University of South Carolina Libraries
. 2 CHARLESTON DAILY NEWS....MAECH 30, 1866._._-_ The Daily News, .FRIDAY MORNING, MafflH 30, 18CC. From Texas. OONTIMJED SESSION ny THE CONVENTION-Til E OR? DINANCE OF SECESSION DISCUSSED-LETTER FROM PRESIDENT JOHNSON. AOBTTH, Texas, March 10,18GG-lt was general? ly conceded that as eoon as the Legislative bill was diBposed o? the ordinance repealing the ordi? nance of secession would occupy but very little time. Few, if any, speeches were expected, and argument on the'question waa in no way antici? pated. Sot theee expectations and conjectures were not realized. On the contrary, the moat elaborate speeches and lengthy arguments were prepared and delivered by every prominent dele? gate in the convention. Seoeeaion in the abstract ?nd as a policy waa discussed every day and even? ing during the past week. On Tuesday afternoon this grave question came np, and eaoh report was read, when Mr. Pascal, of San Antonio, opened the debatevin fa? vor ol therninority report, strongly arguing that the act of secession waa null and void ab initio. Mr. Potter took issue with him and spoke quite briefly in favor of the majority report. The whole of the evening session waa consumed by an elaborately prepared Bpeech by Mr. Flanni? gan, and Wednesday and Thursday and Friday were spent in discussing the right of secession, but to-day the convention ia determined to bring the question to a vote. Judge Roberts spoke in favor of the majority re? port, and advocated State rights with aa muoh zeal aa he did in the secession convention of 1861. Judge Hancock followed him with a very strong and eloquent speech, taking the following grounds: First. That secession was wrong from the begin- < nine. Second. All rights that can be regularly tad legitimately exercised by the people, or offic? ials for them, must be in virtue of authority de rived either from the Federal or State Constitu? tions, or laws made in pursuant? <?f one or the other. Third. There can nowhere be found any warrant of authority in either the constitution or I laws passed under them for the act of secession, r our th. If any such right exists, then it ia ont of and beyond the lawa, and necessarily revolution? ary, and any attempt at its exercise would be a revolution. 'He then defined revolution, and drew the line between revolution and rebellion, and he said that success sanctifies a revolution and ren? ders all valid from the beginning; and in like man? ner failure reverts to the very inception, and ren? ders everything dependent upon it void. He took, he said, the same ground that tho President did, and he said it was the duty of every delegate in the Convention to come to the support of him Judge Hancock spoke for nearly two hours, and waa listened to with the closest attention. His conclusion was very eloqueut. speaking warmly of the soldier aud light that was made. Mr. Norton also spoke with great warmth, and his urgent appeal to the delegates to come up square to the support of the President met with ?treat favor. He read to the Convention the fol owing dispatch which Governor Hamilton had re? ceived from the President : WASHINGTON, February 13, 1866. To Governor A. J. Hamilton, Austin, Ttxas : I waa highly gratin/ d to receive your dispatch, and to hear that your ct nveutlon "?.as organized. I hope all wfll end well. It is of the utmost importance that the proceedings of your convention be prudent and of the most temperate character, vindicating loyalty, and of the entire willingness to acknowledge the supremacy of the Constitution and of the obedience to the laws of, the United Stator Yon no doubt understand tte position of affairs here, and mach will depend upon the future proceedings of your convention. I am still hopeful that in the end matters will take a different turn here, and that loyal Representatives will be admitted to take their seats in j the Capitol of the nation from all the States. ANDREW JOHNSON, I President of the United 8tates. With all of the speeches and entreaties, it is. evident that two or three days more will pass be fore the convention comes to a final vote.-New York Herald. From Mexico. NEW ORLEANS, March 23.-The Picayune has the following French version of affairs in Mexico, received by the arrival of the steamers Sonora from Vera Cruz on the 12th, via Tampico on the 15th, and Bagdad on the 18th. The woather in Vera Cruz is already quite warm, but healthy. The population is large com? pared with what it was informer years. Business is lively, and tho work on the railroad from the sea coast in the direction of the capital is pro-' greasing rapidly, but it is not in running order further than Paso del Macho, forty-five miles from Vera Cruz. The commission which went to the city of Mex? ico to announce Leopold's death, in returning to Vera Cruz, was attacked by guerillas at Bio Frio, between Puebla and the capital. One was hilled, another had an arm fractured and aftewarda am? putated, and a third wa? badly wounded. A passenger by the Sonora, who left San Lois Potosi February 13th, and went via Queenstown to Puebla and Orizaba, reports business dull in San Luis; rents are unaccountably high; mines, and especially the Cordova, lively. Most of the Americana are at Cordova. Regular stages are running between San Luis. Monterey, ana Saltil? lo. No communication with MatamoraB or Tam? pico. All waa quiet in San Lula, bot not in the country around. Between San Luis, Queretara and the City of Mexico, all waa quiet. The City of Mexico dates were to the 25th ult The capital was full of people, but dall; very few Americans were there,all having gone to Cordova. No sickness at Vera Cruz, Tampico or Bagdad. Small numbers of troops are constantly arriving from Europe, and not many leaving; only such whose terras of service are up. About 30,000 French troops are in Mexico. General Mejia ia the most highly trusted. Thc Negro Races Killed hy Kindness. We clip the following from a lato isauo of thc Memphis Bulletin: If all this Northern sympathy for tho colored people, as illustrated in Harper's Journal of Civili? zation, was not provoked by hatred for whites, thero would bo no differences as to the measures of public policy affecting the condition and rights of negroes. No one would re-enslave them. The end ia not moro desirable than possible. There is no enmity between the races, save that engendered by competition among laborera. This is necessarily confined to cities. The niiatake made by Congress consists in tho fact that it bases ita action upon a supposod and unreal rela? tion of races. Tho object of Trumbull's bill is to protect negroes against wrongs practiced by Southerner*. This may ho well enough, since there are bad men in all countries. But this should not be the whole scope ami purpose of Congressional freedmen's codes. Tho blacks mainly need protection against their chiefest benefa?tora. Negro graves aro counted hy tho acre in and around thia city. When liberty first gathered thom in its fold, they died too rapidly for grave diggora. Encoffined they were horno from hovels and hospitals. Like De Soto, thoir uncoffiued bodies found resting places iu the bosom of the great river. There is no register of births and eatha. Few aro born, and infants nearly all per? ish. We aro told that twelve huudred blacks were frozen to death on President's Island, while agenta of civilization were toiling to promote their intelli? gence. The thousands that were buried in a single trench at Helena, should have some memorial to thoir bei.factors, lifting its form of spotleaa mar? ble to the very mid heavens. We should have "their rights protected against all aggressors by national power.-' Tell us, some aane man, who aro theso aggressors ? The buroau ia deemed the boucfactor of the black race. It has paved wolla in Columbus, Miss., with bones of negro infants. Negro women, in pursuit of negro eoldiers, abandon the helpless children aud aged parents to famine and doath. lr extinction of the race be the work of charity and love, never was a Bcheme of benevolence HO successful as that which has been practiced towards the blacks for tho paet threo years. ***** Thus far, every act of nominal beneficence has been one of barbarity. The black population of those BtatcH is a million less than it would have been without ?i war. Civilize, educate, clotho and feed tho negro, ami then talk about bia iuvesture with all tho rights ol' citizenship. But do not kill him with kindness. Hu has borne enough for thc present. There aro now over 500 large manufacturing establishments in Pittsburg and suburbs, among which aro 50 glass factories, 58 oil refineries, 31 rolling milla, 40 iron foundries, 3:1 machine shops, 12 boilfr works, C largo steel works, 10 brasa foun? dries, IC potteries, 5 cotton mills, -1 woolen mills, 9 plough works, 10 establishments for heavv forg? ing; also a number of extensive white lea"d fac? tories, chemical works, Paw, axe, tupper and other manurjctories of on y the great staples nf trade, turning out nearly (100,000.000 in value of her own manufactures, ui iking it the largest manufactur? ing city of th? West, SPECIAL NOTICES. g XS- THE ARRANDALE JEWELRY DEPOT, No. 234 KING STREET.-We understand the GRAND PIANO FORTE ?it this establishment is now included amongst tho prizes to bo drawn. As it is a first ciase instrument, and Taluod at $700, it will undoubtedly be ven' cheap to tho person who can get it for one dollar. _Msrch_2?_ ?? T. B. BYNNEB, IMPORTER ANDID??L" ER IN WATCHES and JEWSLRY ; Agency for the AMERICAN WATCH ; also, eve y variety of SWI88 and ENGLISH WATCHES, at the lowest market prices, Na 169 Broadway, New York-established twenty yeare. Trade Price LieU sent on application. January l'J imwSmo AW ARCANA WATCHES-WHOLESALE AND RETAIL.-The "-a sos of these Watches are manufactured of different metals, into which gold is forced by means of extreme heat and a surface left of 18 carat gold, .-. lach is lasting and elegant They are gotten up in hand? some style, and are equal in appearance and fl.- dsn to Watches costing four times Cia price asked for them. They are ail excellent ttmo-lceepera and warranted as ach. We sell Gents' large size Detached Leiden, Hunting Cases, for. (90 .Gents' an edi nm aize Detached Levers, Hunt? ing Oases. (2G to $38 Ladies' Hunting Cases, E Jv?.-.-, gold plated. 30 to 38 Ladies' Guard chains, boeefcful styles. 8 Ladles' Chatelaine Chains, beautiful styles- 8 Gents' Vost Chains, heavy and elegant. 8 No Watches ever before offered to the pub! io equal hese for beauty, durability and excellence, when the price ls considered. Address ALCANA WATCH COMPANY, No. 63 Fulton-street, Now York. January 31 _wtoSmos AW AWAY WITH SPECTACLES.-OLD EYES made new, without Spectacles, Doctor or Medicine, Pamphlet malled free on receipt of ten cents. Address E. B. FOOTE, BL D., No. HBO Broadway, New York. November 9_ AW MARRIAGE AND CELIBACY, AN ESSAY OF WARNING AND INSTRUCTION FOR YOUNG MEN, jost published by the Howard Association, and e nt In sealed letter envelopes, free of charge. Address Dr. J. ?KILLIN HOUGHTON, Howard Association, Philadelphia, Pa. Marchs_20_ AW COLGATE'S HONEY SOAP.-THIS CELE? BRATED Toilet Soap, In auch universal demand, s made from the choicest materials, ls mild and emollfentln its nature, fragrantly scented, and extremely beneficial in ita action upon the skin. For sale by all Druggists and l?anoy Goods Dealers. February 7 lyr AW HILL'S HATE DYE-FIFTY CENTS BLACK OR BROWN.-Instantaneous in effect, reliable for natural appearance, beauty of color and durability; also the cheapest and best In use. Depot, No. 88 John street, corner of William street, New York, sad sold by Druggists and Fancy Go'Jda Stores everywhere, November 39 fimo aa-I TO HI ITCH 1 ITCH I SCRATCH SCRATCH! 8CBJ1T02! 1-WHEATON'S OINTMENT WILL CUBE THE ITCH IN FORTY-EIGHT HOURS. Also oona SALT RHEUM, ULCERS, CHILBLAINS, and ail ERUPTIONS OJ TEE SKIN. Price 00 cenia, For sale by all Druggnjis. By sending 80 cents to WEEKS * POTTER, Sole Agents, No. 170 Washington-street, Boston, Mass., lt will be forwarded by mal, free of post age, to any part of tbs United States. November 8 Sme AW BATCHELOB'8 HAIR DYE!-THE ORIGINAL and best In the world i Tho only true and perfect HAIR DYE. Harmless, Rehiibla and Instantaneous. Produce? Immediately a splendid Block or natani Brown, with? out injuring the hair or skin. Rem?di?e the Ul effect* o ?ad dyes. Sold by all Druggists. The gen mn a is signad 1CTT.T.TAM A. BATOBTKLOB, Also, REGENERATING EXTRACT OF MTT.I?IFLEURS, For restoring and Beautifying the Hair. CHARLES BATCHELOR, Now York, August 17_ir/ AW SPECIAL NOTICE-"GREATOAKS FROM tittle acorns grow." The worst diseases known to tbs human race spring ftrom osases so sir all sn to almost defy detection. Tho wdnmes of soi en tifio lore that fill the tables and shelves of the medical fraternity only go to provo and elaborate these tacts. Then guard yourselves while you may. The smallest pimple on the skin .'ls > tell-tale and indicator of disease ; It may fade and die away from the surface of the body, bnt it will reach tba vitals, perhaps, at last, and death be the result a id anal close. MAGGIEL'S BILIOUS DYSPEPTIC, and DIARRHEA PILLS eure whens aB others fail While for Burns, Scalds, Chllblaina, Guts, and all abraajom of. tho skin, MAGGIZL'S Salve is in? fallible. Bold by ,7. MAGGtEL, No, 43 Fulton-street, New York, and %11 Druggists, at 30 cents per box. September 30_lyr AW CONSTITUTION WATER. - CONSTITUTION WATER, the only known remedy for Diabetes, Stone In he Bladder, Calculas, Gravel, Brick Dust Deposit, and Macuoua or Milky Discharge*, Irritation of the Bladder, inflammation of the Kidney, Catarrh of the Bladder. The astonishing success which has attended tills in? valuable medicino rendors lt the most valuable one ever discovered. No l.tugnags can convey an adequate idea of the immediate and almost miraculous change which lt occasions to the debilitated and shattered system, is fact it stands unrivalled as a remedy for the permanent euro ot the maladtos above-mentioned, and also DIABE? TES, IMPOTENCY, LOSS OF MUSCULAR ENERGY, PHYSICAL PROSTRATION, INDIGESTION, GLEET, and every disoane any way connected with the disorder of decay. Persons, if conscious of any weakness, should take the CONSTITUTION WATER; whether broken down by ex? cess, weak by nature, or impairod by sickness, the un* strung and rolar ed organization ls at onco rebraced, re divined and built up. Well may this celebrated remedy be called the MEDICAL WONDER. The stooping, trembling victim of depression and de? bility becomes a new man; he stands erect, be moves with a firm step; hin mind, which was previously sunk n gloom of an almost ldiotlo apathy, becomes bright and active, and ho goos forth regenerated, conscious of nev vigor. The mctlicine reaches tho constitution i isolf, and restores it tn its normal condition. For these diseases it is truly a sovoreign remedy, and too much cannot be said in its praise. A single doce has been known to relieve the most urgent symptoms. Try t in those casts, and you will give, your pinino to CON? STITUTION WATER. MALES OR FEMALES, are you troubled with that dis? tressing pain in the small c. the back, and through your hips? "ConMiration Wator" will relieve you llkenaglc. For salo by all Druggists. Price $1. W. H. GREGG ? CO., Prorietors. MORGAN ft ALLEN, Genora Agents. No. 40 Ollff. street. New Yera. 6mo 8ontember3S LADIES DESIRING A SMOOTH, CLEAR AND 1 THIS DELIGHTFUL TOILET ARTICLE HAS NO EQUAL FOR PRESERVING AND BEAUTI? FYING THE COMPLEXION AND SKIN. Sold by Druggists everywhere. Dopot No. 74 Fulton-street, Now York. KINO & CASSIDEY, Agents, J-ua:;31 Almerno CE??LEoION, S.O. ffllRS'S OWN REMEDIES. Confess Spring Water. Empire Spring Waterf^ Columbian Spring Water. NO NATURAL OR ARTIFICIAL COMPOUND HAS yet boen diccovered or MANTJPACTUIIED that equals then waters as a PREVENTIVE, RELIEF AND FERMA MENT CURE, for many temporary and chronic dis? eases, as proved by the exp?rience of many thousands who have drank them for years, with the most beneficia! effects. CONGRESS WATER Is a cathartic, alterative and tonic, and la a valuable remedy for affections of the Liver and Kidneys, Dys? pepsia, Ooat, Chronic Constipation and Cu tan eon s din eases. It ls a most powerful preventive of the Fevers and Dill ou.; Complaints, so prevalent In warm climate?. EMPIRE WATER Ix a cathartic, and a valuable remedy for Rheumatism, j Derangement of the liver, Diseases of tho Bain, and General Debility. Its effects are most salutary In Luna Dis4taea. It ia an almost aune cu RX for Scrofula, and the most >i#gr?"'?tcd forma of Dyspepsia. As a PBEVEH. lire AK? cuss for all Bilton ! Derangements, lt stands unrivaled. COLUMBIA]!? WATER Is a tonio and diuretic of a highly beneficial character, and ls a rosrnvE BEHEBT for D?a bc tea, Gravel, Calculas, I Irritation and Inflammation of the Kidneys and Bladder, and bas mosi singularly active affects in restoring these [ organs when debilitated by long disease. Females who have suffered for years from irregularity, and the dis? tressing di seance known only to their sex, have been entirely cured by the faithful and judicious use cf CO I L-J MB IAN WATER. Those waters are bottled fresh and pure, from each of the above-named Springs, in so careful and secure a manner that they preserve al! their medicinal value foi years, and will be found equally efficacious when drank thousands of miles distant, ns when taken directly from tho Spring. Beware of Imitations and inferior Waters; the corks ol od] genuine Congress, Empire and Colombian Waters are branded on the aide of the cork, thus : ( CONOBZSS WATKB, 1 J EMPTES WATZB, 1 I CAE. S. Co. j (C.SES. Co. j ( COLUMBIAN WATCH, 1 [ C. A R 6. Co. / j Packed safely and seenrely, in boxes eui tat le for ship? ment to any part of the world. Congress and Empire j Waters in boxes, containing 4 Dozen Pints, or 3 Doun Quart Bottles each. Columbian Water in boxes contain? ing 4, or 6 Dozen Half Pints, or 4 Dozen Pint Bottles each. t. Sold by all Druggists,, Hotels, Wine Merchants, ano first-class Grocer*. Sold only ai Wholesale by HOUKISS SONS, Propers., 3?o. 92 Beekman-street, N. T. MW Orders by mail receive prompt attention. March 10 thstoSmo HEALTH RESTORED, AND SICKNESS PREVENTED BY USING THE CEAS BB1TBD FAMILY MEDICINES. AMONG WHICH ABE MARSHALLS UTERINE CATHOUOOfl, Price $1.50, Which win Infallibly, positively, invariably eua sh I those torturing, perplexing, and debilitating symptoms commonly known as FEMALE DISEASE, WEAK N'388, IRREGULARITIES, etc., which weary and render un? happy so rainy women between the ages of 15 and GC, I for which the medica! profeseion seeks in vain lora remedy, and from which wealth, position, delicacy, and refinement afford no exemption. Bead the following: LxrATXTTX, KT., June 91,18M. I am a graduate of the regular Medical College?. Eight? een months ago I had seven cases of severe female dis* ! ease which I bad entirely failed to cur?. One lady had constant hysterics; one had every sympton of epileptic convulsions consequent upon deranged menstruation ; others had whites, tailing, irregularities, and all the se. vere symptoms of continued uterine derangement. Having my attention called to MARSHALL'S UTERINE I CATHOLICON, I used lt, and lt cured every case. Tb SM ! baa not been a single failure in its operation. 0. J. NORTHINGTON, M. B. a9-Seo that tbe ?cal of the Graefenberg Company li os every bottle. "530 THE GBAEFENliERG VEGETABLE PILLS Are the best in tho world for family nie, and for Indi? gestion - Const! pat Joi - Headache- N er von snoe?-Bil 1 outraces -Heartburn - Acidity- Nausea- Flatulence Want of Appetite-Dyspepsia-Liver Complaint-Cli? pings-Fevers. On account of their great mildness, and from the fad ti it they never gripe, nauseate, or lesve the bowels in a constipated condition, the Graefenberg Pills will be fouod more pleasant than any others. AS*Price 25 cents per box. On the receipt of one do]. I lar four boxes will be Bent by mail, free of postage, tc any part of the country. DYSENTERY BVRCP.-Price 50 cents. Infallible in all cases of bowel complaints, and n cer? tain cure for ASIATIC CHOLERA. GREEN MOUNTAIN OINTMENT.-Price 26 cents. *?r For Burns, Bruises, Scalds, Old Sores, Chilblains, Chapped Skin, Cold Sores, and whersvor there ls in? flammation. It acts like magic.-?0 ?irThe Ointment is guaranteed as the best applica [ tion in the world for the above. It acts moro quickly and certainly than any other over offered to the public CHILDREN'S PANACEA-50 cents. SARSAPARILLA 'IO M POU MD.-$L CONSUMPTIVE'S BALSAM.-$3. EYE LOTION.--25 cents. HEALTH BITTERS.-25 couts. PILE REMEDY.-$1 FEVER AND AGTJK UKMKDY.-SO cents. MANUAL OF11KALT1L- vb cents. A complete Faml. ly Physician. Bout by mall on receipt of 20 cents. THE GRAEFENBERG FAMILY MEDICINES are pre I pared under the immediate supervisi?n of a SKILFUL PHYSICIAN, and they may be relied upon in ali coses. JO-THEY A RE PURELY VEGETABLE.-fra. 4?T-They have been the leading American Remedlei for 20 years. Sold, wholesaio and retail, by THE GRAEFENBERG [ COMPANY, No. 139 William street, New York, and bj the trado generally. MGflhe trado -supplied on liberal terms, by KINtt & CASSIDEY, March 17 stuth3mos CHARLESTON, 8. C. SOKEVEN KIOXJSE SAVANNAH, GA. THH FIRST-CLASS HOTEL HAVING BEEN RENO? VATED and newly lurnisted, ls now open for the reception of the travelling publio. GEORGE McGLNLY, March 7 wf8 Proprietor. March 2 Imo ??BBITT HOUSE, CORNER OF FOURVSENTH AND ' F " 8TRBBT?. WASHINGTON, D. C., C. WILLARD, Proprietor. FOB MANY YEARS PROPRIETOR OF THE HYGEL4 HOTEL. Old Toint, VA. jreDruary a Amo* JUT ? \ COLXinVEIsT. SOUTHERN IMPORTING AND MANUFACTURING DRUG HOUSE, K 238 King-street. PRATT & WILSON BROTHERS, WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS AND MANUFACTURING CHEMISTS, No. 238 KING-STREET, FOTJBTH DOOB ABOVE MARKET-8T. Charleston, S. C. N. A. PRATT, 1 8. W. WILSON. f P. B. WILSON. I Chemist to late) | Graduate of C. 8. Nitre end ( ! Phils. College Mining Bn-1 1 of Pharmacy. 4 iiMu. I Chemist to Uto J [C. S.Ord.Dep'L [ Tne Proprietors are Native Georgians. DRUGS No. 238KING-ST. CHEMICALS. No. 238 King-st. MEDICIS. No. 238 KING-ST. PATENT MEDICINES. No. 238 KING-ST. DYE No. 238 KING-ST. FANCY AND TOILET ARTICLES. No. 238 King-st. Marchi jyj L. CHAPIN & CO., 3STO. 20 HAYIsTB-STBEET, MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS IN AGRICULTURAL BIPLEMENTS, AND DOMESTIC HAMBWARE. COACHES BRETTS BUGGIES GERMANTOWN8 EXPRESS WAGONS GROCERS' WAGONS CARTS" CHILDREN'S CARRIAGES WHEELBARROWS WHIPS HAND-CARTS PLOUGHS HOES HARROWS FAN MILLS GRAIN CRADLES CORN SHELLEBS STRAW CUTTERS r CHURNS CLOTHES WRINGERS NAILS HORSE SHOES_tnm TRACE CHAINS ,TO TRUCES AND TIMBER CARTS. 3STo. 20 HAYNE-8TEEET, MTRCA SP CHARLESTON, S. C THE SOUTHERN WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRY GOODS HOUSE. mHE BEST AND LARGEST SELECTION OF SPRING GOODS, ESPECIALLY SELECTED FOB THU X Market. A cali from the LADIES, COUNTRY MERCHANTS, AND PLANTERS, la respectfully solicited, Haring secured the most polite Salesmen in the trade, they will hs happy tc see their friends at NO. 268 KING, CORNER OF WENTWORTH-STREET, UNDER THE MASONIC WATT. WM. BOT, formerly with BROWN A CALDER. E. 0. MCCLURE, foimrjrly with WM. HOWLAND. L. B. LOVEGREEN, formerly with A. F. BROWNING ft 00, a H. SEYLE8, formerly with A. F. BROWNING ft 00. L. D. BOMAB, WM. E. STEiN MEYER, Bookkeeper, 1 PHILIP EPST?1ST. PBOPBIETOB. January a?_Cmos SOUTHERN DRUG HOUSE. -0- ' JUNG & CASSIDEY, W H O Xi DB S jfik. L 33 DRUGGISTS, No. 151 Meeting-street, Opposite Charleston Hotel, CHARLESTON, S. C. Janutry 24 thitnSnO SOUTHERN" EXPRESS COMPANY, OFFICE, No. 147MEETING-ST, EXPRESS FORWARDERS. THE, SOUTHERN EXPRESS COMPANY IS NOW prepared to forward FREIGHT AND MONEY PACK? AGES to all pointa on the GREENVILLE AND COLUM? BIA RAILROAD. All goods shipped by AD AMS'or HARK DEN'S EXPRESS COMPANIES, Bnd marked to the care of the SOUTHERN EXPRESS COMPANY, will be promptly forwarded to their destination. Freights shipped by Steamships to ORT care, will bc forwarded by Express without charge for commission, storage, ot drsyage. li orders aro left at our Office, Packages and Freight will be called for by our wagons in soy part oi the city, aud will be sent forward by first Express. H. B. PLANT, President. March'. Imo AUGUSTA. GA. BILLIARDS ! H, BADEMOP, NO.133 MEETING-STREET, etween Market and Hayne, EAS JUST OPENED A LARGE AP ELEGANT BILLIARD SALOON AT THIS WELL-KNOWN STAND. THE TABLES ARE FROM THE MANUFACTORY of PHELAN & CULLENDER, slate-topped, and covered with the finest cloth. Professionals and amateurs sro respectfully Invited to give ns a calL Idlers and loungers politely requested to romain outside. March 1 COTTON SEED! COTTON SEED! BUSHELS EXTRA FINE SK. ISLAND SEED, one planter's lot, warranted pure; $5 per bustiel, bags included. Crop 1864. 200 bn&hsls carefully selected "Owens" Seed, one planter's lot, very fine quality; $4 per bushel, baca in cloded. Crop 1864. * t -B -? 60) bushels Edisto Island Seed, carefully selected- S3 per bushel, bags included. Crop 1865. 8?mples of the Cotton produced can be seen at the offloe of PINCKNEY BROTHERS, March 23_No. 7 Vanderhorst's Wharf. JOHN F. TAYLO?Tfj?T SUCCESSORS TO CAMERON A 00., OF TEH PHONIX IRON WORKS, TAKE PLEASURE IN INFORMING THEIR FIENDS and the public that they have resumed business al the old stand on Prltebard-strcot, and are prepared to enter Into contracts for MACHINERY of every descrip? tion, either homo manuiacture, or from the North o; from Europe ; and hope, by strict attention to business, tc merit the patronage heretofore liberally extended to tbs old firm. Mr. HENRY A. BURN will be nappy to attend to tn? wants of our friends tn the Boiler Department, RepaJrs attended ta Charleston, January 1, lee?, en? Jaacary i A BRILLIANT LIGHT. BED KOCK OIL O O IM. IF .A. I-?T TT t OFFICE No. 94 EAST BAT, CORNES BROWS WHARF. J. GKUNTEAL & CO. ABE HOW READY TO SUPPLY ALL DEALERS IS thia celebrated ?ln m mating OIL. Marchi_Imo "IE! COIL! COU! 250 Tons Best Quality LOCUST MOMDi COIL. 250 Tons Superior Cumberland Coal, UNDER COVER AT ATLANTIC WHARF, AND well adapted for Steamboat purposes. Will be sold on moderate terms. Apply to ARCHIBALD GETTY & CO., Hos. 126 and 128 MEETING STREET, 0rt? WILLIS & CHISOLM, NORTH ATLANTIC WHARF. Pebrnary? TO PLANTEES! MARES' NITR0GENI2EI PHOSPHATE OF U P?ICE REDUCED-$62.50 CASE 105 PAYABLE BY FACTORS' ACCEPTAN? CES IN NOVEMBER. fTTABBANTED FREE FROM ADULTERATION. TV to SOO lbs. per acre will prod nco foll crops, ontinnally add to the fertility of the soil H. W. KINSMAN, OLE AGENT FOR MAPES' NITBOGENIZED PHC PHATE OF LIMB, March 10_Imo_No. 271' Kine-srreet._ AIMAE? SARRACENIA (FLY TRAP) BITTEKS. THE GREAT SCUTHERN REMEDY FOB DYSPEPSIA. For sale by JOHN KENIFIOK, No. 48 Broad-street G. W. AIMAR, Corner Etog and Vsnderhorst streets. ?aa by Druggists generally, smog Marca J