. C. E. REED'S. Wine List?May, 1876. s^QS. THE "CITY HALL GRO CERY STORE" offers, as b? - ! low specified, the fittest Wine 'List ever published in Co? lumbia: CLARETS St. Estephe, St. Julian. Margaux, Ponb-t Cutlet, in pints and quarts. HOCKS Lnuhciilu inn r, Hockhcinn r, Hildesheimer. SAUTERNES Haut Sauternes. Graves A Prcignac, Latour Planch, Chat? nn Yqu< m. CHAMPAGNES Foiumery A Greno's Lee, decidedly tin- finest dry Wine im? ported, Obaus A Duchnlcfs "Silb ry," Carte Planehe. Kellv Island. Ac. SHERRIES AND PORTS These of fine quality, age and bouquet, full .- toek. inost'eurcfnlh selected. My stock of French Pmndics, Holland Gin. California Wines and Plaudits, Do? mestic Whiskies, ??Maryland," "Raker," "Finch,'" "IJomgarden, and other favor it*; brand--, is always full up. I have always endeavored to keep this branch of niv business supplied only with best possible qualiiv obtainable. an*l am full} satisfied with the result. Any rar?- Wine <>r particular brand not here advertised, will be procured from first hands at verv few davs' notice. ' GEO. SYMMERS, City Hall Grocer ami Wine Merchant. Mackerel. ( tHOICK M ESS MA< 'K EREL. ^ No. 1, 2 and 3 MACKEREL. Just < p? ned and for sal" low, at retail, by JOHN AGNEW A SON. California and Imported Wines, Liquors, Etc. JUST received, direct from (^?California, a carload of supe rior WINES and PRANDIKS. 'made of delicious grapes in that highlv favored country. Pest Imported Scotch WHISKEY, Old Jamaica RUM, Holland GIN. Otard and other brands PR ANDY, Sherry. Port ami Madeira WINES. I am also manufacturing that superior LAGER PEER, for which my brewery has acquired such a deserved re? putation. Give it a trial?it is pure and warranted free from any deleterious in? gredients. Physicians recommend it. Also, best brandsIniportcel and Domestic CIGARS, Smoking and 'Chewing TOBACCO, Ac. My SALOON is supplied with the best of everything. LUNCH every day, at 11 o'clock, Give me a call, at the sign of the big barrel, Nop. 10-1 and 1(50 Richardson street. JOHN C. SEEGERS. LUMK XI?NUMBER. Sft? T7"ix.\uij & \Vii.i:y -Tn patrons in f~\ j\_ arolina for their liberality: Wt\J Indeed thank yon for buying ? \ nr lino ready-iuadc Clothing, v_j "VTeekwear, Undcr-woar, cheape st, t argest sleek ever in the city, JLj a nd \vc believe best, for we sell TT A nion Adams' Black Silk Ties, \j KussianBrai:es,Suspemders. Shirts~|%/|' adcspecialty, ge>oel lit;guarante ex\\ Dinability, elegance, comfort to TT> nycr. The Quaker City nuel JlJ Vy. Star Shirts are all the go, und t Ov n Silk, Linen,Gingham UmbrellasJ_ "1 \ reclaim to sell at less profit agooel a V V rticlc than any house- in tbeitradexJL In line-, ready-made Clothing, our O . tyle anel price is uncqualcd. Iinen Cuffs,Ilunelkerchiefs.Collars:/- V J ur stock can't lie suriiasseeb \_s I^Meganeo, style anel fashion, Hats in _J assimere, Silk. Straw, Felt.Wool. V>J "\7"ouths'Ch>thing,Shirts,Hats,Caps, a JL t No. 124 Main street._J\ ' I'M AND CHILDREN'S CLOTHING AND HATS, FOR OF ?875, Now in store, ami to bo sold at low prices. B, & W, C, SWAFF1ELD. ^ Spring Clothing! h g Spring Clothing! SJ h Spring Clothing!?1 Just opened Tho Largest and liest StoeR Ever seen here, AT D. EPSTIN'S. UNDER COLUMBIA HOTEL. STYLUS. Ne w and Handsome! FADRIC and DESIGN, Elegant! BEST MAKE UP! PRICES. Lower than ever! Yerv full lines of Bovs' anel Youths" CLOTHING. FURNISHING GOODS ane* HATS. Call and e xamine ;.t T>m EPSTIN'S, April I Unde r Columbia Hotel. ? OF SOLOMON. Who fe-eds me- from his grocery store. And shows nie- every day a sceue iif dainties, finer than before? Tis Solomon. Groceries, Family Supplies, Pure Liquors, Wines, &c. Whoso clerks are smiling, childlike bland. And always at my service stand Attentive to my b ast command? Why, Solomon's. Breakfast Stripe, Beef Tongues, Sal? mon Bellies, Fulton Market Beef, Canned Goods and Other Delicacies. Who cares for no man's smile or frown. While- he can keep his prices down. Yet sells the fine st goods in town? 'Tis Solomon. A Splendid Assortment of New Cof? fee and Teas-Japan, Oolong, Gun? powder, Hyson, Imperial and Mixed And can I ever cease to be The best of customers to thee, Who always did so well bv me, Oh, Solomon? i Fancy Crackers, Raisins, Nuts, New Flour and Buckwheat. I'll keep to the store I like so well, 'Neath Mr. Gorman's big hotel, And kept by Hardy S-O-L O-M-'O-N. JSff'Priccs still lower, and goods fresh, every day. April 9