The Fairfield herald. (Winnsboro, S.C.) 1849-1876, November 24, 1849, Page 158, Image 2

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FAIRFIELD HERALD Is PtUbiSI8I WEEKLY, BY IN Tiff.TOW$ PF WINNSBOIROUSH, At 'two Dollars per Year, 37 11eyARIAA&Y IV ADVANCB.. TnU HsiAnd is published Weekly, in the Town of Winnsborough, at Two DoLLARS per Year, in advance. Abvrwrissebswra will be inserted at 50te., per Square (tEwels line* or les,) for the-first, and 37j cents for each subsequent insertion, and when not limited, In writing, willbe con. tinued untilordered out, and charged accord. Ing to terms. V' Communications, having for their object the promotion of any individual, either to an efice of honor, trust or profit, will be charged for as Advertisements. Marriages (when accompanied by a responsi. ble name,) will be published gratuitously. Obituaries, not exceeding 12 lines, wlli also be published free of charge. Political exttaaz. eespndtenie oY the Baltimore Sun.1 WAsHINGTON, Nov. 15 1849. We are only at the threshold of the California controversy. It is a mistake to supposu that even the California Cun. ventiun has disposed of the slavery question. It turns out that the ntille *istricting slavery had only passed the ommittee of the whole, and sub silentio. i had not been reported to the [louse at he date of the last advices. It is nmni. est that there is to be an opposition to t at the next stage of proceeding. Not Yen Dr. Gwin, of Mississippi, oftred any opposition to it in the preliminary stage; but, according to the Now York Tribune, Dr. Gwin's special mission to California was to defeat the proviso. The administration sent out Gen. Riley with special instructions to pro. mote the formation of a State govern. ment, with a view to get rid of this dis. ent to Calirora with a ~e-nco also a Constitution unrestriea view to secure There is to rerioted as to slavery. Califn be4 Overe struggle stull in s adopbed; but it eanti-slavery article the scene te ibe adoped and transferred to the i, thee be But there is silned States Senate. Ihesr A r another difficulty in the roar. Anotiler porlion o a fri embracing the oron f California conain afewslr11mon seillements, now contains a fo slaves, and the Mormons interform Of governit~ ~ have not excluded slavery. Whenthe Coe forward wit~h a Stat coen they come will be nohrcntoonstitutionter another~ totovr here ll by The South wilrealhy b ;e helpless predicament First, they will be repel,__ admission vr one Sta P itia restriction o olf slavery; and, next they must con. 80e, to the exclusion of another State, because it does not restrict slavery. , ul e p n . !mit thrce non.slaveholding States, fro the newly acquired territory, to say no. thing of Minnesota, Nebrasko and Ore. gon, which will soon be at your dours The South, now on a footing of some thing near equality in the Senate, will be soon thrown into a hQpeless and an helpibts minority. " Fallen, like a gallant horse, in front ranks, A pavement for the object rear to o'errun and trample on." Still, I suppose, the Union will sur. vive the destruction of the political bal. ance, but it is to sustain a severe shock before It becomes settled upon the new bais of Southern Inequality as to per son. and rights. 1 notice that a claim for bounty land is to be pressed upon Congress in behal of the officers of the war of 1812. T1he privates of that war, and of the war wit Mexico, received bounty land, but no the officer,. -if the claimi is good in be half of the officers in 1812, It is als just in regard to those who have serve In Mexico. IoN. * Californaia Bouuaadary-TWhe Mormns. WasHING~roN, Nor. 10, 1849. Our friend. In California have helped themselves, very llberally hirthe-way-of our own boundary. They made their seacoast line, only a thousand miles in extent, and took nothing more than just exactly the 'ewhee.s They know very well. that 'Whife their placers give out, the ocean will "affo~.rd them a plentiful resource, in ctimmercolAd navigation. Antilpsting that a State, with an area exceeding that of all the non.slaveliold. lng States' in the'Union--ldaving out lows-. State with an ataa of half a i dlq-r ie-.ot be, of to al mteelvees with them; but it might happen btillthat the twot three States to be'darved' bYf' Californiak might desiresan access to tihe ocean, and av little set Coast. . I.uannot believe that Congves will assent' to auch a boundary as bas beejn indloated. Theyf willi of coursi, 'medify jhe Stabo catintion irn that~respest, when they give their assent toito rhle. will sy,- fli some time, the ydmi~In 4for the.State,iias thrWCD. sttiio ec kfo~ mdII ationi, 4 mis c p st s ot of th ~3on) gives ti' ai ie *oi'~ ofven the eor over lain the ohfer of4 !.' bile to D. Lowty if he ,would espouse the. cause of Ben. ."Who wrote them? What was nature of the bribef When did the 'tbwspondenee take plat-? We are leih f r Lwy was spod be wdIbh and the nature of thie bribe. sl ete wqrealyjyuhpttmp om d P r eL w solie lms. p0 - Pons the Pendleten Messenger. The Mismlseippt Convention. We are glad to see from almost All quarter. in the Snuth,the hearty approba. on giyen to thelroceedings of the Con. vention, which lately mot in this State. Trhe articles which we publish from thn Portemouth kV%,) Pilot and Charleston Courier, may be taken as an indication of tho feelings.of the true men of both political parties. The people without distinction of party, are rising in deter. mined resistance to the aggression's ofthe North, and woe to any political hack who shall try to restrain their juaht indig. nation, by those old catchwords, De. mocracy and Whiggory, fisch have fet. tored them heretofore. E"Watch and wait" is no longer the policy, but action, united southern action is now absolutely necessary to save the Union from de. struction, and, if that cannot be, to save ourselves. We hardly suppose it is necessary to say any thing .about the position of "our groat Statesmnan," in relation to this movement, but as doubts seem to have been entertal en may be propeV to gives to the ao. tion of the people o Mississippi lia cor. dial support and approbation. United action on the part of the slave States, through a Southern Convention, was what we always considered as the end aimed to be accomplised by the Southern Address. Bfounmdaries of time State of Calltormala. -- As we have before stated, the Cali. fornia boundary question had not been disposed of by the State Convention at Monterey, at he latest dates from there, September 2* id. We add the recor nendations of the select committee, to .hich the suoject was referred, as re. ards the boundaries of the proposed tate " Your committee are of opinion that he present boundary of California coin. rehends a tracv of country entirely too xtensive fur one State, and that there re various other forcible reasons why that boundasy should not be adopted by this Convention. The area of the tract of country included within the present boundary is estimated to be four hun. dred and forty.cight thousand six hun. drod and ninely-one (448,091) square miles, which is nearly equal to that of all the non-slaveholding States of the Union. and which, deducting the area of lowa, is greater than that of all tie real. due of the non.slaveholding States. Your committee are of the opinion that a country like this, extending along d' me iles ip0to thle intetior, cannot be conveniently or fairly represented in a State Legislature here, especially as the greater isrt of the Inte rior is entirely Cut o00 frOmn the country on thle cobstW ihe Si9riaN owadat, a which is covered with e'ow, n#, is wholly impasiublo nerly.. nine months In the year. Your committee are also of the oplila on that the country inchldedij4i itbe boundary ou' this torritory, as row m. tablished, must ultimately be dividcd and sub.divided into sev'eral different Statei, which divisions qnd sub divisions (sliould the present boundary be adopted) wotld be very likely to divest the State of Cali. fornia of a valuable portion of hier sea. coast. Your coimittee are therefoie of the opinion that a bpundary. liould now be fixed upon which will ebtirely exclude the possibility of such' rei'4zt in future. Another important ircasop 'hicI~ as aided very much in producIg tJ e'd clusion to which your. committee has arrived, is predicateduponti efct hat there Is already a vast settlemnan. in a' remote portion of this terrjitery, .the porulation of wl,ich Is variously estijnqa. ted to be from filteen to thirty thousand human : souls, (the Mlormons,) who are not represented in the Cqnvention, and who, perhaps, (do not desIre W be i-epre. sented. here. The religious.pcutliarity of these people, antil the very. fn' of their havin5 selected that rpmotp and isolated region as nf perm~ngst bonew would seem , tq warrant..thieconicle thtat they desire no direct polltkia con. nexin MwjkitW, nJ .f,sibleand highly probobU; in the opimioh or your committee, that measuaes have been ot, are now being taken, by theoseneagie for the est a blishment of a ter6falgu)n. mont for themselves. .. . Fr 1hu.dbo and to regegreasont your commit ar of opn'on tidtthe following should o $uto the bondpiy of. tito;,ite of ti, is: Commiengu1 bi4stotph~ eof.8t~t it ioh tF paualdl uonf~ north, wh h .hundesed a ~ ; Icsis, upqn andlsai ue to tbe-bou Stttes andI .Governmeatmsp Ihb~btf~ e @ day p1f $1ey, a t14egtde , ~x Pacific pe'a; 118 t o t twp dug e *od inclMfgoih n it rt t4 be DbRflowiltdreh ' btige ~ Free Suthevsa* e ga ed we membet's. Inadhe Senato, ti r afre 16 Democrats tuo ' Wbigse an~ I the amendmewnt: uheegllnig fqr the gloot~ Jiidgesr St'ate oMe and District Attord6ys, by the pdle, has bisead'bpabgimost unpmo. vole. A A ote VoWu equal unanimhl has decided, i1 falvor of a conveplgs tc revise the constitution. -PoLtT10s IN MINNESOTA. oratic Convention of the t rh Taylor and the administration for tht appointments to office in that region. H. H. Selby,, the, delegate tQ congress sent a letter fully avowing hiaself a de inocrat. THE AIRLD HERID OUTHERN RIGHTI. Saturday Morning, Nov. 24, 1849 0:'r- The letter from our highly es teemed Charleston Correspondent," R has been received ; extracts front whic will app'ear in our- next. We hope h will favor us frequently in this way. 0:'rf e haveabee ~ at to stqt that an Address will at Furman Institute, on. Thursdat, the 29t inst. by the Rev.' A. D. FnAsSR, at 1 o'clock. The public are respectfully invited t attend. Godey's Ladj~s Book. This Queen publication for the mont of December has been received. Alway rich and tastful in Its contributiens, w prise it above every other ofour month ly visitants. The reader. will find th Prospectus for 1850 on our fourth page in which great inducements are -offere to Clubs for the ensuing year. Hon.. .1. A. Woodward.. In anotlier column will be found th Communication from 91-immedipt Representative the H1on.J.A. WooD WARD, which was promised in ourjs issue, relative to the Memphis Rail Ro-A Convention. The Memphis Daily Enquirer take the ful ~ing gotico of one of Mr Woonwaai>'s speeches.on his Resolu lions: "Mr. Woodward said that his Resolu lions were so-frarned, with auch care an forbearance; that all :Men- of all partie might properly vote fo. r h 4g6(e speech or. pointed, ahd to tbdpurpose,. and was re ceivid with great applause." It is not likely that an evasive sicee would have been considered .is "poin ed and to th purpose ;" or that . a equivocal one would have beet ree1e4 with great applause. Besides, un lesi Mr. WoonWXa..gave to'his Re solutions the -same .eposition tihee tha lie now does, lie certainlyfailed to prov( to, the Con~eohion, what he undertool to prove ; --- that all men of all partie4 might properly vote for them." The Legislature. On Monday next, th'e 26th instant, tht Legislature of Soutli Carplina convene at Columbia. We shall endeavor durin its session to give our luscriheru an ab stract of alIth~e ntoat i~mporgrnt matter .M )oc.I nature wi~ ae irpI w po t 46 peo $4 man 'tityue4isno tnatur to uV'eOrattft, list 'every one ? ordlteanie:.1ta bp'en eroated wi; 'WandValro3 dloaqti no0 ateihn$'p tiide:and In lt'proprapldaibuererei complishme.- pfouIl. publiosbuasiness 6f Mstdh' hIgh~rn'ieg tneer p'rudei dI~j'te~h i'tbh if4 ff btssiness." Evet Comsiiuse rodm, and tlfie resppnibiljt hisherhI wnt his# 4#atWtir ~f ada more int igence and io honesty, o i6 he -coul be led. 0 1-1O5 tb ' could P4t e ds - the danglioib.i tqf which Is bi.ennially' we ca fidence t eh lcsmr g two are, e do. Who tio other - Will some 0 1.not e1.&s. at. i les rnlighte r Norihorn'Cotempora. y The Mesaa ab Alaa a r-om the Govitnor of trggroun able document, taking etrong thon tho Southern Question, 0 priot inghout a spirit of lofty PA the rights , discusses ably'and calmly " South uder Vt properi belong, to the 6 for united, ~t Constitution and calls ti 1 Nprthern i termined opposition,, to 3 Rights. atigns upon Southern n A Itial Oaun.. p 5 ak ' ministration cer. 4 1 other to ' -i nction a ve every ducted eli k er,n which It has con. c nia Co, ntio& getting up the Califor -on eren p nrt e a e to- our Pulitical Do. partmo a toI Corres dont r from the Washington J will be $nd, of the Baltimore Sun c cal Ga a which the deep Politi. Gen. T on hasi been carried on by faIthfall hro nd his Administiation is It wile l Vd. sent out rved that Agents were lng. the pecific purpose of urg. from tin of Foreigners, hailing Globe, wi ery Nation upon the e Vention asi selves,to meet in Con. --.n4na m a State Go vernment; succeeded, that game has partially al TAYLOR, the mere 0 6 an will cause, ion or ree oi arty, h preosented to Congress thes act fis consummation (accom. nllshed thr C. ' hthe, 9gency tisr degraded gh of menints; tihe citizen ty strikers,) as the voice of Tuaylor Ca of hat Territory, for the of having ne cannot claim th4ecredit Totset it iginaled this scheme, BEN. mated it at foot and well nigh consum. Smthe pres e last Session of Congress. . u m I Cabioet hats but the dis. geillus tot ui without- tihe credit of will concilia cherish his b etter, and whether they W e took NTON- by continuing to exprss u tingsremaineeto be seenj express cur~t " n oae pion in our last Issue td niun.on thWi subject, feel. t the -whole thingi (espe. in- a'slave, ba. done-by the -express irection- of eneral TATLOR, as the * Agent of the ree Soil ParJy.. We are p -c d to-findhowever, that 3 the matterI not altogether disposed of ' and it ma . turn out that the nefa. I rious deai the Administ ration will bo ihwart d the South compel her oppressor o- her even handed jus. tice. uilJ ual. 4 a.i tittt isacomflplighed andr L A - Editr .-fIogg, lins a R from tht.i~I CIr,.qpd . '- k- ;L.p, thego th * e. ran ppet n.W~I howev enNip4jib ha~ng mbo#rgeprvIpps 4 to* asies oECMr. Towss, h ei f il a s~inr~ Wo wish Sour fe end 9 gIt ISI4 MQURRlA ossWeg t7 srss froe New de*eor blitdfh6 S. Louiltd tdkein plaslk I Ne#' Mexibe that Huen Baffin *ais 4 i dhigate ttdaCngress, axv is now' itis fr& t'o' Iake'liiset ThIt 10e't t the next session. The tAt u odettj otti b n ritirilg. We had before heard that r. Cif "wg0 anxiousI consulted about eoFreeh' dIffiltuyt. 'Alio Mr. Web. The News by the last Steamer, t Va.A ton, is not very Important, p6. cally., The ifope still remains at Gaata, and e French army seem satisfied to re. an in Rome. in speaking of th9e possible assent or Eng. nd to anhozation of Canada to the United lates, the Time& says :- Yet the conduct the people will be directed by motives of denep.nd In terest alone-if they think they in do without Canada then, and theh only, III they give up anada. But n surrendering Canada, they will take ire not to surrender one jot of sea or land, e possession of which nearly and effectively mdorns the maritime and tommercial Impor. nec of Great Britain. They will not cede Nova Scotia-they will at cede Cape Breton-they will not cedo tose sea.boards and harbors, which must ever amnand the m6uth of the St. Lawrence, and roteet the trade of the Atlantic." The.French Ministry lis resigned or been ismissed, because of their disinclination to isirlis 1i viciws'embodieh' in the President's tter to'M. Noy, relating tothe affairs of Rome. reat excitement existed in Paris in conse. uence, but the President was firm, and writ. in a letter to the Assembly, which the London 'imes characterises as imprudent but spirited. [a has formed a new Cabinet, which wholly ipresents the views of the President and a ma. rity of the Assembly. The Market. LivzrooL, Nov. 3, 1849. The demand for Cotton lais beean falling off rith both the trade and speculatore. Common ualities had receded Jd.;' other qualities are fithout change. Corron.-Sales of the week 49,000 bale. pcoulators took 16,000 bales American, and xporters 730 bales. Committee's quitations f fair Upland and Mobile Gd; Orleans 61d. omuinicatious. (vor. iTHE HERALD] -STe iMesaplais Conveatlion. Mr. Editor :-The Columbia Telegraph has Price made allusion to Senator DAvis of Mjs. issippi, and myself, in such a manner, as to take it proper that I should give a brief ox. lanation of the matters referred to by the relegraph. Indeed, I can hardly doubt, that t has been the intention of the Telegraph te uggest the propriety of my doing so. Ant oerhaps I ought to give some account of the :onvention. First, as to the Resolutions submitted by me rhe Telegraph regards the first Rfesolutior a only " suggesting a doubt" as to the ex stenceof powdr in the Federal Government o construct the.: propoied Rail Road. Now so far from tiis being the legitimato construe tion of that Resolution, it will be found, oi sareful inspection, to exclude the idea of Con gress haying any. jurisdiction or authorit; whatover, over the subject I and a tly suggest glIlo us, gig fsilitie edr grjmoti mda fkenitang such a work, Imay11e eilntb% anstitutional control of Congress. The Re. Alution is as follows: Resoleed, That it is highly expedient in a illitary and commercial point of view, that a om'acation, by railway, should exist be. ween the waters of the Mississippi river and he Pacific Ocean ; and that every means and seility that may lie within the constitutional owers of the Federal Government, if.any o, should be applied to such object. .Under the terms " means and facilities" rould be included, the right. of way through he public lands--recognoisance of the route y the Topographica. engineers in the service f the United States-the use of a portion of lhe pubic hands through whiich the road might un,-the free use of timber, qtone quarries nd iron ore, If desired, on the pulll lands ermission to bridge navigabhe streams, under uitable .conditions,. &.; and I aight add, military "' means" to protect the workmen rom the-aavage In~dian. Such is the only cat import o(.the words " means and facili, iss,". and.sin this sense, only, were they use<I n thge Rosistion. Niateriai means were oogjree psan ;, As the thing to ae madc raS mate, ial, and the ''ifacilities" werc o be appropiriate -to such means. Th< iower to do a thing, and ,tho mean, and fa. dif 9f.-dqhng ,that thing,, are very diffvreni dpay, and the hatter might exist wjthout the botnerCVon might wholly deny. the authoritj atifdjisdfation of the Federal Governmment, ucetg ulatet rail roads, aslI o,and yel tot deny that, as.a corporate Jand owner, il nIght grant somd of the means above mention. d, to a Cospei~y1 l~Iully constituted and au. Iorzed . tt make the Road, just as a privat< land owner might grant to the same Vompana similar' inuanb And fsellities: And slsog. no p. tltsueab a grant would nyr more nleces IsfiP jaeply.pterer or. jqrisdielion in the Gov mirment,then-In eich private Jand owner. ids rpo rsd fi e raibsverlsnt esf -Rail Roads, and yet 6't dl Iibeh rUea dtd teilities al 86 r i ~Iutb. employed by me, (as< In t Venia's~~f* egete on even lat e4 hl , t Rpggss q~etlde *"sd ttha ~~Aos others believed, that it could do no more th n contributo certain means and facilities- I. bly, there were some who donied both pro that the second qno is so wholly and palpa Iy false, as to exolkgall migor of doubt , Now what w proper, upder suh ,ato of things? We met there not to disagree, but to 1 agree. So 1 supposed, and framed my r'eso. lutions accordinkly. I said to those who be. lieved inn the. power of Qongress, if you will not require us to assert the power of Congress against our consciences, We will not require J you to deny tihe power, against your cor. sciences. A member rose and asked me what I meant by tihe words, " if any do" in my reso. lution ? Did I not mean to express a doubt r4 whether Congress could afford any means or facilities? I answered as follows: I " I mean to suggest, that it might ho doubt. ed, even whether any .means or facilities lio in the hands of Congress; but, at the nto tim, i' to avoid expressing an opinion, wheti,.cr they t do or not. I make so modest a suggestion in favour of any means lyirig in tihe hliands of Con. c grews, that any man can voto for it except one who ought to have kept away from this Con. vention. That Is what is anont by " if any do." TlisConveition is wiolly incompetent to decide truly, any constitutional question what. ever. Thn is nWin this hall, a single copy of the constit ution. There are not ten members present who could now repeat accurately, the clauses, upon which tine power in question is as. sen ted or denied. The minutest incidental point that might arise out of this great question of pow. cr, would not be decided by the Supreme Court of the United States, without grave deliberation. That learned body of jurists, would first read carefully the constitution, and the decisions of its predicessors, and hold deliberate and snlen consultation, before it ventured to pronounce its final judgment. And yet, anl assembly of four hundred men, few having professional learn. ing, without discussion, undertake to decide, at once and by acclamation, tihe whole vast ques. tion of power. Your decision would have no weight with Congress, and ought to have none. Let us then confine ourselves to tine proper functions of meetings like the present ; bring to the notice of the Government the substance and matter of tine Rail Road, and leave the Constitution to the constituted authorities of the country to decide for themselves, what they can do, if any thing, in the matter. As a member of Congress, I shall certainly claim to decide for myself." Nor will it be pretended that the Conven. tion might have misunderstood what I 1nneant by the words neans and facilitices." I ex plained fully what I meant, and stated,ispeci. fRally, what aid-i supposed Congress might contribute. Tie Resolutions, though drawn by me, were really the Resolutions of tine South Carolina belegation. My colleagues had possession of thern one day before they were introduced. The truth is, it was our nal purpose, not to submit any proposition whatever, but wait and auo what those, who had invited us to Memphie, had to propound On tine second day however, when all the propositions from different Stale had been submitted and committed, we came to the con. elusion, that we could vote for none of them. And as it would not seem connsistent with good falih, to voto against every thing, and yet propos iioth'ing, we determined ,to submit Resolutions that should truly indicate our views. I must then protest against any insinuation, however delicately made, that tine Resolutions were cither evasive or eqnivocal. It is.given out, that Senater Davis, a inemr ber froin Mississippi, was called on to address tine Convention, a Ia .i protested a ins gress. And as I 9as aled to the rostrum if. ter Col. Davis had concluded, it might be sup. posed that I was expected to reply to -him; and thererore, that tine call was mado because my views were known to be variant fromn his. Now, Senator. Davis was not. a member of the Convention. ie had been making a tour in the-Northern counties of Mississippi, very near to Memphis, and feli in ti last night of the session, and in tine hour of adjournmet. When tine duties of tine Convention we're closed, and it was about to adjourn, a member from Mississippi announced to tine cdnpany, that Col. Jefferson Davis was present. There. upon, the Assemnrbly assurned the character of a Mass Meeting, and Col. D. was loudly called for. After hn had cone luded his address, the last sentence of which was inaundible to mn, the mneetiin called my name. I made noal-. lusion to (.o. Davis in my address, and was not expected to make any. Tno cells were merely complimentary, arid not to elicit dis. custon, and, as suchn, were responded to, by both of .us.. ,As to tine Resolutions adopted by the Con. vention, they . wera reported from tihe Coin. mittee on tih lest y~ of thnp.onveintion, whnen all were fatigued wth debate, and Wetre ex. ceedlingly anxious to adjoutrn and go home. Tine; covered several sheets of ponr, and no memtber had an opportunity to look over thnenm. Tiney were read fronm tine stand, bat I could not, from hnearing thnem read, form any satin. factory Idea corncerning them. I un ecrstood enoughn however, to determine me net to vote for them. Upon consulting mycolleaguea who was on the Committee, hnc sai he was not sat. laded withn them. Th'iero was however, not tihe least chance for modifyin thnem. Tine vote was by acclamation, and nearly every member appeared to Vote for, thnon. ' he mn nority did not vote, as ia usually tine ease, n lien a vote Is taken by .acclamation, and tine ma. jority is overwhneihng,' It is a mistake, how. ever, to say,- that the Conve'ntion was unani. mous, I do not think -an' uno of tins Southn Carolina Delegation were Infavor of tine Reo. solutions. And there were, doubtless, many others who disapproved thnem.' Tine proeedunre was exceedingly loose, but I' have learned, f'om long experlende,- the tatter futility of bt, temptngto do any thing wvith largr, or'even smal beds of anen pd~aeed by confliet of opinona, exhausted wit- debate and. sittin~.s and im b~~j rio business bo-I.,h *Who" tg flbtion was aimeaneed1 thne otto indienating theg Giar uto, a twor seri. ut and ensiderato vote Was 'aken, ami our Delegation voted in the afirmw thVo. Htrylig hodeeo sftyn thi0 .adjrennt, I had never seen the Itesohutions ~dptedj until th1werq .brought to hand by t~EPlmanett 81t. Inner, ofthe 13tl-.Inst. I have.look. dd Ultrfoever darqdly e r; ,i eneid6sl -vote Ib tnt's'l.. Tnh hand Ot! deslfiotdenidfThe 1st annd 4th are Ja ia,.'i.Te24 3d, I~tvoted foY.' stt ID 4Moh ti'dyppear-itt r of h 19th Theosalotis do not ~l,~sm 'on *a. rho proceedings of that body were easlulated, if not intended, to forestall pobio oplton and anticipef the deliberations of Congress, Without any sattsfsetory survey or moohI snee, they assumed the lthe roote West sad from St. Lt1, ais etewliy pfetieable, and that no other ~rinfo was,ahd were for Wrging n si niga. mfaifo aving to stop 1Wthe .ooky Mountains; to, s4 great disepyoihtaset of the peopleof the niton, except such as would have the benefig f a road -to tihe Roeky Mountains. Was this injustice to be aequiesced in 7 Va* St. Louis to be permitted to take a snap adgment against all other sections, and de iand instant execution without stay, at the of the Federal Government 1 Was ir fit right that other sections of the eoontry htould domand that justice bhould be dne Iem? and that St. Lu' should not get the >ad unless she showed herself to be entiiled to ? hut therewas noprejudicesgainast St. Louis. r her's be found to be the better route, all. lings consHered, lot her have tie road. Like that of St. Louis the projef of Mem his is of vast proportions, ani it may So iat some who would have restricted . Oh onvention to more temperate views, did noe are much to seo both projets disable them. lves by their own prodigious bulk. Certain is, that more modest pretensions would have Lood a better chance for success. The scheme of a rail.way to the Pacifng )cean, is inidced a vast one. But those who reat it as preposterous, evince quito as little risdom as lsisnn wie thInit the country is ful. r prepared for it. And I confess that I atn o constituted, as to feel less sympathy for a egativo, than for an aflirmative purpose. I iko the active better than the passivo mood. West of the broid range of Rocky Moun. sins, we have a vast domain, to which the mpire of France bears but tn humble compar. ton in point of area. From this domain le re forever cut off, politically and comnercial. Vy except by means of -a rail.wuy. Future vents may be such as to make it better for lur portion of the Union, -to remain so out off. Jut I am not acquainted with the future, and annot therefore, undertake to draw conclu. ions from its ssible developements. There s no likulihoor, however, that a rail road will Precede such developement as are referred to. If there has not been great deception in infer. nation derived from the most reliable and raried sources respecting the character of the ountry from the State of Louisiana, west. ward to the Pacific Ocean-its incalculuble nineri resources and great agricultural ca. >abilities; respecting tihe commcrcial impor. ance of a speedier communication with the Western coast of Central and South America; ith Japan, China, Australia, aid the East West?) Indies generally; the time is approach. ng when a road to the Pacifid 'OeMa hought of by men not out of their senses. It is Lrue; part of the country referred to, West of Louisiana lies south of the comtemplated line Df the road, and is Mexican territory. Bet as to commercial advantages, it matters not whether the country be foreign or domestis. Supposing the great trunk road made; if New Mexico be the country it is described to be, a road would soon be made from Santa Fo or Taos down tise Rio Brava to the Pass, there to connect with the principal road. If Northern Texas be the country it is described to be, a road connecting the navigation of the Brazos with the principal road, would be quite sure to be mado: And Northern Texas and New Mexico are together, large enough for an em. pire, but are as yet, shut out from tihe world of contmerce, civilization, arts and refitmment. If the great Mexican provinces of Chilhua. iua and Cohahuila, aro such as they are des. cribed to be, a road up Use Rio del Norte, would probably be made, giving to these Pro. vinecs and Western Texas an out.let to the grdat road. This region, too, is shut out from. the world. If tle Pu onoo :of Sonora, as large as thir , is described to be, abounding in fertile lands,. xtcneivc and exhaustless mines of precious letal, tle contemplated road would derive owerful support from tho wealth and cons. 2ereo of that, as yet, locked up country. flut coming Eastwardly: The road woul& itersect lied River not far above the head of iod navigation, thus affisrding a direct conm. uunication betwc.:n the point of intersection nd New Orleans, through an extensive-region f incomparable fertility. But I shall not dwell ipon tills asjoet - Nor, can any unfriendly feeling towards tihe forth be Imputed to the Memphis Convention. Pilo Memphis and St. Diego route, it it be ound practleable, is tle one the Nortm.shouLd refer. FTe countries through which it passes, nd to which,'in the end, It conducts, are of e limate dift'erent from that of' the N'omth. and time permanent conditions of trade,. areo iifferceeo of climate and' productions.. -What hoe's tho North want' with a road 1o the nort l'he States of Ohsio, Indiana, llinois, Missoesi, md othera North aWoatern htates, and other., till, to grow uli this side thse Rocky- Mouns. ains, and to other side, too, withiln the same maallela of lstitud6, (if there 'be. sasnco notghthtero to generate States;) willall pro. augq thte sme or similir commnoditiess What lcgree of intercst will they htave, iin the mneanme >f exeltanging these commoditiest 1 knsow thsat temporary conditions of tuado xisot between old antd stew States of the same atitude.' In thte old State, population is akn iant, and, therefor,,'land'dear,and, in eense. luence, many hotake thiemseles- te manumfae. turing. In the new States,population~ is thin sud land eheap, and phsi are engaged irn thse ~stiiatio6 of.theo soii,'or in wosations elosely ronnected*ithm it. But .when posltaion has round its lol41 and the 4alua o lantde is equal. Izod-asn5 rail roads would gssatly eapedite thau tvent--what then would be the state-of thaigs ? Eacht would want to buy tihe same eosinodi. ises, an4, yet, would liave the same eomamod. lies to .sl. No e' een juppe tat th people of IowA, would ptalisgo flo'r tand pork wit 6the people of Ore'gon,, ore:ap bprses or nattie witis them., Theso '.Nould' be--no more r.son in ,swappinog, Clan in swapping back ntgain. All, thonbwoqld haeto booli out for a oomtnion nmn. 'And whtere i that corm. mon mar et ? They tall tus it is'China. Yess, it toiU be Qhina,-lf the Northern route tus the road besop*doi'btammetllinole with hi.' hpvy cpgobrepd4 Sh an14roo~ewill f9 t hib'O tugldmlsby rasi with ~t spofifledh a market on the way. diestobr 9 E r e tarpm rlanns and th oeand a Pb1 . go,ity * to ssconnt t,* tt'4ieseeor , ta yet 1-~h. ~ m$~'f entaland