University of South Carolina Libraries
BY JULIAN A. SELBY He was au Adventist, .which did not binder his being a Cook County Granger. He believed for a long timo that the world was going to come'to an end last Mxmday, which did not prevent hjs having on hand numerous stacks of hay. He was pious, which did not keep him from seeing his shortcomings. But he ratified himself up in his ascen? sion robes last Monday, and mount? ed on one of those stacks of hay to get a good start for the New Jeru? salem, which did not keep him from going to sleep after tie; had waited awhile for the-grand event. Peace? fully ho dozed, until just beforo the rain, when some heathenish boys set five to the hay-stack, and as the flames circled around him he awoke. He supposed it was over, and philo*", sophically remarked!: "lnh?1, just as I expected V?Chicago Tribune. Don Piatt has this Capital notice of Spencer, the little fat sutler . whom the negroes of Alabama thrust into the Senate to represent that State: "It required a war that emancipated the slaves and sunk us deepor in debt, to say nothing ot the frightful carnage, to produce mich a Senator as Spencer. V/a cau.oorir^^ the presence of an ignorant negro in the Senate, for tua color is .emblematic of the Re publiean party^his -very odor is ' 'ch^i^ct^ristic of its'corrupt condi? tion?but Spencer is tmo of those evils that defy philosophy.'* } "The" Couricr^Jp?rn?l says: "We tl must decline the advice of aCh cago contemporary to; try Cincinnati "Whiskey as a remedial agent in any case whatever. A single drink of Cincinnati whiskey gives one a ' feeling of 'true inwardness' that wo despise." 4rVVliy do you. use paint?" asked a violinist of his daughter. "For the same reason that you use rosin, papa.'* ""How is that?" "Why, to help mo to draw my beau." cot fiulemekt's AFIREMAN'S TOURNAMENT wiU , be held in Columbia, S. C, on THURSDAY, HAT 6, 1875. Undor the auspices of the Palmetto and Independent Steam Fire Engine Com? panies and tbo Phoenix Hook and Lad? der Company. The following prizes have, been offered by the citizens for competition: 1st Prize, for steamers.$100 2d 4? ?? " . 75 1st '? " Hook & Ladder Co.. 7C 2d ?? ?'.? ?? V 50 1st *' " Hose Cos. and Hose Reels. 75 2d.* " " 50 Companies intending to participate in tho Tournament, will please communi? cate with Capt. W. B. Stanley, Chief En? gineer, Columbia, S. C. Copies of tho Order of Exercise will bo furnished on application to T. H. Black well, Secretary of tho Committee of Ar? rangements. THOS. DODAMEAD, Chairman. T. H. ISuckwkll, Secrebiry. To the Citizens of Colombia. Columbia, S. C, April 17, 1875. ri\HK undersigned, on behalf of the JL hand engines of the city of Colum? bia, have appointed the following per? sons to solicit contributions to aid them in defraying the expenses of the TOUR? NAMENT to be given by them on the 11th OF MAY next, viz: Messrs. John Dennison, H. E. Havnc. Isnne black, Jr., C. M. Wilder, Thos. J. Gregory und William Rose. Tho members of both companies have contributed to a fund for that purpose, but failing to raise a s\ifticient amount, they are compelled io appeal to a gene? rous public to supplement their own contributions with a kuui sufficient to pay the expenses. It is unnecessary for us th refer to our voluntary services, given at all times for tho protection of tho lives and property of the citizens of Columbia; we feel they are known and appreciated, and that our appeal will meet with a hearty, liberal response. H. E. HAYNE, President Enterprise F. E. Co. JOHN DENNISON, President Vigilant F. E. Co. Davis' Diamond Hams. AFULL supply of these choice HAMS just received and for sale by April 10 JOHN AONEW A SON. *" REGULATOR The symptoms of Liver Complaint are uneasiness and pain in tho aide. Soino times the pain is in the shoulder, aud is mistaken for rheumatism. Tho stomach Iis affected with loss of appetite and sick Iness, bowels in general costive, and sometimes alternating with lax. The head is troubled with pain, and dull, heavy sensation, considerable loss oi memory, accompanied with painful sen? sation of haying left undone something which ought to have been done. Often complaining of weakness, debility and low spirits. Sometimes many of the I above symptoms attend the disease, and ' at other times, very few of them; but the Liver is generally the organ most in? volved. SIMMONS' LIVER REGULATOR! For all Diseases of tho Liver, Stomach and Spleen ! ris evidently a Family Medicine, and by being kept ready for im? mediate resort, will save many on hour of suffering, and many a dollar in time and doctors' bills. After forty years' trial, it is still receiving the most unqualified testi? monials of its virtues from persons of the highest character and re? sponsibility. Eminent physicians commend it us the most EFFECTUAL. SPECIFIC for Consttpattox, Hiadachv., Pain in the Shoulders, Dizziness, Sour Stomach, bad taste in the Month, Bilious Attacks, Palpitation of the Heart,'Pain in the region of the Kidneys, Despondency, Gloom and . forebodings of evil; all of which oro the offspring of a diseased Liver. If yon feel "Dull, Drowsy, Debilitated, have frequent headache, Month tastes badly, poor Appetite end Tongue Coated, you arc suffer? ing from Torpid Liver, or "Biliousness," and nothing will cure you so speedily and permanently. The Liver, the largest organ in the body, is generally the scat of the disease, anft if not Regulated in time, great suffering, wretchedness and DEATH Will ensue. Armed wit! this ANTIDOTE, all climates and changes of water and ?a food may be meed without fear. As a remedy in MALARIOUS FEVERS? BOWEL COMPLAINTS, RESTLESSNESS, JAUNDICE, - NAUSEA, the ?Cheapest, Purest and Best Family' Medicine in the ? (j :' World! r .?i 11. - .' j r h?u have never seen or tried such a simple; efficacious, satisfactory i tit 1It and pleaAyitromedy in my life."- -H. Hatmhb, St Louis. Mo. ? ,fC ? "I-OcAiMbnally use,- when my condition requires it, Dt. Simmons' > 9 ?<un$Ver Bsgntetor, with good, effect. "?Ho*. Axsx. H. SteF.vr.nk. . tu ,ki;.?a ?Drnf Regulator htm beCn in use in My family for some time, and I ^ lH Um tfefiri^ed' it'is a valnable addition to the medical Science."?Gov. ??>?' 4UL BAMttirs; Alabama. ' "I have"used1 tho Regulator in my family for the past seventeen < ysant.^1 oaW safety recommend it to the vor Id as the best medicine I nave ever usdi for that class of diseases it purports. to care."?H. F. ' i >*3tmn?ons' Liver Regulator has proved a good and efficacious medi . ?inev'VCb k. Notznss, President of City Bank. ? vir,q '*W?1bbV* hue* acquainted with Dr. Simmons' Liver Medicine lor more than twenty years, and know it to bo the best Liver Regulator .1 offered to the public."?M. R. Lyo* and H. L. Lyo*, Druggists, Belle . i fan**io, Go. i ? ? i ? r ivnofb* DYSPEPSIA, CONSTIPATION, JAUNDIGE, B1UOJJ8 AT "Ah f/BAOKB, RICK HEADACHE,' COLIC, DEPRESSION OF SPIRITS, 40UB STOMACH, HEART BURN, Ac, Ac, r ?.?.** - . ^.^u^ii-^lBaviMr. 3XT? 3GBC3LUAX? ps? l tWedies. " : Ter* or Prepared SIMMONS' LTJKB engraved wrapper, w Ith Trade Mark; Stamp and Signature unbroken. None other Is genuine. Jan 90 twCmo J. H. ZSIUH ft 00., Maoon, Ga., and Philadelphia. ?UMBIA, S. C, TUESDAY CITY HALL GEOCEEY. GRAND OPENDNG of spring and suni ' m?r OROOERD3S, WINES, und so on, such us Substantiate! Viz: Hams, Smoked Beof, Tongues, Breakfast Strips, Ac. Desirables! As Frcssod Corned Beef, Canned Sum? mon, Lobster, Oysters, (extra,) Toma? toes, Pi -as, Apricots, Pino Apple, &c. Indispensables! As the finest Fancy Family Flour, Pearl Grist, Fresh Bolted Meal, Gilt Edge Butter, Pure Leaf Lard, Raw and Parched Coffees, and Teas of unap? proachable purity and flavor. Medicinal! Wines, Brandies, Rums, Gins, Whis? kies, Champagnes, Clarets, Hocks?all of guaranteed pnrity, strength and general excellence. Mv stock iB replenished daily; the few goods enumerated abovo are but a small portion of the stock which is offered, at attractive prices, in tho handsomestRtore in Columbia. OEO. SYMMERS. April 11_ Kerosene! Kerosene!! K f \ DARRELS pure white standard 0\J KEROSENE, just received and for sale at 10c. per gallon by the barrel, and 20e. per gallon at retail. Kerosene delivered, free of drayage, in any pnrt of the city by JOHN AGNEW fi BON. Great Bargains at Solomon's. HARDY SOLOMON has reduced BUTTER ten cents n pound. Good Mountain Butler 20 cents per pound. April 1.1 Final Discharge. "RkTOTICE is hereby given that JOHN .L v AGNEW, executor of tho cstato of Daniel R. Howell, deceased, has applied to Hon. B. I. Boone, Judge of Probate, in and for the County of Richland, for a final discharge as executor. It is ordered that the 21st day of May, A. I). 1875. bo fixed for hearing petition, and a final settlement of said estate. B. L BOONE, Jndgo of Probate, Richland Countv. April 22 _J12 Final Discharge. NOTICE is hereby given that JOHN AGNEW, administrator of the estate of James S. McMahon, deceased, has ap Elicd to Hon. B. I. Boone, Judg?f Pro ate in and for tho County of Richland, for a final discharge as such administra? tor. It is ordered that tho 21st day of May, A. D. 1875. bo fixed for hearing of petition and a tinul settlement of said estate. B. L BOONE, Judge of Probate, Richland Countv. April 22_112 To All Whom It May Concern. "j^"OTICE is hereby given that applieu J3I tion was made on the 19th uaj- of April hist, to tho Clerk of Court for Richland County, by D. Wyatt Aiken, John A. Barksdalo, J. N. Lipscomb, J. A. Sligh, Samuel W. Evans, C. R. F. Baker, A. M. Aiken, Goo. H. Waddell, Thomas Taylor and others, for a charter of incorporation for tho "State Grange of South Carolina," for Agricultural pur? poses, in accordance with tho Act of the General Assembly jf the Suite, in such ease made and provided. Apr 20 tu4 Prepare Your Own Mineral Waters, BY usixu THE Granular Effervescent Salts. ROCK BRIDGE ALUM, VICHY, CRAB ORCHAD, KISSINGEN, FRIED? RICHSHALL. Tho Salb? represent in a condensed and agreeable form the me? dicinal constituents of these various Mineral Waters, and from their conve? nience and comparative cheapnes*, are coming rapidly into use. One or two large tea-spoon-fills added to a small tumbler of water, instantly reproduces a draught of tho natural Water, accompanied by a sparkling effervescence. For sale at L. T. SILLIMAN & CO.'8 April ?? Drug Store. Money to loan, On Marketable Collaterals. EXCHANGE on New York, Baltimore. Philadelphia, Boston, and all promi? nent oities of the United States and En rope bought and sold. DEPOSITS received and interest-bear? ing CERTIFICATES ifisued. STOCKS, BONDS, GOLD and SILVER bought and sold. ACCOUNTS of merchants and others from the city and country solicited, and LIBERAL LINES OF DISCOUNTS granted by tho CENTRAL NATIONAL BANK, corner of Plain and Richardson Ureete. JOHN ?. PRESTON, Prest. J. EL Si wyes, Cashier. Mar 24 _ COTTON! STORED and INSURED at very lowest rates, and the top of the market gua j ranteed for all. Cotton consigned to us for aale. Advances made at one vr,n cent. i ran vojtth upon all Cotton Soured with us No charge for Drayege. . I Northern Timothy and Clover at 11.26 land 1.50 V 100?fun weight guaranteed. SEED POTATOES! Fins Early Rose, Goodrich, Peerless, Peaehblows and other Varieties. Ol Jonesport Fertiliser?as good as any used?$45 ton cash and 50 *? ton time. SOUTHERN WAREHOUSE CO., F?b IB 3m Opposite S. C. B. Depot MORNING, APRIL 27, 1875 ATTRACTIONS AT THB iBAKD CENTRAL DRY GOODS ESTAB'MEST HAVE increoned bo fast lately, we are unable to enumerate them all, and would prefer to have all in quest of] Good Goods, at low prices, to call and inspect onr assortment. Our SUMMER DRESS Materials, at] 12}c, 163c, 20c. and 25c. a yard, are the best Goods ever sold in this moiket for the moncv. Our Summer SILKS and POPLTNS are offered at less price than they are retailed in New York. Our Stock of Llama LACE SHAWLS are elegant in Patterns and low in price. SUN UMBRELLAS in all the Latest Styles, Ladies* andj3ents' Silk Ties in Exclusive Novelties. Boot? and Shoes, all Qualities and Prices. Our Stocks of Carpets. Oil Cloths. ! Shades and Mattings are Extensive und Choice. _ Our Stock of Gents' WHITE SHIRTS ! and Furnishing Goods excels any this I side of New Y'ork. Our Domestics, Prints, Cottonades. Cassini eres, Jeans, Ac, arc all Fresh and Cheap. It will pay all who have any supplies to purchase for their families during the summer to examine our Extensive As? sortment at the Grand Central Dry Goods Establishment of WM. D. LOVE & CO., COLUMBIA, S. C. Samples sent gratuitously to all parts of the country on application. April 25_ A FEW FACTS That We Wish the People to Know: 1THAT wo have an entire NEW ? STOCK OF DRY GOODS. 2THAT wo have an entire now stock ? of CARPETS. OIL CLOTHS, MAT? TINGS. RUGS and WINDOW SHADES. 3THAT we have an entire new stock ? of Ladies', Gents' and Children's SHOES; decidedly the largest variety and the best work ever shown in this market ALL the above wo are prepared to SELL CHEAPER and give von BETTER GOODS than any other house in the tnule. JONES, DAVIS & BOUKNIGHTS, Successors to R. C. Shiver & Co. "new fresh goods J.H.KINARD'S %^ LARGE assortment of rich and beauti? ful DRESS GOODS* The styles and patterns of PRINTS are numberless in variety, and every de Sartment of his huge establishment has een replenished with accessions re? freshingly seasonable und accommodat? ingly priced. The Millinery Department Ls superbly stocked. ,)T-tfrMr. Kir. an I invites a call. April 7 MO H Who feeds me from hi" grocery store, And shows me every day a scon: Of dainties, finer than before? 'Tis Solomon. Groceries, Family Supplies, Pure Liquors, Wines, &c. Whose cbrks are smiling, childlike, bland. And always at my service ptand Attentive to my least command'.'' Why, Solomon's. , Breakfast Strips, Beef Tongnes, Saf raon Bellies, Fulton Market Beef, Canned Goods and Other Delicacies. Who cares for no man's smile or frown, While, he can keep his prices down, Yet sells the finest goods in town? 'Tis Solomon. A Splendid Assortment of New Cof? fee and Teas Japan, Oolong, Gun? powder, Hyson, Imperial and Mixed And can I ever cease to be Tho best of eustomers to thee, Who always did so well by me, Oh, Solomon? Fancy Crackers, Raisins, Nuts, New Floor and Buckwheat. I'll keep to the store I like so well, 'Neath Mr. Gorman's big hotel, And kepk by Hardy S-O-L O-M-O-N. (C*r*Prices still lower, and goods fresh everyday._ April 9 (TR JACKSON, Mm LEADER OF LOW PRICES. HAS in store the greatest variety of FANCY ARTICLES, RIBBONS, Ac, ever offered in this market?all of whioh he will aispose of at very low prices. SPRING GOODS, of all shades and colors, to an inspection of whioh the ladies are particularly invited. 128 MAIN 8TREET. md the True Event." VO] TO-DAY AND EVERY DAY! EXTRAORDINARY BARGAINS AT JONES, BAVIS & BOUTS', Successors to U. C. SHIVER & CO. ClHOICE DRESS GOODS at 25 cents ; per yard. CASS1MERES, TWEEDS. JEANS and LINENS for Men and B?vb' wear. HAMBURG EDGINGS and IN SERTINGS. BLACK SILKS! Wo make Black Silks a specialty. You I can save TWENTY PER CENT, by pur- j chasing your Black Silks at this house. L'urusols of all shades and styles opening this day, at very low prices. Ladies', Gents'and Misses'fine SHOES. This department is managed by Mr. M. A. SHELTON, and the stock id second to nono in the State. [ Patent STEP LADDERS, all sizes, with all the latest improvements attached; I Berlin WOOL, Java CANVAS, Crochet and Knitting NEEDLES. JONES, DAVTS & BOUKNIGHTS, Successors to R. C. Shiver A Co. Ye Grande Martha Washington Tea Partye! Will be given at YE RIFLE CLTJBE HALLE, Ye following days: TEUSDAY, APRIL 27TH, Ye First Partye. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 28TH, Yo Second Partye. IT NDER yo auspices of yo Board' of j Ladyo and Gentlemeno Managers. Ye entire Halle will be at the disposal of ye fidks, and they can there disport themselves. Ye doors will be open at 8 o'clock. Then ye enticing and appetizing sup? pers will commence. Friends will eato no dinners or sup? pers before coming. Musick by ye celebrated Posts Band. Ye gallonto soldiers will be in attend? ance, as ye Guar de of Honor during the purtyes. ^??"Tickets of admission, 25 cents. Can be had of ye Lud ye Managers, at all ye booke-stores, and at ye doore. TT ARVESCTSTG rriHRASHERS. HORSE POWERS, EN X GDNES, FAN .MILLS, GRAIN CRADLES, REAPERS, Ac, Ac, at ma? nufacturers' price. Send for catalogue to L?RICK A LOWRANCE, April 22 Columbia, S. O. NEW BOOKS At R. L. Bryan's Bookstore. GEORGE rV, His Life and His Court - r $1.25. . Scientific London, by Becker - $1.75. Science and Religion, by Dr?per? $1.75. Farrar's Life of Christ?$2.50. The Shadowed Home, by Bickersteth? $1.50. Conquering and to Conquer, by Schonberg Cotta Family ? SI.25. Vernes' Journey to the North Pole ?$1.50. Ralph Wilton's Weird, bv author of Wooing OH.?$1.25. The Science of Law, by Amos $1.75. Also, a variety of new English Novels, paper covers, by Mrs. plyphant, Fsr geon, author of "Castle," Mrs. Bmddon, Wilkiu Collins and others. April 22 Greenville and Columbia .Railroad Co. SECRETARY'S OFFICE, Coi.vmma, S. ('., April 23, 1875. THE nn iSSilp? nual meet? ing of the Stockhold? ers of the Greenville and Columbia Railroad Com? pany will be held on THURSDAY, the 2'Mh instant, at 10 o'clock A. M. Stock? holders will be passed FREE to and from Columbia, to attend the meeting, as heretofore. They will be required to show their stock" scrip to the conductor, (who will exact pay from all others,) as none but Stockholders or those of their families tchn resile teith (sent, are entitled to the privileges. No one but a Stockholder can be a proxy. C. V. CARRINGTON, Secretory. 7f?r* Fp-cotintry papers, publishing by agreement, will give one insertion. April 24 Ji mm rnwa. IT is our intention to handle exclu? sively our Own brands of CIGARS, and in order to close ont all odd brands in stock*, we will hold a 'Smokere' Fes? tival" for a few'days. Ye smoldata, sail and take part. Suoh an opportunity will never offer again. PERRY * SLAWSON, April 23 Cigar and Tobacco Store. Interest Allowed TIE Mechanics' and Farmers' Build? ing and Loan Association, of Rich land, is now receiving deposits of $1,00 and upwards, and allowing interest at the rate of ? per cent per annum on all amounts over $10.00, which remain $0 days or longor. Deposits received by T. H. Gibbea, Treasurer, at the Central National Bank, R. D. SENN, April 22 j_President Dr D.B. Killer OFFERS his professional services to the public. Residence, Central Hotel. Office, Fair's Building, Plain street. April 10 lmf X. r.UMB XI?NUMBER [ CLOTHING AND HATS, , FOB S P R I H ^ OF 1875, Now in store, an<I to bo sold at low prices. . - . B. ft W. UWAFnEIR SFUHC IK Just Arrived!. CHILDREN'S $2.50 to $7.00: BOYS' $0.00 to $14.00. KIKARD & WILEY. Spring Clothing! u Spring Clothing !? Spring Clothing! ? Just, opened I The L;? r?-est arid Best Stock Ever seen here, AT D. EPSTIN'S, UNDER COLUMBIA HOTEL. STYLES, New and Handsome!. FABRIC and DESIGN, 'Elegant'..' BEST MAKE UPl. PRICES, Lower than everf Verv full Rues of Boys' and YoutLts' CLOTHING, FURNISHING GOOD? us). HATS. Cull and examine at April 4 Under Columbia Hotel!. Notion. ON and after May 1, the following Banks wiU close thoir business at x o'clock P. M., until further notice: C. J. IREDELL, Cashier Carolina Na? tional Bank. J. H. SAWYER. Cashier Central? Sx~ tinnul Bank. L. N. ZEALY, Cashier South Caroilnt* Bank and Truat Company. G. M. WALKER, Cashier Union Bank April 21_ 7 HEBER D. HEINITSH. It Physician and Surgeon, RESIDENCE COKNER BLANDING AND MARION STREETS, offers hii? professional services to the citizens of Columbia and vicinitv. Calls left at the Drug Store of E, H. HEINITSH wiM re? ceive prompt attention. ApriM Notice to the Public Practitioners and Students of Dental Surgery. THE South Carolina State Dental Asss*. eint ion will meet in the city of Co? lumbia, on TUESDAY, May 4, 1875, al 10 o'clock A. M , at the rooms of Dr*. Boozer & Wright, at which time and place Ate Board of Dental Examiners in theStateof South Carolina wiU hold their gulate thept tistry, and protect the neople 'against empiriciunx ?c relation thereto, in the State of South Carolina." r.. .4, *b , i Candidates for examination wirf pro sent themselves at' 12 M. of WEDNES? DAY, May 0, at the above mentioned place. . . sni tax THEO. F. CHUFE1N, D. D.S., President South Carolina 8. D. Au O. O. PATRICK, WVf ft; April ? it Corresponding SeoTetary. Greenville X**c* eOfif tVica a' until day. ?uttVIftfcV ? w* to THRASiffi rl?v H0B??TOW?R8, MC OINB8/FA? MILLS, ORAW CRADLES, REAPERS, hi, Ao, at ans? nufacturers' price. Bead tor catalogue to L?RICK & LOWBANCE, AjKiiaa Columbia a. C. Dr. Oeo. Howe, Jr., OFFICE over W. C. Fisher's atom Residence corner of Blending ana} Picken? street April 33 lnsn| ? <V?ltA. . tlx*