The tri-weekly news. (Winnsboro, S.C.) 1865-1876, August 17, 1872, Image 4

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AN Fi.t.ClsCo, A ugust 15.-D.. W1'. Notcum, a native of North Caroli I a anld a l:aliforni Pioneer, cotnlwit tcd suicil( at Stockton ycsterday. S \YW.nsIr;ON, August 15.-The Trc'sident to-day ordered paidons "71 tle out for David Colli. I Wm. Ted Ailos Owens and Wn. ;icrugg, Ku Klux P'risoners now in the Alba, ty pcnitentiarv. Some days will clatp:c beIfore this can be d1ono as it iy ucE+",,t.ry to oht-kin uflicial inforna t ion as to the place and t,ime of conviu t iun. The other persons suggested by ('11. Whitley fIr parloli will be sub leIq11ently c ide( ,le'red. !1 50, a trih tle 1rtu Cn1ic:1ce, was reIceived at the trea ltry tro:lll au anonymoi'Us Ne;w (lker' to-day. N iw% Yo-nci, August 15.-IL i-s '-at-l that .dimll Mace arrived here t hi A . 1., aid' J'L;ald wi ii in I'hi b: (elphia. T'hcr: aret o pl r 'osjleet$ of a fi!ht. \ t ri'i thtlder storlm oc ir+:": h l it''ht, the rain falling heavily from tnigli,"ht till near day JigItI. The trm yest'Ierlay aiternoon antI !enin' in the itterI,r of the titate as very heavy. At Oswego, the streal wa;,' r:iI(1 Idb the rain no buh that the Iiir(:+l bride i" d(I t,(lned nasa:fe :0911 1ra,ins II:.V("st., ..p lu Stt l:( in thi, city yestcr<ta , live f.taa . er, eur r --d'1 in ir.e lyn The . un "y .I'. 31ayer tlhteG1 . ,.+ ,. (''u s ' ha,u li tI fe L'Ith at hi t n b in t"iII(,d i, ; .t(lat it f.t1. I. 1, \l l: : , A "' .t 15 - Ga re b:y I ft I, rtlam Oi ls mI"oIing on a vpccial lr:in lor Aurgtusuta. IIe wals a :eul"pi.Ii b"y Iliun . . 1'. Kimball, atnl .V aI other p10111eient gentle. At, U.l the promninert plb (es d(ense crowtds collectel to vee him. At 1len:1~,wi!ck he! wa,S .rected(l with deaf e!iu;; (ha"r.; and 11111ic. Inl re!"ponse t; e ,l's lh- m .'i a .short .Iptere-l. 1r IitL ws I':1,teruilt", ato Ipiip rs. T.1 he fulllowing i! a s5uunary of the laws conceraug newspaper postago ee. I:;8. That no nowspapers shall be Iceeivted to he cInveyed by nail lunless they shaIlIl be dried and enclos ed in proper Wrappors. Sce. 139. That when packages of new.papers or other periodicals are received at a postoflice dir%ct ed to one adelics, atol the taiues of the sub lrisbrs (ct whom they belong, with the pt(I age for gij(1rter inl aLvaceo is hand11eId to the ,ostninater, hie shl de liv'r satuh papers or pariodicals to t,bcir respectivI owners. See. 14(1. That postu asters shall m,otify the publisher of au'nr newspaper o: other periodical when any suhbsri ber shtall refuse to take the same fromr the uf11.:, or. neglect to call for it for the period of onie mloth. See. i-l1. That 1Thblisheors of news papore or periodiQals may print or write upon their publientions, sent to regular substcribers, the address of the subhscriber and the date when the sub scription expeires, antd enclose sterein lilis and receipts for subsoription there Lu,without subljectineg sucht mat ter to extr a postage., SecO. 142. TIh;i any personi who shall entclose or cuonceal any letter,.memao randum i, or ot her thuing in anly mail miatter, not chtarged wvith lottet' post aege, or urea:e .auy writing or meO.11 tiand umr tit.reuii 14r IcdpoeiV or,jags the e,um,e'ttu/bo deT)ice 1 can,ef A * teoe byaniiitJ for 1cI t * . nge, shalt, fur nyerjy suiir buit and pay fvce dllarc,B 'Iup ti In[;iPaler or period ical thall ntot bg theliteredI until the postage theoreon it pat&id at h-tter rates.-' Sec. 158. Thai:t on nlewspapers adti periodical pubtlcicat inns, nioht ixceeding four onneies iln weighit, senut frOm a knuown oifliOte of publieut ion to regular subscoribers, p)'tatigo shall bce elharged itt. the fol lowing ates peer <quarter, nat mely :tin pubh lientiomi. issue less5 freq uenitl y thatn once a week,, -t th ratee of I cenit for each imue ; is onceO a week, 5 cents 'idditiona" for each issuo imore frequent thtan ontde a week. An additionual rate shall be0 chearged for eachl additional four onunce or traction thereof in weight. See. 15!). Thati ont neiwspapers and othier rotijodicals sent from a know'n ie of putblication to reguilar s qb serthers, ihe poe,ta35 shali I p aid beS futiu de)ivery, not les. Li- rone qilar tor tnor thn ene year paym1ent miay 40~ mfadlP either at' - oilc of sc.ailinq. or delivery, tecinig at any time, antel T tuaneter shallh aeccut for* dli 0 in the quarter which it was received. Sec. 160. That the Postmaster Gen eral may provide, by regulations for carrying small newspapers, issued less frequently than o,ec: a week in pack. ages to one address from a known of fiee of publication to regular subscri bers, at the rate of one cent for each four ounces or portion thereof. Sec. 161. That persons known as regular dealers in newspapers and pe riodicals may receive and transmit by mail such quantities of oi'her as they may reqnire, and pay the postage thereon as received at the same rates pro rata as regular subscribers to such publications, who pay luurterly in advance. ('rilitinaI Citr slessucss. A small colored boy was killed in ltntherfordton by a whito boy, named Itlry thuarehlill, who was playing with what is sunpiosed to be an ua lo:ade pitol. In commenting npon sueh accidents, the SAvannal News says Ve are glad that ono State has d te one I ing to prevent people from being killed for fun. Michigan has passed a law making it a uisdcnean or, punishable by fine and imprison tutit, to aim a lire-artm at any person, whether it be loaded or not, and if harm uomas of such an net, the per.. pet rator is rcsponsible criminally and ;euaiarily. 'Thais is a salutary stat u1te, au-l sanhl le adanted in every Srate. Then thae joke of aiming guns at peol-l's heads would lose its pU1111. A ('tilf Alltli t ww ilh IIydroplobil. Tile %I-neon Telegraph and lessen sener, of 'I'Iursday, says . We heard last evening of a well anthetI iated case of hydrophlobia in a calf, the first if the kind that has ever coei to our knowledge. If it was not a ease of this kind it had all the sytnptoms of it. On smelling it jutnpel against a fence with such force that it broke through, tried to bite, foamed at the tmouth, cat dirt and made other manifestations that h-"ft but little denlt on tIto ind of a medical man as to the nature of the disease. Night weddings are all tho fashion .o!. ri uaw,.and i.t ia ,tht. eo ot thing to assume the bond: a th. stroke of midnight. Cider Vinegar. \I N batrrel dtl' Pure Cider Vint.g'. 0 ~ U. G. DESPORTE'S & CO. j ure 1 .Wa,shingtoni University MEDICAL SCHOOL 1i .1.TLMOIt:, M. T nI'll"etxt Aon,nnal session of this Institution will heg:in Octotae- 1s1. 1872. and cnt inue Iiv, nu,11 t ai. The ('!nieal advantages of the School are su.vpa.aed. Fees includlog Dissection & Hospital Tickets. $63. Foar 'A'TA LO(JUES conataining full par. tictulairs ajply to Praof'. CII AS. W. CHlANCELLOlI; Dean. 4w ,Iialtiaore, Ad. For Sale. 'Tl'El TjROPEltTY known as fjn3 CORtNER iNO. 1, is now ottered f4, -^s~"~ale. ..Poss'ossion glven on or prld taa Jannaury l1st 1873. Teems easy. A pply at this offico or to the nnd,phigned. jneo 20 . ' _U,. , DE:SPORTrE8 Canidy ? tardy~i" a Fanacy ('ocoannut. Cream, Cocoanut lUars, Cuicoaanut Strips, Sweet Chocolatte, D)eni.j oiated Cocoutant, Rock Catndy, Redl ai iYellow ;Fancy P'laited Mint. Candy, esel can Mustaral and Spio Oysters. U. 0. DESPORLTES & CO., aPlQ jrnere No. U tatesads, Bestr'ookn Rett Chis Wlu Writing Des)w;-'something nept for this mar. kett 80o4d W4Jnut Book OasO,'Wardrobes, waulnut and stainted, W. lajt a lotbp Tlabhle, for parlor, 8tV~An &o. We are determine$ to'u cherap for Vasha. Tuo'se who ^ galas wilt do, w It o cuafl hae ana "Let tSi) now buf * er bogt befo, Anad those whop, ajwaysb b its no~ buy tIhe more, Of t hat new uand eletgaia Furniture for casth, tat apI 27 Me NT REA48,) I Blarrel of O0Sain 1 Bar rel BIa NIirry firan4~, I1lDrrei }r is,a good si4re Groerle:q, consilst. of ugar, Coji tlce, Molasses, Ba rd, lDreakfaet Strpm, Sugar Cnred ra an earn., Jara, Piunk Eye, Ear .00 dehof anud reaoh Blow Pota Jan 80' NEW ADVElTISEMENTS. I0made from 50 cts. Call and exam'in P or 12 samples sent. (postage freo) for 60 cts. that telait quick for $10. R. L. WO i.(OT'T, 181'Chathatu Squaro, N. Y. ' a g A Month easily made with Sten. o .R il and Key-Check Dies. Secure Circulars and Samples free. S. M. S-.rNcci"n Brattleboro, Vt. RARE CHANCE FOR AGENTS, Agents, we will pay you $410 per week in cash if you will engage with us AT oNeK. Everything furnished and expenses paid. Address F. A. ELLS & (JO., Charlotte, "Mich. i000 AG ENTS wanted for our mostuttrac Live "GItEELEY&BI1OWN" and "GIRANT & WILSON" Campaign Charts. The best ones out Send for Circular. immense sales. L.arge profits. IIAASIS & IAJURECilT, Empire Map and Chart Establishment, 101 Liberty S(ree. N. Y. "1)SYCIOMAINCY, or SOUL. CIHARLM. 1lNO." ltow either sex may fascinat.c and gain the love atd atlections of any per son they choose, instantly. 'his simpli mental acquirement all can posse is, free, h mail for 25 cts. together with a marring< guide, Egyptian Oracle, Dreams, ints ti Ladies, &c. A queer, exciting book. 100.00( sold. Address T. WILLIAMr & CO. Pubs Phila. Agents Wanted t For the Autobiography of IIORACE GllEE L EY. A new illustrated edition, now re-dy Get this the best anit only e!lition writtet by himself and en.orsed by the Tribusne amd our I$72 CAMlPAIGN MIANIh\L for ill part ies, just. ou1, price S1.50. One A gen sold 801 in tlhree days. Si lendil Steel l'or trait of GIrecley, 1. $300)i a month mal selling the above. E. 11. TiREAT, Publish er, 805 Broadway, N. Y. Agents Wanted For GODSPEEI)'S Presidentia; Campaign Bool I.'rcry Citi:en W1'anu.r It. Also, for CAM'1A iON GOODS. Address i;otspced's Empire PIblishing iHouse 107 Liberty St., New York. DO NOT FAIL While on your Summer Excursion North ti secure one of the Celebrated Imp1 hroYed STEWART COOK STOVEE Withi its special at taMenlines, Roaser. Bak er and Broiler. The Stove and Furnitur, carefully packed for safe shipment. Hook sent on ap lication. FULLER, WAltim .t CO.. uU'0 'S8t., Noew S'ork. THE RE00RDS OF TESTS At Lowell. Mass., proves N. F. BurIInIhuIn'H New Turbine superior to all others. It gives a.higher peltntago than any wheel of',^ymmon finish. Pampt t and 'rioc List by :N. . . URNIl4M, York. Pa. m Ronoke Clollege, Salem, Va .Twentietlh StJon, begins Sept. 41th,1872 Expens, s for 10 montls about $2110. 'hi: embraces Board and Tuition, including mqdern Languages, as well as all necessar, incidental expulses. Special attetution in vited to unsurpassed location, salubriou climate, nmoral nd, intelligent conmmunity thorough cours -of study, good conduct o stude&ts, &c. Students in at tendance fron fo 'teeui different. States. Send for cata .l s'oirculart. &c., to R1ev. D. F. BIlT T E .D,Pres ident. .tt 10no. a pbysic which may give tempo. rary rolief to theo sufferer for the first fey doses, but whicym, from cont inued utse bringi Pil and kindved diseases to aid in weak, on~ th.enval$ nor is it doctored liquor, swhiht, unde/ .popular namie of ..Jit es" 18 50 palmed ottf on th< public as sovereign remnedies, bitt it Isa most powerful 'ionic and alt erative, pro. nou.nced so by the~ leading medical authori tIes of London sud ParIs, and has been long uisedl by the rdgphr phyeiclans of other countrIes with WeIful remnedi-il results, Dr. WelI4xt et of.Jurubeba retain 'Jltlh'ez:edfcli 1 v.riues peculiar t thr~e p gt us te e as a puermnaneni Is tJsdre want,of action in your liver anwl 4leen'? Unli'ss relleved at once, the blood. tom'di Imp lire s eeerious secretions, producing serofdletis or 'skin diseases, Ulot chee, Melons, 45ustules, Canker, Pim p1e&c., &o. Take Juttibeba f ooleanse, puri fy and re stor, the vitIated bloo.1 to heil. hiy action. Hav, you a DyspeptIc Stomach ? Unless igtonsprmtyaIded the system it of.lo,Dropsieal Tendency, G3eneral Weakassa pr Liasdd$. Take it to esssitpigstion without rene. tion, It will impatthm4ful vigor to the weary sufferer... Have you Wealrnessa Ot the IntestInes?I Yous are in danger of (tironIe Diarrhosa or the dreadful Infa Ion of the Bowels. Take Is to allay lr.!tAtIon and ward off tendency to Inflamming . Have you wealfde 4"oft the UterIne or UrInary Oren Yo ivan . Ia. t relief or you are liable to suffering worse than death. Take it to strengtlien organio weakness or lire becomes a burden. Finally it should be frequently taken to keep the rysteln in perfect health or you are otherwise in great danger of malarial, niastnativ or coniugious disenses. JOHN Q. KEIMA,Io , 18 Plait St., N. Y., Sole Agent for U. S. Price One Dollar per Bottle. Send for uir c!tlar. july 30 Thea Nectar, 1S a PURE CHINESE BLACK TEA, with .. the Green Tea Flavor. july 4 U. U. DESPORTE8 & CO. Kerosene Oil J.TWO barrels extra fine No.1 Kerosene Oil to band. Warranted 110 Fire Test. june 13 U. G. )ESPORTES & CO. Charlotte, Columbia and Allg11st1 Hail Rload. Cor.ulniA, March 2 !, 1872. rYillE following l'assenger Schedule will - go into effect on this toad on and after Sunday, March 31. ,AY TvtAtN--GotLNo MOUTH. Leave Augusta, at 6.45 a in " Colusbia, S. C., 11.45 a in '' Winnsboro, 1.52 p In " Chester, g 31 p ni Arrive at Charlotte, N. 0. 0.10 p in i'AY TRAIN--aunc, SOUTlt. Leave Charlotte, N. C. at 7.10 a n: Chester, 9 26 a In '' Winnshorn, 10.51 a m Coluntbia 1.15 p m Arrive at Augusta 6.15 p li NIGH.T TRtAIN--iOINU NofTII. Leave Augusta 6.30 p in " Col,nbin, 11.10 p in "t Winnsboro, 1.10 a in " Chester, 2.39 a m Arrive at Charlotte, 6.00 a In Lefve Charlole, 7.25 p in " Chester, 1 23 p 1i oWinnsboro, 11.32 p in " Colunnbia, I.49 a in Arrive at Augusta, .30 a n E. 1'. Al.lNA\1)DIt, Su1pt. E. It. Donst:r, Geineal Ticket Agent. all 27 ~BIT URE J. WN.xan, Propri,tor. It. it. Atl ,si.,. A Co., Uu,r,g" & oen. Agents, Sna ianeinco,Cal.,and u Ceamnerce st.. .Y. MILf.IONS IlenrTestlanoniy to tiselr W nsderful l'arntive Eirectr. Vinegar fittere are not a vile Fncy Drink, Made of Poor Itui, WhiMlkey, Proof Spirits and Itefuno I.iquors, d1 tored, spiced and swentened to rleaso the imto, called "Tonic" " A pptizers." "Itentorers," &c., that lead the tippler on to, drunnke-nness and ruin, but are a true Medicine, nunade from the Native Roots and Hierbs of tinlifornia, frese fronts all Alcohmollo Stimulant.. They are the UNLEAT IBLtOiD PtiltIFIElt andI A LIFE' GIVINO P5ltIN(CI.E, a perfect itenovatnr and Invigorator or the Brateum. carry ing offtall ioisonos nat ter an't restoring tihe bioeu io a healthy condition. No person can take these liitters according to directions and remain loing unwell. Drovidedl their bones are not destroyed by minnral poIson or otheor means, and the yital organs wasted beyond the, point of repair. They are nt Oenms PuratIve ns wvel nn a Tonuic, posseeing., salso, the peculIar merit i,f acting a a powerfunl ancent in relieving Congn tion or Inflamnmation of tihe Liver, and or all the Visceral Organs. FOIl FEMAI.LE COMPLaAINTS, whether in young or old, married or single, at the dawns of womanhood or at the turn of life, those Tonic Ilit, ters have no equal. For Infissnnmator-y and Chraonlc Itheus atimmm ans denst, Dyspepsin. er In., dligeations, lilios, Rtemittent 0an4 Iutermnitte'nt Fever,, Disoasmes of time Iiloodu, Liver, idnitau and Illndder, these hitters have been most successfuL. Sucha Dimease are caused by Vitinted iHood, wich is generaliy prowiuced by deranggment of tihe D)igcatve Organ. ur. DYMPEPI'MA OIL INDIQENTION, Hieadachle, Pi'ni in tihe Shoulders, Uioughm, Tight. nesa of I hie Chest, Dizziness, Sour Eirnetations of the Biosmachm, Badl Taste in thme Mouth, Bilious Atticknek, P'ailintion oftthe leart, tmnflammsation of tIme Lungs, iPaiin in the regions of tihe Kidineys, al a indred other painful symptoms are.thno off sp)rinigs of Iiysp,epsia. They livigorate the Stom ach and stimulate the torpid Liver and itowels, whichs render thenm ot uneuqualledl effcacey in cleansing the blood of all inm. puaratios, and imparting new life and vigor to the whoile system. FOIlit IN DIttEASES, Eruptionss,Tetter, Salt Itheum, lilotches, ispots, Pimples, Punles, Deis, Carbuncles, iting-Wormns,8caid lead,8Bore iEyes, Erysipelas. ich. Bcurfs, Discolorations of the kh,luos and iseases of the Skin, of what ever name or nature, are lIterally dut up and car ried out of thea ystem in1m a short time by the use of those Bitters. Onse ttle in unch cases will con vince the miost incredulous of thetr curativeeffect. Cleanse thme Vitiated Blood whever you find tts imopuritiss bursting through the skin in Phlnpies, Eruptions or Sore.; oieanse it when-you find it obstructeus and sluggish in the veins; cleanse it when it is fousl,andl yor feelings will tell you when. Keop the blood intre, andt the hecalth of tine system will follow. PIN, TArPE, and ot.her WORIMS, urklng in the system of so any thmousands, are effectually destoyedl andl removed. SOLD BY ALL IUGGISiTS AND) DEALBR8. J. WA Lil Proprietor. fl. Hi. McDONA LD as (1O., Diruggisls and Glen. Agents. Ranm Francisc, t0e1., and Jasnd 84 Commerce Rtreet, New York. jsa 11 NEWS AND HERALD oFaFICB Haro lately made large additions to their JOB DEPARTMENT. Atui are now prepared to execute hu the Law Blanks, B1riefs, Letter and Bill Heeds, Iiusinaess, Visiting and Wedding Cards, Envelopes, Notes, lieceipts, Labels, Posters, &c., A.s Cheap as an behad Anyt 2y Satisfaction Guarante,ri mnar 28