University of South Carolina Libraries
BY JULIAN A. SELBY Four. Men Hung by Judos Lynch.?A special correspondent of the Kansas, City I'imes just from South-western Kansas, reports the hanging of four horse thieves, at Witington, Snmner j County, on Thursday night last, by the j vigilant8. A great number of horses have been stolen in that section during the last two months. The leader of the gang was a man named Cook. He was among the number lynched. The ratio of mortality of the white population of the District of Columbia for the year ending May 31, was 17.9(5 per 1,000, while the mortality of the col? ored population was 49.-10 per ' 1,000. The rate of decrease by deaths over births of the colored population was 24.70.per 1,000. Three miners drank from a bottle of whiskey found in the road, near Keo kuk,Ul., a few days ago, and ono of them died; the others were raved by proper remedies. An old man is suspected of poisoning tho spirits and has been arrested. The Atlanta' papers have discovered that the 4th of July, 1375, is the centen? nial anniversary of Georgia. On that day, 100 years ago, .tho first Provincial Congress of Georgin, organized in opposi? tion to the Provincial Legislature, which was controlled by tho British Governor, was assembled in Savannah. The Governor has appointed W. W. Moore, Trial Justice of Darlington; N. H. Carey, Notary Public of Barnwcll; George S. Boon, Notary Public of Wil liamsburg. A Washington special savs another grand council is to be held with the Sioux chiefs concerning tho Black Hills. It is doubtful if the hills can be opened this summer or autumn in time for operation. The yoong man, Gibson, who. killed his father in Richmond County, N. C, last week, did it in self-defence. The old man was roaring drunk, and attempt? ed to cut his son's throat Notice. rpHE CITIZENS OF COLUMBIA are JL roquosted to carefully inspect their premises and abate any existing nui? sance or'report the some promptly to the Chairman of the Board of their respect? ive Wards. By order of the Chairman Board of Health: RICHARD JONES, Clerk B. H. Chairman of Ward 1?Prof. It. T. Greener; Word 2?Henry Daniels; Word 3?E. H. Heinitsh; Ward 4?C. Barnum. June 19 _,_ Notice to Tax-Payers. milE COUNTY AUDITOR'S OFFICE X will be open for receiving RETURNS from JUNE 1 to JULY 20, 1875, instead of July 1 to August 20, as heretofore. The law requires the County Auditor to assess all parties who fail to list their personal property within tho time above noted, at the same' valuation as of 1874, and add a penalty of fifty per cent, thereto; and all new buildings and structures,'not returned in 1874, must be returned for the fiscal year 1875, and in default thereof a penalty of fifty per cent, will attach. To facilitate tho tax-payers in making their returns for the fiscal year 187?, I will attend in person at the following Precincts: Gadsden Precinct, June 17, 18 and 19. Acton Precinct, June 21 and 22. Davis' Precinct, June 24. Garner's Precinct, June 28 and 2Q. Camp Ground Precinct, July 1. Killian's Precinct, July 5 and ?. Hopkins' Precinct, July 8. Trenholm's Precinct, July 10. A. L. SOLOMON, May 30 lmo County Auditor. ittUBfning Do Not be Led Astray BY the sensational advertisements of houses that are trying hard to mo? nopolize the trade of this city. Call on your old friend, "The Leader of Low Prices," And you will find that ho is as deter? mined as ever Not to be Under-sold! PRICES AS LOW AS A NY BODY, And REDUCTIONS are made all through my stock, as it must be sold or greatly reduced before my removal. Jone 15 C. F. JACKSON. <3-x??txx<a. Sale OF DRY GOODS AND NOTIONS by C. F. JACKSON, The Leader of Low Prices. COMPELLED to move in six weeks, the Stock in every Department will be sold at GREAT SACRIFICE. June 12_ Ice! Ice! ITOtOM 7 till 9 o'clock, Sunday morn . ing, the aturo will be open. June ? JOHN C. SEEGERS. DAILY "Let our Just Censures COLUMBIA, S. C, WEDNESDAY MORNING, Tho Symptoms of Liver Complainfoxo uuetisincss and pain in the side. Some? times the pain is in the shoulder, and is mistaken for rheumatism. Tho stomach is affected with loss of appetite and sick? ness, bowels in general costive, and sometimes alternating with lax. The head is troubled with pain, sind dull, heavy sensation, considerable loss of memory, accompanied with painful sen? sation of having left undone something which ought to have been done. Often complaining of weakness, debility and low spirits. Sometimes many of the above symptoms attend the disease, and at other times, very few of them; but the Liver is generally tho organ most in? volved. SIMMONS' LIVER REGULATOR! For all Diseases of the Liver, Stomach and Spleen ! IT is evidently a Family Medicine, and by being kept ready for im? mediate resort, will save many an hour of suffering, and many a dollar in time and doctors' bills. After forty years' trial, it is still receiving tho most unqualified testi? monials of its virtues from persons of the highest character and re? sponsibility. Eminent physicians commend it ns the most EFFECTUAL, SPECIFIC for Consttp.vtion, Heabache, Pain in the Shoulders, Dizziness, Sour Stomach, bad taste in the Mouth, ISilious Attacks, Palpitation of the Heart, Pain in tho region of the Kidneys, Despondency, Gloom and forebodings of evil; all of which are the offspring of a diseased Liver. If you feel Dull, Drowsy, Debilitated, have frequent headache, Mouth tastes badly, poor Appetite and Tongue Coated, you are suffer? ing from Torpid Liver, or ?'Biliousness," and nothing will cure you so speedily and permanently. The Liver, the largest organ in tho body, is generally the sent of tho disease, and if not Begulated in time, great suffering, wretchedness and DEATH will ensue. Armed with this ANTIDOTE, all climates and changes of water and food may bo faced without fear. As a remedy in MALABIOUS FEVEBS, BOWEL COMPLAIN TS. BESTLESSNESS, JAUNDICE, NAUSEA, the Cheapest, Purest and Best Family Medicine in the World! "I have never seen or tried such a simple, efficacious, satisfactory and pleasant remedy in my life."?H. Haineu, St. Louis, Mo. "I occasionally use, when my condition requires it, Dr. Simmons' Liver Regulator, with good effect."?Hon. Alex. H. Stevens. "Your Regulator has been in uso in my family for somo time, and I am persuaded it is a valuable addition to the medical science."?Gov. J. Gu.l Snoutep., Alabama. "I have used the Regulator in my family for the past seventeen years. I can safely recommend it to the world as the best medicine I have ever used for that class of diseases it purports to cure."?H. F. Tuiopen. "Simmons' Liver Regulator has proved a good and efficacious medi? cine."?C. A. Nutting, President of City Bank. "We have been acquainted with Dr. Simmons' Liver Medicine for more than twenty years, and know it to be the best Liver Begulator offered to the public."?M. R. Lyon and H. L. Lyon, Druggists, Belle fontainc, Ga. SIMMOKTS' LIVER rLEGUT M A TOR i For DYSPEPSIA, CONSTIPATION, JAUNDICE, BILIOUS AT- . TACKS, SICK HEADACHE. COLIC, DEPRESSION OF SPIRITS, SOUR STOMACH, HEART BURN, Ac, Ac. It XXcus T33"o Eciual. Is a faultless Family Medicine, Docs not disarrange the system, Is sure to cure if taken regularly, Is no drastic violent medicine, * Does not interfere with business, Is no intoxicating beverave, Contains the simplest and best remedies. CAUTION.?Buy no Powders or Prepared SIMMONS' LIVER REGULATOR, unless in our engraved wrapper, with Trade Mark, Stamp and Signature unbroken. None other is genuine. Jan 30 JwGrao . J. H. ZEILIN & CO., Macon, Ga., and Philadelphia. "THE BARGAIN COUNTERS" AT THE THE GREAT SAIL WILL BE PUT IN MOTION, TO-MORBOW (Monday) JUNE 14, at 0 o'clock, wo will commence our CLEAR? ANCE SALE. We will turn all our Centre Counters into what will bo known as "BARGAIN COUNTERS," at "W. D. LOVE A CO.'S STORE," upon which we will place a great variety of Goods which we do not wish to carry over to next season, and will bo marked at PRICES REGARDLESS OF COST. Each article will have attached to it a Ticket marked Unrgnin Counter, and the price of the arti? cle marked on it in "Plain Figures." A great variety of Goods will be put upon these Counters, and now will be the time for those in need of DBY GOODS to lay in their supplies, for tee mntn lusi Tho sale will be continued from day to day, until the stock is reduced to the proportion we wish. BARGAIN COUNTERS will be replenished every day. As we desire consninors to get the advantego of these bargains, and to guard against speculators who would pick them up to sell again at a profit, wo will only allow a person at one time to get as much as one piece or one dozen, or less, of any article. No Goods will be sent out on approbation or memorandum. The terms of the sale will be CASH ON DELIVERY. All are invited to come, as they will buy Goods nt half the usual price. Bring all your spare change with you, as you will be nble to get a good many Goods for little money. Como every day this week and stay as long as you can; for those who stay away will miss the* BARGAINS, and be sorry they did not come. We give von below a fow STARTLING PRICES of the many Goods to be sold: 1,000 yards 10-4 PEPPERELL BLEACHED SHEETING, worth 50 cents, at ?7? cents. 2,000 yards 4-4 WAMSUTTA BLEACHED MUSLIN, at 15 cents. 1,000 yards 4-4 NEW YORK MILLS MUSLIN, at 15 cents. 2,000 'yards i-i ANDROSCROGGIN AND FRUIT OF LOOM MUSLIN, at 123 cents. 2,000 yards HILL'S SEMPER IDEM MUSLIN, at 10 cents. 3,000 I EOOT G. MUSLIN, at 8\ cents. GOOD PRINTS, nt 5 eents. STANDARD PRINTS, at (?1 cents. ALL BEST PRINTS MADE, at cents. 1,000 pair Men's, Ladies', Misses'and Childr, n's SHOES, from 1!) cents upwards less than manufacturers' cost. 100 dozen Ladies' and Gents' HOSIERY, at HALF PRICE. 100 pieces BEAUTIFUL DBESS GOODS, at <;>, 10, 12}, 15 and 2.r>, Ac, Ac, Ac Jme 13 W. D. LOVE ii. CO., Columbia, S. C. Attend the True Event." JUNE 23, 1875. VO mosqtjitonets, White ."-.nil Colored. osqtjito bars, White and Colored. sqxjxto nets, White und Colored. Hade on LATEST ?ED PATENT, Fixtures all ready for hanging up. 1AAA LATEST Stvlcs LADIES ? UUU and CHILDREN'S STRAW HATS, only FIFTY CENTS EACH. JONES, DAVIS & BOTJKNTGHTS, Successors to R. C. Shiver A Co. June 13 New Fresh Goods AT J.H.KINARD'S LARGE assortment of rich and beauti? ful DRESS GOODS. The styles and patterns of PRINTS | are numberless in variety, and every de? partment of his large establishment has I been replenished with accessions re-1 freshingly seasonable and accommodat? ingly priced. The Millinery Department Is superbly stocked. j2r?""Mr. Kinard invites a call. NEW BOOKS At E. L. Bryan's Bookstore. GEORGE IV, His Life and His Court. Scientific London, by Beeker.' Science and Religion, by Droper? I $1.75. Farrar's Life of Christ?$2.50. The Shadowed Home, by Bickersteth $1.50. Conquering and to Conquer, by ' Sohonbcrg Cotta Family?$1.25. Vernes' Journey to the North Pole?$1.50. Balph Wilton's Weird, by author of Wooing O't.?$1.25. The Science of Law, by Amos?$1.75. Also, a variety of new English Novels, paper covers, by Mrs. Olyphnnt, Far-1 goon, author of "Castle," Mrs. Braddon, Wilkie Collins and others. Apri' 25 Millinery OF the LATEST STYLES; I also. Ladies' and Children's ! SI* ITS of all sizes and qual? ity, UNDERWEAR, COR? SETS, HAIR and FANCY GOODS. Just received, largo assortment of Wenck's PERFUMERY, at April 25 MBS. C. E. REED'S. Wine List?May, 1876. THE "CITY HALL GRO CERY STORE" offers, as be 'low specified, the finest Wine List ever published in Co-] lumbia: CLARETS St. Estephe, St. Julian, Margaux, Pontet Canet, in pints and quarts. HOCKS Lnnbeuheimer, Hockheimer, Dudesheimer. SAUTERNES -HautSauternes, Craves I A Preignac, Latour Blanch, Chatcun Yqnem. CHAMPAGNES Pommery A Greno's Lee, decidedly the finest dry Wine im-| ported, Obaus A Duchatel's "Sillery Carte Blanche, Kellv Island, Ac. SHERRIES AND PORTS -These of line quality, age and bouquet, full stock, most carefully selected. My stock of French Brandies, Holland Gin,' California Wines and Brandies, Do? mestic Whiskies, "Maryland," "Baker," "Finch," "Bomgarden," and other favor? ite brands, is always full up. I have always endeavored to keep this branch of my business supplied only with best possible quality obtainable, and am fully satisfied with the result. Any rare Wine or particular brand not here advertised, will be procured from first hands at very few davs' notice. ' GBO. SYMMEBS, City Hall Grocer and Wine Merchant. Kerosene! Kerosene!! **f\ HABBELS pure white standan p)U KEROSENE, just received and for sale at 10c. per gallon by the barrel, and 20c. per gallon at retail. Kerosene | delivered, free of drayaije, in any pnrtofl tht city by JOHN AGNEW A SON. B6 CIGARS For 25 Cents, at PERRY & SLAWSON'S. KiXATtn & Wiley?To patrons in /"i arolina for llicir liberality: We \y Indeed thank yon for buying fx . ur fine ready-made Clothing, \_>f Neckwear, Undcr-wear, cheapest, T argest stock ever in the city, JLi And wo believe best, for we sell XT nion Adams' Black Silk Ties, U I> ussian Braces, Suspenders. ShirtsT^/T lade specialty, good fit; guaranteeJvJL Durability, elegance, comfort to "T> uycr. 'The Quaker City and j3 &Star Shirts are all the go, and T n Silk, Linen,Ginghnm Umbrellas.!. "TTTe claim to sell at less profit a good A VV rticlc than anyheusein thctrndexj In fine, ready-made Clothing, our ^ tyle and price is uncqunled. O Iinen Cuft's,HandkcrchiefB,Collars:/^k J ur stock can't be surpassed. \J JTMeganee, style and fashion, Hats in li ossimerc, "Silk, Straw, Felt,Wool. \J Youths'Clothing,Shirts,Hats,Caps, A t No. 121 Main street. J\. AND CHILDREN'S CLOTHING AND HATS, FOB OF 1875 Now in store, and to be sold at low prices. B. & W. C, SWAPF1ELD, ^ Spring Clothing! h gSpring Clothing! Sj n Spring Clothing! Just opened The Largest and Best Stock Ever seen here, AT D. EPSTIN'S, UNDER COLUMBIA HOTEL. ClTYLES. New and Handsome! O FABBIC and DESIGN, Elegant! BEST MAKE UP! PBICES, Lower than ever! Very full lines of Boys' and Youths' CLOTHING, FUBNISHING GOODS and HATS. Call and examine at 33. etpstust?, April 1 Under Columbia Hotel. -a. 3x133 w Who feeds me from his grocery store, Ami shows me every day a score Of dainties, fine r than before? 'Tis Solomon. Groceries, Family Supplies, Pure Liquors, Wines, &c. Whose clerks are smiling, childlike. bland, ' And always at my service stand Attentive to my least command? Why, Solomon's. Breakfast Strips, Beef Tongues, Sal* mon Bellies, Fulton Market Beef, Canned Goods and Other Delicacies. Who cares for no man's smile or frown While he can keep his prices down, Yet sells the finest goods in town? 'Tis Solomon. A Splendid Assortment of New Cof? fee and Teas?Japan, Oolong, Gun? powder, Hyson, Imperial and Mixed And can I ever cease to bo The best of customers to thee, Who always did so well by me, Oh, Solomon? Fancy Crackers, Raisins, Nuts, New Flour and Buckwheat. I'll keep to the store I like so well, 'Ncath Mr. Gorman's big hotel, And kept by Hardv S-O-L * O-M-O-N. ,;rJr-Prices still lower, and goods fresb every day. April 9