University of South Carolina Libraries
BY JULIAN A. SELBY Chicken Cholera.?A corres? pondent of a Virginia paper furnishes the following: This disease, now so prevalent throughout this section of country, suggest many anxious inquiries as to its cause and treatment. We tender our information, not as mere hearsay, but from practical experiments made upon a number of affected fowls, from its inoipiency to its termination, and in every instance have, the samo cause pre? sented themselves. "We found in the crop and intestines of every bird examined several blades of grass, of a characteristic sporadic in its growth, with full evidence of congestion, abundant secretion of acrid mucus and an accumulation of i offensive * gases, particularly when the grass was present. And knowing ..that spring vegetation possesses' laxative properties and very frequently drastic purgative effects, we concluded that a reason? able diagnosis bad been reached and a clue to the real cause of chicken cholera had been- deter? mined. But presuming that wo had mistaken the real source of the disease, the treatment adopted has in a very great measure convinced us that our opinion must bo cor? rect, as nearly all of the subsequent cases rapidly recovered by the fol? lowing trontment: Prepared chalk and powdered charcoal equal part s, powdered gum camph?r and nssa tootida'! equal parts and pure cur bolic-acid. Mix all together and give one tea-spoon-f ul morning and night to ten chickens, keeping them dry and warm and moderately well fed. > We ifind this preparation to act as a thorough preventive and should-be given about once or twice each, week. ,? Ishlartoo Eberling, the adopted daughter of Esquimaux Joe and Hannah Eberling, died at Gorton, Conn., recently, aged nine years. Capt. 'Hall, the Artie explorer, bought her of. her parents when she was an infant, giving a snow sledgo for her. She was on the ice with Tyson and his party 19G days, having experience which has, pro? bably never fallen, to another of her years. Interest Allowed. TIE Mechanics' and Fartnors' Build? ing and Loan Association, of Rich land, receiving deposits of 01.00 and upwards* and allowing interest at the rate of 6 per cent per annum on all amounts over $10.00, which remain 30 days or' longer. Deposits reoeived by T. H. Gibbee, Treasurer, at the Central National Bank, B. D. 8ENN, April 22 I President ACTS 6? ffl liSUM FOR 1875, with postage. $1.15. For ?sale at B. L BRYAN'S May 5 :t Bookstore. At Private Sale. THREE vacant LOTS, on Main street, adjoining the Control National Bunk? ing House, Apply to JOHN S. PBESTON, ' President Central National Bank. April 29_tumw3 South Carolina, Eichland County. IN TILE COURT OP PROBATE Btf B. I. Boom, Judge of Probate in Rich land County. WHERAB JAMES C. OOFF and ? WHY A. GOFF hath applied to me for letters of administration on the estate of Wm. Goff, late .of Riohland County, deceased: These are, therefore, to oite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of the said' 'de? .ho and appear before me,<at a Court of Probate, for the said County, to be holden at Columbia, on the 17th day of May, 1675, at 18 o'clock M., to show ?cause*, if < any, why the said administra ?on!?bo^d not bo.granted. > u Given, hnder my hand and the seal' of the I i>ourt,i this 3d ? day of May, A. D. P 1875, :?&d t in the 99th year of American Independence. uJfc L BO ONE, ' Ma?6th2/ , < i i Judge of Probate. -n-yjr >-, .- ??--:-T-i?;?-rr. South Carolina, Riohland .County, IS> TBE OOUBT OF PROBATE Bg B.; -I. Boon*, Judge of Probate, RicK g 'land bounty. " . \ITHEREAS Carrie Jones hath op IT pn^dtb me for Letters of Admi? nistration on the estate of J. N. Jones, late of, Riohland County, deoeosed; These are, theroforo, to cite and admo nisVoR sftd sin&ular the kindred and creditors of the said deceased, to be and, Ini?b??? a?, bf Mdy/W, at 11 o clock A- Wv. to show cause, if any, eG?iven;<tttd*r to'tiUdM Ws^pf! that&iirphto 80th day oFAprfl, A. t>. 1875; ina in thfc ninety-ninth year of American independence. B. L BOONE, Hoy 1 s2 Judge of Probat?. The North Carolina State Life Insur? ance Company. STATE OP SOUTH CAROLINA. Office op Comptroller-General, Columbia, 8. C, Mnv 3, 1875. ?"~ CERTIFY til tit W. Ii. OUojICK. Eho. . of Columbia, S. C, Attorney and Special Agent of North Carolina State Lifo Insurance Company, incorporated by the State of North Carolina, 1ms com? plied with the requisitions of the Act of tho General Assembly entitled "An Act to regulato the Agencies of Insurance Companies not incorporated in the State of South Carolina," and I hereby liconso the said W. B. Gttlick, agent aforesaid, to tako risks and transact all business of Insurance in this State for and in behalf of said Company. Expires March 31, 1870. THOS. C. DUNN, Comptroller-General. Licensed as Tratelino Aoents.? Thos. H. Haughton, J. P. Smith, D. McBride. A. L. Stoogh. May 4 wfm3? Damaged Meal! 100 BUSHELS meal- sii?ba>' damaged by water. Fine for stock. For sale cheap. L?RICK A LOWRANCE. May 1 ._ Temporary Removal. CITY CLERK S OFFICE, CoLnunn, S. C, May 4, 1875. DURING the occupancy by the Fire Department of the Council Cham? ber on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, the 1th, 5th, 0th and 7th instants, tho Citv Clerk's Office will bo closed. 'RICHARD JONES, City Clerk) Treasurer, and Assessor. ?jj" Residence over Jacob Levin's store, Richardson street. May 4 4 Davis' Diamond Hams. AFULL supply of these choice HAMS mat received and for sale by ApnUG JOHN AGNEW A SON. Card. IBEG leavo to inform my friends and customers that my urrangemcnts are nearly completed, and I will open the store, nnder the City Hall, early in May, and be prepared to offer cxtmordinnry inducements to the trade. W. B. BURKE. Apr 24 smwO Commission Merch't. SEC U L A TO R 77 am COLUMBIA, S. C.; FRIDA SMOKERS' FESTIVAL! 16 BSagiiificent Cigars for ONE DOT iT h /\ T~L. jlSfGct u supply for the Pie-Nic. PERRY A KLAWSON'S May f> Cigar and Tobacco Store. Opera House. THURSDAY AND FRIDAY, May 6th and 7tLt. Burlesque, Variety, Pantomime, Min? strelsy and Specialty. Reserved Seats on side at the "Wheeler House. General admission, SI. Matinee FRIDAY, at 2 P. M.?GO cents. May r> 2 Special Notice. South Carolina Railhoap. Columbia, S. C, May 4, 1875*. Tim storm of Saturday ^Hj^lust having ?psijftKa damaged the >t depot of the South Carolina Railroad Company in this city, so as to render it impossible, fur se? veral days, to protect freight htored therein. CONSIGNEES are hereby noti? fied to remove the same without delay, as the company will not be responsible for any damage which may result. A list of Consignees will be published daily. A. D. DeSAUSSURE. May .1 Agent. To Ali Whom It May Concern. NOTICE is hereby given that applica? tion was made (tu the 19th day of April insL, to the Clerk of Court for Richland County, by D. Wyatt Aiken, John A. Borksdolc, J. N. Lipseomb, J. A. Sligh, Samuel W. Evans, C. R. F. Baker, A. M. Aiken, Goo. H. Waddell. Thomas Taylor and others, for a charter of incorporation for tho "State Grange of South Carolina," for Agricultural pur? poses, in accordance with the Act of the General Assembly of the State, in such case made and provided. Apr 20 tu t The symptoms of Liver Complaint are uneasiness and pain in the side. Some? times the pain is in the shoulder, and is mistaken for rheumatism. The stomach is affected with loss of appetite and sick aess, bowels in general costive, and sometimes alternating with lax. Tho '.ieud is troubled with pain, and dull, Heavy sensation, considerable loss oil fiiemory, accompanied with painful sen? sation of having left undone something which ought to have been done. Often ?oniplaining of weakness, debility and low spirits. Sometimes many of the ibove symptoms attend the disease, and it other times, very few of them; but the Liver is generally the orgun most in? volved. SIMMONS' UVEIR ^REGULATOR! For all Diseases of the Liver, Stomach und Spleen ! IT is evidently ft Family Medicine, and by being kept ready for im? mediate resort, will save many an hour of suffering, and many a dollar in time and doctors' bills. After forty years' trial, it is still receiving the most unqualified testi? monials of its virtues from persons of the highest diameter and re? sponsibility. Eminent physicians commend it as the mo?t KFFKCTIAL specific for Co.NKTiP.iTioy, Headachb, Pain in the Shoulders.? Dizziness, Sour Stomach, bad taste in the Month, Bilious Attacks, Palpitation of the Heart, Pain in the region of the Kidneys, Despondency, Gloom and forebodings of evil; all of which are the offspring of a diseased Liver. If you feel Dull, Drowsy, Debilitated, have frequent headache, Mouth tastes badly, poor Appetite and Tongre Coated, yon are suffer? ing from Torpid Liver, or "Biliousness," and nothing will eure you so speedily und permanently. The Liver, the largest organ in the body, is generally the seat of the disease, and if not Regulated in time, great Buffering, wretchedness nnd DEATH will ensue. Armed with this ANTIDOTE, all climates and change* of water and food may be faced without fear. As a remedy in MALARIOUS FEVERS, BOWEL COMPLAINTS, RESTLESSNESS. JAUNDICE, NAUSEA, the Cheapest, Purest and Best Family Medicine in the World! "I hovo never seen or tried such a simple. efficacious, satisfactory and pleasant remedy in my life."?H. HAixicn, St Louis, Mo. "I occasionally use, when my condition requires it, Dr. Simmons' Livor Regulator, with good effect"?Hok. Aixx. If. Stevens. "Your Regulator has been in use in my family for some time, and I ? ?: am persuaded it is a valuable addition to the medical science."-? Got. J. Gill. SHOBTEn, Aluhuma. "I have used the Regulator in my family for the past seventeen yearn. I can safely recommend it to the world as the bent medicine I have ever used for tluit class of disease*, it purports to oure."?H. F. Tmoriut. "Simmons1 Liv?r Rognlator hus proved a good and eflloooions medi? cine. "---C. A. Nuttixo, President Of City Bank. ? "We have been acquainted with Dr. Simmons' Liver Medicine far more than twenty years, and know it to be the best Liver Regulator offered to the public."?M. R.Lyox and H. L. Lyom, Druggists, Belle, fontaine, Go. ! mxaao**c>N& liver *Lm&Trx+&v??3Ei 1 For DYSPEPSIA, CONSTIPATION. JAUNDICE, BILIOUS AT? TACKS, SICK HEADACHE, COLIC, DEPRESSION-OF SPIRrTS, SOUR STOMACH, HEART BURN, Ac., Ac., \ Xt 39D5UBI ?To !KlC3Ll*A*l4 Is a faultless Family Medicine, \ Does not disarrange 'tho system, l Is sure to euro if taken regularly, Io no drastic violent medicine, Does not interfere with business, Is no intoxicating bevorave, Contains the simplest and beat remedies. caution?Buy no Powdem or Prepared 8IMW0N6' LTVER REGULATOR, unless in our engraved wrapper, with Trade Mark, Stamp and Signature unbroken. None othor is genuine. Jon 30 twCmo J. E. ZELXHT & co., Maoon, Go., and Philadelphia. Y MORNING, MAY T, 187; Millinery OF the LATEST STYLES ; also, Ladies' und Children's SUITS of all husch nnd qual? ity, UNDERWEAR, COR? SETS, HAIR and FANCY GOODS. Just received, a lnrco aKRortnn nt of Wenek's PERFUMERY, at MRS. C. E. HEED'S. ;C. F. JACKSON, tue LEADER OF LOW PRICES. HAS in Ktoro the greatest varietv ol FANCY ARTICLES, RIBBONS, Ac, ever offered in this market-all of which he will dispose of at very low prices. SPRING G003S, of all shades and colors, to an inspection of which the ladies are particularly invited. 128 MAIN'STREET. Attractions are Multiplying at tue GRAND CENTRAL DRY GOODS ESTABLISHMENT. ct)r PIECES SUMMER SILKS, just ?tJ received nt WM. D. LOVE A CO.'S. 100 pieces SUMMER DRESS GOODS, at 121, 10?, 20 and 25 cents, at WM. D. LOVE A CO.'S. 25 pieces Summer Poplins, at 50 cents a vnrd, at WM. D. LOVE A CO.'S. Black Grenadines, in all qualities, at WM. D. LOVE & CO.'S. Black Llama Lace Shawls and Sack::, I at WM. D. LOVE A CO.'S. Ladies' Sun Umbrellas, Silk Ties and Ribbons, at WM. 1). LOVE A CO.'S. Gents' White Shirts and Furnishing Goods, at low prices, at WM. 1). LOVE A CO.'S. Yon will find an extensive; stock of [Carpets, Oil Cloths, Shades and Mat? tings, at popular prices, at WM. D. LOVE !i CO.'S. The place to purchase your Domestics, Prints, Cottonadcs, Jeans, Drillings and I Cassitucres, for the least money, is at V. M. D. LOVE & CO.'S. Every article in the Dry Goods line I needed in anv family can be purchased I at "WM. D. LOVE A CO.'S. Fresh Goods are received daily at WM. D. LOVE A CO.'S. It will pay any one who needs any? thing in our line to call often at the Grand Central Dry Goods Establishment of WM. D. LOVE & CO., Columbia. S. C. Samples sent gratuitously to j:11 parts I of the country ou application. May 2 .NEW FRESH GOODS J. H. KINARD'S IARGE assortment of rich and beauti J ful DRESS GOODS. The styles and patterns of PRINTS I are numberhss in variety, and every de? partment of his large establishment has been replenished with accessions re? freshingly seasonable- and accommodat? ingly priced. The Millinery Department Is superbly stocked. ,?efMr. Kiimrd invite? a rail. April 7 I rpiIRASIIERS. HORSE POWERS. F.N X GINES, FAN .MILLS. GRAIN I CRADLES. REAPERS, Ac, Ac at ma- j iiufaetuivrn' priee. Semi for catalogue to L?RICK A LOWRANCE, April 22 Columbia S. ('. j Auxiliary Joint Stock Company, j Com .\nu.\, S. C, April 2'.?. ?ST?. : At a meeting, to-day. of the Directorsi I of the Auxiliary Joint Stock Company.' I Uie following preamble and resolutions , were proposed, adopted and ordered to i (be published for the information of thei public: Whereas there appears to be a senti? ment among certain of the influential ? patrons of the annual exhibitions of our society opposed to horse racing as re? pugnant to their ideas of propriety: and j whereas the Directors are desirous of re? conciling all the elements of sneuess in connection therewith. Resolved, That henceforth then- shall I be no racing conducted under the [auspice* of our association in connection %uth our annual fairs, and that no pie miums be offered for the same. Resolved, That thu President. Col. !>. I Wyutt Aiken, be requested to treat for a lesHe of the truck and appurtenances. Resolved, That the usual annual Fair I be held on the Fair Grounds, beginning on Tuesday, the 9th of November next, and oentinning through the week, in conformity with the rules and regula? tions of the premium list of .1874, exclu? sive of so much as relates to speed pre? miums. D. WYATT AIKEN, President. T. W. Holxowat, Secretary. Kerosene! Kerosene!! PA BARRELS pure white standard 0\J KEROSENE, iust received and for sale at 19o. per gallon by the barrel, and 20c. per gallon at retail. Kerosene delivered, frse of drayaqe, in any pnrt of thecityby_JOHN AGNEW A SON. Dr. D. B. Miller OFFERS his professional services to the public Residence, Central ! Hotel. Oftioe. IV.ii'u Building, Plain 'street. April W !m and the True Event." V01 j TO-DAY AND EVERY DAY! ? EXTRAORDINARY BARGAINS AT I mil urn i mmwii Successors to It. C. SHIVER & CO. C1IIOICE DRESS GOODS at 25 cent* / j)er yard. CASSI MERES, TWEEDS, I JEANS und LINENS for Men and Roys' wear. HAMBURG EDGINGS and IN j SERTINGS. BLACK SILKS! Wo make Black Silks o specialty, i'ou can save TWENTY PER CENT, by pur? chasing your Black Silks at this house. Parusols of all shades and styles opening this day, at very low prices. Ladies', Gents'and Misses' fine SHOES. This department is managed by Mr. M. A. SHELTON, and the stock is second to none in the State. Patent STEP LADDERS, all sizes, with all tlte latest improvements attached; Berlin WOOL, Java CANVAS, Crochet and Knitting NEEDLES. JONES, DAVIS A BOUKNIGHTS. Successors to R. C. Shiver A Co. j? Spring Clothing! h Spring Clothing! 8 h Spring Clothing! $ Just opened The Largest and liest Stock Ev< r seen here, AT I). EPSTIN'S. I UNDER COLUMBIA HOTEL. CiTYLES, New and Handsome! 0 FABRIC und DESIGN, Elegant! BEST MAKE UP! PRICES, Lower than ever! Yerv full lines of Boys' and Youths' CLOTHING. FURNISHING GOODS and HATS. Call and examine nt 3D. DEnPSsTXHNT'JS, April 4 Under Columbia Hotel. CITY HALL GROCERY. i RANI) OPENING of spring and sum VDT mer GROCERIES, WINES, and so ! on, such as i Substantial^! ; Yiz: Hams, Smoked Beef, Tongues, 1 Breakfast StripR, Ac. Desirables! As Pressed Corned Beef, Canned Sul ! mon?, Lobster, Oysters, (extra,) Toma? toes, Peas, Apricots, Pine Apple, Ac. Indispensables! Ar the finest Fancy Family Flour, Pearl Grist, Fresh Bolted Meal, Gilt Edge Butter, Pure Leaf Lard, Raw and Parched Coffees, and Teas of unup ! proucbuhle purity and flavor. Medicinal! I Wines. Brandies. Rxims. Gins, Whis j kies, Champagnes. Clarets, Hocks?all of I guaranteed purity, strength and genend I excellence. My stock is replenished daily: the few i goods enumerated above are but a small I portion of the stock which is offered, at j attractive prices, in the handsomest store 1 in Columbia. GEO. SY.MMERS. I April 11 Prepare Your Own j .Mineral Waters, ]?Y fSINO TUK ' Granular Effervescent Salts. T>OCKBBIDGE ALUM. VICHY, CRAB V ORCHAI), KISSINGEN, FRIED I RICIISI1ALL. The Salts represent in a ! condensed and agreeable form the me I dicinsl constituents of these various I Mineral Waters, and from their conve i nience and comparative cheapness, are : coming rapidly into use. I One or two large tca-spoon-fnls added j to a small tumbler of water, instantly j reproduces a draught of the natural I Water, accompanied by a sparkling i effervescences) For sale at L. T. SILLIMAN A CO.'S I April fi Drug Store. j NEW BOOKS At R. L. Bryan's Bookstore. ! / \ BORGE IV, His Life and Hi? Court " \JT jtl.26. Scientific London, by Beeker-?$1.75. Science and Religion, by Dr?per? $1.75. Farrar's Life of Christ?$2.50. The Shadowed Homo, by Bickerstetk? $1.50. Conquering and to Conquer, by Schonberg Cotta Family?$1.25. Vernes* Journey te the North Pole?$1.50. Ralph Wilton s Weird, by author of Wooing O't.?$1.25. Tho Scienco of Law, by Amos?$1.75. Also, a variety of new English Novels, paper covers, by Mrs. Olyphant, Far gcon, author *f "Castle," Mrs. Braddon, Wilkie Collins and others. AprU 25 rr^n rashers, hobse powers, en x GINES. PAN MILLS, grain CBADLES, REAPERS, Ac, Ac., at ma? nufacturers" price Send*for catalogue to L?RICK ALOWRANCE, _Aprii 22 Columbia, S. C. Dr. Geo. Howe, Jr., OFFICE over W. C. Fishor's store. Residence coiner of Blending and Pickens street. April 23 lmo} LiUME XI?NUMBER 40. M E N'S GLOTBINGANDHATS. CLOTHING1ND HATS. CHILDREN'S MEN'S SHIRTS, DRAWERS AND SOCKS. Youths' Shirts ami Under? wear. Large Varict* of Gent*' Neck? wear. Splendid Line of Linen Col? lars. Silk and Gingham Umbrel? las. TrunltD, Valises, Traveling. Bags. The Celebrated Star Shirt., The Quaker City Shirt.. TERMS CASH! PRICES JLOW! PROFITS SMALL.! SWS & WILEY. AND CLOTHING AND HATS, FOR OP 1875, Now in store, and to be sold at low. prices. J. & W. OWAFf lELO. J?k. 3MUW Who feeds me fn>m his grocery stove. And shows me every day a score Of dainties, ffner than before? 'Tis Solomon. Groceries, Family Supplies, Pure Liquors, Wines, &c. Whoso clerics are smiling, childlike, bland, And always at my service stand Attentive to my least command? Why, Solomon's. Breakfast Strips, Beef Tongues, Sal? mon Bellies, Fulton Market Beef, Canned Goods and Other Delicacies.. Who cares for no man's smile or frown. While ho can keep his prices down, Yet sells the finest goods in town? 'Tis Solomon. A F piendid Assortment of New Cof? fee and Teas?Japan, Oolong, Gun? powder, Hyson, Imperial and Mixed And can I ever cease tp be Tho best of customers to thee, Who always did so well by me, Oh, Solomon? Fancy CiaokerB, Raisins, SJats, New Flour and I'll keep to tho store I like so weH,< 'Neath Mr. Gorman's big hotel, And kopt bv Hardy S-O-L. * O-M-O-N.. , ?-fV-Priccs still lower, and goods fresh, every day. '. April 9 O?TVOK1 STOKED and IN8URBD at very lowest rates, and the top of tho market gua? ranteed for all Cotton consigned to .us for sale. Advances mado ai okx Mrs curt, rsa month upon alt Cotton Stored with us, No oharge for Dfayage. EA7I Northern Timo?y and Clover at $1.25* and 1.50 ^ 100?fuft^eight guaranteed. SEED POTATOES! Fino Early Ro?, Ooodrlek, Peerless. Peaohblews and other varieties. GUANO! Jonesport Fertiliser?as - good' an any used $4f~> W ton cash and 50%) ton time. SOUTHERN WAREHOUSE CO., Fob 19 3m Opposite S. ?>. R. Depot.