AN Fi.t.ClsCo, A ugust 15.-D.. W1'. Notcum, a native of North Caroli I a anld a l:aliforni Pioneer, cotnlwit tcd suicil( at Stockton ycsterday. S \YW.nsIr;ON, August 15.-The Trc'sident to-day ordered paidons "71 tle out for David Colli. I Wm. Ted Ailos Owens and Wn. ;icrugg, Ku Klux P'risoners now in the Alba, ty pcnitentiarv. Some days will clatp:c beIfore this can be d1ono as it iy ucE+",,t.ry to oht-kin uflicial inforna t ion as to the place and t,ime of conviu t iun. The other persons suggested by ('11. Whitley fIr parloli will be sub leIq11ently c ide( ,le'red. !1 50, a trih tle 1rtu Cn1ic:1ce, was reIceived at the trea ltry tro:lll au anonymoi'Us Ne;w (lker' to-day. N iw% Yo-nci, August 15.-IL i-s '-at-l that .dimll Mace arrived here t hi A . 1., aid' J'L;ald wi ii in I'hi b: (elphia. T'hcr: aret o pl r 'osjleet$ of a fi!ht. \ t ri'i thtlder storlm oc ir+:": h l it''ht, the rain falling heavily from tnigli,"ht till near day JigItI. The trm yest'Ierlay aiternoon antI !enin' in the itterI,r of the titate as very heavy. At Oswego, the streal wa;,' r:iI(1 Idb the rain no buh that the Iiir(:+l bride i" d(I t,(lned nasa:fe :0911 1ra,ins II:.V("st., ..p lu Stt l:( in thi, city yestcr